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04x18 - Leap of Faith

Posted: 03/25/09 03:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ghost Whisperer...

The day of the accident, I saw Jim's ghost step into Sam's body You're back!

Do I know you?

I see the same guy that you see.

It's not Jim.

I just know what I see when I look in those eyes, And Jim is in there somewhere.

That's Dr. Byrd. He's dangerous. Look into the light.

I'll be staying right here, where you live.

I see ghosts.

All right, if this is supposed to be funny, it's not.

If you stop trying, then you're never going to get back what you lost.

Your memories, they're not yours.

Who am I?


I'm not your husband.

You decided you couldn't accept that your husband is dead, And so you filled my head with his memories.

I think you should just get your things and leave.



Hi, it's Melinda.

Talk at the beep.

Melinda, hi.

I'm probably the last person you want to hear from right now, But I kind of...

Well, besides wanting to hear your voice, I need to ask you a favor.

I think I left something in your garage And I didn't want to just come by, because...

I don't know if you even want to see me.

So if you could... give me a call, That'd be...


Is that him again?

You know, Sam says that I have to face the facts, And he's right.

He's not Jim, and he never will be.

Hey! Don't say that.

You know, if he were, He would have believed me when I told him the truth.

But instead, he just kept saying "I need more proof, I need more time."

And when I gave him everything, Even evidence, it was right there in his own head, He still couldn't.

Look, you may never be able to understand this Because you've never actually had a choice, But when you're asked to let go of everything You've ever believed in, that's not easy.

And you're asking him to let go of himself, The only self he's ever known.

I'm not asking him anymore, Because I'm done.


You can't give up.

You love him, right? And he loves you.

He may not be the exact man...

I don't think I love him anymore.


What do you mean? It's Jim!

In a way.

Yeah, I guess.

But the Jim that I love, He had something Sam never will, And I don't know if it's something I can live without.



In me.

Where are you going?

To the store.

You know, there's some things I can do before tomorrow.

You're going to the store at this hour?

Yeah. It's better than going home.

Who are you? How did you get in here?

I don't know.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that.

I'm calling the police!

The police are on their way!

Dr. Byrd!

What are you doing? Who was that?

There's more where he came from.

How safe do you feel now?

Will you two relax?

Ok, I wasn't in any danger.

Some random guy breaks into the store And you weren't in any danger?

Ok, he didn't break in, He came in through the tunnels.

And he was led there by that Dr. Byrd guy.

How can you be so sure?

Because he was confused.

He didn't know where he was.

And if Byrd led him there, Then he was probably doing that persuasive whispering thing.

You gotta seal up that entrance.

With concrete and steel.

And throw a little led in there. And garlic.

I don't know, whatever else keeps the evil spirits away.

I can't.

There's just too many lost souls still in there.

Yeah, but this was a man.

A real, living person.

What did he want?

And more important, what does Byrd want?

He's ticked!

You crossed his favorite mental patient into the light.

You poached his client.

Did he thr*aten you?

Byrd said that there was more where he came from, And did I feel safe now.

See, in danger.

What is that supposed to mean?

I don't know.

But I do have to find out who this Ben guy is.


What, did you exchange business cards?

No, he was wearing a Grandview water and power jumpsuit With the name "Ben" on it.

Well, that was very handy.

Actually, it is, because it will make it easier for Eli to find him No, wait, what? Me?

Look, we have to find out why Byrd brought this guy here.

He was one of your colleagues.

Colleague? The guy's dead.

Fine, but he still thinks that he's practicing psychiatry for some reason.

Yeah, but you're not suggesting I meet with Dr. Byrd.

You're suggesting I meet with the Tall lunatic who snuck into your basement.

He's not a lunatic.

He was tall.

Ben Tillman?

Yeah. Who are you?

Eli James.

You broke into my friend's store last night.

You kind of scared the hell out of her.

I didn't break in. The door was open.

That begs the question, what were you doing there in the first place?

Well, best I can remember, I was working in one of the run-off drains by the river, And all of a sudden, these lights Started flickering on and off in the tunnels.

So you followed them?


I checked the bulbs.

And then the next thing I knew, I was in that store.

It's ok if you think I'm nuts.

Most people do, including me, So if you want to press charges, go ahead.

It's probably better for everyone if I was locked up.

I'm a psychologist.

Maybe I can help.

A shrink. No, thanks.

Tried that already.

Tried everything.

Tried everything for what?

My memory is whacked.

Stuff I'm supposed to remember, can't.

Stuff I shouldn't remember, can't help it.

What do you mean, stuff you shouldn't remember?

