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02x14 - You've Got Fail

Posted: 12/27/22 10:54
by bunniefuu
- Are you guys ready to make
the best epic fail video ever?

- We were born ready.

- Pig Billy, Boy Billy.
Pig Billy, Boy Billy.

Pig Billy, Boy Billy.
- Nora...

You are the adorable
little t-ball player

and, Billy, you are
the unlucky kid

who "accidentally"
gets in her way.

Hold and...


- [stiffly] Time to hit
one over the fence.

- [stiffly] Swing away,
but be careful

not to hit me in
my "special area."

- Oh, cut! Cut! Cut!
Cut! Cut!

Guys, epic fails are
supposed to look natural.

- You want an epic fail--

just point the camera
at your face.

- Ah, look who's back from
rehearsals of the "Buttcracker."

- The "Buttcracker"?

I see that ballet
every time dad bends over.

- It's called "Swan Lake"

and I worked really
hard to get the lead.

And in just a few short days,

I'll make my dance debut
and become "The Swan."

- So, it's going to be
three hours of that?

- I know.
Aren't you excited?

- Clear out, birdbrain.

I've gotta get back
to my epic fail video

so I can win that
Chirper contest.

- The first video to get
to one million re-chirps

wins $ , .

- Let me guess--you have
some ridiculous

over-the-top plan
for the winnings.

- No. I'm gonna buy a tiny
island in the South Pacific

where I'll start a dictatorship
called Maxlandia!

- Wait, what'll we get?

- You guys get to be one
of the lucky few

to be on the internet.

- I just wanna hit
something with a bat.

- MAX: Oh!
- BILLY: Oh, ho, ho!

- The camera wasn't rolling.

- I know.

- ♪

♪ What you see ♪

♪ Is not what you get ♪

♪ Livin' our lives
with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in ♪

♪ Bet you never guessed ♪

♪ 'Cause we're
livin' our lives ♪

♪ Just like all the rest ♪

♪ A picture
perfect family ♪

♪ Is what we try to be ♪

♪ Look closer,
you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do ♪

♪ This isn't
make believe ♪

♪ It's our reality ♪

♪ Just your average family ♪

♪ Trying to be normal
and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Livin' a double life ♪

- These epic fails are epic fakes.

How dare they call
my staged videos fake!

You guys need to fail better.

- Fail better as we skateboard
down the stairs backwards.

Got it.

- Yeah, I'm not doing that.

- ["Swan Lake" music]

- Hiddenville High presents
"Swan Lake" this Saturday.

Get your tickets now
to see me become...

"The Swan."

- Get outta the living
room, flappy feet.

- [turns off music]
- No way.

I'm making this video
to post on Chirper

so we can boost ticket
sales for the ballet.

We've only sold five so far.

- Ooh, I bought
my five tickets, sweetie!

I am so proud of you.

- Thanks, Mom.

Beat it, loser!

- Okay, guys, we are
still making our video.

Just ignore Phoebe
and remember...

this epic fail has
to look real.

- Got it!
Let's rock this!

- Oh!

- BILLY & NORA: [laughing]

- Did you see that?

That's the kind of video
you should be making.

- Great idea, Nora.

You're fired.

Phoebe, are you okay?

Uh, let me, uh, use your phone
to call the paramedics.

- [powers zapping]
Nice try, Max.

You are not posting
this video of me falling.

I've worked "tutu" hard.


Ballet humor.
You wouldn't get it.

Now I'll just go post
the good parts to Chirper

and then ballet
it down for an app.

Okay, I'm done with
ballet humor now.

- I'll get that phone.

For Maxlandia!

- Hank, I'm going
to run errands.

Let the gardener in.

- That's great, sweetheart.

Wait, gardeners
cost money.

- I found poison ivy
in the back yard.

He's removing it.

So, you kids stay out
of the backyard.

There's poison ivy
over there.

- BOTH: That's great, Mom.

- Okay, you know what
would be great?

If you kids went inside
until I got back.

- Well, don't be silly.
I'm right here.

I can watch 'em.

- I know, but if
they get poison ivy,

they'll be miserable
and they'll miss the ballet.

- Oh, I get it.

If your kids are in a bus
hanging off a bridge,

call Thunderman.

Ooh, but there's a scary
bush in the back yard.

Everybody in the house.

- I'm sorry, honey.
I totally trust you.

See you guys later.

- Okay, Nora, watch
me sink this shot.

- This is why we get
picked last in gym.

- I'll get it.

- Wait, I think that's where mom
just said the poison ivy was.

- Mom was out here?

- Somebody was yelling at us.

Maybe we should ask dad
if we can get it?

- Hey, Dad, can we
get our disc back?

- Is it on the roof?

- Then go ahead.

- [zooming]

Got it--and no poison ivy.

Up top!
- [palms smack]

- MAX: [powers zapping]

[powers zapping]

- [sighing]

Teen girl cell phone
death grip.

Time for The Epic Faillerina
to buy me my island.

Uploading Phoebe's
fall to my Chirper page.

