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05x24 - Relativity

Posted: 12/31/22 16:46
by bunniefuu
You're late.
Threshold of the H2 molecule?

- 14.7 electron volts.
- Third brightest star in Orion?

- Viewed from where?
- Earth.

Gamma Orionis, or Bellatrix,
if you prefer the original name.

Not bad. Now, give me a hug, Katie.
That's an order.

- I wasn't expecting a pop quiz.
- Don't forget you're a scientist first.

I still have nightmares
about your fractal calculus final.

It's not finished, but once the
sawdust clears, you'll be impressed.

Voyager may not be a big ship,

but she's quick and smart,
like her captain.

700,000 metric tons, 15 decks,

computers augmented
with bio-neural circuitry,

top cruising speed - warp 9.975.

- I expect to get that up a notch or two.
- You know your ship pretty well.

I've studied its schematics for months.
I could walk the corridors blindfolded.

You might not want to shut your eyes
just yet.

- Captain on the bridge.
- As you were.

It's bigger than I expected.

Schematics don't prepare you
for the real thing.

Try it on.

Don't get too comfortable.
I have more to show you.

Your home away from home.

- Coffee?
- No, thanks.

Coffee, black.

- Any word from Tuvok?
- Not yet.

- Shouldn't he have made contact?
- He's aboard Chakotay's ship.

He's probably decided
not to risk exposure.

Catching up with him will be tricky,
even in a ship as quick as Voyager.

I've heard about a pilot
who might help.

- Who's that?
- Tom Paris.

Admiral Paris' son?
But he's serving a sentence for...

He's made some mistakes.

But everybody deserves
a second chance.

I'll look into it.

If it's not too late, I'd like to
recalibrate the navigational sensors.

You're already making changes.

Excuse us, Ensign. I like a ship
that knows where its going.

I assure you, Voyager has
the best sensors in the fleet.

No sign of the w*apon on the bridge.

- Continue scanning.
- Acknowledged.

Your briefing room.

They still can't design

a comfortable place to hold a meeting.

- What do you think?
- Captain?

What's your opinion of this room?

It is an efficient design.

There you have it, Admiral.

It's efficient. I must be wrong.

Carry on.

We've added a new system.

The emergency medical hologram.

Computer, activate EMH.

State the nature of the emergency.

Programmed with 4 million procedures.

Five million. And the medical knowledge

of over 3,000 cultures.

Is there an actual emergency?

His personality could use some work.

I'm designed

for efficient practice, not small talk.

Thank you, Doctor.
Computer, deactivate EMH.

Thank you.

- Hello.
- Sir.

Lieutenant Carey.
I don't think we've met.

Jameson, Anna.
Service number 860790.

I'm not Security. I'm just trying
to get to know all the new faces.

- What are you working on?
- I'm realigning the EPS manifolds.

- Do you need a hand?
- No.

- Maybe I'll see you in the mess hall.
- Unlikely.

I am not a crew member. I'm on
assignment here at Utopia Planitia.

Too bad. Well, next time
I'm in the neighbourhood,

I'll drop by and say hello.

I wish Starfleet would give me
more time to really explore.

You haven't changed a bit.

Engineering. Class-9 warp drive,
tricyclic input manifold.

You're the first to test it in deep space.

I've localised the temporal
distortions. Deck 4, section 39.

- I've found the w*apon.
- Begin the procedure.

- Problem?
- An EPS relay just went off-line.

- Voyager's first malfunction.
- I'm sorry. I tested it this morning.

As you were, Lieutenant. I've been
wanting to get my hands dirty.

It's out of phase.
I'm in the wrong timeframe.

At least we know where it was placed.
Now we have to determine when.

- This hatch is locked from the inside.
- It shouldn't be sealed.

- I'm reading a chronoton flux.
- Chronotons?

- From inside this Jefferies tube.
- Security, seal off deck 4.

- I've been detected. I must leave.
- The w*apon's interfering.

- Recalibrate your beacon.
- Understood.

We can access section 39
through here.

Scramble the lock.
Hurry, they're approaching.

Reset the command controls. Stand by,
we're trying to get you out of there.

It's time. Pull her out.

The interference
will damage her implants.

If we don't, Janeway will find her.
It will contaminate the timeline. Now!

