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01x05 - Harsh Reality

Posted: 12/29/22 19:20
by bunniefuu
You don't look like someone with 9 million euros.

It's over, Sole.

You were right.

If I keep chasing that SIM card, it'll destroy my soul.

That's exactly what Saray said.

Don't you worry about your soul.

I'll keep that safe for you in this little box.

Why not sign up for the choir, or basketball or something, and stop chasing a lost cause? The bunk vacated by Yolanda Montero will now be occupied by Estefanía Kabila.

From today.

Doctor's orders.

Hey, you.

- Come in, Estefanía.

- Do we have to throw a welcome party?
- Or can we go watch TV?
- Whatever you want.

Excuse me.

Here's your handkerchief.

It's a bit creased, but it's clean.

- That's OK.

Do you feel better?
- Yes, it was nothing.

- That's good.

- Don't you want to know how I am? If I'm menstruating or going through menopause?
- Did anyone split your head open?
- No.

I thought not.

If and when that happens, I'll ask.

Off you go then.

How did you manage to get moved here? You said: "If only we'd been put together.

" What's this about doctor's orders? How did you get the doctor to prescribe living here? It's because of my bones.

This cell faces south.

Really? Or could it be because of something you did for him? What's this? A display of jealousy?
- No.

- Yes, it's jealousy.

No, it is not jealousy, it's a display of integrity.

Because if you give away your body in return for favours you're disrespecting yourself, and losing your dignity.

OK, but I heard you say: "If only you were in my cell.

" Teresa González.

Her last face to face was 2 months ago with her brother.

If she's pregnant, it must be by someone on the inside.

An employee.

That doesn't take much working out.

I can't face another investigation.

Do another test to be sure before we do anything.

Have you heard from your husband? Has he called or shown signs of life? Not at all.

But to be honest, I prefer it that way.

I feel calm now, at peace.

I prefer not to stir things up.

Are you sleeping well? Do you want some tranquillisers, or medication? Why don't you prescribe me a man? One that leaves when I say so, but in the meantime, keeps me entertained? I'll take you at your word and check my address book.

Excuse me.


I wanted to speak to you about Fabio.

I'm very worried.

- What's wrong with Fabio?
- He's very stressed.

Paloma's death has affected us all, but for him it's been more extreme.

What the hell's happening with the investigation? How many more women have to be k*lled for you to shift your arse? Get out of my bloody office, knock on the door and when you hear "Come in", enter and say "Good morning".

Write down this name: Zulema Zahir.

She's directly responsible for the first crime, and she masterminded the second one.

You've never really understood it, Martínez, but when we put a suspect in the dock, it's because we have physical proof.

- Do you have any?
- Yes, I do.

They went into Paloma's house.

They filmed her twins while they slept, and sent the video to her phone.

Someone working under Zahir's orders.

Hanbal Hamadi.

The Egyptian.

Interpol have issued a warrant for his arrest.

The last photo we have is from 3 years ago.

Crimes in four countries, eleven using v*olence.

He has the f*cking phone.

Is everything OK, Castillo? You, a prison officer, want to do the work that's eluded the Italian, French and German police.

Get Zulema Zahir out of Cruz del Sur.

Get her out, or you'll have to take me out in handcuffs.

You have a witness.

Ask the judge for a warrant and place Ferreiro under protection.

Then Zahir gets moved to another prison immediately.

Hear that, Linchún? This guy wants to tell us how to do our jobs.

Know what your problem is? That you're minding the foxes that others have hunted, when you'd rather do the hunting yourself.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to tell your wife you wanted a change, because you're becoming a frustrated and bitter civil servant.

Fabio isn't going to lose control.

That goes without saying.

But the atmosphere is strained, and it might be best for everyone to request a transfer for Zulema
- to another prison.

- She's been through 11 institutions.

No one will have her.

Only a judge could get her out.

What are you reading?
- The Time Between Seams.

- It doesn't suit you.

