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01x03 - I'm Not Afraid of Anything Anymore

Posted: 12/28/22 08:51
by bunniefuu
You're here.

Here, this is for you.

Thanks for everything up to now.

You really are gifted at finding obscure CDs.

It's nothing like that.

I'm just lucky.

This person's live performance is incredible.

Sayaka, would you like to listen to it together? I-Is that okay? I wanted to let you listen to it through the speakers.

It's too bad we're in the hospital.

Episode 3 I'm Not Afraid of Anything Final Shot! Mami-san is still the coolest after all.

This isn't a show.

I hope you two don't forget how dangerous this is.

Yes, sir! There were no grief seeds this time.

The familiar we just encountered was a fragment of a Witch's body.

That's why it didn't have grief seeds.

It wasn't a Witch? We haven't seen any recently.

We can't afford to take familiars lightly, either.

If it matures, it will become the very Witch it split off from.

Now, let's go.

Have you two thought about your wishes? Madoka? Well, it might get harder to find the answer the more you think about it.

What was your wish like, Mami-san? Oh, of course you don't have to tell us if you don't want to.

Well, I I didn't even have time to think.

But I don't regret my decision.

The life I lead now is much better than being dead.

However, for those of you who have a choice, I hope that you will consider your options carefully before making a decision.

As that is the very thing that I was unable to do.

Hey, Mami-san.

Are all wishes only for the sake of the ones asking? For example Just as an example If there were someone who needed it more than me, and I used the wish for his sake Are you talking about Kamijou-kun? I said it's only an example! There is no rule which states that the receiver of the wish must be the contractor.

It's not as though it hasn't happened before.

However, it's not something to be admired.

If you want to fulfill someone else's wish, you must first make your goal clear.

Miki-san, are you hoping that he will help you fulfill your own dreams? Or do you want to show your kindness by fulfilling his dream? Mami-san.

Though they sound similar, they're two very different things.

That choice Don't you think it's too cruel when you put it that way? I'm sorry, but I should make this clear now.

If you don't get it straight, you will definitely regret your decision.

You're right.

I wasn't thinking carefully enough.


Making a decision is not a simple thing to do.

Don't rush it resulting in a poor choice.

On the contrary, I think it's best to choose as soon as possible.

That's no good.

Guys who try to rush things with girls always end up failing.

This really isn't a simple choice, is it? Even in my situation, I can't rush you.

It's prohibited to offer suggestions.

Couldn't I just become a Magical Girl? Madoka, did you know that despair is a source of power for our bodies? No, I didn't know that.

But I guess that's right.

I'm really dumb, clumsy, and have no special traits to speak of.

If I were able to become as cool and pretty as Mami-san, that would make me very happy.

If you become a Magical Girl, you would far surpass Mami's beauty.

Of course, that all depends on the wish you make to fulfill the contract.

You may even come to create a large Soul Gem.

Even I am unable to predict what will happen.

This is the first time I've met someone with such latent potential.

What are you talking about? You must be making that up.

I'm not.

Madoka, are you still awake? Yeah.

What's up? Oh, again? What are we gonna do with you? W-Water.

That damn baldy.

He should just let me drink what I want.

Thanks for the assist.

Would you like some hot choco? Yes, please.

Why does Mama like work so much? Working for that company can't be Mama's dream, right? Mama doesn't like to work, but she likes to do her best.

There are lots of things that are painful and ugly, but the satisfying feeling that you get at the end of the day – that is what's important to your Mama.

Although going to work isn't much of a dream, she's still living according to her ideals.

Sometimes dreams can be fulfilled that way.

Living according to your ideals as a dream? Everyone has a different opinion.

But that's what I love about your Mama.

I respect and feel proud of her.

She's a very outstanding person.

Do you understand now? You have put innocent bystanders in harm's way.

They have been chosen by Kyubei.

They are no longer bystanders.

You're persuading them both to become Magical Girls.

Is this not to your liking? Yes, it troubles me.

Especially that Kaname Madoka.

Oh? So you noticed it, too? Her latent potential.

For her sake, she must not make the contract.

Anyone stronger than you would become an obstacle, right? That's a really childish and arrogant way of thinking.

I do not wish to fight with you.

Well then, why don't you try to make yourself scarce? Tonight is the last time we will meet with words.

Sorry I'm late.

Weren't you going to see Kamijou-kun? It seems today just wasn't convenient.

And I even rushed all the way here.

How rude.

What's wrong? It looks like there's something there.

It's a grief seed! It's glowing! No way! What is this doing here? This is bad.

We should get out of here! It's going to turn into a reality marble soon.

That maze will appear again.

Madoka, do you have Mami-san's cell phone number? This is really bad.

