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01x13 - Episode 13

Posted: 12/30/22 19:54
by bunniefuu
Is it possible to treat soul shifters

and turn them back into humans

even after they have run wild?

We are not treating him

to turn him back into a human being.

We are merely trying to keep him

conscious enough for him to speak.

So you are not looking for a way

to bring them back.

Once a soul shifter runs wild,

they are no longer human.

They are monsters.

They either feed off

the energy of human beings,

or they get petrified.

It is one or the other.

We cannot stop them from running wild.

The ice stone.

I heard the ice stone

carries the power of Hwansu.

Maybe that could stop them

from running wild.

Yes, maybe. However,

that kind of power

should be forbidden to mankind.

It looks like it is going to rain.

I did not even get to use

the energy of the Soul Ejector.

It looks like it will

get washed away by the rain.

Can the energy of the Soul Ejector

disappear due to the rain?

The power of the ice stone

came from the skies.

Thus, its power can

also be taken away by the skies.

I wonder if that girl tried to summon

the power of the skies

to make the ice stone disappear.

Jin Bu-yeon.

If she were alive,

she would have become a great priestess

who could even control

the energy of the skies.

You are fine.

Look. I am all right too.

You did not run wild.

The ceiling above the constellation basin

has opened.

-Was it not always open?


It may seem like it,

but I was told that it was not.

Who told you that? Your father?

He said the only way to open

the ceiling above the constellation basin

is by the energy

of a constellation recorder mage.

How did this open?

In any case, it seems like

we did something we should not have.

I wonder what happened.

It was me.

I opened it.

My energy seeped inside the water.

Just like at Lake Gyeongcheondaeho

and inside the Mirror of Longing.

This water enabled me

to get my energy back.

What do you mean lightning struck?

There was a loud noise coming from

the Constellation Recording room.

That is where Eunuch Kim

and Jang Uk are right now.

It is the energy of the Soul Ejector.

I felt the same dark energy

when Gil-ju attempted to shift souls.

What is the matter?

I cannot see just like how I could not

when I came out of the mirror.

I feel dizzy and nauseous.

Jin Mu will be back soon. We must leave.

Oh, right. The door.

The door is locked with his energy,

the constellation basin is damaged,

and the soul shifter is dead.

This is bad.

There is an exit for servants

next to the constellation basin.

My father used to take me out

through that exit.

But we will still be inside Cheonbugwan.

You cannot see,

and I do not know my way around here.

If we get lost,

the mages here will catch us.

If we stay here,

Jin Mu will come and k*ll us.

I am not strong enough to defeat him.

I am going to call my savior for help.

-Your savior?

-It is someone I know.

A person who will come running over

with a fluttering heart.

My savior.

Uk, you must be mad.

You heard a loud noise inside?

Yes, but you told us not to go inside,

so we did not.

Yeom-su, follow me.

The rest can stay and guard the door.

Jang Uk broke the barrier and escaped.

Assistant Gwanju.

The constellation basin…

What happened to the constellation basin?

I must find him.

I cannot let Uk leave this place alive.

Move this body to the Secret Room.

-Do not let anybody see you.

-Yes, sir.

Seal all the exits of Cheonbugwan.

Then find Jang Uk and his maid.

If they try to fight, you may k*ll them.

-Yes, sir.

-Yes, sir.

Uk will never manage to find his way

out of this maze-like place.

He will get lost and get caught.

But then again,

maybe he knew he would get lost

and just decided to hide instead.

You almost fooled me.

Are you here?

I noticed you broke

the water barrier I had made.

How about I make one with fire this time?

If I surround this place with fire,

maybe it will get hot enough

for you to finally show yourself.

Try to convince me like you did earlier

instead of trying to blackmail me.

Why should I when I have nothing to lose?

You are a trespasser who came unannounced

and broke the constellation basin.

And as the Assistant Gwanju

of Cheonbugwan,

it is my duty to get rid of trespassers.

You are being too harsh

to a guest who came bearing gifts.

Are you angry that we turned

your friend here into stone?

What friend?

I do not recall seeing anyone else here

other than you, your maid, and myself.

I see you plan to hide that mass of rock.

But here is some bad news.

-You will get caught.

-That will not happen.

Because you and your maid will soon die.

Now show yourself.

Come on out!

