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05x10 - Counterpoint

Posted: 12/31/22 16:34
by bunniefuu
The Devore ships are assuming
a tactical formation.

Bridge to Transporter Room.

All set here, Captain.

Pattern cohesion looks stable.

Cargo Bay 1, report.

The bay is clear.

They're powering weapons.

Why do they bother?

They know we won't resist.

Protocol, Mr. Paris.

They're hailing.

Gaharay vessel,
prepare to be inspected.

Crew members are instructed

to step away
from their stations.

We know the drill.

Side arms and scanning equipment
are to be set aside.

Deviation from this

or any other inspection
protocols will not be tolerated.

All hands, this is the Captain.

Prepare to be boarded
by Devore inspection teams.

Give them your full cooperation.

Let's get this over with.

Their soldiers have materialized
on Decks 15, 1 1, 4 and 1.

Captain Janeway,
report to your ready room.

Good morning, Captain.

l took the liberty
of playing this music

throughout your ship.

l thought it might help
your crew relax.

Sometimes these inspections
can be stressful.

How thoughtful.

l've replicated some coffee.

Black, as usual?


Prax here still refuses
to try it,

but then, he's a man
of few pleasures.

please make yourself at home.

Those cell cultures
are extremely fragile.


You've been routing power
through your transporter system.


lt's a routine diagnostic.

We've been having trouble
with our imaging scanners.

The problem is in the primary
energizing coils.

Focus your efforts there.

Thanks for the tip.

Contaminated antimatter.

This material could interfere
with our readings.

A bionetic implant?

An interlink node.

lt permits communication
with other Borg drones.

You are not a telepath.



How old is this?

About 600 years.

My grandfather gave it
to me when l was a child.

lt seems you have
a long-standing obsession

with exploration, Captain.

l, on the other hand,
have much more in common

with this ancient soldier.

He's from Earth's
classical period.

lt produced some of our
greatest artists as well.

Your culture has
many contradictions.

v*olence and beauty,
science and faith...

all somehow mingled

Like the counterpoint
of this music.

Mahler, Symphony #1.

Am l correct?

You're getting to know

my musical database
better than l do.

l've had time to review it
since our last encounter.

Tell me, are all of your
inspections this personal?

l'm just trying to get
to know you, Captain.

There's no reason for us
to be adversaries.

l could be your friend

and, right now,
you could certainly use one.

Really? Why is that?

Your predicament.

l don't expect it's been easy.

Thousands of light-years
from home,

navigating by strange stars,

in other people's space,

ignoring their laws.

We're just trying
to get back to Earth, lnspector.

Through the Devore lmperium?

lt's tough to avoid.

Still, most people
make the effort.

We don't exactly embrace

''Gaharay. ''

lt means ''strangers.''

Which brings me to a matter

that could thr*aten
our friendship.

l've examined your crew manifest
from our last inspection.

Commander Tuvok, Ensign Vorik--

Ensigns Suder and Jurot--

All telepaths...

and yet for some reason,
you neglected to mention them.

For a very simple reason.

They're dead.

Tuvok, Vorik and Jurot
died in a shuttle crash

about two months ago.

Suder was k*lled in a conflict
with a species called the Kazon.

That's fortunate...

for you, l mean.

lf l'd found you
were harboring telepaths,

l would have had to arrest you

for breaking
our Cardinal Protocol.

They were valued members
of my crew, lnspector,

not criminals.



do you trust me?

Not for a second.


And why should you?

Trust has to be earned.

lt's gradual,

and yet it's the foundation
of every relationship,

professional and personal.

lt's also a concept
alien to the telepathic races.

Why take someone at their word

when you can simply read
their mind?

We've completed our inspection.

There are no telepaths aboard.

However, their sensor logs
indicate they deviated

from their assigned
course on two occasions.

ln both cases,
to avoid ion storms.

lmperative 32, Codicil 626:

''All gaharay vessels.

''that deviate
from prescribed flight vectors

will be impounded, their crews
detained and relocated.''

Prax, it's clear

the Captain didn't
intend to break protocol.

l expect we can overlook
these infractions.


Yes, sir.

Captain, l'm a reasonable man

and you've been cooperative,
but consider this a reminder.

You have a long trip
through Devore space

and good friends
can be an asset.

l'll keep it in mind.

The Devore vessels are
out of range.

Bridge to Transporter Team.
You're clear.

Cargo Bay 1 to Ensign Kim.

