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01x10 - Episode 10

Posted: 12/29/22 08:34
by bunniefuu
On the ground! Police! I said, down! And where is she?

- Are you asking me?

- You! I don't know! My bot was stolen! Officers, do you understand what's going on? My robot

- a state competition-winning bot

- was stolen! Don't just stand there! Do something! Search for it! Do something! So what are we going to do now? Call in Forensics! BETTER THAN US Are you going to hand me over to the police? I have no choice.

I'm sorry! Don't be sorry, it's the right thing to do.

My memory will help to destroy your main thr*at

- Victor Toropov.

But I must warn you Any intrusion into my memory block might destroy my neuro cluster.

Might destroy me.

Arisa, please You're very dear to me.

But I can't do anything about it.

What are you doing? I I'm showing empathy for you.

I did something wrong again.

No, Arisa.

You did it right.

Yes? - Is Arisa with you?

- Yes.

We'll meet at kilometer 47 on the 5th Highway Circle Ring.

At 8:00 A.M.

- All right! Okay!

- No tricks! That's done! Are you ready? So you mean to say that the Liquidators broke into Arisa's green room during the bid and you didn't tell me anything? I wanted to, but Safronov said that the bid is more important,

- and I decided to

- Who's your boss? With all due respect, you understand what kind of robot this is.

Get the hell out of here! Get out! You'll answer for it! Congratulations! The project money was almost ours!

- And you messed up, as usual!

- Alexei Stepanovich! Shut up! How did the cops make it to the show? Why are they talking about your bot k*lling people? And where the hell is the bot? Arisa was abducted! By your enemies, the very same people who are spreading the story about her alleged ability to k*ll.

Alleged, you say? Where the hell did they come from? I need to ask you that! Which of us is in charge of lobbying? What the hell are you getting at? Your boundaries have gone! I only know that it was only after Arisa won the bid that this robot-k*ller scandal emerged!

- Nonsense!

- Who's behind this? Garanenko, who else? It's a classic smear campaign! And solving it is your problem! All right! I'll check! It's not even about that now.

What do we do now? Without a robot? We don't need it anymore! When the Ministry begins financing us, I'll make you a thousand Arisas.

Then start! And note - you said it, not me.

If you fail I know.

You'll grind me into powder and scatter me to the winds!




Damn it! Didn't Mr.

Victor want to tell me anything? No! Master wasn't home.

- He didn't task me with anything.

- A second call! Breakfast is served!

- Call me a cab! - Calling! The car will be here in three minutes.

You can go! I thought I had at least one professional in my circle.

That's Gleb.

But your people failed.

So you failed! My people are dying on this job! Gleb, I'm paying you for this job! Like they pay for space programs! And your people well know what they're in for! And they messed up in spite of it! They've lost a damn chick, a child and a shitty doll! The witness is still out there! I don't know Talk to them! thr*aten them! My people are my business, Vic! Gleb! Do you think it's hard for me to replace my staff members? Everyone is replaceable! It doesn't matter whether they're staff members or the boss! Gleb, do you understand that the police are searching for both - Safronov and the bot? If they find them, we'll all go to jail.

Don't generalize.

Nevertheless, Gleb, it's in our interests to get there first! If Safronov and the bot disappear forever, we won't have any problems.

That's it! - Did you hear that?

- Yes.

We need to find them before Varlamov's cops do.

You'll need to use your license.

That's it! Look.

What else do you need? You've got everyone going You blamed Toropov and what happened? Your Safronov kidnaps Arisa from the bid! I'll repeat - Safronov is the victim! Whatever he did, he was pressured by Toropov! You've got nothing on him! Do you understand how idiotic my position is now? Do you know how hard it was for me to get a warrant to impound Arisa? I'm being pressured.

Soon all our ranks will be in jeopardy! All the evidence is in Arisa's memory! Then find her! - I will.

- Find her! Do whatever you want, but we need something to substantiate your claims! Or we'll both go down! And another thing! In light of the latest events, you'll be joined by a man from the m*rder Department! - Anatoly! - That's it! Thank you! For going on the line for my folks.

