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06x18 - Ashes to Ashes

Posted: 01/03/23 16:39
by bunniefuu
Federation starship Voyager,
if you can hear me, please respond.

If you can hear me, please respond.
Voyager, please respond.

Come on Voyager, I know you're there.


Voyager? Are you receiving this?

My designation is Mezoti.

- You sound young to be on the com.
- I'm eight.

I see. Are there any grown-ups there?

My species is 689, Norcadian.

What species are you?

That's a complicated question.


I don't know how long I can keep the
channel open. Patch me to Janeway.

I'll try, but my height
may be insufficient.



- You're not authorised to be in here.
- Will you to report me to the captain?

Considering this is your first offence,
a warning will suffice.

- What were my instructions?
- To wait in the cargo bay.

- Why didn't you comply?
- You left them unsupervised.

Lieutenant Torres needed me.
I was gone for ten minutes.

We told her not to deviate from
your instructions. She wouldn't listen.

When the captain asked you to take the
children, you said you could keep order.

Controlling them is proving difficult.
They're highly unpredictable.

Meditation helps Vulcan children.

- You might consider...
- Mezoti!

- I'm trying to talk to the woman.
- What woman?

The one transmitting
from spatial grid 2369.

She's made contact with a ship
approximately three light years away.

Alien vessel, this is
the starship Voyager. Respond.

Tuvok. That's you, isn't it?

- This is Lieutenant Commander Tuvok.
- Sounds like someone got promoted.

I need to speak to Captain Janeway.

You're a sight for sore eyes, Captain.
You too, Harry.

- I'm sorry, but do we know you?
- I'm Ensign Lyndsay Ballard.

I was a member of your crew. I'm not
surprised you don't recognise me.

I don't know who you are,
but I'm not amused.

- Ensign Ballard died almost...
- It was on stardate 51563.

I can't blame you for being sceptical.
If you let me come aboard, I'll explain.

- We'll beam you to sickbay.
- Behind a level-10 force field?

- No offence.
- None taken. I'm just glad to be home.


What do you think?

She seems to have intimate knowledge
of this ship and its crew.

- We should find out who she is.
- I'd like to come with you.

I was very close to Lyndsay
and if somehow it's her, I'll know.

Harry and I were going to
a Class-M planet in the Vyntadi Expanse

to recover dilithium ore we'd detected.

It was a trap set by Hirogen hunters.

They'd given false dilithium readings.

That's exactly what happened.

- Goon.
- We went back to the shuttle.

At ten feet away
I was hit with a neural disruptor.

Harry said my injury wasn't bad.
He always was a terrible liar.

I tried to get Lyndsay back to Voyager
but she was already dead.

- We buried her in space.
- Go on with your story.

I woke up on a ship
surrounded by aliens.

They said they'd used technology
to reanimate me.

I didn't believe that I'd died

but they showed me scans of my corpse
in the casing I'd been buried in.

- The Kobali said I'd drifted for weeks.
- Kobali?

If you'd met them, you'd remember.
They look just like this.

After the reanimation
they spent months altering my DNA.

- They constantly injected me.
- To make you look like them?

That's how they procreate.
They salvage the dead of other races.

I was given a Kobali name
and family to help me acclimate.

- You were a prisoner.
- At first.

I wanted to contact you, to tell you I was
safe, but the Kobali wouldn't let me.

They said you were
part of my kyn'steya -

my past life
and that I needed to forget you.

All of you.

I spent two years letting
my new family think I'd accepted them.

When I earned their trust, I stole
a shuttle and began looking for Voyager.

That was six months ago.
They've been chasing me ever since.

In spite of her appearance,
I detect traces of human DNA.

I've compared them with
the samples from Ensign Ballard's file.

They match.

It's a convincing story.

But your training tells you
to consider all possibilities.

Maybe I'm a hybrid clone or a telepath
who accessed Ensign Ballard's memory.

Believe me, I was suspicious myself
at first, but I am Lyndsay Ballard.

Until we find evidence to the contrary...

