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02x02 - Tomatoes

Posted: 12/29/22 07:53
by bunniefuu
G'day, Melbourne!

How the f*ck are ya?

Baby! You nervous about the trip,

it's still like a week away.

Eight days.

Then why be interested

in what Avery thinks about you

getting it on with Mary Doyle?

But I didn't do

The point is that you gave them a


- Get off me!

- Give me the f*cking camera!


Hey, dickhead. Miss me?

You told me that she was overseas

but she's been in Queensland

this whole time.

Meg, you can't show up

after four years,

and just expect me

to hop on a plane with you.

OK, it will take two days,

tops. I promise.

Oh, it didn't take long, hey?

This one's a bit young though.

Sshh, sshh.



Yes, Matty?

What's wrong with Meg?

Darl? You got the bub?

Yeah, I'm just doing her bottle.

This is a boarding call

for Flight EH-545 to Brisbane.

We will begin boarding

in a few minutes at Gate 47.

I'm gonna look at headphones.

We would now like

to invite our priority passengers

to board from Gate 47.

You can et 'em if you want.

My shout.

Honestly, just get them.

I'm looking for more expensive ones.

I'm looking for more expensive ones.

Oh, f*ck

No, look, It's a one hour flight.

Please, it's so fluffy. Please!

Come on.

- Shit.

- What?

Oh, don't worry about it. Let's go.

No, there's heaps of time.

Sorry, mate.

Nah, they're boarding.

I heard them.

Meg, we have the join

the end of the queue.


Sorry, ma'am, I'll need you to move

to the back of the line.

I'm from Karingunna,

and it's my first time on a plane,

and I'm just really nervous,

so, um

Youse don't mind, do you?

Sorry, it's her first time on a


It's like a mentor-y thing.

Brisbane here we come.


- What was that about?

- Queues are for pussies.

Glad you haven't outgrown

the gendered slurs.

People who say "gendered slurs"

are c**ts.

All passengers

on Flight EH-454 to Brisbane.

Tell her give it to me right now,

tell her give it to me right now ♪

We ain't need to turn the lights

out ♪

We ain't need to turn

the lights out ♪

Tell her give it to me right now,

tell her give it to me right now ♪

We ain't need to turn the lights

out ♪

We ain't need to turn

the lights out ♪

Why not? It's a pub, it'll be open.

Because it's eleven

o'clock and the Valley

will be heaving of vomiting bogans

looking for a fight.

And besides, you're under age.

They won't let you in.

They'll let me in with you.

Meg, I've had three hours sleep

and I'm on my second hangover of the


I just need to go to bed.


I was on an overnight bus for seven

hours sitting next to some dude

who thought the 'Greyhound Magazine'

was sending him satanic messages,

but I'm not having a whinge.

Are you 520?


After you.

I'll leave my phone on.

So, just call me if you need


I don't have your number.

You used to.

Yeah. You changed it.

Oh. Yeah. I forgot.

I think I still got yours. Unless

No, it's the same.

Give me.


Are you OK?


See ya.

You just waved it in front of



It's good to see you.

How'd you figure

out it was this pub?

That's the post code.

And then I Google-stalked to find a

building that looked like it.

I can only read "four-zero".

That's the whole of Brisbane.

Yeah. Yeah, it took f*cking ages.

You say she worked here?

Yeah, she has an apron.

Oh, yeah.

No, sorry, she's unfamiliar.

I've been here nine years.

That's before they repainted

the balcony, so it's pre-2011.

Looked nicer the old way, I reckon.

Oh, Christ.

Don't you have, like,

employment records or something?

I mean, if she was a casual,

she coulda been paid in cash.

But I'll have a look.

What's her name?

Linda Adams.

Or maybe try her maiden name?


- What?

- 2010?

2010. You said you found these

a week ago.

I did.

And you said that this was a


I said, "Most recent".

It's 12 years ago, Meg.