Pattern enhancers are in place.

lnitiating rematerialization

Harry, l'm routing maximum power
to the transporters.

Got it.

Align the confinement
beam to ten angstroms.


Ensign Kim, the confinement beam
is unstable.

We're trying to correct it now.

What's the problem?

We're unable to consolidate
their patterns.

They've been
in suspension too long.

Harry, increase power
to the imaging scanners.

Aye, Captain.

lt's working.

Nice work, Harry.

All our guests are present
and accounted for.


They're gone... for now.

Captain's Log, supplemental.

After weeks
of playing hide-and-seek

with the Devore inspectors,
our goal is near--

a transport vessel
that will take our passengers

to a wormhole leading
out of hostile territory.

Back to your old self again?

Each time we do this,
l feel as though l've left

a few molecules behind
in your cargo bay.

Well, l'll have someone
scan the room

if it'll make you feel better.

Kir, we just received
an encoded message

from the transport vessel.

They've changed the
rendezvous point again.

l'm afraid so.

Did they send
the new coordinates?

We're still waiting for them.

Captain, we may have
another problem.

l just treated Tuvok
and two of the refugees

for acute cellular degradation.

l've repaired
most of the damage,

but unfortunately,
the effect is cumulative.


lf we continue to go
into transporter suspension,

some of us may not survive.

Bridge to Captain Janeway.

Go ahead.

We're receiving
another transmission.


The new coordinates are here

within a Mutara-class nebula,

2.36 light-years
from our current position.

lt's definitely out of the way--

less chance
of being discovered--

but it'll take
two more days to get there.

Two days--
that increases the chances

that we'll run
into another inspection.

Given the frequency
of patrols in that area,

it's likely we'll be
stopped at least once.

Just what the Doctor
didn't order.

Tuvok, Seven, l want you
to lay in a course

that'll attract
as little attention as possible.

We'll avoid their colonies,
space stations,

tourist attractions--
if they have any.

The Ogre of Fire's castle
hovered over the forest

like a great, black spaceship,
turning day into night.

Now, Flotter and Trevis
knew they had to find a way

to keep the Ogre from
burning the forest down,

but his castle-- it was
higher than the tallest tree.

lt seemed hopeless
until they discovered...

A door.

A door, right.

A mysterious door,
right in the middle of a...

The clearing.

You know, it's...

it's not nice
to read people's thoughts

when they're telling a story.

l'm sorry.

lt's all right.

Why don't you all go play
by yourselves for a while?

We'll finish the story later.

How are they doing?

Oh, fine, more or less.

They don't understand
what all the fuss is about,

but they're telepaths, Captain.

lf the parents are
concerned or fearful,

the children feel it, too.

You did the right thing.

lf we hadn't taken them
off that freighter,

they'd be in a detention
center by now.

Well, we're going to make sure
that doesn't happen.

ls the kitchen still open

or are you just serving stories?

For you, it's always open.

l'm detecting a vessel,

300,000 kilometers and closing.

The signature is Devore.

Red Alert. Shields up.

Bridge to Captain.

More company, Commander?

Looks like it.

Get our visitors
to the cargo bay.

Stand by
for transporter suspension.

Aye, Captain.


Right away.

Come on, now.

We're going to go
see your parents.

Let's go.


lt's a scout ship.
One pilot; no other crew.

The vessel hasn't raised shields
or charged weapons.

lf this is another inspection,

it's certainly
a different approach.

We're being hailed.

Open a channel.



lt's urgent that we speak.

You know the way
to my ready room.

lt's all right, Ensign.

l submitted
to your previous inspections

because you outgunned me,

but l don't see
any of your warships nearby.

l have no intention
of cooperating.

l'm not here to search Voyager.

Then what do you want,

Call me Kashyk, please.

l never liked that title.

ln fact, l've left it behind.

Did somebody offer you

a promotion, or are you
just having a bad day?

l'm defecting,
and l need your help.


l've come to ask asylum--
safe passage out of Devore space

before l end up
in a detention center myself.

Now, why would l risk
the safety of my crew

by harboring a defector?

Because of what
l'm about to tell you.

lf you continue
on your present course,

you'll be intercepted
by a squadron of my warships.

Voyager will be seized,
your crew imprisoned or worse.

The nebula is a trap, Captain,

to catch vessels
smuggling telepaths.

You've inspected my ship
three times.

You know we aren't smuggling
telepaths or anyone else.

