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06x14 - Memorial

Posted: 01/03/23 16:35
by bunniefuu
Who left their dirty plate
in the replicator? Tom?

- Not me.
- It's a biohazard.

We'll decontaminate
you when we get home.

If I ever volunteer
for a two-week away mission again,

please confine me to sickbay.

- Too much togetherness for you?
- Nothing personal.

I've enjoyed our little junket together.
It's given us a chance to bond.

- Until the sonic shower went off-line.
- That's all part of the adventure.

The great explorers
survived without creature comforts.

- I wouldn't bunk with them either.
- There's a sight for sore eyes.

Voyager, we're on our approach.

- We kept a candle burning.
- Break out the champagne.

- The mission was a success?
- 15 planets scanned in 14 days.

- And a cargo hold full of dilithium ore.
- That's the kind of news I like to hear.

- The explorers return.
- Welcome home.

- I should go away more often.
- I'm not going away for a long time.

- Homesick, Harry?
- I need a hot shower and a bed.

- Stop by sickbay for your check-up.
- Check-up for what?

Crew members must have a physical
if a mission lasts more than two weeks.

- Who's first?
- I'll let you know in the morning.

Why put off till tomorrow
what you can do today?

Commander? Mr Paris?

- I've been working on a surprise.
- Naughty or nice?

- Close your eyes.
- I like it already.

Come on.

So what do you think?

- A television set!
- Circa 1956.

I replicated the parts and assembled it.

This is the remote control. Select
a program by pressing this button.

A slight problem. There were
no remote controls in the 1950s.

I took a little poetic license.

- Cartoon!
- I found them in the ship's database.

Mop, mop, don't stop...

- What's that?
- That is called a jingle.

They inserted them
into the entertainment programs.

I know, it's confusing.
But I kept them in for authenticity.

I even replicated popcorn.

Everything is perfect
except for one tiny detail.

- What?
- You forgot the beer.

I can fix that.

You didn't miss much while you were
away. The Doctor gave a lecture.

"Insects Indigenous
to the Delta Quadrant.”

It was pretty boring
until Ensign Farley started snoring,

then no one could keep a straight face.


We had to cut the lecture short

because the Borg invaded
and we were all assimilated.

- You haven't heard a thing I've said.
- Look at that!

Maybe this was a bad idea.

This is Elliot Ness.
We don't want any trouble.

- Get down!
- Keep moving!

Somebody cover me!

Move it!

I said hold your fire!

Keep moving! Keep moving!


Tom? Tom?

It must have been some dream.

I was... in the middle of a b*ttlefield.

I was grazed right here.

They said TV was a bad influence.

How about a nice cartoon?


No, I think I've had enough.

It sounds like
you had an anxiety attack.

- I've never been claustrophobic.
- There's a first time for everything.

- What could have caused it?
- Let's see.

You spend two weeks away,
working 18-hour days,

then, on returning to Voyager,
you become Ensign Eager,

back on duty and raring to go.

There was a plasma leak on deck 5.

Leak or no leak,
you're suffering from exhaustion.

- Take two days off.
- But I...

- I can always make it three.
- You win. I guess I am pretty tired.

- Welcome back.
- Oh! Hello.

- Did you have a good trip?
- Wonderful, thank you.

- You look tired.
- Do I? Just a little shuttle lag.

- Don't you have a geometry lesson?
- Seven assigned me a special project.

I have to build a tetragon
using everyday things.

I'm not allowed to use a replicator.

I was thinking about
using some vegetables.

Carrots and celery.


Carrots and celery. Good idea.

- Will you help me?
- I don't think I'll have time today.


I don't think I'll have time then either.
A lot of work to do.

Then why don't I help you?

What's cooking?


- Let me see your hand!
- I'm OK.

- We've got to get you to sickbay!
- I'm fine!

- Get down.
- What?

I said get down!

- Try not to move.
- Get away from me!

- I can help you.
- I don't want your help.

- Hold your fire.
- We're under attack, sir.

- Where is Saavdra?
- I think he's at base.

We weren't supposed
to destroy the colony.

That was
before the Nakan started sh**ting.

- They're civilians!
- Civilians with particle weapons.

Tuvok to Commander Chakotay.

- Please respond.
- Go ahead.

- Security breach in the mess hall.
- I'm on my way.

Tell them to call off the attack!

Put down your w*apon.
Let us help you.