People don't work in pubs

for 12 years.

Well, I didn't know the photo

was that old.

Well, I didn't know the photo

was that old.

And Stan at the 'Gunna Hotel'

started there in 1961!

Look, I understand

how much this means to you,

but you're gonna have to forgive me

for being a tiny bit pissed off

that you're dragging me on another

wild f*cking goose chase.

I'm not. I didn't know.

Morning, Patrick.

Sorry, love. No Adams, no McCaffreys.

Sorry about that.

While you're there

Whattaya having?

Um, lager. Whatever.

Just something without 'Boutique'

in the name.

Actually, Patrick might know.

What's that then?

Don't suppose you

recognise this one?

Yeah, I do remember her.

She wasn't here long,

and she was pretty quiet.

Oh, god. Now, what was her name?



That's it! Linda. Yeah, Linda.

No idea where she got to.

I remember Kaylee Pascoe.

Who's that?

Who's that?

Kaylee, the other bird.

She wasn't staff, she was a regular.

Very regular.

We did AA together in the end.

It sticks for some.

She was pretty wild back in the


but now she's a bloody saint.

Ended up down at St Abigail's,

looking after my uncle.

Still there, as far I know.

Kaylee that is, not my uncle.

Hundred and three he made it to.

Got a letter from the queen and all,

and he reckoned he wiped his arse

with it!

Which is a good story,

but I'm pretty sure he kept it

in his drawer.

Not long after that it was Kaylee

wiping his arse.

- Thank you.

- Bless 'er.

I hate these places.

Why? Oldies are hilarious.

You understand that it's very likely

they're not going to be still

be in touch, right?

Twelve years is a long time.

Some of us have been

in the same place for seventeen.

I just don't want you

to be disappointed.

Just take a seat.

Kaylee won't be too long.

Oh! You're here!


And I thought it was Tomatoes.


I thought it was Tomatoes again,

but it's you.

Jan! It's not Tomatoes!

It's a show.

Jan! It's not Tomatoes!

It's a show.

- What?

- A show! A concert!

Oh a concert! Lovely!

I thought it was Tomatoes.

So sorry, I think there's been some

sort of mis

Kaylee won't be too long.

She'll be out in a minute.

Hetty, darling,

be a total bloody sweetheart

and fetch that mag for me,

will you?

No, not that one,

the crappy one.


Oooh! I love that Grant Bunning.


Not him! The hairy one. See?

That's him.

Mrs Plunkett, this gentleman

isn't here to play a concert.

My arse he's not.

Because if I have to watch

'Fried Green Tomatoes'

one more time,

I'm going to set fire

to this f*cking place.

Excuse my language.

I heard you on 'Radio National'


You were quite good.

Thank you.

Barry! Concert!

You just turn that thing off

right now.

I don't really do

Oh, sweet boy.

Oh, sweet boy.

Just go over to that piano

and play us a song

so that us old buggers

have a few minutes of distraction

from our interminably boring

bowel-grumbling stumble

towards death, will you?

Try not to bitch about it.

I'll be in the front row.

It's a concert.

Hello, I'm Kaylee.

- You guys needed something.

- Hi.

Um, I'm Meg Adams,

and I'm looking for my mum, Linda.

Well, we only have one Linda.

And her kids are

Oh, no sorry, she's not,

like, an inmate. Um

She's Um

That's you, right?

You're Meg.


Shall we have a cuppa.

Once in a while ♪

Will you try to give

one little thought to me? ♪

Though someone else may be ♪

Nearer your heart ♪

Once in a while ♪

Will you dream of

the moments ahead ♪

He's not your dad, though.

No, he's um He's my godfather.

He's lovely.

Yeah, when he's doing this.

When he doesn't have a piano,

he's pretty annoying.

When you get sober,

it's hard to go back.

You're not supposed to go back.

