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02x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 12/31/22 05:46
by bunniefuu
You and I…

Have liked each other for a long time.


I remember when we exchanged this yin-and-yang jade.

You remember what?

Last time, you made up a nonexistent witness.

Are you making up memories now?

"They are bird's eggs."

"I will choose first."

"I pick red. You can have the blue one."

I will choose first.

I pick red. You can have the blue one.


I am not lying this time.

How did you know that?

It came to me as soon as I held this jade.

Why you?


Because I am a priestess with great divine powers.

There is no way that memory is mine.

It probably belongs to the owner of this blue jade.

This yin-and-yang jade is from Jinyowon, is it not?

I must have seen it there when I was young.

I got these flashbacks when I saw it, so I thought they were my memories.

But it turns out they were the owner's.

Her memory remains…

Inside that jade?

I guess I really am a powerful priestess.

I can see memories that remain in objects.

I was hoping you would be happy that I started getting my powers back,

but you came running thinking it was her.

You must be disappointed.


I am greatly disappointed.

I will put this back where I found it.

It collapsed again.

Why did you raise
that stone tower in the mountain?

Were you not mourning her death?
Were you praying she would come back?

You really knocked it down well.

Do not try to fix
what you have already broken.

I really did not touch it.
It collapsed on its own.

Is that so?

So you were not using your powers
to merely disappoint me?

I am telling the truth.

I found this jade by chance,

and when I first had a flashback,
I thought it was my memory.

If you had come
before I even realized anything,

I would have been happy.

Good to know that I am not the only one
who is disappointed.

How could you think that memory was yours?

Because you have what was hers?

Did you get
any other flashbacks like this?


That was all I saw.

Taking a peek at someone else's memory
is not exactly enjoyable, you see.

Take it.

Why? You said you felt elated
when you thought it was yours.

Tell me if you see anything else.

Like you said,
we liked each other for a long time.

I am dying to know how she felt

right before she died.

I cannot see anything else.

Let go. You are hurting me.

Keep the jade.

You will see more as you regain powers.

Are you putting me
in between you and that dead girl?

You did that yourself
by calling me with that.

Thanks to this,
I have found another use for you.

I buried questions in that stone tower,

thinking I would never
hear answers to them.

I might be able to hear them through you.

I called you hoping you would not come.

You should not have come.

So this is why no one believed it

when they heard about our marriage.

I was excited about nothing.

You got what you wanted by marrying me.

You escaped from Jinyowon,

found a place to stay, and gained freedom.

You are right.

I feel more at ease now that I have
nothing to look forward to.

I guess this stone tower
was your real wife.

I will make sure

to build it back to how it was.

Do as you wish.

That jerk.

So this stone tower is his lawful wife,
while I am his second wife?

He should have told me.

Then I would not
have gotten jealous of this stone tower.

This is all Uk's fault.

That horrible, mean jerk.

I should have known
that he was a rotten jerk

the first time I met him.

No, wait.

He would be "a rotten husband."

Gosh, I am hungry.

What was that? A wolf?

I hope there are no tigers
on this mountain.

Fine! Just come and eat me alive!

If a tiger eats me alive,

then maybe he will build
a stone tower for me.

I was expecting a tiger,

but bugs came instead.

Did I summon them?

Young Lady Bu-yeon!

- My lady!
- My lady!

- My lady!
- Where are you?

- Young Lady Bu-yeon!
- Please answer if you are there!

- My lady!
- Here!

- My lady, where are you?
- I am right here!

My lady, is that you?

Oh, dear.

We were worried about you, my lady.

Let us go home now.

Come on down.

- Slowly. Be careful.
- Thank you.

It gets chilly here at night.

Here you go.

My goodness. Let us walk back down.

- Thank you.
- Let us go.

Did something happen, my lady?

Prepare a hot bath for her
as soon as we get home.

I took care of the powder incident
like you told me to, Your Royal Highness.

Report to me if you hear any rumors
about the Queen getting involved

with sorcery again.

Of course.

But, Your Royal Highness,

why did you bring that to the palace?

I could not leave it to die
when it kept looking at me like that.

I was wary that the shaman
who suggested it would curse me

so I brought it home just in case.

A shaman?

Yes, some shaman.

