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03x24 - Back to School

Posted: 12/28/22 08:13
by bunniefuu
- Snack attack!


Don't waste my time.

- [monitor bleeping]
- MONITOR: Alert, alert.

Incoming transmission from
Super President Kickbutt.

Phoebe, we have a problem.

- I know.

Dad taught Chloe snack attack.

Not that.

It seems you've missed
your power assessment test

when you were in fifth grade

at the secret academy
of super power studies?

You know, SASS.

- Wh-what?

That's impossible.

I've never missed
a day of school in my life.

- [laughing]

Phoebe, remember that surprise
three-day weekend

we had in fifth grade?

- Sure. When they closed
the school on Friday

for locker waxing...

And now that I'm hearing it,
I realize is not a thing.

- I hacked into SASS mail
and sent you a message

saying there was no school,

ruining your stupid
perfect attendance.

- Max, how could you?

- With a computer and a dream.

I'm afraid I have to suspend you

from hero duties
until you go back to fifth grade

and pass that test.

- I can't go back
to fifth grade.

That's when I had a retainer
and my [with lisp] lisp.

Gosh. Just thinking about it
brings it back.

- [with lisp] Wish I could be
there to see that.

- You will be.

- [with lisp] Say what?

- You missed the test, too.

Pass this one or I'll throw you
in Hero League Junior Jail

for hacking
into school computers.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
it's time for my super snack.

- Snack attack!

Now that's a snack, baby.

- ♪ What you see
is not what you get ♪

♪ Living our lives
with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in,
bet you'd never guess ♪

♪ Because we're living our lives
just like all the rest ♪

♪ A picture-perfect family
is what we try to be ♪

♪ But closer you might see
the crazy things we do ♪

♪ This isn't make-believe ♪

♪ It's our reality ♪

♪ Just your average family
trying to be normal ♪

♪ And stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Living a double life ♪

- Ah! There's my two
little fifth graders.

- You guys have to repeat
the fifth grade?

- Join the club.

Seriously, we meet on Thursdays.

- We are not repeating
the fifth grade.

We're just going back
to Metroburg for a day

to take a test.

- I packed my little kiddies
some lunch.

Now does anyone
have to tinkle before you go?

- Mom, we're not little kids.

Aww, I got chocolate chip.

- No raisins? Tradesies?

- No tradesies backsies.

- Okay, Thundermans, line up.

As this family's president
of important stuff,

it's time for me to assign
our weekly chores.

Billy, you are on dishwashing.

- Yes!
- [whizzing sound]

- Did you say dishwashing
or fishwashing?

I'll just do both.

- Right, Nora, you're up next.

Your chore
is weeding the garden.

- What? But that's
the fourth time in a row.

- Well doing math
and your chores

at the exact same time?

You just earned a presidential
seal of approval.

- ♪

- Whoa! It feels so weird
to be back at SASS.

- Yep. This is where
the Max legend was born.

- This is where?

I thought
it was born in your mind?

- Are you kidding me?

I owned this place.


Excuse me, have you ever heard
of Max Thunderman?

- No. But I've heard
of Phoebe Thunderman.

OMG! You're her!

- That's enough.
- Is he your sidekick?

- Scram!

I don't care what she says.

My pranks were legendary.

In fact, I once magnetized
this very wall

and stuck this kid
named Metalbutt to it.

- That was mean.

- You're right. I am great.

- [siren wailing]
- HALL MONITOR: Warning!

You are in violation
of school uniform.

- Oh, hall monitor, we don't
actually go here. We're just--

- Prepare
for clothing enhancement.

- [laser zapping]

- And the legend continues.

- Hey! You get back here!

I'm a boy! I'm Max Thunderman.

Never heard of you.

- Dad, this is so unfair.

We're supposed to rotate chores.

When was the last time
you weeded the garden?

- Now, Nora.

You know your father
gets... gardener's calf.

- Sorry, sweetie.

As president of important stuff,

I've already assigned
the chores.

My hands are tied.

Yours should be weeding.

- You know, I don't remember
anyone electing you president.

- Honey, that's not
how we do it in this house.

- Well that's how
the country does it.

Are you saying the country
is wrong?

- No.

- Then I'd like to run
for president.

- Hank, can I talk to you
for a sec?

Oh, you need to shut this down.

If there's an election
and Nora wins,

she's going to be in charge
of assigning chores.

- Barb, relax.

There's no way
I'm going to allow an election.

- What's wrong, old man?

Afraid I'll beat you.

- Oh!
You got yourself an election.

- And remember,
when fighting a villain,

it's make him cower,
zap his power and take a shower.

That's right, kid.

Hip to hygiene, yo.

Oh, visitors.

You must be Max and Phoebe.

These kids also missed the test
and will be taking it with you.

Names and powers.

- Chester, porcupine powers.

- [spines zapping]

- Rodney, force fields.

- Jocelyn, glow in the dark.

- Keely, control of the weather.

- [thunder rumbles]
- [lightning striking]

- [bag hissing]
- My lunch!

