02x22 - Out of Mind

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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02x22 - Out of Mind

Post by bunniefuu »

Begin cryo reversal.

Beginning reversal.


(Mechanical unlock)

Woman: chamber opening.

It's ok, colonel o'neill.

You're in the sgc.

You're gonna be fine.

No, don't try
to speak, colonel.

Give it some time.

Welcome back to the land
of the living, colonel.

I'm major
general trofsky.

This is dr. Raully.

Maybe we can try to answer
some of the questions

That are probably weighing
heavily on your mind.

First of all,
I regret to inform you

That everyone
on your team--

Dr. Daniel jackson,
captain samantha carter,

And a jaffa
named tealc,

Are all deceased.

As a matter of fact,

I imagine everyone
you ever knew

Is probably gone now.

you see, colonel,

The year is now 2077.

How are you feeling,

A bit confused.


You've been in
cryogenic hibernation

For almost 79 years.


That's a good question.

We were hoping
you could tell us.

You were sent back
to the stargate

Already frozen,

We're guessing by
some advanced culture.

your c.o. At the time

General hammond

And a dr. Fraiser

Felt that to thaw you

Without the proper

Would probably k*ll you.

They put you
in a deep freeze

Until such a time
as the technology

Was developed
to safely revive you.

do you have any idea

What happened to you
on that planet?

No, ma'am.


I'd prefer not to answer
any more questions.

Walk around a little
and get my bearings.

Of course.

Good idea, actually.

I'd be happy
to show you the rest
of the facility.

You can
disconnect him

From these machines
for a limited time,

Can't you, doctor?

For an hour or so,

But he needs
the ramenic infusion

For his tissues
to recover properly.

Well, I'll have him back
in less than an hour.

Pa.: Sg-14,
debriefing in 5 minutes.

Level 6.

Has it changed much?

There's no place
like home, sir.

How many sg teams
are there now, sir?

28 Here on earth,

Another 10 occupying
off-world colonies.

So we finally
did that, huh?

other planets?



What happened
to my team?

They didn't make it.

I got that.

They didn't make it
back through the gate?

Didn't survive
the thawing process?


Their bodies
were sent back,

But they were already dead.

I'm sorry, colonel.
It was a long time ago.

Maybe for you.


So, colonel, do you
have any recollection

Of what happened
on your last mission?

I wish I did, sir.

I remember intel

Suggested the planet
we were going to

Was ruled
by a goa'uld...

But I don't
remember anything

After we stepped
through that gate.

Can you think
of any reason

Why the goa'uld
might have saved your life

And sent you back?

That's certainly
not their m.o.

We feel
whoever did help you

Was able to b*at back
the goa'uld

In order to do so.

We'd love to know
who could do that.

Sowould i, sir.

We have a new technology

That might help you remember.

We'd liketo give it atry
if you feel up to it.


prepare for embarkation.


We'd like to get started
right away.

Our outpost planets

Are at w*r with
the goa'uld, and, uh,

Frankly, we're losing.

I'm hoping whoever
helped you 79 years ago

Can help us now.

The technology was a gift
from the tok'ra.

We're still friends
with them, huh?

Oh, yes.

It's been quite
a beneficial alliance.

Just not much help
in the outpost colonies,

I take it?


(Electronic snap)

Ow! God,
what is that?

It's ok, colonel.
It's in.

That's all the pain
you'll feel.

What a shame.

As the tok'ra explain it,
this device

Stimulates the memory
centers of your mind

And then amplifies it,

Sort of like
a capacitor for thoughts.

And when it's hooked up
to this device here,

It projects
what the mind's eye

Is seeing holographically.


Now, all you have to do
is focus your thoughts

And guide the right
memories to the surface.

How do I do that?

We'll lead you
through it.

It's kind of like

A high-tech version
of hypnosis.

We've introduced
a very light sedative

Through those tubes,
and you should be

Feeling the effects
by now.

Oh, yeah.

Great. Let's get going.

Start be concentrating
on what race or culture

You can think of
from your travels

That might have
the technology

To defeat the goa'uld

And cryogenically
suspend you.

The nox did.

Raully: ok, the nox.

Were they
medically advanced?

They could revive
their dead.

They could make
themselves invisible?

Not just themselves.

Before you go, o'neill,

There is something
we would have you see.

Fear not.

Colonel o'neill,

Was it the nox
who sent you here?

I don't remember.

Well, they have
the technology

To make themselves

Could be
a very powerful w*apon

Against the goa'uld,
could it not?


But they'd never
use it in that manner.

The nox wouldn't even fight
in self-defense.

Can you think
of anyone else

Who could've
defeated the goa'uld?

The asguard.

Oh, my.

ladies and gentlemen,

I think this is
thor's chariot.

An asguard mother ship.

I have heard them
described in jaffa legend.


(Whispered voices)

You're the asguard--
thor's race. Right?

You have heard of us?

Nothing but good things.

We have studied
your race closely.

What did you learn?

