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01x08 - I Was Stupid... So Stupid

Posted: 12/28/22 08:55
by bunniefuu
It's pretty easy once you know how to do it.

There's no way I can lose now.

You can have that.

You wanted it, didn't you? Hey I don't want to owe you anything.

We're even now, got it? Let's go, Madoka.

Sayaka-chan Sorry.

I'm a little tired.

Don't force yourself, I'll help you.

That idiot.

Episode 8 I'm such an idiot Sayaka-chan You shouldn't fight like that You're just lying when you say you're okay.

It's so painful to watch.

Just because you say you're okay doesn't mean you should go all out.

But if I hadn't done that, I wouldn't have won.

I don't have enough talent.

But even if you win, fighting like that isn't good for you.

What do you mean by that? I've already gotten this far.

What could I possibly do for myself? Sayaka-chan All I can do now is k*ll Witches.

I'm merely a rock with no other purpose in life a corpse that walks around, pretending to be alive.

What could someone do to help me? If you think about it, there's no purpose.

What could I do to make you happy, though? You would need to fight.

Kyubei already told me.

You're the most talented out of all of us.

You don't have to work as hard as I do in order to defeat Witches.

I can't Didn't you just say you wanted to do something for me? Try being in my position, then.

You obviously can't.

You won't give up your humanity out of pity.

It's not pity You can do anything, yet you refuse to do so.

That's why I have to.

Don't just sit back spouting those empty words.

Sayaka-chan Don't follow me.

I'm so stupid! Why the hell did I say that?! You can't do anything for me! Homura Walpurgis Night is predicted to appear around this perimeter.

What makes you say that? Statistics.

Statistics? I haven't heard anything about Walpurgis coming here.

How do you calculate these statistics, anyway? Neither of us trusts the other, but could you at least tell me a little bit more? I'd like to know as well, Akemi Homura.

What the f*ck are you doing here? Sorry I came uninvited.

I've come here tonight to report some information to you two.

Miki Sayaka's exhaustion is rapidly piling up.

Her ability to use magic hasn't changed, but it seems she's carrying a curse now.

And whose fault do you think that is? At this rate, we'll be dealing with something before Walpurgis Night even comes.

You two should be careful.

Huh? What do you mean by that? Shouldn't you be asking her that instead? I'm fairly certain that you're aware of this already, Akemi Homura.

As I thought.

I'd really like to know where you get all this information from.

Are you? You've already told us what you wanted to say.


You're just gonna let him go? Nothing will happen if I k*ll him.

Anyway, he said something bad was going to happen involving Miki Sayaka.

What's he talking about? Her Soul Gem has gathered too much filth.

If we don't purify it in time, the damage will be too much to reverse.

Homura The auxiliary verb, "must," means something that you are required to do.

While on the other hand, "have to" has a different I should have followed her Is this the way to your house, Shizuki-san? I don't think I've ever seen you go this way before.


I'm actually going in the complete opposite direction.

So, why are you going this way today? Kamijo-kun I need to talk to you about something.

Huh? She hasn't come home yet? Since yesterday? Yes.

I understand.


Sorry for bothering you.

Sayaka-chan I need to find her! Why don't you understand? You don't have much strength left.

You need to fight the Witches.

Shut up.

This has nothing to do with you.

Your Soul Gem is already at its limit.

If it's not purified soon, then Use this.

What are you planning now? That's enough.

You have no time to interrogate me.

Are you so unwilling to receive aid? I'm going to be a different Magical Girl than the rest of you.

I've decided that.

I will not fraternize with someone who uses and discards others.

I don't need anything in return.

I won't use my magic to benefit only myself.

You're going to die.

I would only die when I become unable to k*ll Witches.

In other words, I'll be completely useless, won't I? But that's fine.

This world doesn't need me if I'm unable to k*ll Witches.

Why are you saying that? I just want to help you.

Why can't you trust me? I wonder I just know that you're a liar.

You look like you've already given up on everything.

All you can do now is speak empty words.

Isn't it the same now? You say you want to help me, but you're actually thinking about something else, aren't you? I can see right through that act.

And because of that, you'll continue hurting Madoka.

This has nothing to do with Madoka.


All of this is for her.

You're sharp, I'll give you that.

Yes, you caught me.

I don't really want to help you.

But I don't want Madoka to see you destroy yourself.

If you don't accept my help, then you'll die either way.

And if you continue to hurt Madoka Then I might as well k*ll you here and now, Miki Sayaka! Hey, get out of here! Quick! What the hell was that? Didn't you want to help her? Let go of me.

