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02x07 - A Field Day

Posted: 12/30/22 12:29
by bunniefuu
Remember the sleeping soul Stir up your senses and awaken Contemplating How life passes How death approaches Quietening No one said it would be easy.

I know your work is neither well paid, nor without risk.

I called Valbuena's family.

Although the scan was negative and there's no brain damage, he has other significant injuries.

The outcome is uncertain, but he's out of danger.

Does anyone know why Saray Vargas att*cked Valbuena so violently? Something bad must have happened.

I don't know if she was drugged or possessed, but she was extraordinarily strong.

Well no, it's not that strange.

Sometimes, given extreme circumstances, under extreme stress, one can resort to the use of exceptional strength.

It's a kind of survival instinct.

The important thing for us to know is what caused Saray such stress.

She hasn't got out of bed since going into solitary.

She's refused three meals and is still doing so.

Pleasure vanishes I would like you all As though after the memory, the pain comes And it seems to us That any moment past was better

- What are you looking at?

- Nothing.

- By the way, what are you doing?

- Just a piss.

Just a piss? f*ck.

I'm ruined.


- do you have a boyfriend?

- Yes.

He's in prison right now.

Did you piss in front of him? No.

I didn't, actually.

So why are you pissing in front of me? Am I your girlfriend? No, ma'am.



Well I never.

There are no bugs.

If you let slip anything that goes on inside these four walls, this ma'am here will pull off your eyelids, got it? Get out of here.

Go and take a shower, get lost.


Karim! You took so long to call me.

- What do you want, Zulema?

- I want I want to offer you the only thing I can.

Three million euros, hidden in Morocco.

The money that started all this.

With the money that Hanbal died for, I'm begging you for forgiveness.

You don't have to buy my forgiveness, you already have it.

But the damage you've done to my sister will follow her for the rest of her life, right to the end.

And you can't buy forgiveness for three million.

Not even with 100.

You k*lled Hanbal.

He will be in your nightmares for the rest of your life.

You'll live on in anguish, and it might even be that the infection in your mouth is because of that too, so look after your teeth, my girl.

May Allah protect you.

The Board approves of the new security measures and the effectiveness of our fight against dr*gs.

And they have proposed methods of integration, like participating in the inter

-prison tournament, in athletics, boxing and basketball.

I want you to choose an area, and each one of you be captain of a team.

I'd prefer boxing.

Maybe Saray will get on board and smash someone else's head in.


You're in charge of boxing.

Zarza, basketball, and Checa, you take athletics.


I'm starting to get fed up with you.

What's your goal in life? Finish work here and go home to watch TV? There are many prisoners with no self

-esteem and no future.

If just one manages to take the right path, we'll have done something positive.

Get to work, all of you.

Hey, how's your wife? The baby is stable.

She's still hospitalised.

I've been surviving on packet noodles for the last week.

Look, even my face is sagging.

I've lost five kilos.

You look well, you seem to have a lot of energy.

I think the Board giving you a pat on the back

- for your actions is great.

- The success is partly down to you.

- No, nonsense.

- Why don't I take you out to dinner? To say thank you.

- No.

- No? Why not? Miranda, you're an incredibly wonderful woman, and I don't mean professionally.

I'm a married guy.

But I'm still a guy.

Dinner with you would be high

-risk for me.

But thanks anyway.

You can't smoke here, Lidia won't put up with it.

Fabio, thanks for your help, but from now on, we'll sort ourselves out.

We don't know what to do with a body.

God, Leopoldo.

You should have left it where it was.


I'm sorry.

Those tools belonged to Lidia's ex


- Román.

- Yes? Your mother is in tears in the bathroom.

- Hi, Leopoldo.

- Hi.

Darling, this is Fabio.

He's a family friend.

He's here to give Dad a lift.

- We haven't met.

- No, I'm a friend of Macarena's.

Under the circumstances, I think I'd be happier if you stayed in my home.

Obviously, you can't return to yours,

- and we have 24

-hour surveillance.

- Thanks, Lidia.

I'll make some dinner.

You're invited too, Fabio.

She saw it, she saw it.

f*ck! She didn't see it.

Shut up.

The body is the only proof you k*lled the Egyptian.

So if we can't get it out wrapped in plastic, then we have to come up with something else.

What do you propose? Wait until it freezes and take it out in bits.

The sign

-up process to compete in the inter

-prison tournament is now open.

What are you doing lying there? Get up, they're doing a roll call.

You'll get in trouble.

I don't feel well.

What's up?

- Did you speak to Karim?

- Yes.

So? The buying our lives idea didn't work.

Who has more balls, your dad or your brother? Why? Because we're dead.

One of them will have to help with the dirty work.

Change of plan.

