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01x08 - Day Eight

Posted: 12/29/22 07:51
by bunniefuu
Been talking to the others, Lucky, and you need to come home.

Everyone makes mistakes ANDY: You drove her ? To Kalgoorlie? Her mum's not in Kal, is she? Mate, her her mum pissed off when she was a bub.

I'm sorry I lied about Mum.

You've gotta call your dad.

She's really good!

- Gran! Stop it!


Mmm it'll be more peaceful, not having you turn up every other day bashing away.

It's your anyway, it always was, since the day we moved in here and you walked up to it and - you put your fingers - I know the story, Mum.

Just give it time.

He loves you, Lucky.

He'll come round.

MEG: This is where you grew up?

- Uh-huh.

- I can totally see why you hate it so much now.

I feel quite sorry for you.

Maybe we should organise, like, a fun-run? You know? To raise awareness.

- Come on, dickhead!


Hello? Hello? She's pretty, hey? SUZIE: Lucky? You're hurt.

I'm Meg.


I'm Suzie.

You are ? Lucky's driver.

Sort of.

Umm - We spoke on the phone?

- LUCKY: Meg is, umm

MEG: Yeah, he smashed into me, so I had to give him a lift.

From from Sydney? Yeah, nah, well Mildura?

SUZIE: Mildura? Yeah, err, have you been to Mildura? Umm

MEG: You don't have to.

I mean, it nice, but, you know.

Unless you're into oranges.

Are you into oranges?

- SUZIE: Err You had a car accident?

- Yeah, well

- MEG: Yeah, he doesn't believe in the mirrors.

- SUZIE: Was it bad?

MEG: Yeah, it was pretty bad.

It totalled his car.

Oh, but that's not what happened to his face.

That was a fight.

Although he pretty weird-looking anyway, to be fair.

I just don't How old are you? 16

- 13.

- And you were driving a car?

BOTH: A ute.

JENN: I didn't even know you had a car.

What happened to you? Hi, Mum.

I'm sorry I'm late.

You're always late, Lucky.

JENN: I don't know you.

No, umm I'm Meg.

Oh, g'day, Meg.

Are we related? - Oh, Mum, Christ!

- JENN: Well, you never know MEG: No he ran into my ute, and my arm was fractured, so he drove me to the hospital.


What was in it for him?

- A free ride?

- Oh, that sounds about right!


Are you gonna be a card the whole time I'm here? Is that your plan?

JENN: Oh, well, it just depends on how long you're here.

Or how long I am.

Where is she? She's at a birthday party, with Tobes.

They'll be back soon.

Who? My husband, and our daughter.

JENN: How close to death does a girl have to be to get a cup of tea? SUZIE: Good idea.

You idiot.

I've gotta give her a hand.

She seems okay.


Doctor says she's got days, at most.

Apparently, it's quite common to perk up just before.

The chemo's all out of her, and she's pretty off her face on morphine.

Will Meg want tea? She only drinks Fanta.

We have cordial Worth a try! Jenn's been going on about wanting a bloody swim.

Of course she has.

JENN: I would've liked a girl


Ah, but they were lovely boys though.

Always bickering.

Nothing serious, just just

JENN: Bad names and harmonies.

Oh, they were best friends.


I got my girls in the end.

You don't think he'll tell her, do you?

- SUZIE: Orange cordial?

- Ah, thank you.

- LUCKY: Just give it a minute, Mum.

- Okay.


- SUZIE: So, Meg.

Where are your parents? Ah, ooh.

I don't have a mum because she pissed off when I was a baby, and my dad's in Karingunna, but he's being really sad because of my brother who died.

So, I was just kind of like "bugger this".

So, I'm having a bit of a break.

Here they are! Ah.

BILLIE: I should give a lolly to Gran.

TOBY: Yeah, definitely.

Just don't wake her if she's sleeping.

Okay, squidface?

- BILLIE: She calls them nipples.

- TOBY: Hehe What?

BILLIE: Strawberries and cream.

Gran calls them nipples.

TOBY: Shh shh shh

TOBY: Wanna show Gran your parrot as well, Squid? Hello! Hi, Billie.

BILLIE: You're Uncle Lucky.

BILLIE: Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

- Wanna lolly?

