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03x04 - The flag on the wall

Posted: 12/30/22 12:58
by bunniefuu
I don't want to be locked up for 15 years for a m*rder I didn't commit.

- What do you want?

- Hong Fung sends a container to China with all the money raised, and you're going to help us steal that money.

Remember my assignment.

Nobody dares to stand up to the Chinese.

They'll hunt us down one by one.

I need someone who knows how to fire a g*n.

I also need a motorbike with the keys ready.

Open the door! Drop the g*n! I'm sorry.

She set this up to see Ferreiro.

Your husband has had some tests.

He can't have children.

We're not your family anymore.

That child has no father or grandmother.

Cutting the cock off this pig seems like a good deal.
- Eat the pigeon.
- Don't eat it, Anabel.

You disappoint me.

Are you really going to put me in the spin dryer? Stop! Open the door of the washing machine.

Are you going to take your chances for this bitch? Zulema is a real bitch but she's our bitch.

We all lose today.

This is w*r.
- Take her out.
- Mother of God.


Give her some air.

This little turtle 34 DAYS IN SOLITARY Doesn't have a mother She was born of a gypsy Who threw her out She threw her out, yes Who threw her out, no This little turtle Can't be cured

- Hi, Mum.
- Hey.

I'll see you this afternoon, little bird.
- Yes?

- Yes.

And we'll go to the park, just you and me, and have a burger.

Would you like that? Can I take my new bike?

- What bike?

- The one I got as a present.

I love it, Mum, and the bracelet box has a thousand pieces, and some are gold.

You're the best.

No, sweetie, you're the best.

I have to go now.
- I love you very much, darling.
- Bye, Mum.

Open ten


Councilor? I hear you're getting out today.

I need tampons.

Yes? Hey, what's wrong? Look.

You've been choosing the wrong crowd since you arrived.

Ferreiro, Akame.

I'm not a cushy number as a friend either.

I won't lie.

But the Chinese have declared w*r against us.

If they've done something to you, tell me.

Don't be a fool.

I'm the only one who can help you inside here.

Believe it or not, you and I are on the same side.

What's wrong? Akame wants to escape.

She wants to steal a container full of money from the Chinese mafia.

And what's your part in all this? She's blackmailing me.

She wants me to get her the container number.

You're the only one who's stood up to her.

I need your help, please.


Count on me.

And don't forget the tampons.


f*ck! You're getting paler by the day.

So? When do you get out of the cage? They said tomorrow.

And how are you coping? What do you think? For breakfast, I get red and blue crazy pills.

I'm having a crazy time.

And when are you going to sort that out? There's nothing to sort out.

I'm going to have this baby.

Well, knowing that the father is Sandoval, I thought you might think about aborting it.

It's just that, a month in solitary is great for giving you time to think.

And the only thing I've had in there to keep me company, is this little gypsy girl.

You wouldn't believe the chats I've had with her.

Who cares about what a bastard Sandoval was? Mummy Saray.

I know, it's nuts, isn't it? Do you know what, Zule? I don't want the first color that my girl sees at birth to be yellow.

Or for her to think that the sky has bars.

I know you.

I know you.

If you've got a scheme to get out of this hellhole I want to be in on it.

Come closer.

What comes in and out of this place with no questions asked? GUIDE TO CHICKEN AND HEN BREEDING The hens.

The hens? Controlling the flow of hens, we have a direct line to the outside.

And on the outside, a container full of banknotes is waiting for me.

For me, for you, and the gypsy girl.

And even in here, I can still read.

Come on, Saray.

That's enough chat.

Millán, you don't half love waving that truncheon around.

Shut up, Vargas.


- You.
- You.



Curly! Wash yourself 'cause when you come out, I'm going to eat your p*ssy.

You're going to eat your mother's, bitch! Tell that to Anabel who charges in advance.

You’re the price.

Be my whore for a year.

Leave us alone.

I'll call you, I won't be long.

It turns out that all charges will stand.

Escape, accessory to attempted m*rder, possession of weapons and resisting arrest.


Guilty on all counts, but I didn't resist arrest.

I admit that it wasn't the best way for us to meet.


You could get ten more years, and lose any prison privileges for the rest of your sentence.