- Still working on my aim.

- Well, I'm Max Thunderman.

Guessing you already know
what my powers are, right?

- Super pointing?

- Go make a rainbow.

- So, erm,
a couple of questions.

Do you grade on a curve?
Is there a time limit?

What about extra credit?

- I'll give you an extra point
right now

if you take your seat
and stop talking.

- You're down a point already,

- Hi. So you're not going to ask
Chester to the super dance,

are you?

- Gee. He seems very nice,
but he's a little too... ten.

- Good. 'Cause I, kind of,
have a crush on him,

but he likes Jocelyn.

And she doesn't even like him.

Can you believe that?

- Well, no way.

- Let's get our test on.


- Phoebe, does that assistant
look familiar to you?

- Quiet.
I'm arranging my test pencils.

- Today's test
will be in three parts.

Each team will have to pass
two of them to pass fifth grade.

Release the robot.

For this first test,

each team will need to combine
the items on the table,

into a w*apon to disable
the robot before it zaps you.

Jocelyn and Keely, you're up.

And go.

- If I knew fifth grade
was this easy,

I would have gone to class more.

We'll be out of here in no time.

- Don't be so sure, Max.

Remember me?

- [metal clanging]

- Metalbutt!

- Max?
Is that the same Metalbutt--

- Who your brother
stuck to a wall?

The same.
- Oh.

- Dude, you're still angry
about that?

- [sarcastic laugh]
It's dude now?

Not tin tush, or rust rump?

Because that's what
you used to call me.

- Tin tush.
That's pretty good.

- Not as good as the revenge
I'm gonna get on both of you.

- Me? What did I do?

- It's because of what you wrote
in my fifth grade yearbook.

Which was nothing!

- Twenty seconds girls.

- ROBOT: Acquiring target.

- [laser zapping]

- [applause]

- Where were we?

Right. I happen to know that
if you don't pass today's test,

Phoebe won't be
a superhero anymore

and Max goes to junior jail.

And I'm going to make sure
that happens.

- You? What can you do?

That guy's in charge.

- [spines zapping]

- Argh! Aah!

Leonard, you're in charge!

- So, do you grade on a curve?

- ♪

- All right, I'm just gonna call
Super President Kickbutt

and tell her that
this creepy assistant hates us

and plans to fail us
to get his revenge.

- No cellphones during the exam!

I'll just put this right here.

And sit on it.

- [phones crunching]

- You're up, Thunder-germs.

You have exactly one minute
to defeat the robot

using only the items
in front of you.

- A mop, a roller skate,
a clock radio, and some hay?

- The other kids got fuses and
power crystals and blast powder.

- Oh, well in that case... go!

- Uh... ah, okay,

what if I walk over to the robot
and hit it with the mop?

- Give me that,
I've got a better idea.

- ROBOT: seconds
to laser annihilation.

Acquiring target.

- Max, hurry up,
it's gonna zap up.

- Done!

- A girl robot?

Hey, now you have a date
to the super dance.

- [laughing] Pathetic.

- ROBOT: [wolf whistles]

- [romantic music]

- X robots can't withstand
high frequency,

so I rewired the clock's alarm.

- [clock buzzing]

- [robot exploding]

- No!

- [cheering]

- Very well.
You passed test number one.

Now, onto number two.

- Speaking of number two,
I've always wondered

with your metal butt,
how do you--

- I could tell you,
but you'll never un-hear it.

- Please--
- We're good.

- Welcome to the thriller
in Hiddenvilla!

- Say what now?

- This is where
Nora and Daddy Doofus

try to convince you
to vote for them

to be president
of important stuff.

- Why do you get to ask
the questions?

- Would you rather have Billy?

- Check it out.

I'm that lady on the dollar.

- Carry on.

- Hank, you're old,
so you get the first question.

Why would anyone
in their right mind

vote for you to be president?

- That is an excellent question.

Let me respond by saying,
who wants chocolate?

- [patriotic music playing]

- What's more American
than Swiss chocolate?

- Yay, America!

- ♪

- Moving on.


Why should you be president?

- Well, if you vote for me
I will listen to you

and give out chores
in a fair manner,

because, one day, dad's
chocolate fountain will run out

and when it does--

- I'll bring in the carnival!

Come on in, guys!

- [music playing]

- [party blowers hooting]

- Alright, guys, it's time
for test number two.

Chester and Rodney, you're up.

- This one's for you, Jocelyn.

- Don't care.
Don't like you.

- Did you see that?

Chester's completely crushed out
on Jocelyn.

Barely knows I exist.

- Hey, look, Keely.

Do you want some advice
from someone

who's had crushes on boys
that did not notice her?

- I'd prefer to get advice
from a teenager

who isn't repeating fifth grade.

But go ahead.

- Stop worrying so much
about being noticed.

You're smart, you're sweet,
and you can control the weather.

If Chester has half a brain,
he'll notice you.

- You think so?

- Yes.

