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05x04 - In the Flesh

Posted: 12/31/22 15:32
by bunniefuu
Welcome to Earth.

l am Admiral Bullock and l will
be your commanding officer

for the next six months.

Questions, comments--
bring them to me.

talk to Lieutenant Kinis.


you're assigned
to the Federation Counsel

Deputy Liaison Officer.

Young and Reiskin, report
to Orbital Flight Control.

You'll be monitoring incoming
vessels from the Bolian sector.

Report back
to your commanding officer

as soon as you've completed
your assignments.

l can save you
some time there, son.

They're bamboo.

l know that.

Unfortunately, my tricorder
is reading them as maple trees.

l think the isodyne relays
must be malfunctioning.

Well, why don't you pay a
visit to Logistical Support?

Maybe they'll issue
you a new one.

Good idea.

l'm going that way myself.

Mind some company?

Not at all.

So, what's your assignment here?

l don't know.

l haven't received
my orders yet.

l just arrived.

From where?

A three-year tour
on the lntrepid.

ls that a fact?

l thought the lntrepid was
patrolling the Neutral Zone.

lt is. l caught a transport
vessel at Deep Space 7.

Got tired of wrestling
with the Romulans?

Let's just say
it's good to be back.

What about yourself?

How long have you been
posted here, Mister...?

Boothby. Boothby is the name.

Boothby, l've heard of you.

l should hope so.

l've been tending these
grounds for 54 years.

Give or take a few months.

And beautiful grounds they are.


Logistical Support.

Straight through
the main complex,

second door on your right.

Thank you.


Logistics is a secure area.

They won't let you in
with that holo-imaging device.

Fresh from the Neutral Zone...

You're not a Romulan
double agent are you, son?

Actually, l was just
recording a few images

for my friends back home.

Would you mind
posing for a shot?

Me? You want a picture of me?

The one and only Boothby.

My friends would be impressed.

Well, when you put it that way.


Take our picture, will you?

Don't cut off our heads.

l expect a copy of that,
young man.

You're in my seat.

And you're reading my book.

You want my drink, too?

Depends. What is it?

Klingon martini-- vermouth,
gin, with a dash of bloodwine.

never touch the stuff.

What do you like?

Excuse me, l was
waiting for a friend.

Valerie Archer.

Hayek. Jason Hayek.

Nice tattoo.

l bet there's a story behind it.

A long one.

A Cave Beyond Logic:

Vulcan Perspectives
on Platonic Thought.

Sounds fascinating.

You can borrow it if you like.

Thanks anyway.
l can only take

small doses
of Vulcan philosophy.

Stationed here?


Where do you call home?

You first.
Where are you from?

Everywhere. My parents
were starship officers.

By the time l was ten,
l'd seen half the Quadrant.

Starfleet brat.

Bratty as they come.

Can l ask you a question?

Have you ever reverted?


Not yet.

Ensign O'Halloran, this is
his third time this week.

lf it happens again, they'll
pull him out of training.

What about you?

Any trouble?

Oh, l can keep my human form.

lt's the little things
that bother me.

Little things?

Breathing oxygen,

bipedal locomotion,
and sleeping--

the concept of being unconscious
for eight hours a night,

it's so... alien.

l know what you mean.

That's why l started
reading their books.

For some reason,
it helps me relax.

But we shouldn't be
talking about this.

Think human. Talk human.
Be human. Remember?

How could l forget?

So, had a chance
to take a look around?

Not yet.

Headquarters has
a lot more to offer

than conference rooms
and consoles...

if you have the right guide.

ls that an invitation?

l get off duty at 1900 hours.


Speak of the devil.

We were just discussing
Vulcan philosophy.

Join us.

Another time perhaps.

We have work to do.

Oh, can't it wait?

l'm afraid not.

What about tonight?

Do we have a date?

1900 hours--

meet you right here.

l'll do my best.

Live long and prosper.

A ''date''?

Relax, Tuvok.
l plan on standing her up.

We agreed to limit our
investigation to surveillance.

lt was worth the risk.

She talked about training.

These are some kind of aliens
learning to pose as humans.