Did you see it?

A bolt of lightning struck

near Cheonbugwan.

Cheonbugwan is right next to the palace.

I must go and see

if everyone is all right.

That bolt of lightning was enormous.

I do hope Jin Mu got hit by it.

It is a pity.

I bet you came here elated,

hoping to become the Gwanju one day.

But instead, your death awaits.

You are one unlucky man.

That is too bad.

If I were to die,

you would have easily become the Gwanju.

However, that will not happen.


Have you heard of the yin-and-yang jade?

It consists of

a pair of red and blue jade.

If you fill one with energy,

the other reacts to it.

If they are close by,

the two will find each other

no matter what.

What about that?

Of the two,

the blue jade is

in the Crown Prince's possession.

That is a nice jade.

I got it in exchange for ten gold toads.

Is it something valuable?

So what if he has that?

I had the other red jade.

I filled it with energy,

which means the Crown Prince

is on his way here to find it.

Are you going to k*ll me and take it?

I figured you would do that,

so I hid it somewhere else.

I filled the red jade

with energy and hid it

inside the robe

of the eunuch that ran wild.

The Crown Prince is

probably on his way to that mass of rock.

Imagine how he would react

when he sees that body.

Gosh, he will get quite the shock.


Jang Uk is somewhere inside Cheonbugwan.

Rather than k*lling me,

you should go stop the Crown Prince.

I will be back.

You will never be able

to leave this place anyway.

-Where did you put Eunuch Kim?

-In the Secret Room.

If you give me your order,

I will take his body outside.


It is not here.

That little punk fooled me again.

Assistant Gwanju, sir.

I know you ordered not to let anyone in,

but we had no choice.

What? Is the Crown Prince here?


So he was not lying about

the yin-and-yang jade.

Assistant Gwanju.

Did a eunuch serving the royal family

really turn out to be a soul shifter?

And I heard you tried to k*ll Uk

to keep that a secret.

That is a big misunderstanding,

Your Royal Highness.

You even tried

to use my maid

as prey for that soul shifter.

You better have a good excuse

for this to be a misunderstanding.

Are you asking about Cho Chung,

the man who used to work

as a constellation mage at Cheonbugwan?

I heard Jang g*ng

and Cho Chung were very close.

Yes, they were.

They were very good friends.

He visited our home often.

He made funny jokes,

and he was a warm-hearted man.

Cho Chung got involved with sorcery,

and that eventually wiped out

his entire family.

He was such a good man.

It is still hard to believe

that such a thing happened to him.

Cho Chung had a daughter.

Did you also know her?

Yes, I remember her.

She was always right beside her father

and was very close with him too.

I heard she also disappeared

amid the chaos.

I am guessing

that she is dead.

Why do you think so?

Master Jang g*ng tried to find that girl

for a very long time.

If she was still alive,

he would have found her already,

unless someone was purposely hiding her.

Madam Do-hwa had passed away.

His best friend had

ended up in such a state.

Master Jang was not

in his right mind back then.

He blamed himself for both their deaths

and was in great agony.

He left home

to find his friend's daughter,

and I thought

he would come back once he did.


it is odd that he would leave home

for 20 years just to find a little girl.

I am starting to worry that maybe

he has not returned

because of another reason.

If he had found the girl 20 years ago,

her life would not have been so hard.

And Jang g*ng would not have had

to feel so guilty.


Are you implying that what Master Jang did

to his friend was wrong?

He punished someone who practiced sorcery.

That was the right thing to do as a mage.

No matter how close they may have been,

it was not wrong of him to punish him.

You cannot judge what is right or wrong

merely based on the things you see.

There are stories to everything.

And fate is made up of

many stories and relationships.

Are you implying that

the ill-fated relationship

between the Cho family and the Jang family

has not yet ended?

By any chance,

are you saying that a member

of the Cho family is in this household?

Did Songrim find the girl?

That girl…

is dead.

I see.

Poor thing.

I should hold a memorial service for her.

Maidservant Kim.

You are very warm-hearted.

It is not a gesture of kindness.

I just do not wish her spirit

to remain in this world

and harass Young Master Jang.

What if her spirit

is indeed lingering by Uk?

I should get rid of it.

She would have become an evil spirit.

I cannot let such a thing linger by him.