What doesn't suit me? Reading?
- Do you think I'm illiterate?
- No, I just thought that detective stories were more your style.

Or 50 Shades of Grey.

Sorry I was so stroppy earlier.

Whatever happened with the doctor honestly it's the best thing anyone has ever done for me in my life.

For God's sake, are we going to have this every night? All this damned chit
-chat! Bloody hell!
- Sorry.

- Be quiet.

Come up here.

Come on.

For God's sake, you two! How long do you have left in here? 17 months.

But I have a pending as*ault case.


I have 7 left.

7 years.

That's not so bad.

There's a gym, you could get into shape.

Learn languages with native teachers of all nationalities.

Maybe you'll be lucky and get out early.

I doubt it.

I've already had my lucky break.

I found a SIM card in Yolanda's gardening patch.

And it may be the clue to where the money is hidden.

Are you serious? My God.

They've all been looking for that ever since Yolanda arrived.

And you found it on your first day? That's incredible.

Where is it? I don't have it any more.

But it doesn't matter.

Curly, I'm so glad that you're here.

Three minutes until extra time.

Maybe now that they're tired, there'll be a bloody goal! Let's hope so! If it goes to penalties we've had it.

- What the hell are you doing?
- Nothing.

What do you mean? Nothing, you say? So why are you fondling your handkerchief?
- What the hell's wrong with you?
- What's happening, guys? Macarena washed it for me and I was just thinking how they're giving her hell in there.

Which Macarena? Ferreiro.

- How are they doing?
- Nothing, extra time hasn't started.

- They smashed her head open today.

- Did they? They messed up her patch in the greenhouse, and they stole her clothes in the shower.

The whole block's against her.

The other day she clung to me like a koala bear.

She was trembling.

You can tell that she's not like the others.

I think she's innocent.

You grill me over the handkerchief, and when I talk to you, you clam up.

Look Sometimes I think that those girls are like us, too.

They laugh, walk around, read Just like we do.

- But the truth is they're not.

- They're not all the same.

You don't believe in people.

You put everyone in the same box, end of story.

But I don't do that.

I like to trust people.

Do you understand? Yes, of course I understand.

Where's your phone? Come on, guys.

We've got to go for it.

Good evening.

- We're on shift change.

- Yes, no problem.

We finished ours a couple of hours ago.


- It's late.

Anything wrong, Miranda?
- No, everything's fine.

- Why don't they bring on Arda Turan?
- Who? Arda Turan.


I'm not fine.

My husband hasn't called me.

In fact I've called him these past five days every three or four hours but he's not answering my calls.

Today he changed his number.

This is not an opportunity for growth.

I'm not a Buddhist, I'm not calm.

So I hope there'll be no more questions on the subject.

Now you know.

Thank you.

If you have any problems, you can call on me for anything.

OK? The problems haven't started so far today.

Thank you, Fabio.

Four, two.

Wait here.

Maca, Maca I need you to pee in the bottle again.

I've already done that for you once.

But Maca when I was tested with your pee, it revealed I was pregnant.

What? I'm sorry to tell you this way.

I'm not sure if you're pleased or what, but I need your pee again because they're doing more tests, and they'll have to show I'm pregnant.

I can't be I've been bleeding for 10 days.

That can happen.

It happened to me You should see a doctor.

But keep quiet about mine for now, because it could be worth my while.

Ferreiro, come through.

Don't worry, I'll come to you.

Mr Álvarez de Córdoba will be your lawyer from now on.

His chambers specialise in this kind of case.

We're trying to reduce the bail by a third, but we'll need to provide more details.

I need you to write down everything you remember that could help in your defence.

First, we must demonstrate your emotional connection with Mr Simón Mateos.

Conversations with friends, restaurant bills, flight tickets, emails.

Your family will go to your home to collect anything that could be used as evidence.

Any questions? No.

Very well.

- I'll wait at the entrance.

- Thank you.