- Aww, yeah.


What happened to your hand? I hurt it.

Durr! Ha! Yeah durr! Umm Billie, this is my friend Meg.



BILLIE: Nice to meet you.

I like ya boots.

MEG: Thank you! Err I like your hook.

- BILLIE: Hello, Gran.

- JENN: Hi, darling.

- BILLIE: Uncle Lucky's here!

- JENN: I know!

- BILLIE: Have a nipple.

- JENN: Thank you!

BILLIE: I can sing all of yours and Dad's songs.

I know them off by heart! Except for the ones with rude words, 'cos I'm not allowed to listen to them yet.

But I will be next year.

Next year ? Erm year after.


Well, when I'm 11.

I'm 9 now.

It was my birthday this week, wasn't it, Mum?

- Uh-huh!

- LUCKY: Yeah, I know.


I'm sorry I didn't bring you a card.


- Tobes What? I mean surely that was a f*cking joke, right?

- Dad! You said

- You're sorry you didn't get her a birthday card? That's what you're sorry for, is it, brother?

- LUCKY: No I was I was

- TOBY: I mean, you piss off for 8 years, then you rock back in with Mum 48 hours from kicking the bloody bucket.

- Oh, hold on!

- I'm not just rocking back in.

SUZIE: Toby, I think Lucky's just

- Oh, yeah yeah, here we go

- I'm not going anywhere

- TOBY: What, you're gonna defend him now, are ya?

- JENN: until I've had a swim.

- Mum! You're not having a swim!

- Look, just Just I did.

I brought something.

For you.

From Sydney.

It's out the front.

Can I go?

- Umm yeah?

- No.


No f*ck this.

- Toby? - TOBY: No.

Don't do that, okay.

I'm allowed.

- SUZIE: Hey - TOBY: He doesn't get to just come here,

- and

- SUZIE: Hey.

Hey hey hey Tobes

- Hey, Billie, umm.

- Yeah? MEG: Could you show me your room, please? I'd love to see your toys.

- BILLIE: Okay.

- Okay.





TOBY: Maybe I wanted it like that!



What happened to your face? Got in a fight.


Of course you did.

Umm we lost this lady's horse.


- SUZIE: What? TOBY: Why didn't you answer my texts? My phone didn't work, in the desert.

TOBY: Why in the name of Christ were you in the desert? Why didn't you just get on an aeroplane, two weeks ago, when I told you how sick she was.

Why didn't you just book a m*therf*cking flight and come home? It's just that

- TOBY: Oh

- I wanted Oh, you're broke again, are you?

TOBY: I mean, you're 42 years old mate.

How can you not have enough money, at your age

LUCKY: Toby I know this probably comes as a surprise to you, but not everyone just has money lying around.

Not everyone is given, for example, a house!

- Hey!

- LUCKY: And 3 million dollars

- We moved in here to look after her, you little shit!

- SUZIE: Shhh! SUZIE: Both of you

- Do you want to tell her?

- No!

- TOBY: He's not telling her!

- I'm asking what he wants.

Well I don't care what he wants! Why should we care? Selfish shit's never given a f*ck about anyone other than himself.

Oh, great.

That took, what? 10 minutes to get to TOBY: Did you just look at your wrist? To get to selfish?

- What, you've got an invisible watch on, have you?

- Is that all you've got after 8 years? That the only word you can think of is "selfish"?


Yeah, well give me something other then.

TOBY: Anything other than pure, unfettered narcissism.

- You are quite selfish

- For f*ck's sake, Mum.

JENN: I'm just saying Look, you have no right to her.

Do you understand me? I'm her dad.

Jesus! Why do you think I've stayed away?



MEG: You've got about 10 minutes, I reckon.

I told her that if she finishes her puzzle, I'd make sure her present's ready for her.

He's not selfish.

Sorry who are you? JENN: Oh, this is Meg.

She's Lucky's driver.

MEG: I mean, he can BE selfish.

You know? Definitely.

He can be a complete arsehole, but ah


but mostly I think he's just sad.

You know? It's like he's got a really old soul.

But not in a good way, though.

Not in a way people are like "She's so wise! She has a really old soul.

" I mean his soul is literally old.

It's like an old car that's, like, totally buggered.