What l know is that you have
12 refugees aboard right now,

that you rescued them
from a freighter three weeks ago

and that you've
been concealing them

in Cargo Bay 1,
using your transporters.

l could have exposed them

at any time, but l wanted them
to escape as much as you do.

l can still protect them,

but only if you
take me with you.

My people know
about the wormhole.

lt's only a matter of time
before they find it.

You have no choice, Captain.

l'm your only hope.

This is our rendezvous point
inside this nebula.

the transport vessel

we're supposed to meet
is no longer there.


A Devore warship.

One of a dozen

throughout the nebula--

all invisible to our sensors

until Kashyk showed
me how to compensate

for their refractive shielding.

Your soldiers intercepted
the transport ship?

Over a week ago.

We were the ones who changed
the rendezvous coordinates.

Two vessels carrying refugees
have already been seized.

Voyager would have been next.

All right, lnspector,

you helped us avoid
this ambush. What now?

We'll have to get
your passengers

to the wormhole on our own.

These are the schedules
and routes of our patrols,

along with tactical
data on our shield

and weapons configurations--
enough to ensure

that you avoid
another inspection.

How long before you're missed?

Well, l took two weeks' leave.

Enough time, l hope,
to find the wormhole

and get your passengers
safely through it,

and myself, as well.

Your data is useful,

but it doesn't guarantee
our success.

No. For that, you'll need
my guidance and some luck.

l'll have to take this
up with the Brenari...

see what they think
of their new benefactor.

l'll let you know
what they decide.

l'll have to insist
you remain under guard.

-No hard feelings.
-No hard feelings.

lt's unusual...
but not unheard of.

There have been
sympathizers before.

Kashyk may be telling the truth.

Maybe you should
just read his thoughts.

Devore soldiers undergo

years of mental training
to prevent that.

He might be telling the truth,

but he also might be using us
to find the wormhole.

So what do we do, throw
him in the brig?


We take him up
on his offer to help,

see how it plays out.

But l want
'round-the-clock security.

We need to watch
his every movement.

That leaves us with
our next question:

How do we find the wormhole?

l've given it some thought.

There's a scientist named Torat.

He's from a nearby system.

He's rumored to know more
about the wormhole than anyone.

He might help us... for a price.

-A price?
-His species power

their ships with a fluidic alloy
that's difficult to find.

Perhaps we can replicate it.

l have some data
on its composition.

See what you can do.

ln the meantime,

we'll set a course
for Torat's planet,

try to track him down.


Let's just say...

l'm not used to other people
deciding my fate.

Until today,
you were part of a government

responsible for persecuting
thousands of innocent people.

Why the sudden change of heart?

There's nothing sudden about it.

l've been looking
for a way to escape for years.

Voyager was
the perfect opportunity.

How so?

Well, what are you suggesting...

l ask a Brenari vessel
for assistance?

They'd throw me out an airlock.


you're something
of a humanitarian, Captain.

l've read your database.

l know all about
Starfleet philosophy,

unless you left
those ideals behind

in the Alpha Quadrant.

l certainly don't grant asylum
to every person l meet,

especially ones
who ransack my ship

and terrorize my crew.

You're asking me to believe
you're someone else...

and... that's a leap of
faith l'm not ready to make.

You're turning me away.



l'm going to give you safe
passage to the wormhole...

in return for your help
in getting us there,

but l'm also imposing
some restrictions.

You'll have your own quarters,

but limited access
to Voyager's systems,

and your whereabouts will
be monitored at all times.

l'm used to being surrounded
by armed guards.

Makes me feel secure.

Only this time,
they answer to me.

Consider them a reminder
that Voyager is my ship.

l don't think anyone
could doubt that.

Captain's Log, supplemental.

lt's taken us nearly two days,

but we've managed
to locate Torat,

the man who's supposedly
an expert on wormholes.

he seems reluctant

to share his expertise.

He's trying to evade us.

Hail him again.

Mr. Torat doesn't
seem too trusting.

Maybe he's been through
one inspection too many.

No response.

He's deactivated
his communications system.

l think l can tap into his
computer, override the lockout.

Do it.

Go away!

This is Captain Kathryn Janeway

of the Federation
Starship Voyager.

We have no hostile intent.

Then why are you pursuing me?

We'd just like to ask...

Federations, lmperiums...

Why do you people
feel such a need

to align yourselves with
monolithic organizations, hmm?

l'd be glad to discuss that

and any other philosophical
issue you care to raise,

if you would just
slow down and talk.

