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01x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 12/30/22 19:50
by bunniefuu
Daeho once suffered

from a long and unusual drought.

It was so bad that it even caused

Lake Gyeongcheondaeho

to completely dry up.

The mages of Daeho performed a grand rite

to fill the lake back up with energy.

Then enormous hailstones

started falling from the sky.

But among the many hailstones,

there was one that did not melt.

This unmelting hailstone

first turned into fire,

then stone,

and then water.

Then it turned back

into its original form, ice.

In that process, it produced black powder.

This powder was called the Soul Ejector,

which was used in the alchemy of souls.

The power of the Soul Ejector

was truly astonishing.

One could bring the dead back to life

by summoning back their souls.

One could shift souls

from one body to another.

One could even expel

the soul of the living

and steal their energy.

Eventually, that boundless power

ended up causing chaos.

In order to possess the unmelting ice

that produced the Soul Ejector,

the battle of mages turned into bloodshed,

and Daeho became a living hell.

The man who ended the long-lasting battle

was Master Seo Gyeong,

the founder of Songrim.

I was his pupil.

That ice stone sounds amazing.

Where is it? I would like to see it.

It is an extremely frightening stone.

Sorcery using the stone's power

created wicked things

that could hurt people.

Boy, where did you get that wooden doll?

I found it up in the mountain.

Would you like to trade it for this?


This is a relic cursed with sorcery.

-What was that?

-What was that?

That was a dangerous item

created with sorcery.

I know what they are.

They are called relics.

Jinyowon has lots of them.

That is right.

Inside Jinyowon, there are relics

that are much more dangerous.

There, you will find many peculiar items

that were made

with the power of the ice stone.

They sit there waiting for an opportunity

to come out into the world again.

Should I take you in?

No, thank you.

I may be a filthy girl

whom everyone avoids,

but I refuse to serve just anyone.

Damn it. How dare she.

She should have been grateful.

This batch of cinnamon and ginger wine

has quite a strong scent of cinnamon.

Thank you, Your Royal Highness.

It smells of cinnamon.

That impudent girl.

Is there something bothering you?

The filth from Filthy Mu-deok

must have gotten on me.

The stench will not go away.

It smells wonderful.

Forget it. Get out.

Leave already.

Yes, Your Royal Highness.

I showed her mercy

and saved her from trouble.

I even gave her my sachet

and a silk dress.

How ungrateful of her.

-I am grateful.

-I told you to leave…

Filthy Mu-deok?

How did you get in here?

I have that sachet you gave me.

You must be here

because you need something from me again.

You have been thinking about me,

Your Royal Highness,

so I came to see you.

Are you saying you can read my mind?


Have a glass of cinnamon and ginger wine

that is a lot stronger than the last one.

It smells wonderful.

It does?

I must say, I really like this place.

I hope you continue to think of me

just like you did today.

I will come to visit whenever you do.

The palace is a great place.

You get to dress in silk,

and it is filled with different kinds

of aromatic wine.

But do you know

why I keep thinking of you?

Because you are Filthy Mu-deok.

But right now, you do not reek of filth.

Your Royal Highness.

Who are you?

You caught me.

Something wicked just came in here.

-Search around.

-Yes, Your Royal Highness.

Why did it show up looking like Mu-deok?

Search every corner again.

-Yes, my lady.

-Yes, my lady.

The Crown Prince is here.

The Crown Prince?

I am in search of someone.

I was told that she would be here.

Is there something going on?

There seems to be a disturbance.

A maid caused trouble and disappeared,

so we were looking for her.

A maid?

She does not work for us.

Her name is Mu-deok.

She serves the Jang family.

She is whom I am looking for.

Did something happen?

That maid…

accidentally broke the yin-and-yang jade

that was going to be used

to make my wedding rings.

I told you to be careful.

What will you do now?

I apologize, my lady.

Please forgive me.

I will ask her owner to come here.

Take her away

and lock her up in the annex.

I am sorry!

Forgive me, my lady!

She must have been scared

about getting punished.

While she was locked up,

she stole the jade and ran away.