Was it really worth it? Yes.

I couldn't let Macarena down.

So stupid.


It's the only way I know how to love someone.

Look at this, eh?

- Look!

- And who's this man? Oh, Sole.

The cards say that a hunk of a guy will come into your life.

Lucky girl! For you maybe.

I don't want any man.

Yes, but a hunk of a man who'll stop you in your tracks.

I prefer to move forward, not backwards No, no.

You focus there and tell me.

Will I be lucky? Your chances are good.

He's got a big g*n! That's good! Now don't despair, because he's got butter, too.
- Nice!

- You have it! Soledad, you have a visitor.

See, didn't I say? It's him.
- Witch.
- He's waiting.
- You're a witch.
- Get your fill! Let's go.
- Antonia.
- What is it? Tell me about my husband.

What's wrong with him? It's the same for all of us.

He hardly ever calls, the bugger.

Great, payment up front.

This goes in my pocket.

Let's see.

Shit, be a bit more careful.

Anabel, have you got anything? No, I'm not selling.

Ask the Chinese.

I could finger you.

Anything you want.

But give me something, please.

Have you seen yourself? Besides, I already have my whore.

I know where the Chinese keep things.

I swear, I've seen them.

In the hen house.

Do you know that man? No.

We think it's the hitman who m*rder*d your husband.

And you wanted me to see his face? Why are you telling me this? The day before your husband's m*rder that man received a call from Cruz del Sur.

From who? We don't know.

Personal calls can only be recorded with a court order.

We only have a list of prisoners who made a call that day.

And you're on that list.

Just a moment.

Do you think I arranged for my husband to be k*lled? No.

I know it wasn't you.

But a judge That call, and the money you inherited, are more than enough to give you a motive and make you a suspect.

I never wanted my husband's money.

Yes, but you did end up inheriting a flat.

Soledad get yourself a good lawyer, because they're going to accuse you of your husband's m*rder.

Alta, they're getting rid of the old lockers.
- Okay.
- We've been reassigned.


They've given me Unai's locker.

But if you like, I could share a locker with someone, I don't mind.

No, it's fine.

It's a locker, not a mausoleum, right? No problem.

Is this locker smaller? I'll flatten it out.
- Take mine.
- No, I couldn't.

Yes, take it.

I don't have so many things.

I don't need so much space.
- No, really.
- Yes, Millán! It's an order.

I'm off.

I'm on the intake shift.

What the hell is this?

- Have you seen Millán?

- Yes, she's just gone to intake.
- Frutos?

- What? Who changed the shifts that night? What shifts? The night Unai was k*lled.

He had a shift on the monitors.

I know because I used to meet him there.

Someone changed his shift to do the round with the segway.

Who was it? I don't know.

The roster comes from upstairs.

Why? What's up? They didn't k*ll him by stabbing him.

They cut his throat with a steel wire.

That's not improvised.

Someone changed the shifts.

As far as I know, prisoners don't do that.



Move! Antonia.


Stealing eggs? Since they won't let me sell my stuff, I have to open new markets.

The junkie's diet is based on yogurts and raw eggs.

I won't be short of clients.


Akame wants to escape from prison.

She's blackmailing me.

Slide down, I'll take your picture.


Good girl! Let's have a look.

Oh, you look so pretty.

My word! Hong Fung is one of the leaders of the Tao Triad.

Western women are his weakness.

You'll get close to him and earn his trust.

Alicia, get your things.

We're leaving.

This is the container serial number that my sister Akame wants.

She sent you, right? I'll tell you where it is and the date of departure.

Tell her everything.

But don't let her know that I know her plan.

She doesn't like being deceived.

I won't be telling her anything.

I'll tell her that I haven't managed to talk to you, that you're ignoring me.

Of course you're going to tell her.

In two weeks you'll escape with her and you're going to take them to the container full of money.

I'll give my sister what she wants so badly.

The money.


And to return to China.

She'll die inside that container after months of crossing surrounded by millions.

Alicia! Alicia!

- Hi, girls.

How are you?

- All right.

You can sit down.


- Tere.
- What? Go ahead, whenever you want.


Go on.

Well, hello to all.