Maca, what's happened to your face? Nothing.

I got hit by a basketball during a game.

Where did you get the money to pay that lawyer? Your mother went to the bank.

We're remortgaging the house.

And your brother has some savings.

Do you have anything for me? The Yolanda thing? Macarena, what's on the SIM card? It didn't work out, Dad.

It didn't work out? Do we throw in the towel, then? Do you have anything to tell me? I'd like to tell you you're going to be a grandfather, Dad.

You always wanted to be a grandad, and I'm pregnant.

I don't want you to remortgage your house, or for Román to get married if I'm not there.

There's lots I'd like to tell you.

That they beat me, and bully me.

That I've been on the point of throwing in the towel.

I'm going to try, Dad.

I'll keep trying until the end.

Ferreiro! Give me the SIM card, you bitch.

I know how to save Zulema.

So that she isn't charged with m*rder.

She'll get 100 years if you do nothing for her.


That's fine for Zulema.

But you're going to do something for me as well.

Zulema Zahir.

You're about to be questioned as part of the investigation into the m*rder of Yolanda Montero.

You have the right to remain silent.

You have the right to a lawyer.

Everything you say will be recorded to protect your legal rights.

On what basis am I being connected with Yolanda's m*rder?
- On the basis of a witness statement.

- No, I didn't see anything.

I was in bed.

I heard stuff.

- I heard them talking
- What were they saying? I don't know, going for a smoke, or I don't know.

Did you recognise the voice? It was my first night in here and I didn't know anyone.

I couldn't possibly have recognised anyone.

- May I smoke?
- No.

Why would I k*ll Yolanda? We were friends.

Yolanda robbed an armoured vehicle carrying 11 million euros.

As she fled the police, she spread two million across the road.

There's 9 million lying somewhere.

Doesn't that seem sufficient motive? 9 million euros? That's the official version.

Yolanda told me something different.

What did Yolanda tell you? May I smoke? She told me they dumped all the money on the road, but the police said they only found two million.

Right now those two officers are, in all likelihood, in a hammock in the Caribbean.

- It's strange, isn't it?
- What's strange? Two officers in a hammock in the Caribbean.

It seems weird, doesn't it? Did you recognise Zulema Zahir inviting Yolanda to go to the toilets? Bear in mind that they were whispering and I was under the covers.

It would be impossible for me to have recognised anyone.

You told me that Zulema had taken Yolanda to the toilets.

Why are you changing your statement? Why? I don't know what you mean.

- Maca?
- Dad.

I found the SIM card.

There are some photos of a road.

- The SG 112.

- Send them to me straight away.

And destroy that SIM as soon as you can.

- Be careful.

- All right.

Román! Go buy a pick, a spade and some wellingtons.

I have to pick Lidia up.

- We're trying the wedding menu.

- Go right now, for God's sake! Let's go.

Good morning.

Thanks for walking with me, boys.

Ladies, I give you the Moorish Queen.


How's it going, Blondie? Where have you been all day? My God, look at the state of these sausages today.

- Do you want one?
- Here.

It's the phone.

A gift.

- An engagement gift?
- No.

A leaving gift.

There have been some changes.

Including the fact that I'm pregnant.

Now I want you to leave my cell.

- I don't want you sleeping there now.

- Why? What's wrong? The only reason you came was to be with me.

I don't want a relationship, least of all with you.

- What the hell are you saying?
- You're neurotic.

You make me sick and I'm afraid of you.

That bitch knows where Yolanda's SIM card is.

She knows where the money is! Look out, bitch! No, no, no, ouch! No, please!
- What are you doing?
- Exercising, what does it look like? I can see that.

Training for the Olympics, are you? No, I'm tiring myself out, to clear my head and sleep well.

Yolanda's 9 million are keeping you awake, are they? I have a bigger problem.

- Have you?
- I'm pregnant, Sole.

What are you going to do?
- What's happening, Sole?
- Hi.