- [data zooming]

- Rubbing Phoebe's phone
in my armpit.

And now I make
my clean getaway.

- [food splatting]

- Cleanish.

- ♪

- Ow.

- Hey, genius, somebody
gave me poison ivy.

- Ew, who did that?

- Look in a mirror.

- [gasping]
Is he behind me?

- No. It's you.

Don't you have a rash, too?

- Only this tiny red
dot on my arm.

Ahhhhhhh! It's growing!

- It only grows
when you scratch it.

- Then we should
stop scratching.

- But it feels so good.
- I know.

- What is happening in here?

Oh, no.

You got poison ivy?

Please don't tell me
this happened on my watch.

- It didn't.
- Whew.

- It happened while you were
ignoring us on your watch.

- You cannot tell your mom.

She'll never let me
hear the end of it.

Don't worry--I'll find a cure.

Aw, what's this for?

- Just giving you poison
ivy to make sure

you want this cure
as much as we do.

- Ha. Nice try, Nora.

I flew into the sun once.

Do you really think Thunderman
can get poison ivy?


It's like a thousand
fire ants are eating my skin!

- Phoebe, I saw your
video on Chirper.

Quite a performance.

- Oh, thanks.

Looks like my post
was a hit.

- Yeah, a real smash.

Hopefully, a million
people will see it.

- I hope you got your ticket

to the show tomorrow
night, Gideon.

- Sure did. Can't wait to
see you "break a leg."

- Thanks. But "break a leg"
is for theater folks.

Saying it to a dancer
is kinda creepy.

Especially when
you make that face.

- Your first fan.

Looks like you became
a star even before

you made your big debut.

You're welcome.

- I am not a star, Max.
I'm just Phoebe.

The same humble sister
you've always known.

Now if you'll excuse me,
my fans are waiting.

- That's it--fall for Gideon.

- CROWD: Aww...

- Don't worry, you'll get
the full show on Saturday.

Good afternoon, Madame Gigi.

- Bonjour, Phoebe.

Okay, too much touching.

- Sorry, I'm just excited.

It's our last rehearsal
before the big show.

- Yes, the show,
it is sold out.

The girls say it's because

- Sold out?

That's so awesome.

It'll be standing room only,
when I become...

"The Swan."

- No, no, no.

Phoebe, Mathilda will
become "The Swan."

You will stay home.

- I'm sorry, can you
repeat that?

Your accent made it sound
like I'm staying home.

- Oui. You will ruin my show.

You are the one who falls
and breaks things, non?

[clapping hands]

"The Epic Faillerina"?

- Epic Faillerina?


Yeah, that's me,
but I didn't fall.

Well, I did fall, but...

How did I even--


- Oh, there's
the swan princess.

- [slams locker]

- Well, aren't you
the angry bird.

- The Epic Faillerina?

You turned me into
The Epic Faillerina!

- I turned you into
a Chirper sensation

and helped you sell out
your stupid ballet show.

- Oh! You mean the ballet show
I was kicked out of

because you turned me
into The Epic Faillerina!

- It's cool. She knows me.

We're practically dating.

Phoebe, can you take
a picture with my--

- [growling]

- My boo says now
is not a good time.

- So that's exciting.
You and Gideon, hm?

- Max, this is my first
lead in a ballet.

I have destroyed my toes
for this moment.

- To be fair, you've always
had unsightly toes.

- Well, you're not
gonna have any toes,

if you don't take down
that video.

- No, way. I am this close
to winning that contest

and buying my island.

Tell you what.

You can prance around
in your chicken suit

at the grand opening
of Maxlandia.

- This isn't over, Max.

One way or another,
I'm gonna get you back--

right after I get
my lead back.

And I'm gonna show all of you
that I am not The Epic Failler--

- CROWD: [gasping]

- [cell phone cameras clicking]

- Starting now.

Okay now.

- Dad, did you find the cure?

- Not yet, but I promise
I will click on every link,

I will search every page,
and I will not rest until--

Ooh, hoo, hoo, pictures
of celebrities without makeup.

- Dad, focus!

Our poison ivy's
getting worse.

- I hope, for your sake,

that mom doesn't
come home soon.

Alert! Alert!

Mom is approaching.

- Oh, no.
Hide your arms.

Do not let her see
you scratching.

- Oh, I found
the cutest outfit

to wear to the ballet tonight.

- Oh, that's great, honey.

- I'm just gonna go upstairs
and find some shoes to match.

Oh, we're gonna have
so much fun tonight.

- Dad, I can't
live like this.

You have to find that cure.

- Oh, here's something.

There's a rare plant
in the Amazon

that the locals say
cures poison ivy.

Check it out.
- Think it'll work?

- Only one way to find out.

Race ya there, Billy.
- BILLY: [zooming]

- Thunderman, awa--
- BILLY: [zooming] Got it!

- I've gotta get
a shorter catchphrase.

- ALL: [sighing]

- Dr. Colosso, my Epic
Faillerina video

should be closing in on
a million re-chirps.

