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04x22 - Endless Love

Posted: 05/20/09 16:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ghost Whisperer...

Hey, you remember that time that I was grinding up all the egg shells with the fake blood?

For your Haitian voodoo thesis?

"Vodou." In Haiti, it's "vodou."


If you'll have me.

Melinda Gordon...

Oh, will you marry me...Again?



I thought you didn't want to do anything formal.

I mean, a seating chart?

Uh, would save my life.

If I don't have one, my mom might have to sit next to Jim's mother.

And that would be bad. Oof.

Wait, your mom is coming?

Yeah. She found out from one of my friends that Melinda is seeing someone new.

Yeah, and if she finds out that I'm marrying this new guy and I didn't invite her...

Why would you even think of inviting her?

Because she's Jim's mom!

Who thinks Jim is dead, and so do the rest of your guests, by the way.

Look, if everyone knew that I was Jim, then we wouldn't have to get married, would we?

That's obvious. Look, my brain hurts.

Melinda: Look, we've discussed this, ok?

How can I possibly tell everyone the truth?

And P.S., how long did it take you to realize that ghosts were real?

Ok, you make a good point.

Yes. This is Jim's baby, and Sam is just this wonderful guy who's going to help me raise it, ok?

What about Jim's mom?

And Sam's, for that matter?

Ok, look. We will tell my mom eventually.

And Sam's mom, we'll jump off that bridge when we come to it. Don't worry.

See ya.

All right, I'm gonna do these errands, and then I'm gonna work on my med school apps.

All right. See ya.

Bye. Good-bye!

Bye! Ha ha. See ya, Ned.

See ya.

How's it going? Good.

Is that a baby bump you got going there?

Ned! What is wrong with you?

Were you raised by wolves?

It's ok. I'm showing it off. I like it.

Ok, then let me make a note of that for the dressmaker.

Ned, how's the study group?

We're studying, but technically we're not a group yet.

Oh, Serena's not here yet?

Late, as usual.
[Doorbell rings]

I swear, I left plenty of time, but my keys, they got locked in the car, and I put them in my bag, so it wasn't my fault this time.

Did you bring the chapter notes?

Yeah, they're right here in my notebook.

Oh, my God, where is my notebook?

God, why is this happening to me?

Poor Ned. He's really worried about this test, and that poor girl brings nothing but excuses.

She brought a little bit more than that.



I'm just saying, she might be telling the truth about it not being her fault.


You home?


Woman on answering machine: Serena, honey, I'm gonna be home late tonight.

There's a plate in the fridge you can reheat.

Your dad...

I'm not sure what time he's--

[wind blowing]

[Siren in distance]





Serena, baby, where are you?


[Wind blowing]

This is ray, leave a message.

Ray, it's Karen.

I'm at home, and I'm trying not to freak out.

Serena's not here. I've looked all through the house.

I can't figure out where she is.

Damn it, why can't you pick up your cell?

[Telephone rings]

Hello? Karen: Hello.

This is Karen Westen, Serena's mom.

Is this Delia?

Yeah. Is everything ok?

I don't know.

When is the last time you saw Serena?

Um, she left here about
2 hours ago, why?

Is she not home yet? Come here.

I just got home from work, and her stuff is here.

And she's not, and the window's open.

Ok, ok, have you tried calling her cell?

Yes, her cell phone is sitting right in front of me!

Could somebody have broken in and stolen...

Taken my girl?

Ok, what about her father? Is he there?

Are you alone? Um...

I think he's still at work.

I just--I-I don't know what to do.

Um, ok, listen, I want you to get off the phone with me and call the police right away.

I'm gonna come over, ok?

I hope you don't mind me asking, but can you think of anyone or anything that might be causing Serena distress?

You mean, something that might...

Make her want to run away?

Could be anything.

Something at home, or has anyone close to her died or been hurt?

No, no. We're all healthy.

No friends from school?

Still no word from your husband?

Oh, I got him this--this cradle that he could put his cell phone in and charge it, and he just--
he keeps forgetting.

We should turn on oak Lane.

Serena has some friends that live over there.


