Misconduct (2016)

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Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.
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Misconduct (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight, investigators are

questioning the credibility

of those clinical trials.

I'm very angry. I can't

believe doctors could betray

so many people.

I was part of the initial test

group for the drug Vypraxilin.


I can say without a doubt it was

probably the worst decision

I've ever made in my life.

These people knowingly

put out inaccurate information

and they were being selective

in the facts about the case.

She looked at me

and then collapsed.

Her mouth filled with blood

and it was terrifying.

In fact, an investigation by the fda

found no evidence of false data

from Pierson pharmaceuticals.

This is the third death

attributed to the medication,

with many more claims

surfacing each day.

They need

to be held accountable.

We should just leave

and go to London for a while.

Wouldn't that seem guilty

if I just left the country?

And what would you tell

them if they accuse you?

The truth?

Well, I've faced inquiries before.

I can...

I'm not gonna run away.

I'm not talking about

running away, Arthur.

I'm talking about

clearing your head,

getting out of town

together like we said.



Any updates? Just give

him a little privacy.

Don't talk to me.

Yeah, you tell Dr. Shuman to get

back in the lab immediately

and get this thing sorted out.

Immediately. You do it, or

I'll get someone else who can.

Just do it.


Okay, look, I got to

get back to the...

I'm going back to the office.

They can't do anything unless

I'm there holding their hand.

Why don't you ever consider

anything I say to you?

It's your greatest fault.

You know that?

You know what, maybe I'll just

leave town without you, Arthur.

Come on.

Graham will take you home

and I'll see you tonight.

Okay. Emily, come on.

Stop being a child. Grow up.

f*ck you.

Let her go.


She'll come around.

Our exposure's limited at best.

Oh, yeah?

Well, there's no such thing

as limited exposure.

Got the deposition tomorrow

and I need you to cover this.

Get Jake Coburn in legal. I

want a strategy before I leave.

Sir, we advise you against answering

any questions at this time.

Duly noted.



Where the hell is she?


I'm gonna grab you some dinner.

I'll call in the usual.

Don't step anywhere inside this house.

Don't touch anything.

Get security up here right now.

Yes, sir.

So there was no more contact

after you left the park?

I figured it was just another

call for attention. That's all.

Yeah, it could be.

Jane is the advisor we retained.

Private org. Kidnap and rescue.

I should advise you, sir,

to involve the FBI.

I've employed you

so I don't have to.

Right now, your girlfriend

is alone and scared

and praying that someone

will save her life.

In 11 hours, Emily

could be home or dead.

If this is gonna work you're gonna

have to trust me. You understand?

So what are the next steps?

The tech team is working on

your phone to trace the sender.

When these people reach out again

and we know what they want,

Jane will help color who they are.

They need us to open up.

All confidential passwords, everything

will need to be transparent.

Tell me, are they likely

to harm her, hurt her?


You don't sugarcoat

your responses, do you?

Why the f*ck would I do that?

What do they want?

Two and a half million

dollars, unmarked.

Octavia gallery by 1:00 P.M.

or they cut her open.

Can your team prep by 1:00?

It'll be tight. It's lunchtime.

There's lots of exits.

We can expect

heavy foot traffic.

We'll have sn*pers

cover the exterior.

sn*pers? We don't need

sn*pers. I've got the cash.

Let's do this civilly

and quietly.

I'm right behind you.

You tailing him?

Yeah, I've got eyes on him.

Do not turn around.

Do not acknowledge

that you can hear me.

Wait for them

to approach you, Mr. Denning.

You have him? He's out

of my line of sight, Jane.


I know this is hard, but I

need you to stay calm as ice.

Approaching on your right.

She remind you

of someone you know?


Like most women,

she's expensive.

You want to talk a deal?

Drop the bag. Just drop the bag.

Let's go somewhere quiet.


Do not follow him. Mr. Denning,

you have to trust me.

Do you hear me?

What's he looking at?

Why is he stopping? Jane?

I don't know.

He's off script. Yeah.

Stop, Mr. Denning. You're

putting your life at risk.

This could part of their plan.

Drop the money. Give it to

him, then we'll go away.

Just one thing.

You see what happens

when you f*ck with me?

Where's Emily? Who?

Where is she?

I don't know what you're saying!

You hurt her? Where's Emily?

Jane? What the f*ck

just happened?

He just att*cked him.

Get him out of here now.

Get him out.


Oh, come on. Don't

turn into that guy.

You just won an estate claim

where the widow's husband

didn't have a will.

It's time to party.

Call your wife. Tell her

to bring a friend, actually...

Maybe a chesty one,

some kind of assets.

Okay. You know what? I'm just

gonna take out your wife myself.

Since when are you

interested in women?

Ben Cahill, was that a joke?

That was fun.

Eleven straight. Congrats.

Any calls?

Hatty, you're gonna

have to excuse Ben.

That's how he shows his joy.


Couple folks from the lake

Avenue construction case,

that Chinese guy from Shai Fen

associates, and your wife.

Okay. Can you ask the paralegals

why those Flynn v. Benson files

haven't shown up yet, please?


You have been a machine

for over a year now.

I know you and Charlotte have

had a devastating few months,

but billing 100 hours a week is not

gonna help you get through that.

