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04x26 - Hope and Fear

Posted: 12/30/22 11:54
by bunniefuu
Final round to Janeway.
Winner, Janeway.

- Good game.
- For you.

You won four out of ten rounds.

I have superior vision and stamina.
I should have won every round.

Velocity is a game of wits.

You are a frustrating opponent.

You did not even look at the disk.

- Yet you acquired the target.
- Intuition.

Intuition is a fallacy. The belief
that you can predict random events.

Belief had nothing to do with it. At some
level, I was aware of several factors.

The trajectory of the disk,
the sound it made on its return,

and the shadow it cast.

- Intriguing but implausible.
- I won, didn't I? Thanks for the match.

- I wish to play again.
- Not today.

You are fatigued
and concerned that I will defeat you.

- Tired, yes. Concerned, no.
- Computer, begin first round.

Belay that command.

Seven, try to be a sport. Game's over.

Captain's log, stardate 51978.2.

It's five months since we received

the message from the Alpha Quadrant.

The transmission was from Starfleet

but we still can't decrypt it.

B'Elanna thinks it's a lost cause.

But I keep hoping inspiration will strike.

Good morning.

What time is it?


Good morning.

I just heard from Tom and Neelix.

They're leaving the trading colony.

Tom says the shuttle is so loaded down

he won't make half impulse.

Neelix wants to bring a local on board.

He's been helpful. Neelix wants to give
him passage to the next system.

Permission granted.

- Grab some sleep. We have a big day.
- I will in a while.

- Still hunting for buried treasure?
- We have it. I just can't pick the lock.

I've tried 50 algorithms. I piece together
a datablock and ten more unravel.

What did Starfleet send us?
A map? The location of a wormhole?

If I could decode this,
we could be home tomorrow.

Then again, it could be Admiral
Chapman's recipe for pound cake.

I'm starting to wonder
about this message.

One way or another we must find out.

I'll talk to B'Elanna.
You could enlist Seven of Nine.

She should have a few
Borg algorithms up her sleeve.

- If she's in the mood.
- Problems?

I don't know if she's restless
or if it's just me.

But were butting heads more than usual.
She challenges everything I say.

She's learnt a lot from you. Maybe
she thinks she's outgrowing her mentor.


This mentor would like
another cup of coffee.

- Will you join me?
- Love to.

This goes to engineering.
Sickbay. Storage.

I hope that's not going to the mess hall?

I don't remember what this is.

This man is a genius. I was negotiating
with the xenon-based life-form

when the translator went off-line.

Arturis acted
as a perfect go-between.

And he'd never heard our languages.

- They were simple. No insult intended.
- Neelix!

On my way. If you two will excuse me...

Welcome. We're linguistically simple
but we're happy to give you a ride.

- Let's find you some quarters.
- Voyager is a welcoming place.

We do our best.

I've never met
a living universal translator.

My people have a way with languages.
I know over 4,000.

I still struggle with basic Klingon.

You couldn't have heard Neelix
say much.

It was all I needed. Enough to grasp
the grammar and syntax.

- Impressive.
- Not really. It's a natural ability.

Some species have physical prowess.

Others, like yours,
with a generosity of spirit.

My people can see patterns
where others see only confusion.

- Is something wrong?
- No.

Tell me, how are you at computational
languages? Algorithms, trinary syntax?

It's all the same to me.

I was wondering
if you might do us another favour.

This datastream
is badly damaged.

I'd like to see the transmission again.

- Are you Borg?
- Yes.

You're more attractive
than the average drone.

I am no longer part of the collective.

I think I see the problem.

- May I?
- Please.

You've encountered his people before?

- Species 116.
- Is that what you call us?

Yes. The Borg has never been able
to assimilate them. Not yet.

- Seven!
- It's all right.

The collective is like a force of nature.

You don't feel anger towards a storm
on the horizon. You just avoid it.

Here it is.

It's about extracting
the iconometric elements

- and triaxilating a recursion matrix.
- I didn't think of that.

It might be useful
to utilise the other monitors.

- You've done it.
- Almost.

I've reconstructed lots of
information. A lot is still garbled.

What about that datablock? 14-beta.

That part of the message
is too degraded to recover.

Captain, I've found a spatial grid.

They've marked coordinates.
It's ten light years from here.

Maybe Starfleet wants us
to proceed to that location.

There's only one way to find out.

- We're approaching the coordinates.
- Take us out of warp. Scan the vicinity.

