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11x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 01/04/23 06:52
by bunniefuu
The last year has seen an exponential uptake in new subscribers to a social media platform insiders are calling the next Facebook.

Ooh! Buddy Base is the brainchild of Silicon Valley whizz-kid, Zach Ogilvy.

I said "tech guru".

I literally wrote the copy for this.

You want me to fire someone?
Well, Buddy Base is social media for Generation Z.

The internet can be a pretty mean place, but we're the good guys.

We're all about the love.

Oh! Buddy Base is already one of the most sought-after jobs I think we need to manage expectations here and that number's way too high.

PHONE BUZZES One second, my kid's calling.

So, I've just optimised our feed algorithm.

You're welcome.

In his heart, he's proud of you.

Yeah, it's totally safe jumping out of a plane.

Mummy's done it plenty of times before.

Actually, guys, I've not had a huge amount of sleep.

Should I be skydiving this morning?
That a joke, Laurence?
Yeah! LAURENCE CHUCKLES Yeah, obviously I'm coming.

All right, all right, here she is.

Let's make some noise! Sweetheart, I need to go.

I'm hanging up, OK.

Alessa, we are so proud of you.

How are you feeling?
Just so excited.

I feel so lucky to be here.

Oh, this has nothing to do with luck.

You belong here.

Let's do this, it's initiation time! Let's go! Woo! Woo! Five minutes, five minutes, OK?
Buddy Base! DEVICE BEEPS Hi, um, oh, sorry, I forgot your name.


Chris, hi, sorry.

Er, just wondering, do you think the wind might be too strong?
For the plane, no.

For your jump, no idea.

HE CHUCKLES I'm sure you'll be fine.

ZACH WHISTLES OK, people! Listen up.

You all know that Buddy Base is more than a company.


It's family.


When we jump together, we put our lives in each other's hands.

And that is a beautiful thing.

Alessa, as today is your first solo skydive, I've personally packed this parachute for you myself.

Welcome to our family.

Welcome! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Woo! Go! You got this.

Are you good?

All right.

Yeah! Can't we go out with the speed g*n and do some proper police work, hm?

HE SIGHS All right, maybe later, then.

Morning, all.

BOTH: Morning, sir.

Just a reminder that we're going to be without DS Cassell for most of today.

She's having her assessment for the undercover job.

Hopefully, it should be a quiet one.

PHONE RINGS Think you spoke too soon, sir.

MULTIPLE PHONES RING Maybe I did speak too soon.

Saint Marie Police.

Sergeant Thomas speaking.

Saint Marie Police.

Officer Pryce speaking.

All right.

And where was this?

We'll head over.

Got a missing skydiver, Inspector.

Party of five did a jump from the San Fernet Airfield.

One of them's not turned up.

Actually, Sarge.


I think I might know where they are.

Mind your step there, Inspector.

Yep, yep.

So, who found him?
A couple on their honeymoon.

They were on a morning hike.

They were doing THIS on their honeymoon?
So, what do we know?
I thought he must have been blown off course and landed heavy in these trees, but there is more to it than that.

Well, bang goes that theory.

Come on, let's get him down.

The s*ab wound is in a position that the victim couldn't possibly have inflicted upon himself.

The Kn*fe's missing from its sheath.

Could he have been stabbed by his own w*apon?
This is definitely the guy reported missing.

Zach Ogilvy, 28.

Resident of Palo Alto, California.

Any word from Marlon on what the witnesses are saying happened?
Not yet, sir.

He must have been stabbed before he exited the plane.

That would make the most sense, right?
And then managed to release his parachute in mid-air before he d*ed.

Unless, on the other hand, somebody stabbed him after he landed?
He was pretty high up, though.

Hmm, I guess.

There's scratch marks on the victim's face.

Could be possible signs of a struggle?
Actually, paramedics reckoned he got the scratches from the tree branches as he hit the canopy.


We need to know what happened on that plane.

So, the group the victim was with are all employees of Buddy Base, a social media website based in Silicon Valley.

Buddy Base - have I heard of them?
Oh, it's the new Facebook, sir.

Everybody's on it.


You know, you should get on it.

I am.

And why are they on Saint Marie?
Oh, they're here for a team-building holiday.

They're staying in a villa about three miles from here.


Hold on, hold on, hold on.

You're on Buddy Base?
So why have you not sent me a friend request?
Why haven't YOU sent me one?
HE SCOFFS I don't send friend requests.