It's hard for me, to look at this,

because I

Are you sure you want to know all


Yeah, please. If you don't

If you don't mind.


So, Linda was really unwell

when I met her

So, Linda was really unwell

when I met her

and I wasn't much help.

We weren't exactly

what we needed for each other.

But, I adored her, though.

Your mum was, um

very depressed.

Do you understand that?


But she talked about you all the

time, about you and your brother

and about how she was going to get

well and go home.

But she struggled with that.

Mostly because the only way she knew

how to deal with the sadness was


it doesn't really matter, but

not just booze. Yeah?


She worked at the pub

for about two months.

About a year after that,

she, um she had a really bad



It's OK.

Your mum ended up in hospital.

That's what made me

start going to meetings.

I'll always remember that.

It's the best thing that

happened to both of us in a way.

She started seeing a counsellor,

she got clean.

My group told me not to,

but I saw her one more time.

Actually Here.

She was so beautiful that day

and she was happy.

She said she was going home

to you.

She didn't.

I always wondered.

But she wanted, you said.

It's all she wanted.

Code Blue in Iris Wing.

Code Blue.

Bugger. That's me, I'm afraid.

I'm sorry I don't know more.

Thank you. That was


- Thank you.

Oh, um, Meg


She wasn't 'Adams'.

She was 'Johnson'.

She wasn't 'Adams'.

She was 'Johnson'.

I don't suppose that will help,


Thank you.

Meg, I just don't think

you're going to find her online.

I mean, there'll be hundreds

of Linda Johnsons.


And anyway, from the sounds of things

she wasn't isn't your

a post-pictures-of-your-labradoodle

kind of person.

Look, I have to go back to Sydney,


Like, now, today.


Look, I said I'd help you,

and I did. OK?

And I get how badly I get it.


But you're not going to find her

on Facebook.

She could be anywhere, Meg.

She could be in Port Hedland

or, f*cking Peru.

She could be dead.

Can you just shut the f*ck up, Lucky?


Yeah, I had the red wine.

And the white wine.

And one of the little vodkas.

And the chocolate-covered peanuts.

Meg did you have anything

from the minibar?

- Nah.

- Could you

Um, could you sort us a taxi

to the airport, please?


Hi, there. Can I just

get a taxi to the airport


Let's go.

Oh, my god!

- Oh, f*ck me!

- Sorry, bro.

Jesus, Jaxon. What the f*ck?

Sorry. I was just worried,

you know?

Who's this?

Sorry. I'm Jaxon, with a 'X'.


Yeah, Meg's boyfriend.


Hold on.

Are you stalking her?

Oh, settle down, Lucky.

How did you find me?

'Find My Friends'.

No, I switched that off.

No, you switched off 'Glympse'.


Look, Meg, I'm just worried about


I don't want to put any pressure on

you either way,

but I just wanted to be here.

- Jaxon.

But I just wanted to be here.

- Jaxon.

Besides, besides

It's not just your decision.

It's both of ours.

- Shut the f*ck up.

Hold on. Sorry. Hold on.

Are you Meg

Are you pregnant?


Are you f*cking kidding me?

You're pregnant?!

I'm seventeen and I live in


Of course I'm f*cking pregnant!


So much conditioner.


No, sorry, we need two to Bourke

and one to Sydney.

Right, and you're going to

Hey, I think you guys

might want to have a look at this.

I'm Flynn, and I'm going to Sydney.

And Manu and Adams

are going to Bourke.

Right, go it.

So, we have one to Bourke,

and two to Sydney.

No, sorry.

I need two to Bourke

and one to Sydney.

Yes, but we have one to Bourke

and two to Sydney available. OK?

Yes, but we have one to Bourke

and two to Sydney available. OK?

Hey, you guys

want to have a squiz? I think

Holy f*cking shit!

Holy shit, Lucky!

I told you so.

OK, we're just going to need one


That's her only post.

Just that photo. Uploaded July

Just give me a minute.