For what purpose?

l don't know.
l didn't get that far.

We're due back at the
transporter coordinates.

Excuse me! Gentlemen!

You've entered a restricted
area, captains and above.

Sorry, we didn't realize...

l'm going to have
to ask you to come with me.


All unauthorized personnel

are to be debriefed
by Starfleet lntelligence.

Direct orders
from Admiral Bullock.

Listen, Ensign, we're late for a
meeting with Starfleet Command.

The debriefing
will have to wait.

l'm sorry, Commander.

Very well.

When he regains consciousness,

he'll no doubt want
to report this incident.

Chakotay to Paris.
Three to beam up.


l'll explain later.

Who's that?

One of Starfleet's finest.

Take us to Voyager.

What did you find down there?


Welcome aboard.

Where am l?

On a starship.

What starship?

Why have you brought me here?

l'll be reporting this
incident to the Admiral.

You can drop the charade.
We know you're not human.

Who are you?

Gentry, David.

Rank: Ensign.

Starfleet service number

Planet of origin: Earth.

We're not interested in your
knowledge of human culture.

We're not part
of your re-creation.

l'm Captain Janeway

of the Federation
Starship Voyager.

l'm from Earth.

You're not.

Gentry, David.

Rank: Ensign.

Starfleet Service Number


What are you doing?

l need a sample of your DNA.


Since you won't
tell us who you are,

we have no choice
but to find out for ourselves.

You won't be harmed.

Gentry to Headquarters.
Security alert!

We've disabled your combadge.


Don't touch me.



lt appears he's released

a cellular toxin
into his bloodstream.

He's dead.

Captain's Log, supplemental.

Until we know
exactly what's going on,

l'm keeping Voyager concealed
behind a class-3 moon.

Federation Council,

Starfleet Medical Complex.

They even re-created
the officers' club--

the Quantum Cafe.

Computer, return
to time index 4228.

That's Boothby.


The head groundskeeper
at Starfleet Academy.

When l was a cadet,

he used to give me fresh
roses for my quarters.

lt's safe to assume
this individual is not Boothby.

Whoever they are,
they've gathered

incredibly accurate information
about Starfleet Headquarters.

Perhaps they had access
to a Federation database.

Or they've been
to San Francisco.

The habitat's population

of humans, Vulcans,
Bolians, Ferengi...

All Alpha Quadrant species.

What do we know

about this artificial
environment, Seven?

l've used the tricorder data

and astrometric scans

to extrapolate a cross-section
of the interior.

l believe they used
a combination

of holographic projection
and particle synthesis.

Power source?

There are 13

thermionic generators
beneath the city.

l can't identify
the energy signatures.

The habitat's heavily fortified.

They are well prepared
to defend against an attack.

Sick Bay to Captain.

Go ahead.

l've completed
my postmortem analysis.

You'd better get down here.

On my way.
lf this is a training ground,

it could mean they're planning
an invasion of the Federation.

We should prepare for the worst.

See if you can find a way
to penetrate their defenses.

He may look human,
he may sound human,

he may even smell human,

but there's no question--
he's alien.

Was he genetically altered?

On a highly sophisticated level.

lf it weren't
for microcellular scans,

l wouldn't be able
to distinguish him

from the genuine article.

l've managed to isolate
the alien DNA.

Fortunately, most of his cells
are still chemically active.

lf l use
a cytokinetic injection,

l should be able to trigger
a genetic reversion.

Do it.

Talk about a wolf
in sheep's clothing.

Species 8472.

The question is:

Why are they training
to pose as human beings?

Back in the 20th century,

the Soviets used
to build American towns

to train their agents to
infiltrate the United States.

Species 8472 could be doing
the same thing.

They're going

to infiltrate
the Alpha Quadrant.

Maybe they already have.

Tom's right.
How else could they

have gathered their
information about us?

Perhaps they acquired it
from the Borg.

lt doesn't matter
how they got their data.

We need to find out
what they intend to do with it.

lf our previous experience
is any indication,

they will try to destroy Earth.

A logical assumption.

They did thr*aten to purge
our galaxy of all life.