HE CHUCKLES Are you kidding me?
He was stabbed?
I don't believe it.

Do you know who did it?
Look, I know this is all very unexpected, but if you could just tell us what happened this morning.

Well, I just joined the company and, um, the skydive's kind of a trust exercise we do It's OK, Alessa.

I got this.

We arrived together at the field about 7:30.

Took off maybe 8:00, 8:15?
You were the pilot?
I was chartered for the week.

The plane and I came over from Tobago.

So, you took off just after eight.


Everything was pretty routine.

Then, when we got up there, there was a feeling the ground winds here at the field were too high.

Zach, I think we re-route to the other drop zone.

It has to be here.

I want to jump here! Why was he so adamant?
Er, Zach wasn't great at being told what to do.

He was stubborn?
No, he was just very focused when he knew what he wanted.

In a good way.

That's why he was such a genius.

Yeah, totally.

So, what happened after that?
Zach jumped.

And the rest of us decided to wait.

You guys go ahead.

I'll catch up with you later.

Alessa, you got this.

Peace out! Ten minutes later, we were over the alternate drop zone.

We jumped together.

Landed fine and called a taxi back.

Which of you raised the alarm?
Er, I did.

After I'd landed and realised that Zach wasn't there.

I was worried he might have been blown off course.


Soso what you're all saying is, when Zach jumped, he hadn't been stabbed?
Of course not.

You think one of us did it?
We're just trying to make sure we have all the facts.

Here's all the facts you need.

Zach was alive when he jumped.

We got the whole thing on camera.

You guys go ahead, I'll catch up with you later.

Alessa, you got this.

Peace out! VIDEO STOPS So, he was unharmed when he left the plane.

Which means it can't have been anyone on the plane that did it.


So that means he must've been stabbed after he'd landed in the rainforest, right?
But how could the k*ller know that's where he'd land?
The drop-zone was supposed to be the airfield.


It was an accident that he drifted and landed where he did.

Also, according to the witnesses, Zach Ogilvy didn't know anyone on this island, he'd never been here before.

That's right.

So that means, if he was k*lled after he landed, it was by a complete stranger.

And you'd have to be pretty unlucky, not only to crash land a skydive, but to also do it in the middle of a rainforest next to a random passer-by who then clambers up a tree and stabs you in the back.

Yeah, that would be pretty unlucky, sir.

It's pretty unlikely.

So then what happened?
Who stabbed our victim?
And where and when did they do it?
Look, sooner or later, it was all going to catch up with him.

Zach Ogilvy was a bad man.

OK, see you soon.

In the morning, hopefully, the postmortem will give us a steer on time and place of death.

Meanwhile, all we can do is focus on looking into the victim.

We'll get on to background and financial checks, and work through his email and phone communication.


And we'll give the victim's personal effects the once over at his villa.



I didn't think we'd see you today.

I just thought I'd check my emails.

How's your day been?

Well, we're going to go to Catherine's Bar and get some drinks, if you fancy?
Um, you know what, I'm pretty b*at.

You want to catch up with us, sir?
Yeah, I'll see you over there.

So, how was it?

I mean, really intense.

But I guess that's what the real thing will be like, so Have they told you what your cover's going to be?
I'd be working as a live-in au pair, looking after Miranda Priestley's daughter.

But I'm not the only one to be considered, so I don't know if I'll get it.

I wouldn't be so sure, DS Cassell.


Evening, sir.


The team in Jamaica have already been in touch.

They were beyond impressed.

You mean they want me to do it?
They were in no doubt you're the right person for the job.

Congratulations, Florence.

You have until tomorrow to decide.

I know it's a big decision, I wish I could give you longer.

But, if you do accept the job, they'll give you a day to get your affairs in order before heading off to Jamaica and a week's training with your handler.

And then you will be full-time undercover.

You sure you don't want that drink?

The Commissioner's right, I have some thinking to do.

You go.



Well done, DS Cassell.

You've done us proud.


All right?
About this, um, undercover job that DS Cassell's been offered.

We're not really supposed to be talking about that, Marlon.

Oh, yeah, of course.


But about the job.

If she decided to maybe turn it down, I'd like to put my name forward.

I'll pass that on.

So, you really fancy doing undercover work, Marlon?
Yeah, if it means I don't have to wear the uniform.

Be serious.

