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02x17 - Danger & Thunder

Posted: 12/26/22 08:32
by bunniefuu
- Well, once again, Swellview owes a big thanks to Captain Man and Kid Danger.

- Freeze, mother lover! ( grunts ) - Die alien scum! - Captain Man and Kid Danger have captured the Time Jerker.

- You hurt handsome.

( grunting, shouting ) - A crazed man has taken control of a local pet store.

Luckily, Captain Man arrived on the scene.

- Once again, the city of Swellview owes you a big fat thank you.

- I also participated.

( grunting ) - You're safe now.

( cheering ) - Captain Man and Kid Danger just captured the graffiti bandits known as the Wall Dogs.

( grunting ) - I present these medals of recognition for bravery and community service to Captain Man and Kid Danger.

- Uh no, sorry, Mom and Dad won't be back for a few days.

They took Billy, Nora, and Chloe to Amaze-N-Land.

No, no, no, it's the third happiest place on Earth.

Okay, bye.

- Where ya goin'? - Uhhh what do you mean? - You're confused by the question, "Where are you going?" - I, uhhh going to Cherry's house.

- Hmm, I thought Cherry has the flu.

- She does.

Which is why I'm bringing her this chicken soup.

- You put soup in a suitcase? - Yes, Max.

That's what nice people do.

When our friends are sick, we we fill a suitcase with soup, and we bring it to them, which you would know if you were a good per-- Max! - "Girly pajama top" soup.

- Okay.

You wanna know where I'm going? - Kinda.

- Come with me.

- I knew there was no soup.

- Captain Man and Kid Danger, how many criminals have you battled since this unexpected crime wave began here in Swellview? - I uh, I-- I dunno - A lot.

Oh God, we're so tired.

- Why am I watching this? - Just shh.


- And do you think it's getting worse, or do-- - Ahhh! Gimme that microphone! Give it to me! I want your microphone! ( shouting ) - Give me that! Here you go.

Here you go.

( shouts ) ( panting ) - And how did you react when you heard that Doctor Minyak regained his memory and escaped from Swellview prison? - What? - Doctor Minyak escaped? - Dang it! - Aw, come on, let's just go! God, I hate crime waves.

- Whoa, Doctor Minyak busted outta prison? - That would excite you.

- Uh yeah.

He invented the Heliometer.

- What's a "Heliometer?" - It's a device that temporarily converts a person's oxygen molecules to helium, so they float up off the ground, and it makes their voice really high so they sound stupid.

- You have your own powers that can lift people off the ground.

- Yeah, but the Heliometer can lift cars, buildings, pretty much anything.

With a device like that, I could take over the world.

- And then what, Max? If you could take over the world, what would you do? - Uh, nothing, 'cuz I'd make everyone do stuff for me.

- Look, there is a huge crime wave in Swellview, and I'm gonna go help.

- Okay, well I guess I'll just call Mom and Dad and tell them you're leaving town without their permission, then you're gonna be in a lot of trou Whoa! Okay, put me down.

- I will, when you promise not to tell Mom, Dad, or anyone else that I went away to - Whoa! Put me down.

- I will, right after you put me down! - Okay, fine.

On three, we'll put each other down.

- Okay.

- One - Two - Three! - Okay, that really hurt.

- Didn't hurt me.

Heh Okay, that really hurt.

- Hey, if you were Dr.

Minyak, and you just broke out of prison, where would you hide? - I don't know.

Omar's Pizza? - Why Omar's Pizza? - They have good pizza? - You wanna order one? - Nah, I'm too depressed to eat.

[ door beeps ]

- C'mon! Look at my eyes, and my chin.

- Oh, give it up, Schwoz.

You do not look like Uncle Jesse from Full House.

- Bah! - Charlotte Char What's Henry so bummed out about? - I can't tell you.

He's worried you'll laugh at him.

- I would never laugh at Henry's pain.

C'mon, what's goin' on? - Okay.

He's bummed because his girlfriend moved outta town to be on that reality show, Kids In The Woods.

- But that happened over a year ago.

- No, that was Chloe, his first girlfriend.

This time it's Bianca.

- Bianca got cast on the same reality show Chloe did? - Yeah.

[ laughs ]

- No no no no - Charlotte just said you lost another girlfriend to Kids In The Woods? - Charlotte! - Ray! [ laughs ]

[ alarm blares ]

- Hey, that's the alarm for Junk-N-Stuff.

