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02x11 - Patron of the Desperate

Posted: 12/30/22 12:46
by bunniefuu
I hear strange, metallic noises.

Like a skater's blade against the icy surface.

Or the clash of steel.

And then suddenly, the sun rises.

I wake up feeling very cold, shivering; I look around, and I'm in the middle of the courtyard, alone, too scared to get up.

And so I scream.

But there's no sound, just silence.

We're here for you.

Whoever it was, just say the word, Maca.

Stay strong, Maca Keep your head up.

Lord, we ask that you watch over the souls of Leopoldo and Encarna so that they might witness your glory.

Sometimes in life we are tried by the most testing of circumstances.

But the Lord asks for faith, for only he may judge us.

May he treat his child Macarena with compassion and help her overcome these tragic accidents.

They weren't They weren't accidents, they were murders.

God has nothing to judge, I already did it myself.

Macarena, honestly, anything you need.

My condolences, I'm very sorry.

I'm so, so sorry my dear.

You've got to be brave.

Stay strong, champ.

I'm sorry, my dear.

Listen to what I tell you: forget the judge's m*rder charge.

You did what you had to.

Your parents' k*ller had to die.

Be strong, my love.

Don't be sad, Blondie.

The important thing is, on the chessboard of life, we've checkmated Karim.

Well, you did.

He was the last one.

Thank you.

It's a good day.

Save your condolences for you boyfriend's mother.

She doesn't need a bodyguard, haven't you noticed? Maca, you're not alone in this.

OK? Right, let's move.

Girls, a moment, before you leave.

Tomorrow a sexologist is giving a talk on sexuality and self


It'll take place in here Life goes on.

I want the opposite, for it to go backwards.

I'm trapped in the moment I took that shot and changed my fate forever.

At 30 years old I've just realised, like a child waking from its slumber, that life means business.

I can't do it, it won't go in.
- I can't do it.
- Here, let me see.

Use a steady hand.

You have to slide this little thing over the pole.
- See?

- Ah, that's it.

There you go, good job.

Why are you speaking to her like she's Ret*rded? What are you on about? Little washer.

Little pole for little Susie.

Like a monk, no? Sister Elena giving catechesis, right little Susie? Why did you marry a woman that everyone believes to be mentally handicapped? If she were mentally handicapped, she'd be committed not in prison, wouldn't she? She has an IQ of 50.

Is your wife smart, Inspector? Smarter than you? Can't one fall in love with somebody that isn't intelligent? What I think is, you married her because she's easily manipulated and she'd be eternally faithful and loyal.

Why would you want a wife so loyal, and with so little going on upstairs? Little Susie, do you want to confess? Have you sinned? No.

Honestly I haven't.

Then sin more.

Apparently, in the end God pardons everyone.

Amaia Jiménez, 16 years old.
- Do you know her?

- No.

What the f*ck's this? It's a kirbygrip I found on the ground.

I use it to keep my papers in order.

It's Amaia's hairclip, with her DNA on it.

Where did you find it? The countryside, I don't remember where.

What's your job? I own a rural veterinary clinic.

But you're not a vet.

I inherited the business when my brother died.

You don't need a degree to help farm animals give birth.

Has a customer complained? Come in.

Why did you send for me? Macarena, as the head psychiatrist for this facility, it's my job to share with you the concerns I have for your health.

In the last few days you lost your parents in a tragic, violent fashion, and you k*lled the culprit in cold blood.

I'm not sure how you plan to deal with this without any support.

Basically I'm scared you might fall into a pit of depression, that you feel responsible for their death, and I think it would be very beneficial if you started therapy.

There are lines I won't cross, Doctor.


Even if I wake up one day, and all I can think of is committing su1c1de, I will never put myself in your hands.

Hey! Work in silence or in your cells.

All right, arsehole.

You're funny, Helenita.

Why's that? You're not like most of the scum in here.

You solve problems, you have ovaries, and you're good with special people.

That's it.

All right.

Now when you open it, it should play a tune.


What's wrong? Are you OK? This song reminds me of my daughter.

You have a daughter? I played this song when she was in my tummy.

Years ago now.

A beautiful baby.

Are you hungry? You have to eat, otherwise you'll get ill.

Will she visit you? She can't.

She can't go anywhere.

Eat a bit more for me.

Ah there we go.

She's in a box.

Like this doll.