Seeing as we still have not found her,

it looks as if she has

already fled this place.

She got scared and ran away?

A bold girl like her?

Mages from Jeongjingak are here to visit.

Your Royal Highness, what brings you here?

What about you, Yul?

To look for someone.

Did you also come here

looking for Mu-deok?


I am here for Mu-deok.

She broke the yin-and-yang jade,

then ran away with it

to avoid getting punished.

But why did you not

get the wedding rings made?

I went to Chwiseonru to lend you my hand,

but I heard you already had left.

I just decided to postpone it.

Yul, why are you looking for Mu-deok?

I also saw the exact same illusion as you,

Your Royal Highness.

How did you enter Songrim?

I came because you kept longing for me.

What do you mean?

You were longing for

the one you met at Danhyanggok.

Stop fooling around.

I was longing for you?

-I have never done that.

-You are lying.

You kept the whistle.

The broken leg did not bother you.

And you were not scared to get scolded.

Because you liked her a lot.

Continue to think about her like that.

Then I will come to see you.


are not human.

Are you going to get rid of me?

Then you will never get to see me again.

It was not her. It was an illusion.

Does that mean

what I saw was also an illusion?

It was odd, so I went to Chwiseonru

looking for Mu-deok.

They told me she was dragged here.

She was not dragged here.

She was here to run an errand.

And she disappeared

with something precious.

We are in search of a thief,

not an illusion.

There is her owner.

Is Master Lee not here today again?

He is a man who wanders like the wind.

He left me the dog and left.

Was Gwigu also made from the ice stone?

Master Seo Gyeong made this

with the energy from the ice stone

in hopes of finding traces of sorcery.

Uk broke Gwigu's pottery,

so Master Lee

summoned the spirit from Jinyowon

and put it inside this dog.

Do you really not know

where Master Seo Gyeong

sealed the ice stone?

I do not know.

Do you think the alchemy of souls

started to occur again

because someone managed

to unseal the ice stone?

The only way for someone to shift souls

without mastering Hwansu

is by using the ice stone.

I am certain that someone

unsealed the ice stone

and brought it out into the world again.

Well, that is not good.

We cannot let the disaster

from 200 years ago repeat itself.

We must find the ice stone.

I was given orders to give this to you.

I thought you were

going to lie low for a while.

Are you planning on

shifting another person's soul?

Tell them that I safely received this.

I will.

Hurry up and find a eunuch

who can replace him.

Your soul will be shifted into that body,

so choose wisely.

Yes, sir.

I did not serve the Danju

just to shift my soul

into a eunuch's body.

I will use Naksu

to get the body I want.

My maid has committed a disgraceful act.

I am fully responsible as her master.

I apologize.

You must be upset about having lost

the jade to be used for the wedding rings.

I pleaded to my mother

for that yin-and-yang jade.

Yin-and-yang jade wedding rings

allow couples to have

a long and happy marriage.

But it is broken now.

I did not know that

it held such a deep meaning.

I must say, I am upset too.

We will find you a more valuable jade

for the wedding rings.

I appreciate your sincere apology.

-You may all leave now.

-Thank you.

I cannot do that.

I need to find Mu-deok.

I want to find that wicked maid

and have her return the yin-and-yang jade.

She is weak and she has short legs,

so she will not have traveled far.

I would like your permission to stay

and look for her myself.

You have my permission.

Thank you.

Now that I have your permission,

I would like you to open the door.

Open the door to Jinyowon,

where relics and artifacts reside.

Jinyowon's entrance can only be opened

by a member of the Jin family.

Right now, Cho-yeon and I are

the only ones who can open this door.

There is no way she is in there.

I saw Mu-deok's illusion.

Maybe you were dreaming.

How can you be sure that

it was an illusion created by a relic?

I saw it too.

It was an illusion disguised as Mu-deok.

All the relics that have the power

to create illusions are inside Jinyowon.

Let us go inside and check.

All right. I will open the door.

However, this place is filled

with dangerous relics and artifacts.

You could be possessed by sorcery

and be unable to return.

Young Master, it is too dangerous.

I will go with him.

As will I.

