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06x15 - Tsunkatse

Posted: 01/03/23 16:36
by bunniefuu
Captain's log, stardate 53447.2.

The crew is enjoying shore leave.

I'm visiting Pendari a planet

in the neighbouring system.

Chakotay is in charge of Voyager.

Run a diagnostic on shield generators.

Consider it done.

And keep tabs on Neelix's project.

He's still enhancing plasma burners?

With some of Seven's Borg technology.

I don't want an assimilation chamber.

I'll assign security to keep tabs on him.

Or something more drastic?

And most importantly...

tell me if I'm being overprotective.

- I'll do that.
- Thanks for minding the store.

Even the captain deserves a vacation.

- And her first officer?
- I'll put my feet up on your desk.


Last night was fun.

There's another match at 1500.

I've got a systems diagnostic.

- But you're in command.
- Your point?

Delegate. Harry's free this afternoon.

Are you suggesting I abuse my power?

Tell me that's not lunch.

It's leola ointment for my skin.

What happened?

I was so excited to visit
one of the beautiful Norcadian beaches

that I forgot to take
my dermaline hypospray.

- I fell asleep... under two suns.
- Ouch.

It's a little more colour
than I was hoping for.

But it will be a beautiful amber
before you know it.

How has your shore leave been?

We've spent the last few days
at the Tsunkatse matches.

Tsunkatse. I heard some crewmen
talking about that.

It's a test of strength and agility.

- You should come this afternoon.
- Tsunkatse is crude and pointless.

Then we won't be saving you a seat.

- Tuvok, you appreciate the martial arts.
- I have other plans.

There's a micro-nebula
on the verge of collapse.

- We'd like to take a shuttle to study it.
- An away mission during shore leave?

We don't require recreational activities.

The Borg wouldn't know fun
if they assimilated an amusement park.

It's your shore leave.
But try to enjoy yourselves.

That's an order.

- Here's the data you asked for.
- Thank you.

- How long are you going for?
- Approximately 48 hours.

- Just like B'Elanna.
- Clarify.

- She overpacks too.
- I haven't overpacked.

- I'm just prepared for any contingency.
- And what contingency is this for?

That's an iso-modulator to correct hull
ablation if there's a meteoroid stream.

- Couldn't you just replicate one?
- I prefer this one.

I get it. You like to have
your own things with you.

B'Elanna's the same way.

She still takes a stuffed animal
with her when she goes away.

Toby the targ.

Can Toby the targ correct hull ablation?

Your comparison is flawed.

- Just who I was looking for.
- You require my assistance?

Your company. Care to join me
on a tour of Norcadia's hotspots?

Their museums
are the finest in the sector.

I'm busy. Tuvok and I leaving
to study a collapsing micro-nebula.

During shore leave?

I thought we'd discussed this.

Shore leave is a perfect opportunity
to develop your social skills.

Then I'll develop them
with Commander Tuvok.

Vulcans aren't known
for their winning personalities.

You'd prefer I spent my time with
more sociable individuals such as you?

You could do worse.

- Then perhaps you'd care to join us.
- To study the micro-nebula?

Assist us with our analysis
of veridium-oxide particulates.

On second thought,
you and Tuvok have a good time.

- I'll give the commander your regrets.
- Do that.

And if the nebula isn't riveting,
try to remember lesson 36 -

pleasant parlour games
to pass the time.

You'll need it.

Two hours, 37 minutes, 13 seconds.

That's how long we've gone
without communication.

Why is that remarkable?

The Doctor encourages me to engage in
conversation during awkward silences.

Did you find the silence awkward?

- No.
- Nor did I.

A vessel is approaching
on an intercept course.

- The configuration is unfamiliar.
- Distance?

- Approximately 300,000 kilometres.
- Hail them.

No response.

Tuvok to Voyager.

The vessel is emitting
a dampening field.

We've lost engines, weapons, shields.

- It's an expl*sive device of some sort.
- I can't beam it off.

I'll try to disarm it.

Borg-enhanced physiology.

You should have
superior strength and agility,

stamina, visual acuity.

Welcome to Tsunkatse.

Our audience has never had the
pleasure of seeing a drone compete.

You are going to be
a very popular attraction.

- Where is Commander Tuvok?
- He was injured in the expl*si*n.

I wish to see him. Now.


Nothing is more important to me
than the happiness of my fighters.

Yes. Penk's generosity is legendary.