...welcome home.

Captain, could you give us a minute?


- So, it's really you?
- In the flesh, so to speak.

I've missed you, too.

I know you are all as eager as I am
to welcome Ensign Ballard back.

She's shown a lot of courage and
determination over the past few years.

Let's do all we can
to make her feel at home.

Tom and I have removed
Lyndsay's effects from storage.

- And your old shift is waiting for you.
- Thanks, Lieutenant.

Let's not forget the
Kobali are still there.

It seems they want her back
as much as we want to keep her.

- We'll need to take precautions.
- I've run scans on the Kobali shuttle.

I can adapt our systems
to counter an attack.

Very good.
Well, if there's no further business...

- Thank you for saying those nice things.
- You seem surprised.

- I never thought you noticed me.
- My mistake.

- Still playing the clarinet?
- I've taken up the saxophone.

Ambitious. I bet you're good at it.

- You always were my biggest fan.
- Please, no past tense.

Sorry. This is a little strange for me.

It's been a perfectly normal day for me.

Deck 2.

- Hearing you play again is 26 on my list.
- List?

Something I made up while I was away.

I thought of everything
I'd do if I got back,

including things
I didn't accomplish the first time.

- Like showing up for duty shifts on time.
- That's number 27.

They're here.

- A cup of tea while the children play?
- They need my supervision.

- I like your braid.
- I could show you how to do it.


- Something wrong?
- I've allotted one hour for recreation.

- Not for irrelevant conversation.
- It's not irrelevant.

Keeping to schedule
will let us use time more efficiently.

We'll be able to participate... a wider variety of activities.

Fun will now commence.

Green, grid 3-13.

Counter, grid 10.

- They're cheating.
- How?

Azan's sharing information
using his neural interface.

Is this true?

You will exercise
punishment protocol 9-alpha.

- If they can't participate, neither will I.
- You're encouraging disorder.

And you never let us do what we want.

- You'll exercise punishment 9-alpha!
- No, I won't.

- There you go.
- I can't believe you saved all this.

Tuvok thought I should recycle
everything but I just couldn't do it.

My skates and I thank you
from the bottom of our hearts.

Do you know how
long it took me to fold those?

- Same old Harry.
- What's that supposed to mean?

- You're still sort of... obsessive.
- I'm tidy.

Is that why you requested baryon
sweeps of your dorm room?

- When you live across from a slob.
- Show some respect for the dead.

- Did I say something wrong?
- It's nothing.

Just because I've been gone doesn't
mean I can't still read you like a book.

I gave the eulogy at your funeral.


What'd you say?

Come on! Everyone
wants to hear their own eulogy.

Absolutely not.

It's probably for the best.

You always were
a terrible public speaker.

I just hope you didn't stutter too much.

I told them you had a favourite saying,
something from a Klingon battle-cry.

"Own the day."

I said that you always believed
in attacking each day, possessing it...

...and that that was what
made you fun to be around.

Is that when everybody burst into tears?

I said that if you'd been there,
you'd have told them to own that day.

To attack it, make it their own
and do the same thing tomorrow.

- Pretty strong stuff.
- You were a strong person.

Not always.
The last six months weren't easy.

- I could have given up.
- But you didn't.

You know why?


I wanted to see you again.

Guess I won't be needing this anymore.

Sickbay to Ensign Ballard.
I've finished analysing your bio-scans.

I'm on my way.

I've identified a genetic pathogen
in your bloodstream.

It's converted most of your human DNA
into a Kobali protein structure.

Can it be reversed?

The changes have affected
all your systems.

There isn't enough of your original DNA
to make you human again.

But I can affect some cosmetic changes.

- Could you make me look like me again?
- Yes.

The changes would be "skin deep"
and it may take several treatments.

I've devised an inaprovaline compound
which should do it.

You'd still be Kobali with a multispheric
brain, a binary cardiovascular...

- But I'd look human?
- Oh, yes.

I've lived with this face long enough.
Let's do it.

Have a seat.

