04x22 - Exodus

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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04x22 - Exodus

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Stargate SG-1":

I am Tanith.

It is my honour to pledge
my allegiance to the Tok'ra.

If we allow Tanith
to believe he has deceived us,...

..we will be able to use that
against the Goa'uld.

- Disinformation.
- Yes.

I hope one day we will meet again, Teal'c.

You have my promise.


- What did it show?
- The m*rder of my father.

So what now?

Apophis will easily absorb
Heru-ur's forces into his own.

He is now a bigger
threat than ever before.

Cronus came in his ship and said that
our planet now fell under his domain.

He commanded we worship him.

What do we do with the other Jaffa
once we've dealt with Cronus?

Go tell your people Cronus is dead.

- What is happening?
- There's a mother ship entering orbit.

- We must evacuate immediately.
- We have been expecting it.

Hey, kids.

We're not parked in a red zone, are we?

- Tanith was surprised to see us.
- We didn't want to give him any warning.

- He doesn't suspect you're on to him?
- We'll see soon enough.

Of what do you speak?

Thanks to the mother ship
you're so graciously lending us...

Not me. Hammond.
It was an order, remember?

Anyway, we can move the Stargate to
a planet not currently on the Goa'uld map.

We can finally ensure the security
of a more permanent Tok'ra base.

As useful as Tanith has been in
relaying false information to Apophis,...

- ..we can't afford to take him with us.
- What will become of him?

We have a little surprise planned.

Shall we?

Colonel O'Neill, Teal'c, allow me
to welcome you back to Vorash.

- High Council Per'sus sends greetings.
- Always a pleasure.

I must say, Colonel, I was most
intrigued by your means of arrival.

Yeah, it's a sweet ride.

A little rusty, but it's still got zip.

How exactly did a Goa'uld
mother ship come into your possession?

Well, it was kind of a...trade deal.

- How so?
- Cronus gave us his ship,...

..and he got what was comin' to him.

Really? Cronus is dead?

Now we have access to a mother ship we
can move our people and our Stargate,...

..and thereby establish
a completely new and secure base.

I don't understand.

Why have I been excluded
from such important information?

The Tok'ra did not wish
Apophis to be informed.

We've been aware of your
duplicity from the beginning.

You deceived and then m*rder*d
the Jaffa Shan'auc.

You took the host Hebron, and have been
acting as a spy amongst us ever since.

You have been used
to channel misinformation to Apophis.

He will be most displeased
when he learns the truth.

This is absurd.

You will never escape.

The System Lords will hunt
you down to the ends of the galaxy.

That guy is a living cliché.

I wish to speak to the prisoner.

I wasn't aware I was allowed guests.
How kind of you to visit me, Teal'c.

My presence here is
not motivated by kindness.

I am here to deliver your sentence
as decreed by the Tok'ra High Council.

Death, I suppose.

You are to be extracted from the host
Hebron, and left behind here on Vorash.

If fortunate, you will die before Apophis
discovers you were used by the Tok'ra.

I am sure that you would like
to k*ll me with your bare hands,...

..as I did your beloved Shan'auc.

You, of all, would appreciate
how much more satisfying it is...

..to see the fear and pain
in the eyes of your victim as they die.

You took great pleasure
in the m*rder of Shan'auc,...

..but you must understand
the price you paid.

While Apophis was being diverted
by your unwitting deception,...

..the Tok'ra were able to move freely
through Goa'uld territory untouched,...

..rescuing stranded agents,
freeing captured allies.

Hundreds of lives were saved
by the false information you spread.

The Tok'ra owe you
a debt of gratitude, Tanith.

Were it not for the ease with which
you let yourself be manipulated,...

..Apophis may have eliminated the Tok'ra.

All they have done is win a respite.

Inevitably, the Tok'ra- Tauri alliance
will fall, like so many others.

Not by any action of yours.

I will watch you die like all the other false
gods whose demise I have witnessed.

Sokar, Seth,...


..Heru-ur, Cronus.

I am sure they died with
more honour than Shan'auc.

She cried out for you
like a baby weeps for its mother,...

..as I slowly extinguished her life.

You are attempting
to goad me into k*lling you,...

..thereby avoiding the extraction process.

I understand it to be
excruciatingly painful for the symbiote.

I am far more valuable
to you alive than dead.

The Tok'ra do not believe so.

And I am inclined to agree.

Take that to the secondary cargo hold.
We need to make room for the Stargate.


Don't scuff the walls.

- I want the ship back the way we found it.
- We know, Jack.