Tuvok, keep working on a way

to target
their habitat's power source.

We're going to need nanoprobe
warheads and plenty of them.

Seven, see to it.

Yes, Captain.

ln the meantime,
l've got a date to keep.

l made contact
with one of them--

Commander Valerie Archer.

Maybe l can capitalize
on the relationship,

get a better idea
of what they're planning.

Tom, Harry, take him back
in the Delta Flyer.

Keep a constant transporter lock
on him.

lf Species 8472
att*cks Earth...

the Federation won't have
any defenses against them

and l don't need to remind you

that we have no way
to warn Starfleet Command.

Voyager may be the last defense

against an all-out invasion
of Earth.

Last minute preparations?

Just planning my big night out.

l can recommend a nice Japanese
replimat on the Embarcadero.

l was never very good
with chopsticks.

Starfleet Headquarters.

Brings back memories

even if it is
just a re-creation.

l remember my last visit there.

l was given my general orders
for Voyager's first mission--

proceed to the Badlands,
and find the Maquis.

The orders
that brought us together.

What about you?

When was the last time
you were at Headquarters?

Before today?

March 3, 2368--

the day l resigned
my commission.

l can still remember
the look on the Admiral's face.

Which one?


He taught at the Academy,
didn't he?

That's right.

lnterspecies ethics, wasn't it?

Tactical analysis.

Of course.

Kathryn, you think
l might be one of them.

You're testing me.

You and Tuvok were
in the alien habitat

for nearly three hours.

Anything could have
happened down there.


Why don't you have Tuvok
meet us in Sick Bay?

The Doctor can perform
a microcellular analysis.

Tuvok's already there.

You could've just asked me
to report to Sick Bay.

Given Ensign Gentry's reaction,

l thought l'd be
a little more tactful.

You're not taking
any chances, are you?

Don't feel singled out.

l've asked the Doctor
to examine the entire crew.

There's no telling how 8472

got their information
about Starfleet--

from the Borg, Earth.

For all we know, there's
been an impostor on board.

Cell morphology normal.

All of your nucleotide sequences
are accounted for.

You're 100 percent human.

That's a relief.
And Tuvok?

Green-blooded Vulcan
through and through.

Well, two down, 125 to go.

You'd better get going.


l don't want to be late.

Just be home before midnight.

Yes, ma'am.

l've enhanced this tricorder
with a transoptic datalink.

lt should help you access
some of their systems.

Type-1 phaser, modified
to fire Borg nanoprobes.


Do you always arm yourself
before a first date?

You've never had a date
with Species 8472.

Personally, l don't go out
with girls from other galaxies.

You're a true explorer,

ls she cute?

ln her human form, anyway.

l've always wondered what it
would be like to date an alien.

l'll take notes.

We're making our approach.

All stop.

Shields up.

Feisty little fellows.

You've increased their cellular
motility by over 200 percent.

l thought it would be prudent
to maximize their efficiency.

Seven, the last time
we used nanoprobes,

we sent 8472 scurrying
back to fluidic space.

You can't get more
efficient than that.

The species is highly adaptive.

lt's been over a year
since our first encounter.

They may have developed
a defense

against our technology.

There's one way to find out.

We can test the nanoprobes
on our corpse.

You'll find the body
in Morgue Chamber 3.

Beam it to the surgical bay.

The creature's only been dead
for a few hours.

There should still be plenty
of cellular activity.

lnitiate a bio-scan,
full spectrum.

Don't worry.

lt's an autonomic reflex.

The creature still has residual

bio-electric activity
in its nervous system.

Something's wrong.

The nanoprobes should
have taken effect by now.


What is it?

The creature's nucleotides
are still intact.

lt looks like your concerns
were warranted.

We'll have to inform
the Captain.

-We may have to...

Hmm. False alarm.

l will replicate
more nanoprobes.

l don't mind telling you, Seven,

l'm still holding out
for a diplomatic solution.


Species 8472 will not
respond to diplomacy.

Funny. We used to say the
same thing about the Borg.

My point is, anything's possible
if you keep an open mind.

Optimism, Seven.