An evil spirit?

Where is Mu-deok?


I sent her to Cheonbugwan

to run an errand.

Are you all right? Can you see?

Yes, I can see now.

And you, Young Master?

Did you get hurt anywhere?

I am all right.

What does it mean when two people

share something that should be a pair?

It means they are married or a couple.

Songrim's leader has come to Cheonbugwan

as you have ordered, Your Royal Highness.

You came to Cheonbugwan

to give honey biscuits

to the Assistant Gwanju?

Yes, I heard you two had an argument

over honey biscuits.

Maidservant Kim did not want him

to stay upset,

so I brought what she had sent him.

What a feeble excuse.

The leader of Songrim

and Assistant Gwanju of Cheonbugwan

fighting over honey biscuits?

Even if that were true,

you could have left right away.

Why were you in the main room

with the constellation basin?

I wanted to see the constellation basin.

However, I ended up seeing something

that I should not have.

Are you sure you saw a soul shifter?

Yes, he locked me inside a barrier

to hide that fact

and threw Mu-deok to

the soul shifter so he could feed on her.

He is lying.

Jang Uk entered the main room

of Cheonbugwan without permission

and damaged the constellation basin.

Now that he finds himself in trouble,

he is making up an absurd lie

about a soul shifter.

I am sure it was a soul shifter.

He ran wild and got petrified.

My maid and I both saw it.

When I arrived,

I did not see the body of a soul shifter.

He probably hid it somewhere.

You need to block all the exits

and find the body of the soul shifter

before he takes it out.

I guess the truth will be revealed

once we find the soul shifter's body.

I shall summon the mages of Songrim

and investigate Cheonbugwan.

No. I cannot let him

search through Cheongbugwan

based on a ridiculous lie.

Jang Uk.

Did you say the soul shifter

was a royal eunuch?

Yes, Your Royal Highness.

I saw him beside the Queen

the day you came to Songrim for a duel.

Eunuch Oh,

which eunuch was there that day?

Eunuch Kim, Your Royal Highness.

He serves the Queen.

Then we just need to check

whether or not he is in the palace.

Go and check if he is there.

That will be unnecessary.

The Queen is here!

Bow before her!


The Assistant Gwanju

told me what happened.

I was shocked, so I came here myself.

Is it true that a soul shifter

was found here?

The eunuch who served you

was a soul shifter.

He ran wild and got petrified

here at Cheonbugwan.

-Is that so?

-That is not true.

No soul shifter ran wild here.

It is simply a lie

that Jang Uk is making up.

Let us see if it is a lie or not

after we search for the eunuch's body.

Who is this soul shifter eunuch

that he claims to have seen?

Eunuch Kim.

Eunuch Kim came here with me.

Eunuch Kim, come inside.

Is he the eunuch

that you claim to have seen

run wild?


You said he got petrified.

But he is well and alive.

You are right.

He is completely fine.

The only way to get out of this situation…

is to bring this thing back to life.

He is fine even after he ran wild.

If that is the power of the ice stone,

it means I can save Mu-deok

even if she ever runs wild.


We must have been mistaken.

I guess so, Young Master.

You were not mistaken. You blatantly lied.

He is standing there completely fine,

so I guess that means I was lying.

He tried to lie his way out

because he got scared that

he broke the constellation basin.


Is that true?

Yes, it is true.

Everything I said was a lie.

You entered Cheonbugwan without permission

and broke a valuable possession.

Then you made up a lie

to get yourself out of the situation?

I apologize. I am sorry.

This was done by a mage of Songrim,

so allow me to apologize on his behalf.

I would also like to apologize

to Assistant Gwanju Jin Mu.

Songrim will fix

the broken constellation basin.

That is unnecessary.

Do not refuse.

It is only right that

we take full responsibility.


-Your Highness.

Please give Songrim a chance

to make up for our mistake.

You should let them do that, Mother.

You may do as you wish.

I shall head back now.

I will send our people to Cheonbugwan

starting from tomorrow

and have them fix what has been damaged.

As for now,

I should head back to punish our mage

for having deceived the royal family

and the people of Cheonbugwan.

-Let us go.


Jang Uk will stay and get punished here.

I also think that is…

My goodness, Your Royal Highness.

Please help my young master.

Do not let him get taken to Songrim.

