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05x07 - Infinite Regress

Posted: 12/31/22 15:35
by bunniefuu
Regeneration cycle incomplete.

When l checked
the overnight sensor logs,

this little surprise
was waiting for me.

Maybe l'm not quite awake,

but it looks like its
over 100 kilometers wide.

120. At first, l thought
it was an asteroid cluster

until l picked up
a residual warp signature.

lt was a Borg vessel.

There are tetryon particles
in the debris consistent

with the atmosphere
inside a cube.

Any idea what destroyed it?

We would need to run
close-range scans

of the hull fragments.

Unless we alter course,
we'll get our chance.

The debris field's
directly ahead.

Then l suggest
we cut a wide berth.

Chances are the Borg will send
more vessels to investigate.

Alter course
to avoid the debris.

lf that's all...

One other piece
of business, Captain.

lt seems we had another incident

in the Mess Hall last night.

Return of the midnight snacker?

l'm afraid so.


A leg of Kelaran wildebeest
l'd prepared

for Ensign Ryson's birthday.

Since Commander Tuvok
has been unable

to round up any suspects,
l'd like to ask

that stronger measures be taken.

an armed security detail...

l'd like to ask permission
to replicate

some locking mechanisms
for the cabinet doors.



Naomi Wildman,

Subunit of Ensign
Samantha Wildman,

state your intentions.


Very well.
You leave me no choice

but to report your activities
to the Captain.

Please don't.

l was just observing you.


Well, Neelix told
me that the Borg

do a lot of things they do

because they're trying
to be perfect

and, even though you're
not really a drone anymore,

you still try to be perfect.

Don't you?


Well, if l can learn
to be perfect, too,

then Captain Janeway

will have to make me
her Bridge Assistant.

No such rank exists
aboard this vessel.

Not yet.

And you hope to achieve
this goal by emulating me?

Are you mad?

There are many on this crew

that would benefit
from your example.

So you'll teach me.

Your objective is admirable.

However, your neocortical
development is incomplete.

You would require several
months of accelerated growth

in a Borg maturation chamber.

Oh... l don't think
l like the sound of that.

Then l suggest that yo...


l'm bored.
Let's do something fun.

Like what?


Oh, l'm not allowed
to go swimming without my mom.


Do you like Kadis-Kot?

Love it.

Come on.

l'll be Bridge Assistant
for a while

then, l'll be promoted
to Ensign.

lt'll be Lieutenant after that,

and by the time we reach
the Alpha Quadrant...

Captain Wildman.

Green, grid 14-4.

Kadis-Kot. l win.

You're really good at this game.

You want a rematch?


Captains don't have much time
to play, you know.

That's okay.

l'll be pretty busy by then.

Want to hear the rules
of first contact?


How about the suborders
of the Prime Directive?

l know all 47 of them.

You study too much, Naomi.

Just like my brother.

l didn't know you had a brother.

Mm-hmm. 12 of them.


Nine older and three younger.

We play Kadis-Kot all the time.

l only have my mom
and Neelix to play with--

when they're not working.

You must get lonely.

A little. You get used to it.

You adapt.


You know, like the Borg.

Borg... l hate Borgs.

You do?

Yeah. They're mean.

Torres to Seven of Nine.

Please report to Engineering.

lt's your move.

Seven, respond.

l'm on my way, Lieutenant.

Naomi Wildman...


what am l doing here?

We're playing Kadis-Kot.


Take a look at this, will you?

l'm picking up an energy signal
in the lower subspace bands

and if l'm not mistaken,
it's got a Borg modulation.

You're correct.

lt is Borg.

l believe it's
a neural interlink frequency.

A what?

A frequency that integrates
the minds of Borg drones.

Can you pinpoint the origin?

l will try.

No offense, Seven,
but you look terrible.

l am not well.

l experienced
a brief lapse in memory

and l am disoriented.

Maybe you should
get to Sick Bay.


This interlink frequency
could explain m...

