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02x05 - The Haunted Thundermans

Posted: 12/27/22 10:47
by bunniefuu
- Louie, we are so lost.
- Oh, really?

Here we are -- Drippy
Dan's Ice Cream Extravaganza.

The happiest place
in Ghost World.

- [distant scream]

- Huh, they must be
outta mint chip.

- This isn't an ice
cream factory.

It's ghost World Prison for
the Criminally Insane.

This is a place that
built to house

the most ruthless criminal
ever--the Green Ghoul.

- The Green Ghoul?

I thought he was just a myth
like unicorns and Canada.

- Oh, he's real.

He was this close to
taking over the world--

until he was stopped
by the amazing Thunderman,

the greatest superhero who's
ever walked our planet.

- Myles, you believe in
way too many silly things.

Anyway, I'm pretty
sure this is

where King Kong
plays racquetball.

- Come on, let's get
outta here.

- Right, and get ready for
Halloween tomorrow, bro.

Those humans won't stand
a chance against my vampire bat.

Check it!

- Uh, Louie?

- Watch as I soar high into the
sky with my terrifying wings.

- Louie, you're not a bat!
You can't--

- LOUIE: [thudding]


- Uh, are you okay?
- [laughing]

Hello, Drippy Dan. I'll have a
chocolate double scoop, please.

- You cracked the wall!

Of all the days to forget
my lip balm/caulking pen.

Let's get you home.

- [energy whooshing]

Finally, I'm free.

Now to finish what I started

and destroy the mighty

- [energy whooshing]

- Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

- Okay, Hank, it's just
a splinter.

- Nnnnn!
- Got it.

- Oh, stupid chopsticks.

- Hey, Mom, have you seen
my black eyeliner?

I need it for my
Halloween costume.

- You're dressing up
for Halloween?

- Yeah, Cherry's having
a big bash.

I'm sure if you want to come,
everyone would not want that.

- Good. Halloween's lame.

Begging for candy.
Cheesy costumes.

Am I right, Colosso?

- Oh, yeah, totally lame.

- Happy Halloween, guys!
- Oh, hey.

A little racecar driver
and an adorable little...

- Sushi.
- Sushi!

- Thanks to my superspeed,

we're gonna rake in candy from
all over the world.

- But we're skipping
the countries

where candy
tastes like goat.

Alert! Alert!

Emergency transmission
from the Hero League.

- The Hero League?

- It's Super-President

- Thunderman, we have
a situation.

The Green Ghoul
has escaped.

- The Green Ghoul?

Dad, didn't you throw
him in prison?

- You're darn right.
Twenty years ago.

You wouldn't recognize me.
It's before I had kids.

- Yeah, because having kids
was so hard on your hips.

- This youngster was seen in
the area during the escape.

I'm not sure why he's
wearing a pumpkin outfit.

But maybe he can help.

We've tracked his whereabouts
to New Orleans.

- New Orleans?
The guy is right here.

- You're the only superhero
to ever defeat the Green Ghoul.

We need you to come out of
requirement and do it again.

We will deliver
everything you need.

- [thunderous crash]

- Can you tell us when?

- Good luck, Thunderman.

Super-President out.

- Are you gonna do it, Dad?
- The world needs me, Billy.

It may be the most dangerous,

life-threatening assignment
of my career.

And you're all coming
with me!

- Yay!
- Family vacation!

- Kids, this is
not a vacation.

Your Dad's going to
battle the Green Ghoul.

- Wait, Dad, what
about my party?

I'm bringing the dip.

- You are the dip.

- I'm sorry, sweetie,
the Green Ghoul

might come here
looking for me.

It's not safe for you
guys to stay here.

- Well, I am not missing
the party of the year

because of some ghoul

and there is no way you're
making me go to New Orleans.

- Welcome to New Orleans!

- ♪

- ♪

- Scott, did you get your
Frankenstein costume yet

for Chad's Halloween party?

Right, Chad's party.

Taylor, I have bad news.

I just got a call from People
and Pets Partnered Forever.

You know, PAPPF.

I have to administer
worm medicine

to homeless dogs tonight.

I can't go to the party.
- But you promised.

This is gonna be our first
official party together.

Chad was super-stoked
we were going.

