Bunker, The (1981)

Thriller/Mystery/Fantasy - Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.

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Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.
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Bunker, The (1981)

Post by bunniefuu »

( People chattering )

Uh, excuse me,
do you...

Say, uh, the bunker ?

The bunker, uh...

( Speaking german )

( Speaking german

That's it.

( Soldiers chattering )

( Plane engine roaring )

You speak english ?

Hmm ? Um,

This is my name there,
james o'donnell.

I would like to see
the bunker.

( Speaking german )

Uh, cigarette, hmm ?
Smoke ?

You're welcome.

( Plane engine roaring )

Thank you.

( Water dripping )

( Male narrator )
in , the city of berlin
was hitler's capital.

And the bunker
was his last address.

He lived here underground
for days.

I arrived here
on assignment fornewsweek.

It was just months
after hitler's death.

As I made my way
through the cold,
dark chambers,

I couldn't help but wonder
what had happened here.

Finding the answer
to that question
has taken me many long years.

Most of the people
who worked in this bunker

Spent endless years
in russian prison camps.

I hoped that
those still living

Could reconstruct their
personal experiences here.

Each from his or her
own viewpoint.

I can't guarantee that
what you're about to see
is historical truth.

Memory always distorts
of course.

But I do believe
their stories present
a psychological truth

And are, perhaps,
as close as we can come.

It's january , .

The dark chamber you see here
was soon to be occupied.

The americans
are at the rhine !

And as for the british,
well, can't you hear
the bombing ?

( Officer )
speak up !

There's nothing available.
There's nothing--

What ?

He's going below.
What ?

Hitler is going below
to the bunker.

Notify your staff.

( Siren blaring )

( Officers chattering )

And this will be used
for the conference room.

This ?


All the rooms
are small, bormann.

What have we come to ?

( Sighing )

( Machine humming )

What's the trouble
, hentschel ?

Well, it's only
a -kilowatt
generator here.

It's got to power

The lights, the filter,
the pump for the spring--

Spring ?

We get our water here
from an underground spring

But not to worry,
gen. Rattenhuber,

I'm a genius
with machinery

We've carried
frederick the great
all over europe with us.

He's never without it.

There will be no smoking
in the bunker
at any time,

Those are
the fuhrer'sorders,

On duty, or off.

All meals will be taken
in the upper bunker

Or the old reich
chancellery mess hall.

Questions ?


Maj. Guenter,
have you spoken to him

About zossen
and about goin
g to zossen ?

The fuhrerrefuses
to leave berlin.

( Sighing )

It's only
kilometers away

Has the finest communications
of any bunker
in germany

And it's times
as big.

He knows that,
gen. Rattenhuber.

He refuses
to leave berlin.

I want all calls
for the fuhrer
to come through me

Does that include
dr. Goebbels, sir ?


But I will, of course,
control all access
to the fuhrer.

Understood ?

Yes, sir.

Any message
from my wife ?

No, we haven't been able
to get through yet, sir.

Impossible !

Welcome to berlin,
reich minister goebbels.

( g*ns firing )

( b*mb exploding )

( Officers chattering )

Are you still at
your country estate ?

Of course.
It's good for the children.

We have a swimming pool,
tennis court.

You know, the flowers
have just begun to bloom.

No air raids ?

So far
we've been fortunate.

Please inform the fuhrer,
I'm filled with confidence.

We will succeed.

The red's definitely
the ground.

This is ridiculous.

I've seen
better switchboards
in cheap hotels.

It's all
we have available.

Is there
a scrambling device ?


Where ?


Hello, rochus.

Have you been able
to reach your wife yet ?

I'm still trying
to get set up.

What about greta ?
What's happened to her ?
Is she still in berlin ?


I've been trying
to get her on a plane
to bavaria.

The russians,
they tell me,

They're raping
all the women.

From what I hear,
they're raping everyone.

( Telephone ringing )


( Both )

good to see you.

Come along.
I'll show you.

Col. Von below
is waiting to see you

Before you meet
with the fuhrer.

Maj. Guenter
will show you.


( Door closing )

( Woman )
thank you, sir

( Officers chattering )


Welcome to
our little tomb.

When did you
get back to berlin ?

Last night.
From the front ?

East prussia.

Bad as they say ?


The situation conference
is going on right now.

It started
shortly after midnight

So things are getting
a little more desperate.

Maj. Guenter,

Would you make it known
that reich minister speer
has arrived.

Yes, sir.

Well, what do you thin
k of the place ?

It's clammy.
Thank you.

Cold and clammy
one moment, and warm
and sultry the next.

It's not exactly one of your
architectural marvels, speer.

I didn't design this one.

Good. It also smells.

We're feet
below the ground here,

Which is feet
below the sewer.

A little caution:
bormann isn't
the only one here

Who'd like to
cut our throats.

now tell me, is it tru

About the plan
to destroy everything.

The towns, the villages.

The plan exists, yes.

But will he
go through with it ?

Unless I can
talk him out of it.

You think
that's possible ?

( Door opening )

Excuse me. They've asked you
to join the conference.

And here at helmstedt,
panzerdivision and
have regrouped

With new tiger tanks.

( Guenter )
we have most encouraging news
from gen. Dietrich.

He's repulsed the enemy
all along the sector,
west of the saar.

The luftwaffereports
the loss of aircraft

In the month of december.

However, in spite of this,
we brought down
enemy bombers.

We still have

Fully committed
to budapest.

They're confident
they can hold the city

The armies
who fought gallantly
in budapest...

How can we
help budapest ?

...have now regrouped.

We can't.

( General )
they've been re-supplied.

But berlin's
going to fall.

When it does,
the city disappear
s from the map.

Every week
they simply disappear.

...as we're
not at all certain
as of this moment

Exactly where we stand

I would call upon him,
if you would, my fuhrer.


The fuhrer
would like to hear

The december
production figures

The overall production
of armaments is down

we are, however,
maintaining full productio

Of fighter planes
and panzertanks.

Our greatest difficult
y right now

Is getting gasolin
e to supply them.

Of our largest
hydrogenating plants

Have been destroyed
in air raids,

As you well know.

The production of
synthetic gasoline
is at a standstill

Do you need more ?

Thank you, speer.
We've heard enough.

Dr. Morell is
with the fuhrer.

It'll be
a few moments.

Oh, good afternoon, albert.

Or is it evening ?

You can't tell
the difference down here.

I'm sorry
to keep you waiting.

You may go in now.

( Papers rustling )

Sit down, speer.
Coffee ?

No, thank you.

You're one of the few people
I can trust, speer.

Uh, sit down.

( Sighing )

Did bormann send you
the instructions ?

( Clearing throat )



You understand we want

Complete demolition.
I don't know how.

Fire, expl*sives,
whatever it takes.

Whatever it takes
to do what ?

I mean, I can understand
the destruction of, uh,

And factories,
and military installations,

But surely you don't mean
houses and farm animals--

. Everything

I want nothing lef
t to the enemy,
you understand ?

Nothing left
to the enemy.

But under
such circumstances,

The german people would face
utter starvation.

We'll be thrown back
to conditions
of the middle ages.


But should the w*r be lost ?

That is defeatist talk
. I won't allow--

The german people
that are left--

The german people
that are left would not
deserve to live.

The good ones
will have died already

Fighting for
their fatherland.

We must leave them

Some, no matter how primitive,
form of society. Something.

I think you despair
far too much, speer.

We've had our setbacks
from the beginning.

And every setback
has always been
a--a whiplash,

Driving us onward
with more determinatio
n than before.

This time we will
show the enemy that
we will not surrender.

We'll never surrender.

We'll continue the attack,
again and again.