How are you? Well, it was just to tell you that this medal Well, this means I've been clean for two months.
- That's my girl!

- All right! And that I feel very well.

I have a little bit of cramping still.

I'm still sh1tting in every corner.

Antonia knows all about that.
- It stinks.
- Sorry, honey.
- And I'm doing well and it's a start.
- Of course it is.

That medal, my love, is worth more than an Olympic gold.

I'd bite it like Rafa Nadal, but I don't trust my teeth.
- Best not.
- Oh, girls.

It's best not to get into dr*gs.

It's very difficult to stop.

Pruden should know, she sold them by the ton in Ría de Arousa.

All right.

I'm not here because I'm a saint.
- Like all of us.
- I know, but at least I never sold impure dr*gs.

No, never.

Not the shit sold on the streets now.

You don't know what you're taking.

Yes, when a drug was a drug, right? Oh, Tere, imagine you and me in the 80s, right? Junkies, but with great shoulder pads! You with earrings, lots of hair You'd have been wonderful.

But do you see how it works? The ethics of the drug dealer.

Pruden, you lived a great life at the cost of poor girls like Tere, like Luna.

Sole, I can tell you one thing.

Am I proud of what I did? No, I'm not.

But at least we were locals.

- The home brand.
- Now it's the Mexicans,

- the Dominicans

- What's wrong with us Dominicans? What do you mean, what's wrong? You lot behead people.

Yes, all the time! Between paying off the police and decapitating people, there's a big difference, don't you think? Tere, how did you end up on dr*gs? Me? Because of my guy.

He was using.

And, well I was the fool who got hooked for love, right?

- Like you?

- Like me.

So what next? Are you going to accuse me of being a matchmaker, too? This isn't about blaming anyone.

If you're here in Cruz del Norte, you're already paying the price.
- Yes or no?

- Yes.
- Yes.
- The important thing now is that Tere needs your help.

And I have it.

Show her what kind of companions you want to be.

Those who help her, or those who let her fall.
- Those who help her.
- We're with you, Tere.

Everything will work out okay! Olé, champion! Tere! Tere! Tere! Hey! We must respect the dead.

My grandmother used to say that when you die, all debts are paid.

It doesn't matter what a bastard you've been in life.

Dead dogs don't bite.

You know? That's why life is worth so much and tombs are sacred.

I'm in mourning.
- It's the gypsy bullfighter!

- Olé! Come on! I'd have cut off his balls! Look, girls.


- Olé!

- Look at this! Olé! Sit down.

Listen carefully 'cause I'm not explaining this again.

It goes like this.

The average lifetime of a laying hen is five years.

With a little help, it can die sooner.

Dead hens are stacked in a wheelbarrow.

They're moved out in a truck on Fridays.

Nobody asks questions.

The truck arrives at an animal processing plant, where they're burnt.

Then Ahmed steps in.

Hang on.

Who the f*ck is Ahmed? Ahmed just got a job there.

For a reasonable salary, he takes out the money that I put in the tampon applicator.

He doesn't ask questions.

In one applicator you can fit up to six 50 euro notes, neatly folded, or whatever, ten SIM cards, or 30 grams of hashish.

Whatever you want.

Do you follow me? Okay, but how does he know if the hen is stuffed? How many toes does a hen have? I don't know.


Why does everyone forget the spur? Well, I don't know what a spur is.

Where's he going to stick the applicator? In the hen that's had its spur amputated.

No, don't worry, it's dead.

It can't feel a thing.

But, wait, there's still the return journey.

f*ck, they bring back dead hens? No, they're replaced by live hens.

They come back the same way they left.

They return in a truck that restocks on Wednesdays, once every two weeks.

And there's Omar.

And who the f*ck is Omar? He's in charge of filling the applicator with whatever I tell him.

And then it goes home to mother hen.

Shit, what a f*cking mess, Zulema.

Right, how do we know which hens are stuffed? Because all the hens are marked with a yellow ring.

Clear, empty hen.

X, stuffed hen.

And you've set up all this business in a month? Are you in or out? Well, I'm going to have to start thinking how to steal tampons, right? You've been getting out for four weeks.

Anything to tell? No.

