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01x07 - Can You Face Your True Feelings?

Posted: 12/28/22 08:54
by bunniefuu
You lied to us.

I simply asked you to become a Magical Girl.

Though you could say that I left out some things.

Why didn't you tell us? Because you didn't ask.

Everything would have been fine if you hadn't found out.

Even Mami never realized it.

It's not like humans such as yourself are even aware of their souls to begin with.

It resides in the firing of your neurons.

It's there in your blood and in the beating of your heart.

If your body ceases to function, your soul will also cease to be.

In order to prevent that, I made your souls tangible.

I simply made them into something that you can easily hold on to and protect.

I did all of this so that you could fight Witches more effectively.

I never asked you to do something like that! You're not taking this seriously enough.

For example, let's say that you were to be stabbed in the stomach with a spear This is true pain.

You're down for the count after just one hit.

The only reason you were able to last as long as you did against Kyouko is because most of the pain was being blocked.

This is possible because your soul and your body have been separated.

That is the only reason you survived.

After a while, you'll learn to completely block out the pain.

Although that would also dull your reflexes, so I wouldn't recommend it.

Why? Why must we do this? Did you not have a wish you wanted fulfilled even if it meant a life of constant battle? Hasn't it already been granted? Episode 7 Can I face my true feelings? All rise.


You already knew, didn't you? Why didn't you tell us? Nobody has ever believed me before.

Why would Kyubei do something so cruel? He doesn't believe what he's doing is cruel.

A creature like him has no concept of human values.

He'll just say that it's a fair price for a miracle.

It's not fair at all! You saw what he did to her! Sayaka-chan only wanted to heal the one she loved.

You can't say that wasn't a miracle.

The impossible was made possible.

Even if Miki Sayaka were to spend her entire life taking care of him he would never have been able to play again.

Even an entire human life is not equivalent to a miracle.

But that's precisely what he's selling.

Will Sayaka-chan never be able to return to normal? I'll say this again.

Give up on Miki Sayaka.

But Sayaka-chan saved my life.

If she hadn't become a Magical Girl, both Hitomi and I would have died! Don't confuse gratitude for responsibility.

There is nothing you can do for her now.

You shouldn't feel any responsibility to her just because you don't want to feel accountable.

Why are you always so cold, Homura-chan? You're right.

I wonder if it's because I'm no longer human.

How can I even face Kyosuke like this? Hey, Blockhead.

How long are you going to keep moping around for? Let's go for a walk.

I have something to talk to you about.

So are you regretting having this done to your body? I think I'm pretty okay with it.

Regardless, I'm able to do what I want because of this power I've obtained.

It's not something you should be so upset over.

In your case, I'd say you're getting your just desserts.


Just think of it like that.

If you live only for your own sake, you're responsible for everything you do.

You've got no reason to be mad and nothing to regret.

It's a lot easier if you think of it like that.

Why did you bring me here? It's kind of a long story.

You hungry? Never waste food in front of me or I'll k*ll you.

This used to be my father's church.

He was too kind and honest for his own good.

Everyday, he would cry as he read the newspaper.

He was seriously distressed over the state of the world.

He believed a new doctrine was necessary for this new era.

That was what he believed.

So he began preaching things that were not a part of the usual teachings.

Of course, everyone stopped coming to the church.

He was even excommunicated from the main branch of the church.

No one took my father's words seriously.

It was to be expected.

To an outsider, it looked like some kind of weird cult.

No matter how obvious the messages my father tried to convey, people would shun him everywhere he went.

We had no food and no place to stay.

I couldn't accept it.

He hadn't said anything wrong.

It was just different.

That's all.

If they would just take five minutes to listen to what he had to say, they would understand that he wasn't wrong.

But even so no one listened.

It was painful.

I couldn't forgive them.

The fact that nobody would listen to him seriously I couldn't accept it.

That's why I asked Kyubei to grant my wish.

I wished that everyone would heed my father's words.

The next day, people were coming from all over to my father's church.

The numbers increased so much it was startling.

The whole while I did my best as a Magical Girl.

No matter how righteous my father's teachings were they couldn't do anything against Witches.

It was my turn to shine.

I worked hard like an idiot.

With one of us up on stage, and one of us in the back it felt like my father and I were saving the world.

But you see, my father found out about it.

When he realized that people were coming because of magic rather than faith, my father was furious.