It sounds fun.

When will I get a chance

to enter Jinyowon again?

Go on inside.

I will give you an hour.

We should tell the leader.



So this is Jinyowon.

They say everything here is so precious.

Not a single one can be bought with money.

Will you please be quiet?

We are not here on a tour.

You are not the owner.

But I guess that could change

if you marry into the Jin family.

Lucky you.

All these precious treasures

will become yours, Jin Uk.

If you envy me so much,

you can marry into this family instead.

But even if you do become the owner,

how will you control anything?

You are a low-level mage.

If you are so great,

can you touch anything here?

The leader of Jinyowon told us

not to touch anything.

What an excuse.

You are just too scared to touch them.

-Damn it.

-What was that?

I do not know. What was that?

Are you all right?

Something odd must be in there.

Were you not startled?

I was startled.

It is dark in here, so be careful.

Was he really startled?

Yes. When Yul gets startled,

he loses his sense of direction.

Yul, do not go that way!

It is the other way.

We must go that way.

Let us all be careful.

Yul is always so calm,

but he can be a scatterbrain

when he is startled too.

I guess so.

Just make sure to be careful.

Be careful yourself.

Wait for me.

How did I get stuck in here?

I should have held it in.

I should not have provoked her.

I told you to be careful.

You wait here.

Young Master Jang will be here soon.

Young Lady Jin,

what is going to happen to me now?

What do you think?

You will be severely punished.

No, that is not what I am worried about.

They say whoever breaks

the yin-and-yang jade

will never have

a long-lasting relationship.

What am I going to do now?

What do you mean?

Stop talking nonsense.

If you break the yin-and-yang jade,

they say the person you love

will never love you back.

I heard all the gisaengs

at Chwiseonru saying that.

Is that true?


Did you not know that, Young Lady Jin?

That cannot be.

Then what is going to happen to me?

Why are you worried

when I was the one who broke it?

You broke the jade, did you not?

You made me carry it

so you could blame it on me.

Am I right?

If you felt so wronged, you should have

said something to my mother.

Had I humiliated her daughter

in front of everyone,

she would not have forgiven me.

I am not scared of you,

but I am scared of your mother,

the leader of Jinyowon.

Are you that afraid of your mother?

It is true that I fear my mother,

but I hate you just as much.

I will sell you.

Like you said, my mother is a scary woman.

You will get sold

as punishment for having broken the jade.

To place far away!

Did she run away?

Should I try climbing over this wall?

How did she open the door to Jinyowon?

So this is Jinyowon.

If she gets locked inside, she might die.


So it is you.

It has been a long time.

You cannot leave.

It will not break.

Nothing will work!

Be quiet.

Could she have died since she is

incapable of practicing spells?

If they saw her as an illusion…

Young Lady Jin.

Every time you move, I hear a sound.

It sounds…

like jade clinking against each other.


The hour is up. We must leave.

I am not going. I must find her.

This place is too big and deep.

The three of us cannot find her here.

You only came in here for a tour,

so you may go ahead and leave.

How did you see an illusion of Mu-deok?

I do not know where it came from.


I came because you kept longing for me.

That is right.

She said that to me too.

That she came because I thought of her.

So her illusion comes to see you

if you think about her?

I guess you did not see it.

She visited me and Yul,

but she did not visit you

even though you are her owner.

Why in the world

were you thinking about Mu-deok?

I was drinking cinnamon and ginger wine.

Were you the one who got her drunk

and made her reek of cinnamon?

That is correct.

I also gave her a sachet that day.

The smell of cinnamon

probably came from the sachet.

Oh, you mean the sachet

that she hung by the outhouse

to get rid of flies?

"By the outhouse"?

Thank you, Your Royal Highness.

It really helped shoo away the flies.

Yul, what were you doing

when you saw her illusion?

The mirror.

-My mirror broke.

-So did the one in my room.

Did it come from the mirror?

A mirror?

Could this be it?

That is not you. It is fake.

It is an illusion.

So it was you.

She is trapped inside the mirror?


We cannot see what is inside,

but we are sure she is in there.