If he gets taken there,

he might get flogged to death.

Last time,

he got flogged 100 times in Songrim.

This time, it will only be worse.

Please do not let that happen.

Mu-deok, that is enough.

What I did was wrong.

It is only right for me to get punished.

I failed to show courtesy

to His Royal Highness.

I have no right to ask for mercy.

Then are you going to let them

drag you away and k*ll you?

If that is what the leader wants,

then yes.

Oh, goodness.

You can take me.

My goodness, Young Master!

But you will die!

Goodness, you will die if you go back!

I will punish him adequately.

Hey. You there.

Uk will be punished severely.

So just forget about what happened.

How ridiculous.

But then again,

the honey biscuit story

was absurd to begin with.

The leader of Songrim

and Assistant Gwanju of Cheonbugwan

fighting over honey biscuits?


What an outrageous excuse.


But how did the constellation basin break?

If it got struck by lightning,

it means the ceiling

above the constellation basin was open.

But I thought only those

who have reached Chisu could open it.

That is correct.

Jang Uk could not have reached Chisu.

I wonder how this broke.

Was there another mage here

who had reached Chisu?

But that would be impossible.

We were able to get out of there

thanks to you, Mu-deok.

If you try to hold on, people let go.

If you let go, people try to hold on.

So you caused a fuss on purpose?

That was clever of you.

I did not think

they would be convinced by you,

so I got involved without any permission.

I am sorry to have flustered you.

I did not expect that,

so it is true that I was flustered.

But you did well.

My lord.

We were not lying.

We clearly saw Eunuch Kim run wild

and get petrified.

I know you were not lying.

I may be slow-witted at times,

but I can tell lies from the truth.

A petrified soul shifter

came back to life.

Does that mean they have the ice stone?

Songrim has been

keeping our eyes on Jin Mu.

It is just as expected.

I guess they really do have the ice stone.

Did you insert the ice stone

inside my body?

Its power is truly astounding.

It really feels like I am still alive.

Was it Jang Uk who caused you

to become petrified?

Just as I was about to suck out

his servant's energy,

my energy suddenly started

to leave my body,

and I lost consciousness.

Did you also not see Jang Uk open

the ceiling above the constellation basin?

No, I did not.

Was there another mage there

other than Jang Uk?

No, there was not.

What if Jang Uk has reached Chisu already?

Maybe he is just hiding it.

When he tried to attack me,

he did not seem that skilled.

He mastered Ryusu

in an extremely short amount of time.

So it is possible.

Now that I have the ice stone,

does that mean I am capable of Hwansu?

You do possess the power of it.

However, you do not know

how to practice spells.

Therefore, you are unable to use it.

But this ice stone is mine now.

I only brought you back to life

momentarily because it was urgent.

So the ice stone

really does have the ability

to stop a soul shifter

from getting petrified.

We must find it and destroy it.

We should be getting rid of soul shifters,

but it brings them back to life.

Its power is truly evil.

But that is…

Uk, word will get out

about your punishment,

so you should not be in Songrim.

Stay at home for a while.

Yes, my lord.

Mu-deok and I will head home.

Be careful not to cross paths with Jin Mu.

I will.

Let us go.

He will get rid of the ice stone

as soon as he finds it.

We need to find it before he does.

Gil-ju was right.

The ice stone is inside the palace.

Then the Danju who possesses the ice stone

must be that person.

Take care of everything quietly.

I will have Court Lady Han take his place.

You may relay your messages through her.

Yes, Your Highness.

Because of what happened today,

Songrim will start suspecting me.

This all happened

because you underestimated Jang Uk.

I had no idea

he would break free so easily.

He is a genius

who instantly reached Ryusu.

He was born with the energy

of the King's Star.

I did not underestimate him

from the start.

I also figured he might be special

because he was born

with the energy of the King's star.

However, Jang Uk turned out to be

a complete disappointment.

He was just an average boy

with nothing special about him.

He was angry at the world,

and he hid his helplessness and indolence

by putting on a cold-hearted mask.

He never did anything with a goal.

He was just a young master

who was full of himself,

so all one ever had to do was appease him.

That means he has changed.

I thought he was weak.

But he opened his gate of energy

by consuming poison.

I thought he liked to show off,

but he actually beat the Crown Prince.