Hey, I think I see her.



Serena, baby!

Serena, baby, thank God we found you.

Are you ok? Where have you been?

[Wind blowing]

What happened?

Is this blood?

Honey, look at me!



What's happening?! Serena!


It's gonna be ok, baby.


Child, whispering: Can you see us?

I don't remember.

Was it like someone was whispering to you?

You know, telling you that you needed to do things?

I told you, I don't remember.

Thank you.

I was just in my room studying and then I got a little sleepy, and then I was on the street in my bare feet.


How do you feel?

Mom, I'm fine! Everybody keeps freaking out, but, you know, I just sleepwalked a little bit, ok? People do that.

What about all this red stuff all over you?

It's not blood, mom, ok?

The ambulance guys just said it was some sort of weird red Clay.

But from where? There's no soil or anything around here like that.

Maybe I felt like throwing a pot in my sleep.

Ok, it's--
you're right.

Let's--let's get you up to bed, and we will forget that this ever happened.

Serena, sweetheart, are you ok?

I was at the sub's office working with half the department.

I'm sorry, I should have given you the number.

[Door closes]

[School bell rings]

There's seven, you say? That's great.

Your aunt's awesome for getting you that.

I'm gonna take off, ok?

All right.

Hey, Serena, how's it going?

Pretty great.

Um, I just--
I wanted to let you know that I'd be happy to take any of your study group chapters, if things are intense at home or whatever.

Mind keeping it down so the whole planet doesn't find out about what happened last night?


Well, that was weird.


Those must have been sphinx moths.

What? Uh, nothing.

Just be sure to wash your hands.

These flowers are poisonous.

Front door and back door both use the same key.

I gave you 4 copies.

Thank you.

Uh, until we figure out what happened last night, I just can't be too careful.

I think I might be able to help you with that. Um...

I have a gift.

I can see ghosts, and I've seen a ghost attached to your daughter.


I don't understand.

Sometimes spirits can influence people, kind of like hypnosis, which would explain the sleepwalking.

If she's jumpy, forgetful.


What's unclear is why.

Which made me wonder...

If the spirit is trying to protect Serena from something or someone here at home.

Would you like to come in?






Did you, um, put these in my locker?

Um, no.



Uh, sure.

Ok, like anyone else would know what these mean.

Um, are those plumeria?

And there were moths with them.

Sphinx moths, I-I think.

Does that mean what I think it means?

I don't know. Well...[Chuckles]

It just--it feels like someone's trying to send me a message.

You think?

I just--

I wish I could tell them that it's ok.

Look, I understand. You can tell me the truth.


No one else knows what this stuff means except you, Jonathan.

I understand.


What are you talking about?

Look, I thought it was crazy at first myself, but...

I mean, last night, the sleepwalking, was that you?

And--and in my bedroom?

Serena! Just stop it, ok?

Why are you being so weird?

I won't tell anyone.

I would never betray your secret.

You're freaking me out!


Just leave me alone, freak! Understand?



In the living room, honey.

Why didn't my key work in the front door?

Did you change the locks?

What's going on?

Melinda was worried about you, and she had some interesting things to say.

She'd like to ask you a few questions.

Something happen with dad?

We'll talk about that later.

You did it. You finally kicked him out.

Serena... You know what, I can come back later, and if I learn anything, I'll give you a call.

I hope you don't think you fooled me like you fooled yourself.

You can't trust dad. He's a liar, ok?

You can't trust anyone.

So the bad news is, the father's cheating.

The good news is, it's nothing more than that.

So instead of a protective ghost, we're back to a scary ghost.

Would it be too much to ask, just once, for a helpful ghost?

Yeah, they usually go straight into the light.

I don't think that this ghost is bad, I just think he's trying to protect Serena.

'Cause he chalk dusted that kid who was mean to her?

Well, he put all this nasty stuff in her locker and then tried to make her feel bad about it.

Did you learn anything about who the kid is?

Yeah, his name's Jonathan.

Ned did some asking around, and I guess he's kind of a loner.

Were they dating?

No one thinks so. Is it possible that Jonathan didn't do anything?