- Hey, guys, I'm really excited
you're coming to my party.

- Or as excited as Chad gets.

- I'm sorry, but PAPPF
really needs me.

- Fine. Maybe I'll
just find another

cute Frankenstein
to go with--

One who doesn't leave me
alone on Halloween.

- Look, Taylor, don't go.

I promise I'll be
thinking of you

the whole time
I'm deworming dogs.

That sounded better
in my head.

- According to
the Hero League,

Pumpkin Boy has been
spotted in this bakery.

- Hm, sounds like he
knows your weakness.

- Okay, we may be
close to danger,

so, I need each of you
to wear one of these.

- Cool mood necklace.

What's my mood, Nora?

- Clueless.

- It contains a jewel
called demonite,

which can protect
against ghost possession.

- And do not take them off.

If the Green Ghoul were to
possess one of you,

and added your powers to his,
there'd be no stopping him.

- Hello, welcome
to Pie Squared.

The pies used to be square,
but that didn't work

and I'm not repainting
the sign.

- It's Halloween. I should be
going to Cherry's party

with all my friends, not sitting
here wearing demon bling.

Why are you taking off
your demon bling?

- Because I don't want to
ward off the Green Ghoul,

I want to catch him.

If I take down the greatest
supervillain ever,

then I'd be
the greatest ever.

Dad said he's
a level ghost.

What makes you think
you can take him down?

- Because I have this...

- Hello, New Orleans!

- Colosso, what are
you doing here?

- I came for French squares
and sweet tea.

What, are you stupid?

I came here to watch you take
down the Green Ghoul.

- I'll deal with you later.

- Hey, not the best trick.

- This is what I was talking
about--my Ghost Zapper.

It detects the presence
of ghosts

and can blast away
the ghost's powers.

- [zapper chirping]
- Oh, it's got something.

- Wow, that thing's
really good...

at detecting lemon squares.

- It can be haunted
in the square. You don't know.

- This is an outrage.

These are posted
all over town.

- "Give this girl only one piece
of Halloween candy

by order of the Mayor."?

That's cold.
- I know.

I hate playing poker
with that clown.

He's just crying because
I took too much last year.

- Or because you put up that
billboard that said,

"I win, suckers!"

- I've gotta beat
this thing.

- Lucky for you you've got
a tiny monster ghost

at your disposal.

- Really? Where?
You got a cousin?

- I meant me. Observe.

One levitating
table coming up.


- I know that face. Do you need
to go to the bathroom?

- [screaming]

- Problem?

- What is going on?

- That little girl
out there just saw me.

So, I scared her.

- They can see us.

That means they
have the "gift."

I'll find out
who they are.

[powers whooshing]

- What's going on
with Dad's suitcase?

- [powers whooshing]
- THUNDERMAN KIDS: [screaming]

- I saw your suit!
You're Thunderman!

- H-How did you
just do that?

- I wasn't goofing.
I am a ghost.

- Oh...
- THUNDERMAN KIDS: [screaming]

- Wait, they can see
you're ghosts?

- Uh, why, we...we don't
have ghosts.

- Michelle, it's okay.
They have the gift.

All superheroes do.

- [laughing]
The boy is clearly delusional.

We're not superheroes.

- Yeah, if we were,
could I do this?


- I'm gonna say "yes."

- Hey, it's little
Pumpkin Boy.

- Only my grandma
calls me that, sir!

I'm outta here.
[snaps fingers]

- What is happening?

- What's all the noise?
- BARB: [screams]

[powers zapping]

- Sweet!

Could you do that to
about more of these?

- Well, if you take the job, I'm
just gonna heat up this brownie.

[powers zapping]

- I think I'll close
up for the day.

- So, the Green Ghoul is free

and because of it,
the whole world's in danger?

- Uh, yeah.

Until my hero,
the mighty Thunderman

swoops in
and saves the planet.

- Hey, I save the planet
every day--with my music.

- [jazz saxophone]

- Dad, please?

You're annoying Thunderman.
- [silently] A little bit.

- Hey, it's Taylor, right?

I've never passed my hand
through a ghost before.

[loud thud]

- And you still haven't.
Not a ghost.

Hey, can I ask you
a question?

