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03x03 - One grain of rice

Posted: 12/30/22 12:57
by bunniefuu
Welcome to Cruz del Norte.

The Chinese are running the show here.

I don't mess with your people and you don't mess with mine.

I bought you something.

How the hell did you buy this, Unai? I want to apologize, Mercedes.

For making you a m*rder*r.
- b*tches!

- What do you want? Hong Fang sends a container to China with all the money raised, and you're going to help us steal that money.
- Did you see anything?

- I didn't see a thing.

Can you give me a phone number in case I remember something? Nerea Rojas.

Get up.

On your knees.

In this prison, the Chinese are in charge.

But in this cell, I'm in charge.

I can't allow a newbie to contradict me.

You will become an example for others.


- What have we got?

- Macarena Ferreiro, 31 years old.

Blood pressure 110


Heart rate 192.

Head and C5 injury, multiple trauma in limbs, clavicle and ribs.

Pulmonary edema.

Get the OR ready.

Find the heads of cardiology, trauma and neurology.

I want all the O positive plasma you can find.

WE'RE WAITING FOR YOU, MACA I need the anesthetist in the OR now! Blood pressure 100


Heart rate 200.

She's going to pass out.
- Diazepam, 20 mg and Propofol.
- Resuscitation team, quickly! DON'T GO, LOVELY GIRL.



There's bleeding in the lungs.

We have to drain them.

Now! She's in arrest.

Charge defibrillator.


Charge defibrillator.

Clear! Charge again! Clear! Shit! Can I explain myself before you stick a screwdriver in me? Akame I apologize for saving Macarena's life.

This may sound strange, but Ferreiro and I are identical twins.

Yin and Yang.

Our destinies go hand in hand.

I had to get her out of the washing machine.

And now, do what you want with me.

I'm in your hands.

What's going on here? Nothing at all.

A friendly chat.

We were just talking about some terrible Chinese policies.

The single child.

You know that the Chinese prefer males, and when they find out the child is a girl, they abort it.

And that's why Chinese women are born survivors.

Don't you think? That's very interesting, Zahir.

And now we're all a little more educated, move your ass and get dressed.

This isn't your shower period.

I'm getting Unai's personal effects to give to his wife.

I know it's yours.

I've seen you wearing it.

Luckily, I realized in time.
- I'm sorry.
- It's not mine.

What prisoner was Unai f*cking? I don't know.

Where are you going? I'm going to give it to the owner.

What are you going to do? Beat up another poor bitch? That's enough, Altagracia.

Let it go.
- Let it go?

- Yes.

Before you gave me this, I thought I was special for Unai.

That I was the one he'd be with if it wasn't for his wife and kids.

What a fool! I was the lover he was two

-timing his lover with.

Do you know where this leaves me? Nowhere.

So, no I won't let it go.

How's the queen of the spin cycle? Is she still alive? She went into cardiac arrest twice on the way to the hospital.

And what does that mean? That means if she survives, she'll need nappies, a feeding tube, and a crane to lift her out of bed.

That's gross.

What's wrong with you? Do you think it's funny? No.

But I can't stand the candles and the Paolo Coelho quotes, when no one dares to stand up to the Chinese.

No! Not like that.

That's not the way.

They'll hunt us down one by one.

The question is: who'll be next? g*dd*mn them! Anabel, you know that if you go back to dealing dr*gs, the Chinese will cr*pple you.

What do you think you're doing? Having a shit.

It was going down my leg and there was someone in my toilet.

Get out of here.

You're mental.

What did you say? Look, Anabel, you used to scare me, but now you're alone and there are people here who scare me much more than you.

So, if you don't want to see me, put on one of those black masks you get on a plane.

f*cking piece of shit.

Look at the junkie.

You silver

-tongued devil! Can you still get things? I'm up there with the Three Wise Men and the Tooth Fairy.

I want something difficult.

It's not a box of tampons or rolling tobacco.

Are you going to test my vaginal capacity? Surprise me, what do you need? I need someone who knows how to fire a g*n.

I didn't think you were a m*rder*r.

Who do you want to k*ll, my dear? Nobody.

I just want to get out.

I'm a bit shy when it comes to talking about myself.

I've got a runny nose but it's not dr*gs.

It's only an allergy.

When you come in here and they dress you in yellow they take everything away from you.

And I don't just mean personal effects, but there's that as well.

This is the only thing I have here.

This gives me security.

It's protection.

It's how I want people to see me.

They take away even the smallest thing.

Except friendship.

Having lots of friends doesn't make it easier or keep you out of trouble.

In here, even if you're not in trouble, you'll end up in trouble because others are.

That's how it works.

It's all that helps you survive.