Stuff that never could have happened to me.

At least according to my ex-wife.

Has it always been like that, or did something happen?

Yeah, something happened.

I died.


Well, they tell me I was at this party 3 years ago, And the balcony collapsed.

I was technically dead.

But they managed to revive me.

Of course, I don't remember any of it, Just waking up with absolutely no idea who I was or how I got there.

I didn't know my family.

My own face in the mirror.

They should have left me dead.

Why are you so interested?

Because I think I know the reason Why you ended up in my friend's basement.

Listen, this is going to sound crazy...

Wait a minute, I don't want any more crazy, ok?

Now whoever you are, Just leave me alone.

I don't want your help, ok?


No, no, leave me alone!

Now I'm sorry I scared your friend, ok?

But maybe she should be scared.

Maybe you should be scared, too.

Melinda, it's me.

You're not going to believe this.

Dr. Byrd?

I know that you can hear me, And I know about Ben.

You do?

He's a step-in, isn't he?

I'm not familiar with that term.

It's been quite a few years since I've practiced.

You know what I'm talking about.

A ghost that steps into a vacated body.

That's what he is, that's why he's so confused.

You seem to know quite a lot about these step-ins.

You said that there was more.

Did you mean more like Ben?

What do you think I mean?

Don't talk to me like I'm one of your patients.

What do you want from me?

What I always want... I want to help.

Well, I don't want your help.

And leave Ben alone.

Your husband's just gonna get worse, you know.

It's a pattern I've seen many times before, And it never ends well.

Confusion, amnesia, psychosis, Destructive rage.

I guess you could say it's the price one pays for cheating death.

Death always wins.

Sam is different. Jim is different.

He's strong, he's remembering.

That's not what you told your friend Delia.

What I told her is that I couldn't help him.

That doesn't mean that he can't be helped.

He just needs time.

Time is the enemy.

Your husband's been a step-in for what, a month or two?

Ben Tillman's been in the same limbo for 3 years.

I'm sorry to say, he's on the same path as all the rest.

Those souls attack themselves Until there's nothing left to attack but us.

Then why did you bring Ben to me?

I told you... I want to help.

If you can find a way to save Ben, Then maybe, just maybe, There's a chance you could save your husband.

Just what I need.

Detective Blair says Ben has a record.

What did he do?

2 years ago, he beat the crap out of a total stranger, Some random guy walking into a restaurant.

He's been violent before?

You mean before his brush with death?

No, nothing on record.

Ok, so then assuming that Dr. Byrd was right And that his spirit is gone And someone else's soul is in there, Isn't it possible that the spirit Could have been violent to being with?

You're basically hoping that some violent psychopath Took over a good guy's body.

That's something to root for.

Well, it's better than the alternative, That some good soul is eating itself alive, And I'm not gonna have that be Jim's punishment for...

Loving you?

I'm sorry, I didn't mean that.


Ok, um, Ever since... ever since Jim woke up, He's been having these flashes of memories, But if he wasn't talking to somebody like me who could make sense of them...

People think he's losing his mind.

Right. So who did Ben wake up to?

And what did he say that could give us a clue about who he was?

Or who he really is.

So this is your new place?


Thanks, Ned. Thanks for bringing this.


I guess Melinda was busy.

How is she?

Ok, I guess.

She, uh, say anything?

Um, "could you take this to Sam?"

What's that, like your journal or something?

You want a drink? Nothing?

No, I'm fine.

Journal? No, it's, uh, It's a daily planner. Have a seat.

You ever seen one of these things?

It's kind of like a paper pda.


Here, check that out.

"shower, shave, brush teeth, stove off, Burners off, all four."

Geez, did you really need this?

As it turns out, I didn't, But serious amnesiacs do, so...

And everyday I would wake up and I'd wonder what I'd forgotten from the day before, so I wrote everything down, See? Everything. I made these huge lists just to be sure.

It's funny.


You see that Carter? You see that name carter?

Ever since I started making that list, That is the one guy I have no idea who he is.

I thought you said your short-term memory was ok.

It is, it's great.

Carter's not on my phone.

My sister doesn't know who he is.

He's nobody I work with. Who's Carter?



Maybe he's not from, you know, That life.

Right. It's from Jim.

There's this bike shop in town, called Carter's.

It's small, just for serious cyclists.

And Jim, he was way into riding.

Yeah. It's unbelievable.


What, did Melinda put this in my head, too?

Did Melinda put Carter in my head?

What do you mean?

Look, I know that you and your mom love Melinda, And I respect that.

