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04x19 - Thrilled to Death

Posted: 04/22/09 12:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ghost Whisperer...

The day of the accident, I saw Jim's ghost step into Sam's body.

You're back!

Do I know you?

Your memories, they're not yours.

- Who am I?
- Jim!

I'm not your husband.

What's wrong with Melinda? What's going on?

She's trapped underground. The water is rising.

You know all this from a ghost?

Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith.

Sam! You came for me!

Why do you keep calling me Sam?

Call me Jim, Mel, it's my name.


This is my face now?

You did it for us.

Can you tell me more?

I've been giving you every detail.

You really don't remember being Sam at all?

I don't.

I mean, I remembered the sound of a g*n shot and then the burning feeling in my shoulder.

And then seeing you. And your hand in mine.

- And then...
- You never left me.


I died. And I don't remember any of that either.
I mean, the after part.

- The ghost part?
- Yeah. And I always wanted to know like, how the... how their after lives.

What about you?

You know, how long you've been seeing the same guy?

- Two months?
- All right, I knew it was you.

Ok, I saw you go into his body.

All I see is you.

Nobody else does, huh.

You know, people are gonna talk.

A merry widow and all that.

Hmm. Let them.

Yeah, but seriously...

What are we going to do?

The man I married.

Yeah, but not to everybody else.

It's almost A.M.

Do you have to work today?

No. No, I'll have Delia cover for me.

Or I'll close the shop.

Want to get some sleep?

I can't, honestly.


I'll go make it.

Help me!

Help! Help! Help me!

What's happening? Help! Help me!

Help me, help me!

Please help me, please help me!

Morgan, it's me. Eli, your neighbor. Are you all right?

- I don't know!
- Is someone in there with...

No. No.

I think I'm going crazy.

Please help me.

Why are the curtains doing that?

That windows is... It's closed.

I see.

I don't understand what's happening to me.

No, it's ok. It's all right.

I'm going to help you, ok?

Do you want to die?

Honey, that is your third expresso this morning.

You're exhausted. Just go home.

I would love to, believe me,

But I just feel like Jim needs his space.

You just got back together!

Yeah, we did.

And it's amazing, you know,

And I'm really grateful and he is, too.

It's just...

I got him back, you know,

But he didn't get his life back.

He's gotta go find himself all over again.

He's got Sam's face, Sam's resume?

And Jim's skills.

Well, can't he just study to be a paramedic again?

I mean, he'd ace the course work.

Yeah, what about his friends?

I mean, isn't that kind of lying?

Are you ok?

Good, fine.

Sort of, not so good.

I ran into a nasty ghost this morning.

- Oh. Anyone you know?
- No.

And if he's a neighbor, I'm glad I never met him,

Because he's terrorizing the girl next door.

- What's the connection?
- I don't know.

She says she's never known anyone who's died,

Except her grandmother and a boy she knew in the eighth grade.

Who choked on a brussel sprout.

That's horrible.

Chew your food. That's what my mom always tells me.

Look, I know you're all blissed out and reunited.

And you want to be with Jim

and you guys just probably want to be together.

Wait, why aren't you together?

Eli, how can I help you?

The ghost is making some intense threats,

And I don't know if they're for me or for her.

What kind of threats?

Very specific. He asked me if I wanted to die.

- Which I don't.
- That's all he said?

I guess he felt he made his point.

So tell me about her dreams.

Let's just say that this guy is not a big fan of gravity.

Are you ok here?

Yeah, absolutely, no problem.

Let's go.

How long have these things been happening?

I don't know.

It feels like a dream.

That's what I thought was happening,

That I was sleepwalking and just trashing my place.

Until you saw it, too.

The wind.

Hale and hearty. From a closed window.

So you can communicate with the dead?

I mean, what do you see, auras or something?

Or something.

Um, so you don't know anyone who died?

A man? Not too old, not too young.


And you're not sure of when this all started?

Like I said, it feels like a dream.

A nightmare.

The same one over and over.

More or less.

Why is this happening?

Someone who died has some unfinished business with you.

I told you, I don't know anyone who's died.

Are you sure that it's a man?

Pretty sure.


Oh! Oh, my god!

What happened?

My god, are you ok?

Can I...can I get some water? Please?

Yeah, uh...

My heart was pounding in my chest.

And I felt like I was falling.

- You almost did.
- No, no, no.

- Really falling.
- You were really falling.

No, to my death!

I think that's how the ghost died.

So you've been having nightmares every night.