Try to look on the bright side.

lt is difficult to be optimistic

when we are preparing
for battle.

Have you ever heard the phrase

''the best defense
is a good offense''?


Throughout human history,

weapons of mass destruction
were often designed

in the hopes that
they'd never be used.

And yet, in Earth's
third world w*r,

nuclear weapons accounted
for 600 million casualties.

Were they looking
on the bright side?

An unfortunate exception.

We were just talking about you.


She didn't think
you were going to show up.


l've known Archer

since she was
a first-year cadet.

She's not easily impressed.

l didn't think
you were her type.

Oh, uh, if you'll excuse me,

l've got some midnight orchids
that need my attention.

Think about what l said,
young lady.

You'll be fine.

Thank you, Boothby.


l was offered a field
commission this morning.

First Officer of
the Starship Hor-CHA.


lt's a Klingon vessel.


So, what did Boothby say?

Du cha mee gagh roch.

''Smile when you eat the gagh. ''

Wise words.


Do you always seek advice
from the groundskeeper?

Half the captains in Starfleet
wouldn't be where they are today

if it weren't for Boothby.

Lopez, Picard, Richardson...
just to name a few.

Closing time.

You offered to be my guide.

Where's our next stop?

Can you dance?

l've been accused of trying.

lt's Pon farr Night
at the Vulcan nightclub.


lt's just around the corner.

Take it easy, Harry.

We didn't build the Delta Flyer

to withstand
such extensive pacing.

He should have
contacted us by now.

Give him time.

Four hours?

lt's a date.

These things can't be rushed.

They probably
just finished dinner,

a couple of drinks,

and now, they are moving
past the polite stage.

''Polite stage.''

The last 8472 l met

tried to dissolve me
from the inside out.

lt was only trying to get
to know you better, Harry.

You can't fault
a person for that.

Look, Chakotay can
take care of himself

and if he can't,

who better than us
to come to the rescue?

Turns out the transporter

My uniform ended up
in the pattern buffer.

You're kidding.
You were naked?

Not entirely.

l had my combadge.

l hope it was well-placed.

Computer, lights.

So this is where

they're putting up
officers nowadays.

Not bad.

Can l get you
something to drink?

Water's fine.

l'm beginning to think
you're a teetotaler.

l like to stay in control.

Always at Yellow Alert, huh?

Something like that.

Find anything interesting?

Beyond the Galactic Edge:
Humanity's Quest for lnfinity.

This is a 21st century edition
of Hesterman, isn't it?

Good book, though.

Never read it.

You should.

Human beings--

they're quite a paradox.

Oh? How so?

At first glance...

they're so primitive--

genetic impurities,
no telepathy, violent--

and yet they've created
so many beautiful ways

to communicate their ideas--
literature, art, music.

At times, l've actually enjoyed
being in this form.

You must think l'm crazy.

Not at all.

l wonder what they think
about us?

Hard to say.

l'll tell you what l think.

They despise us.

They'll attack any species

that's not a part
of their Federation. Mmm.

Speaking of being in human form,

l could use
an isomorphic injection.

You need one?

l'm fine.

Make yourself at home.


How do you like the view?


Looks like a full moon.

You can see the entire bay
on a night like this.

l should have brought
my holo-imager.

You make a pretty picture.

Mm, feel that?

Salinated oxygen molecules

stimulating the epidermal
neural receptors.

Non-fluidic space
has its charms.

No argument there.

Planet Earth.

The simulation will be
real soon enough.

How soon do you think?

Weeks, days.

As soon as they think
we're ready.

Can l be honest with you?


l'm starting to wonder if
all this is worth the effort.

What do you mean?

This simulation, our mission--

are we certain
the humans pose a threat?

They were allies with the Borg.

They invaded our realm.

That was one incident.

Doesn't mean
the entire Federation

is planning a w*r against us.

We can't trust them.

We have to prepare
for the worst.

l'm not so sure.

l think you've been
human a little too long.

Before you know it,

l'll be sending my résumé
to the real Starfleet.

''Alien from distant
galaxy seeks employment.

References available
upon request.''