And I also know that you were very close to Jim.

That has nothing to do with it.

I'm not a kid.

I don't believe in the tooth fairy.

But I believe in Melinda, And what she believes.

Ned, don't you think I want to believe in it, too?

You know?

I mean, how great would that be that you die And then just step into someone else's life?

Yeah, I want to believe in that.

Except I can't, Ned, Because it doesn't make any damn sense.


My ex-husband Ben was treated at Providence Care Clinic.

How did you come across his case again?

I was researching a journal on memory loss.

His neurologist was cited.

Well, if you're looking for some insight, I'm probably the last person who can help you.

Why is that?

Because I don't understand anything that happened.

Losing one's memory completely, It's maddening.

I watched what it did to him.

I would try and tell him things about who he was, who we were, And it was like it didn't stick.

It only confused him more.


Go on, Anne.

It was like he didn't want to remember.

Like he was holding on to something else.

Some images that... they never happened.

What kind of images?

Places he thought we'd been.

Songs he wouldn't have liked.

And people's names.

He used to call me Clarissa...

When he was half-asleep or wasn't thinking.

Can you imagine... after twenty years...

So the divorce.

He didn't want to be with me.

After work, he wouldn't come home.

I'd call him on his cell, And he'd be sitting on the same bus bench.

Night after night.

Like he was waiting for someone.

Maybe he was waiting for her.

Hurry, send the police now!

He is here again.

Oh, my god. Quickly, I don't see him anymore!

He could be at my door!

He could be...

Just give me a chance to talk to her.

No, Eli.

Oh, come on! You can't come and tell me about a crime If there's nothing I can do about it.

That's just teasing.

I called you because I'm wondering What you know about this guy Ben Tillman, Her peeping Tom.

The one who's record you asked me about.

Where is he?

He's in custody, getting his psych exam.

Then he's going into city jail.

Eli, he could be out on bail as soon as tomorrow.

Is he a patient of yours?


See? How does that feel, hmm?

Is he dangerous?

Is he dangerous?

I don't know.

Clarissa. That's her name, isn't it?

I can't tell you that.

That would be a violation of her privacy.

Look, just tell me one thing.

Is she by any chance a widow?

Oh, come on. I could find out online in 5 seconds.


She lost her husband 3 years ago.

And your guy Ben Tillman's been hanging around, Freaking her out ever since.

Imagine the timing on that.

Yeah, imagine.


Clarissa's husband dies.

Anne Tillman's has a near-death experience And comes back a different man, her words.

Calling her Clarissa and hanging around his old home.

And get this... the man that Ben randomly att*cked?

That was Clarissa's dead husband's business partner.

Ok, so then the attack wasn't random.

It was unfinished business of Joseph's that's driving him.

Or it was something that Byrd put into his head.

Yeah, but where did Dr. Byrd find him?

I mean, was Joseph's spirit drawn to the tunnels?

According to his obituary, Joseph died of a protracted illness and was treated at a clinic that was housed in the same building as Byrd's sanatorium.

So Byrd was waiting?

Probably right by his bedside, Saying "Welcome to the afterlife."

Why the bowels of the town again?

Because ghosts don't always come when they're called.

Why? What does he want?

A wild guess? He was probably trying to scare us.

Or maybe it's because we have nothing to talk about.

You've done nothing to help Joseph.

I thought you wanted to help me.

But I guess Joseph is your patient, So of course that's who you want to help.

Not true. I wanted to help your husband, too.

Well, then why did you pick Joseph?

I mean, there had to have been others, so why him?

The light held less interest for him.

You know, he was dying.

Is that what helped you get inside his head?

When his doctors gave up on him, I was there offering a cure.

For death.

But you didn't tell him the risks, did you?

There were some things he wanted to do and I helped him.

Like attacking his old business partner?

You're a doctor. Act like one.

You want results? We need the facts.

His partner was profiting from his death at work and at home with his wife.

Is that even true?

What does that matter? It helped him.

To get into Ben's body.

Which proved that Joseph's spirit was alive and well, Even if the combination proved a little unstable.

It's not perfect, but it's working better this time.

This time?

Practice makes perfect.

That's what he's doing. He's practicing, Until he gets it right.

Those souls... Joseph, Jim, They're just lab rats to him.

He's using them.

Yeah, because he wants to live again.

It's worrying me that you're not more worried.

Byrd is not going to step into anyone Until he knows that there's less of a risk.

How do you know that?

He's pure evil.

And if pure evil is that bad, How bad will pure evil be in a brand new meat suit?

What's a meat suit?

And what shrink calls somebody pure evil?