Sorry. Can't do that.

l'm late
for a very important conference!

This is a waste of time.
Disable his ship.

That's what we call
overkill, lnspector.

Ensign, can we transport
at this range?

Absolutely. Energizing.

Welcome aboard.

Your reputation precedes you.

20 centiliters of mercurium
isochromate-- no impurities--

and this is just a sample.

We've synthesized enough
to power your ship for a year.

lt doesn't matter.

l never heard of this...
wormhole you're looking for,

or these so-called refugees.

Well, they've heard of you.

Well, no doubt--
my research is famous.

Think of all the stars
you could research

once you've infused your
propulsion system with this.

There's no point in bribing me.

He's right. He couldn't
help us if he wanted to.

What do you mean by that?

l doubt you'd know a wormhole
from a dark matter inversion.

Professor... Kashyk
is another expert

l've retained to help
us with this matter.

l'm afraid he's not

as impressed with your work
as l am.

ln fact, he discouraged me
from seeking you out.

Professor Kashyk?
Never heard of you.

Not surprising,

considering you toil
in scientific obscurity.


l-l've discovered over 60
astronomical phenomena!

Not worth the sensors
they were recorded on.


There's no need
to insult the man.

Just because he doesn't know how
to find an interspatial flexure.

lnterspatial flexure?

Why didn't you say so
in the first place?

He said wormhole--
a layman's term

that... that covers
any number of phenomena.

l am familiar
with a certain anomaly

that could be categorized
as an ''interspatial flexure.''

Where is it?

a better question would be:

Where is it now?

lt's really quite interesting.

The aperture of the phenomenon--

which l prefer to call

an intermittent
cyclical vortex-- is unfixed.

lt manifests infrequently,

for only brief periods of time
and in varying locations.

l can give you
the last four locations.

Perhaps you can extrapolate
the next one...

if you're as accomplished
a scientist as you claim to be.

-l'm thinking.

Think harder.
Four wormhole appearances

less than 20 light-years apart--
there's no pattern.

Did you apply
a fractal coefficient?

Didn't work.

Neutrino flux parameters?


Statistical algorithms?

Every one l could find.

This wormhole defies analysis.

Maybe Torat was right--

we're just out of our league.

lt's not like you to give up.

Think harder.

How do you predict...

a random occurrence?

You follow your instincts.



lt's in all great music.

Parallel melodies
playing against one another.

We've been looking
at the obvious--

frequency, location, timing--
but each of those parameters

could have a counterpoint
in subspace.

lf we could run an algorithm
based on subspace harmonics,

it might reveal our pattern.

Computer, run a subspatial
transkinetic analysis

on the wormhole data.

Analysis in progress.

This'll take a minute.

l'm going to miss this...
coffee of yours.

Well, l will give you
the recipe.

Thank you.

You don't sound
too happy about leaving.

The Brenari aren't about
to embrace a former lnspector.

l'll be feared,
hated for what l represent.

Anxiety doesn't
become you, lnspector.

Try to relax a little.

l suppose you liked me better
in uniform.

l haven't decided
whether l like you at all.

We call them the Kolyan Kolyar--
lnfinite Spirals.


As a boy, l spent years
gazing at these lights.

This is the last time
l'll ever see them.

We have something
similar back on Earth--

the Aurora Borealis.

Which you, too,
may never see again.

l suppose we're both
refugees, in a way.

l'm still counting
on getting this ship home.

Are you sure you'll be
welcome when you do?

l came across something
else in your database--

the ''Prime Directive.''

The Federation's
''Cardinal Protocol.''

lt seems

you violated it when you
rescued these telepaths.

Well, let's just say l usually
go with my instincts...

and sort it out later
at the Board of lnquiry.

Those Admirals and l were
on a first-name basis, you know.


You're risking a lot, too.

Three months ago,

my teams were inspecting
a plasma-refining vessel.

We found a family of telepaths

hiding in one
of the extraction tanks.

There was a child...
very young.

She'd been inside it for days,
barely able to breathe.

When l lifted her out
and set her down on the deck...

she thanked me.

l sent her to a relocation
center with the others,

knowing full well
what would happen to her.

After that, l could think
of nothing else,

and when l couldn't
stand it any longer...

You're my deliverance, Captain.

Analysis complete.

lt worked.

lt looks like it'll appear
in about three days...

less than eight light-years
from here.