- The alarm? But we just locked up! - Burglars! - Hey they're not just burglars those are The Three Muchachos! - Como? - The Three Muchachos.

- Who are they? - Three of Canada's most evil siblings.

- You guys! Let's use the anti-burglar devices up in Junk-N-Stuff.

- Oh yeah, I've always wanted to try those! - Okay, let's start things off with a little fire for Muchacho Uno.

[ screaming ]

- It's hot, eh! - Oh my God.

[ laughing, chattering ]

- Oh! Hey hey hey! Look, look, look Muchacho Dos seems interested in our cash register.

- Ah! - Ah! - Look at that! [ screaming ]

- Me loonie! Me loonie! Ah! - Ooh, what about the hoes? Can we try the hoes? - Let's drop the hoes.

- Hoes.

[ screaming ]

[ laughing ]

- They're very seriously injured! [ sighing ]

- Hoes.

- All right, you Three Muchachos.

I wanna know why you left Canada and came here to Swellview.

- And I also, wanna know.

- So start talking.

Or else that sweaty, onion-lovin' guy over there is gonna give you some big, wet sweat hugs.

- Well, we're not tellin' you anything, eh?!? - Yeah, sorry, not sorry, eh? - Eh? - That's it.

Hug 'em! - Hug 'em all! - No! No no! Don't! Don't! [ screams ]

No, gross! - Ah, no, eh! - No, I'll talk, I'll talk, eh?!? I'll talk! Eh! - We came here for the meetin'.

- What meetin'? - The meeting for all the top criminals in Swellview, eh.

- And Canada.

- What's this meeting about? - All we were told is that the meeting is aboot taking down Captain Man and Kid Danger, eh.

- Oh, that's us! - Well then we're gonna lock you up, take your costumes and masks, sneak into this "secret meeting" and find out what's goin' on.

- What's goin' on - Hug 'em! - Hug 'em good! - No, don't! [ screaming ]

[ voices on TV ]

- Don't change the channel! - Dang it, Piper! You're not even watching TV.

- I am so.

- No, you're looking at your phone, and your laptop and your Pear Pad.

- And the TV.

[ knocking ]

- Well, it's not good for you to sit inside all day, looking down at screens.

Y'know, there's a beautiful world, right outside this door.

D'ah! - Hey.

Look what I found in the street.

- Wha this is dental floss.

- Yep.

Is Henry home? - No.

He's still at work.

And why would you hand me-- - Ow! - What's the matter? - What's wrong? - I can't lift my head up! Owww! Ahh! Ahh! I'm stuck like this! - Well try to straighten up! - If I could straighten up, why would I be staring at the floor, saying I'm stuck like this? - Wait! My uncle's a nurse, and he says if you have a fresh injury, you gotta put ice on it! - Ice, right! Piper c'mon! - Owww! Don't pull me! - Here we go! Come with us! - We gotta put ice on your neck.

- Don't worry.

Just, okay, all right.

Oh, man, we're out of ice! - What? - Then let's put her neck in the freezer! - Ooh, good, yes! - Ahh! What are you guys doing? - Don't fight us, honey.

- Just relax.

- Breathe through your nose.

[ screams ]

- My head's on a dead fish! - So, how do I look? - Muy estupido.

- Thanks.

Wait - Ugh I do not feel comfortable with any part of this.

- You'll be fine.

Just stay close to us, don't say anything, and act like a Muchacho from Canada.

- But I don't know anything about bein' Canadian or Muchachin.

[ banging ]

- Hey, what's that noise? - Oh, that's just the guy that Schwoz called to fix the air-conditioning.

- Ah! Ah! Please! Please don't hurt me! My cat depends on me! - Dude, why are you scared of us? - Ahh, he thinks we're the real Three Muchachos.

Dude come on, we're not-- - No no no.

- Please, leave me alone Please don't touch any part of me! I only came to fix the air-conditioning! I am nobody! - Hold it right there, Muchachos! - Ah, thank the gods! Ah! - Look Miss, I don't know who you are but why don't you just-- Whoa! - Hey! How did you just make him fly across the room like that? That was cra-- Owww! - I'm harmless! - Okay How did you make this fly off that table and hit me in my head? Oh, and why? - Quiet, Muchacho! Now, both of you, get on the ground! - Ugh, we don't wanna get on the ground! - We just got up.

- And we're not Muchachos! - You filthy Canadian liars.

You jerks are an embarrassment to the other 99.

9 percent of Canadians who are awesome.

- All right, I've had enough a'this girl.