I thought no one cared! We care! As Bars says,

- "life to the living".

No matter what we talk about, you always mention Bars.

He's my brother.

And you're my girl.

And I always choose you! Well, then you're unlucky with your family! Stop! Let her stay in the car! All right! Get in the car! So, where are they? In the car.

And what does that mean? What happened yesterday, before the competition? She almost k*lled me.

Bots are not programmed to harm people.

But this one? She can k*ll, right? Yes.

She can k*ll a person.

Great! I have one condition.

I give you your family, you give me Arisa.

All right! - Take her! - Turn her off! Off? I don't know how to turn her off! Do you think I'm so stupid? She'll k*ll us all, if I just take her like that! Cybernation not planned by the system! Shut your mouth! She can't be shut down! George is right! - No deal! - Hey! Stop! Where are you going? What do you mean, no deal? Freeze! I'm postponing our meeting.

I'll call you and tell you when and where! Our Department guarantees our patients' full safety during even the most complex operations on the brain and spinal cord.

The best doctors are providing consultation members of international medical associations.

In our surgery, we use the latest methods - Hey! - Hi.

- I need your help! - Everyone needs my help! I'm sorry, Madam, you can't use mobile devices in here.

- Come on! - Meaning? How dare you? - Lay off! - I'm calling security! Call whoever you want! I'll pay you, Lara! You'll be surprised to hear that I have something more important than money on my mind! I'll wait! Hello.

Are you Larisa Kuras? Yes.

- Follow me.

- That's it! Bye! Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Daniel Balash.

I'm the head of our clinic's NeurologyDepartment.

A pleasure! Your surgery is scheduled in two weeks.


I can't wait.

I even bought new pyjamas.

How are you feeling? Wonderful! Except for dizziness, nausea and fainting I'm feeling wonderful.

This is what worries me and I wanted to discuss In the operation line, your name suddenly made it from number 47 to number one.

I conducted a background check, and you know what I found? You've been tried three times for fraud.

And for cyber att*cks.

So you know what I did? I put you back to the very end of the line.

You bitch! Wait! You can't do this! If you att*ck our server even once more, Ms.

Kuras, I'll file a court complaint! And you'll finally get a real sentence.

Wait! I I don't have that much time! I can't wait two years! You saw my tests! Have you thought about the people you cut in front of? All right.

Let me pay for the surgery! - As you wish! - OK.

A line-free operation costs 18 million.

Are you nuts? Where am I supposed to get that money? Should have thought about it earlier! What? You think you're going to teach me? I'll tell you Security! Can you be more careful? Call Bars! Hey! What did you say about the money? SYSTEM ACTIVATED Choose the target! Choose the control system.

Voice control.

Choose the activation command.

Fire! System activated! Fire! Yes.

Hello! Gleb, I'm here! Boss, I really don't understand why we need the guy from the m*rder Department.

He'll stall us! Perhaps Svetov wants to punish you for going too far? Let me explain.

The case has to do with a bot.

That's our department.

But the bot is a k*ller.

That's the competence of the m*rder Department.

Altogether, this is a unique case.

The bosses simply don't know what to do with it.

Our mission is to find Safronov! What if Safronov is Toropov's accomplice? He hid a suspect Hid the robot That's impossible! Why? Safronov escaped several hours ago He's not calling us.

Not writing to us.

He will when he can.

You'd better go handle the k*ller.

As soon as we know who it is, we can track his contacts.

Sooner or later, they'll lead us to Toropov.

And yes Keep on questioning the Chronos security guards.

The ones who were on the show.

They didn't see anything either.

That's what they're saying! Because they were ordered too! Keep on digging! Maybe someone will confess! All right! - Pavel.

- Yes.

You need some rest! If I rest, everything will stop! So keep on working! - Hi! - Hi! - Are you Major Varlamov? - I am! Senior Detective Suponev! Murders Department.

We'll work together! Where are we going, George? Home! To get the travel passports.

