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04x23 - The Book of Changes

Posted: 05/27/09 19:47
by bunniefuu
[Tires squealing]

[Breathing heavily]

Breathe, breathe--

I'm trying, I'm trying!

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!


In with the good air, out with the bad.

[Breathing heavily]

[Tires squealing]

Ok, breathe. We're almost there, ok?


Shh, shh!

Melinda: Oh!

[Breathing heavily]

Melinda, I'm right here. Just keep breathing.

Unh! Oh! Whoo!

This is it, this is it?

Nurse: This is it here. Ooh!

There we are, number 4, that's it.


Doctor: Ok, ok, oh! It's ok. And 1, 2, 3.

You're doing great! Just breathe! Ooh!

You gotta push! Ok, ok, ok.

Come on, come on, Mel! You're doing great!

Just breathe! Deep breath! Push!

Breathe all the way in, yeah! 1, 2, 3.

Ok, push.




You did great.

Can I see my baby?

Don't you mean "babies?"




[Melinda gasping]



How bad was that one?

Well, let's just say "meow"
and leave it at that.

You think maybe you should mention these dreams to your doctor?

No, no, I'm sure it's nothing.

I got my dress today. Yeah, that's right.

Hey, you think I could have a little look?

Uh, absolutely not.

Ok? Store remains off limits until further notice.

♪ I fall asleep to ♪
all right.

♪ your serenade ♪
♪ I wake up to ♪
♪ your saving grace... ♪

that's breathtaking.

Really, you think? Yeah!

[Door dings]

Wow. Well said.

Hmm. Why don't you put your eyes back in your head and give me one of those lattes.

Are you sure it's not too much? I mean--


Definitely not. Um...

She was asking me.

And it is perfect.

You're perfect.

All right. Ok.

Ok. I know.

All right, let's cut me out of this thing.

I'm gonna be late for lunch with Eli.

[English accent]
Melinda Gordon?

I'm Gordon Brady.

And I'm here to give you the wedding of your dreams.

You must not be too familiar with my dreams.

Um, who are you?

Some call me a wedding planner, others a dream Weaver.

You can call me an ambassador of love.

Didn't your mother tell you?


No, my mother didn't tell me.

Hmm, a surprise.

I hope that doesn't hinder cooperation.

Your mother reached out to me to look after your wedding day.

She said, and I quote, "make it unforgettable."

Nice dress, by the way. Is the lace a must?

It just clashes ever so slightly with the linens I had in mind.

Ok, all right, maybe we should just take a breath for a minute. No, no, no.

You take a breath. In, in, in. Hold.


Gordon is here. It's my wedding now.


[Indistinct chatter]








Didn't see you there.

Um, Eli, this is Jeremy bishop.

How you doing?

Jeremy and I met at the university.

Jeremy is going to the--

no, it's fine. No need to explain, really.

Explain what?

Anything, really. Explanations are usually boring in general.

So...You guys are having lunch?

Um, yeah.

How's that going?

It's a little too early to tell.


Meaning we just got our salads.

Um, are you here by yourself?

No, no, I have a lunch date.

Female one.

Good for you! Nothing serious.

Just playing the field.

I mean, out in the field playing.

I mean, I'm just... Running the bases, just trying to...

Get to the stadium. I--there she is.

All right. So, better never than late, so, you guys...Be good. Yeah. You...


Did you bring a shovel? Why?

Because I need to be hit with one, hard, in the face right now.

I didn't really feel like a sit-down lunch, anyway.

So, because you're jealous of Zoe and that guy, I have to have lunch at the umbrella room?

Jealous? Please.

I could care less who Zoe has lunch with.

Who is this guy?

It's driving me nuts.

The last time I saw Zoe, she was in tears because the university's selling its book collection to raise money.

Ouch. Yeah. The next thing I know, her and George Clooney are feeding each other bonbons at lunch.

Can we please talk about my dream?

Ok. So, you're in the delivery room, and you ask to see your baby.

Yes, and then the nurse says, "don't you mean babies?"

Plural. Then she wheels out this bassinet full of--

kittens. Kittens.

How did you know that?

'Cause it's a totally typical pregnant woman dream. Sometimes its puppies, but either way, there's usually paws involved.


Oh, I'm sorry.

