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01x12 - Episode #1.12

Posted: 12/29/22 19:45
by bunniefuu
"Your Honour, I'm writing to you to request that you allow me to have a DNA test, as required for my defence.

" Airhead, it's film night tonight.

The film about Anabel's life, I saw that one before Bambi.

Pretty Woman is nice, isn't it?
- Yes.

A fairytale.

- That's the one.

If all curb crawlers were like Richard Gere, housewives wouldn't exist.

Or even female ministers.

They'd all be whores.

- We can make another row behind.

- But here, the average Spanish curb crawler would be The ones who pay for a shag are the ugly ones, right? That's why it's the oldest trade in the world, there have always been ugly ones.

You know what Anabel? I don't care about your prostitution clients.

So help your fellow inmates and shut up.

You're angry because you know I'm right, aren't you? That's enough.

You're coming with me.

I'm giving you a warning for being disrespectful.

Now you have eight.

Ten and you go to solitary.

Shut up, Antonia! Whore! Who are you straight with? You and Curly are just friends, but you couldn't help yourself.

- Saray, please calm down.

- I realised in the infirmary
- that you've f*cked her.

- I haven't.

Don't shout at me, Saray.

Son of a bitch! LOCKED UP by minouhse Flying chairs.

A broken 56 inch television.

- Who started it and why?
- Who do you think we are? Bloody snitches? I've been asking after Zulema all afternoon and nobody's answering me.

She is in hospital.

We can't say any more.

Macarena? What happened? There was an argument about personal problems which we don't need to bring up.

The problem is you're a huge whore.

Can you stop being disrespectful? She's disrespecting me.

She's trying it on with my girlfriend.

Shut up! Have some respect and learn to converse.

Has your husband gone out for tobacco? Let's see how well you speak when you see the whore he's gone off with.

Can you stand up, Vargas? Please.

Did you know that by August 16th 2015 you'll have served 50 percent of your sentence? That day, we'll be meeting with the Parole Board to evaluate you and decide whether or not to put you on parole.

I want you to know that, as of today, my report will not go in your favour.

You will spend three more months without your sentence changing.

How's that? Do you have anything to add? Good, sit down.

You will both do community work.

You start today, painting the signage in Cell Block 2.

- The signage?
- The yellow lines.

Please talk through and resolve your differences.

The slightest bit of confrontation will lead to solitary.

Not for three, but for ten days.

Understood? Get out.

Governor, my friends want to watch Pretty Woman, it's important.

Will they replace the TV today? We've exhausted the budget, so films are suspended until further notice.

- No, please.

- It wasn't me who threw the chair.

- You should know better.

- Come on.

Let me go! Let me go, son of a bitch! Shut up! If you keep shouting, I swear I'll sh**t you.

I need to stop the bleeding.

I'm going to k*ll you.

I'll k*ll you, I'll k*ll your mum, I'll k*ll your dad, I'll k*ll your girlfriend, I'll k*ll your daughter.

- Román?
- Mum? What's going on? What are those voices? Mum, listen to me.

I need to tell you something.

Dad has had a heart attack.

What the hell was that? Paint the signage? Is it a school punishment? If you think a heavy hand is a better means of rehabilitation, enforce it when you're governor.

But for now, show some respect.

- The same respect they show you?
- Come in.

Governor, the radio called.

The interview is at half past 7.

- What interview?
- It's for the Julia Otero programme.

They want to know the advantages of MIP, the private model.

There are lots of advantages.

Did you know, Palacios that after having a brawl, you don't get breaks or dessert?
- Wow.

- Look.

Fabio, I'm the one who enforces punishments, and I think about every prisoner.

Saray is the troublesome one.

I'd rather she spent more time with Macarena instead of Zulema.

- It might rub off on her.

- That girl is disturbed.

Do you know what she'll learn? How to lie and manipulate, that's what Ferreiro will show her.

Do you have a problem with Ferreiro? Not at all.

"A b*llet lodged in the body can cause dehydration, internal haemorrhages, and serious infections.

It's essential to stop the haemorrhage and remove the b*llet.

If it's lodged in the bone, after five hours, it's prone to infection, causing gangrene.

In many cases, a haemorrhage is the cause of death.

Over 40 percent blood loss triggers an irreversible situation.