And if he doesn't,
you can make it hail ice balls

on his big, dumb head.

- Thanks.

- Done!
- Done!

- [applause]

- Okay, that means
it's Max and Phoebe's turn.

Come on up, guys.

And since you're so great
and super,

why don't we switch things up
a bit to keep it interesting.

- Switch it up all you want.

Nothing can keep us
from winning.

- Three, two, one.

- [buzzer beeping]
- Ha, ha, you lost.

- Maybe that's because... we're
in straitjackets!

- Yeah.
This is totally unfair.

- So is needing a screwdriver
to go to the bathroom!

You're just making excuses,
because everyone else passed.

- We haven't even gone yet.

- I said you passed!

- The voting started, Hank.

Please tell me
you have this under control.

- The kids love me.

I'm, for sure, going to get
Billy and Chloe's votes.

- How do you spell Nora?

- It's okay. With our two votes,
all I really need is Billy's.

- How do you spell Nora?

- Where did I go wrong, Barb?

I gave them chocolate,
jugglers, a tap dancing clown.

- [clown tap-dancing]

- You can go home now, Tapsy.

- I guess Nora was right.

The kids want a president
who will listen and be fair.

- Well, that hasn't been me
at all.

All I've really done is
mess things up with my daughter.

Nora, can I talk to you?

- Sure,
President Fudge Fountain.

- I owe you an apology.

You were right.

I did not listen to you,
and a good president

listens to the people
he or she leads.

I'd be proud
to call you my president.

Okay, Barb,
time to read the votes.

- Oh wait! Don't forget mine.

- Listen, when you win this,

I'll let you eat cake
for breakfast

if you don't make me
clean the toilets.

Alright, here we go!

One vote for Hank.

- Thank you, sweetie.

- Two votes for Hank.

- Thank you, self.

- One vote for Nora.

Two votes for Nora.

This vote must be Nora's,

I guess
we don't have to read it.

- Oh you read it nice and loud.

- Three votes for Hank.

You're father wins!

- The chocolate fountain guy?

He was my second choice!

- Sweetie, after all that
you voted for me?

How come?

- You admitted that you should
have listened to us more,

and that's all I really wanted.

- Help!

This might have been a mistake.


- All right, Max, this is it.

If we don't pass this test,
I'm no longer a superhero

and you go to jail a lot sooner
than everyone expected.

- Okay. For our last test,

you have to cross the room,
save the dummy,

and get back all while dodging
burning hot lasers.

Ooh, they look lethal.

Let's start with Max and Phoebe.

- Mr. Silver Eagle
says students should always

wear protective gear
when they use lasers.

- Well, Mr. Silver Eagle
isn't here,

so shut your hero hole!

You two! Go!

- [lasers bleeping]

- He cranked it up to extreme!

- Then we need to crank it up
to extreme.

- Did you really just say that?

- Yep.

- ♪

- We have to help them!

- I know!

Maybe I can take out the lasers
with the blaster

we used on the robot.

- [alarm ringing]

- What is happening?

- [metal clanging]

- The blast
must have magnetized the logo.

- Hilarious.

Let's grab the dummy and run.

- No, Max.
We have to save Leonard.

- What?

That Leonard?

The Leonard that wants you
to lose your cape?

The Leonard who wants
to send me to junior jail?

The Leonard who--
- Yes, stop describing him.

- But we'll fail.


- Get away from me.
Don't touch me.

We're mortal enemies.

- We're not mortal enemies,
calm down.

Let us save you.

- Trickery!

- We're not tricking you.

Max, I'll buy us some time.

- Look, I'm sorry I called you
names at school

and, also today...

and just a second ago
under my breath.

But it's just because
I was a jerk

and trying to make a name
for myself.

So will you let us save you?

Phoebe, the magnetism's
too strong.

- We need to neutralize
the magnetic field.


Use your weather powers to form
a rain cloud over Leonard.

- On it.

- Good. Now hit the logo
with a lightning bolt.

- What?

- My aim isn't good enough.

I might hit one of you.

- No you won't.
I believe in you.

Now do it!

- [lighting striking]

- [lasers zapping]

- [horn blaring]

- [cheering]

- Sorry, looks like you failed.

J-K! That was amaze balls!

Best save ever!

Real sixth grade stuff.


I know you're behind this.

I'm bumping you down
to the third graders.

- What? No!

They're monsters!

- Let's go, brass booty!

- Keely, you were awesome.

Maybe we can go
to the super dance together?

- Erm, maybe, I'll let you know.

Excuse me a sec.

Chester says he wants to go
to the super dance with me.

- Congratulations.

- Thanks for believing in me.

- Maybe I'll see you round.

- Hey, Max!

That was so cool!

Will you sign my notebook?

- Uh, sure.

Look at that, Phoebe.

Looks like I will be remembered
after all.

- You bet!

The big-hearted hero
who saved Leonard,

and loves his sister.

- What?

No, that's--that's not how
I want to be remembered.

Get back here, kid.

Stop remembering me!

- ♪