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05x19 - The Fight

Posted: 12/31/22 16:42
by bunniefuu
No! Make them stop!


Nothing of relevance.

His neural pathways
are still fluctuating.


Can't you do something?

Look how much he's suffering.

lf l sedate him,
we could lose any chance

of making contact
with the aliens.

Get them out!

Commander, can you hear me?

Focus on the sound of my voice.

l can't understand them,

but they won't stop talking!

What are they saying?

l don't know!

Make them stop! Please!

Janeway to Sick Bay.

Any progress, Doctor?

lt's not going well.

Our ''Ambassador''
is still delusional.

We're running out of time.

The graviton shear
is buckling the hull.

lf we don't find a way
out of chaotic space soon,

we're going to die here.

Chief Medical Officer's Log,

Despite my efforts,

Chakotay's condition
continues to deteriorate.


Yes, Commander?

l'm tired.
l want to sleep.

lf you lose consciousness,

it could sever your link
with the aliens.


The ones who live in this place.

We're trapped here.

They may know a way out.

lt's urgent
that you speak with them.

But l don't understand
what they're saying.

l can try
to help you understand.

l'm going to end up
like my grandfather--

a crazy old man.

No. You're not crazy.
l believe the aliens

are reconfiguring
your neural pathways,

so they can
communicate with you.

Do you remember the day

you were injured
on the holodeck?

ln the boxing simulation?

Yes. You were knocked down,

l was injured.

l came to see you.

We had an argument.

That's right.

Try to remember more
about the holodeck.

l was sparring
with a Terrellian...

and Boothby was there.

He used to train me
when l was a cadet.

Keep going.

What round was it?

Three. Round Three.

The fight was going badly.

l was avoiding my opponent.

Stay away from the ropes, son.

That's it, that's it.

End Round Three.

That wasn't so bad.

lt was terrible.

Am l missing something?

He barely landed a glove on me.

Give him time.

You're not reading him.

You think he's slow and stupid.

l know better.

ln fact, l know his kind
in my bones. Literally.

l can count the fractures,
if you'd like.

He's not landing any punches.

That's the problem.

You're not letting him.

Have l got this sport all wrong?

Boxing is more
about taking the sh*ts

than dishing them out.

You shouldn't be dancing
away from this fella.

Let him punch himself
out a little.

lt all comes down to the heart.

Do you have the heart
for this?

That's the contest--
it's not against him.

lt's against your own natural
human desire not to get hurt.

That's the real fight.

Begin Round Four.


Go, go, go.

Stay with him.

Too close. Come on,
come on. Break it up.

Keep him busy.

Cover up!

How many?


Good guess.

l've got a good mind to
use a needle and thread

add a little authenticity
to your fun.

Be my guest.

You'd like that--
a manly scar above your eye.

the Maquis Mauler.''

Pointless v*olence.

That program shouldn't
even be in our database.

There's nothing like
a good fight, Doctor.

l was there when Price Jones
went 23 rounds with Gul Tulet.

''The Knockout
in the Neutral Zone.''

Best match l ever saw.


Most blood spilled?

Or did Price Jones

drive Gul Tulet's nasal bone
up into his brain?

You've got the wrong idea.

The idea is simple enough.

Do enough damage
to your opponent

to render him unconscious.

How's the headache?

lt hurts.

Edema beneath the anterior fossa
of the cranium...

hairline fracture
of the septum...

l saw something strange.

l'll bet you did.

No, before l got hit.

What do you mean?

l looked over at Boothby...

He yelled at me...

l turned back...

Then the ring got distorted.

An hallucination.

You probably had
some pressure building up

along the optic nerves
from a previous blow.

No. l was keeping away
from him the whole fight.

He never touched me.

A number of the ganglia

in your visual cortex
are hyperactive.

Your opponent
wasn't firing on you

with an energy w*apon, was he?

Just his gloves.

Chakotay to the Bridge.

On my way.

l want you back in here
for some tests...

unless you want
to be seeing things

on a regular basis.

lt's changed course again--

20,000 kilometers
off starboard.

lon storm?

Not exactly.

lt's two light-years across,

emits enough energy
for a dozen stars.

lt doesn't match any phenomenon
in our database,

and it won't sit still.

