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01x13 - Episode #1.13

Posted: 12/29/22 19:46
by bunniefuu
Take a seat.

Interrogation conducted by Inspector Damián Castillo.

18th March, 2015.

State your name.

Are you going to keep recording once you start beating me? The point of these recordings is to get to the bottom of the kidnapping and rebellion that you spearheaded.

Look at the camera and state your name.

My name is Zulema Zahir.

How did the substance known as Misoprostol end up inside Macarena Ferreiro's body?
- Miso
- Misoprostol.

It's a drug.

No idea.

- Why not sit down?
- The burns hurt more when I sit.

This ibuprofen they gave me is shit.

Get something stronger.

A sedative, Valium I've got morphine, but I need to be sharp, not doped up.

When everything's going wrong, you need to work out why So think think.

- What are you looking at?
- She's Anabel's now, you owed her.

And since she's only used to one flavour, she'll be going down on all the prison's pensioners.

You promised me my freedom.

And you'll get it.

You'll get it.

Did you send for me? Yes, I sent for you.

I hear you've quit working in the laundry?
- Yes.

- Why? Because it's the only option.

Can't do it.

- I'm done.

I quit.

- "I'm done", she says No, you're not done.

Did that monkey stop rubbing his sticks when his hands started to hurt? No.

He discovered fire.

What, do you think steel is stronger than willpower? Here It can't be done.

Hide this.

Get out of here.

No plan A, no plan B
- Do you know what?
- Yeah after all this time in here we'll end up as dykes.

We've got no plan and to survive you need a plan.

So it's time to play some Russian roulette all or nothing.

Let's have it.

Let's have it.

LOCKED UP by minouhse How are you doing? I brought you breakfast.

I'm not hungry.

You have a baby.

He'll still be hungry.

Why are you staring at me? I like to You're beautiful.


See you later then Goodbye.

- I still don't understand.

- What? How do lesbians get pleasure out of that "scissor" thing? What do you mean? No, seriously! I understand fingers, because, well they go in and out.

Hey, Joe.

- Baby!
- My darling! Careful, she's fragile.

She's got two cracked ribs, abdominal trauma and bruises all over her body.

She needs to take it easy, OK? Look after her.

Don't get in any fights, please.

Of course.

We'll take care of you.

Are you OK? I'm a bit f*cked up, but the baby is fine.

Sandoval says the blows didn't affect him because the amniotic fluid acts as an airbag and protects it.

My God, isn't Mother Nature amazing?
- It's a miracle.

- Yes.

He's OK.

Knock knock.

Can I come in? Zulema, someone needs to tell you you smell just like my dead husband
- like a barbecue.

- That's funny.

Can you get out? I want to speak to Maca.


Macarena isn't taking visitors right now.

It'll only be a moment.

I'll take care of the patient.

Come on, Curly.

I'll be back here in ten minutes.

I'm concerned.

We've got a problem regarding your family.

They've gone too far.

- Can I have your father's number?
- What for? To send him a photo.

- A photo of what?
- Of you.

Stay still! I'm not an invalid.

I know, Dad.

But Dr Lopez recommends it for the first few days.

Sit down, come on.

Take me to the Egyptian.

Stress is the last thing you need, OK? What am I supposed to do? Sit on the sofa watching NBA with a kidnapped m*rder*r in the garage? Of course not, Dad.

I was thinking when you were in the hospital we could take the Egyptian somewhere, tie him to a tree, and make an anonymous call to the police.

- He'd get at least 30 years.

- And your sister? What do you think they'll do to her in prison if the police get him? Dad, Castillo came by while you were in hospital.

Castillo? What did he want? He knows nearly everything.

About the woods, the money.

The Egyptian coming after us.

That we left the station before reporting him He's even got the Egyptian's b*llet from the house.

We're lucky to be alive, Dad.

We're going to end up in jail, or dead.

Stop f*cking struggling.

Come on! Mr Ferreiro are you back home? A cousin of mine had a stroke and he had to eat through a straw.

What do you want? What do I want? I think that's obvious: you've got my man, I've got your daughter.

It would suit us both to find a solution.

Let me speak to him.

No, first let me speak to Macarena.

Macarena If you want me to k*ll her soon, you're going the right way about it.

Dad, Dad! Wait, wait! Here he is.

Speak in Spanish, so that I can understand.

Or your boyfriend will be crippled for the rest of his days.