- You may feel dizzy.
- I'll hang on to Harry, if you don't mind.

That's what I'm here for.

What? Is something wrong?

See for yourself.

Here we are. One Jibalian berry salad.

I've been looking forward to this
for a very long time.

- It was number six on her list.
- The Kobali diet isn't very varied.

We ate the same grey paste
for three years.

- It doesn't taste how I remember it.
- What's wrong? Too sweet?

No offence but it's got
sort of a metallic flavour.

- It seems fine to me.
- Guess my taste buds are still Kobali.

- Can I get you something else?
- No, thanks.

I need to take care of number 16 -

"Dazzle Lieutenant Torres."

- One minute early.
- There's a first time for everything.

There's an alignment error in the dilithium
matrix. We don't know what's causing it.

I know you're settling in
so I'll give you a few days.

- It's a vyk'tiote.
- Excuse me?

A Kobali word to describe a wave
phenomenon. It's hard to translate.

Try me.

Literally it means "crumpled dance".

All I need to do is vyq'tal
the gen'dioge matrices,

stabilise the per'cheya.
Tez'tel se benna. Cham'bioque!

- What?
- You were speaking Kobali.

I didn't realise. I'm sorry.

Well, whatever you did,
the alignment error is gone.

- Nice job.
- Thanks.

I think there might be a few
"crumpled dances" in the warp core, too.

Feel like taking a look?

- Any sign of the Kobali?
- None.

The latest tactical reports from Tuvok.


I no longer wish to be
the Borg children's guardian.

- What's the problem?
- Their behaviour is chaotic.

- Discipline results in further disorder.
- Kids and disorder go hand-in-hand.

Neelix issued a similar warning,

which is why I devised an activities
schedule to promote unity.

At 0700 hours
they emerge from their alcoves.

Nutrients are ingested
before classes begin in the science lab.

At 1300 hours nutrients are consumed
before going to the holodeck

where they study alien physiology.

- Not much time for fun.
- On the contrary.

- I've scheduled recreation.
- You can't always schedule fun.

- Sometimes it needs spontaneity.
- Children require structure.

Not to this extreme. You treat them
like they're still on a Borg cube.

- You're comparing me to the collective?
- The children are functioning as one.

- Doing the same thing at the same time.
- So they have the same opportunities.

Maybe they're rebelling because
you don't let them express themselves.

Then choose someone
more suitable to instruct them.

Sorry, Seven. Permission denied.

- You're trying my hockey program?
- I'm taking Lyndsay skating.

You've sure been spending
a lot of time together.

- Don't start.
- Let's see.

Harry Kim has fallen for a hologram,
a Borg, the wrong twin

and now the dearly departed.

We're friends, just like before.

Maybe there was a time
when I thought of pursuing Lyndsay

but I closed the door
when we were assigned to Voyager.

Don't look now,
but that door is creaking open.

- What do you think?
- You look great.

Doctor said to stay natural
but this is more exciting.

Hair is one of my specialities,
despite evidence to the contrary.

Too bad that beneath this
lies the six-lobed brain of a Kobali.

- Do you feel like a little skating?
- I'd love to but I already have a date.

- Who with?
- The captain's invited me to dinner.

In six years
she's never invited me to dinner.

Well, I'll give her your regards.

Oh, damn!

Come in.

- Formal dress wasn't required.
- I figured dinner with the captain...

I'd hardly call this dinner.
My replicator liquefied the pot roast.

- It looks fine.
- Stop it and grab a slice of bread.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,
I hope you don't mind.

- I lived on them at the Academy.
- So, how was your first day back?

Pretty good. Lieutenant Torres
called my work competent.

That's high praise from B'Elanna.

Tuvok finished analysing your shuttle

and presented me with 37 ways
of repelling a Kobali attack.

Did he include your pot roast?
I'm sorry. I didn't mean...

- I can't believe I said that.
- Why? It was funny.

We're not on the bridge.
You can speak freely.

- Do you mean that?
- I wouldn't have said it otherwise.