She was sucked into the Mirror of Longing.

"The Mirror of Longing"?

It is a relic that creates illusions.

It uses other mirrors

to show illusions of things

that people long for.

She knows no spells,

so she probably got sucked inside

while she was in front of it.

We need to get Mu-deok out of the mirror.

Our spells will not work

because the energy in there is too strong.

Please take the Mirror of Longing

out of Jinyowon.

That cannot be done.

That relic swallowed a human.

It is too dangerous to take it outside.

I order you as the Crown Prince.

Take out the Mirror of Longing.

The Unanimous Assembly has granted us

a plaque to protect Jinyowon

from a situation like this.

I cannot take it out

even if it is the King's orders.

Uk will not leave…

without Mu-deok.

Then he will have to stay inside.

Once the hour is over,

I am going to seal this door.


I found the yin-and-yang jade.

Mu-deok must not have stolen it.

Now that I found the jade,

please take out the Mirror of Longing

and get Mu-deok out of there.

Young Master Jang will die

if he gets locked inside.

Stay out of this.

Once the agreed time is over,

I shall seal the door.

Do not waste your energy.

You know you do not have

the power to break it.

Shut it! You are nothing but an illusion.

That is right. I am an illusion.

An illusion that reflects who you are.

Humans are incapable

of seeing themselves with their own eyes.

The only way is

to see themselves through a mirror.

So the perception you have about yourself

is nothing but an illusion.

The same goes for how others perceive you.

They only see what they want to see

and create an illusion that suits them.

It is all just an illusion.

If what you say is true,

that means people

only see illusions and nothing else.

That is right.

I turn into what they want to see the most

and show it to them.

I shall do the same for you.

Give me your energy.

Then I will…

turn you into

the most perfect version of yourself.


you need my reflection

to create that so-called illusion.


If there is nothing to reflect,

a mirror becomes useless.

You are nothing but a piece of glass.

That is enough babbling from you.


Are you in there?




Uk, I am in here!

I found you.

The time is up.

Cho-yeon, seal that door.


-Do it now.

-Please wait.

I would like to go inside.

If the relic cannot be brought outside,

I will go in there myself

and get her out of the Mirror of Longing.

How can I trust a high-level mage

to set foot in there?

Trust me.

I will not touch any other artifacts.

I am not sure if I can.

My trust was once broken

by a Songrim mage.

Have you ever allowed

a Songrim mage to enter Jinyowon?

If you want to save Jang Uk,

you will have to ask mages

from Jeongjingak to drag him out of there.

My lord.

We are running out of time.

Yul, I want you to go in there

and bring Uk out.


While you were gone,

I thought about…

what I could do

to keep you by my side.

If I become Cheonbugwan's Gwanju,

you can be the Assistant Gwanju.

Why would I want that?

You said you did not want

to stay by my side as just a maid.

We cannot tell anyone

that you are my master.

But you can stay

if you become the Assistant Gwanju.

Cheonbugwan's Gwanju

keeping a soul shifter by his side?

You must be mad.

I thought about it

after I heard about my marriage.

"He finally has a way out."

"But how will I manage without him?"

I bet you thought that and felt lost.

But now that you are not here,

I feel just as lost.


I miss you.

Feign ignorance even if I get caught.

No one here will let that thing attack me.

Then do me a favor, Uk.

Take me up there.


I will take you to the top of that tree.


What is happening?

She is here!


It is her, the blind girl!

It is the ice stone!

The mirror is going to shatter.

Step away.

Young Master.


-Are you all right?

-Yes, I am fine.

-Is Mu-deok all right as well?

-Of course.

I fell while bringing out

the yin-and-yang jade.

I think that was when the jade broke.

So you tried to blame a maid

for the already-broken jade.

And the Mirror of Longing?

It was next to me when I fell,

but I did not even touch it.

Uk is not strong enough

to break the Mirror of Longing.

Then I must have

harmed the mirror as I fell.

Did you also

lock Mu-deok inside Jinyowon?

I did seal the door,

but she walked inside herself.

Those who are not members

of the Jin family cannot open that door.