Times over,
we'll continue the attack.

Policy has been set.
Carry it out.


Well ?

Did you see him ?

You were quite right,

At one moment
it's warm and sultry,

And then suddenly
it's cold and clammy.


Too bad.

Under the circumstances,
I think I'll have a word
with the engineer.

See if we can't change
the atmosphere down here.

Oh, no, no, no.
Not the ventilation.
Not the system.

The fuhrer'sorders.

You see, I'm not allowed
to keep the air flowing

In the conference room
during military
staff meetings.

Why not ?

well, the fuhrerbelieves
that the air
passing through the blower

Produces excessive pressur
e into the ears.

He believes
it reduces efficiency.

Perhaps we can, uh,
correct the situation.

Let's have a look
at the main air vent.

( Hentschel )
filters are usually
changed every month.

We've been having
a problem here,
getting a proper fit.

As you can see,
the air intake

Is almost
completely concealed.

( Speer )
how's the filter removed ?

Oh, just the screws.

Let me see if we can't
get you a better filter,

I think that might
help matters.

Thanks for your trouble.

Oh, whatever I can do.

( b*mb exploding )

( Siren wailing )

They're starting in again.

The british b*mb us
at breakfast,
the americans at dinner.

It's a conspiracy,
I think.

Anything else, sir ?

Yes, you can call off
the air raid.

( Chuckling )

Beg your pardon ?

( Both laughing )

Thank you, sir.
Good night, sir.

Good night.

( Coughing )


Want to forget dinner,
go to the shelter ?

Oh, no, thanks.
I've had enough
of shelters for one day.

Let's see
if it gets any worse.

Can't get any worse
than the food.

I'm sorry.
Forgive me, dieter

I--i think I've lost
my appetite.

I don't blame you.

Tell me,
how long do you think

Hitler will remain
in berlin ?

I have no idea

But if he stays here
long enough underground,

There'll be nothing
above the ground
for him to come up for

You mean
the air raids ?


I mean his
scorched-earth policy.

He's committed to it.

How ironic.

He now appoints you
the agent of
germany's destruction

After years of being
his master builder.

I refuse the honor.

Refuse ?

You did say "refuse" ?

I'm writing him
a memorandum

Stating clearly,
precisely, in detail,

That such a policy
would prove catastrophic

To the future
of the german people,

And I refuse
to implement it.

What if he insists
that you do so ?

( Explosions )

( Sighing )


Something quite desperate
must be considered.

And I'd like your help

In that case,
I could use a brandy.

We could both use a brandy.

It's my last bottle.

I'll try
and get you another.

You don't have to
bribe me, albert.

You've got my head
out of hitler's noose
more than once.

I'll do what I can.

You may want to
change your mind

When you hear
what I'm thinking.

Trust me.

Can we talk ?

It's safe.

I want you
to make some inquiries

To the army ordnance

Coming from the
chief of munitions division,

They will seem like
perfectly natural inquiries.

Concerning what ?

Poison gas experiments

They've been testing
something new called tabun

From what I understand
, it can penetrate
any gas mask,

Any filter
put up against it.

Albert, just exactly
what do you have in mind ?

I want to conduct tabu
n into the bunker.

To you, albert.
And to me.

May we both survive.

How do you intend
to introduce the gas ?

Through the main air vent
near the chancellery gardens.

You can manage that
without being seen ?

There are sentries posted.
S.s. Guards.

( Sighing )

But they know me.

It won't work, albert.

Tabun's only effective
with expl*sives.

I'm quite familiar
with it.

A shell or a hand grenade
would do it,

But they would
shatter the thin walls
of the air ducts.

And tabun's too risky.

What would you suggest ?

The old reliable:
mustard gas.

Mustard gas.
How would you get it ?

Well, it won't be easy.
Just give me time.

There's a bunker,
below the chancellery.

Uh, no.

No, it's impossible.
You can't come here. No.

Go to munich.

If you go to munich,
I can arrange an escort.

Be patient.
The battle for berlin
is just beginning.

It may take weeks,
maybe months,
but we shall be victorious.

I promise you.
I have no doubts.

We shall be victorious.

Yes, I will.



( Birds chirping )

If only my generals
showed such devotion, doctor.

What do you think,
sergeant ?

Has blondie got a whelp
this week ?

No. Not yet.

When she does,

I think
we'll have maybe pups.

Look at the size of her.

Hey, good dog.
Good dog.

She's a smart dog, too

Blondie knows
a lot of tricks.

Got one trick
I'd like to know.

How to get good red steak
at every meal, eh ?

( Laughing )

I told you a month ago.

The eastern front
is like a house of cards.

If the front is broken
at just one point,

All the rest will collapse.

How did the attack fail ?
I'll tell you why.

Incompetence, negligence.
If gen. Busse had only--

He had half a division
on the field.

( Guderian )
no amm*nit*on left.

His equipment destroyed.

Why didn't he ask for more ?

Where ? How ?

See, excuses, explanations
, that's all you give me.

Gen. Busse isn't to blame.
I won't allow it !

How dare
you speak to me that way !

I'm fighting for germany.
My whole life,

It's been one long struggl
e for germany.

How dare you ?

How do you dare ?
How dare you ?

I insist you cannot blame
gen. Busse.

Then who ?

Who ?

( Sighing )

Who let us down ?

The troops.

The troops did their duty.
Look at the casualties.

How can you possibly
blame the troops ?

They had no chance.
Gen. Gehlen made it clear--

Gen. Gehlen is
an incompetent fool.

His maps are idiotic
and he should be shut up
in a lunatic asylum.

If you want to send
gen. Gehlen to an asylum,

Then you had better
have me certified as well.

Gen. Busse is now
at gorlitz.

I will deal with him myself.

Col. Gen. Guderian,
I'm very concerned
about your physical health

I think it require
s that you take
-week sick leave

To commence immediately.

That'll be all,

No, no. More than that.

I tell you
there's a great increase
in anti-semitism

Coming from
the united states.

They're beginning to wonder
just what it is
they're fighting for.

Of course, the english
are sick to death
of this w*r.

If it weren't
for churchill,

That jew-ridden,
half-american swine,

There'd be no english
fighting today.


The gravedigger
of europe.

What a pity. Not a drop left
for the russians.

Oh, I'm sorry. I forgo
t to get you another.

It doesn't matter.

I trust you did send
your memorandum to hitler ?


And he said,
"albert, you're right
and I am wrong.

There'll be
no scorched earth."

No ? He didn't say that ?

There's been
no response.

We both knew that nothing
would stop him.

That's why I'm here.

In that case, the small item
that you need is available.

When do you want it ?


What are you doing ?


all s.s. Staff guards
will take off-duty res

In the
communications rooms.

Why ?


s.s. , , And
are being converte

Into a casualty statio
n in the chancellery.

Oh, we got
casualties coming
into the chancellery.

How are we supposed to wor
k with people lying around
all over the place ?

( Explosions )

( Telephone ringing )

Sir !

Yes ?

Where are you going ?

The bunker.
I have an appointment
with the fuhrer.

You will find the entrance
through the tunnel.

( Chuckling )

I thought I'd walk
through the garden tonight

Get some fresh air


( Crickets chirping )

Reich minister speer.


Come with me, please.

Wait here.

Bormann will be here

Bormann ?

I have no appointment
with bormann.

Wait here.

( Machine whirring )

Hello, sir.

Uh, hentschel.

How are you ?


Engine breakdown ?

Oh, nothing serious.

Still looking
for that filter.

Thank you.

By the way,
you didn't mention
our conversation to anyone ?

Oh, you mean,
about the filter ?


Didn't say anythin
g to bormann ?