You know what? I should probably get going, anyway, and I'm sorry for being distracted.

Next time we have lunch, promise, totally present.

Ok, well, bring a shovel.

Just in case.


What are you doing here?

There's something you need to know.


Your future is in her hands.

It's a matter of life and death.

[Car horns honking]

Child, whispering: Can you see us?

Jim: Wait a minute. He said her?

"Your future is in her hands."

What does he mean?

I don't know, he was looking at my belly.

Maybe he just got it, you know, backwards.

Yeah, I don't think the watchers do an opposite day.

Look, then maybe we need to go to your doctor and ask him whether or not we're having a boy or girl.

We said we didn't want to know.

No, no, you said, and then I was pressured into--

no, I said that I wanted it to be a surprise, and you agreed.

You're right. Ok.

Now, Eli says that weird dreams are typical of pregnant women, so maybe this qualifies.

Um, when have you ever had a typical dream?

I know. Look, I just--I don't want to worry about anything else, you know, especially with this big wedding.

And really, a big wedding, it just doesn't feel right.

I hear you. But look, if your mom wants to do this, I think we should let her, you know?

I mean, it's just her way of saying she cares.

No, it is her way of dealing with guilt because she doesn't even come back from her trip until the day before the wedding.


Here's to your mom.

And to the comfort of predictability.

And...To our big wedding.

[Both laugh]

Because no matter how big it gets, it's still just about you and me.

Here's to that.

♪ you're free, anyhow ♪
♪ well, I glimpse the light ♪
♪ coming out of your eyes ♪

[child laughs]


Who are you?



[Both scream]




[Police radio chatter]

And, uh, at that point, well, you know, I warned him not to move, and I told him to drop the book.

We struggled.

Had him pinned pretty good, but, uh, he managed to get past me.


Dr. James, I might have thought you'd be in the middle of all of this.

Ah. It's good to see you, too, sir.

Zoe Ramos, this is Mr. Bedford, chairman of the fundraising committee.

Oh, really? Just the person I wanted to speak to.

You know, I've been researching the Von Drake collection--

oh, luckily we only lost one book, and it was the least valuable of the bunch, so we can still make a sale.

Still combing your hair with a firecracker, I see, Dr. James.



He loves me.

He just--he has affection issues.


You were very brave.

Well, you know, you don't think in situations like that.

You just act, you know.

He's wrong about that book.

The one that was stolen?

I've been studying it. It's very valuable.

It's special.

It shouldn't end up in the wrong hands.

Speaking of being in the wrong hands, is it serious?

You and the lunch guy.

Eli, please. What is it?

Better table manners? Oh, no, I knew it was a bad idea for us to reconnect.

We said we should keep our distance when we broke up, and we should have just stuck to that.

Look, I know you're stressed out...

Damn right I'm stressed! Do you know that the school is selling the entire Von Drake collection?

These are books that I have spent years studying!

Hey, I hear you. Ok. I--

so, let me take you to dinner tomorrow night.

That's you hearing me? Inviting me on a date?

No! That's me telling you that I can be a grownup.

And we can have a platonic dinner and learn to just be friends.

Come on, I'll take you to a terrible restaurant with bad lighting and no atmosphere.

It'll be great. Huh?


Well, I'm really glad you're all right.

If that had been me, I would have screamed and frozen in place.

Well, you never know how you're gonna...

Ahem. Anyway, point is, he only got away with one book.

A valuable book, according to Zoe.

There was a book in my dream.

The kittens had a book?

I'm way past the kittens.

No, this was a little girl with no face, and she kept showing me a book--
leather, old, bound.

Just like the one that was stolen.

And not only that, but right after the last time that I saw you, I saw one of those watchers.

And he said that my future was in her hands.

Whose hands? I don't know. My kid's?

I mean, could this be connected in some way?

What was in that book that was stolen?

I was too much in a jealous rage to really follow up.

I'm having dinner with Zoe tonight, though. I'll find out more.

Ooh, dinner? Yeah, but it's just to prove that, uh, we can spend meaningless time together.

Oh, wow, that sounds great. Yeah.

Well, good news.

I've managed to rearrange the entire floor plan to accommodate the orchestra.

Orchestra? I thought I had a DJ.