But he's also like a kid at the same time.

It's like he never got started with being a grown-up.

But he can be really nice.

I mean, he did umm He had to drive me to the hospital, and, he punched the shit out of this bikie that was trying to pick a fight.


And he helped me get my wallet back, and, we buried a baby camel together.

You know.

How many people would do that? Sorry umm.

Billie said it was her birthday this week? Tuesday, it's the 15th, right? You probably don't believe in coincidences, but it's, err, it's really weird! Umm, hey, 'cos that was that was my brother's birthday.

Yeah, he would've been 20.

And there was this time, just a few days ago, but it feels like weeks, when, umm Lucky thought he'd saved my life, but, I told him to stop being a d*ck and everything, but, umm I dunno.

Maybe maybe he did.

So I suppose that's something else other than unfettled narcissus or, you know, whatever you said.



And he brought that f*cking piano this whole way, so


Do you know the thing that fucks with my head? After all this time, still just does my head in? If you and


If you hadn't have done what you did, she wouldn't exist.

She's just a baby, okay?


Oi! Squidface!


Go and see what Uncle Luck's got.


Do you wanna get up here with me? - BILLIE: Hm-hmm! - LUCKY: Ready on three? One, two

LUCKY: Budge over.

LUCKY: Right.

So, this was your great-gran Nell's piano.

Do you know about Nell? She was an amazing jazz piano player, right? Anyway, Nell taught my mum to play on this piano.

- Gran? - Yeah, your gran.

And Gran taught me.

And she's also teaching you, I think? We've lessons on Saturdays, except when I have footy, then we do it on Sundays, sometimes.

Well, not now, 'cos she's too sick.


I would've liked to teach you myself, but I've had to be away.

And I don't think I'm a very good teacher anyway.

I'm not patient like Gran.

So, this piano lived in that front room for 65 years and that's where your dad and I used to play when we were kids.

- Like in the photo?

- Yeah, like in that photo.

So, anyway, when you When I went away, I took this piano with me.

because Gran said it belonged to me, but I dunno I think it belongs here, probably? Never sounded quite right over there.

And then your gran sent me this video, a few weeks ago, and I could hear you playing on it.

and it was really beautiful! You were just on your little keyboard, but you're so good, Billie! You were playing that, umm I don't know where it comes from Da da da da - Da da It's that one.

- I made that up! Did ya? I thought you might've.

And so, I thought it's time you had a proper piano.

And I know it doesn't look fantastic, but it still sounds good, believe it or not.

It's got its own special sound, right? And all these dings and scratches, and broken bits, they're all part of why it sounds the way it does.

And you don't practice, okay? You don't think of it as practice, it's just playing.

You just play, whenever you feel like it.

Whatever you feel, you just play, okay? And and you can make heaps of mistakes.

And you never worry about that, because, sometimes, when you make mistakes, that's when you make something accidentally beautiful.


So this is yours.

This is yours now.

And I'm giving it to you because I can't give because I can't be a very good uncle.


Missed the Saturday dance Heard they crowded the floor

- WOMAN: This was her favourite song, you know.

- SUZIE: I know! It's becoming my least favourite.

They've been playing it for half an hour.

I thought I'd visit the club - LUCKY: Hop on! - Got as far as the door They'd have asked me about you Don't get around much anymore LUCKY: Ah here comes Billie for the bridge! Darling, I guess That my mind's more at ease But nevertheless (I dunno) why stir up memories? Been invited on dates Might have gone, but what for? Awfully different without you Don't get around much anymore One more time! Awfully different without you Don't get around much anymore Bah bah bah! - [TOBY LAUGHS]


Come in! It's open!


I think it's Andy.

LUCKY: Andy! Lucky.


We'll go find Meg.


Sorry to hear about your mum.


Good funeral? Yeah! Thanks.

It was really good.

Do you want a beer, or wine? No.

I'm off it for a bit, I reckon.

Umm, thanks.

Thanks for looking after her.

Reckon it was her looking after me! Most of the time.


She'll do that! MEG: Dad! Bubby girl!


Shh it's okay.

- MEG: I miss you!

- ANDY: Aww, sweetie-pie!

ANDY: It's gonna be okay.

ANDY: I miss you too.