The Tehara system.

ls that a problem?

There's an automated
sensor array

between here and Tehara.

Can we go around it?

We'd never make it in time.

We'll have to find a way
to avoid detection.

Let's do it in the morning.

We've done enough for tonight.

Are you saying good-bye?

There'll be other spirals.

They've just never looked
quite so... beautiful before.

Could be the company
l'm keeping.

Or the polarization
axis of the windows.

That must be it.

How often does this array
emit a scanning pulse?

Every 40 seconds.


Ten light-years.

The pulse is designed

to track warp fields
and impulse signatures.

lf we lower our power output

to beneath its
detection threshold...

We could drift past undetected.

lt's worth a try.

Well, good night.


why don't you...

join me?

l've been looking forward
to trying your replicator.

Well, l'm sure that l can
come up with something

to toast the evening.

We've accomplished
quite a bit today.

l'm afraid
that won't be possible.

l had your replicator
taken off-line.

ln case l decided
to replicate a w*apon.

A safety precaution,
you understand.

Better than anyone.

Sleep well.

And you.

As you were.

15 seconds.

Our power output is below
the detection threshold.

Ten seconds.

Five... four...



We weren't detected.

Ten minutes
and we'll be out of range.

Engineering to Bridge.
We've got a problem.

That pulse triggered a variance
in the antimatter stream.

lt's not much, but it'll
light us up like a beacon

when the next pulse hits.


l can't correct it in time.

So that leaves shutting down
the core.

Do it.

The array has released

-another pulse.

28 seconds.

Get down
to the plasma injectors.

Grab a tricorder
and monitor the antimatter flow.

Aye, sir.

20 seconds.


Almost there, Captain.

l'm having a problem
with the injectors.

15 seconds.

Ten seconds.

Four... three... two...

We've been detected.

The array's transmitting
an alert.

Can we block it?


Stand down grey mode.

B'Elanna, fire up the core.

We're getting out of here.

Warships will be on their way,

but we can still
reach the wormhole.

lf we can find it.

Tom, how long
to the Tehara system?

1 1 hours at maximum warp.

Engines are back on line.


Using the model we developed,

we were able to narrow
down the location

of the wormhole's next
appearance to a radius

of 200,000 kilometers.

We can't determine

its exact position
until we reach the system,

but we know it will open
in roughly six hours.

And will remain open
for two minutes at most.

l've devised
a new shield modulation,

which should protect us
against their weapons.

You're not planning

to fight your way
to the wormhole?

lf l have to.

Bridge to Captain Janeway.

Go ahead.

Long-range sensors have
picked up two Devore warships

heading right for us.

Time to intercept?

Six hours.

Take the Bridge.
l'll be in Engineering.


First, we'll check those
shield modifications.

Then we'll see if we
can adjust our phasers

to penetrate the Devore shields.

lf torpedoes don't work,
l want an alternative.

Captain, we have to talk

but not here.

l'm going back
to rejoin the warships.

lt's the only way that l
can guarantee your safety.


l'm still a ranking officer.

l can take command
of the inspection teams,

make sure the refugees
aren't discovered.

You said yourself
they're suspicious.

Return now and you
risk being caught.

l can keep them off track

long enough to get you
through that wormhole.

lt's too dangerous.


You asked for safe passage
and l agreed,

under the condition
that you follow my orders.

You may stand a chance
against one of our warships,

but not against two.

lf l stay, your best chance
of escape will be lost.

l could confine you to quarters.

l was planning on asking you
to stay with us,

once we got through
the wormhole.

l wouldn't mind having
someone around

who appreciates a bit
of Tchaikovsky now and then.

Generous, but...

something tells me l wouldn't
fit in any better on Voyager.


you wouldn't be
the first wayward soul

we've folded into our ranks.

Your shuttle will be ready
for launch within the hour.

Our course will put us
just outside the Teharan system

by the time
the warships arrive.

Your inspection teams
have to be off Voyager

before that wormhole opens.

Believe me, it'll be the
quickest inspection on record.

l'll be on the Bridge.

Your efforts have been
greatly appreciated.

My pleasure.

Live long and prosper.

Thank you.

Begin preignition sequence.

l've made one adjustment
to your plan.

After the inspection,
we're going to wait

at the wormhole
for as long as we can...

until it begins to collapse.

l may not be able
to join you this time.


They're assuming
a tactical formation.