You wake up, your stuff is levitating

and you have no idea when it started?

Well, Morgan's probably embarrassed.

It's not easy to admit a ghost has
been floating your knick knacks.

Is it me or does knick knack sound dirty?

It's you, and unless she's haunted by an astronaut,

I think we should be looking into falling, not floating.

Ok, ahead of you there, but that's not exactly narrowing the field.

We could spend all day looking to id accident victims.

Or suicides who fell to their deaths.

The curtains. It wasn't just the wind,

It was the curtains.

You said in her dream that she was floating before he brought her back slowly to the floor.

Ok, so he was careful with her, or torturing her.

I'm sorry, did you say you liked Morgan's curtains?

In my vision, the floating, my heart pounding,

The billowing fabric.

Maybe there's only one kind of jumper we need to be looking for.

Oh, a recreational one! A parachute.



Here we incident, and a Grandview resident.

Oh, you're so much faster than me.

- How do you...
- That's him,

Rick Hartman. He died skydiving in Mexico.

Oof. His chute never opened. That had to hurt.

It says he was on a tour with extreme action adventure company.

His death was their first fatality.

The irony, it's too cruel.

It says that he was an actuary.

The guy spends his life behind the safety of a desk assessing risk, and he dies trying one of the riskiest sports around?

An actuary. What does your neighbor do?

Some kind of graphic arts.

Wait, he's years older than her. An actuary.

She's an artist. How do they know each other?

Was that his old apartment, did they meet on the internet?

Well, let's give her his name and see if it rings a bell.

Great, but I doubt you'll get very far.

- Why?
- He died weeks ago.

If she knew him, wouldn't she have heard?

You might want to talk to someone else.

Well, who? He lived alone.

He didn't have any kids.

The action adventure people.

He died on their watch.

There you go.

So are you ok? You need anything else?

No, I'm good. Thanks for the coffee.

Thanks for meeting me.

It's all about the client. We aim to please.

Yeah, and scare the crap out of people.

I was looking at your company's website...

Glacier skiing, running class four rapids,


Yeah, but on the cycling tour in italy,

There's a van that follows you with bread, cheese and a daybed.

Here's a catalog.

Oh! I want to go skydiving.

I dreamt about it my whole life,

But I'm a little nervous.

I read about that guy, the one who died.

Yeah, that was...

A terrible accident. It was, um,

It seems his chute was packed improperly.

Oh, I don't know how to pack a chute.

Yeah, but the fellow you're referring to, I mean...

Uh, what's his name, Rick something?

Rick Hartman.

He did know. He jumped several times.

But just you know, the first jumps are always accompanied,

So if for whatever reason your chute doesn't open,

Your instructor's will.

Wait, that guy did more than jumps?

Yeah. I mean, he climbed volcanoes, he swam with the sharks,

He hunted wild bore.

Most dangerous one, by the way.

Did he ever mention a girl to you, named Morgan?

Uh, no.

Wait a minute, did you know this guy?


You're not interested in booking a trip with us, are you?

Look, jack, all I can tell you is I'm not a cop,

And I don't work for any insurance companies.

I'm just trying to help someone who knew Rick get her life back.

Well, maybe you should be talking to her about him.

I did.

Problem is, she claimed she never knew him.

Look, he died jumping out of your airplane.

I figured you'd want to help.

Did he seem like someone who got fixated on things?

Now, look, a guy comes in, he's a total pencil pusher.

He said he'd never even played contact sports in his life,

And a week later, he's spelunking in a cave in Brazil.

You must have been some salesman.

No, I didn't push. Not at all.

It all came from him.

It's like he got addicted to the thrills.

Or he had a...

A death wish?

So now you're a trust attorney?

Hey, you know what

my legal expertise was only implied.

The landlord made assumptions.

Wow, this place looks untouched.

So why is all this stuff still in here?

Oh, you know, no family to clean it out.

Condo's in the trust, but the estate.

Hasn't put it on the market yet.

Well, it is definitely ready to show.

I mean, everything looks very organized.

All put in neat little stacks.

What are we looking for?

Just to find out why Mr. Safe and reasonable.

Was hooked on a death wish.

Man, even his books were alphabetized.

Yeah, and this stuff, "for my good friend Neil."

Everything on this desk has one of these labels.

"For Jocelyn Gracie, my colleague and my friend."

This guy wasn't just organized.

No, he definitely had his affairs in order.

And was expecting the end.

Wait, look at this.

Anti- nausea pain pills.

All this medication.