It's a tiny float that you cling on to, and you don't want to let go.

I have friends here.

Outside, I may not have been friends with many of the people in here.

But in here, what can you do? It's difficult, because I think everyone is looking out for themselves and not If I go into labor in the cell, they'll have to help me.

I think about that a lot.

Do you know where this leaves me? Nowhere How long were you f*cking Unai, bitch? I'd like to ask you a question before granting parole.

Do you regret the crimes of corruption and perverting the course of justice

- for which you were condemned?

- Yes, of course.

Mercedes, do you know how many convicts commit crimes on their first day of release?

- No.
- Sixty percent.

How do we know you won't flee to a tax haven? That you don't have ten accounts in another name in Panama? Give us a good reason for us to trust you.

The only reason is my daughter.


The reason why I collaborated with the police.

The reason why I haven't slashed my wrists, or or broken down She's my little bird.

She's my only reason.

This committee rules that you're eligible for semi


You'll leave the prison three days a week, from 9:00 am until 8:00 pm, coming back to sleep every night.

This comes into effect from tomorrow.

Mercedes? Finally, you're getting out.

Remember my assignment.

Mum! How are you doing? Your Saray.

What's up, Boliche? I've felt it move, right? This morning I was with Antonia and I said, "It feels like wind, what's going on?" Well, she's had kids, and she said, "No! It's the baby wriggling around in there.


- What are you doing?

- Saray.

Your husband has had some tests.

They've shown that he's sterile or impotent, or whatever it is.

He can't have children.

But, Mum, how can that be? You've tricked us, Saray.

We're dying of shame.

I haven't done anything, Mum.

I swear on my soul, strike me down, I haven't done anything.

Everything I've done has been for you, for Dad and for you, to help you get by.

I didn't want to marry a man.

And much less, get pregnant.

Your husband has a document, signed by a doctor.

I've seen it myself.

How are we meant to look his family in the eye, Saray? Your father refused to come.

He told me to say that he disowns you.

Do you understand, Saray? We are not your family anymore.

And that child you have inside you doesn't have a father or a grandmother.

Got it? Three




They say that if it wasn't for you Ferreiro wouldn't have got to the hospital alive.

I know it was the Chinese.

Is there any chance of you testifying against them? That's what I thought.

In any case, I wanted to thank you for taking her out of that washing machine.

Well I didn't see that coming.

You're welcome, I suppose.

What can I do for you? How about my freedom? Or better still, a house in French Polynesia.

With sea views.

I was thinking more along the lines of a bag of jelly beans.

I don't like them.

Tobacco? Inspector Castillo I've always wondered about your connection with Macarena.

Why does she mean so much to you? Did you want to shag her? Or was it because you blew her mother's head off? And you? Why did you save Maca? You weren't being a good Samaritan.

It was because you need her.

Because in this shitty life of yours, you need a reason to get up every f*cking day.

You saved her to k*ll her yourself.

But now you've pissed off the Chinese.

And you have a bull's eye drawn on your chest.

Am I wrong? Open up!

- Come on, push hard, honey.

Come on!

- Come on, honey.

Come on, very good.

You're doing very well, Saray.
- Push.
- Push yourself.

Me? My firstborn popped out when I farted.

Come on.

You can do it, one more push.

Harder! The head is showing.

Okay, I've got it.

Don't keep on at her! Come on, the head's coming.

Push hard!

- I can't do it anymore.
- It's almost out.

Come on, one more push.

You can do it.

You're doing very well.

Come on, that's it.

It's coming out.

Come on, lovely.


My God, what a pretty little thing.

My girl.

What a beautiful little thing.
- She's so pretty.
- Give her to me.

Give her to me.

What the hell are you doing? Keep still.

What are you doing? Give her to me! Give her to me! Let me go! Give her to me! My girl! No! Attention, in ten minutes

- Good luck, Mercedes.
- Thank you.

There she is! Carrillo, those affected by the three percent conspiracy are still waiting to get their money back.

Do you have anything to say to them? How do you feel knowing that one of those affected committed su1c1de when he discovered he'd lost everything? Thief! My husband committed su1c1de because of you! Bitch! Whore!

- Hello.
- Inspector Rojas? Speaking.

You wanted a witness to the officer's death, right? Yes.


Well, now you've got one.

I'm willing to testify and identify the K*llers, the same ones that almost k*lled Macarena.

I'll come and take a statement in 20 minutes.


Hold on a minute.

Let's see.

If I tell you here, I'm dead, so I want to be transferred to the court and I want to testify in front of a judge.

And I want my testimony to be anonymous.

Okay? If not, no deal.

PETITENCIARY TRANSFER Why are you going to testify now, Kabila? What's changed? Macarena.

That's what's changed.

