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06x37 - The Cast

Posted: 01/04/23 09:04
by bunniefuu
[bird crowing]

[cat meowing, mouse squeaking]

[elephant trumpeting,
lion roaring]

♪ Go!

[opening theme playing]

♪ T-E-E-N

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S

♪ Teen Titans, let's go

♪ Teen Titans, go



Wait till you guys see
my latest upgrade

to the Titan Robot.

Can you hurry this up, Cyborg?

We're supposed to be patrolling
the city for crimes.

Relax. You're gonna love this.

[w*apon clicks]

No way.

Is that...

A whale launcher!

[cheering excitedly]

The aquatic mammalian w*apon
is very impressive.

What crime would ever require
a whale launcher?

You never know.

Now, let's test
this bad boy out!

Titan Robot, assemble!

No... [grunts, groans]

[Robin grunting]

Head, power on.

Right arm, power on.

Left arm, power on.

Right leg, power on.

[bones crack]

- [screaming]
- What's the matter?

Ah, it's my leg. [sobbing]

I think I broke it.

Try putting
all your weight on it.

- [bones crack]
- [screaming]

- Does it hurt?
- [weakly] Yes.

Then you definitely broke it.

[Robin groans in frustration]
Stupid, stupid cast.

Can't walk,
can't fight crime, can't...

[Raven] Hey,
would you keep it down?

We're trying to watch TV.

If I can't patrol the city
with my legs,

then maybe I can
at least patrol it
with my eyes.

Hmm, let's see.

No crime here.

No crime there.

Definitely no crime here.


This city is so boring.


Well, well,
what do we have here?

Sup, bro?

- Whoa!
- [crashing]

What you lookin' at?

It's Cyborg.

I think he might be joining
the H.I.V.E.

What? No way, Joses.

Then why is he
at their headquarters?

He probably went over there
to hang with his girl Jinx.

[Robin] Does this look
like hanging to you?

[Beast Boy gasps]
I've gots to admit,

that does look
a little suspicious.

[Beast Boy thuds]

They could be plotting
something terrible.

I'm going to need you
to be my legs
and go check it out.

Don't worry, bruh.

I'll be your legs all day.

Okay, but be careful.

If Cyborg catches you
spying on him,

there's no telling

what he might do.


- [caws]
- [birds screeching]


[over radio] Yo, I'm in.


Now remember, be quiet.

[stomach growling, farting]

- [Robin] What's wrong?
- Uh, I gots to take a poop.

[Robin] Ugh, right now?

Yes, right now.

When Mama Nature calls,
you gots to answer it, yo.

Fine, fine, fine,
but hurry it up.

- [Beast Boy laughs] Oh, snap.
- What is it?

They gots one of them
good Japanese toilets.

[toilet] Konnichiwa.

[Beast Boy gasps]
It's got a heated seat,

free Wi-Fi
and it even plays music.

- [pop music playing]
- [groans in frustration]

Will you turn down that racket?

You are going to get caught.


Oh, yeah,
that's my jam right there.

Oh, no. Cyborg's headed
your way.

You've got to get out of there.

Abort, abort!

What's that? I can't hear
yous over all this good music.

[Robin] I said,
"Get out of there!"

[Robin gasps]

No, no, no, no, Beast Boy!

[laughs nervously]
Uh, what up, Cy?

Listen, bro, I can explain.

Beast Boy, do you read me?

Beast Boy, come in.


What is all of the commotion?


[sighs] It's Cyborg.

I think he's turned traitor

and done something horrible
to Beast Boy.

You must be the mistaken.

Cyborg would never
hurt his friends.

Oh, really? Take a look at this.

Ooh, the Dr. Light appears
to be up to the something.

No, that's nothing. I mean this.

I just caught Beast Boy
attempting to spy on us.

Did you take care of him?

Oh, I took care of him
all right.

[microphone feedback]

[imperceptible laughter]

- [gasps]
- What did I tell you?

What did I tell you?
Now do you believe me?

Oh, no, poor friend Beast Boy.

Star, I need you
to go over there
and plant this bug,

so we can figure out
what he's up to.

But will the traitor Cyborg

not do the traitoring
on me as well?

Which is why you're going
to need a convincing disguise.

[doorbell rings]

Yeah, what do you want?