Why do you think

he changed all of a sudden?

People change…

because of other people.

Find out who showed up

just when he began to change.

That will be your answer.

Jang Uk was rejected by 12 masters,

but has finally found his way…

Who could have helped him do that?

Master, should we go straight

to Danhyanggok?

Thanks to my punishment,

we have some time.

Let us train at Danhyanggok.

We can also try climbing up that tree.

It is freezing right now at Danhyanggok.

If we get stuck there due to the snow,

we could starve to death.

I thought it was warm during the winter

and had a lot to eat.

I heard you say that to Yul last time.

I only said that to put him at ease.

He was worried that his pet bird

might have suffered during the winter,

so I told him that.

You mean the bird he always called

using his whistle at Danhyanggok?

Uk was almost k*lled by Jin Mu.

I apologized for what Uk did

and got him out of there.

But Jin Mu might try to harm Uk.

Fortunately, I insisted on

fixing the constellation basin,

so we have access to Cheonbugwan.

I want you to go to Cheonbugwan

along with Songrim's laborers

and keep an eye on Jin Mu.

-Yes, my lord.

-Yes, my lord.


I heard Mu-deok was

also at Cheonbugwan today.

Is she all right?

She is fine.

By the way, did the soul shifter

who ran wild and got petrified

really come back to life?

That is why the leader had to leave

without being able to say anything.

How did Uk react to that?

He actually did not seem too flustered.

He kept asking the leader

if the soul shifter who ran wild

was able to come back to life

thanks to the ice stone.

He already seemed to know

about the ice stone.

So he saw a soul shifter come back to life

with his own two eyes.

The leader told him

that they must be destroyed.

Both the soul shifters and ice stones.

He said we must

get rid of all things that are evil.

What did Uk say to that?

This is just my hunch,

but he seemed to disagree.

Uk is always carefree and easygoing.

However, he should not keep that attitude

toward sorcery as well.

You and Uk are close.

So you should warn him about it.

Not only is Danhyanggok cold,

but it would also mean

we would have to be alone.

We should refrain from doing that

from now on.

Why all of a sudden?

I am scared that…

I might devour your energy.

You did not run wild.

Nothing happened even after we touched.

I clearly absorbed

the energy of that eunuch.

I may seem fine now,

but we never know

when that might happen again.

Feel free to run away,

or k*ll me if you must.

But if I devour your energy until you die…

That will be unbearable.

Why are you laughing?

Is this funny to you?

No, it is not that.

You made my heart race.

What you just said…

holds a deeper meaning

than saying, "I missed you."

The cruel assassin has finally replied

to my naive and sincere love confession.

I will find the ice stone

so that you will never feel the need

to devour my energy.

You will have to go against Park Jin.

Then I will become just as strong.

You lost nine duels in a row

to the mages of Jeongjingak.

Stop putting on airs.

Right, the yin-and-yang jade.

I should get that back first.

But how did you call the Crown Prince

through the yin-and-yang jade?

There is a way to do that. It really…

It really makes your heart race.

Jang Uk, the so-called intruder,

had no sword.

But Jin Mu had one

although he claimed to be innocent.

Young Master.

Master Lee, what are you doing

at our house?

What about you?

Should you not be at Songrim?

He is here on probation.

"Probation"? Did you get punished?

What did you do this time?

No, that is not it.

Maidservant Kim, do not get too shocked.

This is sort of like…

fake probation.

It is more like a vacation

disguised as probation.

He is right.

That is good to hear.

Let us fish at Lake Gyeongcheondaeho

starting from tomorrow.

Good idea.

You should enjoy your time here

by spending time with Young Master Jang.


No, Maidservant Kim.

I am in no position to slack around.

Master Lee, I apologize.

I have already lost nine out of ten duels.

I only have one more duel left.

I plan to use this time to train.

I hope you understand.

You have become very diligent

all of a sudden.

Yes, my goal is

to make Maidservant Kim proud.

I cannot slack around and go fishing.

These days, you touch me

with your words every single day.

All right.

Go ahead and train.

Meanwhile, I will cook

a delicious late-night snack.

Tell me the truth.

Why are you on probation?

I went to Cheonbugwan

and broke the constellation basin.

Please do not tell Maidservant Kim.

I did see the lightning strike

from the skies right above Cheonbugwan.