Well, it's getting late.

l'd better go.


l have a tactical report

to finish before morning.

Aren't we forgetting

l'm no expert
at human dating rituals,

but l think it's customary
to kiss good night.

You've never done this before.


Me, neither.

Just... think of it as
part of our training.


l analyzed his DNA.

Your suspicions were correct.

How much does he know?

lt's difficult to say.

He'll have to be interrogated.

Where is he?

By now, he should be
in the main quad.

l recommend we go to daylight.

He'll be easier to track.

Chakotay to Paris.

Delta Flyer, respond!

Yes, come in.

The Borg modifications
are complete.

19 standard photon torpedoes
and three class-10s

armed with high-yield


We've depleted our supply
of nanoprobes.

Replicate a new supply.

That is not possible.

Have the Doctor extract them
from your bloodstream,

grow them in a petri dish,
whatever it takes.

lf we do engage 8472,

l don't intend to run out
of firepower mid-battle.

You of all people
should understand that.

They k*lled what--
four million drones?

Directive 010:

''Before engaging
alien species in battle,

''any and all attempts
to make first contact

and achieve nonmilitary
resolution must be made.''

ln this case, we made first
contact over a year ago

and we barely got
out of it alive.

lt seems to me
a battle is inevitable.

Maybe even w*r.

So why can't l get that
directive out of my mind?

This species intends
to purge our galaxy of all life.

lt's time you resisted
your Starfleet philosophy.

Captain to the Bridge.

The away team is hailing us.


Chakotay's in trouble.

He tried to contact us
ten minutes ago,

but his signal was cut off.

Some kind of force field
went up around the habitat.

We can't get a lock on him.

Has your vessel been detected?

l don't think so.

At least no one's tried
to take a shot at us yet.

Hold your position.
Keep trying to locate him.

We're on our way.

Yes, ma'am.

Bring those Borg weapons
on line.

Red Alert.

All hands to battle stations.

Take us out of orbit.

l thought you had
a tactical report to finish.

What'll you have, son?

l'm a single malt man, myself.

Aged 200 years.

Been saving it
for a special occasion.

And l'd say this
is special enough, mm-hmm.

A toast... to Earth.


Rank: Commander.

Starfleet Service Number:

First Officer, USS Voyager.

Species 8472.

Origin: Fluidic space.

Well, now that we've
been formally introduced,

how many ships?

Cat got your tongue?

l asked you a question.

How many vessels do you
have in the Delta Quadrant?


How did you find us?

We detected what looked like

a Federation subspace

lt took us weeks
to track it here.

We wanted this simulation

to be accurate
to the last detail.

We obviously went
a little too far.

Now that you know
about our re-creation,

you've no doubt alerted
the Federation.

Your fleet will be on its way.

You've got it wrong.

We're not planning a w*r
against you.

ls that why you were here
to spy on us--

because you're curious?


A starship is approaching.

lt's Voyager.

Raise our shields.

Stand by, all weapons.

Captain Janeway is not here
to launch an attack.

She's here to find me.

We've got the real McCoy here.

We might as well take
advantage of it.

Perform a genetic extraction.

lt may help us find a better way
to maintain these human forms.

Yes, sir.

We're approaching the habitat.

Shields to maximum.
Charge weapons.

All hands, this is the Bridge.
Tactical alert.

Report to your posts and
stand by to engage the enemy.

l have a visual.

We're being scanned.

Let them take a look.

The Delta Flyer is heading
up from the habitat.

Open a channel.

Tom? Status.

They've taken a couple
of potshots at us, Captain.

We've lost our shields.
Mind if we join you?

You're clear to dock.
Shuttle Bay 2.

Any word from Chakotay?

l'm afraid not.

Bring us within range.

Target their weapons array.

Captain, we should target
their power systems as well.

No, l don't want to risk

shutting down
their life support.

lf we can end this
without casualties,

so much the better.

This species does not
deserve our compassion.

You picked a lousy time
for an ethical debate.

The weapons array now.

We're entering range.

3,800 kilometers.




That's not my name.

Then what is it?

You're afraid of us, aren't you?

You think we're violent.

That we're planning
to destroy your species.