It's not gonna

help you make partner,

and it's not gonna keep

our wife happy.

You've got to get out

of this office.

Wow, you are

no fun at all. Okay.

Well, I'll take that. Thank you.

You trying to scare me?

Well, you just look so

focused over there.

You got good news?

Another win.

So I was hoping maybe

we could celebrate.

I can't. I picked

up another shift.

All right, well...

I guess I'll see

you in 36 hours.

You know we're understaffed.

No, no, no, no.

I get it. I get it.

There's chicken pie in the

oven if you're hungry.

I hate waking up

without you, Charlie.

Well, um...

You wanna go on a date?



When I'm done.


You look nice.

Thank you.

Emily Hynes?

You didn't accept, did you?

She had her issues,

but it's not like I can't...

Issues? Yeah.

You broke her heart. She threatened

su1c1de. That's not normal.

I remember some pretty

manipulative shit.

I'm actually impressed someone your

age knows how to use social media.

Oh, really? Yeah.

Is that right?

You accepted the friend

request, didn't you?

So what if I did?

Your wife's a 12! Yeah.

She's far more attractive than you.

She's far more intelligent than you.

Frankly, you don't deserve her.

Yeah, well...

Okay, don't break the only

good thing in your life

on a hypothetical... I'm

not breaking anything.

Charlie and I are fine, all right?

I love my wife.

Yeah, we've had a rough

year, but you know what?

I'm not gonna mess it up over some

stupid f*cking friend request.

Just keep talking to your ex.

Keep talking to Emily.

I think that's a good idea. You're

gonna spend your 4:00 A.M.'s drunk,

eating burritos over the sink.

I love burritos.

Yeah, I kind of love them, too.


God, really?

Paranoid much?

You're three minutes

and 32 seconds late, pal.

Oh, yeah? Well,

you're looking sharp.


The estate claim cashed in?


So I take it the info

I put in Mrs. Takiff's

file worked?

Mrs. Takiff would have lost everything

if we wouldn't have helped her.

I already starting fixing this

new Benson vs. Flynn file.

You know, I was thinking,

one of these days,

you may actually win a

case without cheating.

It's not cheating...

Not if the good guy wins.

So you're the good guy.

Emily! How are you doing? Hi.

I'm great. How are you?

Good to see you.

Good to see you.

Wow. Is it 10 years?

I think so, yeah.

It's been ten years?

Oh, my god! Yeah.

Can you believe it?

You are not a lawyer.

Is that so hard

to believe? Really?

Yes, yes, it is so

hard to believe.

The undisputed beer pong champ

really, goes on to do great things.

Yeah, well, nothing

screams success

like a student loan

that I can't pay off.

Oh, come on, Ben. You knew what

you wanted, and you went for it.

I think that's great. Yeah.

Ambition always was one of the

sexiest things about you.

Oh, really? Yeah.

So what about you? How you been?

I've been fine, yeah.


Seems like you've been

having a good old time,

judging by your half-naked

photos that I saw online.

Oh, you've been...

Really? You've been

cyberstalking me, Ben?

I wasn't cyberstalk...

I was just...


Oh, intrigued, okay.

I was curious. That's all.


So how is it being married?

It's complicated.

"I do. You do." Seems pretty

self-explanatory to me.

Well, that's the easy part.

And then there's...

It's just complicated.

Well, I'm dating a guy who's

completely not right for me,

and he wants to get

serious, and I don't.

And I came here

tonight to see you...

But you're wearing

a wedding ring.


And you're happy?


Why do you ask?

I should run.

No, no, no. Wait.

No, I really...

Please, this is a bad idea.

I don't want to overstep.

I don't want to say something

that I'm gonna regret.

I don't even know what I was

thinking would happen tonight.

I feel really stupid. I just...

Nothing is gonna happen.

We're just...

We're just gonna sit and talk.

That's all.

I don't think so, Ben.

Hey, what's going on?

It's a disaster.

I feel like such a clich.

I'm dating my boss.

Technically he's everyone's boss.

He's the CEO of Pierson.

You're dating Arthur Denning?

Yeah. Holy shit!

I was his head of sales. I'm

not a gold digger, you know.

Arthur can be really charming

when he wants to be.

Well, if your heart's not in it,

why don't you just leave him?

He won't let me.

What do you mean,

he won't let you?

I mean he won't let me.

It started with threats, you know,

implying I would lose my job.

Is he hurting you?

I was on his laptop,

and I found data

about the clinical trials

that went bad last summer.

From Viprexalin.

268 people died.

You know what Arthur

was concerned about?

What? How the deaths

would affect his financials.

Did he say that in the emails?

Try to remember if he

actually addressed the deaths

from Viprexalin in these emails.

I'm not sure. I mean, maybe.

Where is this data?

Do you still have it?

Arthur would know

that it came from me.

Well, we can make it look like

it came from someone else.

Oh, rea... how?

I can help you with this, okay?

Now, do you want my help or not?

Do you mind grabbing

that for me?

Thank you.

Hey. Thought I heard you.

I can't remember if I took your

Pinot noir or Grigio from you.

It's okay. I'm detoxing.

Hi. Hello, tall guy.