Why have you dug a 600 metre tunnel beneath your land? What is it, an air

-raid shelter for pigs? Or maybe you wanted to come and go in secret? It's not a tunnel, it's going to be a storehouse.

This is a storehouse? Inspector, something important has just come from head office.

They've located Amaia Jiménez' phone signal.

It seems she's switched her phone on.

What the f*ck is it doing in Hungary? May I? No, thanks.

I don't mind.

It's brilliant being your servant.
- I much prefer it.
- I didn't buy you to be my servant.


I couldn't share my condolences before.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I know your pain.

2 weeks after I got here, my dad died.

I can't even imagine the pain of losing them both at the same time.

It's very sad.

And it worries me How are you getting the cash you owe me for Bambi? Rub in a little cream while you think about it.

I can't reach.

Now that we've agreed to peace, and I've shown you respect via a gift, you've walked all over me by buying Bambi.

Whilst you're here, why not do the front.

You broke the pact.

Do me a favour: avoid further misfortune.

Stop, that's plenty.

They'll wear away.


Can you please give me some weed? And make a note on that little list of yours.

In your book.

It's important that we talk openly.

We're going to see how something as personal as an orgasm is different for everyone.

Antonia, tell us what you feel when you orgasm.

Listen lady, I've no problem with being completely open and using words like cock, d*ck, shaft, fanny, you get me? But I can't tell you openly about the intimate nature of my orgasms in front of him.

I could really do without that image, chef.

Truth be told, you lot already disgust me enough.

Until Valbuena leaves, we're saying nothing.

Very well.

All right.

To be honest, you're doing me a favour.

The thing is, he's missing a testicle because he had an accident.

Yeah, a tray fell on it, over and over again.

Now we're alone! The number you dialled has not been recognised.

For me it's easy.

As soon as I start rubbing down here that's it.

Like a gushing hose.

I always faked my first few orgasms.

You're supposed to shout, so I shouted! Oh my god, baby! Give me more! And you're supposed to say kinky stuff too.

Rattle my arse! Cover me in milk, baker!

- Give me all of it, baby!

- That's a bit much.
- As if you haven't said that!

- Maybe differently.

When I'm having an orgasm, I really, really need to to take a piss.

That's called pissing yourself with joy.

The first time I felt it I was 14, I was very young.

I got the shakes But my cousin told me: "Don't be stupid.

"All this stuff about sex, about f*cking, it's simple.

"Close your eyes, open your mouth and your legs.

And hold tight.

" And 9 months later, there was my Joaquín leaving my body, all covered in muck and fat and now here we are.

Mine lasted a while.

Just the usual.

Sure they were.

Even though you've hardly been in the saddle.

Hey, I was a hooker.
- Yeah, like a foal.
- I preferred oral.

I've had a boyfriend, Anabel.
- What do you mean?

- No.

No what? For me an orgasm is like a sneeze: you see it coming, it's coming, you see it coming

- And then, bliss.
- That's an allergic orgasm! Lactose intolerant! Disgusting.
- And yourself?

- Me?

- I've never had one.
- Why not? My husband preferred beating to caressing.

He'd turn up drunk and throw himself on me like a dog.

He'd always fall asleep before the end.

I was really thankful for that.

The only one I've ever had in my life was when I heard him begin to snore, and I could get him off me.

What the f*ck is Amaia's phone doing 2,300km from the f*cking house? I don't know.

I'd be inclined to phone her and ask her.

And if you sold her to a pickup joint and now she's being people

-trafficked through Hungary?

- I didn't sell her.
- Care to elaborate? Maybe the girl ran away from home.

Or someone stole her mobile.

Could be anything.

Don't you think it's possible that you're wrong about us, Inspector? Look when you've k*lled some guy and your parents died because of you, that's when you end up peering into the abyss.

Anabel's tits too.

What about me? You need to be you.

And look after me.

You promised.


What's up? Are we having a party? And no one told me? How very rude.

How are you? Are you up for the gym? I fancy some exercise.

Some other time.
- I'm going to get some air.
- Take this, Smokey.

See you later, love.
- Did you get her weed?

- No.

Well, the next time she wants to take depressants, steal them, or tell me.

And be careful with her too, don't touch.

Look after her, but don't touch her.

Like a bodyguard.

We clear? How's my poor Blondie? Your eyes are red.

From crying.

And from smoking.

And lack of sleep.

