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02x03 - The Little Hen

Posted: 12/30/22 12:24
by bunniefuu
Do you really think that everything that's happening is entirely the responsibility of the prison officers? That it's nothing to do with a group of prisoners, friends, deciding to disregard, disrespect, abuse the trust placed in them, make a hole in the wall, as*ault a guard and escape? Zulema and her f*cking tricks.

Anyhow, I think the situation can be reversed.

So long as they show a degree of remorse.

At least a hint of remorse.

And they tell us what happened.

I never wanted to escape.

So I regret it.

Of course I regret it.

And I'm sorry if I caused problems for the others.

I'm sorry.

Saray? Do you have anything to say? If anyone has been f*cked over because of me, then I'm sorry that I took off for some sunbathing.

That was a joke.

And I am sorry.

Of course I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I got caught.

I'm sorry I didn't get into a sh**t out.

I'm sorry I didn't sh**t the right person.

Because the day I don't want to get out of this hole, I'll be food for the worms.

If any of my companions have been wronged by my escape, they can go f*ck themselves.

González, what's happening? No groups.

Is there any news about my case? Did you talk to the judge? Marquina, leave the chairs here, pick up these weights, put them away.

And sweep the floor, please.

I've made a deal with Castillo: he's told the judge that your cooperation was required to capture the escapees.

And what now? Do I get a round of applause? Fabio, Zulema's out to get me, she said earlier in therapy that she got it wrong when she k*lled Casper.


- Did she say that?

- Not in so many words, but when we give evidence, and she hears that it's thanks to my call we got caught

- I'm dead.

- Listen to me.

You'll give evidence secretly in summary proceedings.

She won't know.

Besides, Castillo will say in his report that you k*lled that girl in self defence.

We have his word, and that of the judge.

Don't worry.

All right.

Thank you.

And what if I need to speak with you? Make a complaint, about the work, or the food.

Do it in front of me, and I'll take you somewhere to talk.

- All right.

- OK.

But the food is shit.

Don't go thinking I'll be asking to see you every 5 minutes.

I'm not proud of what I did.

But I won't let you f*ck things up for me.

Do you want to go back to the cell block? I can commute the 6 days you have left.

But first, I have to wash you.

All over.

Strip off.


Don't take this the wrong way, but you can't go to the sick bay with my DNA between your legs.

Thank you.

You have your beer.

Now tell me why you called.

- Your daughter's back in prison.

- Thank God.

- Where was she?

- In Morocco.

They're going to charge her with several serious crimes.

I'll try to prove that the m*rder she'll be charged with was in self defence.

Thanks for letting me know.

- And for being a friend.

- As your friend, I'm warning you that I'm coming under pressure.

They want results.

And there is more evidence linking you to the investigation.

Do what you have to do.

There's my badge.

I'm talking to you as a friend now, not a cop.

Whatever you say won't go any further.

Leopoldo, where is the Egyptian? There's no sign of his involvement in the escape.

I don't know.

I think he's dead.

If only.

If you fear for your life or for your loved ones, tell me now, so I can request a new security protocol.

If I ever had that money, I no longer have it.

That's why we're safe.

I could be a millionaire now, you know.

How so? Zulema offered me a couple of million to let her escape.

That would have helped the pension fund.

Yes, it would have.

It's a shame.

You know how this works.

Soon, I'll receive the order from the instructing judge to initiate the usual protocol: to track your calls, search your house, question your family.

Believe me, this is a load of shit for me.

I know.

- Long time no see, Blondie.

- Yes, long time.

Why are you laughing? You're an amateur, and it shows.

Here, trunk straight, legs apart, more than that.

Take a step back, and now, punch.

Very good.

Where have you been? The same place as always.


And what did you do to get put in solitary? The same as usual.

I stole a phone, misbehaved.

I was beginning to think you were avoiding me, actually.

- Why would I avoid you?

- I don't know.

You tell me.

Maybe because you stained my shirt on purpose? I don't know, could it be that? You knew it all.


You knew about the escape and you knew Zulema was going to involve me.

And it was perfect for you, wasn't it? It was the perfect way to get me back in prison.

- So here I am.

- Of course.

How the f*ck did you work out my super plan? It was years in the planning, with the help of Forrest Gump.

You said it yourself, that if I got out I wouldn't be with you any more.

Well here I am, all yours.