Okay. 1 1,000 kilometers
off the port bow.

We are too close.

l'm backing us off.

The phenomenon has been shifting
positions every few minutes.

Nothing so massive
could move that fast.

Full reverse.

Maximum shields.

Full stop.

Anybody want to tell me
where we are?

We appear to be
inside the disturbance.

l'm picking up
a lot of raw data--

subspace flux, graviton waves.

Sensors must be confused.

The readings are shifting
around so much, l can't make

heads or tails
of what's out there.

Captain, this is Seven of Nine.

Please report
to Astrometrics at once.

The Borg have been aware of
this phenomenon for many years.

lt's a zone
where the laws of physics

are in a state of
flux-- ''chaotic space.''

Why didn't sensors
warn us in time?

Chaotic space appears randomly
and unexpectedly.

The Borg have observed it
throughout the galaxy.

Then why hasn't
a Federation starship

encountered anything like this?

No doubt some have.

Think of all
the Starfleet vessels

that disappeared under
mysterious circumstances.

Borg vessels
are more advanced,

but only one cube has survived
an encounter with chaotic space.

Those aren't good odds.

lf the physical constants
are shifting,

our sensors can't function.

The problem is here.

Changes in the gravitational

will cause sudden shear
forces against our hull.

Shields will protect us,
but only for a time.

How much time?


We've got to recalibrate
the sensors--

redesign them if necessary.

we're flying blind.

Let's get to work.

Begin Round One.

Computer, did you say something?


Pick 'em up, son.

lt's the fight
you've been waiting for.

Begin Round One.

Bridge to Commander Chakotay.

Go ahead, Tuvok.

Please report to the Bridge.

On my way.

Graviton wave displacement
says we're moving at warp 6.

Subspace sensors show
we're standing still.

We can't be that far
from where we entered.

Maybe we should
just set a course,

go to impulse
and see what happens.

What would most likely happen

is a collision with
an asteroid field or a star.

That'd be better
than just sitting here...


Torsional shear has
increased by 200 percent.



Like l was saying,

better than just
sitting here waiting

for our hull to breach.

Perhaps we could drop

a series of beacons
to help us navigate.

Now that's an idea.

Did you hear something?

l heard nothing unusual.

l didn't hear anything.

Begin Round One.

l'll plot a course
and we'll take it slow.

What do you think, Chakotay?

The challenger... Chakotay!

Don't you hear that?

Hear what?



Are you all right?

Put on the gloves, son.

l'm not ready.


ln this corner,
wearing the red trunks...

Begin Round One.

Bridge to Sick Bay.
We've got a medical emergency.


Let's go to 880 hertz.

Music lessons?

Pretty soon
we'll be singing duets.

l'm checking to see
if there's been any damage

to the auditory nerves--
nothing so far.

His vision checks out as well.

l'm afraid
the source of the trouble

may be a little... deeper.

The family curse.

What do you mean?

Chakotay has the genetic marker

for a cognitive disorder--
sensory tremens.

The primary symptoms are visual
and auditory hallucinations.

My family doctor
suppressed the gene

before l was even born,

so l never had to go through
what the others did--

like my grandfather.

For some reason,
the gene's been switched on.

l'm not saying for certain
that's why Chakotay thought

he was getting ready
for a prizefight,

but it's a good bet;
the holodeck boxing

simulation was fresh
in his memory.

A few misfiring neurons
did the rest.

This chaotic space
we've entered--

could it be stimulating
the gene?

Possibly. The only way
to make certain

would be to get the ship
out of here.

ln the meantime,
the Commander will have

to stay in Sick Bay.

Tuvok tells me
you've got a mean left jab.

Never spar with a Vulcan.

How are you doing?

l'm all right.

When l was a boy...

my grandfather
started seeing things

nobody else could see...

hearing what nobody else
could hear.

He refused treatment.

A couple of hyposprays a day,
that's all he would have needed.

But he was stubborn.

He said
his spirit was in pain...

but that the wound...

must be honored.

Crazy old man.

Ready, Captain.

Janeway to Seven.

Bring the grid back on line.

Stand by.

We've got sensors.

l'm scanning
to 100,000 kilometers...


Sensors are stable
to one million kilometers.

We won't be able
to scan any further.