[ grunting ]

- H-- how did you break free? - By doing this.

[ grunts ]

- But that's impossible.

[ grunts ]

- Not for Captain Man.

- Kid Danger? - D'ah! Hey.

- Captain Man? Oh my gosh Um Kid Danger! I'm so sorry! Both of you! I ha I didn't realize you guys were you! - Wait a minute Telekinetic powers, freeze breath, female Are you the daughter of Thunder Man? - Uh, yeah! - Phreebie! - It's Phoebe.

- Right.

- Wait, you know my dad? - Of course.

And hey, I'm so sorry.

I would've gone to his funeral, but I had tickets to a ball game that weekend.

- Uh my dad's not dead.

- Well, when he does die, if there's no ball game, I'll be there.

- So, you're a superhero? - Uh, well, no.

Well, I-I mean, almost.

Well, I mean-- Oh my gosh, I'm just so excited to meet you guys and why are you dressed like The Three Muchachos? - Oh, we're going undercover.

- There's a secret meeting of evil people happening here in Swellview.

- Yeah, and we're goin' to find out what they're up to.

- No way! Can I go with you, please? I really wanna help! - Yes.

- No.

- I'd like her to come with us.

- Henry, that's too many people wearing-- - Look at her.

- Uh, how old are you? - Sixteen.

- He's fourteen.

- Almost fifteen.

- But still fourteen.

- Well, fourteen's the new fifteen, so - Well, uh, I'm older.

- Yeah.

- Hi Phoebe, I'm Charlotte.

Don't k*ll me, I'm not a Muchacho.

- Uh, hi.

- What are you doing? - Giving her this costume so she can go with you guys to your evil meeting.

You have fun.

- All right, Phoebe, you're in.

- Really? - Really? Uh - Oh, well, hello there little ladybug.

Ah! Ah! Ah! You flew up my nose! [ blows nose ]

- [Piper]

Dad, will you please help me get outta the car? - No.

The doctor said you have to learn to do things for yourself.

Jasper, why are you on our porch, pushing our leaf into your nose? - I wanted to see what the doctor said about Piper.

- She's gonna be okay.

- I am not okay! - Ooh, here she comes.

- I I can't see my feet! Dad, will you please grab my hand? - Nope.

- Ah! - No.

No, no, no.

Inside, go inside.

- What's wrong with her? - The doctor says she has text neck.

It's caused by texting-- y'know, looking down at screens all the time.

- Mmm.

- Ugh, I hate this thing! Help me take it off! - No, no, no, no! You have to wear this, or your neck will never get better.

[ phone beeps ]

- Ooh, someone texted me.

I can't see my phone screen! Ugh Someone read me the text! - Okay, uh Emma says, "OMG, so jelly.

I'm dying.

Hot skater boy from Spanish class went up to Stephanie and literally said he wanted to hang with her, right in my face.

" I don't know what any of that means.

- That's 'cuz you're too old to understand real life.

Give my phone to Jasper! - Fine.

- So How 'bout I send Emma this "Dude, no way would hot skater boy ask out Stephanie, in your face, unless he was tryin' to make you jelly, which means he totes likes you, not her.

" - Yeah, that's brilliant! Send it! - Sent.

- Hey! Can you hang here, and keep helping me text my friends? - Uh, sure.

- Thanks.

- Aww Ugh.

- Did a ladybug just fly out of your nose? - Maybe.

[ chattering ]

- Okay, guys, turn on your tooth cameras.

- Ooh, we're getting signals from all three tooth cameras.

- Now what? - Now, we all smile, so Charlotte and Schwoz can see what we're seeing.

- Whoa.

It's the meeting of evil.

- Ooh, there's Doctor Minyak.

- Hello.

- And Nurse Cohort.

- Uh-huh.

Whoa, there's Drill Finger.

- My God.

- And there's Van Del.

The Time Jerker.

- The Time Jerker.

- Oh man, there's Jeff, the stupidest criminal in Swellview.

- Stupid Jeff.

- All right.

I want to know who called this meeting.

- I thought you called the meeting, Minyak.

- Perhaps it was The Three Muchachos.

- Oh no.

Not us, eh.

- Not us, eh.

- Eh, no.

- Then who did call this meeting? [ gasping ]

- The Toddler! - Ray - I see him.

- I thought you and Kid Danger destroyed The Toddler over a year ago.

- I-I di-did, I did my best! - Well, well.

To those of you who thought I was dead Boo! Let this meeting begin.