" What's going on? We've been waiting for hours and there's no news.

I'm a nurse but they won't let me through.

Family of Leopoldo Ferreiro? Yes, that's us.

- Come over.

- Go, Mum.

I'm coming.

I'll come now.

HOW MUCH BLOOD DOES THE HUMAN BODY HOLD? "The approximate amount for a person of average build is five litres of blood.

" Román.

He didn't have a heart attack.

He had a stroke.

He can't speak.

Calm down, Mum.

They can't say how he will recover for another few hours.

I'll go home for his pyjamas and toiletries.

What do you mean, son? I'm telling you that your dad has a clot on the brain.

- They don't know what will happen!
- I heard you, Mum.

But you know how he is.

We'll try and make everything a bit easier, OK? Excuse me, we're taking him to intensive care.

- You can go and see him.

- Thank you.


I'll be back later, Mum.

I swear I'll be back later.

Sorry, slag.

What's your problem? I can't stand girls like you.

Are you laughing at me? What's so f*cking funny? Curly didn't leave you for me.

It's because she doesn't love you.

She stopped loving me when you arrived.

Was she with you when I arrived? Saray, look for someone who makes you happy.

If you have a problem, it's with yourself.

Tonight's film session has been suspended.

I repeat, the film session has been suspended.

Hey, bitch! It's all your fault.

You know that? What happens now? You can't leave us without a TV.

Antonia, it was an accident.

Do you know how long we've waited for that film? Yes, I know and I'm sorry.

- We only need a TV.

- What am I meant to do? Do you want to watch it? I'll get it back so you can watch your stupid film.

Don't raise your hand at me because I'll flip.

What are you doing, Ferreiro? Shut up!
- Get it back.

- Shut the hell up.

What happened? Are you OK? Do you care? Not really.

Then get off me.


Come on, Fabio.

Why were you whispering? That girl is stupid, she winds me up.

Winds you up? I saw you, Fabio.

The other day in the chapel.

Look, it's lucky I was in control or you would be out.

- Or in prison.

- I know.

Things have changed a lot.

What? How have they changed? Are you a couple now? Have you had an argument? Honestly, I'm amazed.

Antonio, that girl is disturbed.

You hear me?
- She's a lying whore.

- Of course.

I don't want anything to do with her.

For someone who doesn't care, you seem quite upset.

Leave me alone, mate.

- Leave it, Palacios.

- I'll put you in solitary.


She'll need to take her clothes off, do you mind waiting outside?
- It will take five minutes.

- Make it three.

Have you been able to rest? I'm going to treat you, OK? Careful.

Easy does it.

That's it, careful.

Now back again, slowly.

How are the blisters?
- I'm going to do it slowly.

- OK.

Tell me if I hurt you.

- Is that OK?
- Fine.

Tell me Give me your phone.

Doctor Arriaga Sanchís.

Now! Hanbal.

- Where are you?
- Excuse me? Hello, who's this? I'm Leopoldo's wife, he can't come to the phone.

It's urgent.

When can I speak to him? Look, Leopoldo is in hospital.

I'm sorry but I can't say anymore.

In which hospital? The one in Torrejón.

Who's calling? Delete the call.


These wounds, that hurt so much, I did them to myself.

Imagine what I could do to you and your family.

You'll do them a favour by not talking.

I won't say anything.

If you do, I'll find you.

I'll rip out so many organs, that even though you're a doctor, you won't know which one's which.

Oh, the pain.

Carry on treating me, Doctor Sanchís.

Are you stupid?
- I didn't realise.

- What's funny?
- A real Power Ranger.

- Power Ranger? Get up! On your feet! But Valbuena, I'm fine.

You clown, what are you on about? Clean it right now, with that hair you have.

Are you joking? Does it look like I am?
- Son of a bitch.

- If I wanted, you'd clean my penis.

- Let me go!
- She didn't mean it.

I saw.

Let her go.

Who is going to believe you? Nobody will.

But there are three cameras here.

You're clever, Ferreiro.

But don't forget, there aren't cameras everywhere.

Inspector, I'm preparing Zulema Zahir's release.

- I need your authorisation.

- You're letting her go? The burns aren't as serious as we thought, so could you sign, please.