Oh, no, I did not.

Uh, the main air vent

Has been entirely
surrounded by a chimney.

Ah, yes, I know.

I supervised
the construction.

We did all of it
in hours.


On whose orders ?

Well, the fuhrerhimself.

Come with me, sir.

( Bormann )
ah, speer.

I wanted to be
the first to wish you
a happy birthday.

Thank you.

I remember that
wonderful birthday party

He had for you
at berchtesgaden.


Well, I'm afraid
times have changed


( Machine buzzing )

Uh, what is it
you wanted to see me about ?

The fuhreris
greatly disappointed
in you, speer.

Oh ?

For some reason,
you have not carried out

The policies set out
to you.

I don't know..

Uh, which policy
do you refer to ?

The total destruction
of all towns and villages.

Oh, well,

Uh, there have been
administrative difficulties.

That is the language
of his generals, speer.

I think you will find
the fuhrerexpected
a little more of you.

Just wait here
for a moment.

( Door closing )

Good evening, doctor.

And good evening
to you, albert.

And how are yo
u this evening ?

I'll be able
to tell you better

After my meeting
with the fuhrer.

He's quite anxious
to talk to you.

Perhaps, I ought to have
one of your, uh,
injections first.

( Chuckling )

It's all right
. Go in. Go in.

I was reading
your memorandum.

It's a very
long memorandum.

You say here that,

"We have no right
at this stage of the w*r

"To carry out
our demolitions

Which would
devastate the lives
of the people."

Is that correct ?

I wrote the memorandum. Yes.

Why ? You say,
"we have no right."

You believe that ?

( Sighing )

If our enemies wish
to destroy us completely,

Why help them ?

I think you should

That the policy
will be carried out

With or without
your cooperation, speer.

I am hoping
there is still room
for reconsideration.


My fuhrer,

I don't believe that anyon
e has the right to tie

The fate of the german people
to his own personal destiny.

Why do you continue
to press the point ?

We must be able to mak
e some distinctions

Between military
and purely civilian--

I won't hear any more.

You understand me ?

I don't want to hear
any more.

Tell maj. Guenter
to come in here, now.

Do you remember
at berchtesgaden,

The hours
we spent together,

Planning buildings
for the future german reich.

To me, you and i,
we were like fellow artists.

Speer, you and i...

( Door opening )

Then, we had
a complete understanding
of each other.

Put it on the table.

That'll be all.

( Door closing )

Today it's your birthday,
correct ?


I understand you asked
for my photograph ?

Yes, my fuhrer.

I will treasure it forever


I've signed it to you,

My hand shakes.
You know,

( Chuckling )

My hand shakes.

But I've signed it,
to you.

I hope you can read it.

May I read it now ?

I am grateful for this

Pledge of our
enduring friendship.


You'll now inform
every official of every town.

I want every gauleiter
to know

That there must be
total destruction.

I've given you
complete authority
over every one of them.

They must all comply
without question.

( Breathing heavily )

In those areas
where the enemy
is now approaching,

There will be
total destruction.

Is that understood ?

( Sighing )

I keep thinking--

If the w*r is lost,

The people of germany
will be lost also !

How dare you sit down
in my presence !

Stand up !

The people of germany
will be lost also.

They will not need
to think about survival.

We shall destroy everything.

You'll instruct them.

Speer, you'll instruct
all the officials

Of all the towns,
every gauleiter,

Total destruction.

You will order them.
Is that understood ?

You will order them.

( Breathing heavily )

Total destruction.

You'll answer me, please.

Is that understood ?

( Cutlery rattling )

Did you send in
the sugar ?

Yes, miss, with the tea.

Here, you.
Take this in.

If they want
tea cakes this afternoon,
tell them we have those, too.

Don't burn it.

Do you want
some coffee ?

No. Nothing. Thanks.

Have you seen him ?

Who ?

Our fuhrer.

I spoke with him yesterday.

His eyes, franz,

So clear and strong
like always.

The man is a god, franz.

And I will tell you
right now,
he will not die.

No matter what happens,
adolf hitler will never die.

( Bombs exploding )

Mmm, that's good.

How did you get it ?

( Chuckling )

I've traveled over miles
these past days.

I've been to both fronts
and I have my sources.

You're sure
you won't join me

No, thank you.

I'm a prisoner her
e in this office,
these walls.

I even sleep here

I envy you, albert

You shouldn't.

( Explosions continue )

Well, what happens now ?


What does
"nothing" mean exactly ?

No more
assassination attempts.

I think

I was capable of only one.

I see.

( m*ssile whistling )
you rise with hitler
and you will fall with hitler.

( expl*si*n )

( Glass shattering )

( Officers exclaiming )

All of us.

I don't think
the fate of germany
can be severed from that

Of adolf hitler.

And you intend to carry ou
t his orders of destruction

No. I will warn
the gauleiters

That if they attempt
to burn down their towns
and villages,

( Explosions continue )

The people will rise up

And burn them.

If bormann has his way,

He'll have you hanging
from the first meat hook.

I can handle bormann.

And I can count
a hell of a lot of corpses
who said that once.

I'm sorry, sir.
The fuhreris in conference
at the moment.

But col. Von below
has asked to see you
while you're waiting.

Thanks maj. Guenter.

Oh, he's in
the chancellery dining room.

( Siren wailing )


So, what are you
gonna do ?

About what ?

Well, I thought
you would've heard

Bormann has been
placed in charge
of the gauleiters.


He told hitler
that you deliberately
disobeyed his orders.

Bormann's quite correct.

But if he controls
the town officials--

He doesn't control anything
outside of that bunker.

I'm the one
who goes to see them,

Who listens
to their complaints.

I'm the one they trust
and they'll go on trusting me.

May I ?

( Cutlery rattling )

( b*mb exploding )


I hate to mention this
, but what if you're
no longer alive ?

That is a point.

Do you really think
hitler won't touch you ?

I'm going to find
that out very soon.

Oh, god,
it's all sober now

I come from an ancient
, honorable family.

I can't understand
how I ever got here.

Hitler, bormann,


And the master
of the imperial needle
, dr. Morell.

I'm told his injection
s contain pulverized
bull's testicles.

Everyday at :
he sits with his secretaries

At tea and crumpets.

It's true.
I'm quite serious.

Excuse me, sir.
You're requested to join
the situation conference.

Thank you.
I'll be right there.

The hitler court.

You know,

I keep thinking
about the roman court.

In the writings
of juvenal, he said,

"Yesterday they were ruffians,
today they control our lives,

Tomorrow they will
wind up as keepers
of the public lavatories."

( General )
they've crossed the rhine
at junctures,

Including oppenheim.

Gen. Patton, rd division.

Oppenheim ?

( Clearing throat

What units...

( Clearing throat

What units
are meeting them ?

Uh, well, we have nothing
in the vicinity
at the moment,

But there are
t*nk destroyers
from the camp at siegen.

They're on the move now.

Speer ?


( Hitler )
you've heard the americans
advanced into the ruhr.

If the ruhr is taken,

How would it affect
our overall production ?

( Speer )
whatever remained of
our armament production

Would scarcely
maintain our forces
in the field for...

The third reich
is about to collapse.

Losing the ruhr
would only hasten
the inevitable.


I want all inhabitants
of the ruhr

To be evacuated
starting tomorrow.

My fuhrer.
Tomorrow, that's all.

Uh, one moment

Issue the order.

( Officer )
it's a staggering operation.

Millions of people under
b*ttlefield conditions ?

There will be countless
civilian casualties.

I'm supposed to go in there ?

If you would.

( Whimpering )

( Hitler )
what do you think, speer ?