- I'm picking up a vessel.
- On screen.

- Identify.
- The warp signature is Starfleet.

- I'll be damned. They came through.
- Tuvok.

Hailing them.

- No response.
- Lifesigns?

- There is no organic matter of any kind.
- No sign of damage to the outer hull.

Primary systems are on-line.

- Something happened to the crew.
- The answer is in that transmission.

We need to finish decoding it.
May I call on you again?

- Of course.
- Secure the vessel.

Tom, Tuvok.

Captain, I won't pretend to know you well

but I'm surprised you're not
more encouraged by this discovery.

I've learned to walk the line
between hope and caution.

Other opportunities didn't work out.
But I'm leaning toward hope this time.

- Wow.
- "Wow" indeed.

I've never seen
this kind of hull geometry.

Looks like a new approach
to starship design.

USS Dauntless. Registry NX-01A.
Launch date, 51472.

60,000 light years in three months?

I'm trying to access the crew logs
but there are none.

I don't think there was a crew.
This helm was set for auto-navigation.

Starfleet has provided us
with a new ship.

Let's not pack our bags yet.
I'd still like to know how they...

Power fluctuations in the warp core.
If you can call it that.

I don't recognise
this engine configuration.

Let's go take a look.

I think we've found our engine core.

- Some kind of new warp drive?
- It's not antimatter. It's...

I don't know what it is.

- It's called a quantum slipstream drive.
- Quantum slipstream.

I've never seen that
in engineering manuals.

The ship is powering up.
Auto-navigation is kicking in.

The vessel is moving at high-impulse.

- I can't raise the away team.
- Pursuit course, Ensign.

- I can't shut down the drive.
- Computer, disable propulsion.

- Unable to comply.
- Hang on.

Bridge to Janeway. They're gone.

Energy from the quantum drive is being
routed through the main deflector.

- That's creating the slipstream?
- Yes.

- Fascinating. Can you make it stop?
- I'll try accessing helm controls.

We're back in normal space.

- Scan for Voyager.
- No sign of them.

we've travelled over 15 light years.

Captain's log, supplemental.

After two days, we've rendezvoused
with the Dauntless.

Arturis has helped us
reconstruct the message.

This puzzle is finally coming together.

Slipstream technology is experimental.

But it's come a long way
in the past year.

We've conducted 47 trial runs,
all of them successful.

But each lasted only five days.

You'd have to remain
at slipstream velocity for three months.

Can your crew survive?
We believe they can.

We encourage you to try. Everything
you'll need is on the Dauntless.

Power cells, supplies, living quarters.

Safe journey.
We hope to see you soon.

Admiral Hayes.
Good man, fine officer, bit of a windbag.

Let's talk about the risk. Doctor?

I've examined the away team for cell
damage, physiological stress. Nothing.

- Their joyride didn't harm them.
- Long-term effects?

I'm running the projections.
So far the results are encouraging.

- And the Dauntless?
- It's in good shape, considering.

I've been looking over
the primary systems.

They're like Voyager's, but it's lean.

No shuttlecraft,
no holodecks, no replicators.

- Neelix, you'll have your work cut out.
- Ready and willing.

- What are we waiting for?
- Your enthusiasm is premature.

Voyager is proven.
It would be reckless to abandon it.

Where's that Borg spirit?

My Borg spirit
gives me an objectivity you lack.

This would mean leaving
Voyager behind.

Can we modify Voyager
to create a slipstream?

In theory, but the ship might not
hold up for long under the stresses.

Try to make the modifications.

If we can bring Voyager along,
I'm all for it.

Harry, B'Elanna, take
an engineering team to the Dauntless.

Work on how to shut down the
slipstream drive at a moment's notice.

With that safeguard,
we can make test flights.

I want all crew to familiarise
with the ship. See to it.


- Tuvok. Big day.
- Indeed.

We've waited for this for years.
Why don't I feel more enthusiastic?

Perhaps my mental discipline
is rubbing off on you.

What do you think of this little miracle?

I share your concern about safety.
We must take very precaution.

I don't think security protocols
will make me feel any better.


All this is a little too perfect. The alien
with answers to all our problems.

The message from Starfleet
saying everything we want to hear.

A starship delivered to us.
What more could we ask for?

They even turned down the beds.

The only thing missing was chocolates.

It does seem convenient.

I can't put my finger on it,

but from the moment this started
I sensed something was wrong.

It started when Arturis boarded Voyager.