He's envious
because I found a new favourite.

I will not participate in your game.

Aggressive. I like that.

- He requires medical attention.
- That can be arranged.

Then arrange it.

Already you're making demands
like a champion.

- Will you treat him or not?
- Will you fight?

Do not comply.
My condition is not severe.

A true competitor. Willing to ignore
his injuries for the sake of the contest.

Schedule a bout for him -
a Red Match against the Pensarkan.

A Red Match does not end
until one of the competitors is k*lled.

- Your friend would not survive.
- But you might.

Give her a Blue Match. You wouldn't
want to lose your new favourite,

her first time in the pit.

Yes. We should start you off slowly.

Treat him... and I will comply.

- The seventh match?
- I pick the Vensiddian.

- He lost the last two times.
- Not against left-handed fighters.

Trust him, Harry.
Chakotay knows about southpaws.

- He was 23-0 as a light heavyweight.
- 23-1.

A Nausicaan with a mean right-hook.

Try taking a parrises mallet to the ribs.

- I didn't know you played.
- Three-time Academy champion.

- Now that's a tough sport.
- I've boxed a few parrises players.


They went back to playing
parrises squares after that.

Was that a challenge, Commander?

I wouldn't want to put my ops officer
out of commission.

- I can take a punch.
- Careful.

The Tattooed Terror has put more men
in sickbay than the Ankaran flu.

You wouldn't want to bruise
your clarinet fingers.

- You want to go a few rounds?
- Any time, any place.

You punch like a Ferengi.

The Pensarkan-Bendali match
is too close to call.

- I'll let you know how it turns out.
- Excuse me?

I rearranged the duty schedules.
You've got the bridge.

You're sticking me with that shift
so that you can go to the fight.

- I'm delegating.
- Me and my big mouth.

I thought you'd be pleased
I took your advice.

Words fail me. The reason that you
have to see that fight is because...?

- I'm an anthropologist.
- What does that have to do with it?

Tsunkatse's a cultural phenomenon.

You're having an allergic reaction
to your leola ointment.

I hope you learned your lesson.

Talaxian homeopathy is no substitute
for medical science.

This will help with the swelling
and discolouration.

- Stay out of the sun.
- What about my shore leave?

I suggest you limit
it to indoor activities.

Chakotay and B'Elanna invited me
to the Tsunkatse matches.

- I guess I'll go.
- I'm disappointed in you.

Cheering an individual to injure another
isn't an activity you should enjoy.

Chakotay says it's a wonderful
demonstration of athleticism.

Commander Chakotay
is an aficionado of boxing -

the most barbaric sport in history.

Find a way to occupy your time
that doesn't involve alien fisticuffs.

- Do you have any suggestions?
- As a matter of fact...

I'm visiting the Norcadian
Museum of Entomology.

There's a fascinating exhibit
of beetle larvae.

You're welcome to join me.

Alien bugs or alien fisticuffs?
That's a tough one.

Tsunkat! Tsunkat!

You were right. This is exciting!

Two opponents with only their strength
and agility to protect them.

- I'm glad you like it.
- I don't understand it.

A Tsunkatse fighter wears a polaron
disruptor on both hands and feet.

They deliver a bio-plasmic charge

when they come in
contact with a target sensor.

- So there is strategy involved?
- You must attack your rival's sensors.

Are you gonna talk
or are you here to watch?

He could pick up a shuttlecraft.

- Pendari are known for their strength.
- And their bad temper.

They tend to throw their opponents
into the stands.

Be ready to duck.


Seven! Seven!

You're no bigger than a field mouse.

Penk insults me
by putting you in the pit with me.

I possess superior strength.

I'm trembling.



- I assure you, resistance is futile.
- So is all your talk.

- Seven!
- It's no use. She can't hear us.

Chakotay to Voyager. Come in.

Calling to describe the match,

Seven of Nine is in the pit.
No time to explain.

Beam her out of there.

I have no desire
to inflict further damage.

I'm afraid I can't say the same.

I'm locked onto the pit.
Seven's not there.

- I'm looking at her!
- Not according to this.

- Maybe their lifesigns are masked.
- Recalibrate the bio-scanners.


Nothing to lock onto.
The only readings are photonic.

- Holograms?
- They're transmitting from elsewhere.

Transmission to one arena
is being disrupted. Compensate.

Voyager, four to beam up.

We've scanned the surface.
There's no sign of them.