She told me to raise this turtle
instead of having kids.

Who does she think she is?

How dare she say that
to Your Royal Highness!

She likely did not know.

She thought I was a eunuch.

- She must be ignorant.
- Then

I shall raise the turtle,
Your Royal Highness.

No, it is too late.

It already knows that I am its owner.
It only listens to me.

- It does?
- Yes. Watch.

All right, Turtle.

Stick your neck out.

Did you see that?

I see.

She said it had good energy.

It is very clever.
Next time, I should make him flip over.

But, Your Royal Highness,
turtles die if they do that.

- Really?
- Yes.

Turtle, do not ever flip on your back.
That is an order.

It is not flipping over.

That is one handsome turtle.

They call me Naksu, for wherever I go,
heads fall to the ground.

I will shift my soul
into a new body and return.



- Help!
- Look!

- Swim this way!
- Over here!

- Keep swimming!
- Come on!

Naksu is here!

Naksu is here!

Naksu became a grotesque

and k*lled everyone
at Lake Gyeongcheondaeho!

She said she would shift souls and return!

Naksu is here! Run away!

Hurry up and run! Save yourselves!

Naksu is here!

Run away!


Save yourselves!

- Run!
- Naksu is here!

- Naksu is back!
- It is Naksu!

- Naksu is back!
- Hurry! Run!

Yul, is that you?

What brings you here?

I came last night.

Chwiseonru is nice,
but Jeongjingak feels more like home.

What about you?
Why are you here and not at your house?

I also like it better here.

Should you not prefer it elsewhere?

You have someone waiting for you at home.

You must have met her already.

Maidservant Kim insists that
we have a wedding ceremony.

I am keeping myself
out of trouble until then.

So it is something to congratulate, right?


How do you feel? Do you feel better?

You were severely ill before you left.

You still do not look well.

I am still tired from the journey.

That is even stranger.

It has been days already.
That is not like you.

The air feels cold here in Jeongjingak
since it has been empty for too long.

It is hot outside,
but it is chilly in here.

It is probably because of me.

The ice stone attracts wraiths,
so the air around me always feels cold.

I see.

Then it must

always be cold for you.


Do not pity me with that face of yours.

Hearing you comfort me

makes me want to fall into your arms
for a big hug.

I can give you a hug.

Come on.

What is with you?
What happened during the past three years?

- Were you lonely?
- Yes, I was.

- Let me hug my friend.
- What is wrong with you?

- Let me give you a hug.
- No, just stop.

What is going on?

What are you guys doing?

Are you leaving me out
because you both slept here last night?

Then I might just move in here too.

Dang-go, Yul is being strange.

He used to be pure and naive.

- But look at him. He has become sly.
- Has he?

Yul was always as pure as the driven snow.

Has he become depraved?

Has he changed?

Have I changed?

They say you die
if you change all of a sudden.

It is good that I had a chance
to see you before that happened.

I am glad I returned.

Yes, but you will soon regret
having come back.

My uncle invited us
over to his place for breakfast.

- Tell him I went back.
- You did not see me here.

If you guys do not go,

I will have to finish
all three portions alone.

We are friends, right?

- Help me.
- What shall we do?

- Let us go.
- All right. Come on.

Right, let us go eat.

All right, I hope you enjoyed your meal.

Here is the dessert.

We managed to finish a whole meal,
so a rice cake will be easy.

At least this is it.

Normal rice cakes are boring,

so I came up with a name for this dessert.

These are called
"Leave-it-to-luck Rice Cakes."

Two of the three are filled with honey,
and one is filled with fish sauce.

Sounds fun, does it not?

It took me

two days…

And one night to come up with this.

Why did you even think of making this?

Eating this rice cake will tell you
how your day will go.

Whoever picks the fish sauce rice cake
will have a lousy day,

so watch out.

Go on and pick one each.

Fish sauce gives out a strong smell.

I inserted energy as I made the rice cakes
to prevent that from happening.

You will not be able to smell
the fish sauce.

You used your precious energy
to make rice cakes?

You must be bored.

Yes, I am.

You can tell how bored I am
by these rice cakes.

Go on and pick one.

I struggle with making
these kinds of decisions.

Then I'll go first.