No funny business, Zulema, or it's over.

I'm not messing around.

He's listening.

Hanbal, my love.

- Don't tell them about the money.

- That's all you care about? Of course not.

Why do you think I've taken Macarena hostage? To make sure nothing happens to you.

If they hurt you, she's dead Fine.

My turn.

Let me speak to her.

Tere González overdosed.

We've treated the hypoventilation she had, and put her under observation.

We had Macarena Ferreiro on the ward for four days, and now she's been discharged.

She's much better, alive by some miracle.

- She suffered a savage beating.

- We must be firm.

Any prisoner involved in fighting goes straight into solitary.

Clear? I want our rehabilitation initiatives in the press.

Pass these around, please.

Not news of violent deaths and beatings.

And to conclude, you must read this document.

Junkie, druggy, Blackfoot, fatty, Spic, f*cking cow, muff
-diver We need to eradicate this kind of speech from the cell block.

Our vocabulary should be exemplary.

Come on.

This isn't a school.

There's no break time, snacks or school kids Miranda, most of them down there are utter b*tches.

- And what are you doing to fix that?
- Me? Yes, you.

Apart from insulting and humiliating them.

Well? Come on.

Again with the bickering? It seems to me we could spend our time more wisely.





I'm sorry, Dad.

Maca, you've done nothing wrong.

Darling, nothing is going to happen to you.

I'll cut a deal with Zulema.

No, Dad.

Don't make a deal with her.

If you free the Egyptian, we're dead.

Follow these instructions: give Hanbal the keys to your car, a mobile phone and release him.

When he calls me from safety,
- I'll free your daughter.

- Zulema! What the f*ck are you doing with a phone? Psst.

In 40 minutes, the police will come
- and bring you to Cruz del Sur.

- Why? Why? You'll see.

So be careful and don't let the police find my man.

What are you thinking? Give me the phone now.

Curly, you all right? Give me the phone and come with me to the Governor's office.

If Hanbal doesn't call, your daughter goes in a body bag.

What's happening? Let me speak to my daughter! I need you to distract the guards for five minutes.

- I'm talking to you.

- Move! Until we're ready in here.

- Thanks.

- Leopoldo.

- f*cking move!
- Leopoldo, you still there? Yes Heard of Misoprostol? What the f*ck are you doing, bitch? Misoprostol is a little white pill.

Your daughter took one with breakfast when she left the infirmary.

Well not one, a few She didn't notice.

Don't hurt her.

It won't hurt her.

The baby, however It makes sure that little Ferreiro won't find his way into this world.

Final warning: release Hanbal, give him the keys to your car and a mobile phone.

Otherwise, in less than an hour your daughter will suffer a very sad and painful abortion.

There's still time.

Tell me, Grandpa What are you going to do? Keep chasing the money or save the little one's life? Valbuena, what do you call Estefanía Kabila? Blackie, darky, niglet, coco, Curly
- a few different things.

- But that's discriminatory.

Listen to this: "I'm going to eat all the black, and there'll only be eyes and teeth left.

" Said by an inmate.

These women provoke me all f*cking day, Miranda.

- What do they say, Valbuena?
- It's how they say it.

"Valbuena, fancy a blowjob?" "A quick suck?" Valbuena's right.

You should spend the day in my office, some of the things you hear are unbelievable You've brought along the Virgin Mary's guidebook, but it doesn't really suit this environment.

Hello, citizens! Listen carefully! I'm going to play you some music.

What's that? One of them must have got to the tannoy.

She'll be wanting to cause some mischief.

How naughty.


Governor Governor.

- Governor.

- Governor.

When you're ready.

What exactly is it you want from me? To explain to me how Zulema got her hands on a Walter P22.

I don't know.

I don't know how she managed to get one.

Governor Governor.

Zulema, you know they'll get in here, don't you? They're going to break through the door and k*ll you both.

Saray, it's true.

Shut up! They won't get in.

They won't get through because we've got Fatso here, and a g*n.

- They won't dare.

- Zulema.

It's amazing what money buys you in prison, isn't it? Zulema, talk to me.

What are you doing?
- How did you get that walkie
- Governor today is going to drag on, so I'd recommend you take off your heels, grab some Xanax
- What are you up to?
- Palacios Can you hear me? Are you in Cell Block 2? We've got a problem.

- Palacios?
- Kabila, you can't be in here.

- Miranda, listen to her.