That's what you take for chemo and end- stage cancer.

Ok. So he was dying.

All right. Keep looking around.

See if you can find anything with Morgan's name on it.

Help us know why he's haunting her.

Wait a minute, what is this?

"Scuba diving on The Great Barrier Reef."

"Boar hunting in Fiji, skydiving, "

Check, check, check.

This is a bucket list...

Things he was determined to do before he died.

Yeah. "Cook a perfect Denver omelet, "

And "live to see the lunar eclipse."

Hmm, close but no cigar.

That's happening this week.

Look at the last thing on the list.

- Morgan.
- Yep.

Had no checkmark.

What did he want with her?

Whatever it is, he didn't get it.

Not yet, anyway.

- I can keep looking.
- Okay, Great.

Yeah, I just thought it would be worth a look.

Don't be freaked out, it's going to be fine.

- Promise.
- Ok. All right.

- Bye.
- Bye.


She pulled up his obit, looked at the photo,


And what'd she say about the bucket list?


Seriously, that's what she said.

I mean, do you blame her?

It's one thing to be the object of some stranger's obsession,

But a dead stranger?

So he's obsessed with someone.

He's never even met before?

- It happens.
- Not very often.

You think she's lying to us?

She was his dying wish.

You're gonna tell me he never introduced himself.

Or asked her out?

Maybe he did and she passed.

I mean, do you remember every guy.

That's ever asked you out?

He wasn't afraid to step off the side of a moving plane.

You think he's going to be afraid of a little rejection?

She has to remember him.

Then why would she lie about it?

I don't know. Want me to talk to her?

No, let me get closer.


Why are you willing to believe everything this girl says?

She's my neighbor. She's nice.

I've spoken to her maybe times before this.

She's spoken back to me maybe once.

Yeah, cross the ghost over.

And then you'll get her attention.

She's not in.

I saw her go out with one of those green shopping bags.

I'm all for saving the planet, but burlap?

Not exactly sassy.

Mrs. Blakelock, when you see Morgan,

Will you tell her that I'm looking for her?

Oh, I don't get in people's business.

I mind my own.

Right, of course.

- Is that a new jacket? - Yes, thank you.

Now why don't men wear real jackets anymore?

You know, suit jackets attract the right kind of girl.

Ok. All right. Yeah.

Actually, Mrs. Blakelock,

I have a question

Have you ever seen this man with Morgan?

Oh, sure.

They like to hang out on the roof.

Yeah, no one's supposed to be up there.

It's under construction.

Were they dating?

He's a little old for her, don't you think?

Well, I suppose. Were they friends?

All I know is,

They left here every Tuesday, : ,

Like clockwork.

Do you know where they went?

Well, one time,

I just happened to be struggling with my mail.

They stuff the box so full!

And I heard the word "meeting."

Another time, I heard the word "group."

You know, my ex- husband.

Did group therapy in the seventies.

He met a high- strung stewardess and they fell in love.

Group therapy can produce positive results.

Not for me.

It could have been dr*gs or a cohol. Those group meetings.

That man, Morgan's friend, he had the look.

What do you mean?

Kind of thin, Pale, waxy.

Yeah. That I knew.


Thank you.


Uh, Jim. Hi.

What's happening?

Well, I was just going to go get some coffee.

And then stop by the store.

And see if Melinda wanted to have lunch.

She's not there.

She went to do something with Eli. You know.

- Ghostly.
- Yeah.

But she said they'd be back soon.

- Ok, thanks.
- Yeah.

Oh, hey, Bobby. What's up?

Bobby Tooch.


Bobby, this is, um...

- Sam.
- Sam Lucas.

Melinda's friend, and mine.

Right, right. I've seen you around...

With Melinda.

So much for coffee.

Oh, well, do you want to take mine?

Thank you.

I will see you, Delia.

Tell Melinda hello.

She needs anything, anything at all.

- We're here for her.
- Got it.

Do you know how many shifts I worked with that guy?

I mean, how many people we helped?

The number of double dates Melinda and I went out.

With him and his girlfriends.

I'm really sorry, Jim.

I'd say I know how weird this must be,

But I really just can't imagine.

Ah, don't be sorry.

It's good to be back.

See you.

Tell Melinda I'll see her at home.

Hi, I'm Dave Mckey, one of the counselors here.

- Can I help you? - Hey, Eli James.

I'm a therapist over at Rockland u.

I have a question about one of your patients.

Ok, I'll help you if I can.

I'm here about Rick Hartman.