You have such a quirky sense of humor.

But the problem remains of getting you in and out of the church.

Problem? Musically speaking.

But the solution came to me on my way here.

It was a message... From cupid.

I have one word for you-- bagpipes.


Zoe, on voicemail: Hey, it's Zoe.

You know what to do, so do it.


So, I guess being
45 minutes late is part of the zero romance policy we're pursuing.

[Knocks on door]


Zoe: Not now, go away.

Are you all right? Let me in.

Everything's changed.

What are you talking about?

Let me in!

I'm sorry. It's just--
I'm in a totally different place right now.

Can you just come back later or something?

Is there someone in there with you?

I need to be by myself right now.


Zoe: Eli, I'm all right.

Just go away, please.

As soon as I see for myself.

I'm kind of confused right now.

Please just leave.


Zoe: Why won't you just leave me alone?


Eli, just go.

Please, just go.


Eli, please, this has nothing to do with you. Just walk out the door.

Eli, please, just leave.


[Police radio chatter]

I didn't touch her, I swear!

I don't even know how I got here!

So do you have any reason to believe that Zoe knew the intruder?

I don't think so.

Zoe didn't see him when he broke in the library.

What do you think happened?

Well, the intruder claims that Zoe was coming down the stairs.

She freaked when she saw him and lost her footing.

Eli: This can't be happening.

I'm waiting for her to just come in and just say it was all a joke. I--

look, get some rest, all right?

If I need anything else, I'll call you.

She's here.

Is there anything that you want to say to Eli before you cross over?

I can't cross over.

Why not?

I know what I have to do now, and I can't go until it's done.

This is too much information. I gotta go home.

He's just a common street thief, really.

Half a dozen arrests for breaking and entering.

There are warrants out for him in several other counties.

I'm glad he's off the streets.

Yeah, this arrest is going to solve a lot of cases.

We're waiting for the public defender's office to send someone over to represent him.

Did Eli tell you what I wanted? Yeah.

Look, it's a little unusual, but Eli's helped us on a lot of cases, so I'm happy to do the favor.

Just know that when I say
5 minutes, I mean it.

Got it.

I heard you say you didn't know how you got to that house.

I don't.

It was the same thing with the library.

It's like I don't have any say in it, like I was sleepwalking or something.

What were you doing at the house?

What were you trying to steal?

I wasn't trying to steal anything.

Look, I know that it can be hard to--

I wasn't supposed to take anything.

I was supposed to put something there.


I got nothing else to say.

Hey, it's Zoe. You know what to do, so do it.


I don't know if you're listening...

If you're still here.

I feel like I have so many things I want to say I'm sorry for.

And if I could just see you, just hear you, just one more time, even if it's just to say good-bye, I would just...



What are you doing? Eli--

you put people on medication for doing things like this.


Sir, excuse me, is the library up ahead?

Yeah, sure, it's right down here, you'll see it.

Mr. Bedford, good to see you again.

So, how is everything coming along?


I see you got everything you need here.

I will. You, too.


Mr. Bedford...

Who is that guy?

"That guy" is Jeremy bishop.

He represents the collector who is buying the entire Von Drake collection, which is saving our bacon.

And the check that he's writing will help keep you paid for the next
2 semesters.

I don't I needed that exact example, but ok.

Try not to touch anything.



So, you really think this thief doesn't know why he broke into the library or Zoe's?

He described it like sleepwalking.

Wait, you don't think that...

A ghost could be controlling him? Could be.

But why? Why steal that book? Why break into Zoe's?

He said he felt like he was meant to put something there.

The book? Well, yeah.

The book is the one common thread.

I mean, my dream, Zoe, the thief.

And I just found out the guy Zoe was having lunch with is buying the whole Von Drake collection from the university.

Yeah, see, why would she be having lunch with the guy who took her books away?

I mean, how is he connected in all this?

We gotta talk to Zoe.

I can't get her to come to me.

Do you think she crossed over?

No, but I haven't seen her, either.

Listen, if we don't find Zoe, we have to find that book.

I know that look.

That's the "we gotta sneak into someplace we don't belong" look.

We shouldn't be breaking into Zoe's house.

Zoe won't mind.

What if we get caught?

Well, I'll let you do all the talking.