Aside from the plain clothes, what would you want to do next?
I suppose, what I really want Yeah?


if I really, really think about it Yeah, go on.



to finish this beer.




the red button provides the total override Morning.

VIDEO STOPS Sorry, sir.

didn't see you there.

I was just doing some important research.


Postmortem confirms the scratches to Zach's face were as a result of the branches as he landed.

As we suspected.

However, the blood results show the scratches were inflicted after Zach was k*lled.

So, he definitely wasn't stabbed in the rainforest.

So, he d*ed before he landed?
But we know from the video that he wasn't stabbed inside the plane, which meanssomeone m*rder*d him in mid-air?
So, would that mean that the sky is our crime scene?
Which means the k*ller must be one of the other skydivers, right?
But they were nowhere near the victim when they jumped.

All right, let's go over this one more time.



So this is Saint Marie, right?

This is San Fernet airfield, where the plane took off around 10:15am and began to climb to 10,000 feet.

Yeah, and the GA8 Airvan has an optimal climb rate of 1,600 feet per minute! Sorry, I just went through a bit of a rabbit hole.

Thanks, Marlon.

So, six minutes later, when the plane reached 10,000 feet, Zach jumped.

Peace out! He was carried by high winds until he landed here, in a remote area of the rainforest, two miles from the airfield.

Now, the other suspects travelled all the way over to here, six miles away from where we found the victim's body, where they landed safely.

Which leaves the pilot, who brought the plane back to the airfield, where he landed and raised the alarm.

So, which of these suspects could possibly have k*lled the victim?
Man, I'd really love to skydive.

Do you fancy it, sir?
Do I strike you as a man who would fancy skydiving, Marlon?
Fair enough, fair enough.


So if we can't make sense of exactly how one of the suspects k*lled the victim, then let's at least try and find a reason why.

So, let's start with this guy, Laurence Terry.

Uh, a Cambridge University graduate with an IQ of 173.

Of all the others, he's the only one with a criminal record.

as*ault and Battery.

It was a road rage incident a few months ago in California.

He was handed a three-month sentence suspended on condition he attended anger management counselling.

And I've put out a call to the counsellor, but she hasn't got back yet.


Well, let's see what comes back.

Chad Burinksi.

Zach's best friend.

They studied at Harvard together and set up Buddy Base while still in their third year.

Alessa Park was the new girl.

Graduated with a double first in computer science.

The skydive was her initiation.

Katie Kellar was the company's in-house lawyer.

She's the only one of the group who's married with a family.

PHONE BUZZES Uh, sorry, I need to take this.

So, that just leaves us with the pilot.

Captain Chris Darlow from Saffron Walden in the UK.

He's a retired airline pilot, moved to Tobago three years ago.

Now flies local tourist planes.

Well, admittedly, he's our least likely suspect.

It's pretty difficult to m*rder a man mid-skydive when you were piloting the plane he jumped out of.

Yeah, but as the others appear to have alibis as well.

I guess we can't rule him out.


So, that was the counsellor.

Seems that Laurence Terry has some serious issues.

She was pretty surprised when I said he was even here.

She doesn't think he should be skydiving?
She doesn't think he should spend another second with Zach.

Laurence blames him for his arrest and that Zach had him under intolerable work pressure.

She said that Zach had Laurence close to his breaking point.


Zach pushed me to achieve things I never thought possible.

Like as*ault?
That was my fault.

Actually, Zach saved me.

He posted bail, gave me use of the company lawyers.

I was nearly kicked out the country, but he pulled some strings.

Your therapist recommended you take time off, but you wouldn't.

She said you admitted to regularly working 16-hour days at Buddy Base.

That's my choice.

We could set our own hours.

Yeah, well, that's the trick, though, isn't it?
You tell people they can leave when they want to and then no-one wants to be the first to go.

It becomes a competition.

I mean, look, even now, a day after Zach was m*rder*d, you still can't stop.

I can stop any time I want.


Laurence, it's OK.

There's no-one watching.

He demanded absolute loyalty.

So why didn't anyone jump with him from the plane?
The ground winds were gusting at 26 knots.

None of us have jumped in conditions like that.

We were all scared and no-one wanted to be the one to say something.

Finally, Katie stepped up.

I think we re-route to the other drop zone.

These coastal winds are super high.

He demanded more than loyalty, though, didn't he?
It was your life, he demanded everything.

Isn't that right?
I wouldn't hurt him.