The little bitch
has done very well

She has.

Bormann is now in charge
of the gauleiters.

Did you know that

So I've been told.

Do you know
the reason why ?


( Blondie whining )

You have no faith, speer.

You have no faith
in the german people.

But we have survived.

We have survived
the romans.

We've survived
the great battles
of the middle ages.

We've survived
the wars of religion,
the years w*r,

The napoleonic w*r

We even survived
the great w*r itself.

And you...

You tell me that germany
will no longer exist.

Is that what you think ?

There has never been a w*r
such as this one.

( Exclaiming )

That is exactly
why I pursue my goal

With such, yes, fanaticism

All right, battles are won
, battles are lost,

It is essential then
never to lose one's nerve.

But we must be abl
e to accept defeat.

God, defeat.
The defeat after defeat,

Knowing we shall
emerge victorious
in the end.

All right.

Now, you disobeyed
my orders.

Are you aware of what
must come from that ?

Is there any reason
I should not take the measures

Called for in such a case

I ask you not to grant me
any special consideration.

( Breathing heavily )


I think it is clea

That my architect
is overworked.

I'll see to it that
you go on leave at once.

I'm in perfect heath.

If you no longer want me
to continue as your minister,

Then dismiss me right now.


You must convince yourself
that the w*r is not lost.

Give me your assurance

And you may continue
as you have been.

My fuhrer,

The w*r is lost.

The w*r is not lost !

The w*r is not lost !

The w*r will never be lost !

We will defeat them !
We will defeat them all !

I will destroy bolshevism

I will wipe out the scourg
e and pestilence

Of jewish martyrdom.

( Exhaling )

I will defeat them all

I will defy
the entire world.

You hear me ?

( Panting )


Speer, you have
faith in me.

If you say
you have faith in me,

Then you may continue.

I wish I could believe
in victory as you do,

But I don't.

And I refuse
to join those swine
in your entourage

Who tell you
they believe in victory,

When really they don't

Then I will ask you this.

Do you still hope
for a successful conclusion ?

If you could at least hope
that the w*r is not lost.

Surely you must be--

You must be able to hope.


That would be enough
to satisfy me.

You have hours
to think over your answer.

( People laughing )

( Piano playing )

( Speer )
money is no problem.

I mean,
it's an architect's dream-

The fuhrerhas just arrived.
Do you want--

( All )

My fuhrer.


( Hitler )
magnificent, speer.

Truly worthy of, uh,
the third reich. Splendid.

I'm afraid though, my fuhrer,
the little village of linz

Will no longer
be a village.


Good. I want
construction to start
as soon as possible.

Perhaps, we should
look over
the cost estimates

Why ?

Why ? I know it's going
to cost a great deal
of money and that's good.

Nothing impresses
the americans
more than money, speer.

Always remember that.
It's wonderful.

( Knocking on door )

( Hitler )

What is it ?

( Whispering )


( Speaking german )

Yes, well done, speer.
Well done.

My good architect.

My genius architect, rather.

The world is ours.
Thank you, bormann

( People chattering )

( Birds chirping )

( Camera whirring )

( Camera whirring

( Chuckling )

( Chattering )

( Ambulance siren wailing )

No, I don't believe it.
You're still alive.

I told him
the w*r is lost.

And he didn't arrest you ?

He gave me hour
s to change my mind.

And will you ?

Blondie had puppies.

( Laughing )

How wonderful !

Send a message
to the troops:

"Fight to the finish.
Blondie had puppies."

You know,

I think the man is
actually fond of me.

He'll still have you k*lled.


Why not ?

Because I'm going to tell him
that I support him
with all my heart.

Including his
policy of destruction


But there will
be complications.

Intolerable delays,
bureaucracy at its worst.

I doubt that
we'll even get it working,

Before germany
is totally defeated.

You know
what you're trying to do ?

Deceive the greatest master
of deceit of this century.

He'll believe me.

Why ?

Because he wants to.

I never doubted it.

I knew I could rely on you.

I knew it.

I knew it.

Thank you, speer.
Thank you.

( Bombs exploding )

The fuhrertakes great pride
in the youth of germany.

You will serve your countr
y and you will
serve your fuhrer.


( All )

Get on the trucks.

How long till
they reach the front ?

Tomorrow morning.

It's not that far.

( Truck engines starting )

( Officers laughing )

( Officer )
wagner !

( Officers chattering )

What's going on ?
What happened ?

Roosevelt died
this morning.

I tell you
it's a gift from god.

Fate has now removed
the greatest w*r criminal
in history.

The jew-lover finally dies.

This is the turning point.

This is the turn of fortune
we've been waiting for.

( Sighing )


frederick the grea

In his worst days.

Almost finished,
almost defeated.

And then,
a turn of fortune.

He emerged victorious.

You remember the day
you became our leader ?

The horoscope given to you
by himmler ?

The prediction of w*r,
a series of setbacks,

And then
overwhelming victory.

This evening I broadcast
the prediction to the people.

Let them know.

Let the world know
that miracle will now
come to be.

What is it, bormann ?

Dispatch from
gen. Zeidler.

Vienna has fallen.

( Blondie panting )


What is it ?
She's here.

Who ?

Eva braun.

( Eva )
oh, uh, just leave it there,

Thank you.

( Mrs. Junge sighing )

Oh, how beautiful !

Isn't it ?

I have such a weakness
for beautiful clothes.

Ah, that is because
you look so beautiful in them.

You're too kind.
But it isn't true.

No matter what I wear,
I always look the peasant.

But then I don't complain,
you see.

I think he likes m
e the better for it.

Yes, I will, general.
I will tell him.

Yes, sir
yes, I will convey

The fuhrerwishes me
to express

His appreciation for
your birthday greetings.

No, no, the rum.

I told you
the rum goes in first.

What did you do
with those
birthday candles, franz ?

Well, they were...
Never mind I have them.

in this place.

How did we ever
come to this ?

( People chattering )

( Music playing )


How did we ever
come to this place ?

( Cutlery rattling )

What ?
Did you say something

Welcome to berlin,
reich fuhrerhimmler.

Reichs marshall goerin
g arrived only
a few moments ago.

( Bombs exploding )

( Music playing )

( Speer )
von below,

Eating before
the fuhrerarrives.
Shame on you.

Look in both directions.

We're surrounded
by assassins.

Himmler and his
bunker informant.

Goering and his loyal gut.

Speaking for myself,
I intend to outlive
the third reich.

Then why do you
keep coming back ?

I'm sentimental
about birthdays.

What does dr. Morell say ?

He tells us nothing.

As you can see
for yourself,

Ever since the assassination
attempt at rastenburg,

The b*mb came so close

Hitler has
never been the same.

From what I've heard,
fegelein, from all sources,

I don't think
we can depend on him
much longer.

Will he make I
t all right ?

You have my promise.
He'll be there.

The luftwaffecan't fly
without petrol, speer.

( Chuckling )

I think
that's quite obvious.

What's equally obvious
is that the ruhr

Is now cut off
from the rest of germany.

There are no fuel supplies
reaching any
of the major cities,

Including berlin.

What we have in storage
I've allocated
to the hospitals.

The hospitals


Those are hitler's orders

You've taken I
t upon yourself-

I've been taking
quite a lot upon myself,
these days. Haven't we all ?

The time has come, now,

To negotiate peace.

You mean without hitler ?

I've been in contact
with count bernadotte
of sweden.

Bernadotte ?
Does he have the authority ?

He has the contacts,

But he's a very simple man.

He has no understanding
of the jewish problem,
for instance.

He wants his countrymen
returned from
the concentration camps.

Can't that be arranged ?

I've agreed to release
, jewish women.