See you later.

Blondie, come here.

I see you like sport.

You should drink plenty of water.

I'm not thirsty, thanks.



Life is short.

Afraid I'm trying to poison you? Why would I k*ll you knowing that you have Yolanda's 9 million? I don't have anything.

Let's talk straight: you need a million to get out.

Isn't that what the judge asked for? Right? And you have a proposition for me? You keep one million.

I keep 8.

Besides, as long as you're here, you'll be with me.

I'll protect you.

Everyone inside in five minutes.

The problems may be about to start.

You may end up begging me to keep the lot.

Think about it.

Help! Help, please! Help me! Help! Get me out of here! Help! Why are they giving money to Anabel? Anabel's having a conjugal visit from her fella.

And? Anabel's known for her vaginal capacities.

She puts stuff? Her fanny's like a warehouse.

You could fit half of Rome in there.

If you need anything make
-up, an MP3 player, face masks, serum, a phone How? They search you coming in.

At least they searched me very thoroughly.

Yes, but after a conjugal visit they won't want to delve too deeply.

- Hanbal? Hanbal?
- Hello, darling.

It's OK.

He's in the boot of the car.


Has he told you where the money is? I'm taking him to the woods.

If he knows anything, I'll find out.

If not, that's where he'll stay.

He's worth nothing dead.

I need him to say where the money is.

Escaping is expensive.

A convoy to the courts, weapons, passports, sea passage out of the country.

A pickup 20 miles from the coast.

Help! Zulema, all this is leaving me very exposed.

Don't you think I'd do it myself if I could? You need to understand that if something goes wrong, it would all be over.

You should just sit it out quietly in there, or we may never see each other again.

You're right, darling.

I'll be good.

This is the last thing I'll ask you to do, I promise.

Goodbye, darling.

Help! Help! I'll get you, you bastard! Why aren't you answering? Román! Román! Dr Sandoval has run your tests again,
- and you are pregnant.

- Yes.

And you're clean.

Yes, I don't do dr*gs any more.

Thank goodness.

- Why are you trembling?
- I'm full of flu.

You're pregnant but your last conjugal visit was several months ago, so let me ask you straight: have you slept with a member of staff? I'm not going to answer questions about my private life, or about who I sleep with.

If a member of staff is taking advantage in exchange for dr*gs or I'm not using any more, so there's nothing to exchange.

I will not tolerate any exchanges for sexual favours in this prison.

Either you tell me who the father is, or we'll do a paternity test and settle the matter in court.

Very well.

Maybe you'll be more helpful after a couple of days in solitary, without methadone or codeine, or anything.

All right.

It was Palacios.

- Are you sure, Tere?
- Listen, if you'd f*cked in that broom cupboard you'd remember it.

Bloody fatso!
- Do you recognise this phone?
- It looks like one that I lost.

- You lost your phone?
- Yes.

So I assume you had it blocked.

When I lose a phone, I get it blocked.

Yes, I'm dealing with it.

This morning your phone was confiscated from an inmate in solitary.

It was still in service.

- Did you lend it to her for favours?
- Of course not.

Look, Palacios.

Two inmates are implicated.

And one is accusing you directly.

I'm obliged to begin proceedings, and suspend you without pay during the investigation.

If the accusations are confirmed, I'll put you in the dock myself.

I'm pregnant.

Is there some kind of baby boom in Cruz del Sur? Do we have the pleasure of the father's presence inside here? No, it was before coming here.

I want an abortion.

Strip from the waist up and lie down on the couch.

In order to terminate a pregnancy, Macarena, the pregnancy must first be confirmed.

When you're ready.

- Román Ferreiro.

- Dad.


How are you? Are you OK? Dad, I was kidnapped.

I was att*cked on the street.

They stuck me in the boot of my own car.

It was a man, I think it was an Arab! Come here.

Sit down.

Dad, I'm a Property Registrar.

