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02x07 - Blue Detective

Posted: 12/27/22 10:48
by bunniefuu
- Ha! Ha! Got ya, hippo!

Right in your stuffed
chubby butt.

- Oh, you're so sweet, Max.

- Whenever I see a fat hippo,
I'll think of you.

Let's seal this moment
with a selfie.

- [cellphone camera clicks]

- Oh, our eyes came
out all red.

We totally look evil.

- I know.
It's a keeper!

- [huge whoosh of air]

- Sorry, everyone.

Must have been some extra
wind in the tubes.

In the biz, that's called
a "tube fart."

You know what?
sploagies on the house!

- [menu buttons beeping]

- [sploagies thudding]

- Free food!

- Oh, no, Max, the bracelet
you gave me fell off.

Uh, maybe it's underneath
the table.

- Yeah.

- Oh, do you see it?

Achoo! Achoo!

- [groans]

- Sorry. I'm allergic
to fur.

- Hope it's not
my mustache.

I forgot to shave.

- [table thuds]

- Oopsa-doopsie.

Tatiana not see so good with
inside sunglasses.

- Keep it moving, furball.

My girl is allergic to
your weird hat.

- Sorry, Tatiana not mean to
spoil big-time American date.

- I feel so bad about
the bracelet.

- Hey, don't
worry about it.

We'll check by
the Fun Claw--

right after I finish
this sploagie.

- I guess we shouldn't let
anything ruin our--


- What? Do I have
something on my face?

- You've just got...
a little...


- I'm blue. Ahhhhh!


- ♪

♪ What you see ♪

♪ Is not what you get ♪

♪ Livin' our lives
with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in ♪

♪ Bet you never guessed ♪

♪ 'Cause we're
livin' our lives ♪

♪ Just like all the rest ♪

♪ A picture
perfect family ♪

♪ Is what we try to be ♪

♪ Look closer,
you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do ♪

♪ This isn't
make believe ♪

♪ It's our reality ♪

♪ Just your average family ♪

♪ Trying to be normal
and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Livin' a double life ♪

- Hey, did you guys
all receive--

- A text from Max saying
there was a family emergency?

We all got one.

- Awww, his text says
that he's blue.

My baby must have
had a bad date.

Everyone be nice to him.

- [footsteps pounding]

- ALL: [laughing]

- It's not funny!
Stop laughing!

You're probably wondering why
I gathered you all here.

- So we could take pictures?

- [cellphone cameras clicking]
- No pictures!

You're here become
someone in this room

slipped me a Bolivian
blue bean.

It turns your skin blue
for hours.

- So you're gonna look like
Little Boy Blue all day?

- ALL: [laughing]

- Silence!

I was keeping these beans in
my lair to turn Phoebe--

It's not important
why I had them.

Nobody leaves until
I find out who did this.

- Come on, Max.

You're not gonna turn
this tiny little prank

into some big
investigation, are you?

- Big? No.

Huge? Yes!

- [whiteboard rattling]

- Each of you had
a reason to turn me

into this oddly-handsome
blue devil.

- Impressive work and may I say
I'm honored to be a suspect.

- This pathetic rabbit
here reminds me

who my first suspect is--


- ALL: [gasping]

- He has a history
of getting payback

against the villains
who wronged him.

- Not to brag,
but yes I am amazing at it.


- And slipping a blue bean
into my sploagie

would be the perfect payback
for what I did to you.

- Oh, sploagie,
I told everyone

I'd never see you again,

but you are sloppy

- [sauce splooshing]

- Mom, Dad's eating
another sploagie!

- I'd better
take this to go.

Thunderman, away!

- [loud thud]
- Ah!

- [loud thud]
- [groans]

- I reinforced the ceiling
with thundertanium as a prank.

Also, Mom's not home.

- Hank, you asked me to help
you quit sploagies

'cause they were stainin'
all your shirts.

- Well, you're not doin'
a very good job, Barb.

- How are you even
getting sploagies?

I gave Splatburger a picture
of you that said,

"Do not feed this man."

- Hey, Mom, this
is my investigation

and the next suspect
is you!

- [dramatic music]

- Okay, where is that sound
even coming from?

- It's an app.

Now, Mom, you know you've
been out to get me ever since...

"The Incident."

Mom, Maddy. Maddy, Mom.
- Hey.

- Oh, I love your bracelet,
Mrs. Thunderman.

It's so vintage.

