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01x11 - The Only Thing I Have Left to Guide Me

Posted: 12/28/22 08:57
by bunniefuu
Episode 12: My Greatest Friend Time Traveler, Akemi Homura.

To be able to rewrite the past, you have crossed multiple parallel dimensions.

In pursuit of the ending that you wished for, you have repeatedly traveled between dimensions for the past month, right? Your existence answered a question.

Why Kaname Madoka possesses an incredible talent to be a Mahou Shoujo.

Now an acceptable hypothesis can be proposed.

The potential to be a Mahou Shoujo, is determined by the amount of cause-and-effect carried.

A queen of a country, or a messiah will not be discussed, but for Madoka, who grew up with an exceedingly normal life, it's hard to understand why such a huge cause-and-effect line is concentrated within her.

But Hey, Homura.

It could be that Madoka became a powerful Mahou because of your constant repeating of time.


The cause is you.

Specifically, it can be said to be a side effect of your magic.

What do you mean? There is only one reason why you reverse time.

That is the safety of Kaname Madoka.

For the same goal and reason, in the course of going back in time countless times, you could have probably twisted countless parallel worlds into a spiral.

With Kaname Madoka as the central axis.

If that's true, then the cause-and-effect lines of the impossibility of returning parallel worlds to equilibrium are all tied to Madoka, the axis of time.

So her unprecedented magical power index is immense.

The time that you repeat cycles all the cause-and-effect lines repeatedly.

And all of them are tied with Madoka.

Everything has led up to the current situation.

Nice work, Homura.

You made Madoka into the strongest Mahou Shoujo there ever was.

OP Episode 11 The Last Remaining Checkpoint Missing since the 12th.

The Mitakihara Middle School 2nd Year, Miki Sayaka-san.

Her body was found in a hotel in the city today.

Because the body's location did not show any signs of struggle, the police are investigating both the incident and the cause.

Next is the weather report.

Tonight, the Northwest wind will gradually get stronger, rain Welcome back.

Hey, Madoka.

About Sayaka-chan, do you really not know anything? Sayaka-chan and Kyoko-chan are both dead.

It's not completely unexpected, though.

It was foreshadowed a long time ago.

Are you trying to say that it doesn't matter? Even though they died because of you! For example, do you feel any sympathy for farm animals? And the process they go through to become your food? Stop it! That kind of reasoning is too irrational.

If you felt that the scene just now was cruel, then you didn't see it for what it really is.

They were chosen to be food for humans, and in exchange is protected from the competition of survival.

Reproducing without natural selection.

Cows, pigs, or chickens.

Compared to the other wild animals, their reproductive success as a species is incredible.

Don't we all want to live in an ideal environment of mutual survival? Are you implying that the logic is the same? You might as well say that compared to the way humans treat farm animals, we've always been treating you very laxly.

No matter how you look at it, we only had business after confirming that you are intelligent organisms.

You don't believe me? Then, I'll let you see some more.

History tells that the Incubator and humans walked together.

We have prehistoric records of when we began to interfere with your civilization.

Making contracts between countless maidens and Incubator.

Realizing their wishes, they then fall to despair.

Starting with a blessing, ending with a curse.

Until now, countless Mahou Shoujo have repeated this endless cycle.

This also brought many turning points in history.

People that bring society to a new stage.

Enough! Stop it! Everyone Everyone believed in you.

Clearly believing in you, yet only to be betrayed.

We did not betray them.

You could say that it was their own wishes.

No matter what the wish is, even if it's something within rational bounds, can definitely create a twist of sorts.

And from that day on, it's only rational to proceed to the worst conclusion.

If you want to call this kind of unpreventable conclusion a betrayal, then the wish itself was a mistake.

But, I wouldn't say it's foolish.

Because of their sacrifice, it's true that the development of human history is pushed a little forward.

Like that, in exchange for the the tears shed in the past, you have your lives now.

If you can correctly be aware of that fact, how can you treat these few people's fates differently? I've always been looking at them.

Don't you have any sympathy? Have you even tried to understand how painful it is for everyone? If we could understand that, then we wouldn't have come all the way to this planet.

On our civilization's star, emotions are an extremely rare phenomenon and considered a mental illness.

That's why we were surprised when we found you humans.

A world where each individual has its own set of emotions, yet live in harmony.

We have never even imagined such a thing.

If you had never come to this planet It might be that you all would still be naked and living in caves.

It's difficult.

Saying farewell to my own students in this way.

How painful.


Not even knowing what exactly happened is even harder There's a missing 3rd year, too.

Every faculty member was stirred up.

Is it true that nobody knows anything? Sayaka-chan seems to have had some problems with a friend involving love.

That child was greatly impacted, too.

Normally, that would end up becoming mere bittersweet memories, but it actually turned into this.