- Have you traced the transmission?
- It's not easy.

The transmission's
sent to every planet.

You're not the only ones
to enjoy this sport.

It could take days
to find Seven and Tuvok.

- Diplomatic channels?
- Neelix is meeting officials.

- Let's hope they cooperate.
- When are you coming back?

I'm at the outer rim of the Pendari
system. At best, I'm 48 hours away.

- Sorry to cut your vacation short.
- That's OK.

Keep me informed. Janeway out.

- Stay away from me.
- It's a dermal regenerator.

The Pendari you fought injured you.
Now, keep still.

- It's almost out of power.
- Use it to treat Tuvok.

I already have. He's sleeping.

- Why are you helping us?
- I recognise fellow hunters.

I'm no hunter.

I saw your match today.
Your skills are impressive.

- The Pendari would disagree.
- You almost defeated him.

At the last moment, you questioned
your desire to destroy your prey.

- I have no such desire.
- Don't you?

I thought I saw it in your eyes.

With training,
you could become a champion.

Until I'm rescued,
my only goal is to survive.

Do you know the difference between
a survivor and a champion here?

There isn't one.

I wanted to congratulate you.

- I lost.
- Exactly.

There's hostility toward the Borg
in this sector.

Whenever the Pendari landed a blow,
our audience grew.

We're getting thousands of requests
to see you fight again.

She needs time to recuperate,
to prepare for her next bout.

I agree. There's a Red Match
the day after tomorrow.

I've entered you in the Pendari's place.

If three billion people paid
to see you hurt,

imagine how many
will pay to see you die.

Survival may be more difficult
than I imagined.

- You will win the match.
- What makes you say that?

I know your opponent's weaknesses.
I can train you to defeat him.

- I will not k*ll anyone in that arena.
- Consider the alternative.

Teach me.

You're letting your elbow fall.

You're mistaken.
My arm is positioned properly.

"The blocking elbow must remain
parallel to the median sensor."

- "The Book of Tsunkatse".
- Commander Tuvok borrowed it.

It is obvious you've studied it well.

I'm attempting
to perfect a defence against...

That was not one of
the 33 sanctioned manoeuvres.

- There must be 34.
- I was unprepared for your attack.

Will you say that to your opponent?

Stop thinking like a drone. "Sanctioned
manoeuvres. Perfecting defences.”

You cannot assimilate
Tsunkatse from a book.

You must live it. Feel it.

In here.

Your movements must become instinct.

An attack can come at any time,
from any direction.

You must learn to improvise.

Like this?

You often favour your left side.

Very perceptive.

It's a wound I sustained
in one of my first matches.

After 19 years, it still hasn't healed.

You've been here a long time.

I was taken during my son's first hunt.

He was so proud to be with his father,

watching my every movement,
imitating my gestures.

But instead of bringing home a trophy,

he saw his father
become someone else's prey.

- Do you know what happened to him?
- I never saw him again.

All Penk would say was that
the boy was too small for competition.

Perhaps he returned home.

- You let down your defences. Why?
- I was...

What? Feeling sorry for me
and my tragic past?

- Yes.
- Never sympathise with your prey.

Unless you accept that, you will die.

We'll continue.

How did it go?

The Norcadians were shocked that
offworlders were there against their will.

The ambassador promised
to investigate.

- You're not convinced?
- No.

A Pendari delegate said that a huge
percentage of the planet's revenue

is derived from Tsunkatse.

Nobody will interfere with the game.

- So they turn a blind eye.
- We won't get help from officials.

It's hard to believe a civilisation
whose favourite past time

is cheering while innocent people fight.

If Seven and Tuvok hadn't
been abducted, we'd be cheering too.

What have you got?

Well, we couldn't isolate
the source of the transmissions

because they never seemed to come
from the same place twice.

We thought the matches
were in various locations.

But we then realised that
the pattern conformed to a flight path.

One that spanned the sector.

- Transmitting the fights from a ship.
- Like a carnival.

This is no carnival.

Five million metric tons, reinforced hull
protected by neutronic weaponry.

It's way out of our weight class.

The bigger they come. Transmit
these coordinates to the captain.

Tell her we could use a hand.

Excellent. When your opponent
enters the arena, what do you see?

- My prey.
- And what do you do to your prey?

Hunt it down and k*ll it.

Go rest before your match.

Thank you.

Thank me by winning.

Penk's guards are making their rounds.