Are you saying Mu-deok opened it?

Then I must have

opened the door.

I just saw her go inside

and locked her in there out of anger.

I apologize.

I will tell everyone

to keep things quiet.

I shall also stay silent about this

to help you save face.

I am truly sorry.

Are you all right?

Can you still not see?


I saw a really bright light

when the mirror broke.

I cannot seem to open my eyes.

We should cover your eyes then.


If you stare at the sun for too long,

you are not able to see for a while.

You will recover soon.

I am sorry for this.

You did nothing wrong.

Young Lady Jin is at fault.

Mu-deok, are you all right?

What are you doing here,

Young Master Park?

I came because I was worried.

I see you have hurt your eyes.

Young Master Seo, you came as well?

You should get treated at Sejukwon.

I will take you there right now.

The palace is near, so she can go there.

Your Royal Highness? You are here too?

I will take you to the royal clinic.

That is not necessary.

She was just blinded by the light.

She did not get hurt.

I know you did not plan any of this,

but they came here for you.

So you should apologize and thank them.

I apologize for troubling you.

Thank you all.

Young Master.

Let us go home.

After what happened today,

I do not know

if their marriage will proceed.

Did you hear what she said?

She was ready to seal the door

even though Young Master was inside.

How terrifying.

It makes me uneasy that he will live

with a mother-in-law like her.

She made that choice to protect Jinyowon.

When you have a lot to protect,

you sometimes have no choice

but to be heartless.


would you have done the same?

I would say you and I are pretty close.

What if I got locked inside?

Would you seal the door?

So heartlessly?

My goodness.

It seems like you would.

Even if it means I might die in there?

Do not put me in a difficult spot

over something

that has not even happened.

I am not even actually locked inside.

Does it hurt for you to lie and tell me

-that you will never seal the door?

-I cannot

lie to you.


That is what someone like you must do.

You should say hello to Young Master Jang.

No. I have nothing to say to him.

I cannot lie

and act like everything is fine.

Of course. Thank you for today.


Maidservant Kim…

If I ever have to seal the door,

it would shatter my heart…

to pieces.

He is inflexible and slow-witted.

"How could I seal the door

if you are inside?"

Could you not have said that?

What you did was dangerous.

Entering Jinyowon

was recklessly childish

and stubborn of you.

Do not be so angry.

You may think I am pathetic,

but that is an illusion.


The mirror I saw inside Jinyowon told me

that people only see

what they wish to see.

That it is an illusion.

Are you saying I see you as an illusion?

If not,

why do you not want me to do anything?

All my life, I tried so hard

to prove to everyone

that I was my father's son.


you told me I was not.

Though it hurt, it got rid of my illusion.

But even after that,

why do you want me to stay as an illusion?

I do not care what you stay as.

I only wish for one thing.

And that is for you…

to be safe.

The illusion I tried so hard to prove

no longer exists.

So from now on,

I am going to try even harder

to find out who I really am

and what I must do from now on.

Can you see now?

Yes, I can see.


I was told the mirror made illusions.

I am checking

if it is really you that I saved.

You did not save me.

I broke it and got out myself.


When I was trapped inside the mirror,

I regained my power for a bit

just like how I did

in Lake Gyeongcheondaeho.

I am sure I broke the mirror

with my own power.

So that was how you got out?

I was excited thinking it was me.

Not even close.

You should be grateful

that the mirror did not suck you in.

I even thought about that

because you were still inside.

What a futile idea.

It would not have traded you for me.

What if it did?

Then would it not have been futile?

Well, I would have survived.

And I would have died.

Listen to me, my pupil.

When there is no other way,

the best deal is

to sacrifice yourself and save me.

No way.

If I die, you should die too.

You cannot live on your own.

You have no other choice.

When you put your pupil in danger,

your life should be at risk too.

Fine. I will keep that in mind.

Then what will happen

to marrying the woman

who almost had your master k*lled?

Marrying her will

surely guarantee my safety.

But you almost lost your life,

so I should risk my life too.

This is a marriage of convenience.

So let us resolve our issues

after the wedding.