Stay away! I won't let you hurt her!

Get back!

He appears to be hallucinating.

Neelix, this is Commander Chakotay.

Let Naomi go. No one's
going to hurt her. That's an order.

No. Not until Saavdra
has called off his attack.

There's a back entrance to the galley.

I want to try something first.

Neelix, listen to me. It's OK.

Saavdra ordered a ceasefire.
The colony is secure.

The battle is over.

- Why do I still hear weapons fire?
- It's just a few soldiers, celebrating.

The battle is over.

- Neelix, please.
- I'll protect Naomi.

How do I know you won't trick me?

I'm on your side. I want to end
this conflict as much as you do.

Let her go. It's safe now.
The k*lling is over.

- I gave him a mild sedative.
- What caused the delusions?

His norepinephrine levels
are three times what they should be.

He's suffering
from post-traumatic stress syndrome.

I dreamed I was fighting
in an alien w*r.

The same w*r Neelix
seemed to be reliving.

Harry Kim was in earlier.
He had an anxiety attack.

- I haven't spoken with Mr Paris yet.
- All from the same away team.

- Did you run into any trouble?
- None. The mission was by the book.

Your engramatic activities
contradict that.

These are real memories,
not mere dreams or hallucinations.

Maybe you were
manipulated into fighting.

Our memories
have been tampered with before.

We're going to retrace your mission.
Review your sensor logs.

See if there's anything unusual.
How long before Neelix is up?

- I can wake him now if you'd like.
- Do it.

Each of you holds a piece of the puzzle.
Let's see if we can put them together.

I don't remember much.
Just bits and pieces.

I dreamt I was on a planet
in the middle of a battle.

I don't know how I got there.

When I was in the Jefferies tube,
I heard weapons fire, screams.

People were screaming.
I got so frightened.

- Of what?
- I don't know.

- I got shot.
- There's no evidence of a wound.

If our memories were wiped,

our physical injuries
could have been masked too.

- Do you recall who you were fighting?
- It was dark.

- I couldn't see them.
- They were firing at us.

The Naka... Nakana...

- Nakan. They were called the Nakan.
- Right. Right.

They lived in a remote colony.
We were trying to evacuate them.

But they were fighting us.

- Why didn't they do as they were told?
- We had no right to be there!

- It was for their own good.
- Gentlemen, stay focused.

You were trying
to evacuate their colony. Why?

- Those were our orders.
- Who gave them?

- Saavdra.
- Commander Saavdra.

He was in charge.
We were in an attack force.

- You were coerced.
- No. No, I volunteered. We all did.

I find that difficult to believe.
You were manipulated.

No, I remember now.

We held a briefing
to plan the evacuation.

You were there, Commander.
And Mr Paris.

- It was a command post.
- That's right. It was night. 0200 hours.

We'd been awake for days.
We were exhausted.

- What do our spotters report?
- The Nakan won't put up a fight.

We'll disable their shield generators
and deploy units 5 and 6.

They may be unarmed,
but they won't be happy to see us.

Don't provoke them. I want to come
out of this with zero casualties.

- On both sides.
- Understood.

The perimeter is the weakest
in sector 14. Terrain's flat.

An ideal landing spot for transports.

Once we've secured the village,
take the colonists there.

Do your best to make them understand
that this is a temporary relocation.

- They'll be back within a few weeks.
- Aye, aye, sir.

- Problem?
- Just one.

This unit needs sleep.
I suggest we wait until daybreak.

I promised Command
we'd secure this colony today.

- It can wait a few hours.
- I'm sorry.

When this mission's over, how does
a week on Toranius Prime sound?

- Never been there.
- Compared to this place, it's paradise.

The mission proceeded as planned.

We disabled their shield generators
and entered the colony.

We rounded up the Nakan.
I expected them to give us more trouble.

But then we came to the last enclosure.
Do you remember the last enclosure?

It was empty. Where were they?
They were supposed to be there.

24 colonists unaccounted for.
We thought there had been a mistake.

We should have known
something was wrong and gotten out.

- This way.
- Stay in line.

- Keep moving.
- Base, we're ready for transport.

Transport is on approach.

- I have to find my husband.
- He'll be on one of the transports.

- Which one?
- I don't know, but we'll find him.

Everybody down!

Base, we're under attack!
Repeat. We're under attack.

Those missing colonists were armed.
They fired first.

