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03x20 - Can't Spy Me Love

Posted: 12/28/22 08:11
by bunniefuu
- Uh, chicken wings, uh,
tots, onion rings, and splat.

- [machine gurgling]

- Yep, we got a jam.

- Should we get
the tube sweeper?

- Nah, it's being used
by table five.

- Yeah, let's switch tables.

- Maybe I can help.

- Let's stay.

- [machine whirrs]

- Whoo, hey, thanks.

- You wanna thank me,
let me buy you lunch sometime.

- We haven't paid
for this mess yet.

- [laughs]

- Sorry, I'm...kinda into paying
for my own meals right now.

- And her best friend.

She also pays
for her best friend.

- Well, it was nice
talking to you.

- What was wrong with him?

- Uh, I'm just not ready
to date again yet.

It hasn't been that long
since Link moved.

- When will you be ready?

- I guess I'll know
when I get a sign.

- [phone meowing]

- Sorry, let me get this.

Oh, it's not me.

- Yeah, it's him.

- Oh, sorry. I don't know how

"Classical Cats Volume "
got on my phone.

- I have the same ringtone.

- Okay. I lied,
I put that on my phone.

- They're great, right?

Who needs Mozart
when you can have Meow-zart?

- [laughs]

- Wait. You're reading
"The Yellow Bandana?"

- It's kinda
my favorite book.

- Get out!
It's my favorite book.

I've read it like five times.

And I've even listened
to the audiobook.

- Have you heard
the one read by cats?

- They have that?

- No,
but that would be awesome.

- [laughing]

- Oh, thank you, good sir. was nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you, too.

So, like I was saying, um, yeah,

I'll know it's time
to date again when I get a sign.

- Phoebe, I'm not usually
ahead of you on these things--

- Great Meow-zart's ghost,
that was like a million signs.

- Donate
to the hoverboard foundation?

- What's the money go to?

- Buying me a hoverboard.

- Well, in that case,
here's an onion ring.

- I never liked you.

- I missed him.

I guess it's not meant to be.

- Or is it?

Look, he left his book.

- Oh.

Well, I guess I could
just hold onto this

in case I run into him again.

Come on, let's pay
and get out of here.

- Uh, where'd my purse go?

[clears throat]

- What?

It's for charity.

- ♪ What you see
is not what you get ♪

♪ Living our lives
with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in,
bet you'd never guess ♪

♪ Because we're living our lives
just like all the rest ♪

♪ A picture-perfect family
is what we try to be ♪

♪ But closer you might see
the crazy things we do ♪

♪ This isn't make-believe ♪

♪ It's our reality ♪

♪ Just your average family
trying to be normal ♪

♪ And stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Living a double life ♪

- Donate
to the hoverboard foundation.

Every penny counts.

Unless it's a penny.

- Eh!

- Cherry, prepare
to have your mind blown.


- Whoa! Two books!

I don't get it.

- Check it out.

This is my copy
of "The Yellow Bandana."

This is my crush's copy.


I underlined this sentence.

He underlined this sentence.

Look, I put a star
next to this part.

He did, too.

- Yeah, but what's this?

- Uh, that's just a food stain.

- You're both sloppy eaters?

It's like you're soulmates.

- Yeah, well,
none of that matters,

because it's been
like five days,

and I still
haven't run into him.

Maybe I never will.

- Hey, what if you use
your super powers

to freeze everyone in town,

then dig through
the lifeless bodies

until you find him?

- This is why
you're not a superhero.

- What about
your Hero League tablet?

Don't you have some kind
of search for a bad guy app?

- Yeah, that thing
can find anyone.

But it's for official
Hero League business only.

They call it Find a Fiend.

Not Find a Cute Guy or May
or May Not Be Perfect For You.

Look, if it's meant to be,
it's meant to be.

After school, I'm just gonna go
to Splat Burger,

sit quietly, and wait for fate
to bring him back to me.


Nobody here's seen the boy
reading this book? Nobody?

- ♪

- Not even close to enough money
for a hoverboard.

What are we going to do now,

- COLOSSO: We use
the old metal detector.

- [metal detector beeping]

- Oh, I'm getting a hit already.

- I'm gonna hit you.

That's the can.

- Burn! Burn!

- Burn! Burn! Burn, ninja! Burn!

- Okay, that's enough
ninja burn for one day.

- Uh... why?

That's the whole question,
just why.