The reason you need

a son-in-law like me is that

I am the eldest of the Jang family

and the next potential Gwanju

of Cheonbugwan.

Our families will come together

and become stronger.

Yes. Because this is

a marriage of convenience,

we should be open

about our strengths and weaknesses.

Apparently, I am not the son

of Cheonbugwan's Gwanju, Jang g*ng.

I do not care about such rumors.

But what if that rumor

turns out to be true?

Think about whether or not you are willing

to take that risk

and take me in as your son-in-law.

I see you still have

the binding bracelet on you.


He is still impudent as ever.

Why did you decide to marry Cho-yeon off

without even discussing it with me?

Who are you to meddle

in our family matters?


I am also a member of the Jin family.

The surname "Jin" is only given to those

with mothers from the Jin family.

My mother was a fool to have given

our family surname to someone

who my father begot out of wedlock.

You kicked me out as soon as you became

the leader of Jinyowon.

Do you still resent me that much?

I do not resent you.

I detest you.

I detest how treacherous you are.

The leader of Jinyowon should not

make decisions based on preference.

Choosing Jang Uk was the wrong decision.

Cancel the marriage.


I will give you

a better card than Jang Uk.

How about the Crown Prince

as your son-in-law?

You want the Crown Prince

to marry into our family and live with us?

Cho-yeon is the second daughter.

Bu-yeon is the eldest

and will lead the family.

Her future husband will

move in with the family,

so it is unnecessary for Cho-yeon.

What are you scheming?

How dare you talk about Bu-yeon.

I know that your husband is

still looking for Bu-yeon.

As the Assistant Gwanju of Cheonbugwan,

I will do everything in my power

to help you find the daughter

you hopelessly long for.

I will make Bu-yeon the leader of Jinyowon

and make Cho-yeon become the queen.

So please

do not have her marry Uk.

I, your brother,

will become Cheonbugwan's Gwanju

and give great support to Jinyowon.

After all, I am a member

of the Jin family.

Yul, there is something I find quite odd.

Why were you thinking about Mu-deok?

I was not thinking about Mu-deok.

I also do not understand

why that illusion showed up as Mu-deok

-and said those things.

-What did it say?

Hey, Yul.

We have to go this way.

Why do you keep wandering?

What startled you?

I will be all right.

Oh, dear.

Delivery packages.

Young Lady Jin's marriage gifts will

probably get delivered to Songrim today.

It is best that no one sees them.

I should keep them safe.

The bird! Catch the bird!

-Oh, gosh!


-Darn it.

-Where did it fly to?

-Come on.

-It is over there!


-Darn it.


-Over there!

Naksu has the ability to shift souls.

If Naksu shifted souls,

she is probably still alive somewhere.

You were longing for

the one you met at Danhyanggok.

Continue to think about her like that.

Then I will come to see you.

It is actually warmer than you think.

The snow quickly melts in the sunny spots.

So Mu-deok…

was Naksu.

You were the one

who left this at Danhyanggok.

So you are alive, Naksu.


I waited ages for you.

Did Maidservant Kim not tell you?

You should have come by noon.

Let us hurry. We must get

to Danhyanggok before the sun sets.

Instead of Danhyanggok,

let us go somewhere else.


There is an empty temple

by the bamboo forest in the east.

We can go there.

Bring Jang Uk here tonight.

Then I shall spare your life.

I must hand you over so I can live.

It is what must be done.

The marriage will not happen.

I gave them an excuse to discard me.

I see.


Maidservant Kim had already received

the yin-and-yang jade.

So I made something out of it.

-They are bird's eggs.


Pick one. We can have one each.

We have quite a peculiar relationship.

A young master and a maid.

A master and a pupil.

So I figured they could act

as a token to remind us

to stay loyal and dutiful.

I will choose first.

I pick red. You can have the blue one.

Master, let us stay loyal

and dutiful to each other.



This is where we say goodbye.

I will return to where I came from.

-But they abandoned you.

-I met them again today.

They know who I am.

They asked me to come back.

-I thought they were dangerous.

-As you can see, I am alive.

If they wanted to k*ll me,

they would have already.