Where'd you learn how to do that?

What, you think just because I'm an academic, I don't have any other skills?

Evidently, you don't know me very well.


Evidently, the door was open the entire time.

Well, I loosened it.

Guess there's no bonus Miles for breaking and entering.

Where do we start?

It would have to be somewhere on the first floor.

He never got upstairs.


What do we do?

Grab him. What?!

Whoever the guy is, he might have answers.

Just grab him like you did the guy in the library.

Listen, about the guy in the library, it wasn't so much I grabbed him--

Eli, just go.


[Both grunting]

Ahhh! [Grunts]



Zoe was begging me not to buy the Von Drake collection, or at least let the book stay at the university so she could continue her research.

So, that's what that lunch was about.

So, what did you tell her?

I told her I'd think about it.

So, what, you were just gonna string her along?


It was a good excuse to see her again.

So sh**t me.

What are you doing here?

Well, when someone tried to steal the books, I thought maybe Zoe was behind it.

You actually think Zoe would stoop to stealing books?

She was a Professor.

Said the Professor who just broke into Zoe's house, looking for the same thing I am, I am sure. The missing book.

Seems we all thought it was here.

You know, I thought it was the least valuable one, so why would you risk breaking and entering just to find it?

Why would you?

There are many different definitions of valuable.

The people that I work for want the complete set.

Who exactly do you work for?


So, do we call the police on each other, or do we all just walk away?

I'd go for the walk away thing.
Zoe... Please don't hide from me.

We need to talk.


I'm here.

You know, just because I'm an insecure, jealous maniac, is no reason to ignore me.

I came because you almost got hurt tonight.

You need to step away from this.

You'll understand everything someday.

I need to know now, Zoe.

What's in that book?

Where is it?

The book is the key to everything.

The book is always changing-- new things are written, old things are erased.


You still there?

Zoe, whispering: There's others here.

There are so many things on this side that I don't understand yet.

Yeah, well, it's not much better on this side, I can tell you that.

The book taught me what I have to do, who I have to help.

When the time comes, I'll be there to guide you.

Guide me where?

You didn't have to apologize for not believing me.

I knew you didn't.

It wasn't that, I--

you listened to me.

Even thought you didn't believe...

That's what I loved.

Zoe, I miss you.

Excuse me, but did you just say horse and carriage?

Breathtaking, isn't it?

The entire wedding party arrive at the reception hall by horse and carriage.

The whole thing just drips romance, if I know I say it myself.

I know that you're an artist, but really-- please, there's no need to state the obvious, but thank you.

Now, your mother has called and announced that another family contingent are flying in from Vermont--

cousins. Half a dozen. Well, six to be exact.

But don't worry. We need a bigger reception hall, anyway.

We simply cannot fit a decent-sized arbor in this space.

It's impossible.

You know what? I have to go get something from the basement.


Now, the rooftop is available at the sunset manor, but then there are weather worries, and the carpet there's just dreadful.

[Gordon talking indistinctly]


What do you want?

You can't.

Can't what?

Save her.

You can't.


You're in a fair amount of trouble, but I can help you.

The people I work for have a lot of resources.

We can get you a decent attorney, maybe even arrange bail.


Before I can help you, I have to know one thing.

Where's the book?

The what?

The book you took from the library.

Did you put it in the woman's house, did you hide it somewhere?

Dude, I don't even know how I got in that house.

Why won't anyone believe me?

Maybe it's because you're a low-life thief.


Look at me.

Look at my eyes.

Now think.



Think harder.

We're not letting you anywhere near that book.

You're overmatched.



Do you really think you can stop us with marionette tricks?



You all right?

Not really.

Melinda, tell me, these visions you're having, they're all of a little girl, right?

I just know this is about our baby, I just know it.

No, Mel, it's not.

It's not, trust me.

What makes you so sure?


What are you not telling me?


Look, are you sure you want to know?

Don't mess with me right now, please.


Our child is not going to be a she.

We're gonna have a little boy.

You know? Yeah.

How? I thought that we were gonna--

I know, I didn't do it on purpose, but I found a little note attached to your last sonogram.

And I wasn't going to tell you, but--

a boy? Yeah.

[Both laugh]


Who's the "she"?

Who holds my future in her hands?