Are you happy now? You must be really pleased.

You f*cking crazy bitch.

Tell me one thing.

- Have you been talking to Saray?

- What's it got to do with Saray? She's got into your head.

Do you realise how ridiculous all this is? It pisses me off that you'd think that about me.

That means you've no idea how much I love you, or why.

And if you believe all that rubbish, it's best that we're not together.

- Very well.

- Bye bye, then.

See how the kids are having fun? It's the same for the grown ups, let's mingle a bit.

You go ahead.

Let's make a toast, since he's got a drink in his hand.

Well I want to propose a very special toast.

I don't go in for melancholy, and much less for romance, but I want to toast the two most important women in my life.

Miranda, who takes care of my days.

And my sweetie, who takes care of my nights.

Listen to that, and who takes care of you? We need the second clue.

- The what?

- The third.

You haven't answered the first one yet.

Watch out, this one's been on the wine.

We're still on the first.

I'm going to give you one clue.

Right now, this thing is very cold freezing cold.

Look, I don't want to give the game away, but I think it's over there.

I could eat them, they're adorable.

Palacete, believe me, this is the true religion of Argentina.

It's not Maradona, nor the Pope, nor Mafalda, nor anyone else: the asado is the true religion of Argentina.

- But especially for the women.

- Why do you say that? Because they're like princesses.

What nonsense.

There's the salad, the potatoes, I get this at least once a month.

Yes, once a month.

There's plenty of meat for everyone.


How are you?

- It's Fabio, isn't it?

- Yes.

Thanks so much for coming.

I'm delighted you could make it.

- It's good to get together.

- Sure.

I love to be able to meet my husband's colleagues and put faces to names, then we can chat about them.

Really, Carlos has spoken very highly of you.

- Really?

- Yes.

Well I don't know why.

He laid into me a few weeks ago.

You're joking, aren't you? Not in the slightest.

I like to look my best on camera.

Escape, extortion, m*rder, failure to assist, kidnap, attempted m*rder.

Your CV's quite comprehensive.

If you'd accepted the bribe, we'd be having this conversation in the Dominican Republic.

This jumping bean would have bitten, wouldn't he? Where I come from, I'd have taken a few sh*ts at you, buried you, and shared out the proceeds with my colleagues.

So you're in the Disney version of this story.

Consider yourself fortunate.

And speaking of money, where have you stashed that 3 and a half million? Yes, I know I only have myself to blame.

When you gave me that bag, you said there were 6 and a half million.

Of course, I wasn't about to count it there and then on the beach.

It turns out there was only 3.

- Where's the other 3 and a half?

- I spent it.

I spent it, you know what women are like with money.

Yes, I get the picture: cars, henchmen, transport, passports Let's say half a million.

That still leaves 3.

Yesterday, a package arrived at Cruz del Sur, addressed to you.

This is what was inside.

Three left hands.

Any idea who they belonged to? Clearly, it was someone who got carried away doing manicures.

According to the preliminary autopsy, they were amputated 5 days ago.

And under the nails, they found grains of red sand.

Characteristic of the desert zones of northern Algeria.

Your friends will have to use their right hands to wipe their arses.

Something that is frowned upon by Islam.

- Should I be impressed by that?

- Impressed? No.


And I'll tell you why.

Those hands belong to the people who were meant to pick you up in Asilah and never turned up.

Their hands were cut off for betrayal, in accordance with Sunni law.

Which makes you a traitor as well.

I think that this time, you've pissed off someone with a very sharp sword.

Zulema, watch your step.

I suppose he told you he'd fallen down the stairs, but the truth is he threw himself downstairs as a cover up.

Do you know why he didn't report me? Because I knew his secret.

Your husband had a losing hand.

He'd have got around, 11, maybe 15 years behind bars.

What secret? Abusing prisoners in his room.

Your husband is the most depraved sexual pervert I've ever seen.

He's a psychopath.

Could I have your attention, everyone? Gather round, please.

First of all, thank you for coming along.

It's a huge pleasure.

Let's raise our glasses, in a very special toast.

Some of you already know, but I want to make it public, so to speak.

So let's raise our glasses, isn't that right, my love? I want to announce that my wife and I are expecting our third child.

- We're creating quite a brood.

- Bravo! Where is he? I don't know.

You're Zulema's lawyer.

Where is he? I swear, I don't know.