If they can be designated
polish instead of jewish.

I must be cautious.

Yes, keep in contact
as long as you can.
Thank you.

Thank you.

( Officer )
yes, colonel.
Thank you very much.

The soviets are
storming rudersdorf,

On the outskirts of berlin.

( Bombs exploding )


Loyal friends,

I know how difficult it wa
s for you to come here today

Believe me,

Your devotion
touches my heart.

There have been questions,
I know, about my health.

Well, you see me now.

It is true
there is a certain...

I have a certain trembling
in my arm and my legs,

But I can assure you,
good friends,

The trembling has not
reached my head
or my heart. No.

My heart
will never tremble


And in the weeks to come,

We will drive the enem
y from our country,

And we have
the greatest w*apon of all

The teutonic fury
of the german people.

We will not be defeated.
We will fight them
to the last soldier,

To the last t*nk,
to the last aircraft
they possess.

We shall not be defeated.

We shall not be defeated.

We shall not be defeated.

Thank you.
Long live germany.

( All speaking german )

( Music playing )

( People chattering )

What is it ?

Tell me, what is it ?

The russians
have just entered

The borders of copenik
and spandau.

I regret to say
that berlin is now closed
on sides.

( Sighing )

( Sighing

Gen. Steiner.

Order gen. Steiner's
to counterattack at once.

He has fewer
than , men.

I want all
the air force personne

Placed at the disposal
of gen. Steiner.

If any commander
holds back his forces,

He will forfeit
his life in hours.
Tell gen. Koller

That he will guarantee
with his head

That the last man
will be thrown in.

It's not possible.

How can steine
r counterattack

He's having enough
trouble retreating

You know, I know
there'll be no counterattack.

With or without orders
it will never be attempted.

But how can one possibly...

Who's responsible
for the breakthrough ?

It was the th panzer

They couldn't
hold them back

Gen. Weilding.

Issue an order
for his immediate arrest
and execution.

Fuhrer !

All officers who do no
t press the attack

Will carry a sign stating,
"I am a deserter

And I declined to defend
german women and children.

You will then hang the
m from the nearest tree.

( Camera clicking )

Good soldier, general.

What's your name ?



Wilhelm kruger
, my fuhrer.



I wish my generals
had your courage.

Thank you, my fuhrer.

Good boy, yes.

Joseph ? Can you hear me ?

I can hear you, magda.

What is it now, joseph ?

I came in from the garden,
what do you want ?

I told you I'd let you kno
w when I felt
the time had come.

Magda, did you hear me ?


You haven't
changed your mind ?

I'll pack up and leave
in the morning.

I meant
about the children


Have you decided
what to tell them ?

That they are going
to visit the fuhrer.

They adore him.
You know that ?

Well, until tomorrow then.

Until tomorrow.

( Dog barking )

( Children chattering )

From the north
at eberswalde,

From the south
at felstehausen.

The russians are
advancing at every
defensive stronghold...

My fuhrer,

I think it would
be most prudent now
if we, uh, transferred.

If we moved,
all of us to berchtesgaden.


We have aircraft
standing by.

No, we'll stay
here in berlin

Yes, my fuhrer.



Perhaps some other
members of the staff
can be transferred.

No, no, it's impossible.
I can't leave right now.

But listen carefully,

I found a wonderful place
for you and the children.

I'm sending off
written instructions.

You'll be posing
as a director of children
seeking refuge.

I've taken children
from a party kindergarten

To make the group
look entirely plausible.

No, no, I don't know
when I'll see you.

He's determined to stay here
and take over
the defense of the city.

Hmm. I--i will.

Hmm ? I-- have courage.

Take care of the children.

I just came to say goodbye.

You ?

You're leaving, too ?

Don't ask me why.

Perhaps the fuhrer
just doesn't care anymore.

Dr. Haase is taking my place.

I'm grateful to be leaving.

What a pity that you
can't come with me.

( Laughing )

( Door opening )

Fuhrer. Of the secretaries
wish to speak with you.

They're waiting.

We have a request,
my fuhrer.

We ask to be allowed
to remain here with you.

Thank you, my fuhrer.

( Car approaching )

( Bombs exploding )

( Boy )
hello, father.

( Children chattering )

We picked flowers at home.
This is from our garden.

( Children chattering )

( Hitler chattering )

( Ribald )
goodbye, johannes.

Oh, yes, goodbye, ribbald.
Do be careful.

Goodbye, sergeant.

I'm on my way.

Yes, good luck

How long will you stay ?

As long as
I'm assigned here.

To tell you the truth,
I'm glad to be getting out.

Yes, but you haven't
the same loyalty as myself

Because you don't know
the fuhreras I do.

Being a member of
his personal staff

His chief valet, and being
a highly decorated soldier

I consider my position her
e to be a great honor.

Well, whatever happens,
I wish you well, rochus.

Yes. Godspeed.

You getting a new assistant ?

No, -hour duty.


Me, too.

( Hitler yelling )

Liars, tell us
. Lies ! Lies !

You ! You have betrayed me !

No, fuhrer.

Where's gen. Steiner ?
Where's gen. Steiner ?

Bring me gen. Steiner,
here at once.

We've tried to contact him
. But we think
he's been captured.

Where's the air force ?

The airfields are
completely covered now
by enemy fighters.

We can't afford--

Do you hear that ?
Do you hear that ?

The air force is superfluous.
What do we need them for ?

String them up at once
. String them up.

Liars, traitors,
cut-ups and all of you
Listen to me.

We think it is vital
that you leave
the bunker immediately.

Why ?

If you're to remain
in command of the reich,

Then you must go
to berchtesgaden
as soon as possible.

I will not go
to berchtesgaden !

I will not go
to berchtesgaden !

You and all of
your incompetents
can go to hell !

I will stay in berlin

Do you hear me ?
I will stay in berlin.

The army has betrayed me.

I will fight in berlin

My orders were
not carried out.

I will fight
to my last breath.

I will die in berlin.

The third reich
has totally failed

( Sighing )

I'll die in berlin.

I've been betrayed.

The w*r is lost.

The w*r is...

( Hitler breathing heavily )

Excuse me,
are you hentschel


I'm dr. Haase.

We've met
at the berchtesgaden,
I believe.

I need your help.

My help ?

We've taken
a number of wounded
into the chancellery

And set up
an emergency
casualty station.

But there isn't
enough water to go around.

I understand
the water supply comes

From an underground spring
here in the bunker.

That's right.

Could you possibly
divert some of it

Well, I could set up
some makeshift hoses.

Thank you.

Has this been cleared
with bormann ?

It's been cleared
with god.

( Soldiers groaning )

( Soldier )
nurse !

( Nurse )
can you take some water.
Help him, will you ?

( Soldiers coughing )

( Dr. Schenck )
easy, now.

All right, now.

You're getting
your water.

Dr. Schenck.

Did you talk
to hitler ?


Well, his condition
is getting worse.

( Moaning

There, now.

Get him morphine,

( Patient
) oh, no !

The rumors you hear
are quite correct.

Think the fuhrer
has long to live ?

At this point,

I think the question
is academic.

( Fegelein )
♪ I'll die for you ♪

♪ I'll die for you ♪♪

Hey, you.
My sweetheart !

Don't you wanna
go away, too ?

Hey ! Hey !
Don't you want to ?

No, of course not.
Of course not.

What is it
they say now ?

I'd rather have
a russian soldier
on my belly

Than a british b*mb
on my head, eh ?

( Laughing )

( Fegelein singing )

( Motor whirring )

What is it ?

What happened
to col. Fegelein ?

He's drunk.

I can see that he's drunk.

Why have they
brought him in ?