Who is it that I can't save?

I really miss pizza.


Pizza made me happy.

Who is that?!

I need your help.

You've really got to find that book before Jeremy bishop does.

Yeah, well, it's not like we haven't been trying.

Who are you?

Not important.

Are you one of the watchers?

That sounds so pretensions. Just call me Carl.


Yeah, I remember you.

Carl the watcher.

Did you have to come when I was in my underwear, Carl?

Don't worry about it. Since I've been dead, I've walked in on lots worse.

Who's this Jeremy guy, anyway?

It's not so much about Jeremy as who controls him and what they want.

The book has been safe up to now because it was hidden in the larger collection.

But then Jeremy found out about it?

Yes, and he was sent to buy the collection, so I took control of that repulsive little thief and made him steal the book, and then I made him put it in Zoe's house.

I was improvising.

Wait, I thought watchers weren't supposed to--

interfere. True.

And there was a reprimand involved, believe me.

Apparently, we're supposed to give warnings, clues, but not really affect the future ourselves, just influence others.

So, you influenced a thief to steal the book.


Why did you pick this particular thief?

It's not so hard to find these lost souls.

That, and he was about to break into my wife's house for the second time, and I can't have that, so, 2 birds, one stone kind of thing.

Well, I'm sorry.

I don't know where the book is.

I do.

I'll tell you where the book is, but you have to promise me that you'll keep it safe.

And one other thing--

Melinda can't touch the book or even see it.

Well, how am I supposed to do that?

I can't lie to Melinda.


If this stuff was easy, anybody could do it.

[Crickets chirping]

[Clock ticking]

[Rock music playing]

[Women cheering]

Just like that.

Ladies, naughty, naughty!


Melinda: Thank you.

[Indistinct chatter]

♪ our future's bright ♪
♪ we can build our lives ♪
♪just exactly like we want it to be... ♪

[chuckling] Ok. Oh!

[Indistinct chatter]

Sorry to crash your party, but they're not gonna turn on me

'cause I'm a man, are they? What are you doing here?

I've got some good news and bad news, and neither could wait.

Ok, so what's the good news?

I found the book. That's great.

What's the bad news?

What do you mean, I can't see the book?

Or touch it, technically. Excuse me?

Look, I don't know why, but Carl the reluctant watcher made me promise.

The thing is, I looked at the book last night and at its names, and there was something really scary under Zoe's name.

But you can't show me? No.

Next best thing.

I scanned the page.

I figure you can read it without seeing the book.

Carl may not approve, but he doesn't seem like a letter of the law type of ghost.

What are these numbers?

No idea. But look at this.


"She helps the listener join the dead."

You're the listener?

Yeah! What does that mean? I'm marked for death or something?

We don't know that for sure.

That's why Zoe's not crossing over. She knows I'm gonna die soon, and she's here to help me cross over. Ok, shh.

Hey, Mel, there's still a couple more gifts to open.


Please just stay calm, all right?

I'll only be a few minutes.

Don't go anywhere, I'm not going to let you out of my sight.

Delia: All right, here's the next one.


Oh, you guys, baby names!

That's great, 'cause we have no clue what the baby's name is going to be.

[Baby screams]

Where's the book? In my office.

I need to see it right now! But the watcher said--

don't give me the watcher crap, all right?

Just take me to the book or I'll hurt you.

[Starts engine]

[Tires squealing]

Who is sending you these messages?

I don't know.

The watchers, my unconscious...

They could be from the baby.

I don't even want to go there.

Look, if my baby is in danger, I have to know it.

[Zoe screams]


I think I know what's going on here.

Melinda: Andrea, 2804, Eli, 310, Jim, 711, Sam 1411, Zoe, 1505.

There are all dates, they're just backwards.

Dates for what?

[Sighs] April 28, Andrea died in that plane crash.

You were hurt in the fire October 3.

Man: Back off, back off!

Almost got it.

Jim died November 7.


And Sam died November 14, and Zoe, may 15.

Hey! Aah!


But what does it mean?

The book of changes.

This book isn't about the future.

This book is about the past.

Every one of these names is a normal person who died and came back in one way or another.

Who's keeping track of it and why?

I don't know. The watchers, maybe?


There's one more page you need to see.