- Oh, thanks, it was
my great-grandmother's.

- Go ahead, try it on.

- It looks beautiful
on you.

- Which is why we want
you to have it.

- For real?
- For real?

- Yeah, it's a gift
from us.

- What are you doing, Max?
- I like this girl.

Come on, don't be "that" mom.
- Don't be "that" mom?

You know very well
I am "that" mom.

Now I want you to get
that bracelet--

- Okay, Maddy,
we've gotta go.

Bye, Mom.
- Thanks, Mrs. Thunderman.

- You're welcome--

girl I don't even know!

- [door slams]

So, for that, Mom--
if that is your real name.

- So, I'm not happy you gave
my great-grandmother's bracelet

to a girl you met at
a phone accessory kiosk.

But your father and I
didn't turn you blue.

- You're right,
you two are too lame

to commit such
a fiendish crime.

[powers zapping]

But you know who isn't?

Wait for it.
Phone's stuck in my pocket.

- [dramatic music]

- You mean l'il old me?

- Can the cute, sweetheart.

You know why you
were out to get me.

- Hey, Dr. Colosso,

have you seen
my new yellow bow?

- Yes, next to that bucket.

- But this is brown.

- That's because Max used it
to clean my cage.

I made some serious boomsie.

- Ahhhhhhhh!

Oh, yeah, I forgot
about that.


[powers zapping]
- Ow!

That hurts!

But what hurts even more...

is that my own brother
could have done this to me--

- [horn a-ooga'ing]

- I'm done with these
stupid sound effects.

- Do you have to be
so dramatic?

- I'm the one who looks like

a teenaged Cookie
Monster, so, yes!


- Why would I do
this to you?

- Revenge!

- The tunnel to Candytown!

Max, you were right!
It does exist!

- [loud thud]

[loud thud]

- I tried that tunnel
three more times.

- Max, all you've
proven here

is that you're
a serious jerk.

And we don't need a board full
of yarn to tell us that.

- Says the girl who has
the greatest reason

of all to turn me blue.

- That's it? Where's
my dramatic flair?

- I wasn't done yet.

Dramatic flair!

- Oh, ha, ha. Thanks.

- You know you wanted
to get me back

ever since our fight

- Yes! Ha! Ha!
♪ I'm here first ♪

- Hey, you two know
you're not allowed

in here at the same time.

I'm tired of
your food fights.

is a classy joint.

This place used to
be a shoe store.

- Come on, Max, I'm meeting
all of my friends here.

Just leave.
- Yeah, right.

I'm here with Maddy.
You need to get gone.

- Fine. There's only
one way to settle this.

- BOTH: Rock, paper,

- Telekinesis.
- [gasping]

- [loud thud]

- Hey, Sherlock,
here's a mystery.

If I wasn't allowed
in Splatburger,

how could I have
turned you blue?

- Obviously, you...

you know what you did!

- Whadda you got in here?

- Colosso, get out
of my bag!

- MAX: I'll take that.
[powers zapping]

- How'd that get in there?

- You were the weird
Russian girl at Splatburger,

weren't you, Tatiana?

- Oopsa-doopsie.

- Okay, I admit I was
at Splatburger

but I didn't
turn Max blue.

- Stop stuffing your guilty
mouth with jellybeans

and admit what you did.

- Yeah, dressing up in silly
outfits is far from normal.

I say, burn the witch!

- Okay, the only reason
I was wearing a disguise

was so that
the manager, J.J.,

wouldn't see me and Max
there at the same time.

Also, I look awesome
in furry hats.

- Why should
I believe you?

- Um, I have a reason.

- A big blue reason.

- W-Why's everyone
staring at me?

I'm blue? I'm blue!

Ha, told you
I didn't do it.

Who looks like
an idiot now?

- You don't really want
us to answer that.

- The criminal must have
taken another blue bean

from my jar and slipped
it into your jellybeans.

- Whoever's doing this
better knock it off.

It was funny
when it was Max.

But not our Phoebe.

- All right, it's obvious
the criminal

is either Billy or Nora.

- They're also witches!

- Or Colosso.

- Okay, we should get
the jar of blue beans

and see if there are
any fingerprints on it.

- In the future, whisper
your ideas to me

and I'll say them
out loud.

We are going to
get the jar

and see if there are
fingerprints on it.

- How do you get
fingerprints off of a jar?

- I think we need
to question Billy.

- Billy, we need
to question you.