He's been absent for days.
I put the call through myself

To his berlin apartment,
they just picked him up.

What will they
do to him ?

Not much.

Well, for desertion ?

He's, uh, married
to eva braun's sister.

( Bormann )
how long were you ther
e in the apartment ?

( Laughing )

Where is the woman ?

Answer me.

Hmm, pearls.


Tell me, general.

You were not by any chance
on your way

Out of berlin
when we found you, hmm ?

I have nothing to say.

Was he alone ?

No, he had a woman
with him.

She got away.

There was a woman
with him ?

She may have
been a spy.

Together, they may
have been responsible

For the leaks
to the enemy lately.

He had a woman
with him ? Fegelein ?

He was obviously
about to leave berlin.

Oh, no.

I think it's a case
of desertion.

Interrogate hi
m further.

For what purpose ?

Well, do you hear me ?

Yes, my fuhrer.and then ?

Release him.

Release him ?

He's himmler's
liaison man.

I think
we must defer to that.

There's no proof, anyway.

His--his wife
is having a baby.

Fegelein's wife
is having a baby.

Having a baby ?

Eva told me yesterday.

His wife would be
very upset

If something
should happen to him.

There is
an urgent communication.

I've been aske
d by gen. Mohnke

To give it
to you immediately.

( Grunting )

( Coughing )


Have you heard ?

We just heard it
on short wave.

Heard what ?

Himmler has been negotiating
for a peace settlement.

He's offered to surrender
the western armies
to eisenhower.

My god, the swine

The stinking swine !

My fuhrer,i beg you,

We can't allow a traitor
to succeed you.

We've got to leave
for berchtesgaden
at once.

We have aircraft
standing by.

You have only
to give the word.

What should we do
with gen. Fegelein ?

The passports,
the jewels.

He was on his way
to join himmler.

Shall we keep him
under arrest ?


But he will take off

He'll leave berlin
as soon as possible.

Gen. Fegelein

Is not going anywhere.

( Grunting )

( Groaning )

"The wolf said,
'my friends,

"'It is not I

"'Who k*lled the lamb.

"'It's him.

"He said,
'he looked like me.'"

( Plane engines roaring )

( Bombs exploding )

( Women laughing )

( Echoing )
hey !

( Guenter
) sir !

Maj. Guenter.

Bormann would like
to see you immediately

Where is everybody ?
What happened
to all the guards ?

Most of them are out
fighting for the city.

( Door opening )

( Bormann )
ah, albert !


How good it is of you
to come here.

I was delighted
to hear you were comin
g to see the fuhrer.

I've only come
to say goodbye.


It's a question of leaving

Of getting out of berlin
and going to berchtesgaden

The fuhrervalues
your opinion, albert.

You must try
to convince him to go.

We have such
little time left.

You must speak to him.

He will listen
to you, I'm sure.

I'm sure he will.

Would you do that

( Chuckling )

If there's one man
left in the reich
I know that I can count on

It is you, albert.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Thank you.

( Hitler snoring )

Speer ?

What do you think


We could have made it

The capital
of our national
socialist party.


It would have been
a german budapest.

Linz, the place
of my youth.

Many years ago.

Do you remember
the great bell tower
of the meeting hall

And the crypt,
the marble crypt
for my burial place ?

They told me it would
cost a great deal
of money to build

A--a new metropolis
on the banks
of the danube.

What do I care for money ?

I've never acquired anything
of value in my life.

I have nothing.

I have nothing.

( Snickering )

A new germania !

A new capitol
for the german people.

Ha !

It's all a dream.

I have nothing.

What might have been,


They're trying to persuade me
to fly to berchtesgaden.

Jodl and the others.
Have you heard ?

( Speer )

I'd like your opinion,

It's my opinion
that the leader
of the german people

Should remain here
, in berlin.

He should end his life

In the german capital.

Not in some
vacation chalet.

Yes, my friend.
Goebbels agrees with you.

I cannot, of course,
join in the fighting myself,

I might fall into the hands
of the russians,
you understand ?

I would then be brought
to moscow,
and then caged in a zoo.

They're not gonna
cage me in a zoo.

They're not gonna
mutilate my corpse.


I've issued orders

That my body be

Cremated upon my death.

Believe me speer,
it is easy for me
to put an end to my life.

One brief moment.


I'm free of everything.

I'm free of everything.

My fuhrer,

There's something
I feel I must tell you

Before we part today.

These past weeks,

I've deceived you.

I've not carried out
your policy of destruction


What eva ?

Eva braun.

She has decided
to end her life here

By my side.

My fuhrer,did you hear
what I had to say to you ?

Don't leave here,
speer, will you ?

Without saying goodbye
to me.

( Music playing )

( Humming )

( Knocking on door )

Ah, there you are, albert.

I was afraid you would leave
without saying goodbye.

I even gave orders
to the s.s. Guards,

I told them,
"you're not to allow

Albert speer to leave
until he's seen me."

You look lovely,
just the same as always.

Well, I see no point
in going around

Looking like a death mask.
Come in.

I hope you like it.
You should,

Since you designed
all the furniture

I know the room
is a little small,

But I just had to
have them with me.

Champagne ?

Thank you.

Sit, please.

Only the best.

I must warn you.

Everything tastes
rather damp and musty.

Can't be helped.



Our farewell drink

I'm so glad you came.

You know,

Bormann thought
you might be working
against the fuhrer.

But you coming here
now proves that you aren't,
doesn't it ?

Adolf wanted me
to go to munich,
but I refused.

Yes, he told me that you...

Well, I'm really
quite happy here.

I mean, it isn't so terrible.

If only,
I didn't have to look

At bormann's face
every other moment.

I've never liked that man.

It's all so terrible, albert.

Why do so many people
have to be k*lled.

And all for nothing.

Aunt eva,
I've lost chichi.

Who ?

My doll,
did I leave her here?

No, I don't think so.

Why don't you go
ask traudl.

The goebbels children
are here ?

Yes, they're staying.

( Children chattering )

( Child # )
good night.

( Child # )
good night.

( Child # )
good night.

You can read
for more minutes.

Sweetheart, finish up
for me, will you ?

Oh, albert,
I heard you might be coming.

It's quite an unusual place,
isn't it ?

Well, the children are
adapting very well, I think.

How's your family, albert ?

They're all
at berchtesgaden.

Look, magda.

There's still enough time.


I can arrange
for barges.

Barges ?

On the havel river

They can take you
to the elbe,
to the americans.

Oh, don't you know, albert.

We have no intention
of leaving here.

But you have to realize,
when the russians arrive--

My husband and I have decided
to die with the fuhrer.

( Children giggling )

I was thinking
of the children.

( Magda )
so am i.

Our lives have
no further meaning
without hitler.

But, magda, the--

The children
are so young and--

And far too good
for the kind of life
that will come after us.

Oh, damn it, magda !

How do you know
what kind of life
is coming after you ?

Don't be apprehensive,


the fuhrertook off

His golden party badge
and gave it to me.

Can you imagine, albert. Oh,

We're so proud to be ending
our lives with him.

I look upon it
as a precious gift
of fate.

( Door opening )


Excuse me.

What is it, dear ? Hmm ?

( Boy giggling )

( Magda )
oh !

What are you doing ?

Come on. Come on.

Come on, sweety.


And that's all ?

Yes, of course,
I will at once.

This is the telegram
from reich marshall
hermann goering

To foreign minister
von ribbentrop.

I've transcribed it,
I don't know if you
can read my writing.

We have the full text
of the telegram now.

( Bormann )
"if by : p.m.,
April ,

"It is apparent
that the fuhrerhas lost
his freedom of action

"To conduct the affair
s of the reich,

"Then, i, reich marshall
hermann goering

Inherit all of his offices."