Temporal transport in progress.

Question, Admiral.
What causes a chronoton flux of 0.003?

- I don't know.
- Neither do 1.

But whoever or whatever it was,
it's gone now.

The subject is approaching
the temporal threshold.

I told you this would happen.
She's dead.

- Any luck reviving her?
- No, sir.

- We'll have to recruit her again.
- She could suffer temporal psychosis.

We're giving her another chance
to save her crew and herself.

We'll retrieve her a microsecond
before the expl*si*n.

That way, no one will notice she's gone.
Tempus fugit, Lieutenant.

Raise shields. Timeframe -

stardate 52861.274. Delta Quadrant.

Spatial coordinates - 87 theta by 271.

Target, USS Voyager.

Follow the light.

To the left...


And up...

And down.

I ran a complete self-diagnostic.

I thought my implants
were malfunctioning.

But from the medical database,

I realise it's a flaw
in my human physiology.

- Specifically?
- Dizziness, double vision.

I've concluded that I am suffering
from Albright-Salzman Syndrome.

A rare neurological condition
that hasn't affected anyone

for over two centuries. Unlikely.

Human physiology is susceptible
to a variety of disorders.

True, but we can safely say you're
suffering from mild sensory aphasia.

A minor disruption
to your neuro-receptors.

- Neither rare nor life-threatening.
- I see I needed a second opinion.

The danger of self-diagnosis.
Patients assume the worst.

This should clear it up.

- How do things look now?
- Normal.

- Doctor, report to sickbay.
- On my way.

Next time your physiology fails,
don't consult the database. Call me.

You are the database.

With two legs
and a splendid bedside manner.

- A curious exercise.
- Ping-Pong. Try it.

It's a great test
of hand-eye coordination.

- I don't require testing.
- So the Doc tells me.

A visual acuity index of 99.6.

You'd be great at this game.
Why not partner me tonight?

Chapman's got a nasty case
of space sickness.

- I'm busy.
- Too bad.

I'll tell B'Elanna you thought
you couldn't beat her.

Appealing to my vanity?

- Is it working?
- I will consider your request.

It's yes or no, Seven.
The tournament's tonight.

- Yes.
- Great.

Meet in the mess hall at 1900 hours.
We'll get in a little practice first.

Captain, you don't look well.
Come in, please.

- It's nothing serious.
- Symptoms?

Nausea, dizziness.

It looks like space sickness,
the third case today.

- Odd. We've had no turbulence.
- Misaligned inertial dampers?

Even on rough rides,
it's never affected me like this.

It happens to everyone. Inaprovaline
should restore your space legs.

I'll check the dampers,

you check your bio-readings
for another explanation.

- Point, server.
- It's all in the wrist.

- Score?
- 19-18.

Say goodnight, Harry.

What do you call that shot?

I'm reading temporal distortions.


The temporal distortions
are fracturing space-time.

- Coming from deck 4, section 39.
- Force fields aren't working.

If we can't stop them,
they'll tear the ship apart.

- How long do we have?
- Two hours.

Find out what we're dealing with.

Let's see if we can enhance
the force fields.

An injection a day
keeps space sickness away.

You try to be funny
after treating 37 cases.

Janeway to sickbay. We've found
the cause. Temporal distortions.

I suspected some kind of anomaly.

- I've designed a treatment.
- Keep me posted.

- Aye, Captain.
- Neelix to the Doctor.

Emergency in the mess hall.
Ensign Mannus is ill.

On my way. Take over here.

- Doctor! Want a snack?
- Where's the emergency?

- Not this pot roast?
- You called me.

- You said Ensign Mannus was ill.
- I did?

Ensign Mannus is over there.
He looks perfectly normal.

- Space sickness.
- Good thing you're here.

I wouldn't have been if you hadn't...
Temporal distortions.

- Doctor?
- This is starting to make sense.

In sickbay, it's 1500 hours, 43 minutes.

- But in the mess hall, it's 1536.
- Seven minutes earlier.

I got your call.
You just haven't made it yet.

Coffee, black.

Come in. And let me remind you what
happens to the bearer of bad news.

- Don't k*ll the messenger.
- Go ahead. Fire.

We're detecting temporal paradoxes
throughout the ship.