We weren't together anymore, or having sex, or anything.

But I love that blonde with all my heart.

When we were together in Cruz del Sur we slept in a in a tiny bunk.

We almost didn't fit.

The mattress was a mess and it had, like a hollow in the center.


So, even if we didn't want to, we ended up sleeping stuck together all night.

Well, in that hollow all my problems went away.

Even if we'd argued, even if we weren't speaking.

I can't stand thinking she's dying in a hospital bed alone.

I don't know how big your bed is, Inspector, or whether you have a partner or not but I recommend a narrow bed with a hollow.

Can I have a pen and paper? I'd prefer to make a written statement.

I don't want to mess it up in front of the judge.

I could write better without the handcuffs.

I'm not running anywhere.

You can write with handcuffs on.

On Tuesdays, Unai f*cked Silvia in 133.

On Wednesdays, the head chef and when he had a night shift, he used to spend it in the solitary cell with a prisoner.

Alta, Unai f*cked everything that moved.

I hid it from you so you wouldn't suffer, but it doesn't make sense to hide it anymore.

And do you f*ck prisoners as well? It's not difficult.

Just have a pack of tobacco, a chocolate bar,

- let them make a phone call.
- It's not what I asked you.

I asked you if you also f*ck prisoners.


But you let other officers r*pe them, right? It's always happened and always will.

I can't change that.

All men should have their dicks cut off.

Because you are f*cking shit.

Turn off the engine.

Throw the keys out the window.

You two, come down.

Come on! Down! Put your g*ns down.

Don't move.

Put your g*ns down! Come on! The front door.


Open the door! I also need a motorbike with the keys ready.

Drop the g*n! Drop the g*n and get her handcuffs off.

Drop the g*n or this one gets it! g*ns, motorbikes, sh**t? This isn't a normal job, you know?

- Can you do it no not?

- That depends.



How much are you willing to pay? Whatever it takes.

Name your price.

I'm sorry.

On your knees! Hands on your head.

You're the price.

Be my whore for a year.

You choose.

Trick or treat? Guard! Guard, help! Help, I'm bleeding.

I'm pregnant! Help, call the doctor! Dr.

Sandoval, from Cruz del Sur.

He's my doctor.

It's okay.

Leave me be.
- Tere.
- What? Good merchandise at half price.

Really good, what do you say? You're a pain in the ass, Anabel.

I'm giving it up.

Besides, even if I wanted to, I wouldn't buy from you.

Don't you know we can only buy from the Chinese in here? Well, if you don't buy it, they can't do anything to you.

Free heroin.

On offer while stocks last.

To get my name out there.

If you spread the word, it's yours.

Tere, don't you want it? Tere, don't leave me.

I'd never do that.


Nice work.

Yes, two men armed with r*fles.

Kabila Silva.

One seventy

-five, mixed race.

She's wearing a yellow jump suit.


Riding a black motorcycle.
- A Triumph, I think

- What the f*ck is this? I'll call you back.

Kabila got away.

For f*ck's sake.

This is not like Kabila.

She couldn't set this up on her own.

Do you have the call log from Cruz del Norte? Yes.

I've sent two officers to interrogate all the prisoners who could have helped her.

All hell will break loose over this.

"I conned you, Inspector, and I apologize.

But relax, I've never been very bright, so soon I'll be able to apologize to your face.

My mother said to count to ten before f*cking up, but I never got past three, because when I have to do something, it has to be right now.

And now, there's something I have to do.

Even though I got you into this unpleasant situation.

I know it's a bitch, but that's just the way it is.

A kiss for you, Inspector.

" I know where Kabila is.

Clairvoyant now, are you? She didn't escape.

She set this up to see Ferreiro.

Right now, she's on her way to the hospital.

Hi, girls.

How hungry are you? Rosa, try and eat some more.

You're wasting away.

Lentils, for iron.

For those on their periods.

None of that shit, it's vile!

- What then, mash?

- Don't bother.

I want some lentils, Antonia.

Anabel, you have a pigeon to eat.

Sit down.

Come on, girls.

I think it's a bit over the top to react like this because I've sold a few grams.

Everyone does business with tobacco, phone cards, mascara, toothpaste and you don't say anything.

So you've k*lled the pigeon, okay.

Rest in peace.

Off you fly.

Message received.

I quit my job.

I'll stop selling heroin.

Eat the pigeon.

Don't eat it, Anabel.

Didn't you hear me? Eat it.


Leave them to it.

These are things they need to sort out between themselves.

Let's go for a walk.

How long do you have left, Anabel? Six years? Because that's how long it's going to take to digest it.

If you let yourself be humiliated in front of everyone, nobody will respect you again and you know it.