Do you think it's weird a boy
I just started dating

would rather deworm dogs
than go to a party with me?

- Hm?

I'm not sure I care.

- No, really, it's just...

I mean, I love that
he loves animals.

But it's Halloween and--
- [powers whooshing]

- Max.
[powers whooshing]

I apologize
for my brother.

You'll like him less when
you get to know him.

- So, since you two
aren't leaving

until your Dad catches
Ghosty McGreenjeans,

how would you like
to help me out

with the greatest trick or
treating plan ever?

- That plan is brilliant!

- We haven't even
heard it yet.

- Oh, I trust her.
The glasses mean she's smart.

- Ah, let's go to my room.

You two superheroes are gonna be
the world's greatest wingmen.

- Hold on, I thought
I was your wingman.

- We have superpowers.
- [laughing]


Sweetheart, I'm the baddest
ghost in all of New Orleans.

- [bird pecking]

- He did say
he was the baddest.

- [knocks on door]
Knock, knock.

I'm here to pick up
my party pastries.

- Oh, of course.

- Oh, hello, ladies.

- Chad, we made lemon tarts.

Are you okay?
- Never better.

Hi, I'm Chad.
- I'm Phoebe.

- I'm having a Halloween
party tonight.

Would you like to come?

- And miss spending quality
time with my family?

You could literally be anyone
and I would say "yes."

- Awesome.
We can go together.

- Now it's flashing again.

Oh. Sorry, but I won't be able
to attend your little shindig.

- Didn't invite ya.
- PHOEBE: [laughing]

- Until tonight, Phoebe.

- What's that
guy's problem?

- Oh, do you mean that
he's cute, charming,

and doesn't like you?

Not a problem.

- Whatever.

Time to catch myself
a Green Ghoul.

- ♪


- Oh, come on, girls,
put your costumes on.

It's getting late.

- WOMEN: [laughing]

- Arg, our mothers
be crackin' jokes.

- So, Barb, are you sure it's
okay for the girls

to go to a party with
the Green Ghoul on the loose?

- Don't worry about the girls--
Phoebe's sidekick,

the Pulverizing Phantom will be
there to protect them.

- PP?
- That's right.

PP is here, PP is there.
PP is everywhere!


Ooh, now I hear it.

- What's all that, Hank?

- Ah, state-of-the-art
ghost cage.

Once I throw the Green Ghoul
in this thing,

he'll be powerless
to escape.

- I like it.

Move over. I'll help.
- Uh, it's okay, Ray.

Not to brag, but this is
kind of a superhero thing.

- Look, I may not be
a superhero,

but I am a level ghost.

And Myles needs to know his old
man's got some game, too.

- Well, thanks, but, uh...
I got this.

- [metal thuds]

-Yeah, get in on this.
- Uh-huh.

- [zapper chirping]
- Max, freeze.

[clears throat]

Ghost Zapper?

You are not going after
the Green Ghoul.

- Well, somebody has to.

You're obviously too busy

building a playhouse
with your new friend.

- It's way too dangerous
and it's not a playhouse.

It's a really hard-to-put-
together ghost cage thing.

- Come on, Dad, catching
the Green Ghoul

would put me on the map
in the supervillain world.

- You're not ready

and stop pretending you're
a supervillain.

- I'm not pretending.
- We all know it's a phase, Max.

It's time for you
to grow out of it.

- Hank, I can't figure out where
the slide's supposed to go.

- It's not a playhouse!

- So, Max, I hope you're gonna
do the right thing.

- I'm gonna disobey my Dad
and hunt the Green Ghoul.

- That's the right
thing. Yeah!

- [military-type music]

- This is a field of
battle, people.

What we do tonight will
make the difference

between coming home with
a boatload of candy

or some number two pencils
and a box of raisins.

Let's review the plan.

- Sir!

I pull a red wagon from house to
house at superspeed, sir!

- Good. Nora?

- Sir! I laser down tree
branches to block the path

of competing trick
or treaters, sir!

- Excellent!
Any questions?

- I have a question.

I'm not hearing the name Louie
anywhere in this plan.

- That's not a question.

- Am I hearing the name Louie
anywhere in this plan?

Am I?

- Sorry, big guy, but the
superhero crew and I

have this covered.

