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03x02 - On the Straight and Arrow

Posted: 12/28/22 07:59
by bunniefuu
- So, since you've
been a bunny,

is it weird going to the
bathroom in front of people?

- I don't go in front
of people!

Oh, wait...

yes, I do.


- All right, here we go--

two chocolate milks.

- Oh, I thought you were
gonna make us milkshakes.

- I'm not done yet.

[blowing frosty air]

- I love having friends
with superpowers!

- Yes, sir, we'll be there.

No, four below-average
students in a nameless band

would never let you down.

I just booked a gig
for Friday night.

And I think I'll celebrate
with a milkshake.

[powers zapping]
- Hey!

- Oh, that's okay.
He can keep it.

- Whoa!
- [heavy thud]

- Joke's on you 'cause...

I'm gonna drink my shirt.

- You guys play the best
superhero games.

- Yay!
- CHERRY & PHOEBE: [gasp]

- Oh, I miss your cute little
bubble power, Chloe.

- Oh, ever since teleporting
became her new power,

it's all she does.

It's k*lling my parents.
- BARB: Oh!

Found her!

- [laughing]

You have to stop teleporting
all over the house.

- I know it's fun
for you, sweetie,

but your Dad and I have trouble
keeping up with you.

Well, I can, but he can't.

- Daddy's slow.

- know what might
keep her from teleporting...


- Airplane ride!
- All right.

Once more around the world,
but that is it.


feelin' his age!

- CHLOE: Whoa!

- Guess I have to go back
to my boring house--

where nobody has powers.

- Come on, your house
is fun, too.

I mean, you've got--

Hey, look, magic door!

- So fun!

- You know, sweetie,
if you keep on showing off

your superpowers to Cherry,

she might be tempted to
take advantage of you.

- Come on, Mom.
Cherry's not like that.

- Hi. Sorry, um...

the sun made
my bike seat hot.

Could you cool it off
with your cold spit?

- It's freeze breath.

- I have so much to learn!

- Last one. I promise.

- HANK: Barb!

- Where's Chloe?

- I put her down to get us
some churros in Mexico

and she teleported.

What do we do?


' Cause Daddy's slow.

- ♪

♪ What you see ♪

♪ Is not what you get ♪

♪ Livin' our lives
with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in ♪

♪ Bet you never guessed ♪

♪ 'Cause we're
livin' our lives ♪

♪ Just like all the rest ♪

♪ A picture
perfect family ♪

♪ Is what we try to be ♪

♪ Look closer,
you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do ♪

♪ This isn't
make believe ♪

♪ It's our reality ♪

♪ Just your average family ♪

♪ Trying to be normal
and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Livin' a double life ♪

- Phoebe! The best thing ever
happened to me this morning.

- Your brother forgave you

for accidentally
flushing his goldfish?

- Shhhh!

I don't talk about
your family secret.

You shouldn't
talk about mine.

- I'm sorry.

I just can't stop thinking
about that poor fish.

"Cherry! Why?"



So, what happened
this morning?

- Well, my mom made
me an appointment

to take my driver's
test this Friday.

Then I'll get to drive
my parents' car.

OMG! Cherry, you're
gonna be driving!

- OMG, Cherry.

Drive far away and take
my sister with you!

- Wait a minute--I thought your
parents weren't gonna

let you take the driver's
test until you passed PE.

- Yeah, but all I have to do
is hit the target in archery.

- But you're horrible
at archery.

They call you--

The Girl Who's Horrible
At Archery.

- But I have a super friend
who can help me with that.

That's you, Phoebe,

'cause you've got powers.

- Right. You love my powers.

- Hey, five seconds of dumber.

Read the sign out front.

"No skateboards, carts,
or snow sleds."

- [German accent]
That isn't toboggan.

- You are why I voted against
the foreign exchange program.

- Bradford.

Guys, I thought we were loading

all of our equipment
in Wolfgang's car.

- Yeah, about that.

- His car's in Germany.