That your species
has great potential.

Great potential.

That's good.

Understand this--

There was once an alliance

Of 4 great races
in the galaxy:

The asguard,

The nox--

Met them.

The furlings--

Don't know them.

And the ancients,

The builders
of the stargates.

That's apretty
heady group.

Your race
has much to prove

Before we may interact
on that level.



You all seem to be
quite wonderful...


But you folks
should understand

That we're
out there now...

And we might not be

Ready for a lot
of this stuff,

But we're doing
the best we can.

You have already

the first steps

Towards becoming
the fifth race.

They're part of a...

An alliance.

What is this place?

"I believe this room

"Is some sort
of meeting place

"Where 4 alien races

"Denoted by the symbols

"And distinctive writing
on the walls

"Would gather,

to share knowledge

"Or discuss relations

"Like a united nations
of the stars.

Catherine agrees."

You're right.

I would have.

this looks familiar.

Touch it.


It's beautiful.

Daniel, does this
mean anything?

Well, if this was
a mecca of sorts,

An alien united nations,

This has
to mean something.

I know this.

Of course.
High school chemistry.

One proton,
one electron.


Beryllium, sodium.

Silver, iron,

Barium, xenon.

Of course!

How do you ensure
universal communication?

You reduce the method
of communication

To the most basic elements

Common to everyone
and everything

That exists in the universe.

Jack, this is atrue
universal language.



(Beeping stops)

He's had enough
for now.

Let's let him rest.

thankyou, colonel.

Good work.


We'll resume later.


(Lock released)


It's ok,
dr. Jackson.

You're in the sgc.

gonna be fine.

This one has naquada
in her system,

So keep her
a little more dosed.



(Cough cough)


It's ok, dr. Carter.

You're in the sgc,

And you're gonna
be fine.


I'm afraid they
didn't make it, captain.

I'm sorry.


There. How does
that feel, captain?



It hurts a little.

Listen, is this
really necessary?

Well, it's important
that we know

Who would have
the technology to do this.


Because, captain carter,

Anyone with that technology

Would be a very powerful
ally against apophis.

Isn't he dead?

Well, of course he is.

We're merely
trying to stimulate

The region of your memory
that involves

Doing battle
with the goa'uld.

It might help us
in our current battles.

Ok, well...

We did fight
the goa'uld a lot.

Tell me how
you defeated apophis.

Well, we gated
to what we thought

Was their home base,

We ended up
on a goa'uld mothership.

Daniel: a sarcophagus.

Oh, great.

More snake heads.

Teal'c, any idea
which one's in here?


We're not on a planet,
are we?

that is correct.

It appears
that we are aboard

A goa'uld
transport vessel.

And that jolt was...


The shield generators
are far below...

There...in the very
bowels of the ship.

We must climb down
several decks

Through the length
of the ship.

Then, taking our
weapons, we must--


Ourtime is up.
We have got to go.

Punch it.

Very impressive, captain.

The end of apophis.

Well, the beginning
of the end, yes.

His forces
were so weakened

That another goa'uld
eventually got him.

wasn't apophis,

What other goa'uld
could it be?

Well, there seems
to be a lot of them.


(Sokar speaking,

You have taken
what is mine.

you will be destroyed.


You dare challenge me?

I was thinkin'
about it.

You'll pay
for this insolence!

And then, of course,
there's hathor.

She almost succeeded in doing
some pretty big damage.

We must praise you

And giveto you
a great honor.

Yeah, I'm sure
that'd be just great,

But not right--

(Inhaling deeply)


Do not worry

You will enjoy
the rich rewards

That come with what
we are giving you.

You will cherish
the good health

And long life

That goes
with being...

(Low voice) hathor's
first new jaffa.

We demand that the woman
you call carter

Be brought before us

So that we may gain

Captain carter does
deserve to be punished,

My queen, but she does not
know what she is doing.

I beg of you
to show mercy.

Hathor: she deserves
no mercy from us.

She will make amends
with her death.



I don't think so.

You have failed us,
our love.

You will not...
Fail us again.


Get these airmen
outta here!

Daniel, let's go.
Move it.


What's wrong?

Nothing. I just--
I really need to know

Exactly what happened
to my friends.

As I said...

They were sent
back through the gate.

They were already dead.
That's all I know.

What about
general hammond?

I'm happy to report

He lived to
a ripe old age of 93.

So everyone I ever knew
basically is gone.

I'm afraid so.


It's ok.
It's ok.

You're in the sgc, tealc.

Good to have you
back, tealc.

General hammond.

Dr. Frasier:
easy. Easy.

Where are the rest of sg-1?

Good question.

We were hoping
you could tell us.

When you didn't return,

We sent sg teams
3 and 7 afteryou.

They found you lying
next to the stargate.

There was no trace
of colonel o'neill,

Captain carter,
or dr. Jackson.

We assumed
they were captured.

You have no memory
of this, teal'c?

I do.

It was a mixture of horus
and serpent guards.