Hang on, Doctor.

You insisted that Zulema should stay here for a few days.

Now there isn't any reason for her to be here.

Wasn't that what you wanted, to take her back? What's the problem? I think something happened that you're not telling me.

No, you're wrong.

Nothing has happened.

Your diagnosis changed after treating her.

What's on your neck?
- What happened in there?
- I told you, nothing happened.


If you can't tell me here, you'll have to do it in the office.

She threatened me, I had to give her my phone.

- Give me your phone.

- She made me delete the call.

We'll track the number, don't worry.

Write your number down please.

What do you remember? Did they say anything? She spoke in Arabic, then in Spanish.

Someone was in hospital, it was really brief.

Jalapeño, call the station.

They must trace the call, and locate the nearest hospital to the signal where the call was received.

I'm on it.

Well, you I don't want to owe you, so I'll just warn you.

If you don't get the TV, they'll come after you.

But it's just a stupid TV.

You still don't understand how things work in prison.

First, it's always something stupid.

A pack of tobacco that doesn't get returned, a tray gets knocked over, a broken TV on the day they were playing a film.

Then, something stupid annoys someone.

And so it begins.

They turn people against you, they lie.

Put ideas in people's heads.

Do you know the broken phone game? Well it's the same, but with b*tches.

And finally, people get bored in here.

And they influence others.

In the end, they'll just want to break your legs.

It doesn't matter why.

They won't remember.

What shall I do? How can I get a television? I don't know.

You've got a mother with money, right? A donation.

Of course.

Thank you.

No, what do you mean, thank you? We are at peace.

We're not friends.

Not now, not ever.

If you tell me who I can or can't love, I'll take your soul.

Honestly! I'll love whoever I want to love.

The phone is owned by a Mohamed Outhmani.

It's a false identity.

Probably one of many used by the Egyptian.

Where was the phone when Zulema called? The call signal corresponds to the Torrejón Hospital mast.

I need a list of hospital staff, doctors and patients.

- I can get one.

- Perfect.

Make sure they close all access and seal off the Torrejón Hospital.

Here's a list of patients.

I'll get one for staff now.

I don't believe it.

Leopoldo Ferreiro was urgently admitted after suffering a stroke to the hospital Zulema called.

What the hell is happening? Hi, it's Román.

Leave a message.

Román, it's me, Maca.

I haven't gone mad, but I need the television from home for the prison.

Today, it's urgent.

They are showing Pretty Woman tonight.

Please call me as soon as you can.

It seems stupid, but it's not.

It's important.

Please, call as soon as you can.

It's urgent.

Love you.

Four, one.


- Is everything OK, Ferreiro?
- Yes.

Well, no.

I want to get the television from the staff's room.

Just to watch a film.

- For two hours.

- No.

Go away.

I'm not talking to you.

Leave me with Palacios, please.

- No.

- But, what's wrong? Is the football on?
- No, it's not happening.

- Please.

They are looking forward to the film.

I promised that I'd get the TV back.

Please, Palacios.


Stop and listen to me.

If I don't get the TV back, they will batter me.

No, no and no.

How can I put it? You broke the television in a fight.

Are you stupid? Let's go.

I need to remove the b*llet.

If I don't, you'll die.

I need to get you out of there.


Come to the yard, they are interviewing the Governor.

For? I don't know.

To say it's a great place, I suppose.

They m*rder, violate and deal outside, but in here they all turn perfect.


- Can you get a phone?
- Where from? From the personal boxes in admissions.

It's your turn today.

Look, there are cameras on me all the time.

You can come and flash to distract them, I'll help you.

I'm really sorry, you know.

I've spent lots of time in solitary.

I'm sorry.

Don't worry.

How is he? He's improving with the medication, but we can't assess his recovery yet.

Excuse me, Doctor.

Is he alone? Does his family know? They have been here all afternoon, but they left a while ago.

Thank you.

Don't leave his side.

Let me know of any changes.

And you, don't move from there.

This is a MIP prison.

It's forbidden to take personal belongings in and use clothes that aren't from the centre.

Jewellery, keys, purse, phone.

Everything in the trays, please.


Excuse me.

I forgot to turn my phone off.

This is for you.

I forgot to turn my phone off.