He called me, his own daughter, a deceiving witch.

Isn't that a laugh? I was out there fighting Witches every night.

That's when my father broke down.

It was quite the spectacle.

He would drink himself silly every night as though he were possessed.

He eventually got everyone together and burned everything.

I was the only one left.

The wish I made destroyed my family.

It's because I made it without considering other people's feelings.

Because of that it was a disaster.

I made a promise to myself back then.

I vowed never to use magic for the sake of another again.

This power is only to be used for myself.

Miracles aren't free.

If you wish for hope, you will send out an equal amount of despair.

They are one and the same.

That's how the balance of this world is preserved.

Why did you tell me this? I think you should change that willful attitude of yours.

It's a life of just desserts.

Isn't this strange? You live only for your own sake.

Why are you so concerned about me? We both started from a mistaken conclusion.

There's no reason for you to continue on the path you've chosen.

You already paid plenty for it.

That's why I think you should think about changing your ways.

Like you? That's right.

I can see the differences between us.

And I can see that you've started down the wrong path.

I can't just sit and watch.

I think I misunderstood you before.

I apologize for that.

However, I don't regret using my wish for another's sake.

If I regret my decision now the feelings upon which it was based will be for naught.

That's my answer.

What are you As for me, I don't think I paid too high of a price.

If used correctly, this power is truly a beautiful thing.

By the way Where did you get those apples? Where did you get the money to pay for them? You can't say, can you? In that case, I can't eat that apple.

It wouldn't make me happy at all to receive one.

You fool! We're Magical Girls! There are no others like us! I will fight in my way.

If you don't like it, you're free to try and k*ll me like you did before.

I won't lose.

No hard feelings.

Sayaka-chan, good morning! Good morning, Sayaka-chan.

M-Morning! Where were you yesterday? Oh, I just had a slight cold.


It's all right.

I'm fine.

Don't worry.

Well then, let's Oh? Was Kamijo-kun already discharged from the hospital? Kamijo, are you doing all right? Yeah.

It won't help if I just stay home all day.

I'm supposed to be walking without crutches next week.

I'm so happy for him.

You should go say hi to him.

You haven't greeted him yet.

It's fine.

What did you want to talk about? It's a matter regarding love.

You see I've been hiding something from you and Madoka-san.

Huh? For a long time now I I've admired Kamijo Kyosuke-kun.

I-I see Who would've thought? That Kyosuke sure is a popular guy.

You and he grew up together, right? Well, if I had to say I'd say we just can't get rid of each other.

Is that really all? I've made my decision.

I will no longer lie to myself.

What about you? Sayaka-san, can you face your true feelings? Wh-What are you talking about? You are a very important friend to me.

I don't want this to turn into something bad.

You've had your eye on Kamijo-kun for much longer than I have.

So you should get first pick.

Hitomi I will confess to Kamijo-kun after school tomorrow.

I'll give you one day.

I'd like you to make a choice that you won't regret.

You have to decide whether you want to tell him how you feel.

I Madoka Can I come with you? I don't want you to be alone.

So please Why are you Why are you so kind? I'm not worth your time.

That's not true.

I had a regret today.

I thought, what if I hadn't saved Hitomi? It crossed my mind.

I'm completely unqualified to be an ally of justice.

There's no way I can face Mami-san like this.

Hitomi is going to steal Kyosuke from me! But there's nothing I can do! I'm already dead! I'm a zombie! I can't ask him to hold me with a body like this! I can't ask him to kiss me! Thank you.

I'm sorry.

Sayaka-chan I'm okay now.

I feel better after crying.

Let's go.

We have Witches to hunt.

You're only watching? That's unexpected.

She's fighting a Witch tonight, not a familiar.

It should drop some Grief Seeds.

This won't be for nothing.

So you're letting her have your prey for that reason? That idiot! She's losing already.

Sayaka-chan! I can't bear to watch any more of this.

That's enough.

Why don't you rest for a bit? Let me show you how it's done.

Hey! Don't interfere.

I can handle this on my own.

Sayaka-chan! She couldn't have It's really true! With a body like this I don't have to feel any pain at all! Stop Please stop Tensugi Takashi I'm going to be a different Magical Girl from all of you.

I've decided that.

I don't need anything in return.

I won't use magic for my own sake.

I'm such an idiot I'm such an idiot.