I don't believe you.

What are you hiding, Mercedes? I'm not hiding anything.

And why does your look say otherwise? It's not the look it's the face The poker face.

And that means this is where we start the game.

What is she doing here? I'm her agent.

Look, it goes like this.

We have something you want, the number of your brother's container, which you don't.

Zulema, go back to your cell.

You got away once.

There won't be a second time.

Not sleeping on the floor doesn't make you a queen.


Like a busy bee, making progress little by little.

You know? I've been in politics long enough to know that my silence is worth more than what I might say.

Are you trying to blackmail me? You're worth nothing to me.

You're wrong there.

The councilor is worth a container full of money.

So no more little gifts for my daughter.

Stay away from us, understood? Akame, the Chinese are born negotiators, right? And here, the deal is getting out of jail.

Is that the only thing you're going to ask for in return? Everybody wins.

You, your container full of money.

I get my freedom, and she gets left alone.

And, by the way, about the w*r, it's best we leave it till another time.

It's not good for business.

Damn right! Did she like it? Your daughter.

Did she like the bicycle? We wondered whether pink or yellow, her two favorite colors.

No, I'm watching, because I don't know how to play these games either.

Zulema? I know she's new.

She's odd, but No.

Our paths have crossed a couple of times, we've exchanged glances, but not much more.

Zulema I don't think I want to continue with this.

You can't always protect me, twenty

-four hours a day.

And much less my daughter.

And who can? The police.

I'm going to tell them everything.

The money, about Akame, the escape.


I'm not going to tell them anything about you, I promise.

But I'm not going to put my daughter at risk.

Forget about me.

I understand.

Your daughter comes first.

But take a tip from me.

Think about it.

Give yourself 24, 48 hours.

Because if you talk to the police, there's no turning back.

Remember, whatever you decide, I'll be with you.

Thank you.

Look at those Chinese, they cut the potatoes in tiny little pieces.

Mother of God.

The potato should be in big chunks, and broken up to release the starch then boiled on a hot fire.

And then If you add a squirt of oil, shoulder of pork, turnips, sweet peppers Fit for a king.

Minced meat, beaten egg, bread crumbs, garlic, onion, red pepper and five potatoes.

Mother of God.

What's the matter, Soledad? They're going to accuse me of the m*rder of the only man who's ever loved me.

And I know who k*lled him.

So why don't you report it to the police? I'm here for having barbecued my first husband.

Who'd believe I didn't k*ll again? Mammy.

Mammy, I'm not well.

What's wrong with you, my love? No, Tere.


You can't ruin everything you've done to win your medal.

You've been clean for two months.
- I'm going to keep it.
- No.

Keep the wrap.
- What's your game?

- What's my game? Are you the one who's addicted? No.

She's the one who has to quit.

The last time she relapsed, she needed Naloxone, she was half dead.

She's not in control! Look, Sole, I don't understand math, or physics, or anything like that.

But what I do know about is dr*gs and junkies.

Not this one.

If you take it off her now, within an hour she'll have two.

That doesn't fix anything.

Now then, my girl.

Look, you give up heroin because you want to.

Because you can.

Not because somebody tells you to.

It's f*cked up, I know.


But that's the way it is.
- You must be able to do it, Tere.
- Okay.

You'll see.

You must have the will power.



Who gave you that f*cking wrap? Good news.

The first shipment from the agency has arrived.
- Hen express.
- Already? Everything you said earlier is already happening? For over a week.

But I need daily access to the hen house if we want to be in control.
- Do you want one?

- Jellybeans?

- I love them.
- Jellybeans? Yes, I had to do a test, to know it worked.

And now that you know it works, what are we going to put inside? Glycerin.

Little hens, tampons, expl*sives.

Aren't we friends, Zulema? You didn't say anything.

Anabel, get the f*ck out of here.

The other day I said to myself, "Why is she saving up tampons at the end of the month, if her period is on the 20th?" So you know when everyone has their period? When women live side by side, their periods synchronize.

Well, not Ferreiro's.

She was on the seventh.

Sole, menopausal, Tere, screwed up on dr*gs It's all up there.

Shall I go on?

- No.

No need.
- It's disgusting.