Are you picking up
anything at that range?

No planets, no asteroid fields,
no sinkholes.

Good enough for me.

Set a course dead ahead
one-quarter impulse.

Sensor status?

Continuing to function.

Still nothing ahead.


Let's increase our speed.

Mr. Paris, go to half impulse.


lt's a ship.

Warp capable.

lt's adrift,
and the outer hull is damaged.

No life-signs.

Let's take a closer look.

Computer, let's hear that again.

Why won't you answer?

Did you give up on me
for being so late?

Not my fault.

We got lost in here.

Why do the stars
make such a noise?

Let me sleep.

l don't understand them.

l don't want to talk to them.

l just want to go home.

That was the final
distress call.

According to the vessel's
medical records,

the Captain and one
of his engineers

started hallucinating
after they entered this space.

The physician on board
never found a way to treat them.

How long were
they stranded here?

Almost a year.

Eventually, their systems
were compromised.

They died of exposure.

The sensors on that ship
are more advanced than ours

and they couldn't find
a way out.

Let's hold our position

till we have a better idea
of what we're up against.

lt looks like that's
what they did.

And along the way,
a couple of them

started sounding
just like Chakotay.

l can't believe
that's a coincidence.

Then why hasn't anyone
else been affected?

That's a question
l can't answer.

Not yet.

Request permission to beam
their Captain's body on board.

l'd like to perform an autopsy.

Granted. Pull the sensor
technology off that ship.

Use it to enhance ours.

We're going to need
all the help we can get.

l made a deep scan

of the alien's brain tissue
and sensory organs.

The optic and auditory neurons
have been partially stripped

of their normal
protein insulation.

The result--

auditory and visual

The same symptoms as Chakotay
but a different cause.

Exactly. ln this case,
the gene responsible

for producing protein insulation
was shut down.

By what?

There might be something
in chaotic space

that reacts with DNA--
alters it.

But why it targeted him
specifically and now you,

l can't say.

ls there a treatment?

l can control
the hallucinations using

a neural suppressant,
but, unless l can find

a way to deactivate
that gene of yours...

l need to go
on a vision quest. Captain?

That's not the best
idea right now.

A vision quest taps directly
into your frontal cortex.

lt could agitate your mind.

Or help me control it.

Permission granted.

Very well.

l will ask you to wear
a cortical monitor.

lt will help me keep
track of your vital signs.


l am far from the sacred places
of my grandfathers.

l am far from the bones
of my people,

but perhaps there is a powerful
being who will embrace me

and give me the answers l seek.

what are you doing here?

l, uh...

seem to be... lost.

Just a little lost.

You didn't take your medicine
this morning.

Which medicine are
you talking about?

There are many medicines.

The one the hospital gave us.

Oh, that one.

Where are you going?

My spirit doesn't
want that medicine.

l don't care
what your spirit wants.

You're going to take it.

l don't think so.

Come with me back to the house.

Now why would
l want to do that?

lt's better where l'm going.

lt's more interesting.

Where are you going?

To the place
where my spirit lives.


Where are you?

Answer me!

Begin Round One.

Begin Round One.

The aliens.

They were there, watching me.

lnside your vision quest?

They were trying
to tell me something.

What was it?

l don't know.

Are they with you now?

Can you hear them?


Let them speak to you.

They'll make me go crazy.

You're not going crazy.

They're doing this for a reason.

You've got to trust them.

Stop fighting.

Open your mind.

Let go.


Chaotic space...
intersects ours...

at the 18th
dimensional gradient.

Voyager entered through...

a trimetric fracture.

Trimetric fracture?

We must escape,
or we'll be destroyed.

How do we escape?

We've got to alter
our warp field.

ln what way?

Rentrillic trajectory.


lt doesn't make any sense.

l can't understand it.

l'm scared l'm losing my mind!

Try to focus.

lt's too much!

l can't! lt's too much!


Get them out!

First contact?

lt was brief, but he definitely
communicated with them.

Rentrillic trajectory.

they never got around

to explaining what that meant.

Could be some sort
of alien geometry,

but we'll need much more.

ls it safe for him
to try to make contact again?

Medically speaking, yes.

The problem is convincing
the Commander of that.

l realize you're frightened...

but you're our only hope
out of this place.