I guess that hit the constellation basin.

We cannot tell you anything in detail,

but it was not Young Master Jang's fault.

The leader of Songrim

will tell you what happened.

I will lend you my fishing rods.

Back when I used to enjoy fishing,

I collected several

high-quality fishing rods.

I will bring them.

What a pity.

I was going to teach him

how to catch a Golden Fish.

A Golden Fish?

You mean the legendary golden fish

that can only be found

in Lake Gyeongcheondaeho?

Do you know what it is?

I have heard of it.

A fish that grows with the lake's energy.

I heard it can only be caught

by mages who have mastered Chisu or above.

You really are knowledgeable.

That feeling of catching a Golden Fish

as you control

the energy of Lake Gyeongcheondaeho…

It is ecstatic.

Please teach Young Master Jang

what that feels like.

He said he is busy.

Master Lee.

Master Lee, look at this.

This is the best one.

It was made with bamboo--

He is not busy. Starting tomorrow,

Young Master Jang

will go fishing with you.

What do you mean? I need to train.

Right now, you need to fish,

not practice with a sword.

Go to Lake Gyeongcheondaeho

and catch a Golden Fish.


This looks like a nice spot.

No, Master Lee.

I have fished here before.

The water is too cold here.

Fish do not swim here

because there are no lake weeds.

On top of that, we did not even bring

any of the nice fishing rods.

When catching a Golden Fish,

you must use a rod that bends easily.

Just like this one.

Is this bait for the Golden Fish?

They are snacks.

Maidservant Kim packed some snacks

for Master Lee.

Maidservant Kim is a very kind woman.

Where is the bait?

We need worms or mudfish as bait.

What? My goodness.

Do you fish with no bait?

I told you already.

Golden Fish feed off of energy.

My energy will

flow along this bamboo stick,

and that will act as bait.

Your energy?

Young Master Jang, go ahead

and follow what he is doing.

Go on.

Now we just need to control

the energy of Lake Gyeongcheondaeho

and wait until a Golden Fish bites.


I feel like a fool doing this.

Must I continue?

It bit!

That is what you call a Golden Fish.

It is a mass of water that is formed

with the energy of Lake Gyeongcheondaeho.

Only masters of Chisu and above

who have the ability to control water

are able to catch it.

I have not fished in a long time.

But I must say, it still feels great

to catch a Golden Fish.

So it is not an actual fish?

Master Lee did not bring you here to fish.

He is here to teach you

how to master Chisu.

Only those who are able

to fish out the mass of energy

from Lake Gyeongcheondaeho

can master Chisu.



All right.

No, you are too hasty. Slow and steady.



Cheonbugwan must have found

another blind lady.

Young Lady Jin says

they bring in several blind ladies

from all over the country every day.

-Let us go.

-All right.

So are you saying

there could be a soul shifter

hidden inside every family

that took part in murdering Naksu's father

and that we should use Jinyowon's relics

to find them?

We were going to wait

until the soul shifter

that ran wild at Daegangtongun

regained consciousness,

but we cannot do nothing until then.

The truth is,

last night, we found another soul shifter.

Yes, I heard.

The soul shifter of a eunuch

was found in Cheonbugwan.

Jin Mu must have already paid you a visit.

My brother, Jin Mu, told me that

Songrim sent an intruder to Cheonbugwan

and tried to frame him. He was very upset.

If we want to find out if he is innocent

or is actually using sorcery,

we need the relics of Jinyowon

and the power of its leader.

Please help me.

I am sorry,

but I refuse.

It is extremely disgraceful for a mage

to be accused of sorcery.

If we go around

investigating mages with our relics

without any kind of clear evidence,

it will anger many people

and cause them to resent Jinyowon.

I heard Jin Mu

has been in search

of your eldest daughter.

Did he ask you

not to cooperate with Songrim

in return for helping you

find your daughter?

-That is irrelevant.

-No, it is not.

Your recent attitude toward Songrim

has suddenly changed.

Do you always expect me

to do what you tell me to do?

Is that the attitude you want?

We, the people of Jinyowon,

do not take orders

from Songrim.

-Lady Jin--

-Please leave.

There is someone I must meet.

Once they find your older sister,

there will no longer be

any obstacles to our love.