Where is he? 599, go to number three.


I need you to call this number.

- I can't call now.

- I can't.

I have five euros left for calling my mother.

Make the call now, unless you want to drink your own urine.

When they pick up, just signal like this.

It'll take you 5 seconds.

Go on.

Now, do you know? Were you expecting an important call? No one's going to call you now.

I'll ask you for the last time.

Where is Hanbal? Ferreiro.

Ask Leopoldo Ferreiro.

Zulema handed the Egyptian over to him, for six and a half million.

- Where is he?

- I don't know.

Yes? I need to see you.

There are some problems.

Zulema, I need to believe you.


Tell me your lawyer is lying.

Say it, because I want to believe you.

Karim, Allah is great, but he sometimes puts stones in our path which we can't avoid.

Hanbal's mother still recalls the months you spent in Abu Mingar.

What do I tell her now? Tell her I'm sorry.

Say that I'm sorry.

I took you in when you were a child.

I gave you the family you didn't have.

I taught you everything you know.

You taught me to survive, and that's what I do.


Every day, Hanbal's body will become more decomposed and d*sfigured.

I don't intend to bring my brother a son he can't even recognise.

You can understand that, can't you? But I don't know where he is.

I don't know where he is, Karim.


Zulema, I'm very sad, because you're like a daughter to me.

But I have to avenge Hanbal.

And so be it.

If you'd wanted to k*ll me, you'd have followed the convoy and k*lled me then.

But you followed your heart, and you k*lled them.

Allah protect us.

Allah protect us.

What do you think you're doing? It's her mother, she won't stop crying.


Get out.

I said get out.

Mum Karim Al Sahid.

The f*cking master of people trafficking.

According to the latest estimates from Interpol, he's moved over 50,000 migrants in the past year.

Mainly from Libya, Syria and Algeria.

He's abandoned other business interests, such as express kidnapping and hashish trafficking.

The business model is simple: Karim buys an old fishing boat and fills it with 270 refugees who pay 2,000 euros for the passage.

That's half a million in profit when you deduct fuel costs.

Not even cocaine, weapons and people trafficking combined generate as much profit.

Interpol have detected Karim's presence in Spain, and have applied to the courts, so that he can be investigated by a Spanish judge, separately from the Egyptian.

A female judge.

Judge Lidia Osborne.


I got here as quickly as I could.

- Is something wrong?

- No.

I have to go to France, straight away.

- Why?

- It's work.

- Yes, but

- It'll be good for me.

I have to coordinate the case of an international criminal.

But why so sudden? There's an interlocutory hearing at the High Court.

I wanted to speak with you before leaving.

Of course.

Go ahead.

What is it? Román.

There have only ever been two things in my life that really mattered.

My daughter, and you.

We get the warrant to search the Ferreiro home this afternoon.

Very good.

Tell me, Jalapeño, who did you f*ck to get into the police? Spanish women don't like to f*ck Mexicans.

We're seen as lowlifes, so it's not easy.

I'm not r*cist or anything, but you're a Latino in the organised crime unit, nice work.

I take it your papers are in order? When I got to Spain, the first thing I did was sign up with the Army.

It was the best way to get citizenship.

Then I did a degree in Criminology.

So you're a graduate? f*ck me.

Our own Jalapeño, a graduate.

Genius! Jalapeño's a f*cking genius! You b*tches will be sh1tting yourselves.

What the f*ck? A towel covered in shit.

It's f*cking disgusting.

Who did that? f*cking disgusting.


Zule, when you shot Casper I didn't sh**t her, she committed su1c1de.

Well, when she committed su1c1de, what if I'd been the one in the bathroom? You don't betray family.

What are you doing? You're getting it on your finger, silly.


Let me.

What do you think about Bambi? They put her in Macarena's cell first, then brought her here to us.

It's very strange.

Can't you keep still? Are you cold, or what? It's the colour.

I don't think it's for me.

I'm sorry.

I've been a fool.

I'm sorry.

Forgive me, I'm having a bad day.

It's not that I'm being funny.

It's just that

- I'm having a bad day.

- All right, it's not a problem.

I k*lled a woman.

A prisoner who was escaping with us.


I headbutted her and I k*lled her.

So if I doubted you, it was probably because I wasn't in my right mind, at that moment, or something like that.

Well I'll have to k*ll someone now, then.

So we can be together.