Is something wrong?
- How long have you got?
- Three years.

Why? Three years? Don't worry, your phone will be off in three years.

Here, this is for you.

Next! You need to drink something.

Hello, darling.

Sorry I didn't call back.

I've been really busy.

- What's up?
- Hello, Román.

Hello, sweetheart.

I got my grades from school today.

Shall I read them to you? Of course, how could I not want to know? I got a 7.

5 in Art.

Very good.

That's great.


An 8 in Design Technology.

That's almost outstanding.

- Fantastic, great.

- Yes.

But 5 in Physical Education.

The main thing is you passed.

Don't worry, Lucía.

You just need to improve a little.

This summer, we can practise on the beach.


Lucía, my boss is calling me.

Tell Mum I'll call later.


- I love you, Román.

- I love you both.


Román, are you home? I'll come over, Mum.

I'm coming.

- Román?
- I'm coming right now, Mum.


What are you doing here? Is Dad OK? Sit down.

I'd ask your dad, but he can't speak.

I'm sure you'll be able to answer too.

What's this, Román? Look at me, Román.

Why does your dad have two phones?
- I don't know.

- Why did you leave in a hurry? I didn't leave in a hurry.

I went to get Dad's things.

You're going to tell me what's happening in this house.

Where the family's money is, the b*ll*ts, the shotgun, everything.

If not, I'll call the police.

- Police.

- Mum, please.

We're in trouble, but it's to help Maca.

I'll tell you everything, because I don't know what to do.

It's Inspector Castillo.

Open up, please.

- Good afternoon.

- Good afternoon.

I'm a friend of Leopoldo.

I need to speak to you.

You wanted it, you got it.

Thank you.

What's my reward?
- What reward?
- I don't know.

A shag? Curly, I'm not going to shag you just because you did me a favour.

- I'm only joking.

- Very funny.


You're such a wind up.

Give me the phone.

Can I have it? As I'm feeling nice, I'll exchange it for a kiss.

You can shove the phone elsewhere.

If I give you a kiss, it's because I feel like it.

- Is that clear?
- OK, don't get all haughty.

- I had to try.

- Very well.

You wouldn't dare.

Here, take the stupid phone.

Thank you.

Antonio, listen to me! Don't you dare go in there.

Do you hear me? You can't ask the Governor to put the television back.

I'm going to tell her that I'll bring one from my house.

- Are you going to stop that too?
- These inmates need punishment,
- not a reward.

- The inmates or Macarena? It seems all you want nowadays is to screw Macarena over.

Leave the Macarena thing out, what's your problem with her?
- What's your problem?
- Me? What's your problem? You're holding a grudge and you're being unfair.

- Do you know why?
- I don't know and I don't care.

Because she rejected you when you tried it on in the chapel.

- Yes, and you know what?
- What? That's not just going against the norm, it's disgusting.

I can't stop thinking about Carolina, and that my best friend is one of those arseholes that takes his pants off for the first girl that comes along.

Do you know the worst thing? She will still give you another chance.

To you, the most undesirable man in the whole world.

What are you doing? I'm in the middle of a radio interview.

Get in my office.

Yes, indeed it's a pioneering model in Spain.

I was hoping you'd be at the hospital with Leopoldo.

I needed to get some things from home.

We've been with him but we just have to wait to find out the extent of the stroke.

How did it happen? Was he alone? We were in the car and suddenly he didn't feel well.

Where were you going? To buy compost and things for the garden.

A bit far, wasn't it? Can't you get compost any closer? I came here the other day and I found this b*llet.

A b*llet that had been shot in this house.

In this room.

- A sh**ting, here?
- Yes.


Against that sofa.

- Here?
- Lift up the blanket, please.

It hit that wall.

We've done a ballistics test.

It comes from the same w*apon that k*lled Paloma Garrido, a prison officer from Cruz del Sur, and a police officer.

It belongs to Hanbal Hamadi, also known as the Egyptian, an international m*rder*r wanted by the Interpol.

But why would he sh**t in this house? You tell me.

You'd prefer me to do it.


It's possible the Egyptian came here looking for something that you have.

A clue for the 9 million euro loot.

Or maybe money that had been dug up.

Something startled him.

A noise, or something, and he took a shot.