- Do we really need this light
in my face, Avatar?

- Yes, 'cause that's what
they do on TV.

- I didn't turn you
guys blue, I swear.

- Now you're swearing?

Tsk, you used to be such
a sweet little boy, Billy.

- I only had your jar
because I needed

a new home for
my spider, Prudence.

- Then where is this
imaginary spider?

- I moved her--

into your retainer case.

I'll show you.


She laid egg sacs
on your retainer.

See? See?

- It's your retainer
now, Billy.

- That's it--the wind
that blew the napkin

at Splatburger
wasn't a tube fart.

It was a Billy fart!
- PHOEBE: [gasps]

- Okay, I was there.

And farting is part of
super speed travel.

But I didn't put that
bean in your food.

I...just went to play
the Fun Claw.

- I was having fun,
too, Billy,

'til you ruined my big-time
American date.

Look how much fun
me and Maddy were having.

- Wait, Max, look at that.

- What? My hair
or my dimples?

I was so cute a couple
of hours ago.

- No, look in
the background.

- [gasps] Nora's bow!

She was at
Splatburger, too!

- We're outside.

Why are you shining
a light on me?

- We're askin' the questions
here, short stack.

- Yeah, explain the bow
in this picture.

- I've never seen
that bow in my life.

- You're wearing it
right now.

Spill it, Nora!

- Speaking of spills,
what's this?

That's sploagie sauce
from Splatburger!

- Fine!
I was at Splatburger.

But I wasn't there to get
revenge on Max.

I...wanted to play
the Fun Claw

and win it all
for Baby Lulu.

- You wanted to win
a doll for a doll?

Do we look stupid?

Gotta stop asking that.

- Your story doesn't
make sense, Nora.

- Either does your face.

- So, we've gathered you
all back here again

because we finally figured out
who the criminal is.

- Mom, Dad...

Please tell us which one
of them did it!

- Billy, Nora, is it true that
one of you is Bluey the Kid?

[laughing] That's what
we're calling the criminal.

- We also came up with
The Great Bluedini.

We had a lot of fun.

- Are we done here
or are you two

gonna keep accusing us
until you're blue in the face?

- Nailed it!
- [palm slap]

- I think Phoebe did it.

Then she turned herself blue to
throw you off her trail.

♪ Dun Dun Dah ♪

- That's ridiculous.

If anyone's a suspect,
it's the former supervillain

who poops in
Max's pillowcase.

- I'm sorry.

Would you like to
build me an elevator

that goes to the toilet?

- Colosso's right, Phoebe.

Ever since you've
turned blue,

you've been sneakin' around
whispering things in my ear.

- You asked me to do that!

You know, I'm done
helping you.

- Yeah, that's right,

disappear like
the Great Bluedini.

- Oh, our name
is catchin' on, honey.

Alert! Alert!

Maddy approaching.

- Maddy?

I guess I'm irresistible
even as a angry Smurf.

- COLOSSO: I can't wait.

I'm gonna finally get
to meet her.

- [doorbell rings]
- From under this hat.

- [motor humming]

- [lamp clicks]

- Hi, Mrs. Thunderman.

I am so sorry, but I somehow
lost the bracelet you gave me.

- Oh, don't worry
about it, Maddy.

It's...just jewelry.

- And Max--Oh!

You're still blue.

Sorry for running
out on you.

- Listen, don't worry.

This whole blue thing
only lasts a day.

And it's not contagious.

- Then how do you
explain her?

- And now a cheerleader
from school saw me.

- Achoo! Achoo!

Oh, no, maybe I'm allergic
to you, Max.

- No, no, no, it's not me.

It's my sister's
stupid hat again.

That's what's making you
sneeze like a wet cat.

- [door slams]
- [sighs] sh**t.

- That's it! Phoebe's hat!

I know who
the criminal is.

And it's one of you four!
- ALL: [gasping]

- [powers zapping]
- [thunder crashing]

- Sorry--sometimes I thunder
clap when I get startled.

- Don't apologize.
It added to the moment.

- ♪

- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Sorry, Thundermans,
we're closed.

Ugh! Besides, shouldn't you
two be at a hospital?

- [blowing frosty air]


- Now, I brought you all back
to the scene of the crime

to reveal which one of you
is Bluey the Kid.

- Yes!
- BOTH: [palm slap]

- First, there's Billy.

It was just after
he ran in

that Maddy noticed
her bracelet was missing.