Oh, I'm just here... We're

just friends, okay?

I'm just here on

business, you know.


Have fun, Hanna. Thanks.

Hanna? Yeah.

Most nights I spend in an apartment

that Arthur bought for me,

but here, I can escape all that.

Here, I can be a regular

girl named Hanna Harlow,

who reads trashy magazines

and watches reality TV

and exists in sweats.

Does your boyfriend know

that you own this place?

I'm only here when

he's out of town.

No, I can't stay.

It's just a drink.


Let's see. Escrows,

bank transfers.

Look at that.

There are hundreds of millions hidden

in offshore bank accounts here.

These are documented payoffs...

That required a fingerprint I.D.

Denning validated

all of these personally.

Arthur made changes to the

internal lab results,

because he knew the fda

wouldn't approve them.

Oh, you've definitely

got the groundwork

for a gigantic civil lawsuit

here, but I can't...

I can't use this.

Why not?

You said we could make it look

like it came from someone else.

What comes next is our secret.

Denning finds out

that you leaked this,

you'll be exposed.

Expose what you want.

Unzip me.

I didn't say you could touch.

Oh, my god.

Come here.

Oh, my god. No.

What are you waiting for?

Don't you want to f*ck me?

Holy shit. I can't...

I can't do it.

I can't do it.


Take the fire escape.

Don't let my neighbor stop you.

She'll talk you to death.

Or you can finish

what you started.

I can't.

Have fun?

You smell like vodka.

Doug opened up one of

his office bottles.

We ended up working

late, ate Thai.

Yeah? Yeah.

What did you have?

Oh, noodles, spicy noodles.

They weren't great.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna go shower.

I'm tired.

Are you serious right now?

Did you forget about date night?

I wouldn't have

been any fun anyway.

I worked a double,

so I'm a zombie.

No, no, no, no. Let me make

this up to you this weekend.

You're off the hook.

No, g*dd*mn it. We need a night.

You and me. We need to get

back to normal, all right?

I'll join you upstairs.

Thank you.

Give us a minute.

The information against Arthur

Denning you gave me, is it legit?

Because if you're wrong, you'll

be doing document review

for the rest of your career.

Abrams' office, five minutes.

Brief him on what you have.

Keep it short. Do not f*ck up.

Senior partner just threatened you.

You're moving up.

Wait, so you have information

against Arthur Denning,

like, the Arthur Denning?

You don't f*ck

with a guy like him.

He and Mr. Abrams are at

w*r, so tread lightly.

I'll fill you in later.

Hope you have

your affairs in order.

Mr. Abrams.

Mr. Cahill. Come on in.


Have a seat.

So, hill tells me

you have something.

Yeah, with

Pierson pharmaceuticals.

You're not serious, are you?

We go way back

with them, you know,

so that's like pissing in the wind, son.

You know, I...

You've gone after

Arthur Denning before,

and it was one of the only cases

that this firm ever lost.

Now, I have studied every word

of every motion filed and...

Well, with all due respect, I

don't think that you played

your cards quite

right last time.

Oh, you don't?

Look, Denning's team

forged expert reports

that allowed him to

slip by fda approval.

They knowingly changed the observation

and conclusions of these drug trials.

Take a look

at this. There were...

These are facts I know. I know

about this stuff. Come on.

Serious health defects, 268...

But you're not telling me

how you're gonna win this time.

That's what I want to hear.

Well, I've got...

Confidential internal memos

that will back up everything

inside that folder.

Well, that's

a neat little thing.

Well, just keep talking.

Go ahead.

Pierson is a global corporation with

an infantry of lawyers, but with this,

we can go after Denning

personally for fraud.

Now, you thought this through?

If you're gonna go after

Denning for fraud publicly,

a man worth about

8.5 billion dollars?

And you're gonna accuse this man

of manipulating drug trials?

In a lawsuit, yes.

A lawsuit's public, Mr. Cahill.

You have kids?


Where'd you go to law school?

Vandy. Undergrad at Tennessee.

That's good. So how

much you worth?

How much am I worth? Yeah.

Your life, how much

is your life worth?

Why don't you just jot down

the dollar amount here?

Do you have any idea?

It ain't much, but...

See the pen? That's a

Valenti, one of the first.

That thing costs about $68,000.

68,000 dollars?

You didn't know that, did you?

So how am I gonna know your

worth unless you tell me?

I'm worth this case.

You know why that's

worth 68 grand?

Because it has a reputation.

It has a name brand.

It has an identity.

We get a case like this, a

litigation at this level,

I need lawyers who k*ll.

Lawyers with reputations walk

into a courtroom and intimidate.

I don't see you in that picture, Mr.


Mr. Abrams, I fight to win.

Some of your other senior

partners like hill,

they're a little soft.

They work within limits.

You need someone who isn't

afraid of the wrong thing...

For the right reasons.

That's you?

You take it all. You give it to hill.

Let him look at it,

and I think you could

lead a support team.

Leader of the support team?

Yes, sir.

You know what? No.

No, that's just trumped

up paralegal bullshit.

I've done my time making copies.

I want Denning. I want

to be the handler,

and I want the g*dd*mn generator

fee for bringing it in.

Sit down.

Understand this.

You get a nine figure

judgment, or get a new job.

