02x03 - Pirates

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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02x03 - Pirates

Post by bunniefuu »

Aqualad, come in.

- Robin, I'm here.
- Get to the surface, ASAP!

- And bring lots of shrimp.
- And sharks?

Just shrimp!

I'll bring an army.

Titans, where's the threat?

Threat? What are you taking about?

You said you needed me.

Yeah. To bring shrimp, thanks.

Cyborg: Shrimp fry is a go.
Oh, yeah!

Oh, no!

You gotta have some, bro.

- These little guys are so tasty.
- That little guy was my partner.

Sure, he was a loose cannon
but he always got the job done.

Your partner is delicious!


So, your teammates, they always
eat other people's friends?

Only when they're hungry.

Otherwise, they're pretty cool.

Especially Raven.

- You mean the little dude with the hoodie?
- That's no dude, dude!

- Hey!
- Check it.

She's pretty dark, which is cool.

But she's also got this
light inside her, you know.

Too bad she's
always playing hard to get.

I'm gonna talk to her.

Would you? I could
totally use a wing man.

- Hey, there.
- What?

Do it wingman, make me look good.

Your cloak is absolutely stunning.

- What?
- What?!

It really highlights
those gorgeous eyes.

- Please, stop talking.
- Yeah, stop talking, dude!

I can tell, you're not
like everybody else.

What you're doing here,
it's not gonna work.

And even if it did, you
couldn't handle this.

I can be pretty intense.

Tonight, you, me and the sea.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

What just happened?

Aqualad just asked Raven
out in front of you.

That was cold.

But it's your fault
for trusting a pirate.

Yeah, what, what?
Why would you think he's a pirate, Cyborg?

Dude, comes from the ocean.

- And?
- And he's a pirate!

- Tell him, Star!
- I do not know what the pie rat is.

Girl, you are crazy!

A pirate is a swashbucklin',
eye patch wearin',

peg leg havin', nasty beard,
parrot on the shoulder,

walk the plank, sand, treasure
huntin', fancy talking buccaneer.


And you just saw one
steal Beastie's girl.

Pirate stole my girl!

Hey, guys. Where's Raven?

- She's probably in...
- He has no idea what you're sayin'.

You have to speak his language.

She be three doors down

on ye starwort side, matey.

- So, down the hall?
- Aye, matey.

Ooh, only the true pirate would
understand such strange words.

- What?
- We had a date.

- I never said yes.
- Yet, here you are.

Uh, you're standing right
on that turtle's eyeball.

He'll be fine.
They're very resilient.

Seriously, you're always standing

- on sea creatures.
- Shh!

- You don't need to be nervous.
- I'm not nervous.

You just don't know what
you're getting into with me.

- I have a dark side.
- I heard.

- Can I show you something?
- Ew! Back it up.


Oh, thanks.

Raven: So, what did you want to show me?


So, what? I'm supposed to fall for you

because you show me some dancing fish?

Oh, look, they're so adorable!

It's like a musical
is about to break out!

So romantic, I've to kiss your face.

Just wait.

- Oh, that was...
- Intense?

Circle of life, baby.
I thought you'd like it.

I can't believe this.

That for the first time, I
feel like someone gets me.

You should wear your
hood down more often.


Well, I better, uh...

- What?
- Lay off my girl is what!

Raven wants someone who
can match her intensity.

I can be intense.


I need a nap!

just lay off my girl, okay?

I have never seen you
look so adorable, Raven.

- Do you have the date?
- Just hangin' out with Aqualad.

Quick question.
Has he shown you his pirate booty yet?

- No.
- See, he's not a pirate.

That remains to be seen.

What are you doing?

I'm just trying to be
intense, Raven. For you.

Okay, that's not intense.

In fact Beast Boy, you are
the opposite of intense.

- Ready, Raven?
- Ah!

Hey, Aqualad. I got
something you might like.

A parrot?

He looks so natural upon your shoulder.

See! See!

Ye, old pirate detector.

Now, thar be a pirate.

Anyway, I thought we
could drop by the piranha grounds,

check out all the skeletons?

- That sounds nice.
- Raven, don't go!

- Step aside you little goblin.
- Goblin!

- Well, you smell like fish!
- Listen, little green face,

you're adorable and the opposite
of who Raven wants to be with.

I don't understand why any
girl would ever look at you!

Have you seen me, goblin?

You think you're big?
Well, I can turn into a dinosaur.

Yes, turn into a dinosaur,
all the girls love dinosaurs.

Stop! Stop!
I don't want you fighting over me.

I'm sorry, of course not.

- Unless it's to the death!
- What?

To. The. Death!

I'll check out those
skeletons with whoever wins.

Now, fight!

Look, I really like you,

but I am not going
to fight him to the...


You're not gonna fight back?

Aqualad: Come on!
Why are you eating my eye?

No! Not my hand!
Get him off of me!

All right, all right enough Beast Boy.

You are dark, woman!


Why did he not use his pie rat sword?

I was wonderin' the same thing.
Perhaps I was wrong.

This is no pirate.

I told you he wasn't a pirate.

We should get him to a hospital.

So, mama, wanna check
out those skeletons now?

- I said, to the death!
- Uh.

No! I knew I should
have gone for the throat!

Still, that was pretty
intense, you little goblin.
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