- We were at some kind
of ninja birthday party.

- It's called
"Ninja Burners," Dad.

- "Ninja Burners"
is our favorite show.

- Oh, right,
I saw that on the DVR...

right before I erased it.

- Ninja Burn!
- Hold it!

Whoa, whoa, that ninja party
was a bad idea.

- No way, it was awesome.

They had a ninja piñata.

Pin the tail on the ninja.

And ninja nachos.

They're nachos
with a jalapeno kick.

- Hey!

- And the Ninja Burners
were there.

Can we get them for
our birthday parties this year?

- Absolutely not.

Those party performers
are way too expensive.

- But you just wasted money
buying Chloe crayons.

- Don't drag me into this.

- Crayons are not
a waste of money.

Especially when you get them
for free at a restaurant.

- Chloe just wants
to color pictures of her family,

not watch three pretend ninjas
slap each other around

for $ an hour.

- [spits]

Sorry, just choked
on a new plan.

- Let's go hang out
with the one kid

who isn't kicking or spitting.

- Hey, how would you two
like to teach me

everything you know
about "Ninja Burners"

so I can make
some hoverboard money?

- Seems like
he's up to something.

- He just told you
what he's up to.

And for the record,
it'll never work.

"Ninja Burners" always travel
in groups of three.

- It's the ninja code.

- Well, then you guys
can be ninjas, too.

- I'm in.

As long as you keep the money.

I don't mix
business with pleasure.

- I do.

I want % of all profits
and a $ signing bonus.

- I'll you some loose change
and a dead battery.

- Deal.

- Hey, before you settle
on those two, check this out.



- ♪

- [sighs] This book is all I
have left of you, Mystery Crush.

- It doesn't have to be.
- Ah!

- Don't worry, I'm here, too.
- Ah!

- Come on,
you know you wanna use

Find a Fiend to get that boy.

Just do it.

- Oh, I get it.

Angel Phoebe, Devil Phoebe.

All right, Angel Phoebe,
tell me why I shouldn't do it.

- Abusing
your Hero League privileges

would be wrong.

- Thank you.

- Unless...
- Unless?

Tell her the unless.

- Unless you do it
really, really quick

so no one finds out.

That's kinda like
not even doing it.

- That's not
very angel like at all.

Handing out halos
to just anyone these days?

- Come on,
I really like him, okay?

And all those signs.

I really wanna see
where this goes.

- But if I use Find a Fiend,
I have to label my crush

as a dangerous criminal.

- Well, he is dangerously cute.

- And he's the first guy
you've liked since Link.

- [sighs]

All right, fine, if you guys
both think I should do it,

then I'll do it.

- Uh, actually,
you're already doing it.

While Angel Phoebe and I
were distracting you,

IT Phoebe logged you
into the Find a Fiend app.

- You're in.

Uh, I also backed you up
to the Cloud.

- ♪

- Max, how did you make
such amazing costumes?

- I got a guy
who's a ninja with a needle.

- Wah, wah, wah, wah!

- Uh-oh, Barb,
he's starting a ninja army.

- Relax, we're just
getting ready for our audition

to be birthday party performers.

I'd never start a ninja army.

[whispers] Start ninja army.

- Oh, Chloe.

Since you're done drawing Max,

why don't you come in
and draw Mommy and Daddy?

- Nope. But I'll draw the couch.

- Maybe you can draw

Mommy and Daddy
sitting on the couch.

- Nope.

- All right,

that lady and her kid
should be any minute.

Let's practice.

Chay, chay, chay!

- Max, Ninja Burners
don't say "chee-yah."

They say, "Burn," remember?

- Right.

Burn! Burn! Burn!
- Whoo!

You're getting there.

- Hey. Thanks for teaching me
all this stuff, guys.

- Maybe when you get
your hoverboard,

you can let us ride us.
- Sssh, here they come.

- Uh!

- Hi, I'm Mrs. Garcia.

- Of course.

And you must be Winter.
I'm Max.

- Who cares?
Just kick somebody.

- Okay.

Ninja Burners... burn!

- [all grunting]

- ALL: Burn!

- Awesome!

- Winter likes you.
You're hired!

- ALL: Yes!

- No.

Just the red one.

The yellow one
lacks the ninja spirit.

And the blue one has a bow.

Bows are my thing.

- Sorry,

but Ninja Burners always travel
in groups of three.