We'll proceed as planned.
But investigate that ship.

Keep an eye on our guest.
See if you can find out more about him.

Lets hope we're just suffering
from paranoia. Keep me posted.

Captain's log, supplemental.

So far the crew hasn't found evidence
to support my doubts about Arturis.

Nevertheless, I've told them
to keep their optimism in check.

That's an order they won't follow.

Daily log, Seven of Nine.
Stardate 51981.6.

I've analysed
the quantum slipstream technology.

It's similar to the Borg transwarp drive.

My expertise will be crucial
to the mission's success.

Voyager's crew
is counting on that success.

But I find myself ambivalent.
So I am carrying out my...

I can't help but wonder
what I'll be doing in three months.

Guiding Voyager through the Delta
Quadrant, searching for a way home?

Or looking up old friends...?

If we do return to Sector 001,
will I adapt to human civilisation?

A single Borg
among billions of individuals.

Initiate emergency shutdown
on my mark.


Quantum field strength down to 90%.

80%... It's levelling off at 75%.

We must dampen the field
by at least 50%.

Reverse the quantum field polarities.


55... 49%.

- We did it. We've got our safety net.
- One step closer to home.

Tuvok wants an analysis of the
bulkheads to look for anything unusual.

Thank you. Run the analysis.
I'll be on the bridge with Arturis.

Our genius said he'd help me figure out
how to use the control sequencers.

you seem eager to return to Earth.

Eager? I wouldn't go that far.

You were a Maquis member. Starfleet
will hold you responsible for crimes.

You will find nothing but adversity.

That's looking on the bright side.
Let's put it this way.

I'd rather face the music at home
than spend my life in the Delta Quadrant.

What about you?
Looking forward to seeing Earth?

- No.
- I'm not surprised.

You think people will resent an
ex-Maquis. What about an ex-drone?

We'll be outcasts together.

I'm kidding, Seven. It's a joke.

Work on that sense of humour.
It'll help you make friends on Earth.

Seven, can you
give me a hand down here?

I'm picking up
an anomalous energy surge.

There are no power conduits
running through this section.

Seven, one look at that big blue marble
and you'll fall in love.

It's got every ecosystem
you can think of.

Hundreds of species live there.

Vulcans, Bolians, Ktarians.
If you like Ktarians.

There are other planets to choose from.

If you will excuse me,
I must speak to the captain.


For what it's worth,
it won't be the same without you.

- Kim to Tuvok.
- Tuvok here.

I'm in the engine room and I've found
something that qualifies as unusual.

I'll be right there.

Computer, display datablock 14-beta.
Auxiliary display.

Seven, I could use your help.

I'm trying to reconstruct
the last bit of the message.

- Arturis said it was irreparable.
- I think he gave up too easily.

- Intuition?
- It's intuition if I'm right.

I've designed a new decryption
algorithm. Let's give it a try.


I will not be going with you
to the Alpha Quadrant.

I can understand your reluctance.

It's hard enough dealing
with a crew of 150 individuals.

The prospect of a planet
must be overwhelming.

I simply do not wish
to live among humans.

Whether you like it or not,
you're one of us.

You've come a long way
from that drone of nine months ago.

Don't turn your back on humanity when
you're about to take your biggest step.

Earth. Your home.

I may have come a long way...

but not in the direction you think.

You've tried to influence me.

You exposed me
to your culture, your ideals.

You hoped to shape me
in your own image.

But you have failed.

You may have noticed
our tendency to disagree.

- Oh, I've noticed.
- I do not share your values.

Your desire to explore is inefficient.

Your need for family is a weakness.

Your infatuation
with this planet is irrational.

I won't argue that you turned out
differently than I expected.

And that we often have
conflicting points of view.

But right now the stakes are higher.

Abandon this crew and you diminish
their chances of getting home.

- Irrelevant.
- No, it's not.

We've given you a lot.
It's time you gave something back.

I have. On many occasions.
Now I refuse.

What would you do?
Go back to the collective?

- I don't know.
- What do you have in mind?

- I don't know.
- That's my point.

You're asking me to cast you adrift
in the Delta Quadrant.

I wouldn't grant that request
because it's too dangerous.

- I will survive.
- On Borg perfection?

- Precisely.
- I don't buy it.

This isn't about your independence
or superiority.

This is about your fear.

You're not making this choice
because you've outgrown humanity.

I think you're afraid to go back to Earth.

The algorithm is working.
It's reconstructing the datablock.