This is a huge night,
and let's face it,

lately you've been in
a bit of a slump.

- Oh, really, and how long

have I been in this
so-called "slump"?

- How long have
I known you?

- I can't believe you don't
want my help, Frankie.

- Louie, don't look
at it like that.

That's all. Just don't
look at it like that.

- [loud party music]

- [cellphone beeping]

- Another text from Scott?
I feel bad.

I think I really scared him
when I teased him

about bringing another
date to the party.

- Taylor, he ditched
you for dog worms.

- Yeah, let's keep
that between us.

- I'm just saying he could
use a little scaring

and you would use
an awesome party.

- Speaking of awesome, Chad is
totally checking you out.

- OMG, how do I look?

- Like you're
missing an eye.

Here he comes. Good luck.

- [powers whooshing]

Phoebe, you came.

- Hey, Chad, how arrrr ya?

Yeah, I shoulda kept
the eye patch.

- Can I show you around?

The moonlit garden
is positively bewitching.

- Uh, yeah, I'd like that.

- [powers whooshing]
Sidekick in the house!

- Sorry, Chad, would you
excuse us, uh, me.

- Hey, check it out.

See, invisibility isn't
my only superpower.

Funky dance moves,
activate. Woo! Woo!

Woo! Woo!

- What are you doing?

- Honestly?

the tights.

- [zapper chirping]
- Oh, now what?

- [zapper chirping]
- Pretending?

I'll show Dad
who's pretending.


- Max, what are
you doing here?

I thought you were
out ghost hunting.

- I am. My Ghost Zapper
is detecting

extreme ghost activity
at this party.

I think it'll lead me


- Drive the bus.
Anh! Anh!

Drive the bus.
Anh! Anh!

Drive the bus...
- [zapper chirping]

- Wait a minute. Myles isn't
the only ghost here.

The hunt continues.

Uh-oh, bouncer's coming.

- Max, what do you
think you're doing?

- Just pretend to
be my girlfriend.

- Hey, kid, I don't remember
checking you in.

- Relax, buddy,
I'm with my girl.

I'm her plus one,
right, babe?

- Right.

- Flirt alert!
- [cellphone camera clicks]

- Looks like someone's
stepping out on Scott.

- What? Wait. No, Amanda,
you've got it all wrong.

- Photos don't lie.

You're gonna be the talk
of the school, Taylor.

- But I don't like this guy.
Like yucky, blah!

Oh, this is bad.

Amanda's gonna post
that photo everywhere

and say we're a couple.
- Who cares?

And, by the way, you could
do a lot worse.

- Could I?

We need to get that photo back
and you're helping.

- No, I don't think so.
I have a Green Ghoul to catch.

- Walk away and I'll shove
this candy corn

so deep in your ear hole,
you'll sneeze orange.

- Let's get that phone.

- CHAD: There you are.

Are you ready for
that garden stroll?

- I'm ready.

- Phoebe!

I have urgent sidekick news.

There's an apple-bobbing contest
on the front porch.

All I'm worried about
is that guy.

- Oh, you know,
I lost my phone.

- I'm on the case.
Fear not.

PP will cover
this entire house.

- Can he really not
hear himself?

Oh, I talk to myself
a lot. Let's go.

- FRANKIE: Whew,
that was a close one.

- I'll say.

That lady was about
to give us hard candy

until I reminded her
that we're not sucking them!

- Okay, get in the wagon
and let's motor.

- Evening, superchumps.

- Louie, why are you
dressed like a Christmas elf?

It's Halloween
not Halloweird.

- Oh, I know what
day it is.

And these boots keep
my feet toasty.

Anyway, check the bucket.

- Not bad.

- That's right--not bad.
Where's your candy?

- Right over there.

- You mean behind
that mountain?

- It is the mountain.

- Rush! I mean, no reaction.

- Look, Louie, the three of
us are crushing it on our own.

Maybe you should go see
if Santa needs some help.

- Are you calling me
a mess up?

- Good, we're on
the same page.

- You, madam, have just
woken the sleeping elf.

Watch and learn.
[powers whooshing]

This is very big in Paris.
[powers whooshing]

- It's a beautiful night.

- A beautiful night.
A beautiful girl.