Do-raQ me'roch.

l beg your pardon?

l am the son of K'Vok.

And you?

What house are you from?

ls this some kind of a joke?

You wear the uniform
of a Starfleet puH-chaH.

What kind of a warrior are you?

Tom put you up to this,
didn't he?

Well, it didn't work.

Come, warrior,
let me look at you.

Enough, Seven.

Your blood is sweet!

Torres to Security.

Get somebody down here
right now.

You are strong.

You will make an excellent mate.

Get the hell away from me!

You wish to prove yourself
in battle.


Seven of Nine att*cked
B'Elanna in Engineering.

She's on Deck 9, Section 23.

Force fields.

Don't tell me those two
have actually come to blows.

Bridge to Tuvok.

Seven's been contained--
Deck 10, Section 32.


We're nearing her position.


Somebody's hurt
and he needs help.

Did l do something bad?

Who are you?

My name's Maryl.

Are you a Vulcan?

deactivate force field.

Give me the phaser.

You are not a physician,

The logical course of action

would be to take him
to the infirmary.


Subaltern Lorot,
Vulcan High Command.

May l be of assistance?


Please accompany me to Sick Bay.


Clearly he was att*cked.

l suggest we use caution.


You will drown
in your own blood.

Keep moving.


Captain, why am l here?

You've been unconscious
for nearly two hours.

We believe you're experiencing
a neurological disorder.

Voices... l hear voices...

Describe them.

They are agitated...


too many voices.

Too many voices!

The cortical inhibitor
is destabilizing.

l'm increasing the
neurotransmitter levels.

lt's working.

Do you still hear the voices?

They are fading.

They are gone.

All right.
Let's see what we can do

to keep them from coming back.

What's the last thing
you remember?

l was in Engineering
assisting Lieutenant Torres.

You have no recollection

of a confrontation
with B'Elanna?


l'm not sure why,

but you seem to be manifesting

other than your own.

Naomi Wildman claims
the two of you played together

for nearly an hour
this afternoon.

You also att*cked
Lieutenant Torres.

She told us you called
yourself ''son of K'Vok''

and that you initiated
a Klingon mating ritual.

l have no memory
of those events.

Come look at this.


This is your neural pattern.

The memory engrams
and synaptic pathways

that define you
as an individual.

Unfortunately, you're not alone.

13 new neural patterns
have emerged

in your cerebral cortex--

Klingon, Vulcan,
Terrelian, human

and several others
l can't identify.


They're coming
from within you.

During your time
with the Borg,

the collective assimilated
hundreds of different species.

All of those neural patterns
were integrated

into the hive mind.

Of course.

That means
they're in your mind, too,

within your cortical implants...

dormant until now.

>From what we can tell,

the various neural patterns
are surfacing randomly.

ln essence, you've developed
the Borg equivalent

of multiple personality

Can you correct
the malfunction?

The cortical inhibitor
is suppressing the effect,

but it's only
a temporary measure.

Lieutenant Torres detected
a Borg interlink frequency.

lt could be causing

my cortical implants
to malfunction.

The signal appears
to be emanating

from the Borg debris field
we discovered this morning.

Maybe we should jump to warp--
try to get out of range.

The signal permeates subspace.

We cannot avoid it.

Our only hope is
to terminate the signal

at its point of origin.

Set a course for
the debris field.

When we arrive,
we may need your help.

Feel up to it?

Yes, Captain.

Keep a close eye on her, Doctor,

in case she has any more
unexpected visitors.

Has any drone ever
experienced symptoms

like these before?

The collective does not
tolerate imperfection.

Any drone with a malfunction
as serious as mine

would be destroyed immediately.

Lucky for you, this crew
is a little more tolerant.

Oh, there you are.

Lieutenant Torres tells me
you're under the weather.


Well, is there anything

your morale officer
can do to help?

Assignments you need me to
finish while you recuperate?


l have some wonderful
medicinal teas.

Maybe l could
prepare one for you.