A very unusual

what goa'uld?

That I do not know.

General hammond...

I will return to
the planet immediately

To search
forthe answers.

Cant letyou
do that, teal'c.

General hammond...

I will not remain idle

While my friend may be
in danger on this planet.

Teal'c, you've
been unconscious

For 3 weeks.

That is not possible.

My symbiote
would have awakened me

Long before the period
of 3 weeks.

You're barely alive,

With substantial
internal injury.

Dr. Frasier spent
most of the 3 weeks

At your side.

I'm convinced
it was her refusal

To give up
that kept you alive.

I am in your debt,
dr. Frasier.

General hammond...

Permit me to return
to this planet

To search out
my friends.

If their bodies were not
found by my side,

Then they are prisoners.

If they're prisoners, they're
long gone from that planet.

We sent out u.a.v.s,

Our best rescue teams

Found nothing
but scorched earth.

There was
no trace of them.

They could be moved
to any goa'uld stronghold.

You'd be searching
for a needle

In a very large haystack.


But I must try.

Tealc, I understand
your desire to do something,

Anything, for sg-1.
I feel the same way.

But I cannot expend
any more resources

On this.

I'm sorry.

Request denied.

If the people of the tauri
have given up hope on sg-1...

with great regret...

That I must leave this world
and return to my people.

You mean you want
to leave the sgc?

That is correct.

I can't let you
do that, teal'c.

I won't
let you do it.

General hammond...

I hereby respectfully
inform you...

That I must take
my leave of the sgc.

Therefore, I am no longer
under your command.

I can't allow you
to do that.

You represent too great
a security risk.

General hammond...
I would die

Before divulging
any information
concerning this world.

I believe you know that.

Yes, I do.

I will depart
in one hour.

Trofsky: tel mak, kree.
Meg tal, ah.

Rok, tree nol.
Meg tal.



Woman on pa.:
Chevron 4 engaged.

(Mechanical lock)

Ten hut!

Chevron 5 engaged.

(Mechanical lock)

You will be missed.

I've learned much from you,
general hammond.

For that I thankyou.

Pa.: Chevron 6 engaged.

(Mechanical lock)

I've learned a lot
from you, too, tealc.

So we're even
on that count.

Chevron 7 locked.

Take care of yourself.

(Mechanical lock)

(Entering stargate)

At ease.



(High-pitched humming)




(Whispering) carter.




I thought you were dead.



get out of there!



Unh! Uhh!

(Alarm blaring)

It goes right through
his shoulder

Into the concrete.



Yeah. These things
have a nasty habit

Of going off when
you least expect it.

Try not to think
too much.

They said--
they're goa'uld, carter.

Daniel? Teal'c?

Don't know yet.

Think you can walk?

The dr*gs must've
prevented me

From sensing
the naquada.

Trade clothes
with that guy.

Sure looks
like the sgc.

Wow. This looks
just like--

Don't think about it.
You'll set that thing off.



(Whispering) can't we
take these things off?

I don't know.
You tell me.

Mine's in pretty deep.

Yeah, you're right.

Pulling them out
might cause some

Pretty nasty
collateral damage.

And we don't want that.

What the hell?

Daniel. Daniel!

I don't understand.
They said--

They're goa'uld,

What year is it?

More than likely.

all a hoax.

Big hoax.
I'd say so.

I have more questions,
but that can wait.

Come on.

Damn cost cutter.

This facade is
obviously part

Of a bigger
goa'uld facility,

Complete with horus
and serpent guards.

Horus and serpent?

That's kind of an odd
alliance, isn't it?


I've never seen this place
so deserted.

Guess they figure they don't
need to keep up the act

If we're unconscious.

It's fake.

I don't understand.

Who would've spent
enough time in the base

To be able to reproduce
in this kind of detail?

You don't think


Oh, was so hoping
never to see you again.

(Voice distorted)
but we have indeed...

Missed you,
our beloved.

Daniel, don't let her
breathe on you.

Do you think that we would
go to these lengths

If you were not already
immune to that organism?

Do you like our guards?

We managed to lure them

From the remote outposts
of our enemies.

We are quietly
building our forces

Before the system lords
even know that we are alive.

But doing so is difficult
when we have to operate

With limited knowledge
of the state of the empire.

Let me take a guess.

It's just a wild guess,

But that's where
we come in, right?

We know more than you do.


We are prepared to offer you
a life of luxury

As servants
in our royal court

For sharing information.

Deny us...

And you will not enjoy
the alternative.

You know...

You really should do
something about the breath.

How do we contact
the asguard

So that we might align
with their forces?

Try roswell.

A little place
in new mexico.

What is the sequence
of numbers

Necessary to open
the barricade

your stargate?

If you will not give us
the information we desire,

We do have another means
of retrieving it.


An opportunity
has presented itself

At a most...

Fortuitous time.

(Wet suction pop)


Our friend here...

Is ready for a host.

Tell us...

Which one of you...

Shall it be?
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