Ah, how lovely.

Only one representative will be able to attend the tournament.

With one backup.

So we'll put you to the test in three fights, two play

-offs and then a final.

You can still sign up to the welterweight and bantamweight categories.

That's from 52 to 62 kilos.

I'm out of solitary.

- Are you well?

- Yes.

- Sit down and watch.

- OK.

The play

-off will have three rounds, each lasting 3 minutes.

The first fight.

Charo Reina, 61 kilos.

Up against Macarena Ferreiro, 52 kilos.

Go, Blondie! Go Maca, pound her, don't be scared! Go for it! I love you! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Macarena Ferreiro is through to the next round.

- Yes?

- It's Fabio again.

He just arrived at the judge's house.

What do we do?

- Let him go in.

- One more thing, Castillo.

Román Ferreiro left about 35 minutes ago.

In a taxi.

I know, I'm watching.

Call me if anything happens.


- Good morning.

- Hi, Miranda.

Hi, Castillo.

Thank you for letting me know about this visit.

Well, Ferreiro requesting a conjugal visit with Zulema, alleging a private relationship, has shocked me, to say the least.

Yes, of course.

A psychopath Arab and a land registrar.

I doubt they're there to f*ck.


- Yes.

- It's about prisoner 587.

Do we think this conversation can shed any light on the case of Hanbal Hamadi, the Egyptian?

- The suspect is already in the room.

- I see that.

About Saray Vargas.

She's requested a visit from the chaplain.

Would you excuse me? She's on her way.

- All set.

- Shit, Blondie.

You pulled out all the stops in the ring.

You almost did that girl in! I got a bit carried away.

You could have been up against Zulema.

That would have been great.

Kapow for the escape, kapow for Yolanda, another for your abortion.

What a bitch.

What difference would the kapow have made? None at all.

- Well

- No, it wouldn't have helped.

Look at Saray.

She beat up Valbuena.

Did that help? No.

Now she's in solitary and he's in hospital.

And Curly, your problem won't be solved that way either.

No, it won't.

- You should have reported him.

- That wouldn't have helped either.

But you can tell the truth and try to bring justice.

I don't care about justice.

Because what that guy did f*cked up the insides of my soul.

Why do you think I'm closing my legs when you get into bed? f*cking was my favourite thing.

And now it disgusts me.

I loved looking at myself in the mirror and now I can't bear it.

I can barely touch you.

Every morning, I get up and try to smile, make the same jokes as usual, that I don't find funny any more.

They're not f*cking funny.

And that's because that man Up here He's turned off a switch in my head.

And I'm not myself now.

Is justice going to fix that? I don't think so.

It's not about you.

- She's just really messed up.

- I know.

What can I do, Sole? What can I do? Say I'll k*ll Valbuena? I said that to her.

I didn't plan on doing it, but Sometimes people need to be told what they want to hear.

Come into my office.

Why don't you step out a moment? I have business to deal with.


You've changed.

Where did you leave your loafers? I've changed a lot, thanks to people like you.

This bad boy vibe you've got now turns me on so much.

Whenever you came to see your sister, I asked myself What's he hiding underneath those skinny jeans? Is that a rocket in your pocket? I didn't know you were having existential doubts.

And now we're going to find out.

Do you like dancing? Well?

- I haven't danced for a long time.

- Oh? Well, come closer.

Come closer.

- Like that.

- Tell me something, Pipiolo.

Are you a virgin? No, sir.

Good, because I think they're going to screw up lunch.

It's so hard.

I knew you had a hidden secret.

Isn't that right? I want you inside.

Inside me, inside.

Don't stop.

What's wrong with the bug? We don't have much time before they come.

I spoke to Karim.

We can't negotiate.

His family just want revenge, but I know what he'll do.

f*cking hell! There's someone spying on me here.

They know I'll be taken to the dentist.

I went to that dentist 3 years ago.

Is that the same frequency? It's on one floor, with direct access to the car park.

For f*ck's sake! Bitch! It's a rat trap, he won't be there, but 400 metres away, opposite, there's a building with a flat roof on the top floor, and I'll be in the firing line.

Karim was a sn*per in Syria and Lebanon.

He's going to try it.

How can you be so sure? He won't have a better chance to k*ll me.

And you'll be there to stop him.


Hidden on the roof before he arrives.

- And how exactly do I stop him?

- sh**t him, cut his throat, throw him over You'll come up with something.

But go alone.

Because it'd be dangerous if your dad was watching.

Right? I can't believe my life is in your useless hands.

This useless idiot kidnapped your boyfriend.

And now he's in my freezer.

The honeymoon's over.

Out! What the f*ck is that? Bring the doctor, now!

- Your bet?

- 40 on Macarena.