I still don't think it's necessary
for you to be here.

Sorry. Not lettin' her out of my sight.

My mission is to oversee the relocation
of the Tok'ra base. What's yours again?

Protect Earth's big, fat asset.

We've got 1, 000 engineers and scientists
just droolin' to go through this thing.

- You really think that's wise?
- Don't start with me, Jake.

Remember when you tried
to retrofit a death glider?

- Yes, I have that memory.
- This is vastly more complicated.

Which is exactly why we're "Ioaning" it
to you in exchange for flying lessons.

You know what I mean.
Leave the ship with us.

- Not a chance.
- This is me talking. Jacob, not Selmak.

You have no idea
how dangerous this thing is.

Hey! We were smart enough
to steal it in the first place,...

- ..which is more than the Tok'ra could do.
- We don't operate that way.

Well, maybe it's time
you took a more direct approach.

The Tok'ra have been around 2, 000 years.

In all that time, how many
System Lords have you taken down?

Yeah, things have gotten better since you
started k*lling Goa'ulds off one by one

In each case, more warlike Goa'ulds
have stepped in to fill their place.

There's more chaos than ever before.

With the power Apophis now has...

..we are on the brink of losing
any chance of ever defeating the Goa'uld.

- At least we're doin' something.
- We are, too.

Maybe our plan is a little more
long- term, but at least we have one.

What plan?

Undermine the Goa'ulds' power,
keep them fighting among themselves...

..until we have a way of
eliminating them once and for all.

Go on.

We're working on it, Jack.

You think you can save my host Hebron
by separating him from me?

I will not allow you to k*ll me.

Hebron's life is in my hands.
If I am to die, he will die with me.

The prisoner just collapsed.

Lower the shield.

Lower the shield! We cannot just
stand by and allow him to k*ll the host.

He's already dead.

We've finished loading the ship. It's time
to start transporting your people up.

- We'll begin immediately.

It's Tanith. He's escaped.

Tanith could not have
escaped through the Stargate.

It has been heavily
guarded the entire time.

Yeah, what, by the same guys who
were guarding him in the first place?

No offence.

He is out here somewhere.

Ah, well, he's boned without water.

His symbiote will sustain him
for a considerable time.

Big desert.

I will continue looking.

Keep in touch.

So how do you guys
know where to stand anyway?

- Any sign of him?
- Nope. He's still lookin'.

You guys have been
out there for hours already.

Yeah, it's a Jaffa revenge thing.

Tanith's been busy. We've received
word from one of our operatives...

..that Apophis has
been given our location.

- He's making up for the last few months.
- An attack fleet is being assembled.

- How long will it take'em to get here?
- Less than a day.

- We have to speed up the evacuation.
- We'll send them through the gate.

I thought we were gonna
take'em on the ship.

Sam and I have come up with a new plan.

If it works, we could wipe out a significant
part of Apophis's fleet in one shot.

This is the sun that Vorash is orbiting.

It's a main- sequence star with a
core temperature of 15 million degrees...

..and enough hydrogen
to burn for another five billion years.


We wanna blow it up.

- Wow.
- That's, uh...


Every star is a delicate balance between
the force of fusion going on in its core,...

..which tends to wanna blow it apart,...

..and the gravitational force of its mass,
which tends to wanna crush it into a ball.

If we disrupt that balance
by removing some of the star's mass,...

..we could create an artificial supernova.

The blast wave would expand
at nearly the speed of light.

It would destroy this system
within minutes.

How are we supposed
to remove some of the star's mass?

Well, uh, this is
gonna sound a little crazy,...

..but we dial P3W- 451.

It's the planet where
we encountered the black hole.


- That sounds a little crazy.
- Yeah.

We take the Stargate in the mother ship
and bring it as close to the sun as we can.

Then we dial the black hole, enclose
the gate in a force field and jettison it.

The sun's gravity will pull it in,
the force field will disintegrate...

..and stellar matter will be sucked through
that wormhole like water through a hose.

The gate won't last long,
but we figure it'll be long enough.

Excuse me, wasn't the gate on P3W- 451
sucked into the black hole long ago?

Not necessarily. That planet
was probably ripped to pieces,...

..but it can take years for matter
to spiral into the event horizon,...

..especially given the time distortion.

Either way, we'll know
when we try to dial out.

If we can't make a connection, we abort
the plan and get the hell outta there.


Let me think about this a moment.

You wanted to take
more direct measures, Jack.

Council's already approved the plan.

But it's your ship,
which means it's your call.

Still thinking.