Done. Done.

Mr. Cahill.

Enjoy the pen.

You're gonna let

me keep the pen?

You better go before

I change my mind.

I want to find out who exactly

Denning's legal team is.

Let's dig in, find out

everything we can about them.

How far back?

Three years? Five maybe?

A decade's worth.


Copy that.

Why do we use so much paper?

I mean, do we really need

to print out this much?

Electronic copies can

be tampered with.

Until the courts figure that

nonsense out, this firm uses paper.

We depose Denning in two days.

This is three weeks' worth

of research to comb through.

You need a strategy.

If I may make a suggestion...

We're good. Thank you.

Do you mind asking Hatty to bring

in some dinner menus, please?

You were on your way out, right?

I'll fetch her for you.

All right. Let's start

with some cataloging.

This is the subpoenaed

bank records.

Cross-reference his offshore accounts

with his tax returns, please.

You got a minute?

Yeah, I'm all ears.

In private?

What's going on, Doug?

So I was doing background checks

on this Denning discovery.

Guess whose name I caught.

Emily Hynes. Yeah.

Only took me two days and a

Lexisnexis account to find that.

Yeah, well, Arthur Denning has a

lot of people working for him.


So your shady ex-girlfriend

just shows up out of the blue,

right around the same time you find

evidence on her billionaire boyfriend?

Is this what I think it is?

What are you asking me?

Did you get this

evidence from Emily?

Emily has nothing to do with it.

Then where did you get this?


Cause I think she fed it to

you for whatever reason.

No. No, Doug.

Fruit of the poisonous tree.

You taught me that.

Okay, we are under compulsory

evidence origin disclosure order.

Okay, in a case this massive,

all evidence has to

be obtained legally.

Look, if I caught this

trail, others will, too.

Okay, you gotta get your shit in order.

Just listen to me.

Listen to me.

The entire case rests on this.

We have a case here,

and we're gonna win it.

Yeah, well, you are

playing with fire.

Okay, I don't know what's

going on between you two,

but you gotta stop it. You

gotta get her out of town.

Okay, Doug. That'll be all.

Thank you.

Hello. You live here?



Do you know her?


You lied to me twice.

Take another look.

Are you a cop?

Do you know her or the

man she's dating?

Who the f*ck are you?

You've never seen her before?


But I have seen you creeping

around here at night

and if it happens again, I'm

calling the actual cops.

Have a good night.

There you go.

A bottle of Gaia?

That's right.

350 bucks a bottle.

That hurt, when you took that

g*nsh*t wound to the chest?

Oh, my god.

Look, let's... No

cooking tonight, okay?

Let's go out and celebrate

properly, you and me.

Can I change?

Nah. I think you

should wear that.



This is not how I remember it!

You want to go someplace else?

I can barely hear

anything you're saying.

Okay, I'm gonna go get some drinks.

I'll be right back.

Two vodka sodas, please.

Thank you.


Do I know you?

Don't ask a question you

already know the answer to.


You have a good night.

You made an enemy

you don't want.

Is that right?

Why don't you tell

Arthur Denning

that this is some real

amateur-hour bullshit.

What do you want?

For you to drop this case.

I'm not dropping this case.

You will recuse yourself

and resign from your firm.

And if I don't?

Your wife will never

look this happy again.

Have fun.


Sorry it took so long.

That's okay. I made a friend.


Benjamin Cahill. Wow,

how long has it been?

Like, ten years, I think. Hi.

I was just getting

cozy with your wife.

Yes, she said that she recognized

me from your profile picture.

Isn't that crazy?

Yeah, it's crazy.

Emily said that you guys met

freshman year at Tennessee?

Yeah. We dated, actually.

But I think Ben got

over me since then.

So are you here by yourself?

No, girls' night out.

You know, drinking

and dancing and...

Speaking of which, I should

probably go find them.

Okay. Well, it was

nice to see you.

It was lovely meeting you.

You, too.

You smell so nice.

Oh, thank you.

Ben? Okay.

Don't ever ignore my phone calls

or I'll tell her what happened.

It was nice to see you, Emily.


I didn't know

that was your type.

That's not my type.

Charlotte, you're my type.

She wears a lot of perfume.

You gonna ask a girl to dance?

Okay. Come on.

Thank you.

Yeah. What's going on?

Why did you never mention Emily?

When we talked about

your ex-girlfriends,

you never brought her up.

We never talk about

anything really, I mean...

Especially since the...

The baby?


The night I lost the baby, I was

sitting right here, remember,

and I was curled up

in a little ball?

The pain was really

unbearable that night.

And you came, and you knelt and

you looked at me, and you said...

That we needed to be brave...

And that from now

on, it's just us.

I'll never forget that.

You made a promise that we would

be okay and it was just us.

Yeah, but we never talked

about the baby after that.

I know, Ben.

We didn't have to until now.



What the f*ck?

This is getting a little crazy.

I thought you said you

get off on v*olence.

Am I gonna have to hit myself

or are you gonna f*cking do it?

Your ad said you liked it rough.

This just feels wrong.

Can I send these to myself?

No. These are for me

to remember you by.

Get off me.

I thought you said we were

just getting started.

I want you to leave.