- It has honey.
- I was going to pick that one.

I do not want to be the last one.

- It has honey.
- Why did you have to do this?

You just turned my day into a lousy one.

No, Uk.

Why eat it? You know it has fish sauce.

You can have a bite of mine.

You guys.

Are you not going to check
what is inside this rice cake?

You already told us that
one was filled with fish sauce.

Are you sure, though?

Yes, Uncle. I believe you.

I do not wish
to risk my chances just to check.

Based on the rules, this one is filled
with fish sauce without a doubt.

If we doubt the rules,
nothing will ever be predictable.

- Is it honey?
- It has fish sauce, right?

What was the purpose of this joke?

Life is unpredictable,
but you choose your own destiny.

No matter how sweet or bitter it may be,

you must taste it yourself and swallow it.

I forgot the rice punch.

Wait here.

- What was it?
- Based on his logic,

neither of you will believe
what I tell you.

I am the only one who knows what I chose.

It was fish sauce, was it not?

Here you all are.

What is it?

What brings you here?

A ridiculous rumor spread overnight,
but it cannot be taken lightly.

What ridiculous rumor?

People were massacred on a boat
crossing Lake Gyeongcheondaeho,

and they say it was Naksu's doing.


How is that possible? She is dead.

They say her soul turned into a grotesque
and showed up at the lake

and claimed that
she would shift souls and return.

The capital is in an uproar
because of what happened.

Everyone, here are charms
that will protect you from Naksu's ghost!

These charms will protect you
from Naksu's murderous spirit!

- Gather around!
- This charm fends off soul shifters.

Naksu will come for your body.

Protect yourself with this.

Sure, take one.

Protect yourself and your family

- from Naksu!
- Please give me one.

- Here.
- Protect yourself with this charm.

Here you go.

I should not be selling this,
but here is one just for you.


You look fine.

I checked all the boats, but none of them
had suffered a mass m*rder recently.

That means someone is lying
about Naksu's return.

Ghost stories about Naksu
have always been around.

But what is this story
about her returning as a soul shifter?

Soon, it will be the third anniversary
of Naksu's death.

They believe she will shift souls
and return that day.

I see.

So that is why this rumor spread.

Uk must feel perturbed.

It really is

a lousy day for him today.

I need to know who started the rumor.

People at Gaema Village
spread the rumor now and then

to make money selling charms.
Do not waste your time.

But it all started from that unknown boat.

Can you find out who it was
that swam out of the lake?

Of course.

Rumors about Naksu spread in an instant.

She causes trouble even after she is dead.

The young ladies of the capital
are busy searching for charms

to protect their bodies from Naksu.

Everyone is so afraid of Naksu,
but do they even know what she looks like?

I, for one, do not.

Do they?

Some say she was taller
and bigger than most men.

Some say she keeps herself hidden
because she is ugly.

On the other hand,

some say she is unbelievably beautiful.


Back when she was alive,
she was a shadow assassin.

Then she hid in a servant girl's body.

I guess no one knows
what she will look like this time.

That is right.

People must be very frightened of Naksu.

Was she that scary?

Are you here to buy a charm?

I was just curious
since everyone is buying these.

If that charm really does
protect you from Naksu,

then you will need one for sure.

She will probably be
the most upset with you

since you stole her lover.

Though perhaps you could not.

You knew Naksu?

The girl I knew was a small girl
who worked as a servant.

She was feisty and unlucky.

I placed an order for 30 charms.
I also want a pack of incense sticks.

- Sure.
- I will light them on the day she died.

Were you close with her?

Goodness, no.

I would never say that.
I have a business to run.

How about a drink?

Madam, the Crown Prince is here.

The Crown Prince?
It has been quite a while.

He asked for the cinnamon and ginger wine,
which is what he used to drink.

Young Lady, I need to go and serve
a very important customer.

Wait for me in the corner room.

Do we have
any cinnamon and ginger wine left?

The Crown Prince?

She bought so many.
These are really expensive.


Turtle Shaman.

So it is you.

You are that eunuch.

We meet again.

Are you also here to sell charms?

I see you are making money
selling such paltry items.

The owner here bought these.

You sold everything?
You must have made some money.

You can use that money to buy that turtle.

Did you not buy it that day?