People like me don't get kidnapped.

It's my fault, son.

You were kidnapped because of me.

- I've put you in the spotlight.

- What spotlight? Listen, son.

In jail, your sister has uncovered the trail of a haul of money.

9 million euros.

She sent me photos of a place where the money could be buried.

Hence the spade.

The problem is there's another inmate who's also after the money.

A certain Zulema Zahir.

It must have been her boyfriend who kidnapped you.

This is madness, Dad.

Let's report it all to the police.


You're right, son.

You're right.

I even peed myself, Dad.

I'm sorry.

Come on, son.

I'm no expert, but going on the size, I can safely say that you're seven weeks pregnant.

How can I abort it? Whichever way is the quickest.

During the first seven weeks I can prescribe a pill called RU 486.

After that it gets more complicated, because we'd have to perform a dilation and curettage.

I want the pill.

I don't feel well.

Ever since I found out I can't eat or sleep, I'm not well.

- Look
- Please.

Well, I don't see why I should help you.

I want to be clear, Macarena.

The first time you came here, and without any pressure whatsoever from me, you asked me for more time.

I think I've been patient.

But I sincerely think that time has run out, and even more so with this situation.

It won't be long before you're round as a globe.

What do you want in exchange for that pill? I want you to be a nice, compliant, and conscientious girl.

It's good that you don't wear a brace.

I'm entitled to an abortion.

I have the right.

Besides, I'm going straight to the Governor and I'm reporting you.

Very well.

Do you remember me telling you I'm like Father Christmas in here? I reward the girls who behave well.

If you take their treats away, they'll want to get back at you.

Macarena, I congratulate you on your pregnancy.

Your breasts are going to look amazing.

- Why don't you go home?
- No.

I haven't told my mother I've been suspended without pay.

She thinks I'm on the night shift.

Anyway, I've emptied my locker and collected my stuff.

Fabio, I haven't abused any of the inmates.

I swear.

- I mucked up with the phone, but
- I know that, for God's sake.

I know you haven't taken advantage of anyone.

Antonio, hold your head high.

You've done nothing wrong, OK?
- Have you?
- No.

Too bloody right! We're going to prove it! All right? Why don't you go home? Your mother will be in bed by now.

You're right.

Would you mind picking me up at home as usual and ringing the bell? Thanks.

- Mr Ferreiro
- Yes.

In five minutes the inspector will take your statement.

Thank you.

I'm just going to the toilet.

- Yes?
- Dad, listen.


It's Román.

Dad can't talk just now, he's just gone to the toilet.

How are you? I'm pregnant.

It's Simón's baby.

Maca, you have medical services there, don't you? Why don't you talk to them? They can help you.

Román, the prison doctor is a depraved pervert who wants a blow job in exchange for the abortion pill.

What? He was kind enough to put a cushion on the floor for my knees.

- Maca, you have to report that.

- No, Román.

- You must report it.

- I said no, Román! It doesn't work like that here, the police have no sway.

If you report something you won't live to see the next day.

Román, it's horrible in here.

They spit in your food, they spit at you, they hit you, they r*pe you, they t*rture you.

I won't survive seven years in here, I swear I won't survive it.

Maca, listen.

Remember when we were kids, that summer in Santander? When some kids started calling you names and throwing sand at you? Do you remember what I said to them? Yes.

"Mess with a Ferreiro and you're messing with them all.

" I stand by my words, "Mess with a Ferreiro and you're messing with them all.

" The only thing that's changed is that now you wear a bikini top.

I'm getting you out of there, sister.

Me and Dad.

The two of us will get you out.

I love you so much, Román.

I love you too.

Thanks for standing up for me that day in Santander.

- I'm running out of credit.

- All right.

You take care.

- Tell Dad that
- Maca.

Bloody hell! Dad.

- Macarena called you.

- Is she OK? Yes.

But there's work to be done.

We have to buy another spade.

Are you sure? Come on, let's go!