Now, before I call the cops and

show them how bad you beat me.

You're out of your mind.


Get it together.

Sir, this is Dr. Kroeher.

I can understand what you

must be going through.

It's a lot to handle,

but I can tell you this.

You won't survive another day

without coming in.

Doesn't matter if it's

this hospital or not.

You need medical attention.

Is that clear?

You're gonna sit here

all night, bro?

Yeah, bro. You old

enough to work here?

You old enough to mind

your own business?

Hey, Anthony.

How about one of them cream

sodas you're so famous for?

Don't get up. Sit down.

Yes, sir.

I come here all the time.

How's it going?

Oh, it's all right.

How you doing?

What's this? Oh, oh, oh.

Glad you're putting it to use.

Well, I'm trying. Yeah.

So how we doing? Well...

Firm's got a solid

case, no question.

Solid. But?

But Denning's lawyers

waited till last night

to file a motion to keep

those internal docs out.

So you got a work

around, do you?

No. No, not yet, but I'm not

gonna sleep until I do.

Well, you know, this isn't

about effort anyway.

It's about Denning.

You poked the bear.

Now he's restless

and ready to come.

So what would you do?

I don't know.

Probably call you.

You know, here's someone like

you been through so much,

a major tragedy, unthinkable...

But you come out the other side.

Many people wouldn't have made it.

You did.

I knew that about you. I knew it

before you came into my office.

I might have not let

you in otherwise.

Wait a second.

So hill giving me that

meeting with you,

that was just some kind

of a setup or what?

Setup? Come on.

You're a public defender,

or you were one. Yeah.

The hardest thing

for a public defender

is whether or not he or she is

gonna make a dent of difference.

Now, you did, every time.

Feel like I'm a little bit in

over my head to be honest.

No, you're not.

Hey, let me tell you

the worst vice is advice.

I just been giving it to you.

Son, listen to me.

You gotta shed this

distraction you're in now,

what's bothering you.

Don't tell me.

Just shed it. You understand?

We're gonna have to attack this

m*therf*cker, clip his claws.

Take his head, and chop

that f*cking thing off.

We'll put it on the wall.

A trophy.


Okay. Now we're talking.

All right. All right.

Call me anytime. And Anthony,

forget the cream

soda once again?

See that? I knew you did.

You shed whatever's distracting

you, you'll be okay.

Good seeing you, son


Oh, I don't know what...

Okay. Oh, no, no.

Oh, god...


Wait. Wait.

No. No.

Oh, my god...

What the f*ck am I gonna do?

Jesus Christ.

Oh, I... I'm sorry.

Sorry. I was just gonna

say what's up to Hanna,

and have some wine. Oh, yeah.

She's not here right now. She's

supposed to be back later on.

Okay, cool. I left my...

My cellphone here last night.



I have a small

confession to make.

I'm married and she's got

a boyfriend who isn't me.


So I never saw you, and we

never had this conversation.

All good.

I would appreciate that.

Allright. I'll see you later.


Is that you?

What's wrong?

We need to talk.

What is it?

I screwed up.

I got mixed up in something

that I shouldn't have and...

Did you f*ck her?

How did she die?

I don't know. Pills, I think.

It looks like she hit her head.

Oh, we worked so hard, Ben.

You know, and we just

started to get ahead,

and then you throw it away to get

involved with an ex-girlfriend

for a f*cking case? I

was doing this for us.

Oh, don't say that!

That is insulting!

That's so insulting

to me and my marriage!

There were other ways you

could have landed a case!

You know that. When I go out

and I work a double shift,

that is for us!

This was for you!

What do you think, baby?

What do you think?

You think if you, like, land

partner and you win a case,

that I'd feel

differently about you?

Because I love you.

I love you, rich or poor.

I love you, too.

I love you too, and I'm

so sorry for this.

There was a text message.

It mentioned a meeting

at an art gallery at...

Maybe I could go over

there and see if I can

try to piece this thing together.

It's the only lead I got.

And what if it doesn't

lead anywhere?

In the next few days, they're

gonna find Emily's body.

The police are gonna get involved

and I'll have to admit everything.

So what do we do until then?

We act as normal

as possible, okay?

You go to work. I go to work.

Until I can figure something

out, we'll just leave her there.

Do you want some coffee?

Yeah. That'd be nice.

She remind you

of someone you know?


Like most women,

she's expensive.

Just a word. I just...

What the f*ck

happened back there?

Oh, this gentleman

approached me,

said things as if he

were the kidnapper.

I didn't want to chance

it, so I took action.

That kidnapper

was an art dealer.

Yeah, I know that now.

I'm aware of that.

But you know, he's getting

medical attention

and compensation for

his inconvenience.

Compensation? Are you

f*cking kidding me?

She could be dead

because of you!

Jane, stop!

The kidnappers weren't there.

If they were, they had no

intention of approaching me,

and time is precious.

I don't think these guys

would waste it, do you?

And it could have been a ruse or a trick.

I don't know,

but as always, in matters like this,

I'll take things into my own hands.

My actions may appear

somewhat rash or foolish,

but I did what I

believed was right.

So this now is the situation

we find ourselves in.

I want Emily back,

and I want her back, now.

So how are we going

to accomplish this, Joe?