You just left it there?

What is so bad about that?

Why would I buy something so useless?

I told you it had good energy.
It was cute too.

Cute, my foot.

Do you even know
what kind of pets I already own?

I own a peacock and a white horse.

They are more impressive
than mere turtles.

I see.

A turtle may not be that impressive

if he has something else in his heart.

I guess I cannot resent him

for abandoning me.


Did someone abandon you?

My husband left and is not returning home.

Your husband?


I see.

Your husband must have
a peacock of his own.

I apologize for making you buy the turtle

when you already have something you like.

It may be dead,
but I should check if it is still there.

It is no longer there.

I took it home.

You said it had good energy.

I took it home
and found that it was clever and cute.

It still is nothing
compared to my peacock.

But it has its own charm.

So you should also

keep your chin up.

I was right.

You really are a good person.


How is the turtle? Is it doing well?

Do you miss it? Would you like to see it?

If so, I could bring the turtle here.

Can you really?

I am assuming you came here
with the Crown Prince.

Are you allowed to do that?

Oh, the Crown Prince…

His Royal Highness will not mind it.

He seems like a kind man.

I will leave the turtle here for a bit,
so drop by and take a look.

I will.

I should be off now.

You should also get going, Eunuch.

Your Royal Highness.

Do you feel better?

They found cinnamon and ginger wine.

Let us go in.

Forget it.

I feel better after a short chat.
Let us return to the palace.

If we go back now, Jang Uk will be there.

His Majesty summoned him
to discuss the Naksu rumor.

Jang Uk?

Why are you telling me that now? Move.

Well, you wanted to come for a drink.

Your Royal Highness!
Are you on your way to see Jang Uk?

Your Royal Highness!

They say Naksu the grotesque appeared
at Lake Gyeongcheondaeho.

The boats that need to cross
are stuck there,

and it has been
causing transportation problems.

Jang Uk, I want you
to get rid of the grotesque

and set the people's minds at ease.

If I get involved to get rid of something
that does not even exist,

it will only cause people to think
that it really does exist.

I also do not believe the rumors,
but things are getting out of hand.

Let them talk.
It will die away sooner or later.

But, Your Majesty,

if Jang Uk does not take action,

I am afraid it might cause people
to become even more anxious.

How so?

The soul shifter that appeared this time

is different from the soul shifters
that he previously got rid of.

She is Naksu.

Jang Uk, you and Naksu
were betrothed to each other.

Everyone in Daeho Fortress
knows that fact.

Your Majesty,

that is what concerns me.

I am afraid that people might think

that he is refusing to get involved not
because it does not exist

but because he still cares for her.

During the past three years,
Jang Uk used the power of the ice stone

to get rid of soul shifters
with the Unanimous Assembly's permission.

People were afraid
of the power he possessed,

but they believed he would
protect them from sorcery.

But they might start doubting that
because of this rumor about Naksu.

That is what worries me.

Jin Mu has a point.

Jang Uk, I want you to do your best
to get rid of Naksu the grotesque

to subdue any unnecessary concerns.

Yes, Your Majesty.

If you are so worried,

I will catch her myself.

I give you my word.

I will take my leave.

How can he get rid of something
that does not exist?


Naksu does not exist,
so he cannot get rid of her.

However, Jang Uk will forever
be haunted by her.

People believe Naksu will shift souls
and return to Jang Uk.

Every soul shifter that appears before him
will be considered to be Naksu.

And if that soul shifter kills anyone,

the blame will not only be placed on Naksu
but on Jang Uk as well.

Jang Uk will constantly chase after Naksu
although she does not exist,

and it will never end.

People's fear, doubts, and concerns
will keep him trapped

in a vicious cycle.

You are going to bind Jang Uk
by using Naksu against him.

I am doing this for you,
Your Royal Highness.

The first thing I will do

is to bring Jinyowon to the royal palace.


I cannot let Jang Uk marry Jin Bu-yeon,
the heir to Jinyowon.

Naksu will help us separate the two.

I found the man who saw Naksu on that boat
and swam back to land.

Who was it?

It was a man named Byeong-go.
He did odd jobs on the boat.

I think he spread the rumor

after he was paid by shamans
who make money selling charms.