And what do you want in exchange for keeping us informed of menstrual cycles? I want a place in the transport.

You're thinking small, dear Zulema Zahir.

If a hen lays an egg, it can easily hold four tampons.

I want two with my name.

Anabel Villaroch.

It's a shame we can't send you away inside a subway train.


I can hold more.

You're not joining the business.

There was a time when you and I respected each other.

Each one in their own territory.

It's in your interest to keep it that way.

And it's in your interest to have me as a partner.

Do you know how soon I can change the shift in the hen house? The time it takes for two blowjobs.

There was a time when you knew what you had to lose, Zulema.

Leave Tere alone.

Don't give her any more dr*gs.

She's trying to get out of the hole.

There are loads of other junkies you can sell your shit to.

I won't leave her alone.

If rehab is your calling, find yourself another junkie.

By the way I heard that they've caught your husband's k*ller.

You must be happy, right? The bastard will talk to the police.

He's going to say who hired him.


Life is so unfair, right, Sole? This scumbag is going to mess things up for us.

We have to get rid of Anabel, right now.

Anabel is already out.

She just doesn't know it yet.

First, we need them to give us the last shift in the hen house.

The ones that collect the dead hens.

And the shifts are organized by Altagracia.

Chief, do you have a minute? You're crazy.

She's no hen.

She's a vixen.
- She'll smell it from a distance.
- Right.

But I have something that she wants.

I know who k*lled Unai.

I have evidence.

Zulema, you're digging your own grave.

That woman will take you down.

Do you know what you're getting into? She doesn't bluff.
- She has death in her eyes.
- Stop.

I'll wait for you at the checkpoint before lock down.

And you'd better show up or tomorrow you'll wake up with your head split open.

Fair enough.

And Anabel? Sole.

Acetone? Are you going to do my nails, you bitch? Sole! I've already burned a man alive once.

The second time is easier.

I know how you're going to scream, and I know how you're going to smell.

No! Sole! No! Help! Look, you see this? The sea, the chains, Lorca's poem, "The dream floats through time.

" When I leave here, I'm going to leave my shirt with my number showing, like a pirate flag.

You leave prison leaving a mark or scars.

I'll leave the whole package.

The f*cking queen of the dance.

We're going to make it count.

Crazy whore.

The only time I've had justice in my life was the day they sentenced me.

I was guilty.

I was guilty.

I've never seen justice again neither before nor after.

And burning Anabel alive is justice? Get out, Pruden, this has nothing to do with you.

Call the officers! Please! Pruden! Hang on.

All right.

This is between you two.

If you don't mind I'm going to sit here and watch.

Stay there.

The wire that k*lled Unai.

Unai's blood is in the center at one end, the blood of the prisoner that held the wire.

The one who k*lled him.

Anabel Villaroch.

THE HANGED MAN f*ck off or they'll accuse you of being an accomplice.

Go on.

f*ck off.

Or what? What can they do to me? Put me in jail? Oh my God.

Come on.

Get that match lit.

We have to go to dinner.


No, Sole.



In the gallery they say that your boyfriend had a bonus.

But Unai was ambitious.

He played in too many gangs.

Anabel came up with the idea of the wire.

Anabel ex*cuted your special friend.

How do I know that what you're saying is true? You have the wire to prove it.

The trouble is that a DNA test takes weeks.

I stand to lose more than I gain by lying to you.

Get out.

You deserve to die.
- She deserves to die.
- Yes.

I'm sure she does.

But do you deserve to take the blame for her m*rder? Beware of revenge, Soledad.

It cuts both ways.

Come on, Pruden.

Let's go, Pruden.

Come on.



I'm going to k*ll her.

I'm going to k*ll her, bitch.

m*therf*cker, bitch I'm going to k*ll you, you f*cking bitch.
- I'm going to k*ll you, bitch.
- What have you got there? Nothing, Chief.

In front of the cabinet.

Were you planning on k*lling someone? No, Chief.

I wouldn't be able to k*ll anyone.

This is for Unai.

The bad ones exist so you can differentiate us from the good ones.

Now, they're all going to look a bit more miserable.

That's my legacy.

Hey, b*tches.

Are you going to miss me?