Or was he sent here
to steal it back...

for Mom?


For Mom?
- Oh!

All right, you caught me.

But this belonged to
my great-grandma.

You had no right
to give it to Maddy.

- Exactly!

So, when you told Maddy
it was "just jewelry,"

I knew something
was up your sleeve.

Just didn't know
which one.

- Well, what about Nora?
We know she was here, too.

- Yes, Nora.

So cute.

So guilty...

of coming to Splatburger
to get sploagies for Dad!

- ALL: [gasping]
- Of course!

The sauce on Nora's stroller

matches the stain
on Dad's shirt.

- That's because Nora's
been carrying

more than Baby Lulu
in this thing.

Dramatic blanket yank!

- ALL: [gasping]

- They're on to us, Dad.

Make a run for it!

- It's okay, Nora.

Everyone knows
I've been using

my little girl
to smuggle take-out.

- And I used Billy
to steal jewelry.

We're bad parents.

- True, but we're great
at naming things.

- We are.

- Now, let's talk
about Phoebe.

I thought she was too
goody-goody to pull this off.

Also, too annoying,
too boring--

- Okay, hurry up.

- It was both
here and at home

Maddy has sneezing fits

from being allergic
to Phoebe's fur hat.

- But it's made
of fake fur.

- I already knew
that, Blues Clues.

At home, I saw
the fake fur label

and realized it was
something else

that was making
Maddy sneeze.

- Booger fairies!

- No.

It was the person
who turned me blue.

And they're hiding
in the one place

no one would notice
a furry criminal.

The Fun Claw!

- ALL: [gasping]
Dr. Colosso?

- Oh, hi, guys.
You eat here, too?

- Dr. Colosso, you've
been caught red-handed.

Footed! Pawed! Whatever you
walked on, you're guilty.

- You can't prove it.

- Oh, but he can.

You can prove it,
right, Max?

- Yes.

With the help of
a dramatic flashback.

There I was, with Maddy,
being charming, as always.

- You're so sweet, Max.

- Whenever I see a fat hippo,
I'll think of you.

Let's seal this moment
with a selfie.

As we snapped our selfie,

Nora, the sploagie
smuggler, entered.

- [cellphone camera clicks]

- But that wasn't the only
thing she was smuggling.

Nora didn't know it,

but Dr. Colosso hitched
a free ride in her stroller.

Once inside, Colosso
need a distraction.

Lucky for him, Billy
spinned the town.


- J.J.: Sploagies
on the house.

- [menu buttons beeping]
- [sploagies thudding]

- Free food!

- Oh, no, Max, the bracelet
you gave me fell off.

Uh, maybe it's underneath
the table.

- MAX: We went under the table
to look for the bracelet.

- MADDY: Achoo! Achoo!

- MAX: That's when
Colosso appeared.

- [laughing]

- MAX: It was his
fur that caused

Maddy's snot-filled
sneezing attack.

- Achoo! Sorry.

I'm allergic to fur.

- MAX: Colosso then
seized the moment

to plant a blue bean
in my sploagie.

Then Phoebe's
Russian alter-ego

provided the perfect

- Oopsa-doopsie.

- MAX: For Colosso
to escape.

And like that...poof...
he was gone.

- And I woulda gotten
away with it, too,

if it wasn't for
your girlfriend--

little Miss Mucous.

The only piece
of the puzzle

is why would you do
this, Dr. Colosso?

- Fine! I'll tell you.

For two weeks, you've been
yappin' about this Maddy girl.

Maddy this. Maddy that.
Maddy. Maddy. Maddy. Maddy.

- You did all this
just to get rid of her?

- I didn't wanna lose
my best friend.

My only crime
is loving you.

That, plus,
all my actual crimes.

- Hey, we'll always be buds,

no matter who
I go out with.

- [music surging dramatically]

- Max has bigger issues
than being blue.

- Hey, if this is all about
your creepy love triangle,

uh, why'd you turn
me blue, Colosso?

- Oh, that was me.

I thought it'd be hilarious
and I was right.

- Oh, ho, ho, really?
- Yeah.

- [powers zapping]
- [yelping]

- [objects clattering]

- Now that was hilarious.

Now who wants to play
with Fun Claw and grab Colosso?

- HANK: [laughing]

- COLOSSO: Wait! No!
No, no, no, no, no.

Don't do that.

That's a bad idea

because I just got
my cape cleaned!

- ♪