He swam out of Lake Gyeongcheondaeho
in the middle of the night.

That is what helped spread the rumor.

He could not have risked his life
just to help spread a false rumor.

They say he gambles every chance he gets.

I will search the gambling houses
in the capital.

Leave Daeho Fortress for now.

Do not come back
until the sixth of next month.

Is that when Naksu died?

Is she really

going to shift souls and return that day?

If she really does come back,

I would like to meet her.

I have a lot of questions I need to ask.

I think I have heard enough
about their relationship.

You can stop.

This is where they first met each other.

He proposed to her here as well.

I know what happened between the two.

I have heard enough. Just stop.

One time when she was drunk,

Young Master Jang came
and carried her home himself.

She always took these honey biscuits home

because she knew how much he liked them.

Here. Let us drink.

Once again, I was summoned to the palace
by His Majesty the King

and my cousin, the Queen.

Yesterday, I drank tea with Gwanju Jin Mu.

Then you will not be returning
to Seoho Fortress?

Jeongjingak was established by Master Seo,
a member of the Seo family.

But since it is in ruins,

I plan to restore it
as a member of the Seo family.


You are incredible.

That is my plan.

I still need to talk to the Queen.

Where is the owner?

I am here to treat my guests.

She is with Jin Bu-yeon,
the eldest daughter of the Jin family.

Jin Bu-yeon?

This is where he met and proposed to her?

I should not have heard any of that.

Marry me.

What was that?

It was her memory.

Her memories really do keep
coming back to me.

My lady.

Someone wishes to see you.

He says you are both acquainted.


Hey, long time no see.

Uncle Yun-o,

are you not heading back
to Seoho Fortress early tomorrow?

I have decided to stay
in the capital for a bit.

Yul, come sit down.

I only came to say goodbye.

I said sit.

You are in for something fun.

You know Jin Bu-yeon,
the girl I almost married, right?

I heard she was here,
so I called her over.

He says she is a little dull,

but he had decided to marry her
because she was pretty.

We were curious about her,
so he called her over to show her to us.

If a woman shows up to meet
the man she was previously betrothed to,

that would really mean she is daft.

You all seem to have
misunderstood my uncle.

He was extremely excited

to become the son-in-law
of the great Jin family.

But the wedding got canceled
on the day of the ceremony.

You have no idea how disappointed he was
that the marriage fell through.

But you asked if he could show her to you?

Think about how upset and sad
he will feel if he sees her right now.


allow me to apologize
on behalf of my friends

for putting you in an awkward spot.

Did you call for me?

Yes, I did.

The night is late. Let us leave.

The evening only just started.

Did you call for me to walk me home?


Will you not get lost tonight?

I apologize.

I was a bit worked up earlier.

I lost my way again.

You lost your way a long time ago.

But I stayed quiet to help you cool down.

By any chance,

are you not feeling well?

Like I said, I can see energy.

Why is there something strange
inside your body?

With that in your body, things could get...

Please just ignore it.


Leaving your illness untreated
is a foolish thing to do.

We promised

to be two foolish friends.

Please let my foolishness slide
as a friend.

Would you like some?
I packed them because they were delicious.

Eating something sweet
will make you feel better.

Uk loves honey biscuits.

I know.

That is why I packed them.

What kind of snacks do you like?

I like pine pollen tea snacks.


You have expensive tastes.

I once had

a similar conversation with someone.

Did that person ever treat you
to pine pollen tea snacks?

Come to think of it…

She never did.

What are you doing here?

The King gave you orders.
You should be by the lake.

That could not have come from there.

Still, the people are scared.
Not a single boat has sailed recently.

Move. You are in my space.

I am going to bed.


Are you going to sleep here?

- No way.
- I am not here to sleep.

What is wrong?

Are you so excited
that you cannot even sleep?

Because they say Naksu is coming back?

What are you staring at?

You built a stone tower
and waited for her.

That no longer exists. It collapsed.


Did you change your mind
because of what I said?

Of course not.

Jin Bu-yeon smashed it down.

Actions really do speak louder than words.

She promised to protect you,
and she is doing it well.

That is what she said
when she first came to see us.

She said she would protect you.

Get out of here.
Go home and protect your wife.