He sits there
on the mountaintop
in berchtesgaden

And tells the whole world,
he's taking command
of the third reich.

We must take
action immediately.


He's a brutal man.

Hard as iron.

Ruthless, cold

( Sighing

In a crisis,
he's ice cold.

He's ice cold.

Ha !

What ?

He's committed
an act of treason.

Oh. We stood together

Years ago.


( Grunting )

Determined, deadly.

( Sighing )

The man...

Well, he's a drug addict,


He's a drug addict.
It is a well known fact.

( Bormann )
what do you intend
to do ?


Hmm ?

How do you intend
to deal with goering ?

Yeah, he must resign
his office, at once.

( Bormann )
the situation demands
more than a resignation.

A telegram to ribbentrop.

Is there no honor left ?

We can still reach
the s.s. At obersalzberg.

Place him under arrest

I'm leaving now,
my fuhrer.

I wanted
to say goodbye.


( Children giggling )

There are aircraft,
one of them is a junker .

It's capable of flying
from germany to japan,

It's no use, baur.
He won't leave.

I could fly him to argentina.

I know of a place to refuel--

It's no use.

Bormann, where is he ?

The fuhreris
with his secretaries.

Yes, and eva.

They're having
afternoon tea with crumpets.

Would you like
to join them ?

How would you like
some afternoon tea
and crumpets.

And do you remember ?

We would sit aroun
d the fireplace

And listen to the musi
c of wagner.

You could see
the snow falling outside

And you knew
there was no place
on earth as beautiful.

( Eva sighing )

I always felt like
a wagnerian god there.

So high
above the clouds.

And do you
remember the cook ?

Uh, will kanenberg ?

He was as big as a house.
He had enough
for all of us.

Ah, but the sausages
that man could make,

And the little cream cakes.

You loved those cream cake
s with the chocolate sauce,
remember ?

The little cakes
of berchtesgaden.

The cook that was
trained in vienna.

That's total incompetence.

Vienna should have been held.

They lost their courage.

They lost their faith
in the will of the almighty.

Please. Let's not
talk about vienna.

Let's think only
of berchtesgaden.

How lovely it is
in the spring.

The flowers.
The valleys turning green.

( Bombs exploding )

More tea ?

can we tell them ?

Let's tell them now.

This evening, as soon
as the arrangements
can be made,

We are
going to be married.

( Guenter )
what is your name ?

Wagner. Walter wagner.
Party member.

You have notary
and registrar power

To perform
a marriage ceremony ?

I have.

Stay here. Dismissed.

He'll do.

We'll have to wait

The fuhreris talking
to dr. Goebbels.

It's almost midnight.

What differenc
e does it make ?

And listen to this

"Brave king frederick

"Wait for a little while
and the days

"That you're suffering
will be over.

"Behind the clouds,
the sun of your good fortune
is already rising.

Soon, it will show
itself to you."

And it did.

He was on the poin
t of perishing,
and he was saved.

The applications
have been accepted

The bands examined
and found to be in order.

Do you attest that you're
of pure aryan descent

And free of
hereditary diseases ?


I ask you,
my leader adolf hitler

Do you attest that you're
of pure aryan descent

And free of
hereditary diseases.


Since both of thes
e engaged persons

Have stated their willingness
to enter into matrimony,

I herewith
declare the marriage
valid before the law.

If you will
sign the document, please.

( People chattering )

( Clinking )

To the lovely bride.

Thank you.

And to our great fuhrer.

They've taken over
the potsdamer platz.

Tanks, a*tillery,

Russian soldiers

Soldiers, ignorant peasants,
raping every woman
they can find,

Stealing the flush toilets

Because they think
they're potato-washing

( Music playing )

Good evening, gentlemen.

Or should I say good morning.

What's that music

A party.

What ?

( People chattering )

Oh, god.

Ah, welcome
to the wedding party.

Wedding ?

married eva braun.

Are you serious ?

Don't they know--
don't they realize
the russians could be here

In this bunker
within hours ?

Speak to the fuhrer.

Tell him it's our
last chance to leave.

( Gen. Mohnke )
where is he ?
I don't see him.

And so I have decided
at the end of my life

To marry the young woman,
who, after many years
of true friendship,

Came of her own free will
to this city

( Clearing throat

When it was almost
completely under siege

In order to share my fate.

We have chosen death

To escape
the disgrace of remova
l or surrender.

I'm talking about
russian as*ault troops
only meters from here.

I think we can get out
if we move now.

You're wasting
your breath, general.

The fuhrerwill not
leave berlin,

Nor will i, my wife,
or my children.

I never wanted w*r.

It was provoked solely

By the agents

Of jewish marxist

Posterity simply canno
t place the blame

For this w*r on me

Out of the ruins

Of our cities,

There will arise
a new hatred

For those people who are

Ultimately responsible.

( People chattering )

Before my death,

I now expel reich marshall

Hermann goering

And reich fuhrer

S.s. Heinrich himmler,
from the party.

They have brought shame

On our country

And our people.


Has undermined our resistance

And it has not been granted

For me to lead my people

To victory.

We'll have groups
in the breakout.

We'll divide up
the bunker personnel

And those left
in the chancellery.

What are our chances ?

If we make it
to the strachow factory,

If we get that far,
stick together,

We should make it
to the british lines.

Excuse me,
gen. Mohnke.

The fuhrerwould like
to see you immediately.

My fuhrer.

You've assumed command
of the berlin fighting ?

Yes, my fuhrer.

My life is
in your hands.

I wish to live
until the th of may.

There is some significance
to that day ?

The th of may
is the anniversary
of napoleon's death.

We're both men
born before our time.

So much the worse for europe.

History will be my judge

As it was for him.

I cannot guarantee the date,
my fuhrer.

Is that all, my fuhrer?

To admiral donitz.

The fuhreris now conducting
the defense of berlin.

He orders you to proceed
against all traitors
who are not fighting.

Send it out at once.


and, misch,
I expect you to
remain on duty her

Until the breakout

Yes, sir.


This one.

I want you to have this one.

Oh, no, I couldn't take it
. I couldn't.

Please, don't be silly.

I have no use for it now.

And you will have it
for this winter,
and your life after the w*r.

And when you put it on,
dear traudl,
you will think of me

And the times
we shared in bavaria, huh ?

We're closing the doors here,
dr. Schenck.

Why ? We need
all the air we can get

Dr. Goebbels is having
a farewell party
for his friends.

Friends ? Who is there
left to come ?

Dr. Goebbels would like
of the wounded soldiers

To attend the party.

They're boys, mere boys,
and many of them are dying

Do you really think
they want to say farewell
to dr. Goebbels ?

( Soldiers clapping )

Everyone be seated

( Children chattering )

I wish to express
my deep appreciation

For your loyalty
and your devotion.

Although our enemies remai
n greatly impressed

With the courageous,
fighting spirit
of our troops,

It must be stated that
the morale of our men
is slowly sinking.

The enemy is now indulging
in a great orgy of hate

And a thirst for destruction.

For that reason,
we must fight

Till the final breath
in our bodies.

I wish I could tell yo
u the struggle
might still succeed.

that's not the case.

The enemy has stated,
under no conditions

Will germany be given
lenient treatment.

Of course,
that's the work of the jews.

I hope anyone
in a position to do so

Will k*ll off these jews
like the vermin they are.

In germany,
that job already
is fairly complete

I trust the world will
take its cue from us.

I look at these brave,
young, fighting men

And my heart
goes out to them.

Let us show them
our gratitude, shall we ?