Max! Bring my booster seat! - Oh my God.

- What? What? - What? Are you scared? - No.

- 'Cuz if you're scared, you can hug me.

- I'm not scared.

- Then, why did you say, "Oh my God"? - 'Cuz, that guy helping The Toddler? He's my twin brother, Max.

- No way.

- Seriously? - Yes.

- And you're sure you're not scared? - Yes.

- 'Cuz, if you're scared you can hug-- - I'm not scared! - Got it.

- Smooth my leg hair.

- Guys, keep smiling, so Charlotte and Schwoz can see what we're seeing back in the Man Cave.

- Okay, but that stupid Jeff guy thinks I'm smiling at him.

- What? - Just keep smiling and being Canadian! - So, Toddler, how are you not dead? - Yes, we all heard that the last time you battled Captain Man, he and Kid Danger dropped you into your bottomless pit of balls.

- Mm.

- Yes.

- All right.

I'll tell you what happened.

Max, would you like to hold my milk? - Yes.

I was hoping you'd ask.

- It was awful.

I was blasted hundreds of feet down, deep into the Earth, covered in plastic balls.

[ clearing throat ]

- So, how'd you dig yourself out, eh? - I had to use my bare hands, scraping and clawing, inch by inch.

And then finally, I arrived back up to the surface of the Earth.

[ grunts ]

[ shouts ]

- I'm out! I'm free! I'm free! [ laughs ]

Hello, sunshine! Hello, Captain Man and Kid Danger! I will find you and I will have my revenge! [ screams ]


And now, it's Toddler time.

- Yes, you.

- Are we having dessert or what? - This meeting isn't about dessert! This is about us! If we combine our powers, we can destroy Captain Man and Kid Danger, and then nothing can stop us! - Yeah! Yeah! - Yes! - It's about time! - I'm tired of getting stopped.

- Or, or Uh, maybe we could all decide to be good, eh? - Right.

Eh? We could all become nice people, and never commit anymore crimes Eh? - And recycle, and be polite to our parents.

- It's a solid plan.

- You know, I think she's on to something.

[ clamoring ]

- All right.

Max, tell 'em what to do.

- Okay, everyone.

If you have and ideas on how to destroy Captain Man and Kid Danger, please come join The Toddler by the dry erase board.

[ chattering ]

- Let's go.

Let's go.

- What do we do now? - Ahh You go talk to your brother and figure out what he's doing here.

Kid, you come with me.

- Right.

- Uh, can I talk to you, eh? - Sure, Muchacha.

So, how often do you clean those masks? 'Cuz it seems like they'd get really smelly unless you-- Nyah! What are you doing here, Phoebe? - I told you I was coming to Swellview! What are you doing here? - I wanted to steal that cool new device Doctor Minyak made.

- What, the the hamburger motor? - Heliometer.

- Max, you better get outta here! This room is filled with some of the worst, most evil people ever! - You're here.

- Yeah, but I'm here undercover with Captain Man and Kid Danger-- Ah! - Captain Man and Kid Danger are in this room? - No! No no no no, Max, don't tell anybody don't te-- - Hi.

I'm Jeff.

You want a bite of my pie? Hey, you froze my pie! - Oh please, everybody knows Stephanie is such a liar.

Just ignore her.

Smiley face, thumbs up, taco taco, smiling pile of poo.


- Hey Jasper.

How's my social life? - Well Emma's having a sushi party this Saturday and she wants to invite Steven to make hot skater boy jealous, but she's afraid to ask him.

- Mmm No problem.

Text Steven and invite him to Emma's sushi party.

- On it! Steven, Steven, Steven, Steven.

Ooh, got 'em.

- Ah! - What? - I got spaghetti up my nose! - Been there.

Steven, this is Piper.

Emma's having a sushi party this Saturday.

You should come.

- What are you doing? - Trying to eat some spaghetti.

[ phone beeps ]

- Ooh! Steven says thanks, and that he'll go to Emma's party, right after he's done with band practice.

[ screams ]

Band practice? Which Steven did you invite to Emma's party? - Uh "Booger Steven".

- Dude! I didn't want you to invite Booger Steven! I wanted you to invite Super Cute Steven! - Well, you didn't say that! - Ugh! You can't invite Booger Steven to Emma's sushi party! - Why not? - 'Cuz of his boogers! [ phone beeps ]

- Uh-oh.

- Who texted me? - Emma.