Actually, a friend of his. Morgan Jefferies.

How's she doing?

Honestly, not so good.

She's really struggling with his death.

Yeah, well, they were so close.

Yeah. Yeah, they were.


And I was wondering, since, um,

She accompanied him to so many meetings.

If you could give me an insight into their relationship,

To allow me to help her.

I'm sorry, I can't speak to their relationship.

The groups need to be a safe place for people.

To share their feelings.

Of course, I understand. It's just...

Therapist to therapist,

The depth of her grieving, it...

She's not the most forthcoming patient.

Well, maybe you should encourage her.

To come back to the group.

To this group?

I thought she was really getting solace from it,

True support.

And long before Rick even joined.

I'd hate to see Rick's death get in the way of that.

Wait, she joined first?

Yeah, that's how they met.

These are her peers.

No one else understands what she's going through.

Even we can't.

We're not on the same level.

It could also be the medication.

I mean, it does do that sometimes, exacerbate depression.

Because Morgan's dying, too.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I assumed you knew.

It feels a smidge sneaky tricking a fellow therapist.

But how else were we supposed to find out.

That Morgan is dying?

What I don't get is if she and Rick

were really as close as that guy says,

Why didn't she mention him?

Why is he tormenting her with those dreams.

If they were friends?

Uh, a little heads up,

He doesn't look so friendly right now.

Leave her alone.

We're not the problem. Why are you haunting her?

Is it because she doesn't want people to know she's sick?

No one outside of the group.

The group she stopped going to?

It's like she wants to die.

"Do you want to die?" It wasn't a threat,

It was meant for her.

- Why is she doing this?
- What?

Nothing. Not one thing to save her life.

And haunting her with images of your death.

Is supposed to what, inspire her?

She has a chance.

Why won't she take it?

- What's going on?
- Can we come in?

It's important.


I didn't tell you I knew Rick.

Because I didn't want you to know how we met.

Morgan, I'm sorry. I had no idea.

You look so healthy.

I'm not in any pain.

I'm feeling even stronger now that I'm off the dr*gs.

- Were you doing chemo?
- Among other things.

- You name it, I tried it.
- Well, that's strange.

'Cause Rick seemed to think you weren't fighting it.


Did he... did he tell you that?


Is he here right now?

No. No, but when I see him,

I can see him as clearly as I can see you.


Was that something you talked about,

Him wanting you to fight?

Guess that's why I was on his bucket list.

When Rick found out he was dying,

It just made him come alive.

He was willing to take on anything.

But he's right, I am done fighting.

I get the sense he's not going to give up on you,

Even if you're going to give up on yourself.

Why would you? I mean,

You've tried all these other cures, so why give up now?

Out of options.

Except for this one treatment...

Did he tell you about that?

No, he hasn't been the most forthcoming ghost.

We think he's trying to protect your privacy.

So tell me about the treatment.

It really doesn't matter.

It's really expensive, and my insurance doesn't cover it, so...

Do you have any family or anyone who could help?

Yes, I have a lot of family.

Parents and younger sisters.

And they would do anything they could, bleed themselves dry,

And I can't have that, ok?

It's not worth it.

I'm not worth it.

What do you mean?

It's too late, ok?

Can you just tell him that?

It's hard, and it hurts too much.

The best thing that Rick can do for me.

Is to find some peace for himself.

I told him, call a plumber,

But no, he had to fix the pipe by himself.

Goes and falls off a ladder.

- Hey, uh... buddy...
- Wait.

Look, I'm sorry, but if he was welding.

And he's allergic to the chemicals in the flux,

- He could be heading into...
- Anaphylactic shock?

Thanks for the tip. We got it covered.


Sorry to butt in.



How about that? times in one day.

Got a way of showing up, don't you?


Now I remember where I know you from... the other accident,

The one the kid fell off the roof.

Right, with the broken arm.

Right, which you happened to know a lot about setting,

I mean, for a civilian.

And now this guy needing adrenalin.

I do a lot of welding, so...

Is that what it is?

You're not some kind of crash junkie, are you?


Look, it's hard to explain, but...

I promise it won't happen again. Sorry.

It's just that,

You gotta know, Melinda's husband...

He was a friend of mine.

Is he ok?

Gonna be fine. Just keep breathing.

I get where Morgan's coming from.

It's brutal. I mean, the side effects of the dr*gs.

Can be worse than the illness.

So that's what you're researching?

No, I'm trying to find her family.


I think they should know about her illness.

You know, maybe they can convince her to get treatment.