We all loved Zach.

Do yourself a favour, Mr Terry, take a few days off.

This guy was seriously loaded.

Four different banking apps on his phone.

Wasn't even 30 yet.

He knew what he wanted from life.


Have you got any plans, Marlon?
Actually, I do.

After I watched all the videos on planes, I found out there are thousands of videos on barbecuing.

It's a whole new world.

This one guy made one out of an old rubbish bin.

Sometimes, Sarge, you just got to sit back and let things happen.

You don't believe in happy accidents?
I've just always liked to plan.

HE SCOFFS Hmm, that's interesting.

Five recorded voice memos.

All recorded over the last few days.

Wonder what they are.

Zach, come on.

This was fun but I have a family.

It's over when I say it's over.

Don't be like that Katie, I'm not letting you go back to him.

Katie Kellar?
She was clearly more than just his lawyer.

There are four more recordings, pretty much like that.

So she and Zach were having an affair and she wanted to end it.

But why was he recording her?
I checked his call history, sir.

Take a look.

Let's go talk to her.

Good work.

DEVICE BEEPS For the record, it meant nothing.

Why do it, then?
You had it all to lose.

I don't know.

Two people away from home a lot, comfort in a strange bed.

But you must've been concerned when he refused to end it?
Zach was the smartest person I've ever met, but, emotionally, he was immature.

So, he couldn't stand being told it was over.

Is that why he was recording you?
You tell me.

According to his call history, Mrs Kellar, the night before Zach d*ed, he made a call to your home number in California.

Now, why would he do that when you were here on Saint Marie with him?
SHE EXHALES SOFTLY He was threatening to tell my husband everything.

You're worried about your husband finding out.

Let's call him.


Zach, please! So, he was about to ruin your life.

You had to do something.

I know how it looks.

But I wouldn't have needed to k*ll Zach to keep him quiet.

I'm the company lawyer.

Let's just say, it was better for Zach to keep me on-side.

So you know which skeletons are in which closets, so to speak?
Is that what you're saying?
PHONE RINGS AND BUZZES He was never going to tell my husband.

He just liked to play games.


So, it seems the truth about Zach is much darker than we thought.

Clearly, not a nice guy.

Well, we may be getting closer to working out why someone would want to try and k*ll him, but we're still a long way from working out how they did it.

Zach Ogilvy left the plane unharmed.

By the time he reached the ground, he'd been stabbed.


And our five suspects were nowhere near him the entire time.


How does that happen?
Let's think about it overnight, we'll pick this up in the morning.

Get some rest, guys.

PHONE BUZZES OK, listen up.

The board held an EGM this evening.

And, well, they voted unanimously to appoint me as Zach's successor.


I know, we all loved Zach and this is super hard.

We've all got to pull together.

Do this for him, yeah?

If I didn't know better, I'd say, you are avoiding me, DS Cassell.

I don't think I'm going to do it, sir.

Can I ask why?
I want to.

I want the challenge.

Usually I would jump at this, but .


something inside is holding me back.

And I don't know what it is.

You really don't know?
Maybe we should go for a drive, hm?
ENGINE STOPS If my suggesting you for the Miranda Priestley case has caused you some anguish .


I sincerely apologise.

I would have been annoyed if you hadn't put me forward.

But do you think maybe thisthis place, what happened here, that's what's stopping you?
Patrice! It's me.

Look, whatever it is, I can help, OK?
Justjust talk to me.

Do you know something about Harrison?
GUNSHO SHE PANTS That day will always be referred to as the day Patrice was sh*t.

When you hear that, is there something else you think, but never say?
So was I.


All the nightmares I have, are about myself and what happened to me.

I feel so ashamed to say this.

DI Mooney found you just in time.

You were dying.

Very few people know what that feels like.

You are a fine officer, DS Cassell.

There will be other opportunities.

I really want this job, but I feel angry with myself for being so afraid.

Don't be.

Fear is good.

Fear can keep you safe.

But it can imprison you.

I can hold off the team in Jamaica a little while longer.

Thank you, sir.

Sooner or later, you are going to have to deal with what's holding you back.

If not now, then another time.

You have to be completely sure.

Whatever you decide, you have my total support.


Morning, Florence.

Everything OK?
Yes, thank you.

I've got a little bit longer to think about it.

Sure, that makes sense.

It's a big decision.


If there's anything you need, as a friend, I'mjust here.