Oh, I see.

As long as I hold you like this, you can't use that weird move of yours.

f*ck! Don't let them give you some weird excuse.

She needs to pay you back in full, man.

Women are Ret*rded.

You give them some money and they use it to buy some stupid shit.

I know, man.

We can't treat them as people.

You need to train them like they're a dog or something.

Pretty sure she'll like that, too.

Just thr*aten to slap the shit out of them, that'll shut them up.

And, the second you start being nice, they start talking about getting married or some shit.

You can't be too nice.

Look at that cabaret girl.

Do you really think she'll be making the same amount ten years from now? She needs to learn her place, right? Then they start moping around when you ditch them.

You're good at dealing with that, right, Shou-san? Must be nice.

I need to learn how Hey, tell me more about her.

What? That woman you were just talking about; tell me more about her.

Hey, kid, you're still in middle school, aren't you? You shouldn't be out this late.

That person must have cared about you and wanted to make you happy, so she tried her best, right? You knew that, though, didn't you? Yet you compare her to a dog.

Aren't you going to thank her? You're just going to ditch her because she's useless? Who the hell is this? A friend of yours? No.

Hey Is this world really worth protecting? What was I fighting for? Please, tell me.

I told you to tell me.

If you don't, I'll Where are you, Sayaka-chan? Do you hate me, too? If I hated you, would you change Sayaka-chan back to normal? I can't.

I don't have the power to do so.

Hey, you said that I could become a really powerful Magical Girl.

Was that true? "Powerful" is an understatement to say the least.

You can become a Magical Girl like no other.

Maybe even the most powerful in the world.

If I accepted that in the first place, would Sayaka-chan still have become a Magical Girl? Sayaka had her wish granted.

That's completely unrelated to you, Madoka.

Why me? I don't understand it myself.

Actually, your power's capability is so great that, theoretically, it shouldn't be possible.

I'd like an explanation, too.

Really? If that power was released, then we wouldn't be discussing miracles, but instead, the possibility of changing this world.

I still don't know why you're the only one with such potential.

I always thought of myself as a person without any redeeming qualities.

I can't help others, I can't achieve anything Maybe I'll just continue to live until I die.

And though it's regrettable, and though it makes me feel sad There's nothing I can do about it.

Reality seems to have turned out to be different.

Madoka, if you wished for it, you could even become an omnipotent god.

I I wonder if I could do the things you can't, Kyubei.

Like? If I formed a contract with you, could I return Sayaka-chan back to normal? I'm sure you could easily do that.

Is that wish worthy enough for you to give up your soul? If it's for Sayaka-chan, then yes.

I'll become a Magical Girl Th-That's horrible! You didn't have to k*ll him! Why must you always sacrifice yourself? Don't say you can't help anyone, or that you're worthless.

Don't say such things that depreciate yourself! Think about the people who care about you! Stop it already! There are people who would be sad if you're gone.

Why can't you realize that?! What about the people who wanted to protect you?! Homura-chan Have we Have we met before? That's I'm sorry.

I need to go find Sayaka-chan.

Wait It's already too late for Miki Sayaka I'm sorry.

Wait! Madoka! You know that was useless, right? You don't learn, do you? Even though I have a lot of replacements, having one destroyed for no reason is pretty troublesome.

It's such a waste.

This is the second time you've k*lled me.

And now I know what sort of technique you use.

That was time-manipulating magic, wasn't it? As I thought.

I had a feeling from the start.

You're not someone from this timeline, right? I know who you really are and what you're planning.

I see.

That explains why you're trying so hard to interfere.

Do you want to change Kaname Madoka's fate that much? Yes.

I'm not going to let you get your way, Kyubei.

Or should I call you Incubator.

I finally found you.

So how long do you plan on being stubborn for? I'm sorry I wasted your time.

What? That's not something you'd say.

I guess.

That's because I don't care anymore.

What is important to me? What is it I want to protect? I don't even know anymore.


The balance between hope and despair remains at zero.

You said that before, didn't you? I understand what you meant by that now.

Sure, I saved a few people, but the more people I save, the more hate and anger fills my heart.

I even hurt my best friend.

Sayaka, don't tell me you When wishing for someone else's happiness, someone must be cursed in order to keep the balance.

That's how Magical Girls work.

I'm such an idiot.

Sayaka! This country calls maturing women "girls," right? Since you're all going to be Witches someday, it'd make sense to call you "Magical Girls" first.

You may think I'm stupid, but I won't give up until we know she can't be saved.

Fujima Takuya Tanaka Kentaro I won't let that happen I won't let that happen.