Talaxian homeopathy.

l don't think we're quite
that desperate yet.

How about if l make one of
your favorite nutritional...?

Your concern has been noted.

The Doctor will inform you
when l am functional again.

Right. Sorry.

Oh, uh...
l almost forgot--

it's from Naomi Wildman.

lt's a drawing of Voyager.

Or maybe it's an asteroid belt.

l'm not sure.

Naomi thought that it
might make you feel better.

Tell her thank you.

l suspected as much.

There were several interruptions
in your regeneration cycle.

18 minutes,
five minutes, one hour.

l don't recall them.

Let's examine
your neural function logs.

Low serotonin levels
during regeneration.

That's normal.

But look at these spikes
in the prefrontal synapses.

They appear only seconds
before you left the alcove.

You were sleepwalking.

l don't remember entering
this data file.

Looks like we found the identity
of the midnight snacker.

l'm sure Mr. Neelix
will be relieved.

Personal Log, Ensign Stone,
Stardate 52188.7.

l just completed my first week
of active duty.

lt was a nightmare.

After four years at the Academy,

l thought
l was ready for anything,

but Captain Blackwood
runs a tight ship

and he seems to take
special pleasure

in tormenting new recruits.

The First Officer tells me
not to take it personally,

but it's hard
to be objective when...


Captain of the Federation
Starship Tombaugh.

The Borg assimilated
that vessel 13 years ago.

The individual who made
this recording

must have been a member
of the crew.

One of my victims.

Here's another log entry--

this one encoded
for transmission.

Hi. Guess who?

l know l promised
to write you every day,

but that's simply not enough.

How about once in the morning
when l resuscitate

and once at night
before l go into torpor

and l'll think about you
nonstop in between.

Wait. l've got a better idea.

Why don't you leave your circle
and visit the colony?

You'd love it here-- sul...

Anything familiar?

l helped to assimilate
thousands of individuals.

l do not remember
each of their names.

Seven, you were a Borg drone

who's now becoming
an individual.

That's practically unheard of.

There's bound to be rough
spots along the way.

We just have to get past them.

Bridge to Seven of Nine.

We're approaching
the debris field.




Any sign of Borg vessels?

No, sir.

We're the first ones here.

l'm picking up the source

of the interlink frequency,
bearing 027 mark 3.

On screen.


lt's a Borg vinculum.


The processing device

at the core
of every Borg vessel.

lt interconnects
the minds of all the drones.

lt purges individual thoughts

and disseminates information
relevant to the collective.

lt brings order to chaos.


Looks like this one
has established a link

to your cortical implant.

l believe it has identified me
as an errant drone.

lt is attempting

to reintegrate me
into the collective.

The vinculum is malfunctioning.

lt is sending me
erratic commands.

Bringing chaos to order.


Can you sever the link?

Not without risking permanent
damage to my own systems.

The vinculum must be
taken off-line.

Permission to beam it aboard
for analysis.

l have worked with
this technology before.

l may be able to disable it.

We're talking about
the heart of a Borg cube.

l'd rather not take it
inside my ship.

Can you disable it remotely?

Yes, but l would need
several days.

The Borg may return by then.

l recommend we take the vinculum

and leave this region

Tuvok, prepare to beam it
to Engineering.

Erect a level-10 force field

and maintain constant

The moment it poses a threat,
send it back into space.

Tom, as soon a it's aboard,
get us out of here, warp 9.

Aye, Captain.

l understand
what you're going through

and l want to help you
in every way l can,

but the safety of this crew
is my first responsibility.

We haven't had the best
of luck with the Borg.

Nor have l.

Let's keep on eye
on those antigrav struts.

Boylan, lock out
all primary command consoles

and reroute transporter controls
to Main Engineering.

Yes, Lieutenant.


The voices, l hear them.

lt's your proximity
to the vinculum.

The link is stronger here.

l'm adjusting your
neurotransmitter levels.

We better get started.

Don't worry, Lieutenant.