Thank you.

I've been going through the victim's emails and KNOCK AT DOOR Knock-knock! Mr Darlow.

Uh, can we help you?
Just wondering if there's any news on when you might release the plane.

Saint Marie skydiving centre have enquired about leasing it.

I don't think you should be flying while the investigation's still ongoing.

Oh, they don't want me, they just want the plane.

And my bosses are keen cos planes on the ground do not make money.

Well, not yet, I'm afraid.


I did tell them it's a bloody crime scene.

Is it?
Well, potentially.

Who knows?
Oh, well.

Give us a bell, as and when.


If he was stabbed inside the plane, there'd be a speck of blood somewhere.

It depends.

Don't forget the Kn*fe was left in, which would stem the blood.

Marlon, did you move any of those parachutes?
Uh, negative.




That's interesting.

What's that?
Zach received an email last week from a private security company.

Surveillance reports.

Attached are pictures of Alessa Park.

What kind of pictures?
Nothing really, just her eating at a restaurant, walking on the beach.

He was spying on her?
Well, he must have thought she was up to something, but, looking at the pictures, I can't see what.


Hi, Naomi, go ahead.

Sir, how many parachutes are at the lab?
Uh, five.

The ones the team used for the jump.

The manifest lists 14 parachutes of various sizes.

But there's onlyeight on these rails.

If five are at the lab, then where's the missing parachute?
Did someone else jump from the aircraft that day?
We would have seen them on the head-cam footage.

Could someone have jumped from a different plane?
Uh, good catch, Naomi, well done.

We'll get back to that.

Meanwhile, can you get over to the villa where the suspects are staying?
I need you and Marlon to keep an eye on Alessa Park.

Just see what her movements are.

Got it, sir.

What's cooking?
We're going on surveillance.

Yeah! So, I dug out some of my old training brochures last night.

Thought I'd bring them in.

Maybe something might take your interest.

Like I said, I'm not really a planning sort of guy.

Do you never think about where you want to be in the next five years?
Sarge, I'm just happy to be where I am now.

Not that long ago, you'd see me in a car with a cop and I'm in the backseat wearing handcuffs.

Sorry, I didn't mean to be pushy.

No, it's cool.

It's cool, just growing up for me was just about the day-to-day hustle.

You never set goals for yourself?

Make enough money to buy my little sister dinner.

Didn't think too far past that.

You know what, whatever you do, I think you're going to be just fine.

Right, that's her.

ENGINE STARTS KEYS JINGLE OK, leave a gap, don't let her see you.

It's all right, Marlon.

I did a course on this.


We need to know what she's up to in there.

Leave it to me.


How did you do that?
I just said it was your birthday.

We're going undercover.

How was your food, darling?


INDISTINCT CHATTER Marlon, listen to me.

Don't do anything to draw any attention to yourself, OK?
What's going on?
She has a guest.

I don't know who she is.

I think they've met before.

What are they saying?
Can't tell?
I'm trying to lip read.

They're doing a lot of nodding.

Now she's showing Alessa something.

Marlon! Don't look around.

She can't know we're here.

You're not exactly being subtle, though, are you?
It's OK, she can't see me.

Right, let's keep it cool, now, yeah?
Low profile.

Happy birthday to you Wow, what a service.

ALL: Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, dear She's, um, she's not great with birthdays.

Stop! Who were you talking to?
Just a friend.

You really think I'm buying that?
All right.

Call your boss.

We ID'd the woman you were talking to.

She's a journalist.

Were you passing on information?
Just, you know, gossip from the inside.

Her name's Maddy Mackintosh.

She's written a string of articles about Buddy Base.

And it wasn't gossip.

When I was a student, I idolised Zach.

I wrote my dissertation on him.

So, this was my dream job.

Soon after I started at Buddy Base, I realised it wasn't as chilled as people made out.

There was a culture of long hours.

You know, work till you drop.

People were sleeping in bathrooms.

And it was all coming from Zach?
You clock up 80 hours in a week, your name goes on the wall.

One guy worked three years without missing a day.

Zach gave him a car.

This is what you were exposing?
I met an ex-programmer in a bar one night.

She was drunk and she opened up.

Turns out that, not long before I started at Buddy Base, someone d*ed.

He was a young guy, utterly exhausted, driving home.

Crashed his car.

He hadn't been to bed for 48 hours.

She said Zach made a big show of grieving as a family.