But none of that's true.

lf you would take the time

to speak to us directly,
we could prove it to you.

''There are no secrets except the
secrets that keep themselves.''


George Bernard Shaw.

l saw a copy of his collected
works on your bookshelf.

He had a complex mind...
for a human.

And he had a point.

As long as we keep spying
on each other,

making assumptions,

we probably will go to w*r.


They're charging weapons.

Do the same.

We're being hailed.

Mr. Boothby.

Captain Janeway.

Good to see you
after all these years.

Enjoying the Delta Quadrant?

Don't get sassy with me,
young lady.

This re-creation
may be Starfleet,

but our weapons are
far more sophisticated.

l can destroy your vessel
with a single command.

Run along, now.

l'm not going anywhere.

Not until you return
my First Officer

and give me a damn
good explanation

for what you're doing
in our galaxy.

l've targeted your re-creation

with Borg nanoprobes.

And we're willing to use them
if you force us to.

Don't try to rattle my cage.

l'll disable your tactical
systems before you...

The last time
our species engaged in battle,

you suffered heavy casualties.

Are you willing to take
that chance again?

An armed conflict

isn't going to solve
our problems.

We could go on making threats.

Spying on each other.

Risking a w*r
between our species.

Or we could try
a more direct approach.

What do you have in mind?

How about a class reunion?

Targ manure!

United Federation of Planets...

tolerance for all species...

the Prime Directive...

targ manure,
every word of it.

Your metaphor is colorful,
but inaccurate.

Vulcan logic...

add that to the list.

Obviously, you've studied
a Starfleet database.

You must've learned something
about our history.

We adhere to our directives.

High-minded ideals
are one thing,

but your actions tell
a very different story.

You infiltrated
our re-creation,

captured and k*lled
one of our people.

l told you he took his own life.

You created biological weapons
to infect our species.

You are allies with the Borg.


There's a drone sitting

at this very table.

Look at her-- all gussied up
to look like a human being.

l am no longer part
of the collective.

Once a Borg, always a Borg.

Seven of Nine is
a member of this crew.

The Borg are irrelevant.

lt's the humans
that pose a threat.

They think the Federation
is a hostile invasion force

out to destroy their species.

l see.

So you're planning a preemptive
strike against Earth.

Maybe l am.

You realize
l can't let that happen.

Go ahead.
Fire your damn nanoprobes,

blow our re-creation
to high heavens.

There are a dozen more

scattered throughout
the Quadrant.

You'll never find them all.

What if l told you

that Starfleet
isn't planning an invasion,

that no one on Earth
has even heard of you?

l'd say you're lying.

Have another look at that
Federation database of yours.

You'll see there's no mention
of your realm.


Any information
regarding our species

has no doubt been classified
by Starfleet lntelligence.

has no doubt been classified
by Starfleet lntelligence.

Good point.

You know, we could

keep this paranoid
debate going all day.

You have no reason to trust us,

and we have no reason
to trust you.

Hear, hear. l knew this reunion
would be a fiasco.



disarm the warheads.


Do it.

What are you trying
to prove, young lady?

One of us has to take
our finger off the trigger.

lt might as well be me.

Their weapons are off-line.

lt's a trick.

Our defenses are down.

What will you do now?

Blow Voyager to high heavens
or do we keep talking?

Humans... you've got a
flair for the dramatic,

l'll give you that.

You want to keep talking?

Fine by me, but no more
beating around the bush.

Now what do you want from us?

The truth, Captain.

Voyager is alone
in the Delta Quadrant.

We haven't been in contact
with Earth for over four years.

Explain why you att*cked
our realm,

hand in hand with the Borg.

At the time, we didn't realize

the Borg had started
the w*r against you.

We forged a temporary
alliance with them

because we thought
you were the threat.

''Your galaxy will be purged.''

Sound familiar?

We were only trying
to defend ourselves.

lf that's true,
why are you still in our galaxy?

Your conflict with the Borg
ended over a year ago.

Why re-create Starfleet,
masquerade as humans?

lt looks to me like you're
the ones planning an invasion.

The truth.