The son of K'Vok
will not be joining us.

Glad to hear it.

Does this qualify
as our second date?

Just think of me
as your chaperon.


where's the off switch?

The vinculum is equipped
with many safeguards.

l will need to access
its transneural matrix

and disable it directly.

l'm reading a power surge.

lt's a normal response
to my intrusion.

Don't be alarmed.


l'm detecting an organism
within the vinculum.

lt appears to be a viral agent.

Let's see it.

lt's a synthetic pathogen.

The virus was originally
a biological agent,

but it's mutated.

lt's attacking
the vinculum's programs

as it would living cells.

An organism
that att*cks technology?

The cube was infected
three days ago,

shortly after assimilating
an alien shuttlecraft.

Species 6339.

They were the last ones to come
in contact with the cube.

Looks like we've found
our Typhoid Mary.

Species 6339, humanoid.

Origin: Grid 124,
Octant 22-Theta.

They first encountered
the Borg

approximately four years ago.

Since that time,
1 1 billion individuals

have been assimilated.

Three days ago,
the collective detected

one of their last
surviving shuttlecraft.

A cube was sent
to intercept it.

We believe the virus
was carried within their bodies.

Once they were assimilated,
it spread to the vinculum.

The drones aboard no doubt

experienced symptoms
similar to my own.

lt is no surprise
they destroyed themselves.

l'd like to find Species 6339.

They may be able
to help us treat you.

Begin long-range
astrometric scans.

See if they have any more
vessels in this region.

Yes, Captain.

l've already begun
a spatial diag...

My... My, my.
Look at the size of that thing.

This viewscreen.

lt's got to be one
of the biggest l've ever seen.

l'll give you
20 bars of latinum for it.

l think the inhibitor's
gone off-line.

Would you come here, please?

Be quiet. Can't you see
l'm in the middle of a deal?

Name your price, Captain...?

Janeway, and you are...?

Daimon Torrot.

You're Ferengi.

Of course l'm Ferengi.

ls that some kind of insult
about the size of my ears?

No, not at all.

l'd be happy to
negotiate with you,

but, first, we have
to get you to Sick Bay.

Sick Bay?
What for?

Because... you're ill.

l've never felt better.


l'm afraid you've contracted

a nasty strain
of the Ankaran flu.

We've been treating you
several days. Remember?


Short-term memory loss--
it's one of the symptoms.

Don't worry. lt isn't

but we'll need to treat you...
in Sick Bay.

What is this treatment
going to cost me?

lt's free of charge.



You know, l have been having
a nagging pain

in my lower left lobe,
and while you're at it

why don't you run a complete
tricardial diagnostic?

The Ferengi Health Commission

is trying to revoke
my trading license.

lmpressive vessel,
Captain. Galaxy-class?


Ah. Ah! And here we are

in the much talked
about ''Sick Bay.''

Not exactly state
of the medical art now, is it?

What do you mean?

Low on bio-beds,

terrible lighting,

obsolete instruments.

Lucky for you, l know
a medical supplier

that can spruce this place up
in a nanosecond

and l'll even drop my commission
to a mere... 30 percent?

How generous of you.

Computer, activate force field.

Force field?
You said l wasn't contagious.

lt's for your own safety.

l set the cortical
inhibitor to maximum...

l've been kidnapped!

but it is no longer
suppressing the effect.

These personalities...

are going to keep surfacing.

All the more reason to shut down
the vinculum as soon as we can.

Even if we do break the
link, it may be too late.

Seven's own neural pattern
is destabilizing.

lt could be lost.

Please help me.

l'm looking for my son--

Gregory Bergan,
Lieutenant Bergan.

Have you seen him?

No, l'm afraid not.

>From the Starship Melbourne.


l was supposed
to meet him at Wolf 359,

but Starfleet sent out a warning

that the Borg were
attacking that sector.

lt was too late
for us to turn back.

We were caught
in a terrible battle.

My ship was badly damaged.