Can you enlighten me?

No, Giffords,

I can't tell you why.

I just need you to hack

Emily Giffords profile

and erase any communication

between the two of us, okay?

Yeah, no, I understand

but it's not possible.

What do you mean, it's not possible?

You hacked visa, for god's sakes.

Yeah, I can hack anyone, okay?

But your talks with

her are all online,

which means that your

chats are broken up

into 10,000 little

bytes and pieces.

I can't erase all that. Delete

the messages on your end.

I'll ghost her account and try

and work out the rest, okay?

Are you serious right now?

Everyone's waiting for you.


Yeah, all right.

Who is this?

Why did you answer?

- Mr. Denning, what happened?

- Where's your troop?

I was expecting an army.

Well, your expectations have often

been your downfall, Charles.

Well, I'd rather have

faulty expectations

than sell faulty


But then again, that's just me.

Let the record reflect

that we have filed a civil suit

on behalf of

the named plaintiffs

against Arthur Denning

of Pierson pharmaceuticals.

Let's begin by confirming

your identity for the record.

Your name is legally

Arthur Denning?

Would you like him to

repeat the question?

I'd prefer if we spoke

off the record.


New events have come to light that

change the nature of this allegation.

Such as?

Well, I could elaborate, but I

would prefer if Mr. Cahill did.

It's curious, isn't it, that

she was drawn to us both?

What the hell you talking about?

What is this?

I understand you're in

possession of files

that were illegally

stolen from my computer.

Everything was obtained legally

and submitted

to you in discovery.

Really? Everything?


The woman who brought

that evidence to you,

where is she now?

I have no idea what

you're talking about.

You know

you're cornered, Arthur.

Answer the questions

on the record.

I haven't been able to reach her.

Have you?


Charles, I am prepared to settle

the class-action

certification right now.

Mr. Denning, is that...

You're admitting fault?

$300 million

to the class members.

One third will take care

of your attorney fees,

and within 24 hours, the $400 million

will be wired to your trust account.

Okay. We're gonna need both

sides to agree on this

and have the judge sign

for the class settlement.

Oh, in this town, I think you'll find

a judge that will be able to do that.

I don't understand why

you're doing this.

'Cause we got

something he wants.

Yeah, in exchange

for a settlement,

we sign a confidentiality,

then we return the evidence to Mr.


including the files that

were "hypothetically"

taken from his computer.

No risk of criminal prosecution.

Then we're done.


Did he just buy

back the evidence?

Yes, he did,

and he did it legally.

At least you're rich.

Live with that.


Aside from the su1c1de attempt

a few years ago,

did Emily seem

relatively stable?

Yeah, I guess so. Seemed okay.

Did you two have sex regularly?

How is that relevant?

Well, she's still missing,

so everything is.

She mixed quite a

cocktail for herself.

Oxy, rits, vics, ads,

uptake inhibitors,

and a whole lot of colors

I have never seen before.

So what are you getting at?

Well, she either spontaneously

developed every mental disorder

on the planet,

or something in her

life, maybe someone,

was scaring her.

Yeah, I know what

you're getting at.

I own a pharmaceutical company, but

I didn't prescribe those, okay?

So why aren't you out

there looking for her?

You know, I've got

to be honest here.

It doesn't seem like you

even care if we find her.

After 48 hours, the

chances of recovering her

are increasingly difficult.

Emily can be difficult

and I love her.

If anything, her being difficult

is the thing I love most.

Weird, isn't it?

You've reached Charlotte.

Leave a message after the beep.

Hey, honey, it's me.

Give me a call.


Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

Police! Open the door!

This is the New Orleans

police department!

We have a warrant

to search your home!

You have 30 seconds to come out!



We have a dead body in here!




You didn't do it, right?

No, I didn't do it.

I gotta ask the question, man.

I'm sorry.

Jesus Christ.

I told you not to get

involved with her.

You knew Emily was crazy.

I know! I know!

I told you she was nuts. I

should have listened to you.

All right? It was stupid.

If the cops catch you with this,

they're gonna sh**t first,

ask questions later.

Just get the f*ck

outta here with that.

Thank you. You're a good friend.

I know. I know. I know.

Good friend.

f*cking dumb friend,

that's what I am. Jesus.

Oh, I just spent three

hours with detectives.

I don't know if there's

anything more I can say.

We just have a few

more questions.

Did your husband ever

mention Emily Hynes before?

I'm sorry. Who exactly are you?

I'm her attorney.

Joe Bilson. My associate, Jane

Clemente, kidnap and rescue.

So you're not cops?

We're privately contracted

by Arthur Denning...

She has no comment,

and you have no place being

here, so I suggest you leave.

You do realize the woman

discovered dead in this house

was a woman her husband was

having an affair with?

Mr. Denning is willing to offer

aid in her legal expenses

if she's willing to

help us find him.

This is a manhunt, and he

is a fugitive at large.

You're not gonna touch her.

We spoke with Emily's neighbor.

What was her name?

Amy Campbell.

Seems Ms. Campbell saw Ben at

Emily's loft on numerous occasions.

Ms. Cahill, you may think you have

the complete picture, but you don't.

Guys, I can file a motion

if you need me to,

or I can just

tell you right now.

f*ck off.