Is that correct? I honestly don't know what to say, Inspector.

Very well.

I want you to hand in all the weapons.

According to his licence, he has a .

38 revolver and a shotgun.

Yes, the revolver is upstairs.

I think it's in the garage.

I'll go, don't worry.

No, no.

Let your mum go.

I want to speak to you alone.

What's the difference between a private and a public prison? I can assure you that our retraining and rehabilitation measures
- are a real success.

- Excuse me, Miranda.

Someone wants to give their opinion.

Of course.

I'm Macarena Ferreiro, a prisoner from Cruz del Sur.

- Well, this is a surprise!
- My God, it's Maca.

What do you want to say? This morning I threw a chair and broke a television in a fight.

Yes, indeed.

Macarena is a good example, because now she's doing community service instead of going to solitary.

I accept the punishment, but it's not fair that everyone else has to pay for my mistake.

That's the manipulative bitch I told you about.

Find her and shut her up.

Why is this television so important? Because tonight they're showing Pretty Woman.

It's very popular.

Personally, I have never been keen on the film but today I realised: it doesn't matter if you're a whore a dealer, a fraudster or a junkie.

Where is she? We all need to believe that someone will come get us out of trouble, and give us a chance.

It's not fair that everyone else is paying for my mistake.

Governor, where is your good will? Where is the advice you always have? Or are you going to feed me to the lions? No! Pretty Woman is over, face of a good girl, soul of a whore.

Are you taking me to solitary? Look, Julia.

I'm in charge, but rules are rules.

I don't think so.

Do you know why? Because deep down, something's telling you you're wrong.

Macarena's right.

Everything's exaggerated here.

The good and the bad.

That's why the rules are necessary, they provide a benchmark.

One day, you'll apologise for treating me unfairly.

Shut up! Go on.

Because of the rules, it's impossible for me to give them a television tonight.

My car? I left it parked in the centre, and for various reasons, I couldn't go and pick it up.

Where did you park it? I don't know the exact street, but in the centre.

How long ago? Around two or three days ago.

I think it was longer than that.

It was found in a wasteland.

Clearly it looks like it was stolen, doesn't it?
- Why didn't you report it?
- Because I didn't know.

- Why did you cancel your phone?
- I lost it.

Look, I've got a new one.

It's here.

- Where did you lose it?
- I don't know.

If I knew, I wouldn't have lost it.

It was found in the wasteland where the car was.


Then I suppose I left it in the car.

Yes, and the robber lost it.

Or got rid of it as it didn't have any credit.

If you weren't going to report the car or the phone, what were you doing at the station reporting something you never signed? Inspector.

- Here is the g*n.

- Put it on the table, please.

I don't know where the shotgun is.

Anything else you want to tell me? No.

Coffee, Inspector? No, thank you.

I need to go.


I'll ask again.

- Do you have anything to tell me?
- No.

OK? I don't know what you want us to say.

Fine, I'll tell you what I think.

I think the Egyptian has threatened you.

I think he shot inside your house and that you won't report him, or aid the investigation because you're scared.

You don't have any weapons, only I can protect you.

If you tell me what you know, I'll guarantee you protection.

Your testimony could help everyone.

You being the first.

- Think about it.

- Thank you.

Call me.

Mum, I need your help.

I know.

Sit down, please.

Thank you, Governor, but I'll stand.

If I'm being punished for the radio, I'll remind you that in this country we have freedom of speech.

I have only told the truth.

- No, it's not that.

- What is it, the phone? I don't care if you take me to solitary.

Macarena, we've all had a hard day, but I just need you to sit down.

Just for one minute.

You don't understand what's happening.

- You have no idea.

- Inspector Castillo called.

Your dad has had a stroke.

He can't speak but they have to wait 24 hours to assess the extent of the damage.

The doctors are hopeful he'll respond well to treatment.

I left a message at your parents'.

So they call you as soon as possible.

Macarena, if there's anything we can do for you.

Can I go to the hospital? No.

Can I stop painting? Of course.

Hey you, airhead.

Where's the TV?
- Goodbye, Antonia.

- Bye.

Cloth ears.

Where's the TV you promised us? Is there anyone there? Where's the TV? Now what, whore? Inspector Castillo, we are starting a transfer.