We had to leave on escape pods.

l never found out
what happened to Gregory.

Please, l haven't heard from him
in over three days.

Could you check
with Starfleet Headquarters?

l'll see what l can do.

Thank you, Captain.

lf... if you do speak with him,

could you tell him that
his mother is all right

and if he could pos...?




The vinculum...

We're preparing
to shut it down right away.

l'll give the order
as soon as Torres is ready.

How long was l... absent?

About 20 minutes.

How many?


One of whom wanted to acquire
half the items on the ship.

DaiMon Torrot, l believe.

Species 180, Ferengi.

Yes. The other was a woman

whose son was lost
in a Borg attack.

You'll get through this, Seven.

l do not share your optimism.

When you took me from the Borg

and began to turn me
into an individual,

l found the silence
of my own mind

difficult to bear.

l missed the voices
of the collective.

But now that l am an individual
those same voices...

frighten me.

Captain, l don't know

if l can tolerate
this condition much longer.

My courage is insufficient.

Your job is to keep trying...

to hold on, even when
you think you can't.

Leave the rest
to me and the crew.

Meet anyone interesting?

Just finished swapping jokes
with a Bolian manicurist.

Before that, l was debating

the finer points of temporal
physics with a Krenim scientist.

12 new personalities
have surfaced

in the past hour alone.

Seven's having
a rough time of it.

The Doctor had to sedate her.

And how's
the Captain holding up?

l've been better, Chakotay.

ln fact...

l'm starting to wonder

if my first officer
was right all along.

About what?

You always said that
bringing Seven into the fold

might be impossible.

''You can take the Borg
out of the collective, but...''

l don't believe that.

Not anymore.

l didn't think she'd last
a day, much less a year.

l'd say you've proven me wrong.

Torres to Bridge.

We're ready to begin
disabling the vinculum.


Target the transneural matrix.

Stand by to initiate
the dampening field

on my mark.

Three, two, one.


lts power output is dropping.

Doctor to Bridge.
lt seems to be working.

Her neural pattern
is stabilizing.

Power output
is down to 77 percent.

7 1 percent...

Wait a second.

lt's increasing.

l am refocusing the
dampening field.

lt's still increasing.

The vinculum is rerouting
its internal circuitry.

lt's adapting.

puH-chaH me'roQ!



Her synaptic pathways
are destabilizing!

Abort the procedure!

...voices. Help me!


Stand by, Doctor.

Power output at 98 percent.

The force field is collapsing.

Transfer to emergency power.

lt won't work, Lieutenant.

We must abort.

Tuvok to Bridge.

The procedure was unsuccessful.

The vinculum has returned
to full power.


Doctor, report.

Seven's neural pattern
has disappeared, Captain.

lt appears that...

the other patterns
have taken over completely.

We've lost her.

Captain's Log, supplemental.

Long-range sensors
have detected a vessel

belonging to Species 6339.

We've set a course
to intercept them

in the hopes they can help us
restore Seven of Nine.

l've managed to stabilize
her primary cortical functions,

but the woman in Sick Bay is not
Seven of Nine-- not anymore.

New personalities are emerging
every few seconds now.

She can't finish a sentence

before the next one
rears its head.

lt's creating an incredible
strain on her cerebral cortex.

lf we don't deactivate
the vinculum soon,

we may never get her back.


Lieutenant Torres
is taking measures

to prevent the vinculum
from adapting,

but there's no guarantee
she'll succeed.

Captain, l've exhausted every
viable treatment in my database.

Then logic dictates
we go beyond medical science.

l will attempt to mind-meld
with Seven of Nine.

A mind-meld? You consider that
a viable treatment?

Seven's neural pattern--
her sense of self--

is immersed in chaos.

l will attempt
to isolate her true self

and guide it to the surface.

lt's dangerous enough
to meld with one person,

let alone hundreds
of different personalities.

lt's too risky.

The risk is mine to take.

l'm aware of that,
but is this our only option?

l believe it is, Captain.