- And you?

- 30 on Macarena.

You called us, right? Get them out.

We both know it's a tough time.

Security, searches, snitches Even selling one gram is becoming impossible.

And you requested eight grams.

Anabel, they did a tracheotomy on me.

Cover that shit up.

Sure, you had a tracheotomy, and they tied my mum's tubes.

Health comes first, right? That's why you're going to be my drug pawns.

Because if you don't, they'll have to drain your kidneys three times a week, for the rest of your days.

Anabel, I can't go back to solitary.

- It's so damp.

- I can't hear you, Tere.

My bronchial tubes are screwed.

I've had pneumonia loads already.

Does pneumonia stop you from distributing dr*gs? Here you go.

20 pills and 20 grams.

You have to get me 2,000 euros.

No one will pay that, it's too much.

Of course they will.

There's no more dr*gs, so we put the price up 500%.

If they have money, they'll pay.

And if they don't, they'll bet on the boxing final to get it.

And I'll keep their money.

Because Anabel is in charge of the boxing.

Off you go junkie, go sell.


Ah! Bambi, Bambi My wife can never know about any of this.

You owe a lot more money, you can't just pay me with dr*gs now.

I'll try to pay you, Anabel.

I'll ask for money from my parents, from anyone.

You owe me more than 5,000 euros, and that's going up daily.

So until you pay me, you're my servant.

What's that? The first thing you have to do is lose your dignity.

Your dignity will only make you suffer.

Come here.


Clean my foot.

With your tongue.

Come on.

Forget about your pride and self love.

Don't suffer.

Just do it.

Very good.

I'm very proud of you.

- Does it hurt there?

- Yes.

You have an abscess, acute gingivitis Serious infections.

Castillo, she needs to go to the dentist.

Don't f*ck with me, Doctor.

- Are you kidding or what?

- Kidding?

- Give her a couple of ibuprofen.

- Yeah.

- Can't you treat her here?

- They need to lance her gums.

Are you aware that an infection like this can be fatal? I don't know if you're aware, but we're at risk of another escape.

You're in charge of custody.

I'm in charge of diagnosis and ordering her transfer.

If it helps, I don't want to go to the dentist either.

I'm really scared.

Well, if she has to go, she'll go.

But not until I get three patrols and 15 agents to accompany the convoy.

And if you want to f*ck us over again, you'll have to work at it.

Yes? Castillo, I think we have a kidnapper,

- but something doesn't fit.

- What? We've been watching the house in Soria for 3 days.

The man lives in there with his wife, but only she goes out to shop.

No movement, nothing at all.

- What do we do?

- Go in.

- Are you sure?

- Yes.

And if the girl isn't inside? If she is, and he kills her tomorrow? Saray Vargas.

Saray? They said you wanted to see me.

Hail Mary.

Full of grace.

What is it, my daughter? I need to confess.

I don't know if my God will be able to forgive me.

We're all children of God.

He forgives all and judges no one.

I k*lled a man.

Or I nearly did.

And And I'm always stealing, lying, fighting taking dr*gs.

And my family have rejected me.

Because I am a lesbian, Father.

God doesn't mind these things, if you repent your sins.

I just want to be at peace, with God, with the world.

I just want to be at peace, that's all.

Pray to God, Vargas.

You know that.

Pray to Him and He will help you continue.

God only helps those who have the strength to go on.


Pray for me.

And my soul, please.

You pray too.

Have faith.

Carlos, we were looking for you.

The chaplain has been talking to Saray.

I didn't know that girl was a believer.

Everyone needs to believe.

You just have to be desperate.

- Saray is feeling desperate now.

- We can't confirm anything, but the chaplain has noted her unusual attitude.

I cannot reveal the nature of her confession, of course, but her anxiety makes me think she might do herself harm.

We can spare ourselves such secrecy, Father.

Why don't you tell me what Saray said? Did she talk specifically about su1c1de, or what? Not as such.

But she spoke of the need for forgiveness to be at peace.

I think it's best we put her on su1c1de watch.

Get rid of any zips, hair bands, put her in a nursing gown, and take away any object she could sharpen, or use to hurt herself.

Actually, I wanted her immobilised to reduce any risk.

But I think we should take her out of solitary, and put her in with a prisoner we can trust.

If I may, I think the logical thing to do is have her undergo a psychiatric check, based on the facts, and not on the ten commandments, with all due respect, Father.

I signed up to the tournament, because I think it's important to join in prison activities.

And I'm sick of being hit.

And my girl is going to make it worth my while.

- Right?

- You're going to be albino

- when I'm finished licking you.

- Come on.

Your skin's going to be all wrinkled up.

Ah, don't be gross! Where was I? When I got here, I weighed 54 kilos.