- It's the ninja code.

Guys, go inside.

You're not old enough to hear
what I'm about to say.

If you think for one minute
that I'm doing this party

without my brother and sister...

then you're absolutely right.

- THUNDER MONITOR: Alert! Alert!
Cherry approaching.

- CHERRY: Ugh!

- THUNDER MONITOR: Alert, alert!

- I could have sworn
there was a third step there.

- Don't worry,
you'll get it next time.

- So, what's the news
about your mystery crush?

Did you find him?

- No, but I did use
the Find a Fiend app

to start tracking him down.

- Ooh, you devil you.

- You have no idea.

So, once the system sends me
his coordinates,

I'm going to pretend
to run into him.

Do my flirty laugh.


And then he'll never
escape me again.

- THUNDER MONITOR: Alert, alert,

incoming transmission
from Super President Kick Butt.

- Hello, Phoebe.

I see you've been using
our Find a Fiend program.

- How did you know that?

- When someone
of your skill level

registers a dangerous criminal,

the Hero League
is always notified.

That way,
we can send a strike team.

- Uh, strike team?

That sounds awfully strikey.

- Oh, they are.

A group of our best men
and women guaranteed

to find your dangerous criminal
and take him out.

- Don't you want him
to take you out?

- What's the fruit girl
talking about?

- Actually, Super President,
you are gonna laugh.

Uh, there's actually something
you should know

about my dangerous criminal

before you send in
that strike team.

- Too late.
- [crash]

- ♪

- I am so proud of you, Phoebe.

Your first big man hunt.

I hope you catch your guy.

- Or not.

It'd be fine if I didn't.

- Hey, Chloe.

You ready to draw
Mommy and Daddy?

- Nope, strike team.

- Well, maybe you can draw us
when you're done.

- Nope.

- Don't cry, Hank.

She'll know we're weak.

- Cherry, I feel awful.

- Yeah, you really
don't look that good.

- No, I mean,

all I wanted to do
was track down a boy I liked.

- And now you have
a whole strike team

to do it for you.

You have time to rest up
and feel better.

- I'm not sick.

I am putting an end to it.

It's time to call
President Kickbutt.

- We got your guy.

We just spotted him
buying a ticket

for the : screening
of "Maze Jumper ."

- O-M crazy!

That's your favorite
movie franchise.

- Time to strike!

- No, don't strike.
- Why not?

- Well, uh, I'll tell you why.

Because...that's not my guy.

- But it fits the description
you logged into the program.

Blonde hair, green eyes,
soul of poet.

- You forgot smile
that lights up a room.

But, uh, actually, Cherry
got a much better look at him.

- Well, we'll need to ask you
a few questions.

- Uh, you can ask her
more than a few.

You can ask a bunch, a load,
a whole gaggle of questions

right after we chat real quick.
Okay? Cool. Thanks.

Did you see that picture?

My guy's even cuter
than I remembered.

And like you said,

we have the same
favorite movie franchise.

He is on fire!

- So what's the plan?

- [sighs]
The movie is two hours long,

which gives me enough time
to change and go meet my crush

while you come up with
some crazy description

of someone who doesn't exist.

- Ooh, like big foot?

- No, Cherry,
a human that doesn't exist.

- You know, actually,
my uncle is a big foot hunter,

and he--
- Cherry!

Just make him a boy, okay?

I need them off chasing some guy
you dreamed up

so I can go chase
the guy of my dreams.

- On it.
- Thank you.

- All right, Strikers,
here's what our man looked like.

He had a--ugh!

I could have sworn
there was a step there.

- ♪

- Burn!
- Ahh! Tiny ninjas!

- We knew you'd go to
the birthday party without us.

- You lied.

And we were just starting
to have fun together.

- You're right.

I'm gonna give myself
a stern talking to.

You guys
should probably go inside.

You're not old enough
to hear what I'm about to say.

- Nobody's falling for that.

Billy, get back here!

- Okay, look, I'm sorry.

I just really need that money
for the hoverboard and--

wait, how did you guys
even know I was going?

- You're Max.

- Cursed my reputation.

- Oh, you're gonna be cursed
all the ninja code.

- BOTH: Wah-ah!

- What was that?

- You mean this?

- BOTH: Wah-ah!

- Yeah, that. Stop doing that.

- Legend says that
if you break the ninja code,

it will come back to haunt you.

- Legend?