You can't be sure.
It could have been one of our own.

- Fatigue. You just don't know.
- Nothing justifies what we did.

What did you do?
What happened down there?

Keep moving! Stay together!

Hold your fire!

Stay down!

- Stay together!
- Stop running!

Get down!

Get down! Get down!
Get down! Stop running!

Stop running!

- We didn't have any other choice.
- We did.

- They were wiping us out.
- We m*rder*d civilians.

I tried to protect the children,
but I couldn't stop them running.

I ran too.

Sounds of phaser fire. People shouting.
I had to get out of there.

- Please, don't hurt us!
- Move out where I can see you!

- Move!
- Please, he's no threat to you.

Tell me how to get out of these tunnels.

- Tell me!
- Go back the way you came.

Take the tunnel to your left.
Follow it to the end.

It will lead you to the river.

- He was gonna k*ll me.
- Easy, Harry.

They wouldn't listen!
Why wouldn't they listen?

We k*lled 82 civilians that night.

No one was left alive.

Captain's log, supplemental.

We've entered the system
where the away team went,

hoping to find an explanation
for their memories of the m*ssacre.



- Missed you at breakfast.
- I wasn't hungry.

- Sleep a little?
- Five, six minutes.

I found another episode
of "The Untouchables".

Elliot Ness captures
someone named Al Caypone.

Capone. Maybe later.

You've got to eat something. Pizza?

Look, I appreciate
what you're trying to do,

but I'd rather just be alone.

- Tom...
- No.

I don't want to be comforted right now.

I know the last few days
have been difficult.

"Difficult”. Difficult doesn't quite cover
it. I helped m*rder 82 innocent people.

The Doctor says your memories
could have been altered.

I was there! When I close my eyes,
I can see the bodies.

I can hear the weapons fire
and feel where I was shot.

- Why isn't there evidence?
- I don't know!

All I'm asking is you consider
the possibility that this didn't happen.

We'll keep investigating. There are
sensor readings we haven't analysed.

I can't concentrate
on sensor readings right now.

- Try.
- I can't! Stop pushing me!

I don't want your help!

I'm sorry.

You know where to find me.

This was your first stop.
A Class-M planet with one satellite.

- Did you send anyone down?
- No. We scanned for dilithium.

- We orbited for less than an hour.
- Next.

You came into contact with this vessel
en route to your next destination.

- Captain Bathar of Hodos.
- Photogenic.

He's a merchant. He claimed
to have a formula to stop aging.

- Did you buy any?
- It was only a tripolymer enzyme.

- It makes great shoe polish.
- Moving on.

Your second stop.


The planet is called Tarakis.

I've been here.

What the hell are you doing?
They're already dead!

They were never here. We entered
the colony and they were gone.

- No one will believe that.
- They will.

I won't lie about this.
We m*rder*d these people.

- In self-defence.
- Then why vaporise the evidence?

You don't have to listen to him.
We panicked. People will understand.

No, they won't. Move away.

I said move away!


- How long have I been here?
- Three hours.

You started hallucinating.
I'm afraid I had to sedate you.

I was there. I was at the colony.

- With Saavdra.
- You're not the only one.

39 crew members have begun
to experience the same memories.

The entire crew has been affected.

Their symptoms are identical.

Increased engramatic activity,

I can imagine the away team
being pulled into an alien conflict.

But these people
were nowhere near the system.

We've analysed our sensor records.

If we did participate in a w*r,
all evidence has been erased.

The dream was so vivid.
As real as anything I've experienced.

But I refuse to believe that we could...

Real or not, the memories are having
a deleterious effect on the crew.

The syndrome spread when we entered
this system. Let's reverse course.

No. If this m*ssacre really happened,
someone is to blame.

I want to be certain that it wasn't us.

Your judgment may be clouded by guilt
about an incident that never occurred.

The danger to our crew here and now
is indisputable.

- I've seen you looking better, Ensign.
- Yes, ma'am.

I've felt better myself.
But we're going to get through this.

The m*ssacre took place on Tarakis.
Go to Red Alert and set a course.

A neural suppressant. It will help keep
the memories from resurfacing.

Your favourites.
Talaxian stew and terra-nut souffle.

The soufflé has collapsed,
but its nutritional content is intact.

Thank you. It looks delicious.

When Naomi Wildman is sad,
she consumes desserts.