Avery, are you alright?

No, I'm not alright.


- Have you seen the video?

- What video? I haven't

I said, you guys might want

to take a look.

Of course I'm f*cking pregnant!

Oh, shit. No. OK, right.

That is absolutely not what it,

obviously, what it seems to

wrecks my reputation.

I get that, but I didn't know people

were filming. I know

It's my career you're ruining.

I know it's your

f*cking shit-itty.

Cairns! Cairns! She put a place of

work in her profile! Some farm!

What about Cairns?

Plenty of seats to sunny Cairns.

Lucky, we have to go!

So, three tickets to Cairns?

OK, no! Stop! Just stop!

Look, Meg, I did what I said

I was going to do,

I brought you to Brisbane.

OK, but my life is falling apart,

and I have to go home now.

OK, but my life is falling apart,

and I have to go home now.

And you have to get back to your dad

and stop avoiding your problems.

- Oh, you can talk.

- What does that mean?

So, one ticket to Sydney?

Please one more day.

Meg, you don't understand.

Even if I wanted to, which I don't,

I can't go to Cairns.

I don't go to Cairns.

Why the f*ck not?

Too sticky.

Lucky, sit down.

- No, I don't want to sit down.

- Mm, yep.

Just sit down for a second.

Come on.

Thank you. Thank you.

- I don't want to

- Lucky, sit!

I am begging you for your help

for one more day.

We've come this far

- No, no, no. There is no way.

And every time you say,

"There's no way",

there's been a way.


Meg, do you understand

how far north Cairns is?

I'm sure they have sunscreen in


and I will buy you

a nice big sunhat. Just

Come on. One more step.

Come on. One more step.

For me.

Come on, for old time's sake.

That is not the sell you think it is.

I'll do you a deal.


We go to Cairns this evening, but

tomorrow morning,

before we do any Linda-chasing,

we find a family planning place

and you talk to a doctor.



- Fine.

- Fine.

Oh, and one more thing.

You're absolutely not taking old



Check it out, one two ♪

Hey, yo, hey, yo ♪

I came a long way

since back in the day ♪

From a teenager

trying to make a rap in this way ♪

From a teenager

trying to make a rap in this way ♪

Ever since I was a kid

I had something to say ♪

Rocking mics was a dream

I didn't care about pay ♪

I sacrificed late nights

and going out with my friends ♪

Just to stay home alone

with my pad and my pen ♪

Had my eyes on my prize,

my mind on my goal ♪

As I carved these rhymes out ♪

With my hear and my soul ♪

I didn't have a CD,

all I had was a tape ♪

On the dole through my flow

was my only escape ♪

From a world where they didn't want

to see my prevail ♪

Didn't want to see me take it all ♪

They'd rather see me fail ♪

Its like ♪

I was down and out ♪

Struggling ♪

Wondered how I'm

gonna make it through ♪

I got a dream, I got a dream ♪

Holding old ♪

I'm gonna hold on ♪

I can't let go

'cause I gotta make it come true ♪

Hey, yo, I got a dream

to make it big in New York ♪

Give up the dr*gs and alcohol ♪

I didn't want to distort my vision

to be living life to the full ♪

And I wouldn't of made it I

f it wasn't for you ♪

You picked me up

every time that I fell ♪

When I was going through hell,

you told me that I would prevail ♪

You said I had exactly what it took

to be great ♪

You said I had exactly what it took

to be great ♪

That I was young and in future

would a man I would make ♪

It's like you saw something in me

I couldn't see ♪

You said I would succeed

and be anything I wanted to be ♪

I'm 23 and I just want to be me ♪

I want to be free want

to be everything I can be ♪

But I don't have many choices ♪

Can't afford to be wrong ♪

All I do is try to stay true

to the words of my song ♪

Just don't hesitate

and wait too long ♪

'Cause like a dream when you wake

up it's gone it's gone. ♪