I mean, the ghost could have put that stuff in her locker, right?

Yeah, it's possible.

This is a powerful ghost.

Well, I just need to get the whole story.

Great idea, but from who?

The ghost isn't exactly--

hey! Hello?

Um, sorry to come by so late. If you're closing the store...

It's fine. I can keep it open.

Thanks. Yep.

Did you just hang up on me?


So my mom told me that you guys talked.

You know, about the dead guy.

Yeah. Look, I know that it can be scary, but we just need to figure out--

so they're real?

Like, they're really real?

And they're right here with us, like part of this world?

Like, they can touch things and touch us?

In their own way, yeah.


So they can, like, hypnotize you?

Well, that's not exactly what's happening, but the effect is the same.

Look, we just need to figure out who it is that's haunting you so we can help them move on.

Oh. You mean they can't stay.

It's best if they don't.

Look, just try really hard to think about if you know someone or remember anyone who might have feelings for you.

The guy who died, you mean?

What makes you think it was a guy?

Oh, well, isn't that what you told my mom?

I might have.

But does it ring a bell? I mean, a guy who died?

I'm--I'm not sure, really.

What did he look like?

She said that you saw someone.

I did. Yeah, he was young, about your age.



Well, I wonder if this guy knows Jonathan, too.


Yeah, Ned was saying that after Jonathan put all that stuff in your locker, that he yelled at you in class.

Did you two date? I mean, 'cause it could be somebody who's jealous--

no, no, Jonathan and I, we were just into the same, like, movies and books and stuff, but that's it.

That's not what the ghost seems to think.

What ghost?

The ghost that we're talking about.

Or did you think that we were talking about something else?

It's--you know, it's getting really late and I told my mom that I wouldn't be too long, so I'm just gonna go, but thank you.

[Door dings]

[Cell phone rings]

[Sighs] Hello?

You have reached my apology line.

Please leave an apology for rudely hanging up on me at the beep. Beep!

Ok, I'm sorry. Serena came in and I didn't have much time.

Try and sound like you mean it. Beep, beep, beep!

All right, it was extremely rude.

Will you please listen?

I mean, how many times do we meet someone who's being haunted who wants to stay haunted?

Not often enough. Yeah, she came in here with all these questions about being haunted, but never once how to stop it, and then when I actually mentioned the word "ghost, "

she acted like we were having
2 completely different conversations.

Ok, that's odd.

And I think that she's covering something up, because I think this Jonathan guy is involved somehow.

Ok, let's make a list, starting with weird, random things that we don't understand.

Like sleepwalking, sphinx moths, plumeria flowers, flying dust, red Clay soil--

what, now it's vampires?


Vampires? No, we're talking about a ghost.

Ghosts and vampires.

And the last time I saw you, you were asking me about voodoo.

What has happened to you?

Melinda: Eli, are you there?

Ok. Let's take a walk. Eli!

[Phone disconnects]



Did you just hang up on me?


I don't believe it.

You can't not believe it.

How many times have we argued about this?

How many times did you tell me this stuff was real?

Well, now I'm finally agreeing with you.

I want them all back!

What, the cds?

I know you thought it was weird, splitting them alphabetically, but--

the hours and hours that we spent arguing about this.

I want them all back.

Well, it's kinda funny when you think about it.

It's not funny. You think it's funny?

No, not at all.


You seem angry with me.

No, no, don't.

Don't be sad. Come on, please don't be sad.

I'd rather have mad, please.

Come on, look at me.

Look at what a jerk I am.

What a total, worthless, crap-ass jerk.

But you're not. I'm not?

A person can't help what they believe.

And it's too late.

It's too late?

It's too late.

It's too late?

So what's all this with vampires?

I thought you talked to ghosts.

I don't know anything about vampires.

You mentioned vampires.

You listed 5 distinct aspects of vampire myths-- sleepwalking, moths, flying dust--

ok, whoa, hold up, wait one second.

What does all that have to do with vampires?

Except the sleepwalking, which I remember from one of the Draculas.