That is because Songrim and Jinyowon

have a close relationship.

Oh, and…


This is the ornament

that I said was pretty last time.

I thought someone had already bought it.

How did you get it?

I paid that person

four times its original price.

I thought you might like it.

I am extremely happy.

The fact that you are happy

makes me the happiest man in the world.

Why does Uncle look so upset?

Did something happen?

I think he had a big argument

with the leader of Jinyowon.

I drew a dark red mole

behind her left ear.

Bu-yeon fell as a child,

which left a scar on her left arm.

Its length was

about one-third of a finger.

You must go through this

to become Jin Bu-yeon, so endure it.

We will engrave every little mole, scar,

and any other detail that

a mother would remember.


I will pour acid on your skin

so that the scar will become more clear.

What kind of fish is Young Master Jang

trying to catch?

All he does is go to that lake.

I should go and bring them their food.

I will ask Mr. Lee to do that.

I want you to stay

and help me with something.

We need to clean the house

and cook for a memorial service.

Whose memorial service?

A young girl who died a pitiful death.

She had an ill-fated relationship

with our family,

so I wish to hold

a memorial service for her.

Maidservant Kim.

I am back from the temple.

-All right.


The Buddhist monk wrote an oration.

Goodness, this is great.

But where are their names?

He should have written the names

of the spirits.


It is right there.

"Cho Chung and Cho Yeong."

Cho Yeong? That is my name.

Oh, yes. I see it now.

"Cho Chung and Cho Yeong."

What a nice oration.

Mr. Lee, come with me.

I need you to deliver food

to Young Master Jang.

All right.

Is Maidservant Kim

holding a memorial service

for me and my father?

It is mushroom rice, my favorite.

Maidservant Kim is such a great cook.

It bit! I got one!

I put a worm on the hook earlier.

That is what it bit.

We can have it as a side dish.

My gosh.


Do not rush yourself.

One day, you will feel

the same feeling that you feel

when a fish bites into a hook.

That is what you call Chisu,

the ability to control energy.

I see.

Master Lee, you even taught me

how to read Words of the Heart.

May I ask why you keep trying to help me?

By any chance, is it because of a reason

that must be kept a secret?

It is not your concern.

Did you think I would not know?

It is regarding my family.

It is because of Maidservant Kim?

I mean, you compliment her nonstop.

And that scarf you are wearing.

That is from the shop

that Maidservant Kim goes to.

She gave it to you, right?

And most importantly,

I saw the dried wildflowers

in Maidservant Kim's room.

There were a lot of them at Danhyanggok.

You gave them to her, did you not?

-Yes, I did.

-Gosh, I knew it.

But I thought you practiced chastity…

My feelings for her are not worldly.

I just think she is beautiful

and warm-hearted.

That is all there is to it.

That is the same thing

as saying you like her.

How can love between

a man and a woman not be worldly?

What about you?

You are a man and Mu-deok is a woman.

What does that make you two?

Well, as for me…

I do like her.

I cannot believe I am talking about this

with a man who practices chastity.

Anyway, Maidservant Kim

has feelings for someone else.

I hope you do not get hurt.

I should be saying that to you.

I heard Mu-deok likes Yul.

Did Dang-gu tell you that?

What kind of worldly conversation is that?

I do not just spend time with you.

I learned that worldly conversations

can sometimes be of help.

Thanks to Yul's story

about his first love,

I was able to learn about Naksu,

the assassin.

The girl he met at Danhyanggok

when he was young

turned out to be Naksu.

He knew it was her

when he saw the whistle he gave her

on Naksu's dead body.

I know you overheard my conversation

with Jin at Sejukwon.

Then I am guessing

you also know about Naksu's story.

You should go home early today.

Maidservant Kim is going to hold

a memorial service for the little girl

who died a pitiful death.

This is good enough.

The constellation basin is fixed.

So take all your laborers back to Songrim.

No, it is not perfect yet.

We think it is good enough.

What is with you?

Goodness, look at that.

The lower part of the basin

is a different color from the top.

We should exchange the lower part.

You have exchanged it many times already.

We think it is fine.

The leader of Songrim promised

to return the constellation basin

to its original form.

We cannot let a single mistake slide.

The construction normally takes

a day or two at most.

But it is taking quite a long time.