No. We follow protocol.

Bridge to Transporter Room.


Ready, Captain.
Pattern cohesion stable.

Cargo Bay 1?


They're hailing.

On screen.

Gaharay vessel,
prepare to be...

We've been through
three inspections.

Please explain
why another is necessary.

Crew members are instructed to
step away from their stations.

Side arms and scanning equipment
are to be set aside.

Deviation from this
or any other

inspection protocols
will not be tolerated.

All hands, this is the Captain.

Prepare to be boarded
by Devore inspection teams.

Give them
your usual warm welcome.

Devore soldiers
have materialized

on Decks 15, 12, 8, 4...

And... 1.

Captain Janeway,
report to your ready room.


Good to see you again.



Of all the selections
in your database,

this remains my favorite.

Mine, too.

l'm afraid Prax isn't impressed.

He's solely concerned
with his work, aren't you, Prax?

As you say, sir.

Yes, he's curious why
you entered this sector.

You're aware it's restricted.

We were planning to study

a supernova remnant
not far from here.

You strayed a full light-year
from your course

in order to observe
an astronomical phenomenon?

We're explorers.

Yes, l remember.

l also remember warning you

about going
where you don't belong.

Exploring can sometimes
be hard to resist, lnspector.

Well, it's a romantic notion,

but one l can't allow you
to indulge.

l'm afraid l'll have to ask you
to leave our space immediately.

Prax, why don't you check

on our teams, while l reiterate

our protocols
for Captain Janeway.

Do they suspect anything?

Not yet,

but our warships

have been monitoring
Voyager's movements

for the past few days,
and mine as well.

l don't think we have much time.

The Brenari?

They're in transporter

And the wormhole?

We found it.

lt's 20,000 kilometers
off our port bow.

We've determined
that a photon torpedo,

properly calibrated,
will force open the threshold

long enough for Voyager
to get through.

Congratulations, Captain.

For awhile, l wasn't sure
if even you could find it.


Go to Cargo Bay 1.

You'll find
the transporter patterns

for more than a dozen telepaths.

Rematerialize them.

Yes, sir.


You gave
a masterful performance.

l'm the one who's impressed

with your selflessness,
your humanity.

lt made all this so much easier.

Oh, but what about
your selflessness?

That touching story
about the little girl--

was that a fabrication, too?

Oh, that incident was real.

What l didn't tell you

was that after wrestling
with my ethics,

l realized that l'd
done the right thing

in order to protect my people
from a very real threat.


l insist.


Access their forward
sensor array.

You should find
neutrino emissions

at roughly 20,000 kilometers
off the port bow.

On screen.

Target two photon torpedoes.

When the first one detonates,
the wormhole will open.

Use the second one to
destabilize its subspace matrix.

That will destroy it.

Prax, report.

l've isolated the bio-patterns.


lt should have detonated.

Those aren't neutrino emissions.

They're antimatter
residue signatures.

There's no wormhole here.

You created false readings.

That is the theme
for this evening, isn't it?

Prax, do you have the telepaths?

l have cargo containers...

filled with vegetables.

Return to the Bridge.

change music selection.

Mahler's Symphony #1,
second movement.

Maybe this will help you relax.

lnspector, we've completed
our inventory of the vessel.

Two of their shuttlecraft
are missing.

They couldn't have gone far.

Why didn't they appear
on our long-range scans?

Of course!

Adjust their scanners
to compensate

for refractive shielding.

Well, you gave us
the specifications.

Seemed a shame to waste them.

We've located
the two shuttlecraft.

Range 20 million kilometers.

Order our ships to pursue.

Maximum speed!

We're approaching
the coordinates.

l'm firing the torpedo.

The shuttles have disappeared
from sensors.

We've scanned for a wormhole.

lf there was one, it's gone.

l'll order Janeway
and her crew removed.

We'll confiscate the vessel,

deliver them to the nearest
detention center.

You're dismissed.

lmperative 12, Codicil Six

To hell with protocol, Prax!

Do you think
either of us will benefit

from having this failure
on our records?

As far as you're concerned,
this incident never occurred.

Make sure your teams share
that understanding.

Well played, Captain.

lt seems l never did
earn your trust.

l had to take a few precautions.

You understand.

Better than anyone.

l never lied to you.

My offer to take you with us
was genuine,

and it would still stand

if you'd kept
your part of the bargain.

For what it's worth...

you made a tempting offer.

The Bridge is yours.