I was making dumplings in the kitchen,

and all the ladies there were concerned

that your bride will be the first person
that Naksu goes after when she appears.

They say ghosts also get jealous.

Is that what they were after?


My lord, I will eat all of your dumplings.

So let me sleep here tonight.

I have another favor to ask.


Uk, I will go and steam some dumplings.

Let us take our time talking.


Fifty or a hundred?

First, I will bring 50.

Your Majesty,

I would like to hold a banquet
outside the palace walls.

I thought you did not wish to meet anyone
while you were in that body.

What banquet?

I heard young ladies are scared
to leave their homes because of Naksu.

It is ridiculous that the entire capital
is afraid of Naksu.

So you wish to alleviate the situation
by holding a banquet?

I plan to hold it
on the day Naksu supposedly returns.

It will be held outdoors with young ladies
who believe Naksu is after them,

and we will enjoy a beautiful

and extravagant banquet together.

The Queen has invited
Young Lady Jin Bu-yeon

to her banquet.

The Queen's banquet?

She has not held one in years.

I was invited?

Yes, my lady.

Every time I went to the Queen's banquet
with Madam Do-hwa,

it always felt great
to watch everyone fix their eyes

on the person I helped doll up.

I will get to feel that once again.

We do not have much time.

It is time to get busy.

We need to find the right outfit first.

We must get Dressmaker Cho's outfits
before anyone else does.

Mr. Lee!

Fetch the next one.

Very nice.

That one is beautiful too.


That will not do!

Did Dressmaker Cho truly make that?

Yes, very nice.

Is it too much?

It is out of fashion.

It is too racy.

You look pretty in everything.

How are we going to choose
out of all these outfits?

My goodness, this is just the beginning.

You should at least try on 30 outfits
before choosing.

What? 30?

Help her try this one.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Yes, ma'am.


Mr. Lee.

I want you to visit Dressmaker Oh now.

- Again?
- Just go.

I am sure she feels uneasy
because of that crazy rumor.

If we exhaust her with this,
her mind will be at peace for a bit.

All right. I will be right back.

By the way,
Young Master Jang came home earlier.

He is in his study.


He came home?

I am all changed.

How do I…

You look busy.

Your outfit is extravagant for someone
who is awfully confident about her looks.

Do not be mistaken.

I was not trying to look good for you.

Yes, I know.
The Queen invited you to a banquet.

You may not have dressed for me,
but may I see?

You look pretty.

I mean, the outfit does.

Give me your hand.


You hurt your hand
while taking it out on the stone tower.

Your nails have grown.

Ask Maidservant Kim to trim them for you.

I am not a child.

Why would I ask her
to trim my nails for me?

Do as I say. You are precious.

I mean, your nails are.

Why are you suddenly mentioning my nails?

All right, then.

I will leave you to it.


By any chance…

When you go to the banquet,

sit where everyone can see you.

I want everyone there to see you that day.

No one will be interested in me.

They will be busy talking about your wife
who might return to life that day.

That is why you should show everyone

that you are my wife now.


Can I wear the ornament
with your family crest?

- Sure.
- Can I also…

Tell everyone that we get along well?

- Of course.
- I will also…

Boast to everyone

that you lit up a dark path for me…

late at night.

Sure, go ahead.

You seem very happy tonight.

Did you like the outfits?

I saw some bugs.

That is why I am happy.

Here is what Young Master Jang asked for.

Will it be safe?

Do not worry.

Will you also be attending
the banquet tonight?


You look very pretty in that outfit.

This is what I always wear.

I will be wearing something else
for the banquet.

Are you saying you will look
even more beautiful than you do now?

Do not be ridiculous.

There is no need for that.

If you look even prettier than you do now,

imagine how intimidated
the young ladies will feel tonight.

Do you think so?

Then I guess I should tone it down.

Yes, you should.

Go easy on them.

All right.

It has been a while
since you last attended a grand event.

I hope you dress up nicely.

I like it when a man dresses
at his finest.

All right.

I will show you how dashing I can become.

Young Master Park.

Maidservant Kim.

Are you attending the event?

Yes, I will be attending
with Young Lady Bu-yeon.

If you happen to see Cho-yeon there…

Could you give these to her for me?