The dampening field and the shielding
are tetryon-based,

but without access to the control
interface I can't disable either.

- Your training?
- Complete.

- Are you adequately prepared?
- The Hirogen is an efficient instructor.

- He believes I'll win.
- That troubles you?

k*lling for the entertainment
of others is detestable.

Is losing your own life for the
entertainment of others more palatable?

- As a drone, you took many lives.
- I was acting as part of the collective.

You're worried you won't have
the strength to do it alone.

I'm worried that I will.

It's time.

Do whatever it takes to survive.

- You knew.
- Yes.

You trained me to familiarise yourself
with my weaknesses.

I was helping you to overcome them.


19 years is a long time.

- I've grown tired.
- You wish to be k*lled in the arena?

I want a death
my son would be proud of.

I won't be the one to provide it.

Then I'll be forced to k*ll you.

- Approaching the vessel.
- Take us out of warp.

Raise shields and charge weapons.
Any sign of Tuvok and Seven?

- We can't penetrate their shields.
- Hail them.

- This is not a convenient time.
- I'm Commander Chakotay.

- You're holding two of my people.
- Be more specific.

Commander Tuvok and Seven of Nine.
Return them. Now.

The Borg drone and her friend.
She's occupied at the moment.

You have 30 seconds
before I open fire.

A fighter. I respect that.
But you're no match for me.

- We could find another way out of this.
- There is no other way.

You're still dropping your elbow.

Make a choice. Hunter or prey?

Hunter or prey?

Direct hit to their aft shield generator.

No sign of Seven,
but I've got a lock on Tuvok.

Beam him to sickbay.
Target those generators.

- Transport complete.
- Bridge to Tuvok.

- Go ahead.
- What's Seven's status?

She is being forced to fight to the death.
They're on the uppermost deck.

It's protected by multi-phasic
force fields. I can't penetrate them.

Shields down to 40%.


You're getting weak.
I should have found worthier prey.

You're imperfect.

Is that the best you can do?

- Shields are down.
- Evasive manoeuvres.

- Harry?
- Still can't get a lock.

- Shall I get us out of here?
- Not yet.

Maybe we can shut down
the transmission.

- If nobody's watching, why continue?
- Target their signal generators.

- Hull breach on deck 11.
- Seal it.

- We've lost weapons.
- Another vessel is approaching.

They're bringing in reinforcements?

No. This one's on our side.
It's the Delta Flyer.

- Good to see you.
- Nothing like getting back to work.

- Target their signal generators.
- Understood.

We've lost half our audience.
Reroute power to transmitters 5 and 6.

They've reduced power to their force
fields. Seven and a Hirogen are there.

- I can't get an individual lock.
- Get them both. Tom.

Aye, sir.

Never let your prey suffer.

k*ll it.

Seven, stand away.

It's all right.

This fight is over.

Captain's log, stardate 53529.4.

We've resumed course
for the Alpha Quadrant.

I'm not sorry to see this shore leave
come to an end.

We located a Hirogen hunting party
three light years away.

- They'll rendezvous with us.
- I'm grateful.

Would you excuse us?

Very well. But if you should need
anything - an analgesic, a phaser r*fle...

...don't hesitate to ask.

I apologise for the Doctor.
He's very protective of me.

He doesn't realise
how well you defend yourself.

A trophy.

What will you do now?
Search for new prey?

No. This time I will be searching
for my son.

If he is as clever as you,
he may be difficult to locate.

I've been wondering.

Would you have k*lled me?

I don't know.

Fortunately you were right -
there was another way out.

- I thought you might need assistance.
- Thank you.

I realise we share an affinity
for silences,

but in this instance,
I feel compelled to speak.

If you hadn't offered to take my place
in the arena, I would have been k*lled.

I made the logical choice,
as you would have.

Still, I owe you a debt of gratitude.

Assisting me with these recalibrations
will be sufficient thanks.

Have you fully recovered?

I'm experiencing pain beneath
my occipital implant. It is temporary.

I wasn't referring
to your physical condition.

When the Hirogen referred to me
as "weak", he was correct.

- But you overpowered him.
- Because I lost control.

Given the circumstances,
your behaviour was understandable.

I've spent the last three years
struggling to regain my humanity.

I'm afraid I may have
lost it again in that arena.

- You're experiencing difficult emotions.
- Guilt, shame, remorse.

Then you haven't lost your humanity.

You have reaffirmed it.