You think this
could risk your sanity.

But your sanity
won't do you any good

if we remain in chaotic space.

l need you to keep
trying, Chakotay.

Will you keep trying?

Keep me posted.

Are you ready to continue?

Try to focus
on the alien voices.

Tell me what they're saying.

l can't hear them.

Are you sure?

Listen carefully.

Maybe we can return you

to a more receptive
frame of mind.

Think back to when
you first heard them

in the vision quest.

What were you doing?

Where were you?

ln a boxing ring.

A strange ring.

Was anyone else there?


My opponent...

Kid Chaos.

Describe him.


move into position.

Thompson and Sharr,
target the midsection.

Ensign MacAlister,
you and l will aim for the head.

Set your phasers to k*ll.

Not exactly

the Marquis of Queensberry
rules, now, is it?

''Set to k*ll''?

That's not even Starfleet.

Put down the weapons, son.

Tactical advice from
an Academy groundskeeper?

We fire at your command, sir.

Give that order

and you'll be
out for the count--

the whole lot of you.

Lower your weapons.


l said stand down!

We just heard from Vegas,
Mars and Orion lll.

The odds are running 33:1
that he'll outpoint you.

1 1 :1 that you'll be kayoed
by the fifth.

Subspace radio is calling it
''The Disaster in the Delta.''

We can still scratch the card.

l'll call the Doctor.

We'll get you out on a medical.

He's trying to hornswoggle us.

Double-check those calculations.

Let me see that padd.

No. Fine.

Don't want to trust
your friends?

You're on your own.

l'm filing a grievance

with the Delta Quadrant
Boxing Commission!

This bout came out of nowhere!

There's some sort
of scheduling mix-up.

You haven't had
the time to train.

You're not ready!

lf you fight now,
you'll be destroyed!

l can't fight now.

l'm not ready for this.

Come on!

l can't stay here!

l follow your example,
learn from you,

look up to you.

l don't want to lose that.

You'll find another role model.

You'll be okay.

You're my First Officer.

Your duty is to this crew.

lf something happens to me,
you've got to get Voyager home.

Tuvok can take command.

You're being selfish, Chakotay.

l'm doing this for you...
for all of you!

A delusion--
dementia puglistica.

You're punch-drunk, Commander.

A hard shot
to the head and neck,

collapses the carotid artery

and cuts the flow of blood
to the brain.

The hook! The head and neck
twist laterally,

the cerebral tissue.

And who can forget
the upper cut?

The head snaps back,

rupturing tissue
in the cerebellum

and upper spinal cord!


And the result...

of all this poetry in motion?

Neurologic dysfunction,

chronic traumatic

loss of balance
and coordination,

loss of memory.

Starting to sound... familiar?

Chakotay's fine.

He just needs a little
conditioning, that's all.

He needs to listen
to his doctor

and not to his fantasies.

Step into that arena

and you'll become
what you most fear.

What are you talking about?

Oh, he knows what l mean.

Don't you, Chakotay?


What's wrong?


defeat, knockout,


it's all beside the point.

We know how it really ends--

''a crazy old man...''


lt's your fate, your destiny.

There's no escape.

You've just got to do your best.

You can't let yourself
give in to your fears.

l'm not afraid!

Who said you were?

l'm sorry!

Please come back.

They got away.


Where did you go?

Some people
were shouting at me.

They were going for a walk

and they wanted me
to come along.


lt's hard to follow them.

Oh, God, they go
to strange places.

l'm supposed to be watching you.

We're going to get in trouble
if we don't go back home.

Be a good boy and go.

We understand.

You have to come with me.

They say you can come with us.

There's nobody else here.

They say you're
just like we are.

l'm not!

l'm not like you.

lt's not so bad.

When you get used to it,
they're not so bad.

They're just a lot of talk.

Sometimes l wish
they were more quiet.

But they like to talk.

Come home.


l'm too tired.

This is a nice place...

a nice place to call home.


Begin Round One.

Did you hear that?


Yes, you did.

There's a lot of them this time.

Tell them to go away!

Go away!

They've got other ideas.

l have to go home!

Wait. They're coming for you.

The challenger-- Chakotay!

Better late than never.