- Zulema has locked Palacios and Macarena in cell 225.

Get me the Governor.

I don't give a f*ck if she's busy! A prisoner has poisoned my daughter! Hello? Are you there? I can't believe it.

They've put me on hold.


We have to get to Cruz del Sur, and tell them.

Leopoldo, you'll be too late.

Macarena will have already lost her child.

It's far, too far away, my friend.

After Macarena returned, Zulema and Saray came in.

They threw us both out.

Palacios arrived and they locked him inside.

They hit him over the head and he fell.

Palacios isn't answering.

I want a live feed from the security cameras in here.

I need to know what's happening in that cell.

Yes, the control room.


You win.

Get her to a doctor and have her stomach pumped, and I'll release him.

No deal, arsehole.

Free Hanbal.

Give him a car and a mobile phone, otherwise you know what will happen.

The next call I get better be from my boyfriend, as a free man.

Do what Zulema told you.

Free me or Maca loses her kid, and then she'll be k*lled.

You can count on it.

- Go and see your mother.

- What are you planning? Nothing he wasn't going to do to us.

Meaning? Zulema doesn't care about this wretch.

She's just using him.

She only cares about the 9 million.

If we've got the money, we can negotiate.

I'll never tell you where the money is.


You think you can scare me? Fool.

It's often said a father would die for his children.

They never mention that he'd also k*ll for them.

It's going to be all right.

If you k*ll me, your daughter's life will be worthless.

Hanbal? I swore to uphold the law but you've forced my hand.

I'm going to k*ll your daughter, you son of a bitch.

So much as a scratch and you'll never see your boyfriend again.

He hung up.

Miranda, the headcount proves Kabila right, there's three missing: Zulema Zahir, Saray Vargas and Macarena Ferreiro.

They're holed up in 225.

There's no sign of life from Palacios.

We need to be discreet.

Kabila stays here.

The other inmates can't know what's happening.

Lock the cells.

Attention: all inmates return to your cells immediately.

I repeat, all inmates return to your cells immediately.

Get off me! Miranda, they've got Palacios in there.

Never trust an inmate.

Then why is the mattress against the door? So that we can't see what they're doing.

They've got Palacios' walkie
-talkie and he's nowhere to be found.

Miranda, you have to call the police.

We're not going to call the police.

We don't even know what they want.

We've got everything we need to handle this.

The last thing we need is Zulema feeling like the star of the show.

Are you not listening? That psycho has Palacios.

You want him to die? If they'd wanted to hurt him he'd have died hours ago.

He's there to stop us storming the cell.

He could be injured.

What if they're bleeding him dry? We don't know if anyone's hurt, or if they have weapons.

We've got no f*cking idea what's going on!
- I make the decisions!
- Come on.

Please, let's calm down.


Nobody is putting Palacios' life in danger.

You already have.

And this p*stol? That's not mine.

Vargas, do you realise the trouble you're in? You're an accomplice to what happened in cell 225.

You'd better cooperate.

- Are you that scared of Zulema?
- I didn't know the plan.

I'm not a m*rder*r.

Sorry, I didn't hear you.

Say that again? Zulema went too far.

Palacios, it's OK.


- Are you all right?
- Yes, and you? What did they use? A bar of soap.

For f*ck's sake I told them before we should use liquid soap.

Saray, loosen the knot around my throat.

I'm suffocating.

And I have claustrophobia.


- Not happening.

- Please.


Zulema, it's time to stop all this and save yourself a world of trouble.

I forgive you, I swear.

It's OK.

It's OK.


Listen closely.

I want to speak to Palacios.


- Miranda.

- Are you OK? Are you injured? Yes, I'm OK.

They hit me over the head, but I'm OK.

Relax, we'll get you out of there unscathed.

I promise.

Happy? OK, now my turn.

Put the Radetzky March on through the prison speakers.

- What?
- The Radetzky March.

I love it.

Then I'll tell you the rest of my demands.

Understood? Bye.


Don't take any unnecessary risks.

Before going in, I want all inmates out of the line of fire.

All of them.

Use gas, tranquilliser darts whatever.

Palacios' safety is our priority, understood? What about Macarena and the baby?
- Shut up, Curly.

- You bitch! You only give a shit about your officer, you couldn't care less about Macarena, right? He's worth something and we're just dirt?
- Get off me!
- Shut up! Put on the Radetzky March, I want to hear it on the speakers now! Listen.