Eastern European tradition says vampires sleep in soil of their home country, hence your red Clay. And in Malaysia, they believe that the plumeria flower attracts creatures of the night.

And the thing about bats--


I never mentioned bats.

Lots of cultures believe vampires transform themselves into airborne entities like bats and moths, but also, lighter things like dust and smoke.

So my ghost is a vampire.

I don't know what you're dealing with, but what you're describing is basically elements from a classic vampire seduction scenario.

Seduction? Yes.

Seduction, when somebody uses someone's vulnerabilities to lure them into a relationship that only brings them pain.

Oh. That.


[Wind blowing]


It's ok, I-- I'm glad you're here.


It's ok. I understand if you're angry.

I shouldn't have said anything to Melinda...

Or you.

[Wind blowing]



You're still here.

Show yourself to me?

Ok, so Ned called and said that Serena was in school today.

Nothing unusual, except she seemed very happy and relaxed.

A teenage girl happy and relaxed?

We better call someone. Come on.

Ok, help me out here.

This ghost thinks he's a vampire?

I don't know, but he's convinced her of that.
All right, now show me this very interesting young man.

Well, this is Jonathan, the guy got dust in his eyes in Serena's class.

Eli: What about him?

Well, I don't know. Except I caught a small glimpse of him at Delia's apartment, but the ghost kinda looks like this guy.

You said the ghost had red eyes.

And Ned said the kid's eyes turned red in the chalk dust.

Eli, wait...

And you said Jonathan's not a ghost, which means...

Should we start looking for wooden stakes?

Ok, there's no such thing as vampires.

Believe me, I would know.

Tell that to Zoe. Ok, look, forget whether there really are vampires or not.

Can someone explain to me why a teenage girl would want to be stalked by one?

Are you kidding me? Have you been to a multiplex or a bookstore recently?

Oh, I get there's that whole deal, but what's the appeal? I don't get it.

I--they live forever.

They ache, they yearn and they desire forever.

Right. So that's what she gets from consorting with a vampire? An eternal ache?

No, she gets undying love.

Come on. You understand this?

Of course she does.

Oh. What I did?

Jumping into this body?

Come on. I'm just a pigheaded fool who wouldn't quit.

That's what every woman wants?

Yeah. [Chuckles]

Well, then is it really fair you don't share me with the world?

Hey! Come here.

Point being, undying love's in short supply in a broken home like Serena's.

Well, more important point, we still don't know who this guy is.

No Grandview teenagers meeting the ghost description died recently.

You know what, she's lived here her whole life.

Maybe we should be looking at people who moved away.

Hey. Where to?

Serena said that vampires like to keep soil from their home country close.

Yeah, like the red Clay that was on her after she sleepwalked.

Wait a minute, there are red cliffs just South of Bridgeport. Good call.

Andrew Carlin.

From Bridgeport, died about 5 weeks ago and formerly resided in Grandview.

Does he look like the ghost? Yeah.

Said that he had a blood disease, which would explain the red eyes.

Or maybe he got bit, and that would explain why he started sleeping upside down.

[Laughs] Ok, you keep working on that theory there, Van Helsing, and I am going to go talk to Serena.

Hey, have a minute?

Now's not really a good time.

I know about Andrew Carlin.

Andrew? What about him?

Well, I know that he's dead, and I think you know that.

Andrew died?

You didn't know?

How would I? He moved away like
2 or 3 years ago.

Well, I thought you two were really close.

I mean, we were friends, but obviously not as good as I thought.

So you didn't keep in touch after that.

He wrote a few emails, but I was never really good at answering them, and after that, like, nothing.

Look, I'm sorry that I have to ask this, but were you and Andrew into vampires?

Was that something that the two of you shared together?

Look, I really have to go.

Well, whatever it is that's going on, I think you're going to want to hear me out.

Look, I really don't think you know what you're talking about.

Andrew wasn't into vampires, ok, he was into yearbook.

That's how we knew each other. We did yearbook together.

So he just wanted you to think that he was a vampire because you're into that stuff?

It doesn't make any sense. Andrew?

Wait, the part that doesn't make any sense is Andrew?