It improves her emotional state.

- Perhaps you should try it.
- Naomi must be terrified of me.

- After what happened in the galley.
- She's concerned about you.

- She told me she wants to visit you.
- No.

Not like this. I might do something
to scare her again.

I'll give her your regards.


When you were a Borg, you were
involved in some unpleasant activities.

I helped to assimilate millions.

I don't mean to be insensitive,

but do you ever feel shame
about what you did?


How do you manage to keep going,
knowing what you've done?

I have no choice.

- Guilt is irrelevant?
- On the contrary.

My feelings of remorse
help me remember what I did,

and prevent me
from taking similar actions in the future.

Guilt can be a difficult,
but useful emotion.

It's certainly difficult.

Is that chocolate mixed in there
with the terra-nuts?

I altered the recipe slightly.
I hope you don't object.

Not at all.

- Tarakis, dead ahead.
- Shields.

Stand by weapons. On screen.

Scan for vessels.

There are none.

- Take us into orbit.
- Ma'am?

Do it, Mr Paris.

- Lifesigns?
- It appears to be uninhabited.

It looks the same
as when we scanned for dilithium.

Signs of weapons fire
or phaser residue?

- Negative.
- Run a full spectral scan.

- Look for anything unusual.
- Nothing on geometric sensors.

- I'm picking up a power signature.
- Source?

The signal's erratic, but it's coming from
the northernmost continent,

coordinates 172, mark 5.


Call it an educated guess, but I don't
think this looks like a w*r zone.

It's familiar, though.
I recognise those mountains.

- Those trees weren't here.
- Search the area.


The tunnel. It's nearby.

The one where I...

- How did you get into it?
- There was a rock formation.

It hid the opening.

A faint energy signature.

This way.

Over here.

- There's your physical evidence.
- We'll proceed with caution.

Stand guard.

- I... I... I can't.
- Remain calm.

Slow, deep breaths.

They were over there.

I've found the remains
of two humanoids.

But you were not responsible
for their deaths.

They died over 300 years ago.

I think we've found our w*r.

The structure contains
a synaptic transmitter.

It was designed to send neurogenic
pulses throughout this system.

So anyone passing through would
experience the m*ssacre like we did.


Try running those symbols
through the translation matrix.

"Words cannot convey the suffering.

"Words cannot prevent what
happened here from happening again.

"Beyond words lies experience.

"Beyond experience lies truth.

"Make this truth your own."

It's a memorial.

We weren't victims of a conspiracy.
We were witnesses to a m*ssacre.

More than witnesses.
Half the crew has been traumatised.

Maybe that was the point. I certainly
won't forget what happened here.

Any idea who built this thing?

No. The technology
has been neglected for two centuries.

- Its power cells are deteriorating.
- So our memories were fragmented.

It was probably designed to transmit
the experience in sequence.

Fascinating. Let's shut it down
so no one else has to go through this.

- Kathryn?
- Yes, of course.

Even if we shut down the transmitter,

your memories of the m*ssacre
are permanent.

But this won't happen to others.

Then all record of what happened
would be lost.

- The monument would remain.
- But that doesn't tell the story.

Someone put time and care
into building that.

We don't have the right to deactivate it.

But they could force us relive that?

They wanted to make sure
nothing like it happened again.

Why should anyone experience
that atrocity?

That's how you learn
not to make the same mistake.

If we destroy the evidence,
we're just like Saavdra.

- Maybe he had a point.
- It wasn't our fault.

- It's only logical...
- This is about remembering.

- Some things are best forgotten.
- Not this.

I stood by once before and did nothing.
Not again.


I watched while Saavdra
vaporised the bodies.

Those were other people's memories.

The obelisk at Khitomer.
The fields at Gettysburg.

Those were other people's memories,
but we still honour them.

The 82 colonists who died here...
They deserve their memorial.

- Captain...
- We won't shut down the transmitter.

- Is that clear?
- Are you suggesting we leave it intact?

I'm suggesting that we repair it,
recharge the power cells.

I want that monument to function
properly for another 300 years.

We'll place a warning buoy in orbit.
People will know what to expect.


We're ready, Captain.

I know this was hardest
on the four of you.

But if you hadn't stopped here,

all the people who died
would have been forgotten.

And if they could,
I know they'd thank you.

Janeway to Voyager.
Stand by to initiate power transfer.

Five to beam up.