These diamonds are called
"The Dragon's Tears."

I heard they were purchased by Songrim
not too long ago.

- How did you get your hands on...
- I bought them.

But if Young Lady Jin wears these,

everyone will know that they are from you.

I am not sure
if she will accept this gift.

If she refuses to accept them,

it would mean she turned me down.

Forget it.

It will be unbearable for me
if she rejects me once and for all.

Then are you never going to
make a move on Young Lady Jin?

Do you think she will accept?

- Or will she refuse?
- We will know once we give them to her.

I guess you are right.

You never know what is in the rice cake
until you bite into it.


I am hoping for honey,
but I am afraid it might be fish sauce.

But I will bravely bite into it

and swallow my destiny.

Please give these to her.

The Queen's banquet is about to start.

Is Jin Bu-yeon there?

Everyone who was invited is in attendance,
so she is probably there.

What about Jang Uk?

He is sailing Lake Gyeongcheondaeho
due to the King's orders.

What if a soul shifter appears
and kills Jin Bu-yeon?

What will people think
of that soul shifter?

They will naturally believe
that the soul shifter is Naksu.

If Jin Bu-yeon gets att*cked,
it will become Naksu's doing.

Then everything will become
Jang Uk's responsibility.

Naksu will help us separate the two.

Your Royal Highness,
would you like to attend the banquet?

It will soon be time
to choose the crown princess.

It will most likely be
one of the ladies at the banquet.

You should pick the woman you like.


I do not have the final say anyway.

I am afraid of what I might do

if I fall for someone I cannot have.

I do not wish to have
someone from Songrim enter Jinyowon.

What brings you here?

I am not here on behalf of Songrim.

It is for a young lad
who is like a son to me

and your daughter.

If you are talking about Bu-yeon,

tell Jang Uk to bring her back
right this instant.

Before that, let us talk about Naksu.

We must get rid of her first.

Naksu? She is dead.

Do not tell me you also believe
that ridiculous rumor.

That ridiculous rumor
could end up k*lling your daughter.

We need Jinyowon's help.

I am Jin Cho-yeon,

the second daughter of the Jin family.

You must be

Jin Ho-gyeong and Jin U-tak's daughter.

I am Heo Yun-ok
of the Heo family from Wol Fortress.

She is the granddaughter
of Master Heo Yeom.

Greetings are not needed between us.

We meet quite often
because you are my physician.

I am Jin Bu-yeon,
the eldest daughter of the Jin family.

She is betrothed to Young Master Jang Uk.

I thought they were married.

We are preparing
for a grand wedding ceremony.

We ask for your blessing.

That means she still belongs to Jinyowon.

I invited one person from each family.

But there are two people
from the Jin family.

Send the second daughter,
Jin Cho-yeon, away.

Your Highness,

Jin Cho-yeon is the true heir of Jinyowon.

If one of us must leave,

it should be me, not my younger sister.

Forget it.

You both came, so just enjoy the banquet.

Thank you for allowing me to attend
such a beautiful banquet.

It feels nice to be
outside the palace walls.

All right, everyone.

Let us enjoy the banquet.

Beautiful, are they not?

There we go!

Let us play again.

Come on, get a grip.

Let us play again. Deal the cards.

- Damn it.
- Give us the cards.

What is that punk doing here?

I told him to stay away until tonight.


I guess his addiction called him in early.

He came to play since he had money.

That lunatic.

All right. Let me see.

I won! I won the money!

Who here is Byeong-go?


Hey, leave if you are not here to gamble.

- All right?
- Get out of my way.

What are you doing?

- Be quiet and leave.
- I am sorry.

I told you not to come back.

- You lunatic, why did you not wait?
- I am sorry.

It was you.

You must feel upset.

You were introduced as his betrothed,
not his wife.

It is all right.
He shows me more than enough affection.

Did you not take my advice to heart?

Of course, I did.

Thanks to you,
there were some difficulties between us,

but we have become a lot closer since.

Thank you.

Everyone, Young Master Jang

has sent fireworks
to celebrate the Queen's banquet.

We will get to see fireworks?

I have never seen them before.

He sent them because his betrothed,
Young Lady Bu-yeon,

asked him if he could lighten up

the night sky for her.