If you change your

mind, you call us?

Yeah, the cops keep circling

my house. It's freaking me out.

Can I come stay

with you tonight?

Yeah. Yeah, it's my

neighbor Hanna.

Or whatever her name was.

They still haven't figured

out what happened to her.

Yeah, I don't know.

It's freaking me out.

I don't want to stay here tonight.



Oh, my god.


Help me! Help!




Do you have any idea

of what's happening here?

The entire city is hunting

for this guy!

We find him first

before the cops do.

You know what he's got and

what he could use it for.

I'm not gonna stand by and watch

this settlement fall apart!

If we don't find him,

lot of people are gonna get hurt.




Incoming! Incoming!

26-year-old female. Multiple

trauma, skull fracture.

Maybe her clavicle

is broken, too.

Moving to trauma two!

Need 100% oxygen!

125 milligrams of Solu-Medrol,

I.V. Push.

How long's she been down?

I need an answer!

I'm not sure. She got a name?

Amy Campbell. What?

What happened to her?

I'm sorry I didn't

clean her up better.

Amy, I need you to lay down.

You've had an accident.

Do you remember what happened to you?

Honey, lay down.

Did you see what happened? Did you

see the person that did this?

Were you beaten? Hey! Step back!

Are you okay?

I'm okay.

I thought that I could

handle this, Ben...

But I can't.

I just can't.

It's just you and me.

It's just us.

Are you sure that, that girl

that they brought into the

ICU is Emily's neighbor?

Her name is Amy Campbell and

somebody has massacred her, Ben.

Someone who knows what we did.

She saw me at Emily's place.

She can I.D. Me.

As terrible as it sounds, she

can't wake up until I fix this.

All right, baby, I love you.

I love you, too.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

What the f*ck? What?

Dr. Hughes! Dr. Hughes!

Room two!

What happened? I don't

know what happened.

She's coding. Get the crash cart!

Go. Go.

I'll get the bags!

- Come on. Don't die on me.

- Come on. Stay with me.

Oh. God...

Don't die on me now.

Can I help you with something?

Next time, you should phone

me before you come here.

Article 7-14 of the standard

practice of code of ethics

says we may not

talk off the record.

All right, here's what's gonna

go down. We're gonna settle.

I'm gonna give you

everything that I got,

all the evidence that we got

against you, legal, illegal.

And the manner in which

you were able to cover up

all the shit that you've done.

I'd love to help you but there's

just one small problem.

Yeah? What's that?

I don't have the faintest f*cking

clue what you're talking about.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no.

Emily was gonna extort

you and you found out

and you got your feelings

hurt, so you k*lled her

and then you framed me for it.

Well, I did not k*ll Emily,

although I can tell by the conviction

in your voice you think I did.

You know, I just

realized something.

It's so funny.

Emily kidnapped herself,

didn't she? Of course.

I mean, in retrospect, it makes

total sense, doesn't it?

Of course, when you love someone,

you tend to overlook the obvious,

but that's it. Poor old Emily.

She was testing me to see if I

would bring the money for her.

But she didn't live long

enough to see what I would do.

Pity. Kind of sad

that she involved you, too.

So why did you send that guy to

come intimidate me at the club?

Oh, come on. I have a net

worth of $8.7 billion.

Do I look like a man who would hire

street thugs to do his dirty work?

I never wanted any of this.

Of course you didn't.

I'm sure you didn't.

You're married, and you got

involved with an ex-lover

whom you must have known

wasn't too tightly wrapped,

not playing with a full deck of

cards, as they say, with deep mental

and emotional

disturbances and issues

and all that googly crap

we talk about.

You got involved because

you wanted to shine in court.

Probably fill some gigantic hole

in your dreary, insipid,

lackluster life.

You know, you knew the risks,

but you proceeded anyway.

It rained, and you got wet,

and I have no sympathy.

Now that you are down a rabbit

hole, the only question I have

is how far are you willing

to go to get out?

Like the man said,

"it's better to go too far

than not far enough."


911 operator.

What is your emergency?

Hello? Yeah, look...

Sir? I can't quite hear you.

Can you repeat that?

m*therf*cker! Come here!

Hey. Hey, baby.


Everything's gonna

be okay, all right?

Hold on.

Who are you?

Hey! I said who

the f*ck are you?

When they find you, you're looking

at three counts of m*rder one!

That's death in this state!

Something tells me I got a

better lawyer than you.

Why did you k*ll Emily?

I didn't. I moved her.


You really don't know.

Don't you touch her! Hey!

Hey, Charlie, look at me!



You son of a bitch!

I'm gonna k*ll you!

Why are you doing this?

How is what I do any different

than what you do, Mr. Cahill?

You think you're a righteous

man but you're not.

You're just confused.

There is no right, no wrong.

Only what is true.

Die, you fucker! Die!

Help. We need help.

We need help!

You're gonna be okay, baby.

I'm gonna come back to get you.

Don't leave me, Ben.


Sir, are you all right?

Ben. Don't leave me.

Okay. Sir?

- Is she gonna make it?

- I don't know.

Listen, man, just leave town.

You have to.

Listen, no,

I'm not going anywhere

until I figure out who did this.