- Oh, stop.
- Okay.

- No, I have to say that.
Keep going.

- That amulet
is fascinating.

May I see it?

- Yeah, I...I guess so.

- Pure demonite.

Keeps you from
ghostly possession.

- How did you know
that, Chad?

- [Green Ghoul's voice]
Because I'm not Chad.

[powers zapping]

- [Green Ghoul's voice]
With my ghost powers,

and Phoebe Thunderman's

I will rule the world!

But, first, to get
my revenge on Thunderman.

[powers whooshing]

- [objects shatter]

- [Green Ghoul laughing]

- Max, would you come on.

You know, for a superhero,
you move super slowly.

- I am the supervillain,
thank you,

And you sort of remind
me of my sister.

It's not a compliment.

- We have to find Amanda
and delete that picture of us

before Scott sees it.

- So, he sees a photo of us.
What's the big deal?

- I'm kinda new to the couple
thing, but I'm pretty sure

number one rule is don't hold
hands with other guys.

- Look, phone girl.

Watch the master take
care of business.

[powers whooshing]
- Wait. Wait.

- [cellphone plunks]

- Oh, my gosh,
that was so great, Max.

- That's what I do.

- Except that was
the wrong girl.

- [cellphone beeping]
- [gasping]

- What now?
- Amanda posted the picture.

Scott's gonna see it.
My life is over.

- Taylor, you need to focus
on the positive.

- Which is?

- How great do I look
in this picture?

- [powers whooshing]

[Green Ghoul's voice]
Heat breath.

Ooh, this is fun--
like a new toy.

[Phoebe's voice]
Get out of me

you green slimeball!

[Green Ghoul's voice]
Why are you hitting yourself?

Stop hitting yourself.
Why are you hitting yourself?

- Looks like some people
just can't hold their candy.

Oh, Phoebe, I looked

but no sign of your phone.

- [Green Ghoul's voice]
Be gone, pesky little boy.

- Phoebs, I'm sensing
you're not loving

the whole sidekick idea.

May I point out that I could be
a very valuable asset.

A level five ghost.

- [Green Ghoul's voice]
Well, I'm a level .

- So, we're not
gonna apple bob?

- [powers whooshing]

[Green Ghoul's voice]
See you around, PP boy.

You should really
change that.

- This is pretty awesome,

but don't let success
go to our heads.

- FRANKIE: Bow to us,

Lady Mannequin and Piece of
Sushi rule the night!

- Yeah, that is more fun.

Kneel before your
candy lords!

- Look at this haul.

We lifted over
times thanks to

Billy's superspeed
costume changes.

- I don't know who
I am any more.

- Come on, Frankie.
It's getting late.

Let's get back
into our candy.

These full-sized babies
are calling my name.

- Not yet.

I'm going back to City Hall
to show Mayor McThree Chins

who really runs this town.

Billy, the getaway.
- You got it.

- [metal clanks]

- Oh, my gosh,
are you okay?

- Whew. I think so.

- I was talking
to the candy.

- I know I'm no mechanic,
but this wagon's toast.

- Shh, do you hear

- Look, those kids
are glaring at us.

- Maybe they're coming to
congratulate us

on snagging all
the neighborhood candy.

- Yeah? I don't think so.
What do we do?

- We pray, Sushi.

We pray.

- Oh, the demon light power.

The cage is set and ready for
the ghoul when he comes for me.

- Well, it's looking great.

Thank you.

- Ha, Ray, I know you're trying
to prove something to Myles,

but so far all you've done is
glue a wrench to my back.

- Excuse me? Who built
this state-of-the-art doorbell?

- First of all, what ghost
cage needs a doorbell?

And second of all, that is
a buzzer from a board game.

- [buzzer buzzing]
- Don't buzz me.

- Oh, I'm buzzing you.
- [buzzer buzzing]

- Quit it.
- [buzzer buzzing]

- No, I'm not quitting.
- Quit buzzing me, Ray.

- [buzzer buzzing]
- Stop it!

Stop with your buzzing!
- [buzzer buzzing]

- Stop it! Stop it! Stop--

- [powers zapping]

You kids are giving
me a headache!

- Hey, son, why aren't you out
trick or treating

with the other kids?