It's probably why you weren't supposed to see the book.

September 25.

What happened on that day?

This one is about the future.


My due date.

September 25.

Zoe, I have to talk to you. Please.

It's never been more important.

It's not about me or you.

It's about Melinda's baby.

She's scared.

You've got to tell me what you know.

Tell Melinda the other side is giving her those visions to try to scare her.

They want the child to be scared, too.

The other side?

If I knew more, I would tell you, but there's so many things I haven't figured out yet.

You don't have to figure out anything anymore.

You can cross over.

No, I have to help you.

Zoe, the book says you help the listener join the dead.

But you already have.


I did something stupid.

I let myself get involved with a patient.

I let it get too personal, which led me right to being in that fire, which led me directly to being able to hear the dead.

You did what you were meant to do.

Zoe: There's more.

The book needs a caretaker.

It was me for all these years, and I didn't even know it.

And now?

It's you.

But you can't keep the book in one place.

Now that they know it's here, they'll never stop looking.

Who? They're different faces all the time, but they're always there.

Zoe, I'll take care of the book.

You're free now, Zoe.

You can cross over.

[Chuckles] I don't feel right leaving you.

But you were right to leave me before.

And you're right now.

And you're leaving a lot of good behind.

I'm not.

I haven't had time to do anything...

To finish anything.

You're wrong. Look how you helped me.

You taught me how to care about somebody.

Even if I was all awkward and stupid about it.

And you showed me that maybe somebody could care about me.

You know, in a way like I always wanted to be cared about but never thought I would.

That's kinda huge.


But not forgotten.


Are you here?

I really need to talk to you.

I didn't know where else to look.

I want some answers.

I know the feeling.

I understand now.

That it was Zoe who held my future in her hands because she knew what was in the book.

Which you were not supposed to read.

So sue me.

Look, I'm not asking for anything for myself, but I do need to know if my baby is in danger.

I am not supposed to tell you too much.

I've already had my wrists slapped.

You owe me, Carl.

When you were being haunted, I helped you find peace.

All I can tell you, Melinda, is that you have to prepare your child.

Don't let the other side scare you into shielding him, but you must teach him.

There's a lot of white light around you.

Many spirits watching over you.

More than you know, but one tear in the curtain, and the balance could shift.

And your son is the key.

Will my son be able to do what I do?



Well, that's a relief.

He'll be able to do much, much more.


Well, that takes care of the bridesmaids.

Now, on to the orchestra samples.

Take your time listening to them, but I need your choice by 7:00.

Now, can we talk about the ice sculpture?

Imagine this

50 times as big.

[Door dings]
Jim: Excuse me.


Can you come with me? Uh-huh!

Gordon: Hello? Delia, you, too.

Hello? We're just trying to design the wedding of the decade here.

I haven't even spoken about the fireworks yet!

So, what are we doing?

You know what? Melinda, you were right.

No matter how big this wedding gets, in the end, it is still only about--


You and me.

♪ never known someone quite like you ♪
♪ you take my breath away ♪
♪ you knock me out with the little things you do ♪
♪ and all the words you say... ♪

you recognize the street?

[Sighs] Yes.

It's the street where we first met.

♪ you're lovely ♪
♪ lovely, you see ♪
♪ that's all there is to it ♪
♪ you're so very lovely ♪
♪ lovely to me... ♪

you know, this wedding...

This marriage is just about us.

It's not about your mom or, you know, our relatives or the ice sculpture.

[Both laugh]

It's just you and me.

The way it's always been.

Well, I mean, almost the way it's always been.


But I've always been married to you, Melinda Gordon, no matter what comes between us, and I always will be...

No matter what's waiting for us...

And no matter what we can't foresee.

I promise you.

♪ I can't deny it ♪
♪ you're so very lovely ♪
♪ lovely to me... ♪

you're unbelievable.

This isn't a wedding.

This is just... A renewal of what we have always had.

Of what we'll never lose.

And you know why?

Because you can't k*ll love.

Oh, hey, maid of honor.

Best man.

Let's do this.

♪ you're lovely ♪
♪ lovely, you see... ♪

dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Sam and Melinda in holy matrimony.

[Continues indistinctly]
♪ you're so very lovely ♪
♪ lovely ♪