But, a week later, no-one talked about him.

So you wanted to expose Zach to stop this from happening again?

Alessa, Zach was clearly suspicious of you.

If he'd found out you'd been leaking his secrets, a powerful man like him with his legal team, he could've stopped you publishing.

But now he's dead, you can print what you want.



It wasn't me that k*lled him.

I hate that he's dead because he gets away with it now.

And that's not right.

A day like today's Hey, guys.

Sir, Sarge, Chad Burinski's doing a press conference.

And he was my friend.

The world has been robbed of a genuinely brilliant man.

I really believe that.

The Commissioner called.

It seems that Buddy Base's new CEO Wanted him to sign a non-disclosure agreement relating to Zach's m*rder.

A new CEO?

And what did the Commissioner say?
Well, he said no.


Actually, he told them to So .


what exactly is Chad trying to hide?
Well, Chad and Zach started the company together.

If anyone knows about Zach's indiscretions, it's Chad.

He won't want anything else damaging to come out.


The share price is bouncing back.

Zach's death has worked out well for Mr Burinski.

We need to talk to him.

Let's go.

Well, thank you for talking to us.

Of course.

You want a soda?
Oh, no, fine thank you, I'm Hey, Laurence, grab a couple of sodas, would you?
We understand that you've been voted in as Zach's replacement.

Must be a difficult time to take over.

Can I let you in on a secret?
I'm terrified.

Why is your office pressuring us to sign an NDA?
They did that?
I'm sorry, let me make a call.

We're also aware that there are certain rumours about Zach.

A lot of rumours that could be damaging to the company.

You guys have been talking to Maddy Mackintosh, right?
Oh, you know about her?
Oh, yeah, Zach read everything written about him.

He was obsessed.

All she has is a bunch of baseless accusations about Zach.

Uh, no, thank you.

They're not exactly baseless, though, are they?
And we know there were more to come.

A lot more.

You're not worried about what will happen when they come to light?

Because Zach's dead?
Because they're not true.

Mr Burinski, I don't believe you.

Maddy Mackintosh was onto something about Zach that would have huge implications for Buddy Base.

With respect, it's a compelling reason for you to have k*lled him.

You're suggesting I k*lled my best friend, "with respect"?
And to suggest Zach was k*lled to mitigate bad press is insane.

Not if the rumours were so toxic that it'd cause untold damage to the company.

Look, no-one needed to k*ll Zach, because, as soon as this story broke, he was gone.

Buddy Base was about to sever all ties with him.

Isn't it HIS company?
It was until we went public.

Then he became answerable to a board.

You can talk to them.

We came up with a plan to sack Zach six months ago.

I thought he was your best friend?
This is business.

You act fast, cut the cancer.

Keep the wheels moving till the share price recovers.

I'll go make that call.

Not long before I started at Buddy Base, someone d*ed.

Let's see.

Is that.


I did tell them it's a bloody crime scene.



the pilot?
It's pretty difficult to m*rder a man mid-skydive when you were piloting the plane he jumped out of.


So, I spoke to the airline.

It's definitely him in the photo.

He took compassionate leave and then never came back.

Mr Darlow?
It's Pockford.

Mr Pockford.


Mr Pockford?
I'm not sure what we're looking for.

How could he have k*lled Zach from the cockpit?
I've no idea.

But it can't be coincidence he was flying their plane.

Sir, I found this at the back of the wardrobe.

A parachute?
You think it's the one missing from the hangar?
Could be?
I'm not sure.

OK, now I'm sure, the lines have been cut.

So, there wasn't another skydiver?
No, but why is it here?
CLUNKING Morning, Mr Pockford.

Shall we have a chat?
Why did you take a parachute from the airfield?
And why have all its lines been cut?
Because I tried to k*ll Zach.

Because of Jamie, your son.

Zach caused his death.

No, Jamie was k*lled in a car crash.

He didn't.

He was dead already before the crash.

We paid for a private postmortem.

He had a cardiac arrest while he was driving.

That's why he hit the other car.

Tell us about your son.

He was a lovely boy.

Bright, caring.

Landing that job in America straight out of university.

It was a dream come true.

You must have been very proud.

Oh, so proud.

Once he moved out there, his phone calls became less frequent.

I knew something wasn't right.

And his flatmate told us in the week leading up to his death, he hadn't been at home at all.

He'd been sleeping at the office.