- Because they think I'm
a good for nothing ghost.

- Oh, come on, sweetie.

I mean, I know I've
only just met you,

but so far I've seen you
do lots of great ghosting stuff.

Like that pizza thing and...
I like those sneakers.

- People, we have a problem.

What is...Never mind.

I was checking
the security camera

to see what happened to a big
plate of lemon squares I made

and look what I saw.

- Hank, you ate
the whole plate?

- She put raspberries on them.
I'm not made of stone.

- I'll just get...I'll just
get past the eating.

[rewinding video]
Bear with me.

So, are you guys
thinking of taking in

any sights while
you're in town?

Oh, wait, here it is.

That's Chad, the boy
who's hosting

the kids' Halloween party.

- Why are his eyes glowing?

- I've seen those eyes before.
That's the Green Ghoul.

- He's possessing that kid.
- So he can go after our kids.

I need the address
of that party.

- Taylor left
the invitation on my desk.

- I'm warning, Michele, catch!

- No! No! No! No!
The locks!

- I'll just hand
you the invite.

♪ Drama queen ♪

- Not that I built this cage--
- He built it.

- We built this cage
so only non-ghosts

could open it from
the outside.

We're all trapped.
- He built it.

- [powers zapping]
You mean we can't get out?

- We need to warn
the kids about Chad.

- Don't worry,
the L chain is on it.

To the party!
[powers whooshing]

I'm havin' a bad day.

- Dang it, I can't seem to get a
location on that second ghost.

- In news that matters...

I need to explain
that picture to Scott,

but he's not answering
his phone, texts,

or instant messages.

- Have you tried
a carrier pigeon?

- Very funny.

Do you have one?

- [zapper chirping]
- Wait!

The Ghost Zapper's
got something.

I think he's right...

- Hey!
- Oh, come on!

- Louie, what are
you doing here?

- Where's Myles
and your sister Jocelyn?

- You mean Phoebe.
- Phoebe? Are you sure?

- Louie.
- Right, we have a problem.

- The Green Ghoul
is possessing Chad.

- I knew there was something
weird about that kid.

He liked Phoebe.
Always a red flag.

- Chad took Phoebe
out to the courtyard.

We have to warn her.

- Who's Jocelyn?

- Run! They look
five to one!

- And there's lots
more people!

How do we hold them off?

- Attack!

- Switch into defend mode.

Throw them the apples
and non-sugar snacks.

- This'll slow 'em down.
[powers zapping]

- ♪

- Or not.

- Hey, whoa, tell me
where my sister is.

- I don't know.

I'm not even sure what
I'm doing out here.

What the...?

I was supposed to be dressed
as Ryan Seacrest.

- Drop the act.

- Max, wait, I don't think
the ghoul's in there any more.

How would he know every year
Chad dresses as Ryan Seacrest?

- That makes no sense.
- I know it sounds weird.

But he puts on a blond
wig and skinny jeans

and sorta pulls it off.

- No, I meant why would
the ghoul leave?

- I think I know why.

- Did a talking bunny just pop
out of your backpack?

- Oh, look, it's the girl
who's cheating on Scott.

That's right.
Everybody's talking about it.

- How dare you!
I would never--

- Talk to the paw,

- Guys, enough.
We need to find Phoebe.

- [Green Ghoul's voice]
I'm right here, brother.

- Found her!

- He's possessed Phoebe.

- You're not going
anywhere, ghoul.


- [Phoebe's voice]
Oh, come on, Max.

You wouldn't hurt
your own sister.

- Check the bite marks
on your ankle.

They're mine
and they're recent.

- [Green Ghoul's voice]
Fine, you wanna play.

Let's play!

- Okay, that voice does
not go with that blouse.

- [powers whooshing]

- Well, that wasn't
very nice.

Guess I'll just have to take
you down old-school style.

Step back.

- [powers whooshing]

[powers whooshing]

- [powers whooshing]

- ♪

- [Green Ghoul's voice] You're
braver than I thought, Max.

How about you join me in taking
down your old man?

- I don't think so, ghoul.

- Now hang on.
Let's hear him out.

It's only polite.

- I thought I sensed
the darkness in you, Max.

I could have shaped you
into a true villain.