Sir, this solar system is
completely abandoned and barren.

Apophis's fleet is on the way.

We may never have another
opportunity like this again.


Hey, Teal'c.

I've been lookin' for you.
There's been a change of plans.

I have been informed of
Major Carter's intentions.

So you understand then that
there's nowhere for Tanith to run.

This whole planet
is gonna be incinerated.

If all goes according to plan, yes.

What, you don't think we can pull it off?

I have great confidence
in both Selmak and Major Carter.


Twice I have had the opportunity
to avenge the m*rder of Shan'auc.

Twice I have let Tanith
slip through my grasp.

I have failed Shan'auc.

That's not true.

You let Tanith live so the Tok'ra
could use him, and it worked.

Now we're gonna take down Apophis and
the largest Goa'uld fleet ever assembled.

It will be a great victory.

That's right.

And yet, knowing what Apophis did
to Sha're, would you not trade it all...

..for the opportunity to crush the life
from his throat with your bare hands?


..I'd be lying to you if I said
I'd never thought about it, but...

..that doesn't mean I'd do it,...

..given a more rational option.

In the future I will not
be capable of such restraint.

All the Tok'ra have been evacuated and
the Stargate's loaded into the cargo bay.

We're good to go.



Setting course for the sun.

I'm picking up the fleet
on long- range scanners.

At current speed,
they'll be here in 68 minutes.

The timing has to be precise.

Close to the sun we'll slow to
5% light speed and release the gate.

That should give us
enough time to get away.

How much advance warning
is Apophis gonna have?

They won't be able
to detect the gate on their screens.

And they won't know Vorash
is deserted until they're in orbit.

By then it'll be too late.

We're in position.

Slowing to 5% light speed.

Cargo bay's gravity
generators at maximum.

Initiating remote dial- out sequence.

Ready when you are.

It worked. The gate
on P3W- 451 is still active.

Engaging force field.

- Something wrong?
- No.

I've just never blown up a star before.

Well, they say the first one's
always the hardest.

I say that.

Opening cargo- bay doors.

Releasing the clamps.

And the gate is away.

Gate trajectory on course. All right.

Time to go. Prepare for hyperspeed.

- What the hell was that?

- What the hell was that?
- We're under attack. Teal'c, weapons.

Shields are inoperative.

It can't be Apophis. It's too soon.

Acquiring target.

It is an al- kesh.

- A Goa'uld midrange bomber.
- It must have been cloaked.

Weapons are charged. Returning fire.

She's too quick.

Here she comes again, Teal'c!


We've lost main power.

Hyperdrive is down.

We're sitting ducks.

- Why haven't they finished us off?
- They may be just as damaged as we are.

Hey, who's "they" anyway?

I have no idea.

Tactical indicators are down.

- Weapons?
- Inoperable.

- I'll have to go check it out.
- Hey! Whoa!

- We've still got an enemy ship out there.
- When that gate reaches the sun...

What if we get blown out of the sky?

What do you want us to do, Jack?
We have no weapons or shields.

Gliders. This ship's got gliders, right?

Of course.


The al- kesh has a significant advantage
in both size and armaments.

Hey, nice preflight there.

However, we have
superior manoeuvrability.

All right. There she is.

Jacob was right.
The ship appears to have been damaged.

Well, let's put her out of her misery.
Powering weapons.

What the hell?

They appear to have
repaired their engines.

Jack, what's happening out there?

- They're breaking off.
- So let them go.

O'Neill, the ship appears
to be headed for Vorash.

Uh, Teal'c?

We must not allow Tanith to escape.

Uh, Teal'c...

..thinks the ship might
be going to pick up Tanith.

That makes sense, Jack. He probably
had a ship waiting nearby the whole time.

That's why they got here so fast.

Yeah, well, seems we're goin' after him.

It's a Jaffa revenge thing.

Sir, you only have
a little more than an hour.

Ah, Carter, relax.
We'll be back in plenty oftime.

Right, Teal'c?
We'll be back in plenty of time?




Sam, I'll need help with the hyperdrive.
Dr Jackson, you have the peltak.

Uh, wha...what exactly does that mean?

We'll stay in touch.

Target is in range.

Weapons locked.

Here we go.

Pull up, Teal'c. Pull up!

Mayday! Mayday!
We are so goin' in!

Jack, can you hear me?

Jack, I'm not reading you.
What's happening?


Main power's back on line.
Weapons and shields are operational.

What about the hyperdrive?


The control circuit is fried.

The engines are fine, but we'll have
to reroute through secondary systems.