And you blamed Zach for this?

The postmortem discovered a pre-existing heart condition that would have shown up on the medical that he did when he joined.

So, Zach knew.

Still, he pushed and pushed! So, you were angry with Zach and you blamed him, I get that.

What I'm less clear on is how you ended up flying him around Saint Marie.

My marriage broke up after Jamie's death.

I wanted a complete change.

I'd flown to the Caribbean a lot, loved it here.

So, I bought myself a place in Tobago.

And, then, when the charter came in, well, I couldn't believe it.

It was like fate.

You've been flying them round all week.

What were you waiting for?
I didn't plan to k*ll him at first.

I just wanted to, you know .


make him admit his part in Jamie's death.

I couldn't seem to find the right moment.

And as the week went on ZACH ANSWERS ANGRILY .


I saw first-hand how arrogant he was.

How he spoke to his staff.

I wanted to hurt him.

The day before their last jump .


I had keys to the hangar.

THUNDER CRACKS I let myself in.

HE GRUNTS How did you know it was Zach's?
The parachutes are designated to each skydiver depending on their weight.

So, he used the same parachute throughout the week.

But Zach wasn't wearing this parachute when he jumped?
Because I woke up the following morning, hungover.

And I thought about Jamie.

What he'd think about what I'd done.

And I went early to the airfield, found the chute that I'd damaged and hid it in the car.

So, Zach used a spare?
I suppose.

He didn't say anything.

They all went up as usual.

The rest you know.

Zach jumped at the airfield, the others inland.

I landed back at the airfield, realised that Zach was missing.

I knew something bad had happened so I called the police.

Bit of a coincidence, though, isn't it?
The day you changed your mind about k*lling Zach, someone else does it for you.

I don't know what to say .


except maybe there's a God up there after all.

So, Chris Darlow has admitted to trying to k*ll Zach, but that he changed his mind.

Now, he can't have k*lled him while he was flying the plane.

So, that brings us back to the other four skydivers.

All of whom have been alibied by a video that shows the last time they were with Zach, he hadn't been stabbed.

And we know from the postmortem that he can't have been k*lled after he landed in those trees.

So, we are back to the only possible explanation - that he was stabbed, all alone, in mid-air.

Did we release the plane?
Yesterday, sir.


It's the only way.

Sir, where are you going?
I'm going to inspect the crime scene.

I'll text you! Marlon, are you there yet?
Just arrived.

Do you know what the inspector's got planned?

Uh, one, one second, Naomi.

I thought you said you're terrified of heights, sir?
Don't try and talk me out of this, Marlon.

Oh, no, I'm not.

This is going to be hilarious! I want the others to see this, hold on.

Naomi, I'm going to put you on video call.

No, don't do that! No way, sir.

Are you actually going to do a skydive?
Look, if the crime scene's in mid-air, someone's going to have to go and inspect it.

You really don't have to do this, sir.

Florence, if there's one thing I've learned since I arrived in Saint Marie, is that you've got to face your fears head on.

You're right, sir.

We do.

Hey, good luck, sir.

Peace out.

NEVILLE EXHALES SHARPLY Don't worry, sir, I'm sure lots of people faint on their first skydive, yeah, but probably not before the plane's taken off, though.

I think it must have been the harness, Marlon.


It was too tight.

Mm-hm, yeah, I'm sure you're right.

Yes, that's what it was.

NEVILLE EXHALES SHARPLY Listen, you can try again if you want to.

The plane will be back on the ground in about ten minutes.

Ten minutes?


The GA8 Airvan has superb take-off and landing capabilities.

It's up and down in no time.

Marlon, that's it.

Alessa, you've got this! So, he d*ed before he landed?
Ten minutes later, we were over the alternate drop zone.

We jumped together, landed fine.

I knew something bad had happened so I called the police.

There's a culture of long hours.

You know, work till you drop.

Emotionally, he was immature.

Are you OK, sir?
Look, put your head between your legs and you'll be fine, OK?
No, I'm not going to faint.

I think I've just solved the case! Oh Ooh! To everyone outside the company, Buddy Base was the most amazing place to work.

Zach Ogilvy was revered.

He was herald as a genius.

But Zach ran his company with a culture of fear.

He wasn't a talisman, he was a bully, pushing people to the limits.

The wheels were already in motion to get rid of him.

And, in the end, one of you did.

This video shows Zach leaving all of you alive.