Alla's and Egor's.

- That isn't safe.

- Why? The car has been at our place for 24 hours.

It's possibly on the search list.

I can call a taxi.

Call it! George, I'm registering your high level of emotional excitement! Is that because I couldn't stop Bars? It's because I'm a moron! Why did I think it would be easy? Toropov abducted my family, Egor's friends freed them.

Why is that? According to my data being in positive spirits isn't a mental defect! Positive, you say? Actually, you're right! There is something positive to it.

At least Egor will see who he's got in with! Who his Liquidator friends really are! Egor is in love! That feeling isn't good for objective evaluation.

He's more than in love! Why the hell did he have to fall for that Jeanna! Okay, that's all poetry.

Tell me, can I trust Bars? Is he telling the truth? Is he really going to let Alla and Sonia go? The possibility that he lied to you is 0,0373 %.

So he's not lying! No.

Unlike you.

Aren't you going to stick to the terms of your deal? Why should I? Not only did he take my family hostage, he's trying to make me follow new terms! What are you going to do? We need to get help! Get me Varlamov! You didn't keep the witness safe.

Did you have time to get the testimony? Not with a protocol! And you don't have the bot with the m*rder records.

It's getting suspicious.

So the witness is dead and the victim's corpse hasn't been seen by anyone.

What do you mean? Safronov saw it! The fugitive? Right I'm not even mentioning the fact that your main suspect is a bot! That's simply impossible! We've just opened the investigation.

If we had nothing to talk about, they wouldn't have sent the k*ller to the witness.

So if something doesn't suit you, nobody is keeping you.


The k*ller is a good argument.

Then digging for him, that's your department.

Hey! I really need your help! Really? Safronov called Varlamov.

His family is held by the Liquidators.

Bars wants to exchange them for Arisa.

So find out where the meeting will take place.

Varlamov must not make it there.

- Should I - No.

Varlamov simply shouldn't be there.

PHARMACY 1 It's damn annoying! Svetlana will simply go mad! Listen, let's make a deal.

My family isn't your concern.

Your job is to fix the bot.

To fix it.


But to fix something that you broke! Why are you so brave? Got a testosterone boost? Found a girl? Meanwhile, I'm paying you and you'll do whatever I tell you.

So fix the bot! And what shall we do with Arisa? Or is that not my problem either? Don't complicate things! Why did you promise 1,000 Arisas to Losev? We can't even make one copy from the prototype! Not to mention the fact that your factory isn't capable of doing anything like that! All the machinery is ten years too old! Are you done? You think you're so smart, Vic! You think you're invincible, that you'll run Chronos forever! That you simply don't care! But that will change! Maslovsky, let's make a deal for the 1,000 Arisas and the new factory.

That's not your call.

Your call is to do what I tell you, and I'm telling you to fix the bot! Mr.

Victor! Your wife is here to see you.

Hi, Svetlana! You were simply amazing! On that show, I mean.

Sit! - Thank you, Igor! - Why aren't you at home? You promised to give me back little Boris! I did all you asked! I hosted the show! I praised your robot as much as I could! Please give him back! I would.


But he's not here.

You promised! You promised me! Vic Vic, please! I feel that something is wrong with him.

He's okay! Right, Maslovsky? Yes, he's okay.

Tomorrow I will give you back your Boris.

Tomorrow you'll have him! All right! OK.

I'll be waiting.

Thank you! There! Now they're armed! But they're just kids! I think Safronov wouldn't agree with you! These kids took people hostage! I have a painkiller.

Want some? No No need! I need a clear head.

I think we need to call a SWAT team.

I wouldn't do that.

Seriously! First of all, we will know the address right before the meeting, before the exchange.

So we can't set a proper ambush.

Secondly, the SWAT boys are rough.

If the kids sh**t, they'll fire back! What does that mean? "Fire back"?! We've got hostages! That's exactly what I'm talking about! The fewer the better.

I agree with the Captain.

Especially since we did call on the SWAT team yesterday.