I've got an amazing audience.

Do you like Christmas? Judging by your face, you probably don't.

It doesn't exist in my culture, but I still love it.

We should never You hear? Never stop believing in the Three Wise Men.

We're right outside cell 225.

Don't you think? Saray, move! Governor Enjoy the music.

I'm bringing you Christmas.


Bitch! f*cking bitch! Bitch.

The inmates are armed.

Valbuena's been shot.

Come here! Let go! Let it go! Here's your f*cking g*n!
- Stop!
- Governor.

Thank you so much for the Radetzky March.

It got me going.

How did Zulema get a g*n? Hello.

A fine mess you're overseeing here, Governor.

It's rather more spectacular in Mexican jails, right Jalapeño? They prefer to set guards on fire.

Get that f*cking Christmas music off.

Zulema is armed, and we all know how dangerous that is.

This is a w*r of attrition and we can't give up, least of all because there's an officer in there.

Tell me about the prisoners in that cell: background, behaviour, habits, if their shit is hard or soft.

Someone phone their families, it could prove useful.

Send a patrol car to Leopoldo Ferreiro's house.

I want him here.

Use force if necessary.

- He's got answers.

- The as*ault team is en route.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a hostage situation.

A hostage situation that will require us to be at our best.

The use of force isn't an option, so we're going to wait and negotiate.

Let's get to work! Now the other ankle.


The police are at the door.

What should I say? They can't know we've got the Egyptian here.

Compose yourself and see what they want.

Where's the money? Hello, how can I help? The joints of one ankle are already smashed, which is a shame, because once they break, they don't heal.

Now I'm going to do the other ankle, and after that the knees.

It's up to you when we stop.

Shout, and I'll k*ll you right here and now.

The money The money is The money If you're lying, I'll come back and k*ll you.

It won't be for my daughter, it'll be for me.

They're gone.

They know Zulema kidnapped Maca.

Castillo wants you to go to Cruz del Sur.

He told me where the money is.

I'm calling Zulema to negotiate.

We've still got time to save the baby.

It's OK.

Everything's going to be all right.

Stay here, I need you to watch him.

Macarena, are you OK? Zulema, can you hear me? It's Castillo.

From now on you'll be speaking to me.

What the f*ck do you want?
- Castillo, what a surprise!
- What are you up to, Zulema? What am I up to? I want a helicopter on the roof.

No shit.

I want two Caribbean twenty
-olds in tight little bikinis.

We both know you're not after a helicopter because you know you've got no chance.

So I'll tell you what's going to happen.

We're not going to burst in because you've got Palacios and a g*n.

But soon you'll get tired, thirsty and hungry.

We won't.

And although we can't see inside, there are men with heat sensors who'll tell us if you're sleeping, awake or on your period.

In a nutshell, you come out voluntarily or I'll force you out.

- Is that clear?
- Noted.

This is all about Macarena.

I think so too.

Zule, we have to give ourselves up.

We have to give ourselves up.


- Before it's too late.

- It's already too late.

Zulema? This isn't the call I was expecting.

Your daughter is writhing in pain on the floor.

Hanbal told me where the money is.

I don't believe you.

In the 4x4.

It didn't take too long to get it out of him.

Two bones and a joint.

He decided it wasn't worth the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

Not even for 9 million euros.

Listen, butcher I hope it was worth never seeing your grandson, because you just k*lled him.

I know the child can't be saved, but I can assure you: I'll be the death of you.

You're used to everyone being scared of you.

Now, you're going to know what that feels like, because you'll be scared of me.

What did he say? I don't want files, Doctor.

I want to know who's in there,
- and how I can get to them.

- OK.

Saray Vargas.

She's Zulema's cellmate and accomplice.

The bitch has friends? She's the closest thing Zulema could have to a friend.

- They're always together and united.

- Cute.

The Gypsy and the Arab, it's like a f*cking Benetton advert.

Saray is very visceral, racial.

She's got no violent crimes to her name.

She lives purely on instinct and impulse.

However, she attends therapy classes, she takes part, and she's receptive to treatment.

I'd even say that, deep down, she's not a bad girl.

Zulema, I'm afraid we all know who she is.

I must say, her life story is fascinating.

She has an overinflated opinion of herself.

Her nature, her cold
-heartedness, and her narcissism guide her criminal mind, that's for sure.

The only thing she cares about is herself, that's it.