I'm having nightmares.

Well, actually just the one.

I hear noises.

Really strange noises.


Like blades gliding on ice.

Caught you.

What are you doing? Nothing.


It's a sedative they prescribe to Susana.

Sometimes she gets a little bit anxious.

Don't tell her, OK? If you mix these with alcohol, it's hallucinogenic.

You start tripping.

Let's take a trip and forget this shit.

Do you want some? I don't do dr*gs.

I don't like vulnerability.

But f*ck it.

Today I'm celebrating.

Ah, shit.


Careful, it burns.

What are you celebrating? The start of a new era.

One where I'm starting again.

And I want you to come with me.

I'm not having sex.

I've got a posh prude to work with.

But you you're different, you've got it figured out.

I've noticed you get on well with Susie.

Did she say what she did?

- No.
- No? She kidnapped the child of some rich bastards, seemingly not able to understand a thing.

And it turns out she's got the entire police force stumped.

I don't care.

This isn't just gossip, it's an opportunity.

She trusts you.

And I need to know where Susie's hiding her hostage.

What for? I have plans.

They cost a lot.

But the rich bastards she took the little mouse from have money.

If they exchange it for information pertaining to the girl's whereabouts, you'll be able to get your pills, and I'll get an extended vacation from here.

What do you say? Wow, I'm not sure.

I'll think about it.

That was poor form knocking me back.

Let's do it then.


I'm not in the mood.

They say that sex between friends just fucks everything up.

Oh, what a rush! That yellow suits you, Maca Simpson.

How are you? I haven't smoked weed since school, I think.

I can see that.

I'd love to have known you at school.

I could see you wearing plastic

-framed glasses, innocent

-faced "Yes sir.

" "No sir.

" You'd have tried to slap me about.


I would've definitely bullied you.

Checked uniform, plastic glasses and pigtails This girl doesn't seem like a stoner But if you give her a joint and let her hair down you'll see how cool she really is Thank you, people! For Macarena!

- Curly?

- What? I appreciate it, but stuff is weird, and

- OK.
- I want to be by myself.


I'll leave you be for now.

But don't scare me.
- Have you already moved to our cell?

- OK.

Then I'll just make you laugh later.

Blondie I get wet every time I think of you I'm joking.

I've spent the whole week replaying what you told me at dinner, regarding my marriage.

If I gave you my opinion, it's because I want you to move past it.

Surely you and Marco did things together though?

- No.
- Birthdays?

- No.
- Your anniversary?

- Baptisms, communion?

- No, no.

And so I never took myself to bed.

What am I saying! No, no more beer.

Go on, one more.

And if you could get rid of these? Thanks.

Come on, why stop now? You've not mentioned Marcos since he left you.

So now's the time to get it all out.

Married 9 years, but the sex lasted for 5, 6 months.

The last time we made love was one Christmas in Gerona, at his parents' house.

They were still alive, so that must have been

- 3 years ago.
- 3 years, yes.

How was it? What are you asking? If it was good, what positions we used?

- Both!

- No! It's not like I was a sex

-machine either, maybe it's that.


Miranda, you ooze sexuality, so don't let yourself think that.

At dinner I said I think that Marcos is

- What?

- He's gay.
- What? Are you joking?

- I'm not joking! I'm serious, think about it for a second.

And the way he left.

To just go, without saying anything, not showing his face, dropping everything, taking nothing with him.

There must be a reason he acted that way.

Like the straw that broke the camel's back after years of confusion.

A husband that hides his true sexual identity ends up feeling like a fraud to the person he knows he once loved.

Eventually, he needs to disappear, and not be found.

Do you see? He chucked his phone, it's like he wanted to delete everything that reminded him of those years.

Or there was someone else, a lover.
- Or there is.
- A man? A woman.

Look, if that was the case, he'd have at least have tried to make you feel like a woman.

At some point he would have.

Also, you mentioned that the passion quickly petered out.

I don't know.

This is difficult to talk about.

Can I give you some advice? I think you're on the right track.

You need to feel like a woman again.

Take joy in your sexuality.



I saw you leaving Sandoval's office.

What's up with your eyes? Are you on dr*gs? Tell me.

What happened? You went into Sandoval's office, you left, and you started crying.

Let go of me.

My parents are dead, and that's what you ask me? That's all you have to say to me? My consultations with Sandoval are private, just between doctor and patient.