I thought we'd already recovered
this part of the message.

Perhaps it is an addendum
from the admiral.

- You did designate him a "windbag".
- I don't think so.

The data index doesn't match.
This is a completely different message.

Apologies from everyone at Starfleet.

Our best people have tried to find
a wormhole, a new means of propulsion,

anything to get you back home.

But despite our best efforts...

It's not what you'd hoped. But we have
sent you data on the Delta Quadrant.

With luck you'll find some of it useful.

Maybe enough
to shave a few years off your trip.

Safe journey.
We hope to see you soon.

- Your intuition was correct.
- Unfortunately.

Arturis must have created
a false message.

It sure as hell looks that way.
Janeway to Tuvok.

- Yes, Captain.
- My suspicions have been confirmed.

Arturis tampered with the message.
The Dauntless isn't what it appears.

I agree. We've discovered
alien technology behind a bulkhead.

- I can't identify it.
- Where's Arturis?

- On the bridge working with Torres.
- Go there but don't tip our hand.

I'll be there with a full security team.

- Understood.
- Let's get weapons.

Don't touch that.

You almost kicked us
into slipstream drive.

I wouldn't want to do that.

- No problem. You speak Klingon.
- I do now.

Your captain let me review
your linguistic database.

- I only speak a few phrases.
- Shame.

- It's a robust language.
- Too robust for me.

- Evacuate the repair teams.
- Captain?

- Explain yourself.
- I don't what you're talking about.

You fabricated the Starfleet message.
I recovered the real transmission.

- That's absurd.
- Starfleet didn't send us this vessel.

- Is this your ship?
- There must be an explanation.

I tried to ignore my gut feelings.
I was carried away by the excitement.

You prayed on that. You took advantage
of our hopes. I want to know why.

I believe that there is a threat here,

But not from me.
It wasn't my place to make accusations.

But I saw her reconfigure
several key algorithms two days ago.

She must have been tampering
with the Starfleet message.

- You are lying.
- She's been sabotaging your efforts.

You don't have to believe me.

You can find all the evidence
in her personal database.

Evidence you put there yourself in case
you got caught. Throw him in the brig.

Janeway to Voyager.
Beam us out of here.

He's trying to deflect our transporters.

I've got everyone
but Seven and the captain.

- The ship's in slipstream mode.
- Pursuit course.

We lost them, Commander.

Bring the warp core modifications
on-line. We're going after them.

- We haven't even had a trial run yet.
- There's no time like the present.

- Where are you taking us?
- Home.

How did you create the Starfleet bridge?

Particle synthesis.
Beyond your understanding.

Is this what your people do?
Prey on innocent ships.

Innocent? Typical of Captain Janeway.

If I've offended you or your people,
please tell me.

Diplomacy, Captain?
Your diplomacy destroyed my world.

What are you saying?

You negotiated an agreement
with the Borg collective.

Safe passage through their space.

In return you helped them
defeat their enemy.

Species 8472.

In your colourful language, yes.
Species 8472.

There were those of us
with a vested interest in that w*r.

We could have annihilated the Borg.
But you couldn't see beyond your ship.

In my estimation, Species 8472
posed a greater threat than the Borg.

Who are you to make that decision?
A stranger.

There wasn't time to take a poll.
I had to act quickly.

My people
alluded the Borg for centuries.

Outwitting them. Always one step ahead.

But in recent years the Borg
started weakening our defences.

Species 8472 was our last hope
to defeat them. You took that away!

The outer colonies were the first to fall.
23 in a matter of hours.

Our sentry vessels tossed aside.
No defence against the storm.

By the time they'd surrounded
our star system, hundreds of cubes,

we had already surrendered
to our own terror.

A few of us managed to survive.
Ten, twenty thousand.

I was fortunate. I escaped
with a vessel. Alone but alive.

I don't blame them.
They were just drones.

Acting with their collective instinct.
You... You had a choice.

I'm sorry for your people
but try to understand.

- I couldn't have known.
- It took me months to find you.

I waited for my opportunity
to make you pay for what you'd done.

Then, the Starfleet message and I knew
that your selfish desire to get home

would surface again,
that I could lure you to this vessel.

That I could see to it that you would be
assimilated and spend eternity as Borg.

I was hoping to get your entire crew.

But I'll settle for the two of you.

In a matter of hours,
this ship will return to my homeworld.

- Inside Borg space.
- You will be assimilated as well.

That's irrelevant.