Our ghost can move on, and who knows,

Maybe Morgan will get better.

Yeah, well, what about her privacy?

Or doctor- patient confidentiality?

She's not my patient.

But even if she were, I'd have to weigh my responsibility.

To contact the next of kin.

I think she's dangerously depressed.

And a liar.


Look, Morgan's parents died in .

"June and Bill Jefferies leave behind their only daughter Morgan,

, a student at Melbrook High."

. That's young.

And she was worried about her family...

Her parents, sisters... not wanting to drain them dry.

Well, maybe she found another family.

Who adopted her and they maybe had sisters, too.

Whoa, back up.

I'll tell you what she found... husband number one.


Ok, a second wedding for both?

Hello, husband number two.

- She's a kid!
- She's .

You're trying to find her husband?

My guess is, he'd need to find us.

'Cause he's dead.

They both are.

Both of long- term illnesses. What are the odds of that?

Pretty good,

If she sought them out.

The cancer support groups, that's where she found them.

She's a black widow.

Did you get back into his apartment?

Yeah. The landlord remembered me.

Rick left Morgan a quarter of a million dollars.

She was his death beneficiary?

- How did we miss that?
- We didn't look for it,

And I dug through the files.

So what did you find out at the clinic?

She attended therapy meetings,

But was never a patient.

So she isn't sick now and never was.

Look, it's not like I'm fooled by pretty girls every time.

She seemed so scared.

Yeah, she was. She knew that he was haunting her,

And we proved it.

That's why she kept asking all those questions about the ghost.

Because she didn't know if he knew.

- And now...
- We don't have much time.

It's too late.

She got away.

She's gonna get away with everything.

She took my lemon zester.

What did she get away with of yours?

Did you see Morgan before she left?


The building manager said she had some kind of.

Family emergency;

One that required a nice garnish, apparently.

You know, we'll just get a forwarding address from the manager.

I tried. He said she gave him months cash in advance,

So he didn't ask her for references.

Pretty girls.

They get away with everything.

- You can say that again.
- I say it all the time.

You never listen.

We haven't met.

No, we haven't. Hi. Melinda.

How nice.

Another lady friend.

How could I have been so dumb?


I should have seen it coming.

She lied to you.

Every day.

In group, and afterward when we were together.

She was so young.

I couldn't believe she was dying.

I couldn't believe.

That she cared for me.

But she was so convincing.

Did she ask you for the money?

She didn't have to.

Helping her was the most important thing on my list,

So I offered it.

And after that, something changed.

She started pulling away.

Said she felt ill. You know,

The medication was making her so sick.

That's why she needed this other treatment.

This very expensive other treatment.

She got everything she wanted.

The only thing she was sick of is me.

Look, I know that this is painful.

But if you could just forgive...

If you could just let go...

The light, it'll bring you peace.


You don't understand.

I died for nothing.

My life meant nothing to her.

And now her life is nothing to me.

Not that I blame him,

But if he looked half as angry as he sounded...

Yeah, we have to get to Morgan before he does.

You know where Morgan could have gone,

Maybe with friends or family?

I'm sorry, no.

She was a very private person,

Which is partly why it just doesn't make any sense.

Half the time, he was the only one who could get her to share.

Yeah, well, she was just working him.

That was part of the con.

I'm usually a pretty good judge of character.

She married two others shortly before they died.

And we're not sure how many she lied to.

See, that's what doesn't make sense.

I mean, she was just all about conning these guys,

Then why would she leave us all
that money with Rick's name on it?

What are you talking about?

Well, the donation. It came into the clinic just last week.

How much did she donate, exactly?

Quarter of a million dollars.

And it could not have come at a better time, either.

She gave away every Penny.

I don't get it, was she a con artist.

Or some kind of ambulance chasing Robin Hood?

Yeah, or someone who had a change of heart.

Remember, Rick kept saying that

she would withdraw every time he left,

So maybe her conscience was getting to her.

Hey, you know what else wants to get to her right now?

Our ghost.

And he's M.A.D., mad.

So if you were her, where would you go?

I don't know. Next small town with a cancer ward.

No, her conscience is getting to her.

She'd be stupid to stick around.

Or maybe not. You know,

I mean, she can run from us, but she can't from Rick.

She knows that his spirit is still here.

Maybe...maybe she's trying to make it up to him.

The list.

Yeah, it's a long shot,

But what hadn't he marked off?

Well, the Denver Omelet did catch my eye,

Only because I tried, and it's very hard.