So what, you thought it was Jonathan?

Is that why you confronted him in class, because you thought he put all that stuff in your locker?

You said that you two like the same books and movies--

look, it's not just that, ok?

Jonathan and I both have really screwed up families.

He just--he gets it.

Ok, this is partially my fault, because I--I was talking to you about ghosts, and you thought that I was talking to you about vampires, and I made you think that they were real, but they're not.

I know what I saw.

I know what I felt.

Ghosts can be powerful.

Ok? They can make us believe things.

But he was with me last night!

I didn't see him, but I know he was there.

I'm sure Andrew was there.

He was at your locker making sure that you got those flowers.

And he was there making sure that Jonathan paid for trying to hurt you.

That's why Jonathan won't talk to me anymore.

I really am a freak.


There's a boy out there.

Another boy who has very strong feelings for you.

You can help him go into the light where he belongs.

I can't.

[Wind blowing]

Come here.

Mmm, what are you doing to me?

I gave you eternity.

Doesn't she deserve the same?

Who, Serena?

What gives you the only right to happiness?

What are you talking about?

You cheated death once.

Doesn't mean you will again.

[Vehicle approaching]



Serena is mine.

One way or another, I'll have her.

[Wind blowing]




That's all I can say. Wow.

Have you contacted Andrew's family?

Now that is what I call a dream.

Woof! Grr. Eli, please focus.

I really need your help, all right?

Look, I'm on my way to Serena's.

I don't have time to track them down.

Ok, but could you just talk to me again?

Just let me put on a little mood music first.

Eli! What?

The ghost said that he's going to have her one way or another, ok?

In case that means having her dead, I gotta get this guy into the light, especially 'cause she's so vulnerable at home.

I thought you said that the parents decided to try therapy.

Eli! Ok!

Ok, I'm calling them now. Relax.

Yeah, I'll relax when I know that Serena's ok.

All right.

I know I'm the one that messed up.

I made you two suffer, a lot.

And that's wrong.

And without getting into some stuff that you don't want to know, let's just say that your mom did some things to push me away.

Karen, is that fair to say?


So how about it? Fresh start?

Can everyone do that?

No way. Forget it.

Serena, honey, please!

Mom, it's bull. He doesn't deserve it.

You know what? Your father is asking for a second chance, and I think we should give it to him.

That's not fair!

It may not be, but that's what love is.

[Wind blowing]

No, it's not.

Love is supposed to mean more than that.

You don't just leave it and come back to it like daddy did.

Love is something you never quit.


We are a family, and family is forever, and there is nothing else like that.

You're wrong.



[Wind blowing]


Are you doing this to t*rture me, or do you really care?

[Computer beeps]

Andrew, I never got any of these.

They're just drafts?

Why didn't you send them?

[Wind blowing]

You were there the entire time, you never quit.

I wish I could just see you.

[Computer beeps]


[Wind blowing]

Serena, sweetheart?

We need to talk to you.

We're coming in--

oh, my God!

All right, call any of her friends that you can think of, and I'll let you know if I hear anything.

Thank you. Ok.

[Opens car door]
Eli: Hello?

Hey, Eli. She left.

She's gone? She ran away?

Well, at least there's a chance that she'll change her mind.

As opposed to she's sleepwalking over a cliff.

So what did you find out about our ghost?

I finally got through to his mother.

I just hung up a few minutes ago. I said I was Serena's dad.


And she remembers it like Serena said, they did yearbook together.

But then after that, stories get different.

Well, how so?

Well, Andrew told the parents that he stayed in touch with her after they left Grandview.

He kept pictures of her on his desk, sent them updates on her life, claiming they IMed all the time.

Ok, was there any red Clay near Andrew's house?

No. And can you imagine how weird she thought I was to ask.

Ok, well, what about where he was buried?

Damn, you're good. Almost as good as me.

All right, I called the cemetery right after I hung up with the mom.

You ready to write down an address?



[Wind blowing]

What's it like where you are?

Is it lonely?

It's so lonely here, I don't want to be lonely anymore!

Then go inside.