If I go back,

I will be able to regain my energy.

I promised to do that for you…

I told you that

I would stand on a cliff and push you.

I admit that I overtrained you every time,

and you did your best.

-We can keep doing that.


If we stay together, you will die,

and I will get caught.

What brings the leader of Songrim

to secretly come all the way here?

I have something to ask you

about a Cheonbugwan mage

named Cho Chung from 20 years ago.

Naksu's father, Cho Chung,

was a soul shifter.

When we found him,

he had already run wild

and k*lled everyone in his family.

The four families had to get involved

to stop any further killings.

Naksu's father was also a soul shifter?

In the eyes of a child,

we probably seemed like murderers

for having k*lled her father.

She must have thought

her father was m*rder*d by us.

That is probably why she came

to Songrim as an assassin.

What is the important matter

that you wanted to talk about?

Do you recall anything about Naksu?

If we meet again, I will k*ll you.

Are you implying that

I took in Cho Chung's daughter

and trained her to become an assassin?

You burned her body

as soon as it was found.

Was that not because you did not want

her identity to get revealed?

I will tell you what happened 20 years ago

instead of saying what you wish to hear.

Here, at Cheonbugwan, we record stars

from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m.,

when energy is the highest.

The Gwanju checks it at noon,

and the recorded plate gets stored here.

But one day, a constellation plate

recorded that morning disappeared.

Fortunately, we were able

to find it again.

What about that?

It was the day Jang g*ng's wife,

Do-hwa, died and Jang Uk was born.

Cho Chung recorded the stars that day,

and I was the one

who found the missing plate.

I have managed to sneak out

the actual plate.

The one in Cheonbugwan is

a fake one without the King's Star.

Are you telling me

that you know what happened

on the day that Jang g*ng's son,

Jang Uk, was born?

A star that could change the world

appeared in the sky.

You knew about the King's Star?

Do you think things stayed quiet

thanks to Cho Chung's death?

Who do you think turned him

into a soul shifter in the first place?

Do not ask questions

you do not wish to hear the answers to.

That is the only way

to protect Songrim and its people.

The Danju does not know

that you are still alive, Naksu.

I did not tell him.

Bring Jang Uk.

Then my lips will stay sealed.

I shall shift my soul into his body.

Where is Jang Uk?

He will be here soon.

What brings you here at such a late hour?

Before Uk was born…

About 20 years ago…

Did Jang g*ng

master a type of sorcery?

Did Jang g*ng

perform the alchemy of souls?

What is taking him so long?

It is finally raining.

He should be here now.

Did you fool me?

Why are you stalling?

Seeing that the Danju

still has not shown up,

you really must be

the only one who knows about me.

You little…

Our journey stops here.

What about the empty temple by the forest?

Why were you going to take me there?

I was going to hand you over

so I could live.

Now you know, so do not follow me.

Then you should not have told me

about the temple.

How could I not follow you

after hearing what you just said?

I am more upset than you are.

I gave up my chance to live

just because of a bird's egg.

I am glad I reminded you

to be loyal and dutiful.

I could have actually died.

Now that I have helped you escape death,

fight like your life depends on it,

my pupil.

You make it sound like you saved my life.

If the cloudy sky blesses us with rain,

then we both might be able to live.

You really are one lucky fellow, Uk.

It is raining cats and dogs.

Do you not think my opponent

is a bit too strong?

He is a Cheonbugwan mage.

Hi. You remember me, right?

It is time. Use Tansu.

Instead of trying to flick the waterdrops

with your uncontrollable sword,

wield the sword

so that waterdrops fall onto it.


What is that?

The alchemy of souls.

Is my soul…

being shifted right now?

Subtitle translation by: Ja-won Lee


Jang Uk!

So you have shifted souls

with my pupil, Gil-ju.

I think Uk fell victim

to the alchemy of souls.


Was the man who shifted my father's soul

Jin Mu of Cheonbugwan?

Why is it you again?

Are you certain that

the ice stone was indeed destroyed?

Order all of our mages to look for Gil-ju.

It must never be revealed

that they are soul shifters.