Do you feel uneasy

that we keep coming here?

What is there to feel uneasy about?

I just think Songrim is

wasting its time and money.

Do not worry about money

when it comes to Songrim.

Yul, the last time I saw you,

you seemed quite skilled.

Have you mastered Chisu?


Then you must be

the first mage in Jeongjingak

to have mastered Chisu.

Like father like son.

Your father, Seo Il, must be proud.

He was a Jeongjingak mage?

You cannot drag her against her will.

Can you stand?

What are you looking at?

Is he a Jeongjingak mage?

-Is his name Seo Yul?


They are sons of prestigious families

and are out of your league.

Do not roam around and stay hidden.

He may be out of my league

when I am So-i, a swindling vagabond.

But once I become Jin Bu-yeon,

the future leader of Jinyowon,

I might have a chance.

It is for Master Jang's friend

and that friend's daughter.

There are no graves for them,

and I bet no one has held

a memorial service for them.

So I figured I should at least hold one.

Maidservant Kim.

Thank you.


That is what they would say.

I bet they are extremely grateful.

It relieves me to hear that.

Leave the incense sticks

until they burn out.




Young Master Jang went fishing.

He will be back soon,

so you can wait for him inside.

Did Mu-deok also go with him?

Mu-deok is at home.

She had to prepare for a memorial service.


If I had not left you there

in the mountains,

you would not have to suffer this fate

where you have to hold your tears

and pretend to be someone else.

But even now,

I cannot seem to step up

and tell you that

I know who you really are.


The incense sticks have burned out.


They have.

Were you here all along?

Let us clean up.

When did you come back?

I heard you went fishing.

Yes, I just got back.

Are you here alone? Where is Dang-gu?

He is busy for some reason.

I think he is meeting someone.

I see.

What brings you here?

The leader ended your probation

and asked you to come back to Songrim.

That was faster than expected.

Have a seat. Let us enjoy some drinks.

I need to talk to you anyway.

Unfortunately, I cannot drink.

-I have to go back to Songrim.

-All right.

Then I will tell you what I wanted to say

tomorrow at Jeongjingak.

You will be surprised.

Uk, I will be returning

to Seoho Fortress soon.

I promised my father that

I would only train at Jeongjingak

until I mastered Chisu.

Master Heo wrote my father a letter,

so he might order me to return soon.

Then I will have to go.

But that place is too far away.

Dang-gu and I are

going to miss you so much.

When I return to Seoho Fortress,

there is someone I wish to take with me.


-I cannot tell you now.

I will tell you once it is time.

I will be off now. See you tomorrow.

All right. Bye.

Because I missed them.

I liked them a lot.

They can prevent that

by feeding on others' energy.

But once they do that,

they will no longer be humans,

but monsters.

And it is our duty to protect this world…

from such monsters.

I wonder if Yul knows everything.

When I return to Seoho Fortress,

there is someone I wish to take with me.

Young Master.


Is Seo Yul gone?

Maidservant Kim sent this for him.

I guess he was talking about you.

What do you mean?

Did Seo Yul say something?

I was told to return to Songrim tomorrow.

Is that why you look upset?

Cha Beom will ask you

to fight him for your last duel

as soon as you return.

You must be afraid of losing again.

I will not lose tomorrow.

I finally caught it.

Today is Jang Uk's last duel.

I have talked to the person

who I have made this bet with,

and the prize for today's winner

will not be a gold toad.

It will be something else.

The winner of today's duel

will be winning that maid.

I have agreed to serve…

the winner of today's duel as my master.

-What is going on?

-All right, then.

The person fighting Jang Uk

for his last duel.

Step forward.


The person you will be fighting against

is me.

Subtitle translation by: Ja-won Lee


Uk is someone who can potentially

bring chaos to the world.

What if he becomes the center

of the world's attention?

I only need those

who will definitely win the duel.

Then I will beat Uk

and take her in as my maid.

Did he master all of his opponents' spells

from his previous nine duels?

I must find it.

You must lose something as well.

Your heartwrenching love

will be thrown away.

Only then can I see him without shame.

Ask around about Mu-deok.

Find out what kind of girl she is.

"Eyes brimming with sweetness," my foot.

I am not a woman to you.

-You better not say otherwise.

-Fine, do it!

I truly do like you, Young Master.