The police are planning to close the investigation by concluding the death was from weakness after running away from home.

They don't have any leads at all.

How's Madoka-chan? I don't know.

My instincts tell me that she should know something, but I can't tell if she's lying either.

This is the first time that I couldn't see through her heart.

How sad, she's clearly my own daughter Shunko is actually saying pessimistic things.

I felt that she was acting pretty strange recently.

She might be bearing some sort of burden on her own.

No matter how long I wait, she doesn't come and talk to me about it.

I had always felt that she relied on me quite a lot.

Kids that age will someday suddenly turn into adults.

Although it's a shock for the parents That's how it is? You can only believe in her.

Now Madoka-chan needs time to properly sort out her feelings.

You have to patiently wait it out.

Not being able to do anything is painful.

You can't always get what you want, Shunko.

Akemi Homura Can I come in? This is Walpurgis Night.

Kyoko-chan said so.

In order to eliminate a Mahou that one person alone could not defeat, she must fight together along with Homura-chan.

You were preparing here all this time, right? Will the whole city be in danger? It's different from previous Majou.

This one does not have the need to protect herself inside the barriers.

She just has to materialize once, and thousands of people will be sacrificed.

Then, she must definitely be defeated! Kyoko-chan is dead too.

The only Mahou Shoujo that can still fight her is you, Homura-chan.

So I will be enough by myself.

Even without Sakura Kyoko, I can defeat Walpurgis Night by myself.

Kyoko's help isn't something that I really need.

I was just giving her some face.

Really? How? I really want to believe in you.

I don't want to think that you're a liar.

But it doesn't feel like it will be so simple.

I can't believe that your words are true.

How can I show you my true feelings? Homura-chan? Because, I am Me and Madoka are people living in different times! I'm a person from the future.

Meeting Madoka over and over again.

Also watching you die, over and over again.

How can I save you? How can I change destiny? I searched for these answers, going back in time, over and over again.

That means Sorry! It's really ridiculous, right? It's sickening, right? To you, I'm only a transfer student that you've barely known for a month.

But, to me To me, you are.

The more I go back, the more skewed the time that you and I spend together become.

The feelings are skewed too, and our conversations are gradually becoming impossible to understand.

I've probably been lost for so long.

Homura-chan To save you.

That was my final wish.

And now, it is already my final checkpoint.

It's fine if you don't understand.

It's fine if I can't make you understand anything.

But I am still Please! Please let me protect you! The thunderclouds are breaking, gathering, and spinning with shocking power.

It's clearly a premonition of a supercell.

Issue the disaster warnings immediately! It's here.

So, spending the night outside today? Camping? That's right.

Today is a camp with everyone! Homura-chan.

This time, I must bring a conclusion! What is it, Madoka? I'm just going to the toilet.

Homura-chan said she can win by herself.

Is that true? Even if I were to say no, would you believe me? Right now, words are meaningless.

You should just watch how things end up.

Against the Walpurgis Night, how far can Akemi Homura go? Why does she fight and risk everything? Because she is still pursuing hope.

When she is forced to, she will also give up on this time axis, and continue fighting alone.

No matter how many times, she refuses to quit; therefore repeating this meaningless and endless cycle.

To her, stopping is equivalent to giving up.

When she realizes that anything she does is meaningless When she realizes for certain that anything she does cannot change your fate, Akemi Homura will fall into despair, and become a Grief Seed.

She understands that.

Therefore, it is not up to her at all.

Regardless of if she can win or not, her only option is to fight.

As long as she believes there is hope, she can't be saved? Right.

Just like all the past Mahou Shoujo.

Madoka, you've seen it too.

But, but! Where are you going? Mama.

I am going to save a friend.

Leave it to the firefighters.

Outsiders should not interfere.

I have to go! Your life does not only belong to you! Doing these kinds of reckless things will I know! I understand it well.

I love Mama and Papa, too.

I know how much you care about me.

I know I cannot throw myself away.

But this is different! Because everyone is important, everyone must be protected.

That's why I have a place that I definitely must go to! Can't you tell me the reason? Then bring me along with you.

No way, Mama should stay with Papa and Tatsuya.

Don't let them worry.

Mama, didn't you tell me that you raised me to be a good child? Not to tell lies, and not to do bad things.

Can you still trust me now, like you did before? Can you still believe that what I'm doing is right? You're definitely not doing something stupid? Or being deceived by someone? Thank you, Mama.

If it continues to advance I have to do something, to stop its advance! How?! Why.

? Why can't I defeat it, no matter how many times I try?! Everytime I go back in time, Madoka's burden will increase.

In the end, the things I do are still It's okay.

It's okay, Homura-chan.

Madoka Madoka, could it be?! Homura-chan.


If someone else tells me that having hope is a mistake, I will reject that statement every time.

No matter how many times I would have to.


My greatest friend.