Ok, he's a ghost with issues that we haven't resolved yet.

Ok, yeah, and let's list those issues.

Number one, he's evil. Number two, he's pure evil.
This is Ben's.

Ben? It's Melinda, are you home?

Can you clarify for me Why we're breaking into someone's apartment Who did time for beating up a guy?

This is why.

Oh, this guy's got issues.

Wait a minute, we know these names.

They're in Joseph's file. Stanley's the father, Jessica's the sister, and Galveston, that's where he's from.

What are you doing here?

What are we doing here?

Um...what are we doing here? I don't remember.

We went to see you at work, And your boss said that you were a no-show.

Didn't even call in sick.

Oh, so now you think you got it figured out?

I flaked out 'cause I'm a nutcase?

No, believe it or not, we're probably the only two people around here Who know what's going on in your head.

How's that?

For starters, we know who Stanley is.

And Jessica, and we know why Galveston matters so much.

Would you like us to tell you?

So you're serious?

Well, I must be crazy, because that's the first thing that's made sense to me since my accident.

So you don't recognize the photo?

Of me? No. No, but everything else you're saying.

So nothing that I remember is from Ben's life?

Just the memories you've made over the past 3 years.

And my old life, my real life, Is where all of this comes from?


Clarissa. Why are so many of these in twos?

I don't know, that's just how I remember it.

Cc, two "cs."

Clarissa Cooper Webb.

Her initials. That's gotta be your nickname for her.

That's it, that's what I called her, cc.

So that's the woman you were watching Where you were arrested, that's your wife, Living in the house that you used to live in.

And now she's scared of me.

My own wife.

How am I gonna make her understand?

Why don't you let us do it?

We've done it before, and that way, if there's a bad reaction...

I'll lose her again.

You just have to be patient.

It's a lot for someone to take in all at once.


Can I help you?

Yeah, um, I found a note to myself That I was supposed to come pick up something at your store.

And, uh, I have no idea what it was.

Let me check the order book.

What name?

Sam Lucas.

Sam Lucas...

Nothing here, sorry.


Anything else I can do?

Yeah, actually.

You know, it might have been Something that belonged to a buddy of mine.

Could you check his name?

What name?

Jim Clancy.

Jim Clancy...

I remember this guy.

He was so excited about this bike.


It was a touring bike, titanium, 24 speeds.

Think he was planning on taking his wife on a trip.

You know, one of these tours through wine country.

Yeah. Been ready for weeks.

If you want to pick it up...

No, I should check and see if...

Ah, don't check with his wife.

Why not?

Well, it's a surprise.

The bike is for her.

She doesn't know anything about it.


Is this a joke?

Did he put you up to this?

Is he here somewhere?

No, of course not. Ben stayed away.

I asked him to until I had the chance to talk to you.

Because what, I'd believe this from you?

Who are you?

What is this even about?

You were married to him.

Whether it's possible or not, I mean, Wouldn't you want the chance to talk to your husband again if you could?


And if this guy were actually Joseph, he'd know.

What do you mean?

Joseph cheated on me. I told him I was leaving him.

His partner Craig risked their whole business to tell me the truth.

Which, thank god, Joseph never found out.

Look, in cases like this, People sometimes don't remember all the facts, But they do remember their feelings.

Based on what I saw, Ben...Joseph...

Still really loves you.


Some sad, creepy sewer worker thinks he's my husband?

I'm supposed to think that's romantic?

Look, I know that it's really hard to under...

I need to go check something.

No, cc!


Why did I even... I should have stayed dead!

Oh, god.

What the hell am I?

I'm just a ghost of my own worthless life!


You don't have much time.

Time for what?

So that you can step into a body and go live life again?

You're angry with me.

Yeah, you picked up on that?

I don't expect you to understand what I did or why.

Believe me, I'm beginning to wonder about it myself.

But Ben is in trouble, and if someone doesn't help him, He's going to die again.

Well, where is he?!




He's in there.

I think he wants to hurt himself.

Ben, can you hear me?


Ben! Ben, can you hear me?


Ben! Will you please just go make sure that he's all right?

Keep going, Ben, you're almost safe.

He's ok, but you should leave.

How do I know that you're not lying to me?

How do I know that you're not just going to step into him The second that he dies?

You don't, but you should leave!


I'm so sorry. I never intended for any of this...

Just please go and tell Eli where I am!

I wanted to understand. I thought I could help people...

Just go!


Eli. Look, I need to talk to you.

Now is not a good time.

I know you're friends with Melinda And you're probably mad at me, but...