Do you hear me?

Now, I've got the laptop from

the guy who tried to k*ll me.

I'm gonna send you an encrypted file

and I need you to try to decipher it.

Okay. Why?

Because I think I figured

out who did this,

and I just need the proof.

Been reading about you here

in the paper, manhunt.

f*ck you.

You want some coffee?

Listen to me.

Is everything all right

here, Mr. Abrams?

Yeah, everything's fine,

Susie, just fine. No.

Thank you for inquiring,

honey. Thank you.

Let me know if you need me.

I sure will.

Keep your eye on us, too.

I will.


You've looked better.

I should f*cking put

you in the ground.

Oh, boy, you got evidence

against you, son.

Direct, circumstantial. It's

all over the place, son.

It's just not in your favor.

Oh, I forget, the motive, too.

Why did you do it?

Why did you do this to me?

What? Do what?

I didn't do anything to you.

I k*lled somebody

because of you.

Oh, no. You did

that on your own.

No. No. You did this to

me, and I can prove it.

You can prove it?

I can prove it.

Be my guest.

I didn't k*ll Emily.

Any good lawyer will tell you

it doesn't matter what is.

It's what "is" looks like.

There was a biker,

a man on a motorcycle,

who tried to bury me

underneath a church.

Yeah? Anyway, I

snapped his neck.

You know him?

I've never heard of him, no.

No, I think you do

because you hired him.

Unfortunately for you,

this guy also kept

a very detailed expense report on his

laptop, just like an accountant.

See, I got a tech guy who was

able to trace the accountant

right back to you.

I smell a blackmail here. Oh.

Yeah, is that what you're doing?

Blackmailing me?

You think I'm blackmailing you?

Why the f*ck

would I blackmail you?

Listen, never bullshit

a bullshitter, son.

You know how I built

my reputation?

How did you build

your reputation?

Breaking down every

crooked banker

and CEO sociopath this side

of the Mason-Dixon,

bullshitting me

every day of the week.

You know, I do the wrong thing for

the right reasons just like you.

Who do you think you'll be

without your reputation?

Reputation, Mr. Cahill,

is an idle impression,

is "oft got without merit,

lost without deserving."

There's some

Shakespeare for you.

Yeah. Can you handle it?

I'll take care of my reputation.

What's gonna really bog us down

now, buddy is you thinking,

having the audacity

and the profound ignorance to

think you can take me down.

We got company.

The state of Louisiana

from 1979 till now,

has ex*cuted 659 criminals,

some of them guilty,

with eight waiting in line,

queued up, ready to go next.

I'm waiting

for you to join them.

My profound ignorance

uncovered something.

You been working with Arthur

Denning the whole time,

taking bribes, throwing

cases for him for years.

And now he's hanging

you out to dry.

You are done.

I'm gonna crucify you

and you know it.

You sure you want to play

this game with me?

You should probably run while

you still have a chance.

f*ck you.

Yeah? Yeah.

You're in my church now,

and I suggest you leave it.

Mr. Abrams.

George. Hey, George...

Keep your hands on the table.

What's going on?

Well, you're not gonna give

me a manicure, are you?

Now, on the table.

Well, this is embarrassing

for both of us, I think.

I will crucify you.

Believe me, I will.

Enjoy your pen.

Go ahead, m*therf*cker!

Mr. Abrams, I need you

to put that down!

Didn't know I had that

in me, did you? Oh.

Put it on the ground

and back away from the w*apon.

Oh, it has come

to this, hasn't it?

It has come to this.

You do the wrong thing

for the right reasons.

You stretch yourself

beyond the limits.

You want to see a man

ain't got no limits?

You're going to jail.

Criminals go to jail.

I'm sorry about this, 'cause...

I don't like this kind of thing.

Please pardon the theatrics.

I'm not gonna stand by and watch

this settlement fall apart!

If we don't find him, a lot

of people gonna get hurt.

- Understand?

- I understand, Charles.

You having second thoughts?

I'm dying.

I know that.

Why'd you ever come work for me?

I agreed to work for you

because I thought you and

I wanted the same thing,

the truth.

There's no truth in the law.

Everybody lies.

Stop searching for it.

Ain't gonna find it, so...

Neither will you.

I'm gonna miss you, too, Dougie.

Yep. Yeah.

Look, look, it's not like we're

moving to China, allright?

We're just moving

a couple hours away.

How about we facetime on the

weekends? How's that sound?

Allright. You're a good man,

Dougie. I'll see you later.

Hey. Hey.

What's wrong?

I'm gonna ask you this one time,

and I need you

to tell me the truth.


Why does this smell

like Emily's perfume?

I mean, you don't

even wear perfume.

It was an accident.

I went to confront Emily,

and she was weird.

She was high...

And she slapped me.

And I was so mad

at her... and you.

The guy in the church, he knew.

In the back of your mind, I

thought that you knew, too.

I pushed her. She fell.

Her head hit the table

and she didn't get up.

I could have helped her,

but I didn't help her because

I thought that if she...

If her heart stopped beating,

then mine would stop hurting.

It kind of did.

It's okay.

It's just us.

Well, we've got a busy day

ahead of us tomorrow.

I'm gonna finish packing.
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