How long would you need
to prepare?


you can't actually be
considering this...

Vulcan mumbo jumbo.

l will require
two hours of meditation.

Begin immediately.

Report to Sick Bay
when you're ready.

You said it yourself.

We've exhausted
every medical treatment.

l just hope l don't find
myself with a second patient.

Captain to the Bridge.

On my way.


lt's them-- Species 6339.

Their vessel is well-armed,

l'm picking up 22 phaser cannons
on the aft section alone.

Hail them.

They're responding.

On screen.

l'm Captain Janeway

of the Federation
Starship Voyager.

We recently found a piece
of Borg technology.

lt's been infected
with a viral agent

we believe was
transmitted by your...

The vinculum.
You have it?


You've made
a terrible mistake, Captain.

A w*apon?

Yes. Since the Borg
decimated our world,

we've been looking
for ways to retaliate.

So you created a virus
to infect their technology.

13 of my people were
injected with the virus.

They allowed themselves
to be assimilated

so that the virus would spread
to this vinculum.

Once another Borg ship
had retrieved it,

they would be infected as well.

Then another cube,
and another...

We had the opportunity

to infect dozens, even
hundreds of Borg vessels

until you interfered!


Your virus has had one
unexpected casualty...

a member of my crew.

lt wasn't designed
to infect other species.

She's Borg.

We liberated her

from the collective
over a year ago.

She's an individual now.

We were hoping you could
help us treat her.

We designed that virus
to destroy Borg, Captain.

We never considered a treatment.

l'm afraid your drone
won't survive,

but we must return the vinculum
to the debris field immediately.

lf the Borg arrive first,
we'll have lost our chance.

And those 13 people
will have died in vain.

All right.
We'll return it to you,

but first we need to try
to save our crew member.

We think we have a way

to counteract
the vinculum's effects.


l'm going to try to remodulate

our dampening field
to compensate...

We don't have time for this.

The vinculum, Captain.

l can't give it to you.

Not yet.

You've scanned our vessel.

You're aware of our firepower.

You could undoubtedly do
significant damage to Voyager

and to the vinculum.

ls that what you want?

The vinculum survived
the destruction of one ship.

What makes you so sure
it won't survive another?



A necessary precaution.

A few of your... guests
have been violent.

The vinculum.

lt keeps adapting.

We haven't been able
to shut it down.

Your own neural pattern was
nearly destroyed in the process.

l wasn't sure
l'd find you again.

l am damaged.

One of your... personas

didn't appreciate
the restraints.

She seemed intent on forcing
her way to freedom.

l apologize.

lt was hardly your fault.
You're ill.


l am Borg--
l should be able to adapt.

you aren't invincible.

l suppose that's something
we'll have to tackle

in our next social lesson.


They're getting louder.

lt won't be long
before l lose you again.

lt's my duty as your physician

to inform you
of an alternative treatment.

What treatment?

Commander Tuvok has
proposed a mind-meld

to help stabilize
your neural pattern.

l had a similar reaction.

lf you don't approve...

What is the probability
of success?

l don't know.

A mind-meld is hardly a
standard medical practice.

Are there any risks to Tuvok?

He could suffer brain damage,

but he's confident he'll
be able to break the meld

before that happens.

Even if we do
shut down the vinculum,

it may not be enough.

lf Tuvok can do
anything to help me...

l understand.


you have shown
a great deal of patience.

Not at all.

lnform the crew that l am
also grateful for their efforts.

You'll be able
to tell them yourself afterward.




Focus on the sound of my voice.

Get them out, please!

l can't...

l can't...

No! No!


The alien vessel
is coming about.

They're charging weapons.


As if the meld weren't
dangerous enough,

the aliens are trying
to take the vinculum by force.

Commander Chakotay
is at tactical.

The Captain wants
you here with Seven.

This will allow me
to monitor your neural activity

for the duration of the meld.

At the first sign of trouble...

You will do nothing.

l beg your pardon?