[clears throat]

[in deep voice]
The Jump City Plumbing.

I am here to fix the leak.

We don't have a leak.

And how do I know
you're a real plumber?

Because I have the wrench
tool and the mustache face.

Hmm, can't argue with that.

Come on in.

I'm telling you,
we don't have any leaks.

Oh, really?

- [yells]
- [Gizmo grunts]

What do you call that?


[Starfire grunting]

Are you sure you know
what you're doing?

Look, buddy, are you going
to keep the hassling me?

[scoffs] Whatever.

[Robin] Well done, Star.

Now, plant that bug
and get out of there.


[Starfire in normal voice]
Oh, my.

[teeth chattering] What is it?

I believe I have just
stumbled upon

the answer to your mystery.

[Robin] Really?

Oh, no! He's on to you!
Get out of there!

[chainsaw whirring]

- [Robin] Starfire! Starfire!
- [static crackling]


[shouting] No!



What is it? What's going on?

[whimpers] It's Cyborg.
He's joined the H.I.V.E.,

and I think
he's done terrible things

to Beast Boy and Starfire.

[sighs] What a relief.

For a second there,
I thought there was
an actual emergency.

What? You don't believe me?

No. You've been cooped up
for so long,

- that you've become para...
- I'm not being paranoid.

See for yourself.

Hmm, Dr. Light does seem
to be up to something.

No! Not Dr. Light!

Look again.

[imperceptible laughter]

I can't believe this.

You might actually be right.

Here's the plan.
I want you to go over there

and slip this accusatory note
under the door

to get Cyborg spooked.

Then, I'm going to give him
an anonymous phone call

to set up a meeting
at the Jump City Hotel.

As soon as Cyborg leaves,
I want you to sneak in

and gather enough evidence
to get a proper arrest warrant.

Then, after a lengthy trial

that will no doubt expose
all of Cyborg's evil secrets,

we'll finally know
what he's up to.

Or I could just
portal over there

and ask Cyborg what's going on.

Are you crazy?

That's a terrible idea!

Raven, no!

[Raven] Hey, Cyborg?

- [knife unsheathes]
- What's with the knife?



[sobbing] No!

This is it, Robin.
The jig is up.

They know you're onto them.

Soon, they'll be coming for you.

Well, no one's getting me
without a fight.


Give it up, Cyborg!

- [slurping]
- I know you... Wait.

You guys are having a party?

Yeah, it's a surprise
birthday party for Jinx.

Cyborg put me in charge
of the pinata. [grunts]

- [chainsaw whirring]
- Me in charge
of the ice sculpture.

And me in charge of the cake.

But if you guys
are having a party,

why wasn't I invited?

Because we didn't
want you ruining it.

[blows raspberry]

I would never ruin
a surprise party.

- A surprise party?
- [all gasp]

For who?

[all blow party horns]

Thanks a lot, bro.

Sorry, Cyborg.

I was wrong.

I guess you weren't
planning an attack.

[Dr. Light over megaphone]
But I am.

[laughing maniacally]

[device powering up]


[continues laughing]

What's the meaning
of this, Dr. Light?

I'm so glad you asked.

You see, I recently viewed
a documentary

on the giant squid,

where I learned
that these curious creatures

are attracted to light.

So, with my newfound knowledge,

I came up with a plan
to lure this monster
to the surface,

and I'm going to use it
to place the entire city

- under my control!
- [roaring]

I won't let you
get away with this.

And how are you going
to stop me with a broken leg?

Who needs a leg

when you've got a giant robot?

[all] Titan Robot, go!

Squids are
the most resilient creatures
in the animal kingdom.

You can never defeat my new pet.

[laughing maniacally]

[Robin over speakers]
That may be true,

but you're forgetting one thing.

What's that?

Sperm whales are
the giant squid's
natural enemy.

Cyborg, hit it.

I thought you'd never ask.


[whale groaning]

[whale screaming]


[all cheering]

I told you that thing
would come in handy.

- And look,
my leg is all better.
- [flies buzzing]

I think this calls
for a victory dance.


- [Robin grunting]
- [thudding]

- [sobs]
- [water splashes]

[groans in frustration]
I hate these stupid casts.

Well, at least I can still keep
a watchful eye on the city.

Wait a minute.

Is that...