So, take a good look at that pigeon.

If you eat it, then you're no better than that dead bird.

What happened? Saray Vargas has a bleed.

Her vital signs are stable and there's no fever right now.
- Bring me an ultrasound machine.
- Yes.

How did it start, Vargas? A cut, swelling of the abdomen, stiffness? None of those.

I was with the hens, thinking about things.

And suddenly I saw a stain.

Well, take it easy.

You were right to call me.

You're in good hands.
- Hello?

- Hi, Mum.

Put Alicia on.

It's Mum! Come to the phone, Alicia.
- Mum.
- Hello, my love.

Happy birthday.

Thanks, I'm with granny and my friends in the pirate park.

You are? Are you having a good time?

- Yes.
- Oh, good.

I'm so happy, darling.

Listen, would you like Mum to be there with you and give you your birthday gift? Alicia? I'd prefer you sent it home.

Why would you say that? Because in school, my friends say that you're in jail for theft.

I don't believe them, but I prefer to see you when they're gone, if not, it's a pain.

I love you, Mum.

Oh! Friends, with a capital F, you can count on one hand.

I was more of a loner before but now, with the pregnancy and all that, I like people.

Being closed

-in and not having anything on the outside, I think it's a place where you can have closer friends.

Maybe a special pal, but true friends, I don't think so, Belén.

Many want to be my friends.

My lover gets a bit jealous.

Because well, some wanted to get a little closer, you know? Well, I have Zulema, that's different, that's loyalty.

I don't need friends to survive.

Do you want me to tell you what I need to survive? Do you want to play? There you are.

Go and fetch.

Heartbeat is strong and has rhythm and the amniotic sac is intact.

Well, we'll have to tell the father.

He's beside himself over the baby.

Refrain from sexual intercourse.

At least for a while, understand? You need rest.

Let's see the bleeding.

Open your legs.

You didn't have any bleeding, right? My husband is sterile.

I could raise my voice, and we'd have an officer here, pinning you down.

But I'm not going to do that.

I won't do that.

Do you know why? Because everything I've done every decision I've made in my life brought me here.

Here and now.

Between your legs.

As helpless as a newborn baby.

I'm tired, Saray.

I'm very tired.

It's a good time to make up for my sins.

I'm not perfect.

That's why I drugged you and r*ped you.

Along with many other women.

In fact, the fetus you have in your womb is the fruit of my weakness.

It seems fair to me that you are the one to dictate my sentence.

f*cking r*pist! Where is ICU? For f*ck's sake! Where is ICU?

- Who are you? What the hell are you doing?

- Where's f*cking ICU? Let me go.

Security! Someone call security! NO ENTRANCE We have her.

Akame you disappoint me.

Are you really going to put me in the spin dryer? I thought you had a wider range of t*rture methods.

Saray, open the door.

Saray, don't be rash.

Stay calm.

Look at me.
- Who the hell are you?

- I'm Alex, the Governor.

The Governor.

Do you have a partner? Can you imagine if your friend, Sandoval, drugged her, to fondle her tits and ass, and then r*ped her again and again, until he'd left her pregnant? And then her family rejected her? Can you imagine that? Because that's what he's done to me.

This son of a bitch r*ped me.

And I got pregnant.

Stay calm.

Listen to me.

If you do anything to him, that's ten years more.

It's not worth it.

People like you are always spouting off about gender v*olence.

You go to protests and you have a minute's silence, right? But when it happens to us, you look the other way, and let a f*cking r*pist run a women's prison.

Well, I'll tell you something.

This bastard is not getting away scot


Saray, look at me.



Zulema, you're right.

The Chinese are survivors from before birth.

And we know that threats must be destroyed.

You're a piece of work, Kabila.

You've really messed up.

What are you doing? Wait, Saray.


If this is true, we'll call the police.

What do you mean, "if it's true"? Yes.


- Alex

- Give me a minute, please.
- No, don't do it.
- Leave me alone with her, please.

Come on, man!

- Saray.
- What? Why don't we have a conversation between women? You're not going to scare me.

And none of your mind games.

I'm going to cut this guy's cock off right now.

Sounds good to me.

What do you mean, "it sounds good"? You're agreeing with me just because I'm holding scissors.

No, I believe you.

I think he deserves to have his cock cut off.

But you have to prepare yourself.

Think of mitigation, in the trial.

As I see it, you're very upset.

Your hormones crazy from the pregnancy.

You have plenty of dr*gs on hand.

Me? I'd get a fix of Diazepam.

Any judge would see the mitigation in that.

What could you get? At most, one more year.

Being forced to take tranquilizers for a while for cutting the cock off this pig sounds like a good deal.

I've never wanted to be good.

But now? Now I do.