They almost scrubbed the bout.

l'm afraid.

l know you are.

You'd be a liar if you
said anything else.

But l've always been afraid.

l know that, too.

The champion-- Kid Chaos!

That's it!

All over!

The fight's been canceled
on medical grounds!

Put 'em down. Let's go.

l hear there's some bearbaiting
at the arena next door!

Have fun!

He's coming out of it.

You stopped the fight.

You were stuck
in the vision quest.

l've got to go back.

You're going nowhere
but Sick Bay.

Let me go.

Calm down.
lt's over for you.

-No, let me get in the ring!

No. Let me back in the ring.
Let me...

200,000 kilometers.

Launch another beacon.

Beacon launched.

l'm reading a shift
of .003 in the graviton shear.


Shields holding.

Speed is steady
at one-quarter impulse.

Maintain course
and heading, Mr. Paris.

Sensors are functioning.

Our course is still clear.

Captain, l recommend we go
to three-quarters impulse.

lncreasing power to the engines
could affect chaotic space.

There are too many unknowns.

At this speed, we should see
daylight in about two months.

The longer we're
in chaotic space, the longer

we're exposed
to these unknowns.

His logic is undeniable,

We should increase our speed.


Who am l to dispute logic?

Take a look at this.

lt's the first beacon
we launched three hours ago.

We've been going in circles?

To be precise, one large circle.

Hold our position.

All stop.


l've applied 10,053 algorithms

to the energy signatures
produced by chaotic space.

There is a pattern.

Order to chaos?


An isolinear frequency.

Some kind of signal?

l haven't located the source.

lt may be natural--
a star or quasar

that has managed to survive
in chaotic space.

But it could be a transmission.


Have you tried

the standard language

All of them with no success.

Success seems to be
in short supply lately.



And to think...

that kept me
from getting an ''A.''

lt was the only question
l missed

in exo-genetics my senior year.

The nucleotide
resonance frequency.

That signal was designed
to activate DNA.

lt realigned
his molecular bonds.

Now do you believe me?

They're the ones
who scheduled the fight.

They're promoting it.

They're putting up the purse.

His sensory cortex
is hyperactive.

He's still hallucinating.

lt's not an hallucination

not a vision quest--
it's a prizefight!

Chakotay, do you know me?

Do you know where you are?

l know you, Captain,

but you stopped the fight.

You ruined my career!

Nobody is going to put me
on the card after this!

lt's better for you
to rest, Chakotay,

until we can figure out
why this is happening to you.

They want to contact me.

Who does?

The people who live here.

This will sedate him.

Wait a minute.

You believe somebody
lives here, in chaotic space?

And they're trying
to communicate with you?

Yes! l saw him!

Tell me about him.

What does he look like?

He's got a couple
of kilos on me,

a few centimeters in height,

but l can take him, Captain!

l just have to stay
off the ropes.

The holodeck boxing simulation
is still strong in his memory.

Obviously, it's the primary
source of imagery

for his hallucinations.

What if those hallucinations
are being induced for a purpose?

Aliens who exist
on some perceptual wavelength

that our senses can't detect

and the only way for them
to communicate

with us is to alter our senses.

Chakotay's bad gene
gave them the opportunity.

What are you proposing?

Remember the derelict ship?

Two of their crew members
claimed they were seeing things.

Was somebody trying
to communicate with them?

Was somebody trying
to warn them, help them?

Or trying to destroy them,

just as they're trying
to destroy us.

Why go through all the trouble?

We're trapped here anyway.

Let me back in the ring!

Even if this is

some kind
of alien communication,

it could harm him permanently.

Bridge to Captain Janeway.

Go ahead, Tuvok.

Graviton shear
has increased again.

Hull pressure is rising.

l'm on my way.


when have we ever turned away
from a first contact?

Send him back in the ring.


Some kind of spatial sinkhole
just opened up beneath us!

Full thrusters!


We managed to sidestep that one,

but graviton shear has increased
by another 310 percent.

Janeway to Sick Bay.

Sick Bay here.

lt's now or never.

Understood, Captain.

l've got to get in there.

They're about to ring the bell.

l'm going to subject
you to a field

that will enhance
the nucleotide bonds.

The gene should become
fully activated.

Do you understand?

l understand.

