03x01 - Cat's Fancy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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03x01 - Cat's Fancy

Post by bunniefuu »

Quick, Titans!

If we don't disarm Dr.
Light's Light b*mb,

Jump City will be destroyed!

- Cool. Go for it.
- Me? Isn't Cyborg the tech guy?

Who said I was the tech guy?!

Well, you're made of
things and you like cars.

Maybe there's an off switch!

I don't think bombs
have off switches.

- That is so unsafe.
- We all gonna die!

- No, not this day.
- Star!

Starfire! Wake up.

Wake up, Star.

Oh, no! Star!

I thought I lost you
before I had the chance

to tell you all the
things in my heart.

- Robin.
- No, no, no. Shh, shh.

The moment I laid eyes on you,

- I knew...
- Robin?

Is that a kitty?

Uh, uh, yes it is. But
as I was saying...

Kitty! Oh, so sweet, so
tiny nose, tiny nose.

Starfire, if you could forget
about the cat for a second,

I'm in the middle of
professing my love.

Oh ho ho, I'm going
to call you Nibbles.

Hey, Starfire! Eyes over here.

Yo, yo, yo. Oh, Mister Nibbles.
Oh, you are a sweet boy.

Oh, yes you are.

Never mind.

♪ Oh kitty meow, meow, meow ♪

♪ Oh meow, meow kitty ♪

- Man, she is really loving on that cat.
- Yeah.

You think she'll ever show
me that much affection?

Maybe, if you had
whiskers and fish breath.

Hmm, become a cat.

That's not a bad idea, Raven, and
I already have the fish breath.

Dude! I would have taken
your word for it!

Bro, cats are the worst. If you're
gonna be an animal, be a dog.

- Dogs are rad.
- I have to be a cat, Beast Boy.

It's the only way
Star will love me.

Whoa there, cuckoo bird. Are you
seriously considering this?

Of course.

But if you're a cat,
she'll be a cat lady.

That's just not the
relationship you want.

Besides, how are you gonna
turn yourself into a cat?

Wish on a sh**ting star?

Yes. A star wish. Perfect!

I wish...

I wish, I wish... I
wish I was a cat.

Beware what you wish for, Robin.
You just may get it.

I'm a cat. I'm a cat.

Meow! Meow! Meow, meow, meow!

I'm a cat!

Huh? What?

I can't believe you thought that
wish was gonna turn you into a cat.

But... the sh**ting star.

sh**ting stars don't
turn people into cats!

- That's not science!
- Well, your little joke won't stop me.

I'm going to be a cat and
Starfire is going to love me

and we're going to
be together forever.

You're fooling yourself, dude.

No fur. No whiskers. No cat.

Ro, you went full cat?

Use your words. What is
wrong with you, dude?

Robin, Starfire is not gonna
like you better as a cat.


Hello, Mr. Kitty!

Oh, you have the cuteness
times the power of 10.

Ten? Pfft, please! He's
seven times cute, at most.

Whoo, feisty. I shall
name you Sassy Pants.

Okay, Star, you know that's Robin.

Of course! But he is a cat now.

I cannot resist his charm.
Oh no, I can't.

Come, sweet kitty. Let us play.

What just happened?!

Ever since Robin became a
cat, all he does is sleep.

And he's so cruel, too. So
what if I can't get a date.

That doesn't make me a loser.

I just wish he'd stop
pushing me off tables.

Well, I know just the thing
to take our minds off him.


- Sassy Pants!
- Hmm.


Oh, Sassy Pants, you
are being so fierce.

Look at him. He's turning
Star into a cat lady.

And the only thing worse
than a cat is a cat lady.

We have to stop this!

Well, I know for a fact Star would
never choose a cat over us.

Hey Star, no big deal, but your
cat's giving me bad allergies.

Oh! The allergies!

Oh! I am sorry, Raven. I will have
to remove him from the tower.

Great! Just toss him out
back near the garbage cans.

Oh, no. We will just find the
new living arrangements.

- We?
- Yes!

Sassy Pants is the precious to me.
I could never be without him.

I love you, too. Oh, yes I do.
Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh, yes.

Good bye forever, friends!

- His plan worked?
- This is crazy!

Oh, Sassy Pants! You give me
so much of the happiness.

I know you do not like it
when I leave the house.

I do not like it
either, Sassy Pants,

but I was buying my
frozen meals for one,

when outside of the store, I found
a box of precious treasures!

- Meow?
- More kitty friends!

Oh! You are the
sassy one, indeed.

Do not worry Sassy Pants.

You will always be
my number one kitty.

Come kitties, let us all play.
Meow, meow, meow.


I am filled with the anxiety.

Oh, it is only the friends.
It has been so long.

Hey, we're worried about you, Star.
Come home with us.

Oh no, no, no! I couldn't
possibly do that.

I need my own space to care
for all my little babies.

I had nearly forgotten.
It is your din-din time.

Excuse me friends, but I
must prepare their meals.

Sassy Pants, get out
here, right now.

Come on. Come on, kitty witty.


Bro, look what you've done.
You took a cool lady alien

and turned her into a gross cat lady.
That's just wrong!


This can't be the
relationship you had in mind.

If you care about Starfire at all,
you'll take off the cat suit.


Ah, he's hopeless.
Come on, let's go.

Whoa, is that me?
What have I done?

Starfire loves me, but
only as a cat lady.

She's so much more
than a cat lady

and I am so much
more than a cat!

I need to set things right and
I know exactly how to do it.

Din-din time for
the kitty babies!

Oh, come get your num num nums.


My babies have departed!

Oh, the sad times are here!

I truly have nothing in
this world without the love

of my sweet, sweet,
sweet, sweet kitties.

Oh! Puppy!

Oh! Who is the good boy?

Who is the best boy?
Oh, come puppy.

Let us breathe the
fresh air together.

Oh, good boy! Oh,
good boy, good boy.

At least she's not a
cat lady anymore.

I hope you learned something
from all this, Robin.

- Huh?
- Oh, whatever, go get it.

When you live with pets,
there's never a dull moment.
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