- Vroom! Vroom!

- Guys, we needed that car to
get to our gig on Friday.

- This band's a mess!

We don't speak
the same language,

we don't have a car,

and we had to settle
for Gideon.

- What?

- Guys, guys,
no one is more upset

about Gideon than I am.

I might know where
we can get a new car.

- Oh, no, I've gotta
get across campus.

Uh, do you think
that you could

turn the clock back so
the bell doesn't ring yet?

- Okay, look,
I'm starting to think

we should be a little
bit more careful

about how I use my powers.

- Someone need
a clock turned back?

[powers zapping]

- Thank you, Max.
You're the best.

- Easy peasy.

So, I hear you'll be getting
a car this Friday.

Just to confirm--that car
is in this country, right?

- Oh, Barb, Chloe
is wearing me out.

- I know--between the
teleporting and the crying,

I can't take it anymore.

- I only cry because
I'm tired.

- Morning.
- Good morning.

- Morning.
- [objects rattling]

- Who wants orange juice?

- Uh, you guys okay?

'Cause you just poured
us some marbles and--

Dad is putting jelly
on an oven mitt.

- [sobbing]
I'm sorry!

- We're...we're fine.
We're just tired.

Eat your pancakes.

- I thought we only have
pancakes on Saturdays.

- Which is why I made them.

- They think it's Saturday,
but it's Thursday.

- Get to the point.

These marbles won't
stay fresh forever.

- The point is we have
a free day off from school.

- Sweet!

We can do whatever we want.

Race you to school!

- No, we don't have
to go to school.

It's like a snow day,
but with no snow

and lots of pancakes.

- I don't know.
This feels wrong.

But this feels so right!

I ate a hundred
pancakes this morning.

- You only ate seven.

- Sorry, Billy don't do math.

- [door opens]
- Mom, I'm home from--

- Whatever Saturday afternoon
activity she was at!

- What are you two up to?

- Mom and Dad
think it's Saturday.

So we stayed home
from school.

- Ah, Chloe's giving
them "baby brain."

The same thing happened
when Billy was born.

I went to school anyway.

What is wrong with me?

- Heat breath! Heat breath!
Heat breath! Heat breath!

- Hey! There you are.

I thought we were gonna walk
home from school together.

- We got to leave early--
they cancelled our history class

after Max melted
the teacher's laptop.

- That old trick?

- Ah, you've done that
before, too?

- Well, no, but it's
an old trick.

- Then we went to the mall

and Max used his telekinesis
to pant mall cops.

- Boop!

And then we came up with
a secret handshake.

- [gasping]
That's our thing.

- Let's clap it out,

That's my nickname for her.

One, two, three, four...

- ...five, six,
seven, eight!

- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Secret handshake.

- All right, then...

Look, Cherry, I was thinking
we should practice archery

so you can pass PE tomorrow and
get that driver's license.

- Actually, Max is gonna
hide in the bushes during class

and use his telekinesis
to help me hit the target.


- Pow!

- [car horn honking]
- That's my mom.

- Here, let me get
the door for ya.

- Here, I'll get it.
- [door thuds]

- A minivan! Score!
[pounds door]

- Day two of our
bonus weekend.

- Yeah, nothing says
Sunday morning

like French toast and...

- [objects clattering]

- More marbles.

- Wait a minute.
Something's not right.

- Yeah, you guys look like you
got dressed in the dark.

- He's just joking.

Everything's right.

Breakfast is right.
You guys look right.

The most right Sunday ever.

Am I right?

- No, no, something
is wrong.

Ah, I know.

The gardener's not here.

He always comes on Sunday.

I'd better call him.
- No, no!

You already called him.

He said he was
gonna be late.

- Did I, Hank?

- [sobbing]
I just don't know!

- BARB: It's okay.

- It's not really Sunday.
The gardener's not coming.

We're gonna get caught.

- No, we're not.

We're gonna mow,
blow, and go.

- Who are they and how
are they gonna help us?