Pavel, you need to go to the hospital! - Have a pill! - Stop with your pills! Work comes before health! Do you want to help me? Get some coffee! Listen, I think a little painkiller won't hurt.

What do you think? All right! [Music starts]

He'll jump out He crept up quietly.

I'm follow him, hammer in hand Right! These chains can even hold Moose down! Moose, don't be offended! Can they hold down an iron k*ller-bot? Bars, where did I go wrong? No.

It's fine! I've worked with what I could! I've got my soul in this! Can you tell us what to do next? Is that Arisa really a k*ller? I thought it would be an easy job striking her energy black and that's that! That's all it would take! You know that! The boys and I are doubting whether you know what to do next! Doubting is normal! Arisa never doubts! And she'll simply break your crap and drive the shattered pieces through your neck! Got it? If I ask you to do something, you must do it! Did I ever fail you? We're at w*r, guys! Everyone except us has already capitulated! If we're not together, we're not warriors! We'll be crushed one by one! Sometimes the tactics have to change! That doesn't mean we don't have a plan If I managed to bend it, then Arisa will tear it apart.

Fix it! I won't have time! Try putting more of your soul into it! I didn't detect Toropov's men in the courtyard.

Good! Continue watching, I'll be right back! That doesn't mean we're not watched.

You shouldn't go there alone! - I'll just get the passports! - Be careful, George! Your emotional state is overwhelming! You shouldn't go alone in that state! Watch the courtyard, okay? Not me! OK? Come on! Hey.

Where is my family? Damn it, Leo! How did you get here? I just thought that it was time to settle it! As I see it, you've won back Alla? Leo, that's not the case! What do you mean? What about your "ideal family" that's on every channel? Why did Alla tell me she wanted to explain something? What does that mean? Leo! Your relationship with Alla has nothing to do with it! Why is her bracelet here? Where are the kids? Where is my family? Answer me! Alla and the children have been kidnapped! I'm going to free them! What do you mean - kidnapped? Do you know where their passports are? Call Varlamov! Safronov! I'm going with you! - Mom! - What? I'm thirsty! - I'll go.

- Stay with her.

I'll go myself.

Where can we get some water? The kitchen's there.

- What are we waiting for? - We're waiting for your husband.

He's stalling.

As soon as he calls, we'll meet and hand you over to him.

For now - you're safe.

The kitchen's there.

The fingerprints have been cut off.

On the forearm there's a tattoo.

No documents, no telephone.

The number on the g*n is absent.

A professional! I think so too.

The forensic expert thinks he's a vet.

He's got traces of an old wound Boss! Your phone! Hush! Don't wake him.

Let him rest.

CALL FROM: GEORGII SAFRONOV Boss! Your phone! Damn it! Get an ambulance now! I'll go with him.


We'll be in touch.

Zoom in! FROM: GEORGI SAFRONOV MEETING WITH BARS AT 3:00PM I thought that the operation was cancelled without Varlamov! You said the fewer the better.

We'll miss our chance We'll lose the bot.

But we'll frame your Safronov.

It's an open space.

We won't get close.

Does he even know you? If you come without your boss he'll panic.

It will get worse.

Not a problem.

I'll handle it.

Where are you going without armor? Wait by the car.

We'll go together.


System! Get a copy! Send it to Gleb! Don't go back to the city.

Go straight to Belarus.

There's practically no border.

Buy the tickets and fly out from Minsk.

- Why so complicated? - It's safe! What are you into again, Safronov? Yeah, yeah I really messed up! It happens - Alla has nothing to do with it! - We'll settle that on our own! Hear me out! Alla became a hostage! She didn't want to upset you.

That's why she kept silent! Please, take them away from here! I was about to do that before you got involved! - If you want, I'll apologize again! - Don't apologize! But I have a condition.

You disappear from Alla and Sonia's life forever! Got it? No calls, no contacts! Is it a deal? - Deal? - It's a deal! Do you understand how risky it is? You said it yourself - there's a k*ller bot! That's our job! You're too romantic! Here's the note! Hello! Yes? Hello? It's OK.