- Well, how long will that take?
- We'll have to move fast.

- Sam?
- Go ahead.

I just got a Mayday from Jack.

- What's goin' on?
- I don't know. I lost the transmission.

Hang on. We have to go back for them.

- We can't. Not now.
- Why not? We have sub- light speed.

I know, but I'm the only one that can fly
this ship and I have to make these repairs.

- Well, I'll do them.
- Sam...

Look, we're not leaving them behind.
You can talk me through it.

OK. You can start by
pulling out the burnt crystals.

Propulsion system and communication
array have been damaged beyond repair.

That's good.

Because, according to my calculations,
we are roughly in the middle of...

..nowhere. Give or take.

The cruiser was going to pick up Tanith,
so we cannot be far from the Tok'ra base.

If we make it there, Carter and Jackson
can ring us aboard the mother ship.

You're assuming they're assuming we're
alive and they're coming back for us.

Care to make a wager, O'Neill?

On which part?

I believe it is this way.

This is so the last time
I help someone move.

- Good, the tactical display's back on line.
- Yeah, I think we have a problem here.

I figured that flashing wasn't good news.

And the fact that in Goa'uld
it says "Warning. Warning."

It's Apophis. He's here.

He's ahead of schedule. The other ship
must've warned him to pick up the pace.

- What are you doing?
- Retreating.

What about Jack and Teal'c?

Apophis's ships are taking up
attack positions around Vorash.

They'd destroy us
before we even got close.

I'm not going to abandon them, Daniel.
We need to buy more time.

If we move around behind the sun,
the fleet won't spot us.

Ah, this was a bad idea.

I said that, remember? Remember
I said "General, this is a bad idea"?

- I remember, O'Neill.
- "Let the Tok'ra get their own ship" I said.

- They don't share with us.
- I remember.

Yep, that's what I said.

- How much time until the sun explodes?
- Huh? Oh.

45 minutes.

At least we have prevented
Tanith from escaping.

Yes. At least we have that.

Apophis sends his greetings
and bids you welcome upon his vessel.

He is grateful for your service.

There may still be one more thing
for which he can be grateful.

- OK, now what?
- Replace the last two crystals.

The whole panel should light up
and you should hear a hum.

Humming away. Hyperdrive's on line.

It should be around here somewhere.

Indeed. The rings are centred here.

So? Now what?

The Stargate just entered the sun.

We only have 27 minutes
before it goes supernova.

Why aren't we heading back to Vorash?

Apophis is already there. There's
no way we can get near that planet.

But we have to do something.

Apophis wants the Tok'ra,
so let's give them to him.

- You are injured.
- I will be fine.

Where are the Tok'ra?

The attempt to stop
their ship was thwarted.

However, I managed to procure a gift
which will make the journey worthwhile.

The shol'va.

You have done well.

Remote guidance engaged.
Launching gliders.

Lord Apophis, scanners have picked up
gliders moving out from behind the sun.

Surround them.

The fleet is on course. They're heading
out of the system. Speed increasing.

He's taking the bait.

The fleet is leaving Vorash.

We are approaching the enemy ships.

My Lord, there are no life signs.
The ships are unmanned.

A trick.

Sensors are picking up a Hatak
now approaching the planet.

Less than four minutes
before the sun begins to supernova.

- Jack, come in.

Jack, come in.

Yeah, I'm here.

Hey, thanks for checkin' in.

Yeah, we had trouble avoiding Apophis's
fleet. Are you in position to be ringed up?

Uh, yeah, I suppose. I don't know.

- Jack, ifyou're not in position...
- Daniel, just get me the hell outta here!

- We gotta get out of here.
- If my calculations were correct...

Arm the weapons.

My Lord...

Engaging hyperdrive.

What just happened?

We must have caught
the tail end of the blast wave.

It knocked us off course.


Where's Teal'c?

I'm not sure.

I think he's dead.

- If Apophis has him...
- Well, we have to go back.

That may not be possible, Sam.

The navigational computer isn't
recognising any of the star patterns.

According to these readings,...

..we've travelled over
four million light years.

- That's impossible.
- We're not even in our own galaxy.

The expl*si*n must have somehow
affected the subspace window.

Wait a minute. What are you saying?
We can't get back?

I don't know. This ship isn't
normally capable of going so fast.

It only took us a few seconds to get here.

Given our current position,
and maximum hyperdrive speed,...

..it's gonna take us 125 years to get back.

Long- range sensors
are picking up another ship.

It's Apophis.
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