- Uh, hey, Oscar.

I almost thought you
forgot about today.

- We're totally pulling
it off, Billy.

- There is no Billy.

Only Oscar.

- Two rakes at once?

That is a man who cares.

- ♪

- [object clattering]
- ALL: [wincing]

- Okay, that's an "F".

Who's next?
- Oh, I am, Coach.

- Oh, great.


Remember, the target's

- Step aside, Max.
I'm gonna help Cherry pass.

- Beat it.
I'm helpin' her pass.

- Would you stop trying
to steal my friend.

- You can have her back after
I use her for her car.

Oh, look, a puppy!
- PHOEBE: [gasps]


- Good enough for a "C".

You passed.
- Yay!

Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you!

- That's all your got your
new best friend--a "C"?

Watch her real best friend
get her an "A".

- Oh, my!
- Cherry, what are you doing?

- I'm not sure.

I guess a "C" isn't
good enough,

even though I'm super
happy with a "C"!

- Let her go.

[powers battling]

- [shrieking]

- CHERRY: [gasping]

Look what you did!

- You! Detention!

- But I have my driver's
test today.

- And I used to have a foot
that wasn't a shish kabob.


- Hey, Cherry.

Sorry about that.

- That was you?

What were you thinking?

- I was just trying to help.

- And how did that
turn out?

- By the way...

there was no puppy.

- ♪

- Shoulda just left when
I told you to, but...

[high-pitched voice]
No, I'm Phoebe.

My friends all get "A"s, too.

- [deep voice] I'm Max
and I hit myself with books.

- What?
- [book thuds]

- Ow!

- Thanks to us my friend
is in detention

and can't take
her driver's test.

It's gonna take her
months to reschedule.

- Months? Oh, good thing
I've got my best guys

workin' on Plan B to get
us to the gig tonight.

- Okay, Max, Wolfgang's got
a hundred more of these outside.

- We're gonna tie 'em
to our band equipment

and float everything
to our gig.

- Lookout!

- Well, go get him.

We can't be looking for
a car and a new drummer.


- I can get Cherry
out of detention.

It's not like
she's in jail.

What kind of school
is this?

Principal Bradford,
this isn't fair.

- Oh! Don't you ever
go home?

- Don't worry, Cherry,
I'm gonna help you.

- Please don't, Phoebe.

You're just gonna get
me into more trouble.

- All right! Two more
days of detention

for talkin' to a Thunderman!

- See?
- Three days!

- I will get you to
that driver's test.

- Stop talking to me!
- PRINCIPAL: Four days!

- [laughing]

Oh, Oscar, uh,
before you leave,

could you take down
that hornets' nest?

- Daddy, chase me!

- Yay, more running.

- BILLY: Can't you go
any faster?

- NORA: I wear the pants.

I will walk as fast
as I want.

[thuds into garage door]

- Maybe it's all
this fresh air,

but I just realized--

if today's fake Sunday,

then tomorrow's fake Monday--

which means we have to go to
fake school on real Saturday.

- You're right.

How is skipping school
making you smarter?

- I wish we could
go back in time

and tell them the truth
about what day it was.

- Wait, maybe there is
a way to go back in time.

- Good, because I just
knocked down this hornets' nest

and they sound really mad.

- [hornets buzzing]
- NORA & BILLY: [screaming]

- Hank, I think the gardener
just split in half.

- Huh.

- [hornets buzzing]

- ♪

- Cherry?
- [gasps]

- Sorry. Painful hangnail.

- Awww...

I have a hole in my toe!

- Hey, I'm gonna
get you outta here

in time for your
driver's test.

- Haven't you done enough?

- Don't worry, okay?

Your superhero
bestie's got this.

I'll use my powers to spill
that water on Bradford,

and when he goes to dry off,
we'll duck out.

- But that's not water,

- [powers zapping]
- [screaming]

- Hot tea!

- My toe! My toe!

It hurts worse than
opening my paycheck.