Pavel has been hospitalized.

He's asleep Good.

But there's something strange.

What? He's bleeding.

The tests have shown that our boss took some really strong anti-blood clot pill.

The doctors asked why he took it.

Do you know? No.

I'll call you back! How is he? The boss is fine! Listen, I've got a headache.

Do you have your pills, by any chance? Of course I do! There! What does that mean? It means, Stas, that when we get back to the Department, I'll give these pills to our experts.

Then you'll answer why you gave them to our boss! Damn you! Don't be so tense! Relax! There are several compartments in the tablet holder.

One has the painkillers, the other has varaphine.

- I simply mixed them up.

- We'll settle it in the Department.

Now put on the cuffs and get in the car! - What? - The cuffs! Now! - Maybe you shouldn't? - I'm serious! I told you, you shouldn't even try.

IT? I'm on the line! What the hell? I told you not to go through the main gate! There! Sit here quietly! Got it? - So there's no one there? - Everyone's gone! - And where's Bars? - I told you, everyone's gone! He asked you to wait for him! - Poor boys.

- Don't even bother! These freaks are all marked.

Fool your grandma and get rid of the housekeeper! They're not freaks! And I'm not a Liquidator! I'm by myself! So shut up! What?! So, Alla and Sonia are held by the Liquidators? Yes! They need the bot in exchange.

Your detective Will he come? I've already sent him the coordinates for the meeting! It's here! They're here! Great! They're here! You block the road.

Got it! - System! Voice change! - Voice changed! Show me the list of deleted targets.

- List confirmed.

- Tell me the activation code! - Fire! - Activation word intact! - Activate system! - System activated! Who did you drag along with you? No one else! They won't interfere with our plans.

SYSTEM ACTIVATED Let her put handcuffs on.


Bars! Attention! You're in our zone of fire.

- Bastard! Did you set us up? - Everyone freeze! Otherwise you'll be annihilated! What the hell is going on? Hands behind your head! On your knees Now! Is that your man? The cop? We only need Safronov, his family and the bot! I'll let everyone else go! g*ns on the ground! Quick! One by one, step out of the wagon.

Safronov's wife, then his kids! Alla, don't get out of the car! I'll count to three, then sh**t Safronov! - One, two - Alla, don't step out of the car! Aim at the center! Faster! - Jeanna! - Stop! - Start the car! - Fire! Fire! Jeanna, get to the car! Egor, to the car! System! Fire! Fire! SYSTEM ERROR Egor! Go! Go! In the car now! In the car! Egor! Go! Go! Let's go! Let's go! Arisa! Arisa! SYSTEM IS READY You alive? - Bars! - Jeanna! Jeanna was sh*t! We need to stop the bleeding! Binder! - George, I can help.

- Not now.

I need a Band-Aid! A clean one! Where is Bars?! Where is Bars?! It's okay! He's in the other car! Leo! We must stop! You hear me? - We must go back! Egor is there! - Alla, quiet down! Please, calm down! Please! No! No! No! We need to go back, you hear! Egor is there! We can't leave him there! Alla, I won't allow you to risk yourself or Sonia! Forgive me.

Egor is with Safronov! He'll be fine! You'll see.

- Here, guys.

- We need hot water! Bandages, towels Clean ones! Is that a g*nsh*t wound? I'm leaving! Stop! We had a deal! - That's a double fee for the risk.

- OK.


- Where's the robot? - Vulture! - Show her where the bot is! - Follow me.

Dad, help her! The girl needs to go to hospital! It's impossible to do it here You're a doctor! Help her! There's another problem.

We'll stay in touch! Get me the police broadcast! 5th! 5th! I'm the Owl.

g*n att*ck, 35th kilometer.

My partner was k*lled, I'm wounded! Show me tropical climate countries.

THE SYSTEM IS READY TO FUNCTION Stop! Show me tropical climate countries with no extradition! Stop! Show me the Solomon Islands.


In a week.

One way trip.