Ready to celebrate
with some cake?

- I can't believe we're
gonna get our own country.

- We? It's Maxlandia,
not Max-and-his-bunny-landia.

- Tell that to the flag.
[clicking button]

- [fanfare music]

- We're not using that.

- Awww...

- All right, here we go.

What's going on?
Where's my video?

- Deleted.
- Ahhhhhh!

- [heavy thud]

- A few hours ago,
I came down here

to rub a bunch of your stuff
under my armpit.

Instead, I found your computer
was open... [laughing]

...and you were
still logged in.

- What? That's impossible.
I never forget to log out.

Unless someone else
forgot to log out.

- Ooh. Sorry, I had
some important work

to do this morning.

- [music playing]
- Yeah!

Good job, flex ladies.

Ooh, you gotta burn it
to earn it!

Come on!
- Oh, yeah!

- Let's go, gals!
- Yea-a-a-a-h!

I can crush a carrot
with these bunny buns.

Wanna see me earn it?
- MAX: No!

- Hmph.

- Phoebe, I can't
believe you did this.

- Well, it wasn't all me.

You were kind enough to send
that email to Madame Gigi

confessing you faked the video.

- I didn't send any--

You hacked my email?!

- [feigned gasping]

- You will not be prancing at
the grand opening of Maxlandia.

- Oh, I'll be prancing tonight.

That's right--Madame Gigi
gave me the lead back.

I'm gettin' ma swan on!

- ["Swan Lake" music]

- Phoebe looks so graceful
and elegant, don't you think?

- I'm going to the toilet.

Hey, Gideon,
take my phone and record

everything that
happens onstage, okay?

I've got grand to win--
and I'm not sharing.

- That's cool.

As long as I can get your
sister's phone number off this.

- Just promise to call
her every day.

- ["Swan Lake" music continues]

- Here we go. Epic Faillerina's
about to ruin "Swan Lake."

[powers zapping]

- [plastic swan rattling]

- ♪

- [powers zapping]

- [plant whooshing]

- [powers zapping]

- [flower pot shattering]

- ♪

- Don't glare at me,
you feathered freak.

- ♪

- [powers zapping]

- [scenery thudding]

- AUDIENCE: [gasping]

- ♪

- [powers zapping]

- [purse thudding]

- You just hit the emperor
of Maxlandia.

- [purse thudding]

- You just hit him again!

- ♪

- AUDIENCE: [applauding,

- Oh, beautiful dance, Phoebe!

Now, your Black Swan costume
is hanging over there.

You change while I go sell
over-priced refreshments.

- Thank you, Madame Gigi.

- Oh. Okay. Okay.
Too much touching.

[clapping hands]

- Whoa!

Get out of here, Max.

And stop trying
to make me fail.

It's not gonna work.

- I know. You're
too good out there.

Which is why
I'm shoving you in here.

- What? What? Max!

- [door lock clicks]

- [pounding on door]
Max, what are you doing?

- Time for this swan
to lay an egg.

- PHOEBE: [pounding on door]
[rattling door handle]

- ["Swan Lake" music continues]

- Wow, that costume sure makes
Phoebe look muscle-y.

- Hey!
- Ow!

- That isn't Phoebe.
I think it's Max.

- Give it up, girlfriend.

- [heavy thud]
- Yeah, that's the stuff.

- Oh!
- What?

What's wrong?
- What is that on your neck?

- Oh! It's a leech.

It must be from
the Amazon plant.

[ripping material]

- BARB: [silently]

- Ahhh, bloodsuckers!

- [groaning]
- [heavy thud]

- Hank, what is happening?

- The kids got poison
ivy on my watch

and I hid it because I didn't
want to admit I was wrong.

I'm sorry. I love you.
I've gotta go hose us off.

Tell Phoebe she was great--
and Max, too.

- ♪

- PHOEBE: [pounding on door]
Let me outta here!

Max! Let me outta here!

Come on, Max!

- [door thuds]
- MAN: [groaning]

- Max just messed
with the wrong swan.

- [heavy thud]

- The chicken's
outta the coop.

Time to fly!

- ♪

- [powers zapping]

- This got weird quick.

- [heavy thud]
- MAX: Oh!

- [scenery creaking]
- Aw, buttcrackers.

- [cable snaps]
- MAX: Oh!

- ♪

[musical finale]

- Great job, Phoebe!

- AUDIENCE: [cheering,

- MAX: [muffled grunting]

- [heavy thud]

- Hey. Wanna see my first
place certificate

from the Chirper contest?

- No! I can't believe
Gideon gave you

my "Black Swan Fail" video.

- Well, he does think
we're dating.

- Weird.

So, what are you gonna
do with the $ , ?

- Well, I used most
of it to pay for

dad, Billy and Nora's
leech removal.

And then I bought you
some land with the rest.

- [gasping]
You bought me land?

- [laughing]

Enjoy your island,
Your Majesty.

- It's a start.

For Maxlandia!

- ♪