She says, "Piper-- Booger Steven just went on Twit-Flash and said you invited him to my party! Now all of our friends are mad! You ruined my life!" - Oh my God! Everyone's gonna hate me! - They're not gonna hate you! [ phone beeps repeatedly ]

- Now who's texting? - Uhhh, everyone! - Well, what are they saying? - That they hate you.

- Jasper! - Oh, no, no! [ screaming ]

- Okay, what if we capture Captain Man and Kid Danger, then we drop them in the Grand Canyon? - Ooh.

- Inventive.

- Arizona side or the Utah side? - Then we fill the entire Grand Canyon with mud! [ cackles ]

- Okay, there's like 75 reasons why that plan is stupid.

[ chattering ]

- Hey, we have a problem.

- Not now, I have to listen to this.

- Do you know how much mud we would need to fill a canyon that grand? - Or we can go back in time, when the Grand Canyon was much smaller.

- Oh please--does everything with you have to be about time travel? - Well, I am the Time Jerker! - Yeah, well we know your name, okay? I'm the Toddler, that's Dr.

Minyak-- - Sir? - What is it, boy? I'm busy! - Busy? I don't think you'll feel too busy to see some old friends of yours? - No no no no no no! [ gasping ]

- It's Captain Man and Kid Danger! - Well well! Roll me over and change my diaper.

- 'Sup.

- Time'sup for you two! - I'll give them a little taste of my Heliometer.

[ grunts ]

- Oww! That third Muchacho just foot-kicked me, right in my hand! - I'm not a Muchacho.

[ gasping ]

- I'm not even Canadian! - All right, you evils.

On the floor, hands behind your backs.

- Get up Jeff! - You're embarrassing us! - Well [ chuckles ]

I'm just gonna, uh finish this bowl of lentils.

[ glass breaking ]

[ clamoring ]

- Kid Danger, take Phoebe and get outta here! I'll hold 'em off! - No, I'm not leaving you! - We wanna stay and fight! - No, there's too many of them! - But what about Max? - I said go! Kid, that's an order! - Come on! [ grunting ]

[ shouts, screams ]

- Ooh! Here, gimme that! [ cackles ]

Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah - Ahhh! [ screaming with high-pitched voice ]

It's not funny! I mean it! You put me down right now [ laughing ]


Go ahead.

Laugh it up.

Is this all you got? Is this is the worst you can do? [ train whistle blowing ]

- Okay, this is a lot worse.

[ grunting ]

- All right, Todd.

- Todd-ler! - I wanna know why you put me in this cement, and why we're on top of this train! - Well, first off, we hate you.

- And we want to get rid of you.

- Uh, I'm just here to hold the heliometer, so - Whoa! Whoa! No! Don't touch my stuff.

- I--I just wanna' hold it.

- Yeah, no no, you're not allowed to touch my stuff.

- I just wanna' borrow it.

[ overlapping dialogue ]

- Zip! Zip! Zip! - So, Captain Man, in exactly 42 minutes, this choo-choo train is gonna go straight over the new Jandy Bridge.

- At which point, we're gonna throw you off this train.

- Right into the Jandy River.

- PFF! - So? I'm indestructible, that won't hurt me.

- We know! So have fun, spending the rest of eternity at the bottom of a river! - We hope you like fish! - And fish poop! [ chuckling ]

- Jerk.

- Scum! - Handsome! Well, look at him! - Henry, hurry! We've got to find Ray! - I'm trying to find Ray! He's moving, really fast.

Like at 62 miles an hour.

- Well, then maybe he's in a car.

- No way.

He's following a direct path along the Swellview train tracks.

And you can't drive a car on railroad tracks.

So, how can Ray be moving so fast? - You take this one.

- Maybe he's on a train.

- Uh Sorry, I didn't hear what you said over all this helicopter noise.

Hey, Schwoz! I think Ray's on a train! - Aye aye! - He's probably on a train.

- Uh-huh.

- I said I was sorry! - Everyone hates me now! - Maybe he doesn't eat boogers anymore! - You don't even know Emma! - Ah! - Where's Piper? - There she is, with the cone on her head! - Uh! What? Hey! What's goin' on? - You invited Booger Steven to my sushi party and made everyone else cancel! - So we came here to express our anger! - Physically! [ screaming ]

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait! It wasn't Piper's fault.

She has text neck, and she can't use her phone.

So, I'm the one who was texting everyone for her.

Okay? I'm the reason that Booger Steven got invited to your party, so if you're gonna be mad at someone, you should be mad at me.