Chronometers show it's 0600
on deck 9 and 0605 on deck 13.

Time's passing more quickly
in some parts of the ship.

Maybe that's why
this coffee tastes stale.

In the mess hall, food replicated
an hour ago is spoiled.

I've been working on a way
to keep the fractures from spreading.

I'll get a team on it.
We should evacuate the affected areas.

- See to it.
- There's one other problem.

Turbolifts two and three are off-line,

so we've been using
the Jefferies tube.

- Captain?
- There's a temporal distortion here.

Time to test
your new containment fields.

This is where they are coming from.
I still can't tell what's causing them.

- What is it?
- A piece of technology.

- It's emitting temporal distortions.
- Why can't I see it?

My ocular implant can detect
irregularities in space-time.

We've found the problem.
There's a device in junction beta-28.

- Beam it off the ship.
- I can't get a lock.

The distortions are
demolecularising the hull.

Hull breach. Ventral section 14.

- I have a strange reading on deck 4.
- What kind?

- A chronoton flux 0.003.
- More distortions?

I don't think so.

- Dry dock.
- Ma'am?

The first time I saw these readings
was five years ago.

In dry dock.
Same reading, same location.

- What caused them?
- I never found out.

- We're losing structural integrity.
- Emergency systems are failing.

The distortions are ripping us apart.
We have to abandon ship.

All hands, this is the captain.

Proceed to the escape pods
and abandon ship. Abandon ship.

Programme the pods
for a heading of 178 mark four.

We'll rendezvous at those coordinates.

Repeat. All hands proceed
to the escape pods and abandon ship.

- Identify yourselves.
- No time.

- Welcome back.
- Why have you brought me here?

I'm Captain Braxton,
this is Lieutenant Ducane.

You're aboard the Federation
timeship Relativity.

- I'm no longer in the 24th Century?
- It's almost 500 years later.

We've brought you here
to solve a mystery.

Someone has planted a w*apon
aboard Voyager.

It's designed to fracture space-time.

- Why do you need me?
- Your ocular implant.

It detects disruptions
in space-time well.

You're familiar with Voyager,
less likely to arouse suspicion.

- So far, you've been quite useful.
- So far?

We've recruited you twice before.
Take a look.

A temporal disruptor.
You've failed to disable it so far.

We're trying to stop
the saboteur before he plants it.

- Do you have a suspect?
- Not yet.

- Do you know when it was placed?
- Not precisely.

It was two years
before you joined the crew,

when the ship was under attack.

The Kazon.

Voyager was boarded twice
during that period.

The Kazon don't have the technology
for such a complex w*apon.

This timeframe was infiltrated
because Voyager's shields were down.

It was the perfect opportunity
to evade detection.

- If I fail, you will recruit me again.
- If necessary.

But this will be the third time.

If we do it a fourth,
there could be side-effects.

- Side-effects?
- You might experience aphasia.

It can lead to temporal psychosis.

But we're hoping
third time's the charm.

- I'll do my best.
- Bring her up to date on protocols.

Then meet me in holo-matrix 1.
I've prepared a simulation.

Let's see how much you've assimilated.
The "Dali Paradox"?

The "Melting Clock Effect". A temporal
fissure which slows time to a halt.

The "Pogo Paradox?

When interference to prevent an event
triggers that event.

Excellent. Can you give me an example?

The Borg went back to stop Zephram
Cochrane breaking the warp barrier.

That led the starship Enterprise
to intervene

and assist Cochrane with the flight.
Causal loop complete.

So the Federation
owes its existence to the Borg.

You're welcome.

- The "Seven of Nine Paradox".
- Pardon?

How do we know
that I will not alter the timeline?

- You ask me this every time.
- What's your response?

Uncertainty is part of the equation.
We don't know what will happen.

- I don't enjoy uncertainty.
- Neither do I.

But I trust my captain's instincts,
as you trust Captain Janeway's.

This is a simulation
of junction 49, deck 4.

The device was, and will be,
concealed here.

I gave up trying to keep my tenses
straight years ago.

- How will I disarm it?
- You've tried. Unsuccessfully.

You'll have to find the saboteur
before he plants it.

This will detect any chronoton flux
other than your own.

And I'm authorising you
to use any necessary force.

- Understood.
- One more thing.