Then, there's something
I've wanted to ask you for a long time.

- Why me?
- I'm sorry?

Why did you choose me
for that away mission?

I thought
you were best suited for the job.

No, I wasn't. Dilithium extraction
was Lieutenant Torres' speciality.

Tuvok was more experienced conducting
away missions but you didn't send them.

Was it because
they were closer to you?

- You blame me?
- No, that's not what I meant.

- It's OK. I'm not offended.
- No, you don't understand.

Never harbour anger
toward those who brought you death

for they gave you
the chance to live again.

In letting me die, Captain,
you gave me life.

- I'm sorry.
- Lyndsay...

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come.

- You're late.
- We expected you hours ago.

- For what?
- Your farewell party.

- You weren't supposed to come back.
- You don't belong here.

- What's going on?
- Lyndsay Ballard, beloved friend...

- Does that sound right?
- What?

For your eulogy. Does it sound OK?

- I'm not dead.
- Denial. One of the final stages.

It was illogical for you to return.

- Please, I don't want to go.
- I couldn't save you before.

What makes you think
I can save you now?

Come in.

- What's wrong?
- Bad day, I guess.

- B'Elanna told me you did great.
- I solved a simple problem.

- It didn't sound simple to me.
- Kobalis can discern wave distortions.

Even if B'Elanna was impressed,
the others were staring at me.

- I'm sure it was your imagination.
- Then I started babbling to the captain.

I used to get nervous around her too.

Don't worry.
I'm sure she didn't take it personally.


I know this isn't easy.

But I'll help you through this.

You have always been
far too nice to me.

Why is that?

You really don't have any idea, do you?

Think about it.
I rearranged my Academy schedule

just so we'd be in the same classes.

I let you teach me how to skate
even though I hate the cold.

I'm crazy about you.
I have been since the day we met.

Why didn't you ever tell me?

I was never good at public speaking,

But I figure,
how often do you get a second chance?

Which is why
I'd very much like to kiss you now.

Own the day.

- Sorry.
- You are creating disorder.

- Seven will be angry.
- I don't care.

- They're cubes.
- I see that.

One-one thousandth
the size of a Borg vessel.

Well done.

A 26-sided polyhedron composed
of hexagons, octagons and squares.


- What's this?
- Can't you tell?

- It's you.
- I don't see the resemblance.

Here's your ocular implant,
your nose, your mouth.

- You were to create a geometric shape.
- I reminded her.

- She wouldn't comply.
- This was more fun.

- Don't you like it?
- It is crude.

However, it does demonstrate
ingenuity and individuality.

She deviated from your instructions.

Aren't you going to implement
a punishment?


Resume your disorder.


They're coming.

- Red Alert. Raise shields.
- We're being hailed.

On screen.

- I've come for Jhet'leya.
- Ensign Ballard doesn't want to go.

She's my daughter.

Please, I've come a long way.

I only want to speak with her.

You don't have to see him.
They can't make you.

I want to, Harry.

It's time to stop running.

I appreciate this, Captain.

I'll oblige as long as you understand

that this meeting is over
as soon as Ensign Ballard says it is.

- What have they done to you?
- Given me my life back.

You were so beautiful.

- It's good to see you, Jhet'leya.
- My name is Lyndsay.

- Why did you leave us?
- I wanted to be with my people.

These people?
The ones who set you adrift in space?

We jettisoned her body
following our customs.

- You abandoned her.
- You had no right to tamper with her.

- We were following our customs.
- You mutilated her.


The reanimation process
usually results in memory loss,

which makes the transition less painful.

Unfortunately, some remember
their lives more than others.

- Jhet'leya, for example.
- I told you to call me...

Lyndsay Ballard. She's dead.

She has been for three years.

Forgive me for being blunt, but when
we found her she was a lifeless corpse.

We salvaged that raw material to create
a new person, my daughter whom I love.

I'm not your daughter.

You have altered your appearance,
but do you still think like these people?

Even now, the first words
that come into your head.