But I guess you're just a...


- [muffled groaning]
- Myles?

- [muffled groaning]

- [powers whooshing]

- Phoebe's possessed
by the Green Ghoul.

- Thanks for the newsflash.

- Max, are you okay?

You have a cut
on your lip.

- Oh, does Max
have a boo-boo?

I was frozen!

- Myles, you need to poof
back to the bakery

and warn Thunderman that the
Green Ghoul's coming for him.

- On it.
[snaps fingers]

I can't poof.

Being frozen must have messed
with my ghost powers.

Ha, life of a sidekick,
am I right?

- Taylor?
- Uh, Scott?

- Busted!

- What are you doing here?

- I saw a picture of you holding
hands with a guy--

that guy!
- I can explain.

This is just a huge

- Really?

I mean, I do get
confused a lot, but...

this does not look good.

- You can stay here,
but I've gotta go

take care of the problem
back at the bakery.

- I need to go.
Max, wait, I'm coming with you!

I swear he means
nothing to me.


- Still very confused.

- Oh, Phoebe, you're okay.

- [Phoebe's voice]
Of course, I'm okay.

I'm totally groovy, as the kids
in modern society say.

- Phoebe, we accidentally
got stuck in here.

Let me out so I can
head off the Green Ghoul.

- Sure, Dad.
Let me get that for you.


- Oh!

To clarify, sweetie,
I think he meant all of us.

- Phoebe, you feeling okay?

- [Green Ghoul's voice]
Never better.

I'm about to do what I've been
dreaming about for years.

- Oh, the teen years,
am I right?

- You're the Green Ghoul.

- Just like old times,
eh, Thunderman.

[powers roaring]

- Cage stayed up.
That's all me.

- Leave my daughter
out of this.

Come out and fight me

- Sorry, can't do that.

Ghost powers...

plus superpowers...

[powers whooshing]

equals unstoppable!
[evil laughter]

- Look, a marshmallow bird.

- Oh, there will be
no winners tonight.

- I guess it's game over.

Frankie, it's been a pleasure
serving with you.

- You, as well.

In fact, I want you
to have my mask.

- Nah, I'm good.

- Did somebody call
for a hero?

- What? No.
We're giving up.

- No, you're not.

Frankie, you're supposed
to be my best friend.

But tonight, instead
of believing in me,

you turned your back on me.

I believe it was the dad
from Full House

who once wisely said--
- [loud smack]

- Can you please
get to the point.

- My point is--despite your
complete lack of faith in me,

I have come
to save the day.

Form of a flying saucer!

Please don't be
a princess dress!

Please don't
be a princess dress!


Now stand back and let
me do my thing.

- Whoa, it's a UFO!

- It's definitely not a ghost
where that is concerned.

- Hear me, Earthlings.

Surrender your candy or face
my intergalactic wrath.

- Candy-stealing alien!

- LOUIE: [shouting]

- He did it!
He's saving our loot!

Louie, wait, don't go yet.
There's something I need to say.

- What's that?

- FRANKIE: You were right.
I should have listened.

I was a bad friend,
but you still had my back.

I'm sorry!

- LOUIE: I can't hear you...

- He doesn't know how to control
that thing, does he?

- Not even a little.

- [Green Ghoul's voice]
Don't worry, Thunderman.

I'll make this as painful as
possible for you.

- HANK: [gasping]

- BARB: [screams]
My husband!

- My coffee table!

I mean--your husband!

- HANK: [thudding]

- Yo, Hank, any time you wanna
use those superpowers, big guy.

- He can do what
he wants to me.

I'm not gonna fight
my daughter.

- MAX: How about
you fight your son?

- Max, what are you doing?

- Proving I'm no pretend

You said I have
potential, ghoul.

I'm ready to learn
from the best.

- You're joining
the Green Ghoul?

But he's an ugly, vile,

- [Green Ghoul's voice]
Uh, standing right here.

If you're truly
ready to embrace evil,

then you won't mind,
if I hurl your father

into the farthest reaches
of the Universe.

- [wind gusting]
- [doors slam open]

- Nope, all good.
Let it rip.

- Max.

- I told you, Dad.
This is who I am.

But before you go,
you should know one thing--

I'd never turn
against you.