- Take him! [ screaming ]

- No! I'm a human being! [ grunting ]

- Hey! Hey! What are you doin' back there? - Uh, just is that a real diaper? - Yeah, why? You wanna change me? - No.

- Good answer.

- Pssst! Pssst! - I can see the Jandy bridge! - What do you want? - I gotta blow my nose.

- Well, I don't care.

- You're Max Thunderman, aren't you? Brother of Phoebe? Son of Thunder Man? - What if I am? - Then how come you're hangin' around with those evil maniacs? - Because I want that.

- The Toddler's diaper? - Ugh! Gross! No! The Heliometer.

- Why? - 'Cuz it's cool, and I want it.

- Well, then the least you can do is help me blow my nose.

- That makes no sense! - Just help me blow my nose! For the love of God! - All right! Ugh.

- Okay, there's the Swellview train, right over there! - Oh! I-- I see him! I see Captain Man! - Where he is? - He's on top of the train! - What's he doing? - Uh I I think my brother Max is helping him blow his nose.

- Aw, that's so sweet.

- Eugh.

- I'm goin' down there! Charlotte, hand me that clip! - Thanks.

- I'm going down with you! - Okay! Just uh, grab on to me, and and hold on, like, really, really, really, tight.

- Okay! - Wait! We have another rope that Phoebe can use! - Oh, thanks! - Yes, thank you, Charlotte.

- We are right over the train! Jump! [ shouting ]

- Yeah! Look who's on the train now.

- Us.

- Oh, jeeminy-joo! It's the stupid kid again! - That's right.

I mean, I'm not stupid, but I am here.

- Kid Danger! - Phoebe? - You back off, Max! - Now do your blowy freezy thing.

- Love to.

- Whoa! - What? What happened? Why didn't it work? - Uh The train is moving so fast, I guess the wind is too strong! - Kids, look out! [ screaming ]

- My heliometer! - Yow! [ cackling ]

- Security! [ slide whistle sounds ]

[ shouting, grunting ]

- Uh-oh.

More bad guys just showed up.

- Are you sure they're bad guys? - Well Two of them are trying to break Phoebe's leg, and one of them's tryin' to eat Henry's arm, so they don't seem super nice.

[ shouting ]

- What are you? You- you're so weird! - Quit biting his arm! - Yes! Hurt them! I love it! [ cackles ]

- Stop that! - Oww! My leg doesn't bend that way! - Here, open this case! - Man-grenades? - By Schwoz! - Enter 1239.

[ grunting ]

- Hey! How am I supposed to use the bathroom? Hurry up, I gotta pee! [ cackling ]

- Kid Danger! - Put that in here, pull back on this, and aim it at Ray! - Are you insane? - Yah, do it! - Charlotte! - What? - Don't miss.

- Huh, what's that? - Whoa! - Dang dude! - Hey! What exploded? - Captain Man? - What happened? - Where'd he go? - Oh, looks like Captain Man exploded! - Ding dong, the Captain's dead! [ cackling ]

- Yes! Swellview is ours! [ shouting, laughing ]

- Captain Man! - Ooh, sorry Kid--he's dead.

Which makes it very difficult for him to help you now.

Or maybe you're too stupid to realize that it's a new day in Swellview, because nobody has to worry about Captain-- - Toddler it's time for your nap.

- No, no, no, wait, wait, wait, I already took a nap right after lunch - Wow, this is uncomfortable.

- Don't get nervous, it's still six of us against three of them.

[ whimpering ]

- Okay, now it's five to three.

[ shouting ]

[ grunting ]

[ screams ]

[ screams ]

- No! - Nice goin' Kid Danger, Miss Thunderman.

- Yeah! We did it! How about that? Way to go us! Woo! - Y'know, Max, we never woulda had a problem if you hadn't blown our cover.

- That's right, Max.

- Uh, well, I said I was sorry.

- Mmm, no ya didn't.

- Didn't I? - You didn't.

- But hey, no worries.

Kid Danger and I forgive you.

- What? You guys forgive him?!? - Sure.

- Totally.

- See? They're cool.

- Aw, yeah.

- We're soooo cool.

- So, we were gonna give Phoebe a ride home in our helicopter.

- You want us to give you a ride, too? - Seriously? I mean, even after all that I did, you still wanna give me a ride home? - Of course.

- Oh yeah.


- Phoebe! - Hey, Max! How you doin? - My hair looks terrible in this wind! [ laughing ]

- Bird! [ screaming ]

- Phoebe!