- Watch out for the Janeway factor.
- What?

Your captain has a knack for sticking
her nose where it doesn't belong.

Has it occurred to you
that she may be helpful?

She's responsible
for three major temporal incursions.

- No doubt creating paradoxes.
- Who had to repair the damage?

Me. She has no regard
for the integrity of the timeline.

I asked for her help once.

She refused. I ended up stranded
in the late 20th Century.

- Have you been there?
- No.

I don't recommend it. After three
decades with those barbarians,

I needed rehabilitation
before I could return to duty.

Avoid contact with Janeway.
That's an order.

Yes, sir.

This will occlude your Borg implants.

- Ready?
- Yes.

We have a saying.
"There's no time like the past.”

Raise shields.

Timeframe - stardate 49123.5621,
Delta Quadrant.

Spatial coordinates -
21 alpha prime by 936 zeta.

Target - USS Voyager.

All hands to battle stations. We're under
attack. All hands to battle stations.

Return fire.

- Dropping spatial charges.
- Evasive manoeuvres.

- Shields down to 20%.
- Another Kazon ship is approaching.

We need warp engines.

I need to repair
the containment generator.

- Time?
- Ten minutes, at least.

- I have a strange reading on deck 4.
- What kind?

A chronoton flux, 0.003.

- Any idea what's causing it?
- Not yet.

Interference from Kazon weapons fire?

I don't think so.
I've seen these readings before.

- No sign of the w*apon.
- Any uninvited guests?

Not yet.

- The lead vessel's been disabled.
- B'Elanna, status?

The containment field's still unstable.
I can give you warp 2.

I'll take it. Engage.

They're not pursuing.

- Dry dock.
- Ma'am?

I first saw these readings two years
ago, in dry dock. Same location.

- What caused them?
- I never found out.

Erect a force field
around that section.

- Is this the time?
- This isn't coincidence.

Seal off deck 4.
Tuvok, you're with me.

They've erected force fields around
my location. How shall I proceed?

- Lieutenant?
- What's wrong?

- Our transmissions are being blocked.
- Compensate.

- Seven of Nine, report.
- Relativity?

It's no use. She can't hear us.

- We haven't been introduced.
- Lower the force field.

I stand corrected. We have met.
Utopia Planitia.

The briefing room.
You told me it was efficient.

- Janeway.
- You're mistaking me.

I don't think so.
So, here you are, two years later.

On the other side of the galaxy.

- You're preventing a vital mission.
- What are you doing on my ship?

- Don't say anything.
- She can't hear you.

I assure you,
I have no hostile intentions.

- Are you working with the Kazon?
- No, I am not.

I'm detecting biomechanical implants.
They have a Borg signature.

Janeway to the bridge.
Scan the vicinity for Borg ships.

- You will find none.
- Then how did you get here?

- I'm no longer Borg.
- Then who are you?

- I can't answer.
- Good.

- Why not?
- The Temporal Prime Directive.

- You're from another time?
- Yes.

- No.
- Who sent you?

Telling you would damage the timeline.

I don't care if history itself unravels.
Why are you on my ship?

- What's that?
- You must release me.

- Why?
- Voyager is in grave danger.

- So we've noticed.
- Not from the Kazon.

From sabotage. I'm to stop it.
The intruder is on the ship.

Your lives depend on it.

You're not going anywhere
until you tell me what's happening.

My name is Seven of Nine. I am,
or will be, a member of your crew.

I'm trying to prevent
Voyager's destruction.

- Get her out!
- I'm trying.

Let's see if I've got this straight.

You're a Borg drone attempting to
prevent disaster in three years time?

- Three years, six months and two days.
- Does this make sense?

Like most time paradoxes,
it's implausible, but not illogical.

Captain, when you take me
from the Borg,

you tell me that part of being human
is learning to trust.

Trust me. Now.

Lower the force field.

- Seven of Nine to Braxton.
- We're pulling you out.

Unwise. I am pursuing the saboteur
with Captain Janeway's assistance.

Tempus fugit.

- Proceed.
- Yes, sir.

- The intruder is in junction 52 beta.
- Take the starboard hatch.

Captain Braxton.

- Lower the temporal disruptor.
- It's armed. I'll activate it.

Lower your weapons.

- Janeway.
- Have we met?