A private matter? Was it private when I found him patting you with his ruler? Or when I helped your family cut up a corpse? f*cking hell, Macarena.

If you don't think I care, you're wrong.

It's pretty obvious that I care, a lot.

All I care about is getting out of here.



I'm going to get you out of here.

I promise I'll get you out.

In fact, this afternoon you're going to be out.

Have a seat.




It's been ages! I think you've brought fear to the prison.

Or maybe a jerrycan? I'm not family, this is the earliest they'd allow.

Family in our hearts.

We've got a true, heart


-heart friendship.

I've been thinking about you a lot.
- Me too.
- Hands! No physical contact.

I found some information in the papers.

I was curious, I wanted to know more.

Are you spying on me? Are you one of those morbid types that combs the paper for obituaries, reading about the criminals? Just your case.

And something I read.

Your statement.

"After two or three beatings a day, "being spat at and constantly r*ped, "infidelities, drunken incidents and beatings, "the longest sentence that the court wants to impose" "will come as a blessing to me.

" He deserved it.

Thank you.

Hands, please.

How would you feel about a conjugal visit, just us? Just like that? No wooing or charm?

- Going straight for the jugular!

- It's just to talk.
- I'm not looking for sex.
- No, me neither.

And who said sex is classified in the legal justice system? So the stuff about sex Let's just leave it there.

This is a warrant for the release of inmate Macarena Ferreiro for the reconstruction of events surrounding Karim's death.

I would avoid that at all costs.

Her being there could cause her to slip further into depression.

Sorry, but this is standard protocol.

Macarena is implicated and her testimony is vital to getting the facts.

It's court


Fabio, go with her.

She'll need a friendly face.



Macarena, listen to me.

Despite the police report from the helicopter, I think Karim pointed his g*n at you after sh**ting your father.

Is that correct? Macarena, Castillo is saying he saw Karim point the g*n at you before you shot him.

Is that true?

- Macarena!

- No! What the f*ck are you saying? I k*lled him because he k*lled my father.

Is that not self defence? He didn't aim at me.

He pointed and shot my father.

So I emptied a clip into his head.

I'd do it a thousand times.

This is hard, but protect yourself.

Mine and Fabio's statements will help in court.

Like how you helped in court before? Or when you helped my father? Or when my mum died? No thanks, Castillo.

Go to hell.

Castillo, give us a moment.

Right boys, let's go.

There's coffee in the van.

What if the prisoner escapes? I've got beers in the van.

Do you want one? Come on.

Raúl? It's Miranda, your sister



How is everything? I'm glad.


It's just in the end, you realise that the love is gone and Of course.

You learn from everything.

Of course.

Yes, put him on.

Hello, Marcos.


No It's no one's fault.

It's OK.

But listen I need to ask you something.

I need to know Are you gay? Oh my god.

How pathetic.

I didn't know what to say.

How is it possible that you knew and I didn't? I lived with him.

Love is blind, or so they say.


You've opened your eyes.

You can see again.

When you rediscover your sex

-drive, you'll feel completely liberated.

I don't know what you're suggesting, but if you're talking about picking someone up at a bar, no.

I'm not the type to go around sleeping with strangers.

Me neither.

Here you go.

It's a bit warm.

Just imagine that you're in England.

Why are we here? To do something nice.

Enjoy the view, drink a beer, live in the moment.

When I said I wanted to leave prison, this isn't exactly what I had in mind, but but thank you.

Well When I said I was going to get you out, this wasn't exactly what I meant.

Zulema has three million buried somewhere in Morocco.

You must convince your brother to go looking for it.

I'll break you out.

And then we'll open a beach bar in Brazil.

Don't you love to dance? Are you serious? Do you know how bad a policeman's pension is?

- Let's go then.
- Now?

- Yes, right now.
- We can't right now.

It'd cause too much trouble.

Castillo would get demoted or fired, so would the other men here.

But we wouldn't be hurting anyone by taking that money.
- Who are you?

- Fabio.


You're my guardian angel.

You've dissected a corpse, you've put yourself in harm's way, and now you're planning to break me out of prison and run away with me.

What is it? Are you in love? With you?

- No.
- No? We can find out.
- There's nothing to find out.
- Yes, there is.

What? When you're out, that's when we find out.

So now you're a man of principles? Yes, I am.

I'm trying to do things right.

Hey, lovebirds! It's time to go.