- Oh, my goodness.
- I am jealous.

- Lucky her.
- She is lucky.

Soon, fireworks will bloom
in the night sky like flowers.

I hope you look forward to it.

Let us go outside.

- Shall we watch it from outside?
- Sure.

You should go to the back garden.

You came here yourself?

To lighten up the night sky?


Did you boast around?


Now everyone here truly believes
that we are married.


Then Naksu will show up here soon.


This event was arranged to summon Naksu.


So that my wife would get k*lled by Naksu.


I am sorry,

but you will have to die now.

Look at that!

That is beautiful.

If a soul shifter

kills Jin Bu-yeon in front of everyone,

people will naturally think it was Naksu,

and the blame will go to Jang Uk.

Jang Uk and Jinyowon will become enemies,

and Jinyowon will fall into our hands.




That was Naksu.

Naksu m*rder*d Jang Uk's wife,
Jin Bu-yeon.



Young Lady Bu-yeon is safe.

How are you alive?

You were dead.

The person that died just now was not me.

It was a white mouse called Gwiseo,
a relic from Jinyowon.


A mouse that eats the clippings

of someone who trims their nails at night
can take the appearance of that person.

The mouse that ate
Young Lady Bu-yeon's nail clippings

was the one that got stabbed.

She is right.

What you saw earlier
was Gwiseo from Jinyowon.

How did that get here?

Your mother sent it here
to protect her eldest daughter.

It looks like everything went well.

Now, Uk just needs to go

and get rid of the soul shifter.

The soul shifter that att*cked me

is currently being chased
by Young Master Jang.

If I do not get rid of Naksu myself,

people will constantly
spread rumors about her.

I want her to rest in peace.


Help me out.

Once he gets rid of
Naksu the soul shifter,

she will forever

be gone from our lives.

She is not moving.

I think she is dead.

- She looks dead.
- Goodness.

Today, I got rid of Naksu,
the soul shifter that appeared

at the Queen's banquet.

Was it really Naksu?

She was after Jang Uk's betrothed,
so it must have been her.

Now Naksu is gone

for good.

I hope this puts you at ease…

And gives you peace.

I made the rumor
with the shamans at Gaema Village

so that we could make some money
selling charms.

All I did was make up a rumor.
Arrest me if you wish.

You kept sending me medicine, right?

You must know what is inside my body.

You will be fine

as long as you take the medicine.


Did not take the medicine you sent.

You did not take it?

Without that medicine,
you must be in severe pain.

Tell me.

What is inside my body?

I would at least like to know…

Before I die.

I heard Naksu died.

- Yes, that is right.
- Tell me in detail.


I am here.

- Yeom!
- Master Lee!

Master Lee!

Master Lee!

Master Lee.

Master Lee,

where have you been?

It has been three years.

Yeom, you have aged even more
in those three years.

Where did you stay?

You were not at Danhyanggok.

I spent time treating a patient.

A patient?

Lady Jin's daughter.

I heard she recently married Jang Uk.


You treated Jin Bu-yeon?


I saved her life, woke her up,

and erased what was unnecessary.

You did not visit

the cliff where she met her demise,
did you?

See for yourself

and then mourn for her.

I want her to rest in peace.

It may not have been Naksu,

but more wraiths tend to swarm around him

on days when he uses
the power of the ice stone.

You are the first person

who tried to save me.

I almost died thanks to you.

My crazy master.

My pupil.

I, Jang Uk, your pupil,

will serve and protect my master,
Mu-deok, with all my heart.

I am the egg
that is at the top of the tree.

You are the only one
who can take care of me.


I will take you to the top of that tree.

I also missed you.

That is my reply.

Jang Uk.

I like you a lot.

Jang Uk.

Jang Uk.

Are you all right?

I could not cry.

It felt like…

I was really abandoning you there.

ALCHEMY OF SOULS Season 02 Episode 04

There is no need to force them together…

You have taken what Jin Ho-gyeong
has tried so hard to hide.

You should stop as well, Gwanju.

If you wish to stop me,

you should go to Jang Uk
and reveal everything to him.

I returned to settle things one last time.

You look like you are about to cry.

Tear out the heart and break it to pieces…

I shall always stay by your side
at this distance.

That is my promise.