We know he'd been stabbed and was dead by the time he landed in the tree.

Because this wasn't the last flight Zach took.

Was it .


Sorry, Mike.

What are you talking about?
Well, they say that the most convincing lies contain a grain of truth.

This morning, you told us you were possessed with a desire to avenge the death of your son.


That you went to the airfield the night before the jump and sabotaged Zach's parachute.


That you woke up the next day and hurried to the airfield to swap Zach's parachute before he could use it.


You had no change of heart.

The only reason Zach didn't jump with that damaged chute was because he was on to you.

Now, we know that Zach obsessively read any story he could find about himself.

Zach read everything written about him, he was obsessed.

And Zach's browsing history shows that he knew exactly who you were the moment he laid eyes on you.

He didn't confront you because he was waiting for you to make the first move.

We know he liked to be one step ahead.

But when he found that damaged parachute, he knew exactly who was responsible.

Now, why he didn't confront you there and then, we'll probably never know, but my guess is that he wanted to see the look on your face when you landed and he was standing there waiting for you.

He was never blown off course.

Zach was an experienced skydiver.

He landed exactly where he was meant to.

And, when you landed, there he was, standing, waiting for you.

The man who'd bullied your son to death.

Your son, Jamie, with his bright future and the world at his feet.

He k*lled my boy! And so you k*lled him.

He just stood there, smirking at me.

He couldn't even say sorry! I didn't k*ll your kid.

He had a heart defect.

You can't blame me for bad genetics.

And I lost it.

You knew about it! I don't really remember what happened.

Somehow I got hold of his Kn*fe and we struggled and then I don't know.

You knew it wouldn't be long before the rest of the party returned.

So you had to get rid of the body.

But how could you get move Zach's body as far away as possible in the shortest time?
Well, by flying him, of course.

And, thanks to Marlon's little side-track a few days ago, we know more about the aircraft than we ever thought we'd need to.

Particularly, its superb Short take-off and landing capabilities.


You cleaned the Kn*fe for prints, but left it in to prevent any blood spurting out.

You put his body back on the plane and took off again.

In under five minutes, you were back in the air and two miles inland.

You engaged the autopilot.

Walked back into the cabin and pushed Zach's body out of the door.

It looked like exactly what everyone thought would happen did happen.

Zach got blown off course by the strong winds.

How the Kn*fe got in him didn't matter.

We would be so baffled by it all, we could never pin it on you.

You did raise the alarm, but only after you'd already dumped Zach's body.

The call came in at 9:20.

Plenty of time for a quick second trip.

I guess you achieved what you set out to - avenging the death of your son.

But I don't entirely think it's made you feel any better.

I'm sorry.

But he was my boy and he k*lled him.

HANDCUFFS CLICK I suppose I can't call.

Not for a while.


You're going to be fine, you know?
Oh, yeah, I know.

It's you I'm worried about.

No more skydiving, OK?
HE CHUCKLES Yeah, if you insist.

Uh You're sure about this?
Cos, you know, Marlon's expressed an interest.

I'm sure.

Better not keep them waiting.

No, sir.

They're an excellent department, you're in safe hands.

I'll be back before you know it.

Oh, yes, it's not au revoir, is it?
It'sit's just a bientot, right?

Go get 'em.

Bye, Neville.


Hey, hey! What's going on?
You're just in time, sir.

Thanks, Naomi.

Marlon's Trash Can Chicken?
Well, I decided to take some of your advice and set a goal.

I'm a man of many skills.

Or happy accidents.

Hey, works for me.

I propose a toast.

To DS Cassell.


She set off OK?
Yeah, yeah, all good.

I wouldn't have let her go if I wasn't totally sure.

I know, sir.

I know.

All right! Who's ready for some trash can chicken?
You know what, Marlon?
That looks pretty good.


Isn't that the trash can belonging to the station?
Mm So?

MARLON CHUCKLES Ready for this, DS Cassell?
There's been something of a development.


Is Florence all right?
She's fine.

What if someone she knows sees her, blows her cover?
It's a hell of a risk.

Miranda lives in a very dark place.

And you're better as far away from here as you can get.

DEVICE BEEPS Miranda is lying.

I heard a g*nsh*t at just gone midnight.

There's something you're not telling me and I want to know what it is.

I'm a police officer.

On your knees, DS Cassell.

DISTANT GUNSHO No, no, no, no, no!