04x01 - Shrimps and Prime Rib

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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04x01 - Shrimps and Prime Rib

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ T-E-E-N ♪

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S ♪

♪ Teen Titans, let's go ♪

♪ Teen Titans, go ♪

Hey, guys! Y'all ready
to bait some hooks?

- Fishing!
- What an appropriate activity for the Teen Titans.

We may not catch any fish,

but something tells me we're
going to catch a lot of laughs.

If the jokes are too small,
we'll have to throw them back.

Okay, I'll throw it back.

What's that noise?

It sounds so familiar.

Weird, why would we, the Teen
Titans, be alerted to a crime?

I know this sounds crazy,

but I think we're supposed
to be superheroes!

Don't you remember?

We used to fight tirelessly to save lives and inspire hearts.

We waged battle with evil itself in the name of justice.


- I got it!
- Okay.

How could we have forgotten the core
aspect of what makes us who we are?

I guess we've been busy
with other things.

Like eating hot peppers.

Magical bathroom adventures.


Dressing up like Grandma.

Totally organic crossovers.

Oh, and learning the value of the real estate investments.

Those were all
a waste of our time!

Except for the real estate advice,
that's a much better use of money

than, say, an unjustifiably expensive college education.

The Brain is on a rampage,
and only we can stop him!

We are superheroes,
and it's time to act like it!

But we have forgotten
how to be the heroes.

I have no doubt
it will come back to us.


Why did you just yell, "Titans"?

I don't know, it just came out of my
mouth when I was starting to leave,

but I feel like there's
more to it.

Careful with the generator.

It is crucial to my plan
for world domination.

Your plan stops here, Brain!

Oh, the Teen Titans.

I must admit, I'm surprised
to see you here.

We may be a little rusty,

but when evil threatens
the good people of the world,

the Teen Titans will be there!

Titans! Uh...

Titans, what?

I'm still drawing a blank here.

- Titans...
- Eat tacos?

No, that's not right.
Help me out.

- Titans...
- Enter a surfing competition?

Take a vacay to Croatia?

No, no. It was something
quick and energetic.

- Titans...
- Commune with nature?

Pet the kitty?

No, no, no, no.
It's, uh...


All right, they've got the
generator, but it's not too late.

We just need to get inside and destroy
it to stop Brain's evil plan.

Again, I think we should ask
someone else to handle this.

There is no one else!

We are the bulwark upon which
evil breaks, okay?

Fine. "Bulwark." Whatevs.
How do we get inside?

First, we need to take out
that robot guard.

Uh, anyone remember
how to do that?

Yo, that's my specialty.

I'm on it.

You about to be taken out, fool!

♪ Baby, come to my house ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ What's that smell in the air? ♪

♪ Come on now ♪

♪ Come on to the kitchen ♪

♪ Got something really, really special up in there ♪

♪ Shrimps and prime rib ♪

♪ Shows you how much I care ♪

♪ Shrimps and prime rib ♪

♪ I'm cooking me a rare ♪
♪ Baby girl, it's shrimp, prime rib ♪

♪ For you I'll cook it medium rare ♪

♪ Medium rare, baby ♪

♪ For you I'm cooking 'cause I care ♪

That's right, baby.

You enjoy yourself with
them shrimps and prime rib.


Dang. Beasty is totally
taking that robot out.

A special meal
for a special robot.

My man made those
good shrimps and prime rib.

The most romantic foods of all.

Shh! Quiet! Beast Boy
is about to finish him off.

- It is getting late.
- I better get going.

Let me walks you home, baby.

I had a great time
with you tonight.

- That is my father.
- I better go inside.

Yeah! I still gots it!

Friend Beast Boy has successfully
taken out the guard.

We are free to enter
The Brain's lair.

You were supposed to take
it out like a superhero.

Using your powers!

Oh, I did. With the power
of love, yo.

Let's just get in there.

We are the only heroes
that can save Jump City.

Titans! Um...

Still can't remember?

It's on the tip of my tongue.

Uh, walla-walla-bing-bang.

Titans... Shama-lama-moo-moo.
No, that's yours.

Gotta remember!

We need to bypass that camera
without being seen.

We'll have to be...


We are the craftiest!

Leave this to us.

♪ Arts and crafts arts and crafts ♪

♪ Glue the thing and cut the paper ♪

♪ La, la, la, la ♪

Is that a robot?

The glitter robot.
Her name is the Barbara Anne.

I made a robot too!
His name is Kevin.

Hey, there, Barbara Anne,

Hello, the Kevin.
I'm gonna kiss you.

- Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.
- Stop it, Barbara Anne, that tickles.

Superheroes do not play with glitter glue.

But you told us to be the crafty.

How is this pre-school garbage
supposed to get us

past the security camera?

This is the how.

Oh, hey, there, Barbara Anne.

Whatcha doin'?

Oh, I'm giving out the kisses today.

How does that sound, you big robot boy?

- Oh, that sounds lovely.
- Kiss, kiss.

- Um, oh. That's nice.
- Kiss, kiss, kiss.

Oh, Kevin, you dog.

Getting past these defenses will
require some fancy footwork.

Fancy footwork.

No, your powers!
Use your superpowers!

All right! Oh!

Fancy enough for you?

It was too fancy,
that's the problem.

There it is!

Time to take out that generator.

My specialty!

Who's getting all the shrimps
and the prime rib, generator?


Baby, it's not
what it looks like!

Destroy them.


We blew it! All that goofing around
and being silly ruined this mission!

- What are we gonna do?
- You know what to do!

Deep in your hearts, you know!

You mean, use our superpowers?

But I do not remember how!

It's like riding a bike.

Just try, and you'll remember!

Titans... Titans...
Titans, go!


Back off, Mallah.

Jump City's one and only superhero
team is back and stronger than ever!

I thought you said that only we could
do the savings of the daylights.

Obviously, we're not the only
heroes in the game.

But only we can destroy
that generator and...

Sure are a lot of superheroes.

Heh. But they're going to need
our help to take down The Brain.

I'd like to see you try, Titans.

Curse you.
Curse you all! My plan is ruined!


Looks like they gots it
under control, yo.


I guess the world
doesn't need us after all.

Hey, there may be a lot of superheroes
keeping the world safe...

But they ain't dancing around and
acting the fool like us, yo.

That's right.

Only the Teen Titans have the power
to sing dumb songs about food

or whatever.

And if we do not do it,
no one will.

Then let's do what we do best!

Titans, go!

♪ Shrimps and prime rib ♪

♪ Shows you how much I care ♪

♪ Shrimps and prime rib ♪

♪ I'm cooking me a rare ♪
♪ Baby girl, it's shrimp, prime rib ♪

♪ For you I'll cook it medium rare ♪

♪ Medium rare, baby ♪

♪ For you I'll cook it 'cause I care ♪

♪ Shrimps and prime rib ♪
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