Too many times.
But they haven't occurred yet.

- Seven of Nine, report.
- We've located the saboteur.

- Who is it?
- It's you, Captain Braxton.

- Me?
- More accurately, a future you.

- Now, let me complete our mission.
- Our mission?

- What are you talking about?
- Listen very carefully.

Your life is going to change
in the next few years.

You'll be sent into rehabilitation.
And it's all because of Voyager.

Captain, your future self
has temporal psychosis.

Of course I am, you pedantic drone.

The only way for us to recover
is to obliterate Voyager

so none of the events
that caused this illness occur.

- What events?
- 30 years on 20th Century Earth.

The temporal inversion
in the Takara Sector.

Three violations I had to repair.

- Can you get a lock on him?
- Negative.

He's activated the dispersal node.
I should say, you've activated it.

I have no wish to sabotage Voyager.

- Not yet.
- Remodulate the transporters.

Find a way
to cut through the interference.

- I gave you an order, Lieutenant.
- I'm sorry, sir.

I'm taking command

and relieving you of duty
for crimes you're going to commit.

I haven't done anything.

Seven of Nine, apprehend Braxton.


- He's escaped.
- I'm tracking him.

- He's travelled back two years.
- Transport me to those coordinates.

- That would be your fourth jump.
- I'm aware of the risks.

Stand by.

Thank you for your assistance.

It's not finished, but once the
sawdust clears, you'll be impressed.

Voyager may not be a big ship,

Take cover!

Security to deck 4, section 12.

Erect force fields
around all access points.

Is this part of the tour?

- I've lost him.
- He's on Voyager, five years ahead.

Initiate transport.

- Point, server.
- It's all in the wrist.

- Score?
- 19-18.

Who are you?

Bridge, intruder alert, deck 2.

- Explain.
- He's trying to destroy Voyager.

- Seven of Nine, status?
- I am incapacitated. Sensory aphasia.

Stand by. I'm pulling you out.

Stop him. Your future depends on it.

- Braxton?
- I disabled his tricorder.

He's trapped there.
Seven of Nine is pursuing him.

- She is efficient. She will succeed.
- Let's hope so.

We've run out of options.

- You again.
- I don't believe we've met, Ensign.

No, I'm wrong. We have met.

- Captain Braxton.
- No, I've lost my rank, thanks to you.

Seven of Nine to Seven of Nine.
What's your status?

- We've apprehended Braxton.
- Stand by.

Long time no see.

Are you all right, Seven?

We've prevented Voyager's destruction.

Would you care to explain how you...

- Relativity.
- We need your help.

Seven of Nine stopped Braxton,
but created temporal incursions.

She instigated a fight.

She was seen by you
two years before she joined your crew.

And she interacted with her past self
in front of 15 crew members

approximately six minutes ago.

- Your timeframe, of course.
- Of course.

We need to clean up the timeline.

Someone must go back
and prevent the events occurring.

I can't make another jump
without damaging myself.

I'm about to be drafted.

In exchange for leniency, Braxton
told us when he planted the w*apon.

We'll send you to stop him. Tell her.

Deck 4, section 38. I'll stumble
and give you a chance to capture me.

Don't miss him,
or we'll have to do it again.

Let me get this straight.

I'm going back in time to stop Braxton.
But you already have him.

And there's a third one.
I arrested him earlier today.

But don't worry. They'll all be
reintegrated in time for the trial.

And Seven?

There will be just one Seven of Nine.

Let's start
before my headache gets worse.

Captain. A Kazon torpedo just blew up
a containment generator.

- What shall I do?
- Use your best judgement.

- Aren't you going to the bridge?
- I have to do something first.

Send damage control teams to decks
9 through 14. I'll be on the bridge.

- Keep me informed.
- Yes, ma'am.

Come here often?

Incursion factor 0.0036.

It's better than I expected.

Glad we could lend a hand.
When do we go home?

You'll both be returned
to your timeframe.

Since none of your jumps
were to your future,

I see no reason to re-sequence
your memory engrams.

But remember -
discuss your experiences with no one.


Braxton was right about one thing.

Voyager shows up on our sensors
too often. Try to avoid time travel.

- See you in the 24th Century.
- I look forward to it.

- Or should I say backward?
- Don't get started.