I said not now!

You can get to her through a utility vault.

There's a manhole cover up here ahead on the right.

Eli, what's with the crowbar? What's with the tools?

Why can't we get to Melinda from above ground?

The utility vault must have led to the street before, But it's been sealed off.

What, Melinda... what's wrong with Melinda? What's going on?

She's trapped underground. The water is rising.

What? What water? What are you talking about?

Who are you talking to?

Are you sure you're ready to hear this?


A ghost told you this?

One you don't even trust in the first place?

He's making sense, and I'm not taking any chances.

This is where Ben came up when he heard Melinda's voice calling for him, But if the water's rising as fast as Byrd says it is...

Byrd, the ghost, that's right.

Ben won't be back in time!

Eli, you know how this sounds!

Reincarnated guys breaking water mains, ghosts sending messages!

What's wrong?

I'm afraid I won't get to her.

I can't really swim.


Then what are you doing?!

Same thing she'd do for me.

You don't even know if she's down there.

You're risking your life for nothing!

For nothing?! Is that what you think of her?

Is that how afraid you are to take a chance?

Stop. Stop!

You're right.

You're right, Eli.

And I can swim.

Give me this.

Where is she?

Ok, Byrd says you go down through the door here at the bottom, And you swim maybe 90 feet.

She's in a utility vault, just like this one, ok?

These tools are to break through a locked grate.

90 feet.

And you know all this from a ghost?

That's enough for you?

Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith.


Oh, my god!

Oh, my god! oh, my god!

Sam! Sam!





Melinda, you're safe. came for me!

Of course I did.

Where are we?

They must have shut off the water, it stopped rising.


What's going on?

It's ok, Sam, you're just confused.

You're gonna be all right As soon as I can get us out of here.

Why do you keep calling me Sam?

You don't remember.

It's the amnesia, it's ok.

Honey, what amnesia?

What are you talking about?

Then what do you want me to call you?

Well, you can call me by my name.

Just call me Jim.


Just call me Jim, Mel, it's my name.


Oh, my god!

Oh, my god, you're back!

You're back!

You all right?



All right, let's get out of here.

You must be freezing.


Ok? And just... I need you to stay here For just a few minutes. All right?

So cover up.

Don't move. Don't talk to anyone.

Don't call anyone. Don't...

What's going on, Mel?

Uh, nothing. Just trust me, everything's fine.

Is it a ghost thing?


Yeah, you know how weird that can be.

Well, I'm here. I'm a statue.

I love you.

God, I love you so much.

Me, too.

Oh, I feel horrible.

I mean...god, what you went through...

It's ok.

And you tried to get help.


I tried to get even.

That's how this started.

I wanted revenge on my partner.

But that was in another life.

In this life, you helped make a miracle happen.

Thank you.

It's ok.

No, I mean for what you did.

You made sense in my life, And, uh, it's not the life that I left behind Or even what I might have chosen.

This is my second chance, And I'm gonna do better with this than I did the first.

Thank you.



What about you?

Seen any lights?

Same ones I've been seeing off and on since the day I died.

Does the light really look that bad?

The truth?

It looked good.

Looked too good.

I'm scared.


The emotion inside of it.

Everything I'd ever learned taught me that emotion like that needed to be managed.

Feared, even.

What emotion? Can you describe it?

Do you really have to ask?


The kind that makes a man risk everything, Over and over again For no sensible reason.

The kind that makes sensible reasons...

And even death itself Mean nothing.

Were you afraid that it would make you mean nothing?

I was just afraid.

And now?



Mel, I gotta call Sully.

He's gonna be worried that I haven't checked in.

Trust me, Sully's not worried about you.

Why have you made me keep my eyes closed this entire time...

Because it's a surprise.

A big surprise.

All right?



You ready?


Here it goes.

All right, just... right there.



Do you promise to keep an open mind?

I promise.

I mean we're all born and reborn out of water.

You know, baptized, as it were, from the unconscious depths.


What do you think happened?

How did he suddenly get all his memories back?

Well, generally, you know, healthy psyches can accommodate more than one functioning ego at a time, and if one of those egos perishes, then another one may come in and take its place, and...

So in other words, you don't have a clue.

None at all.

It's pretty quiet in there. You think she's shown him yet?


What the...

This is my face now?

How did I...

You did it for us.

For me.

And I begged you not to do it, but you wouldn't listen.

I must have been out of my mind.

Yeah. I thought so, too, Like, kind of one of your worst ideas ever.

Until today.

You still look the same.

That makes me the lucky one.

No, we both are.

Oh, my god!