Find us a way out of here.

l'll try.

Good idea.

Keep him waiting.

Let him sweat it out.

ln this corner, representing

the Alpha Quadrant,
Earth and humanity,

the challenger, Chakotay!

Everybody loves an underdog.

And in this corner,

champion of the Delta Quadrant,
Kid Chaos!

Looks like he's got

a lot of upper-body
strength-- a real puncher.

Just keep your elbow low
when you throw the right

and don't come in too straight;
you'll be okay.

Where's the scouting report?

We don't know anything
about this guy.

l don't know who l'm up against!

You're up against yourself.

That's all
you've got to remember

and don't raise the elbow.

Begin Round One.

Boothby, where are you?

Still here, son.

l'm not going anywhere.

You... Are...

Far from where...

You... Call home.

You... Are... Lost.

Do you understand?


We are far from home.

We are lost.


ls here.

Our... Home... ls here...

ln chaotic space.

-Chaotic space...
-Chaotic space...

Hang in there, son.

Protect your head!

l understand!

-We are too...

-For you.
-We are too...

-For you.

Maybe we're the ones

who are too alien...
too strange.


-ln chaotic space...

-Chaotic space...
-Chaotic space...

You'll be destroyed!

We know that...

but we can't navigate.

Our sensors don't work
in your space.

20 more seconds!
Don't go down!

-Sensors must be...


How can l?

-Your mind...
-Must be...



-Your mind...
-Must be...

-l understand.

End Round One.

Get them out!

Let go, Commander!

l can't take any more punches!

They aren't hitting you.

Duck... feint...


Stop fighting!

l can't!
They'll destroy me!

That's a risk
you'll have to take.

You take the damn risk!

They want you.


Because you have the gene.

The crazy gene.

Yes, the crazy gene.

The aliens are trying

to speak to you,
and the only thing

keeping you
from understanding them

is your own fear--
your fear of losing control,

your fear of the unknown...

The unknown and l
don't want to know.

But we have to know
or we're all going to die.

Allow yourself to hear them
for just a few moments.

Do it for us.

What will happen to me...
when they're done?

You'll be on Voyager...

surrounded by friends.

l can't understand them.

You will.

They're talking too
fast, too many words.

Try to focus
on one word at a time.

Too many words.

-Don't stop.
-l'm scared.

-Let them in.
-l don't want to die!

They won't hurt you!
No one will hurt you!

18th gradient,
trimetric fracture.

Keep going.

We have to modify
our deflector.

We have to induce a paralateral
rentrillic trajectory.

How do we do that?

l think l understand.

lt's making sense.

Where are you going?

l can make
the adjustments myself.

l have to get to the Bridge.

l don't know how much longer
l can keep it in my mind!

-What happened?

He's got a right uppercut
that almost knocked me out.

Move over, Harry.

Hang on, Ensign.

They showed me
how to get out of here.

He's hallucinating.

Out of the way!

Tell us what to do.

l can't! lt's too
difficult to explain.

l'm locking him out.


Give up your post.

He's recalibrating
the deflector dish

and routing it
through the sensor array.

lt must be altered.

Captain, the graviton shear
is increasing.

l'm reading microfractures
on the hull.

Stay and we'll be destroyed.

Activate the deflector--
maximum amplitude.

Bring sensors on line.


Do it.

l don't know how,

but the sensors have
found us a course.

Maximum impulse... now!

if that course is wrong,

we could breech our hull.


We've reentered normal space.

Mr. Paris, resume a course
to the Alpha Quadrant.

Aye, sir.

When l said you should take

the next day or two off,
l thought you'd want to stay

in your quarters
with a good book.

Boxing helps me unwind.

Well, in that case,
report for duty

first thing in the morning.

See you then.

Computer, run Chakotay
Training Program 15-Beta.

Ah, come for a little
more punishment?

Thought l'd spar
for a few rounds.

Uh-huh, after that last bout?

Did you talk to the Doc?

l've got a clean bill
of health.

That's good enough for me.


l've been watching him fight.

He falls in too much
when he clinches

and he moves more to his right
than he does to his left.

Well, l'll double up
on the left jabs

and see what happens.

You sure
you're ready for this?

l'm ready.


Begin Round One.