To get the ham and the bell pepper ratio.

A place she could go... In Grandview.

The lunar eclipse.

It's happening right now. That was on the list, right?

Look, everyone is trying to find a place to watch.

- Come on!
- The roof!

They used to go up there, together.

There was a time I would have thought you were crying for me.

I believed every lie you told me.

How could I be so stupid?

Help! Please! Help!

Help me, please! Help me.

Help me!

Where is she?

She's finding out what it felt like.

Help me!

Help me, please! Someone!

Please, please!

Hello, hello? Is somebody there? Help!


- We got you, Morgan.
- Oh! Please help me!

We got you, ok, we got you!

- Hang on!
- Please don't drop me!

We won't drop you, you're ok.

- We got you.
- Please don't drop me!

We got you. We won't drop you.

It's ok.

You're going to be ok.

It's ok.

That was Rick, wasn't it?

He's trying to k*ll me!

It's ok, we're here now. He can't hurt you.

I didn't try to k*ll her.

I tried to teach her.

He's angry.

All right? He wants to punish you.

Do you understand why?


But what can I do? I mean, it's done.

I lied to him.

But why?

Was the money that important to her?

Look, he's here.

Morgan, this is your chance to explain things.

I don't know why I do the things I do.

Ok. But do you understand why this time is different?

But he was different.

I mean, he cared about me.

He really cared about me.

You know?

And he didn't want anything from me, and...

I had never had that before.

Is that true?

I think you had that before.

But they left you, when you were really young.

This all started after your parents died, right?

There were foster homes and schools I couldn't finish,


I just learned to fight for things.

And then, I guess, just to take them.

Things I had no right to.

People's feelings.

And I know that it doesn't make it right.

It's no excuse, but giving the money back,

It was the only thing I knew to do.

I...I don't understand.

You gave that money away?

All of it.

To a cancer clinic in your name.

It's better than keeping it.

- I still died for a lie.
- What?

- What is he saying?
- I'm not sure.

Yes, she lied. Ok, but she didn't make you sick.

- You died because...
- Look, it doesn't matter.

No, it does matter.

It's the reason that you packed your chute wrong that day.

That's how you knew you were going to die so soon.

It wasn't an accident. Was it?



The doctor told me I didn't have much time.

Weeks, really.

And they would be painful.

She was too young for me.

And really, what chance did we have?

But I loved her.

You did it for her.

That's the last part of the secret, isn't it?

The money.

You knew that if the insurance company knew you planned your death they wouldn't pay out.

Not in time to help her.

Not soon enough to help her.


He died like that for me?

She was worth it.

She is worth it.

Can you tell her that?


I will.

Guys, I don't want to ruin a beautiful moment, but look.

We talked about this.

The night we watched the sunset up here.

You said that...

You wanted to ride the wind all the way home.

You remembered.

Tell her I'm ready.

He's ready.

To go now.


He's gone.

He went into the light.

That light?

There you are. All the lights were off.

I didn't know if you were home.

Yeah, you know, I was, uh, thinking.

Oh, really? About what?

Oh, it's been a weird day.

Ok, so tell me everything.

Well, it was like having my whole life pass before my eyes.

I mean, old friends on the street, my job,


Then I realized it's not mine anymore.

I mean, that life is over.

Hey. Don't say that.

Ok? We'll get it back. It might take us some time...

No, it's all right. You know, because...

What if I want something different?

Different? How?

Did I ever tell you why I became a paramedic?

Yeah, 'cause you wanted to help people.

Right. But what I really wanted was to become a doctor,

And I just didn't have the patience.

So I took a shortcut.

And as much as I love the work, I wish that I'd taken the time.

Well, now all you have is time.

I got more than that.

First of all, remember all the annoying prerequisites.

For med school I was trying to find space for last year?

- Yeah?
- Yes.

Well, it turns out that I've already studied them.

What are you talking about?

When Sam was getting his architecture degree,

He took all these math and science classes.

These are his college transcripts.

Yeah, which I had faxed over earlier today,

And, I mean, of course I have to study them.

So I understand them myself,

But this could save a year.

Med school?

You're gonna go to med school?

Well, if I can get in and if we can figure out a way to pay for it.

Hey, we'll manage.



Do you know the things I've dreamt of most of in my life?

Being a doctor,

And you.

What if I just work hard enough, and if I'm patient....

You don't have to work hard for me,

And you don't have to be patient.

Ah, nobody should be as lucky as me.

Twice in one lifetime.


It's more like 2 lifetimes.