05x27 - Little Elvis

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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05x27 - Little Elvis

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Go!


♪ T-E-E-N

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S

♪ Teen Titans, let's go

♪ Teen Titans, go ♪


Crime alert!

An evil alien life form
is attacking Jump City.

If we don't intervene,
it could be the end

of the world.


Man, I aints wanna
deal with another
evil alien invasion.

I bet they're
trying to steal Earth's
precious resources.


Ugh. When did crime-fighting
become so dark and grim?

I long for the old days
that are good.

When the crime fights

were filled with the wonder
and the charm.

One might even refer
to such a time as the...

Golden age of crime fighting.

I would give anything
to return to a time

when it was acceptable
to wear my short shorts.

But unfortunately,
times have changed.

So let's charged into battle
with the grim villain,

the outcome of which will
determine the survival

of the human race.

Titans, go.

Where is the violent
alien menace?

I ain't seein'
no dooms or glooms.

VOICE: The world is mine!

Did you hear that?

Yeah, but I don't see it.

VOICE: This pathetic planet
is no match

for the greatest
criminal mind in the galaxy.

ROBIN: There!


Is this for reals?

The bad guy
is a little worm?

Yes, my dude.
The villain is a worm!

A straight up worm!

ROBIN: He has glasses!

The evil worm
has poor vision

that requires
corrective lenses!

That is so charming.

Oh, I would like to cup
the cuddly worm in my hand

and poke it with the finger
over and over again.

Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo.

I was expecting something
scary and grotesque.

But this little guy
is a breath of fresh air.

Once I unleash the seven
deadly enemies of man

on this world,
I will be unstoppable!


Not so fast, Mr. Mind!

Ah, Billy Batson!
My old enemy.

Oh, my goodness gracious!
That little boy is
about to fight that worm!

It don't get no better
than this, y'all.

It don't get no better!

You may as well
surrender, Mr. Mind.



ALL: What?

That lightning
turned that boy into
a superhero Elvis!

Check out that power hair!

The cape, ooh,
and that collar!

Starched to perfection!

We have got to
meet these guys.

Now, give it up.

Yo, yo, yo, my dude.
We gots to say.

We's loving
your whole situation.

Ah, fellow heroes.

Perhaps you can
help me with...

Sorry. Real quick.
What was your name again?

Billy Batson.

No, the other one.

Shazo-whizo-what now?

-Oh. Shazam!

-He did it again!

-(SIGHS) Shazam!


He can turn back and forth
by saying his name!

Oh, say the name again!

I will not.

For I need all of my power
to defeat Mr. Mind.

You mean, the harmless worm
that uses the tiny speaker box

with which to communicate?

Leave me be! Or I will
destroy you all!

The only thing
you're gonna destroy
is this apple.

Aww, look at him.

Oh, something
is the missing.

Oh, aha! Aha!


Classic bookworm, yo.

Heroes! Do not
underestimate Mr. Mind.

While he may be
a tiny worm,

he is a deadly adversary.

I'll tell you what's deadly.

That perfectly square jaw!

I just wanna say,

you, sir, are a superhero
the whole family can enjoy.

You're like a,
like a Christmas miracle.

Wait. This is
too good to be true.

He probably has
a super tragic origin story.

How did you become
a superhero?

Radiation? Accident
at the chemical plant?

A mighty wizard
gave me super powers.


This fool be talking
about wizards!

I wanna meet the wizard!

How can we find this wizard?

By taking the magic subway.

Of course,
it's a magic subway!

Yes. Now, please.
I need to stop
Mr. Mind before...

Before he eats another apple?

Before he releases the seven
deadly enemies of man upon
this world!

Uh, well, I hates
to say it, bruh.

But he left a while ago.


I must speak to the wizard.

Ooh, may we join you
on the magic subway
and meet the wizard man?

TITANS: Please, please,
please, please, please!

I suppose you could be
of assistance,

but please, this is
a serious threat,

and must be treated as such.

Of course. We promise to take
the little worm guy seriously.

Good. Come then.

Uh, hey. Shim-sham.

-It's Shazam.

-(LAUGHS) So good.


Welcome, young ones

to the Rock of Eternity!


Yo, Merlin.
Do some magic tricks, yo!

Peer into the ball of
the crystal and tell me
of the future.

Ooh, ooh. Whisper something
to a moth.

I do not do any of that stuff.


And you call yourself
a wizard.

His magic is real, g*ng.

He's the one
who gave me my powers.

Why did you give super powers
to a little kid?

Seems irresponsible.

Because he's an orphan
who is pure of heart.


Isn't that right, Billy?

You bet I am.

An orphan? Why would you
pick an orphan?

Well, you know...


You know...


Listen. I gave him
my powers because soon

I will perish.

Ages ago, it was prophesied
that I would be crushed

by the rock of eternity!


Well, yeah, you're
sitting right under it.

Just scoot your little chair
over like six inches, bruh.
You're good.

But the prophecy...

-The scoot!

Fine. We'll do it.

There. You're welcome.

(MUTTERING) Oh, I just wanna
be crushed by a rock.

Why can't they just let me
be crushed by a rock?

Yo, what's these things?

Within those statues are
the imprisoned spirits

of the seven deadly
enemies of man!

Pride. Envy. Greed.

Hatred. Laziness. Selfishness.

And injustice.


Hey. Who does
this remind you of?

Pride is not to be emulated.

Laziness right here, baby!

Do not compare yourselves
to evil.

I'm green with envy!

This one's all for me!
Not for you!


Fools! Those statues represent
the worst human vices!

Why did you bring them
here, Billy?

Aww, gee, whiz.

I thought they could help me
find Mr. Mind

before he could
take over the world.

Oh, yeah. Where is that
little rascal anyway?

Closer than you think!


What up, wormy worm?

Ah, we loves this guy.

Your will change your tune

once I release the seven
deadly enemies of man
upon your precious city!



You must stop him, Billy!

We got this, Gandalf.

But to beat them,
you must be pure of heart.

Aww, you're adorable.

Gosh. What do I do now?

You'll deal with it.
I've got bigger problems.




Soon, the world will be mine!



Titans, are you ready for
an old-fashioned,

light-hearted battle with
the seven deadly enemies
of man?

ALL: Oh, yeah!


Titans, go!



(GRUNTS) What's...

What's happening?

Oh, no.
Remember what Billy said?

We've been infected by
the seven because we're
not pure of heart.

Speak for yourself.

Not only am I pure of heart,

but I am the greatest
and most respected

and tall superhero
in the world.

Your prideful boasting
fills me with the hate!

I know this is selfish,
but I'm saving myself!

Why does he get to
save himself?

I wanna save myself.
This isn't fair!

I want what he has!

Ah, y'all handle
this one, aight?

I is feeling just a...
A little bit lazy.


The bigger they are,
the harder they fall.

Now, my seven.
Unleash your true power

and destroy this world!




BILLY: Hold it, Mr. Mind!

Oh, no! It's...







Oh, no!

Get off my planet, Mr. Mind.

Thwarted once again!

Let this be a lesson, Titans.

The fact that you didn't take
me or Mr. Mind seriously

is the reason superheroes
have become so grim
and serious today.

I see that now.

Thank you, flying child man.

Well done, Billy Batson.

You truly are

the prophecy.
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