What are you doing here?

- I came to check
out your toe

and clean the floor
with my belly!

Done and done!

- Let me know
when you're done

cleaning that chair
with your butt.

- Why do I have to
be in detention?

- Because you never go home.

Two days!

- But now I'm just gonna
be here even more.

- One day!
[foot thuds]

- ♪

- Oh, Chloe's
finally napping.

Now maybe we can
get some rest.

[snoring loudly]

- Wait for me.

- Aw, they're sleeping.

Time to wake them up
with a trip to the past.

- Hit it, Colosso.

- Don't tell me how
to do my job.

- [thunderous rumbling]

- What's happening?
- Is this how it ends, Barb?

Hold me!

- My work here is done.

- Holy cow, did you
guys feel that?

- Max's time machine
blew up.

- Time machine?
- Yes, Max's time machine.

It blew up.

- I think it took us
two days back in time.

That means it's Friday again.

- Friday?

- Hm, how can we see if we
really went back in time?

- Check out Dad for dinosaurs?

- We could do that or...

we could just turn
on the TV.

to Friday's edition

of Eyewitness News.

- Wow, how about
that Max, huh?

He sure does
believable things.

- Yes, believable things.

- Anyway, we'll be outside.
Happy Friday.

Come on, Billy.
- But the dinosaurs!

- Are we gonna ground them

for pretending it
was the weekend?

- Ah, as long as their little
stunt didn't wake up Chloe.

- CHLOE: Mommy!

- Now they're grounded.

- I haven't been in
detention before.

- Me, neither!

- Stop the chit-chat!

You are worse
than your brother.

Man, I cannot
stand that kid.


- Missed you, too, Bradford.

Wanna know what I did?
- Don't care.

Grab some orange.

- So, Cherry, this
is how we're gonna

get you outta detention in
time for your driver's test.

- I don't want your help.

- So, this is what
we're gonna do.

See that tarantula
over there?

Imagine the panic
in this room

when I pop the lid
off that thing.


- sh**t, forgot about
the no chit-chat rule.

- Get over here, Thunderman.

You are sitting
where I can see you

until detention's over.

- So, did your parents
ever buy the lake house?

- Yeah, the, uh, seller

finally agreed to pay
for the new fence.

Now shut your mouthhole!

- Listen, Cherry, I'm really
sorry about all this.

I just...I thought I was
losing you to Max

'cause I wasn't
using my powers.

- Phoebe, we were friends

before I knew
you had superpowers.

That'll never change.
- Thanks.

- Besides, I shouldn't have kept
asking you to use your powers.

I'll never get
good at anything,

if I let the Thunder Twins
do everything for me.

- Yeah, we don't really go by
"The Thunder Twins."

- Well, you should.

Oh, I have an idea.

- Cherry, what are
you doing?

- I am going to fix
this mess myself.

If I can free that tarantula,
we can get outta here.

You and me--
not the tarantula.

- How are you gonna
free that thing from here?

- With my mini bow & arrow.

- Because you're so good
with a big bow & arrow?

Cherry, why don't I just
use my telekinesis?

You know what they call me--

Girl Who's Really Great
At Telekinesis.

- No more superpowers.

I have to do this
on my own.

- [screaming]

- That toe is like a magnet.

- Oh, no!


Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!

All right, all right,
I'll make a deal with you.

No pictures equals
no detention.

- See ya.
- Fine.

- Me?
- Wait! Wait! Wait!

Somebody help me outta this!

Little delinquents!

Go ahead, bite me.

I dare you!


- Look, she's pulling out
of the parking space.

You go, Cherry!

- Come on, Cherry,
you're gonna nail this!

- [brakes screeching]
- [car horn honks]

- [loud crash]

- Technically,
she did nail it.

- We can still make
the gig if we run.

- Okay, that curb
came out of nowhere.

- To be fair--curbs don't really
come out of nowhere.

- [loud scream]
- [loud crash]

- [screaming]
Not now!

- ♪