Zulema, I was looking for you.

I have a phone card, so you can call whenever you like.

I've also got tobacco, in case you smoke.

Do you want some? I don't want any problems, I just want to get on well with you.

That's great.


Tell me what you're doing here.

What are you in for? I stole a car and it all went wrong.

I got 9 years.

You got 9 years for stealing a car? I should say it went wrong for you.

Why are you hanging around me? Who sent you? Karim? Did Karim send you to k*ll me? I haven't done anything.

What a load of shit!

- Are you OK?

- Go away, please.

I spend many days crying.

I know how you feel.

This is horrible.

We get punched and kicked.

Like animals.

That's why we must stick together.

Because otherwise, people like Zulema will make our lives impossible.

- I didn't do anything to her.

- Of course you didn't.

I was just being nice and she started strangling me and shouting.

It's OK, love.

From now on, we stick together.

You and I are going to be good friends.

Take this phone card and call your Mum.

She'll be pleased to hear from you.

That one costs 100 euros.

Thank you, but I don't have the money.

Don't worry, pay me another time.

Oh and I spoke to my lawyer.

He's agreed to defend you.

He thinks there's a good chance you'll win the appeal.

Even though your crime was ugly.

Very ugly.

Come in.

If the vomiting continues, come and see me.

Let's see if we can find a solution.

Blondie, I've had a set back and I need your help.

- You're kidding, I take it.

- I wish.

My boyfriend's family are trying to k*ll me, after they cut off my left hand.

Congratulations! You earned it.

You're right, I had it coming.

I sold my boyfriend for 6 million euros.

The problem is who I sold him to.

Who did you sell him to? To your father and brother.

And I'm told that they k*lled him and buried him.

It wasn't my intention for your wife to end up in hospital, but I'm not going to ask forgiveness.

It wasn't your intention? What was your intention? To break up my marriage? My wife has refused to see me, and right now I don't even know if she's lost the baby.

Poor thing.

What do we do? Treat the foetus as collateral damage and make up? I repeat, I didn't know your wife was pregnant.

You could have reported me, but you decided to sort things out with a punch up.

I invite you to my home, and you turn up there like a bastard and destroy my family.

You're in the lead when it comes to being a bastard.

Raping prisoners under the cover of your medical profession is unbeatable.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, my friend.

That's a lie.

My father and brother would never hurt anyone.

Now Karim, Hanbal's uncle, is after them.

And he'll be after me next.

On March 28th at 11am, your father and my lawyer met in a car.

The transaction only took 5 minutes.

That same morning, they kidnapped him and k*lled him.

And now your father's blissfully unaware that there's a k*ller about to get him.

And let's not fool ourselves, Maca, k*lling me would be hard work, as you well know, but k*lling your family is much simpler.

Do you know what I think, Fabio? You made a mistake with me.

If you were thinking that I'm harmless, you're very much mistaken.

So why don't we leave our little differences aside? Listen to me.

We'll make a deal.

What deal? For every blow you give me, I'll give you four.

But blows that really hurt.

The ones that just hit the mark, and go straight to what you love.

We need outside help.

Your dad and brother must find Karim and k*ll him, before he finds them.

What I love the most? What you don't know is there's very little that I love right now.

Are you sure? Did you think you could f*ck with us, just like that? One thing I can say for certain is that my blows will be much harder than yours.

- Wait a minute.

- What's wrong? Are we waiting for the warrant? I don't give a shit about the warrant.

- What is it, Castillo?

- The armistice is over.

I'm at your home with a search warrant.

But there's no one here.

The garage door is always unlocked.

Yes, but I don't like to rummage around in a friend's underwear drawer.

I can wait for you and we can go in together.

No, you can go in.

I've nothing to hide.

Thanks for calling.

Give me the phones.

- What's wrong?

- There's a warrant.

We can't use these numbers any more.

Let's go.

Encarna, go and see your sister.

Make any excuse and tell her to buy three pay



-go phones with her ID.

Román, buy a file, and scrub out the serial number of the shotgun.

- Then throw it in the reservoir.

- No.

We'll bury it in the forest.

What if we need it again? The garage is unlocked.

I'm going to take a look.


They can't beat us.

Pabilo! For f*ck's sake.

For f*ck's sake! f*ck it! Delta 4H50, send an ambulance urgently, we have two officers wounded.

I repeat, two officers.