Madoka, go on ahead and get Mami-san.

I'll stay here and keep watch.

No! That's crazy.

There's still some time left before the Witch inside emerges, but if a reality marble opens, you won't be able to get out.

Mami might not be able to reach you in time.

If that maze appears, we won't know the location of this thing.

We can't just leave it in a place like this.

Madoka, you go on ahead.

I'll follow Sayaka.

Mami can use her telepathy to tell where we are when she arrives.

If I stay here and watch the grief seed with Sayaka, I'll be able to lead Mami here as quickly as possible.

Thank you, Kyubei.

I'll bring Mami-san here immediately.

Are you scared, Sayaka? Of course I am.

If you've already decided on your wish, I can transform you into a Magical Girl here.

I'm counting on you if something happens.

But I think we should wait for now.

This is something very important to me.

If possible, I'd rather not decide it on a whim.

It's here, right? Kyubei, what's the situation? We're fine for now.

It doesn't look like it's going to hatch for a while.

Sayaka-chan, are you okay? I'm fine! I'm getting so bored here I think I might fall asleep.

However, if we use too much magical energy and excite the egg, things could get bad.

There's no need to rush.

Just try to cause as little noise as possible.

I understand.

I'm glad you made it.

Things are getting messy.

I know I said I'd teach you, but it looks like Sayaka was right this time.

This way we don't have to worry about the Witch escaping.

I'll say it again, you had better stop appearing.

I will be the one to hunt this beast.

Please withdraw from the area.

I can't do that.

We need to retrieve Miki-san and Kyubei.

I will guarantee their safety.

Do you really think I'll believe that? Th-This is foolish.

This is not the time for this.

I have no intention of hurting you.

But if you do something reckless, I can't ensure your safety.

This Witch is on a different level from the ones that you previously encountered.

If you behave yourself here, I'll release you when I come back.


Shall we? Yes.

Wait Excuse me, Mami-san.

Yes? I've been giving a lot of thought to my wish.

Have you decided? Yes.

But, well You might think that it sounds naive.

What kind of wish do you intend to make? I've never been outstanding at anything or had something I could brag about.

I'm sure I'm just going to become a useless burden to everyone as time goes on.

I really don't want that to happen.

When I met you, I saw that you were fighting for the sake of others.

You even told me that I could do it too.

That made me really happy.

Therefore, my wish is to become a Magical Girl.

Then even someone like me can help others.

I can live proudly that way.

That is my greatest wish.

It won't be fun.

You will get hurt, and there will be no time for you to do what you want or have relationships.

I understand that.

But even so, you persevere through it all, and I admire you for it.

I don't deserve anyone's admiration.

I'm just forcing myself to man up.

Even when I'm frightened or in pain, I have no one to tell.

All I can do is hide and cry.

Magical girls aren't as great as you think.

You're not alone anymore.

Really? Is that really how it is? From today onward, will you really fight alongside me? Will you stay by my side? Yes.

If you would allow me.

Well now, I thought I could maintain my mature image in front of you.

Looks like I'm just a clumsy kid.


But an opportunity like this only knocks once.

You should think of a wish that you want granted.

That's true.

It is a rare opportunity.

The contract is the contract; just think of the wish as a bonus.

Becoming a rich princess Having an awesome boyfriend Anything will do.

But I don't How about this? If you haven't decided by the time we vanquish this Witch, why don't you ask Kyubei for delicious cake and some good food? Ca-Cake? That's right.

A most delectable and luxurious cake.

Then we can have a party with everyone to commemorate the formation of our Magical Girl team! Becoming a Magical Girl with cake? If that doesn't sound good, you can think it over yourself.

Okay Mami.

The grief seed has begun moving.

It's becoming active.

You must make haste! Okay.

I hear you loud and clear.

Today, I'd like to get this over with quickly.

Ah, but My body feels so light.

This is the first time I've felt so happy fighting.

There's no longer any need to fear.

Because I'm not alone.

Sorry for the wait.

You made it.

Be careful, it's coming.

Sorry to ruin your big entrance.

One hit is all I need! Yes! Final Shot! It can't be Both of you! Quickly! You must make a contract with me! Madoka.


You must decide on your wishes.

Hurry! There's no need.

I will deal with him.

You have just avoided death.

Remember everything you just saw.

This is what it means to be a Magical Girl.

Give it.

Give it here.

That That belongs to Mami-san! I told you to give it back! That's Mami-san's! That's right.

These exist for the sake of Magical Girls.

The two of you have no right to touch it.

Illustration Tsuji Santa (nitroplus) Mami-san was a very kind and gentle person.

How disillusioned must one be to do battle? In order to show us, she Episode 4 There Exists Both Miracles and Magic There Exists Both Miracles and Magic