This is what you wanted all along,
isn't it? To go back to your collective?

You should thank me.


We're at full impulse but we're not
breaking through the quantum barrier.

- I need more power to the deflector.
- Bridge to Torres.

I'm already on it. Stand by.

Reroute power to deflector control.
Make sure that warp field is stable.

I'm focusing the quantum field.

Make it quick.
The hull temperature is at critical.

- We're at slipstream velocity.
- Structural integrity is down by 9%.

An hour before the hull starts buckling.

I've located their slipstream.
I'm aligning ours to match.

- We're behind them.
- How far?

- Just a few minutes.
- Any way to increase speed?

None. We're at maximum.

Maintain course. If I know
the captain she's already got a plan.

- Any ideas?
- Not presently.

We'd better think of something.

We'll be face to face
with your former family in an hour.

Unless you're looking forward
to rejoining the collective?

I do not believe I am.

Not the ringing opposition
I was hoping for but I'll take it.

A drone could walk through
this force field like it was thin air.

Is there enough Borg technology
left in your body to adapt?

Activating the appropriate nanoprobes
could alter my bio-electric field.

I would need to adjust
my cranial implant.

Would a micro-filament do the trick?

- It might.
- Then let's get you one.

Access the control panel
and disable the force field.

We'll try to reach the engine room.

And employ
the emergency shutdown procedure.

Sufficient. You will need to cross-link
the third and sixth nodules.

- Déjà vu.
- Captain?

As I recall,
this is where our relationship began.

In a brig, nine months ago.

I severed you from the collective
and you weren't happy about it.

No, I was not.

In case I never get a chance
to say this...

I realise that I've been hard on you
at times, but it was never out of anger,

or regret that I brought you on board.

I'm your captain. That means I can't
always be your friend. Understand?

No. However, if we are assimilated,
our thoughts will become one,

and I'm sure I will understand perfectly.

A joke, Captain. You have encouraged
me to use my sense of humour.

It's nice to know you've taken
some of my advice to heart.

You were correct, Captain.

My desire to remain in the Delta
Quadrant was based on fear.

I am no longer Borg but the prospect
of becoming human is unsettling.

I don't know where I belong.

You belong with us.

The adaptations are complete.

We're in business.

- I can't initiate the shutdown.
- Our commands are being blocked.

The ship's velocity has just increased.

We will enter
Borg space in twelve minutes.

Do we still have access
to the power distribution grid?

- Yes.
- Let's swerve the wheel.

Send power into the thrusters.

- Torsional stress may destroy the ship.
- It's that or join the hive. Do it.

Try to gain control of navigation.
I'll be on the bridge.

We have a game of Velocity
scheduled for tomorrow.

- I expect you to keep the appointment.
- Aye, Captain.

- Sorry about the bumpy ride.
- You can't stop this ship.

In four minutes, Janeway will be gone
and a new drone will be born.

Don't count on it.

Seven has accessed navigation.

You taught us how to use this ship
a little too well.

I can't begin to imagine your loss
but try to see beyond revenge.

- Revenge is all I have left.
- You're alive. There's hope.

Your people's accomplishments
and dignity can survive in you. End this.

I've destroyed
the navigational controls.

No one can stop this ship now.
Not even me.

Two minutes to Borg space.

Direct hit. The vessel's shields
are down. Transporter standing by.

Get a lock on our people.

- Voyager!
- Come with me. It's not too late.

It is for you.

I've got them. Transporter room 2.

Alter our slipstream. Hard starboard.
Take us back the way we came.

We are the Borg. You will be
assimilated. Resistance is futile.

Captain's log, supplemental.

We remained in the slipstream
for an hour before it collapsed.

Our diagnostics concluded that
we can't use this technology again.

But we managed
to get 300 light years closer to home.

Full impact. Final round to Janeway.
Winner, Janeway.

Nice play. You almost had me.
Go again?

I must go. There is work to be done.

I gave the crew strict orders to take
some R&R over the next few days.

I'm attempting to design

a method of travelling at slipstream
velocities without damaging Voyager.

- I thought that was impossible.
- That's a word humans use too often.

I wish to continue my efforts.

You were ready to abandon ship

and here you are,
practically laying in a course to Earth.

As we approached Borg space
I began to re-evaluate my future.

The prospect of becoming
a drone... was unappealing.

You've got to look back
in order to move forward.

You're starting to embrace
your humanity.


But as I said, nothing is impossible.

Computer... one more game.