Are they in their language or mine?

I realise this place is familiar to you,
but it's not where you belong.

Your sister misses you.

- Tynsia.
- She asks when you're coming home.

What should I tell her?

Tell her that her sister's dead.

I'll escort you to the transporter room.

I won't give her up, Captain.

- She made herself clear.
- She's confused.

- Thanks to what you did to her.
- I don't want to fight you.

Your ship is no match for Voyager.

Every life is precious to my people,

I won't be coming back alone.

Midnight snack?

Kobali cuisine at its finest.

I was giving some thought to number 32,
"Make Tuvok Laugh."

He has this holoprogram,
"The Temple of T'Panit".

We could tweak it
so instead of Vulcan prayers,

the monks recite Ferengi limericks.

You're not laughing.


- I can't stop thinking about Qret.
- I can't believe he says he's your father.

Professor Ballard would have had
something to say about that.

- Who?
- Your dad.

- Doesn't he teach at some university?
- I don't remember.

I don't remember anything about him.

Let's get to the holodeck.
We've got some monks to tweak.


What's wrong?

- Why did she start to revert?
- Our old friend, the pathogen.

It's counteracting my treatments.
She may suffer relapses all her life.

You said you could
maintain my appearance.

I can, but I'll need to increase
your treatments.

- You'll have to see me twice a day.
- How will I do my job if I'm here?

- How will I do anything?
- Do understand...

I'm sorry.


- This place sure is lived in.
- If you're here to lecture me...

I'm here to ask you
to stop the treatments.

- You know what happens if I do.
- You'll look Kobali again. So what?

I thought you were cute bald.

I don't care if you're human, Kobali
or Bolian. I want you to be happy.

- I wouldn't fit in.
- Are you saying Tuvok and Neelix don't?

It's different. They grew up in their
own cultures. They know who they are.

Wherever they come from,
they're part of the crew, just like you.

Lyndsay was part of the crew. If I stop
the treatments, I won't be Lyndsay.

You don't honestly believe that.

Since the day I got back
I haven't felt right.

At first I thought it was Voyager.

I thought if I just gave myself more time,
I'd get used to it.

But it's me. I've changed.

The more I deny it,
the more I feel like a ghost.

I'm sorry, Harry,
but I can't keep fighting anymore.

What about us?

The girl you were in love with
died three years ago.

- Shields down to 48%.
- Target the ship's weapons.

- Life support failing on decks 6 to 10.
- Reroute power to compensate.

Shields at 20%.

- Tell them you'll surrender me.
- Don't listen to her.

I appreciate the gesture, but I won't.

It's not a gesture. I want to go.
I don't belong here.

- She doesn't know what she's saying.
- I know exactly what I'm saying.

Shields at 13%.

Fluctuations in their warp drive.
A polaron burst could overload the core.

- That would destroy the ship.
- They don't leave us much choice.

Whatever we do, we have to do it fast.

You're sure this is what you want?

- I can fire that polaron burst myself.
- Stand down, Ensign.

We can't just let them take her.

Even if you stop them,
I can't stay on Voyager.

- I don't want to lose you.
- You already did.

But at least this time we've been given
the chance to say goodbye.

Captain's log, stardate 53679.4.

The Doctor's stopped
Ensign Ballard's treatments.

Her physiology is reasserting itself.
All but one of us has said our goodbyes.

- I taught myself a few words in Kobali.
- That's very sweet of you.

But you just told me,
"The comets are tiresome."

I'd better work on my pronunciation.

I'm sorry you didn't finish
everything on your list.

I took care of what really mattered.

That's pretty.

It belonged to a friend of mine.

- Would you like it?
- Your friend wouldn't mind?

She'd be happy knowing I gave it
to someone with such pretty hair.

Seven's letting us go
to the holodeck by ourselves.

She says we can run any program.

Do you want to come?

Have you heard of
the "Temple of T'Panit"?

- It's a Vulcan program.
- Sounds boring.

Don't worry, we'll make a few tweaks.