Don't answer her.

She's manipulating us.

lf you won't answer, l will.


Our mission is to infiltrate
your homeworld,

to place operatives

in the highest levels
of Starfleet,

monitor your military

lt's a reconnaissance mission,
nothing more.

We should listen to her,

They're being driven by fear
just like we are...

unless everything
you said on our date

was just part of an act.

lt wasn't.


We must not negotiate
with these creatures.

Sit down, Admiral.


l said sit down

or l'll knock you
right on your human butt.

You've been seduced by them,
both of you.

l've had a chance
to see through human eyes

and l'm beginning to wonder...

are they really so violent?

What if we're wrong?

We can't risk trusting them.

You'd rather risk another w*r?

Keep talking, son.

Archer's right.

We've got to set aside

our preconceptions
about each other.

Granted, our species didn't meet

under the best
of circumstances,

but maybe we can
make first contact again.

Maybe this time,
we'll get it right.

You believe in this fellow?


There would have to be
a few ground rules.

Name them.

First off, l want to take a look
at that nanoprobe technology.

lt scares the hell out of me.

All right...

but l'll need some tactical
information in return--

your genetic alteration
techniques for a start.

l'm sure something
can be arranged.

You on board, Admiral?

Good enough for me.

Captain's Log,
Stardate 52136.4.

We've managed to avoid
a military conflict

with Species 8472...
at least for now.

ln an effort
to strengthen the truce,

we're exchanging technology.

The design schematics

for our nanoprobe
weapons, as requested.

This could go a long way
toward allaying their fears.


Have a little faith, Seven.

lt's difficult
to have faith in an idea

which may prove
tactically unsound.

Tactically unsound?

lt could also be the
first step toward peace.

lt's a risk l'm willing to take.

Are you sure you won't join us?

lt would be your first
chance to see Earth.

l prefer to remain
aboard Voyager.

lf problems arise
while you're in the habitat...

There won't be any problems--

nothing tactical at any rate.

We're entering
a stage of diplomacy

where most of the problems
will be cultural.

How do you shake
hands with an 8472?

We'll be fine.

When you ordered me
to disarm the warheads

during the negotiation,

l anticipated
an immediate attack.

l believed they
would take advantage

of your human weakness.

l was wrong.

lf l had been in your position,
we would most likely be engaged

in a battle with 8472
at this moment.

How did you know?

l didn't.

Like l said...


Welcome to Terrasphere 8,
Starfleet Command Re-creation.

l am Admiral Bullock

and l'll be acquainting you
with our facility.

Questions, comments--
bring them to me.

talk to Lieutenant Kinis.

Commander Tuvok,
you wanted to examine

our thermionic generators.


l'll take you there personally.

Ambassador Nellix.

lt's Neelix, sir.


You'll be joining
the Lieutenant.

He'll familiarize you

with our environmental
control technology.

l look forward to hearing

your perspective on Vulcans.

You didn't happen to re-create

a little coffee shop
on Market Street, the Night Owl?

Afraid not.

You're welcome to stay;
put your feet up.

We won't be returning
to fluidic space

for another day or two.

Thank you, but the real Earth
is a long way from here.

l'd like to get
back on the road.

What are the chances
they'll listen to you?

l can't promise you
the moon, Captain.

My superiors aren't
as forward-thinking.

Peace with humans?

Wow... they're going
to hit the roof,

but l'll tell them
what happened here today,

and with a pinch of luck,

a few of them
might see the light.

Well, you've got Voyager's
com frequency.

You know how to contact us.

l hope we can keep
this process alive.

Don't call us, we'll call you.

Oh, l almost forgot.


Genetically synthesized...

but they smell just as lovely.


Looking forward to going home?

At least l can finally
get out of this form.

No more insomnia.

No more sleeping, period.

For what it's worth,
you made a terrific human.



lt's too bad our species
are so different.

Otherwise, l'd ask
you for a second date.

You did offer to be my guide.

How about a tour
of your realm sometime?

l'd like that.


l'm due back on Voyager.

We leave at 0400.

l'll never get a chance
to do this again.

Any better this time?

You're a quick study.