The Ninja Burners were invented
by a toy company in Fresno.

- You'll see.

- And cursed you will be.

- BOTH: Wah-ha!

- Still see you guys.

- BOTH: Wah-ha!
- Stop doing that!

- ♪

- Who are you drawing now,

The penguin?

- Because he's the reason
you have nice things.

- I'm drawing Mommy and Daddy.

- What? I

thought you didn't
want to draw us.

- I saved the best for last.

- Aw.

Okay, now we can cry, Hank.

- Not in front
of the strike team.

Let's go cry outside.

- Oh, I gotta draw that.

- I think we found your guy.

- Oh good.

Wait, what?

Uh, how could you?

It wasn't even
a real--really good description.

- He's at Splat Burger.

Strike team strike!

- ♪

- Phoebe!


We got a problem.

- What? Ugh, I knew it.

My "Maze Jumper" T-shirt
is too casual to meet my crush.

I'll go change.
- N-n-n-n--

- Cherry, what happened
to the strike team?

- That's why I
"Phoebe! Phoebe!"-ed you.

They went to Splat Burger.

Somehow they found
the guy I gave them.

- Wait, but you
made up a guy, right?

- Yeah, I just described
this drawing.

- Is that Chloe's?

- No, it's this artist
named "Chow-lay."

- That's how you spell Chloe.

Uh, I have to stop them.

They're going after
an innocent civilian.

An oddly dressed civilian
with two right feet.

- But what about your crush?

If you don't go to that movie,
you may never see him again.

- Well, I have no choice.

This is all my fault.

This fool
better be worth saving.

- ♪

- Ninja burn!

- [applause]

- Burn!


- [crowd cheering]

- All right, guys,
it's ninja story time.

There once was a red ninja who
needed money for a hoverboard.

The end.

Now get stuff in this money can,

and don't say anything
to your parents, or it's...

burn, burn, burn!

A nickel?

You can do better than that,
Sweater Vest.

- Excuse me,
can I take your picture?

You look just like my boss.

- I am your boss, Phoebe.

I'm on a stakeout.

- I knew that.

I just didn't
want to blow your cover,

but if you don't wanna be
professional, what-evs.

- You are going to witness
my strike team

take this joker down hard.

He's gonna wish
he was never born!

Man, I love my job.

- ♪

- You have to stop them.

There's no dangerous criminal.

There never was.

I was just trying
to track down a boy I liked.

- You turned Find a Fiend
into a Find a Date?

- Actually, I was calling it

Find a Cute Guy Who May
or May Not Be Perfect For You.

Point is, I messed up.

That person is totally innocent.

- Strike team, unstrike.

- I wish we could, ma'am.

But once Bruno's in strike mode,
he's unstoppable.

- ♪

- Strike!

- [grunting]

- This is my party.
Get your own gig.

- A fight scene, how fun!

Rip him in two!

- ♪

- [grunts]

- You're supposed
to say "burn."

- Does it really matter?

- [crash]

- Max!

Strike team, finish him.

- No, strike team, stand down!

False alarm.

- Oh, not yet.

- I'm sorry I abused
my Hero League privileges,

President Kickbutt.

I'll take
whatever punishment's coming.

- I'll let you off
with a warning.

You're not the first one
to misuse Find a Fiend.

How do you think
I met my husband?

- Of course,
I won't be paying you now.

- Thank you for my hoverboard,

- Oh.

- Are you kidding me?

That's my money, Sweater Vest!

- ♪

- Oh, I'm really okay, Cherry.

I mean, sure, he was perfect,

but it's what I get for using
Find a Fiend in the first place.

Hold on one sec.


Okay, I'm back.

- You get burned?

- I don't wanna talk about it.

- CODE: Ninja code!

- There's no such thing.

- BOTH: Wah-ha!

- Stop it!

Alert, alert!

- It's called pizza,
Thunder Monitor.

- [doorbell rings]

- Delivery for the Thundermans.

- Phoebe, grab the pizza money
off the counter.

- I mean, hey,
if it's meant to be,

I'm sure
I'll run him into again.

- Oops,
I almost forgot your sodas.

- I mean, I could run
into him anywhere.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

- And, hey, even if I don't,
there is a silver lining.

At least now I know I'm ready
to start dating again.

- Should we tell her?

- Uh, pizza's here.

- Yeah! Pizza!

- ♪

- ♪