We can talk when you're with me.

Melinda: So where is he buried, exactly?

Eli: Andrew's parents said there's a family crypt, but you should hurry, because it's tight.

There's only a few shelves for cremated remains.

So there isn't much air, then?

She wouldn't last long. Ok.

So then which crypt?

I don't know. Just look for the one with his name on it. How long can that take?


[Breathing heavily]

I can't keep my eyes open, Andrew.

Where are you?

Why won't you just give me a sign?

I'm right here, Serena.

You'll see me soon.

Very soon.

[Wind blowing]

Where is she?

She wants to be with me.

That's why she came here.

You don't really believe that, or else we wouldn't be having this nice conversation.

What conversation?

The one where you pretend that you don't feel bad for k*lling a girl that you supposedly love.

I don't want her to die.

But she has to.

It's the only way that we can be together, you know, for someone who isn't actually a vampire, you're doing a great impression.

I mean, the sneaking around, the hypnosis, the smokescreen--

shut up! You don't know anything.

I know what's going to happen when she's finally dead.

She's going to look back at her young, full life, and she's going to realize that she gave it all up for a lie.

What lie?

That you loved her.

You don't love her, Andrew.

Love is selfless.

You're only doing this for you.

I do love her.

I've always loved her.

Then prove it.

Where is she?

Oh, my God!


Sweetheart, could you just wake up?

Please? Please?

[Breathing heavily]

Ok, here.

All right, you're going to be all right, just breathe.

All right, let's get you out of here, come on.


Sweetheart! Honey, are you ok?

Are you all right?!

He led her here hoping that she would join him.

He realized he had made a mistake, and then he helped me find her.

And she went along?

He didn't sleepwalk her or...

Or use hypnosis?


You would rather be dead than come home?

I didn't think of it like that.

I don't know what I was thinking. I just...

She was alone.

Andrew says she was alone.


But she has a family.

So many people are so much more alone than anyone knows.

He says not just Serena.

Most of us are more alone than anyone knows.

We feel like we're on the outside looking in, like we're freaks or maybe even monsters.

Till we meet someone who understands, and...

There's nothing more powerful than that.

Does that make any sense?


I am so...

So sorry.

I just--
I didn't think.

And to just expect you to give me a second chance...

I understand. Melinda...

Will you please tell Andrew that I'm really sorry?

He was always one of my favorite people.

I just--I never guessed that I meant more than that to him.

I was afraid to tell her the truth.

Because if she didn't feel the same way...

He was afraid that you would break his heart.

I hope I didn't break it again.

Melinda: No.

No, I think you helped put it back together.


Melinda told me that there's a place that you can go where you won't be alone.

He knows.

He sees the light.

I'm gonna be there someday myself, I hope.

You promise you'll look for me?


[Wind blowing]

He's gone.

I'm so sorry!

Ray: That's ok.

It's all right, baby, shh, shh.



Come on, Eli, you have to have an opinion.

DJ or band?

DJ. Always.

And make sure he spins vinyl, but no sixties, no motown, and no open mic.

And no fun.

I mean, what kind of weddings do you go to?

Same kind you go to.


I wonder where Zoe is.

I mean, she wanted to know how this vampire thing went.

Didn't she say that she might miss it because she's got a lot of work to do?

Hmm. Well, I just thought since Melinda was here...


Are you here?


What? Huh?

Yes, yes, vampires. Yeah.

Yeah, it's just--
it's just a dream.



Wow, is it really that late?

Oh, look at that. It is.

You know, Eli, when we're with you, the hours fly by. Fly.

Do you mind if we, um...

I mean, we can stay a few more minutes to see if she's coming. Absolutely.

Just--will you get a room for God sakes?

Ok, thank you.

You're not fooling anyone.

This place reeks of pheromones.

Ok, well, what about the check?

Don't worry, it's my turn.

Don't give me the pity eye.

Look, I see a couple of guys I recognize from the econ department over at the bar, and boy, can those geeks get crazy.

Might have to clear out my whole morning.

Ok. Have fun.

See ya. Bye.

[Music playing]