[powers whooshing]

Myles, now!
- Myles, what are you doing?

- Fighting for justice.

My powers are back!

- Stop it!
Get out of there!

Two ghosts possessing the same
thing is way too dangerous!

- MYLES: I can do this!

[powers whooshing]

- Phoebe!
Is that you?

- I could have been hanging

at a sweet Halloween party
back home, but, no...

- Yeah, that's her.
That's her.

- Mom, are you okay?
- I'm fine.

- Good, because you will
never believe my night.

This girl, Amanda, took
a picture of me and Max.

Now Scott thinks--
- Later, sweetie.

After we're sure the evil ghost
villain is out of the house.

- [powers whooshing]

[evil laughter]

Oh, I'm not going anywhere!

- You're outnumbered.
Get in the ghost cage.

- Who's gonna make me?

I'm the Green Ghoul!

You're just a sad collection
of ex-superheroes

low level ghosting.

I'm not even sure
who you are.

- A single mom trying
to make it on her own

in a new city,
thank you very much!

- HANK: He's still got
ghost powers.

- Not if he can't snap.

I got this.

- [powers whooshing]

- I can't...hold him...
much longer.

- Phoebe, do a freeze path.
- What? Max!

If our two paths touch,
we'll freeze the whole city.

- Then don't let them touch.

- BOTH: [powers whooshing]

- ALL: [cheering]

- [powers zapping]

That's for messing
with my husband!

- This is for
my coffee table!

- [loud thud]

- Let's put him
in the cage.

- BOTH: [straining]

- Man, he...he's heavy.

- I got this. Stand back.

Back to prison, Ghoul!

- [statue shatters]


- Now I see why Thunderman
is your number one hero.

- Come on, Pops, I never
said number one.

That spot's always
been taken.

- Aw...

- Hey, is that the buzzer
from my board game?

- Shhhh!

- That was incredible!

You kids were amazing!
True superheroes!

- Thanks, Dad.

- Max, I know you don't
like the hero word.

But I was wrong to think you
couldn't handle yourself.

You can. I'm sorry.

- All hail the Green Ghoul!

I mean, I knew you
could do it, buddy.

- FRANKIE: We're back.

Capt'n Lightning Bolt?

- Best Halloween ever!

- Candy, here I come.

- I don't wanna be modest,
so I won't.

Louie Preston
saved the day.


Now, Billy, open up this cage
so we can protect our candy.

- OTHERS: Noooo!
- Fine.

♪ Drama queens ♪

- I still can't believe I was on
a mission with Thunderman!

- Well, I've gotta say--

if I ever need a sidekick
the Polarizing Phantom

is gonna be my first call.

- Or you can summon me
by illuminating

a huge bulls-eye
signal in the sky.

- Calling is
probably easier.

- Come on, Taylor, cheer up.

We took down the Green Ghoul
tonight, remember?

- Yeah, and I might have lost
a guy in the process--

a really good guy.

He's a member of PAPPF.

- [door bells ringing]
- Taylor?

- Scott, oh, my gosh,
we need to talk.

- Yeah, we do.
What the heck is going on?

Uh, sorry for cursing.

- Will you just
let me explain.

The truth is these guys
are super--

old friends from Sweden.

- [fake Swedish accent]
Yeah, I lika the meatballs.

- [laughing]
Welcome to our country.

That still doesn't explain
why you ran off with this guy.

- It's because I lied
to her, okay?

I told her there
was an emergency

and I had to take her home,
but the truth is

I was trying to keep her away
from you because...

I like her.
- What?

- Yeah, but the whole night, all
she could talk about was you--

how cool Scott is,
how funny Scott is.

She's really into you, dude.

You can't blame me for
trying, right?

- You said all
that stuff about me?

- Sure.

Can you give
me a second?


Maybe you're not such
a bad guy, after all.

- Hey, keep that
to yourself.

I have a reputation
to uphold.

- Hey, so, what happened?

Did Scott dump Taylor?
Gimme the deets.

- No, I told him what
happened and...

they're gonna stay together.

- Ach!

First you save your father,
then you save Taylor.

You deserve what I've
done in your backpack.

Trick and...


No, I'll be good!

Come on. I'll be good!

- ♪