There will undoubtedly be
many signs of trouble.

You must have faith
in my ability to endure them.

l'll try.
l just hope my faith

doesn't leave the two of you

Your concerns
have been noted, Doctor.

With all of these new
personalities floating around,

it's a shame
we can't find one for you.

Computer, deactivate
force field.

Why am l tied to this bed?

Please let me go.


l'll rip out your throat,

Name your price.

Ten bars of latinum?


This isn't medicine.
lt's t*rture!

l'll sue for malpractice!

l fail to see the logic
in this meld, Commander.

My mind to your mind.

You are but one mind
confronting thousands.

My thoughts to your thoughts.

You will not succeed.

Your mind to my mind.

Let me go.

My mind to your mind.

The Borg are
assimilating the ship!

We've got to evacuate.

My thoughts
to your thoughts.

-Listen to me!!
-My mind to your mind.

They're trying
to assimilate the ship!

Let me go!

My thoughts to your thoughts.

Where's my mommy? Mommy!

My mind to your mind.


My thoughts to your thoughts.








l'm lost! Somebody help me!

Please! l don't like it here!

l want to go home!

l can't find my...

Mommy! Please! Help me!

Please! l don't
want to stay here!

l want to go home!
l don't like it!

Please help me!
l want to go home!

These people are scary!
Please don't go!

Please! Why are you
leaving me here?!

Don't go!

Please! l don't like it here!

Sick Bay to Engineering.

How long until the vinculum's

Two, maybe three minutes...

provided Voyager can stay
in one piece for that long.

Shields down to 60 percent.

Evasive maneuvers.

Target their
weapons array.

Targeting systems
are malfunctioning.

We're losing power
to main thrusters.

Shields to 35 percent.

Reroute all available
power to shields.

Chakotay, initiate
manual targeting.

Torres to Bridge.

The vinculum's stopped adapting.

l think the new dampening field
is working.

We should have it disabled
in the next 60 seconds.

Warning. Neurochemical synapses
are destabilizing.

Computer, increase power
to the cortical inhibitors.

Unable to comply. Power
transport systems are off-line.

Tuvok, if you can hear me,
we have to terminate the meld.

Tuvok! Tuvok!

le'raH tuH me'roQ.






Power output's down
to 29 percent.

22... 17...

Bridge, we just lost
the field emitters.

We took a direct hit
to the power grid.

Stand by. We're switching
to emergency backup.


Bridge, the vinculum's
powering up again.

The field emitters
are back on line.

Pull the plug.

lt's working.

Power output down to 19 percent.

13 percent.





lt's done, Captain.

The vinculum's off-line.



We have her back, Captain.

Hail the lead vessel.

Tell them we're surrendering
the vinculum.

No response.

Lock onto the damn thing.

Beam it into space.

Transport complete.

They're withdrawing.

Take us out of here, Tom.
Warp 9.

Yes, ma'am.

Captain's Log, Stardate 52356.2.

After nearly a week
of regeneration,

Seven of Nine has finally
recovered from her ordeal.

Neuroprocessor, cortical
receptors, all stable.

She's fit to return to duty.

What about her
other personalities?

Any sign of them?

Those neural patterns

have returned
to their dormant state.

The voices will not return?

l suppose that depends
on your perspective.

You may not hear them,

but l suspect
they'll always be with you.

The members of this crew put
themselves at risk to help me.

l am unsure how to reciprocate.

Let's start
with something small.

Like a recalibration
of the EPS manifolds?

B'Elanna's expecting
you in Engineering.

l will join her shortly.

There is a crew member
l must see first.

These are star charts for
the next three systems

Voyager will pass through.

Familiarize yourself with them.


Sociological data regarding
173 Delta Quadrant species.

Study it.

l will.

As Bridge Assistant,

you will find
this information relevant.

Consider it ''assimilated.''

There is one more assignment.

l require your assistance.


l wish to participate
in recreational activities.



lnstruct me how to play.

l will comply.