Depressed, bags under my eyes Now I weigh a few kilos more, but I'm happier.

And I don't even want to k*ll anyone any more.

When I'm exercising, I don't feel like a weirdo dressed in yellow.

I feel normal.

Hey! This is how I exercise.

Gonna make me a tuna sandwich.

Tuna sandwich, tuna sandwich.

- Give it to me.

- Grab her there.

- Give it to me.

- Hey, hey! Give it to me.

Hey, hey! Hey, look, give it to me! Boom boom boom! Give it to me.

Tuna sandwich! Give it to me! Give it to me, tuna sandwich! Come on, come on.

Break up clean.

Why don't you try spending the night alone with Curly? You know like, honeymoon, sweet, intimate.

Do you think after being r*ped she's going to feel like having a honeymoon? Give it to her in the love box?

- No.

- I'm talking about romance.

Hugs, tenderness, show her you care.

Obviously, you don't know what to do if someone r*pes your girlfriend, but you have to do something.

- Or don't you love her?

- Of course I love her, Sole.

But I don't know.

I can fake chest pain, and spend the night being monitored in the infirmary, no problem.

Well, I'm off.

And not because you arrived, my girl.

Ah no, sister? You're going? Have my dessert.

That's nice.

Thank you.

- I wanted to apologise for earlier.

- No, I want to apologise to you.

- No, no.

- Yes, because really, it was my fault.

I know that I didn't really understand that what a woman needs is to be protected, and defended.

And that's how it is, whether you're heterosexual, bisexual, lesbian, hermaphrodite, whether it's here or in Sebastopol, and not Well, I don't know where Sebastopol is but you're right.

I can show you where Sebastopol is.

Are you going to teach me geography? Actually, yes.

And whatever comes next.

- Maca

- But you and me.

- Alone.

- Maca One night, to take it slow.

Sweet and tender, with lots of love.

Cuddled up.

And That switch you said that bastard turned off, we'll fix it.

Look, I'm no electrician, but I can fix it.

- I promise.

- I'd love to.

- Yes?

- But we're in prison.

And there's no honeymoon suite here.

Well, maybe I'll surprise you.

- Is that so?

- Uh huh.

Make yourself look nice.

You've got yourself a date.

Román, I'm going to go.

After what you told me, I should drop the case, but Right now, I don't feel capable of being fair or impartial or anything.

And remember, if another judge handles the proceedings, you're very likely to go to prison.

- You know that, right?

- Yes.

Thank you, Lidia.

I could ask you where Hamadi's body is, but I don't want you to tell me.

Since my daughter died, it's the first time I've been able to sleep for more than 3 hours.

And that's because I know her k*ller is dead.

If I could have k*lled him, I would have.

I don't want anything to happen to you.

Do you hear me? I know.

No sign of confusion, no alteration of perception.

You tested negative for dr*gs.

What happened, Vargas? Why did you attack Valbuena like that? Because I felt like it.

I'm your doctor.

I only care about your well


The best thing you can do is tell me what happened.

You won't care.

You won't do anything.

Right? You wouldn't do anything.

Do you want to know? Really? Fine, I'll tell you.

Valbuena, yes, him! He r*ped Curly! He r*ped her! He r*ped her.

Now what? Now what are you going to do? Untie me and we'll attack him again? Or are we going to give him therapy? Right? You're not going to do anything.

- Are you certain of what you say?

- Yes.

I'll need to reassess my diagnosis.

Without a doubt, you've had a schizophrenic paranoid episode.

- With violent outbursts.

- And the rest.

But when you get over that mess you've got in your head, you'll see that Valbuena is a good guy.

- Really.

- No, no, no.

Don't give me dr*gs.

Don't give me anything!

- f*cking hell!

- It's to sedate you, nothing else.

No, don't inject me with anything.

Don't inject me!

- Calm down.

- You bastard!

- f*ck you!

- Calm down.

- What a bastard.


- It's to sedate you.

It'll help you see things more clearly.

- You're evil.

- Calm down.

Hello, darling.

I lost the baby.

I'm so sorry.

So sorry.

I'll drop everything and be on my way.


Don't even think about it.

I don't want you to come home either.

I want you to vanish, Carlos.

Of course.

I'll be in the clinic for one more day, for them to clear my uterus.

So I want everything of yours out of the house in that time.

I never want to see you again.


Staying on the path of virtue is so hard.

Above all, for us.

The imperfect ones.

You try to fight all the time, against your natural instinct, but reality doesn't let you take the right path.

Time and time again.

Until one day, you realise that no one values your efforts.

The rest of the world and the virtuous ones won't feel, and will never understand, your desperation, your pain You realise that the best thing the best thing is to surrender yourself.