She's a person with no morals.

Very confident, very intelligent, calculating, vengeful Let's not forget, she's self
-harmed to escape, and is ready to k*ll at a moment's notice.

Zulema, you bitch.

Hurt Maca and you die! Your girlfriend.

Who let this negress in here? f*ck's sake!
- Get her out!
- Get off me!
- I'll k*ll her.

- Get out! Get off me, m*therf*cker! Castillo, man, don't say "negress".

It's "Afro

-American When it was me Curly cared for everything was better.

And lastly Macarena Ferreiro.

We don't have much of a file on her.

She's a typical case of personality disorder.

She's not the most violent, aggressive or dangerous person, but her instability can make her any one of them.


- Macarena's father is here.

- Bring him in, let's gauge his reaction.

Free her! Saray, can't you see she's dying? Please, get a doctor! Zulema! You've got me, what more do you want? Zulema, please.

Shut up! Blondie, you want some morphine? It helps me with the burn pains.

I need a doctor.

My baby.

- Something's wrong.

- Everything's going wrong.

Everything's going wrong.

I'll tell you something else, the breakfasts in jail are deadly.

What the f*ck's happening to her?
- Shall I continue?
- Yes.

In this case, I think prison has strengthened Macarena's manipulative character and worsened her psychological disorders.

I've requested and am waiting to give a detailed psychological analysis.

What I can add for now is, following my analyses and what I've seen, she has clear tendencies towards bipolarity and a lack of morality.

That's my daughter.

You should know that, since arriving in prison, she's been continuously held hostage by prisoners and guards.

She's no saint.

But I assure you, you've got her wrong.

I don't mean to offend, especially considering the situation.

I apologise for being so tactless.

- What have you done?
- Dad tortured him.

They've kidnapped Macarena.

They've locked her in one of the cells, and threatened her child.

What? With an abortive drug, but she doesn't know.

Dad's already there.

Mum, we had to get the money out of this bastard to save the child.

And we've got it.

Why haven't you gone into the cell yet? Get her out of there! We can't, you know that.

It'd be messy.

They also have a prison officer hostage.

It's too risky.

So why don't you tell me what's going on? It's no coincidence your daughter is a hostage.

Answer it.

It's Zulema, right? Yes.

She's negotiating with me, not you.

They've poisoned my daughter to abort the baby.

If you don't get in there the baby will die.

Give me the phone, don't make me take it.

Leopoldo, my friend I've got to sort this out.

What's Zulema after? The Egyptian's freedom.

Where do you have him? When Maca is out of that cell, I'll tell you where the Egyptian is.

All I care about is my daughter.

- Don't make me take it, come on.

- Let me call my wife first.

Macarena, are you OK? I'm calling him.

Say something.

Macarena, are you OK? Get a doctor! Get a f*cking doctor! She's bleeding! Saray, do something, please! Please! Get a doctor, for the love of God! Once the bleeding starts,
- the abortion is irreversible.

- How can you do this?
- How can you do this?
- How can I do this? Blondie I kept my word.

The child will die, but this could have been avoided.

Leopoldo? They're not storming the cell, they're going to wait.

And the baby? Encarna, it looks like she's already lost the baby.

I told Castillo about the Egyptian.

Leave the house and go to a hotel.

I'll take responsibility for what's happened.

It's only fair.

I love you.

Come on, Mum.

You heard Dad.


I need to grab a few things.

Go and fetch me a suitcase, please.


The unit is ready.

An abortion? You poisoned her? Pick up.

Without telling me? That's not right.

Keep her on the phone as long as you can.

- Leopoldo?
- That's not right.

Are you there? Why did it take you so long to pick up? There were policemen.

I see.

Are you alone? Or with Castillo? Listen carefully.

Use every last euro to disappear, because when I get to you, and rest assured I will, I'm going to k*ll you very slowly, until you've lost all dignity.

It's unpleasant.

I know what I'm talking about.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, you butcher.

I only care about my daughter.

You've won, Zulema.

I'll free him.

It's done, go! Let's go!
- Come on!
- Careful.

I've got this one.

Palacios, can you hear me? I'm untying you.

Quiet! My baby My baby The baby has no heartbeat.

We need to get her to a hospital, or we'll lose her too.

Let's go! Hurry up! Mum, what are you doing? We need to go.

Come on, let's go.

I can't leave your father.

I've k*lled that man.