( All clapping )

( Playing )

♪ The blue dragoons,
they are riding ♪

♪ Through the gates,
through the gates
music thrills ♪

♪ The fanfares are
our companions ♪

♪ Proudly they ride ♪

♪ To the hills ♪

♪ Proudly they ride ♪

♪ To the hills ♪

♪ The neighing horses
are pawing ♪

♪ Trees of birch
gently wave as they pass ♪

♪ Banners on their lances ♪

♪ Fluttering high ♪

♪ In the breeze ♪

♪ Fluttering high ♪

♪ In the breeze ♪♪

We got the news
from a stockholm
radio broadcast.

Go on.

The report is that mussolini
and his mistress

Were captured
by partisans yesterday
and ex*cuted.

Ahem, yes.

Their bodies were
taken to a public square

And hung there
upside down.

There you are.

Did you bring them ?

Yes, my fuhrer.

Cyanide capsules.

Where did you get them ?

They were given to me
by himmler's physician.

Himmler ?

Has it been tested ?

The box is sealed.

( Coughing )

How can we do that ?

What, my fuhrer ?

How can we test them ?

( Blondie panting )

This way. That's right.

Keep her still.
Hello, blondie.

Get her mouth open.

Nice and quiet.
Nice and quiet. There.

( Whining )

That's it.

There we are. There, there.

What do we do
with the puppies ?

k*ll them.

( Music playing )

( Knocking on door )

My dear.

Are you afraid ?


I'm not even thinking
about my own death.

It's the children.

That's where I must have
a great deal of courage.

Dear god.

The dear and gracious god
will forgive me, I know,

If I myself give them
their release.

I wouldn't trust
anyone else.

( Bombs exploding )

( m*ssile whizzing )

You ready ?

Let us say goodbye.

My fuhrer.

( Hitler )
baur, take it.
I want you to have it.

Oh, thank you, my fuhrer,
but I couldn't
accept such a gift.

You deserve it. It has
great historical value.

Well, I would accept I
t only to give
to a museum one day.

Goodbye, baur.


Thank you.

is everything ready ?

Yes, my fuhrer


Will you keep
that door closed ?

Then you wait minutes
before you open it.

I will.

Well, goodbye, guenter.

Goodbye, my fuhrer

Thank you.

Bite down hard.

( g*n firing )

It's time.

( m*ssile whistling )

( Machine g*n firing )

( Bombs exploding )

( Bombs continue exploding )

( Machine g*ns firing )

I wanted to walk.

( Laughing )

Oh, come, my love.
Sit down.

Listen, my darlings,

We're going to fly
to berchtesgaden tomorrow
with the fuhrer.

Now, I want you to go to bed
very early tonight.

And as soon as
you're ready for bed,

I'm going to give each of you
a sweet chocolate.

It will help to keep you
from having airsickness.

Could I have ?

No, my love.
Only one a piece.

One big piece.

Putting you through now.
Through now.

( Children chattering )

Misch, misch,
you're a fish.

Now, my darlings.

Off to bed. Sleep well.

Good night, helga.

Good night, helmuth.

Good night, hilde.

Come on, sweet

Good night, heidi.

What's the matter

( Children chattering )

They're going to die.

Who are ?

All of the children
are going to die.

( Magda )
come, love, come on.

But why ?

Dr. Haase told me,
and no one can stop it now
. No one.

Why ?

( Children giggling )

( Door opening )

( g*ns firing )

Dr. Goebbels wishes to know
if the bodies
have been inspected.

you may tell him
he can rest assure

That they are beyond
all human recognition.

Good night, darling.

Good night.

Good night.

( Girl )
good night. Sleep tight.

Good night.
Good night.

Good night.

Good night, darling.

I don't like it.
It tastes funny.

Oh, eat it, sweet,
otherwise you'll be sick
in the morning.

Good night, mother.
Good night, love.

We stopped those
rotten communists
dead in their tracks

Here on their home ground.

Those days will
never be forgotten.

We sang the horst wessel
right on the streets.

And I tell you it was
the power of the fuhrer

That brought the people over
to the nationalist party.

The masses don't want
to be burdened with problems.

They desire only one thing:
to be led by a great leader.

That's what the intellectuals
never understood.

But I can assure you,
hitler knew it.

So, now what happens ?

We leave everything
to the moneychangers,

The screaming brokers
and the rotting planks
of capitalism ?

We gave the world
the solution
to the jewish problem.

And how do they thank us ?

We gave them
reasons and options,

To take pride
in their existence.

We gave them perception
and meaning
to live as nations

Based on firm foundations
of clear
and shining examples.

And how do they thank us:
unconditional betrayal.

That will be the true verdict
of world history.


That's their problem now.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

Well, at least
you good people won't
have to carry our bodies

Up this long
flight of stairs.

( Machine g*ns firing )

( g*n firing )

( g*n firing )

( Bombs exploding )

Now we can't
possibly go this way

Because the soviets
have blocked off
the river route.

So, we make our way
as quickly as possible
across the wilhelmstrasse

To the shelter
at the kaiserdorf
subway station.

Our main goal
is to surface outside
of the soviet rim.

What are you doing ?


I'm giving myself

Do you want
to be r*ped ?

Use it

I want to leave
with your group.

As you wish, bormann.

Good luck.

Johannes, goodbye.

Goodbye, fraujunge.


Thank you.

( g*ns firing )

( Bombs exploding )

( Choking )

( Rochus )
johannes !

Oh, my god.
You scared me to death

I thought you had gone

Thought you had, too.

So, what happens now ?

I'm hungry. Let's eat.

You coming ?

Now, if they want to sh**t me,
they won't find me.

I'll throw off the lights,

Seal the doors,

Start the sprinkler system...


Where are you going ?

I'm leaving.

Where ?

Where ?
I don't know where

Maybe I just don't
want to die here.


For the first time,
you look like a real soldier.

Just in case,

Would you give
this letter to my wife ?

Was about to ask you
the same thing.

What's the time ?

Almost : a.m.

What can I say ?

Good luck, rochus.

And you, johannes.

( Machine whirring )

( Music playing on radio )

( Announcer on radio )
stand by, please.

Stand by for
an important announcement.

It is reported today,
that ourfuhrer, adolf hitler,

Died fighting in berlin.

Fighting till his last breath
against the enemies
of the reich.

( Male narrator )
you have just witnessed
the last days of adolf hitler

And met the people who worked
and lived with him

In the berlin bunker.

Of all those in the last
desperate breakout,

Only were able
to elude russian capture.

Mrs. Christian and mrs. Junge
were among the .

They were captured
by the british.

For years it was thought
that martin bormann

Had escaped to south america.

But his body was discovered
in berlin in

And positively identified.

A su1c1de,
at the time of the breakout.

Albert speer was sentenced
at the nuremberg trials

To years imprisonment.

He lives in heidelberg today
where he has
written his memoirs.

Mohnke, guenter,
rattenhuber, and baur

Were captured by the russians
and sent
to soviet prison camps.

Col. Von below,
the last officer
to leave the bunker

Was captured by the british.

Sgt. Rochus misch
spent many years
in a russian camp.

Today, he's still a berliner

And lives only miles
from the old bunker.

Johannes hentschel,
the machinist,
also captured by the russians

Is still alive
and living near heidelberg.

It was thomas hardy who said,

"While much is too strange
to be believed,

Nothing is too strange
to have happened."

For nothing will stop
the mighty will

Of the german people.

For, they stand united.

One nation unified
under the banner
of national socialism.

As one people, as one party,

One leader, one germany.

Long live national socialism.

Long live the greater glory
of the german fatherland.

( Yelling )

( Crowd chanting )
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