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02x13 - Opposite Universe

Posted: 12/26/22 08:30
by bunniefuu
[ thunder ]

- Piper, please.

- Come on, Piper.

That concert is completely sold out.

- We just need four tickets.

- Please? - You just need four tickets? - Yeah.

Just four.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- No.

- But you have eight tickets.

- Yeah, eight tickets that I earned.

- Uh, you didn't earn those tickets.

- Hey, who went online and entered the contest? - You.

- You did.

- I guess I guess you.

- And who won the contest? - You.

- You did.

- I guess you.

- Yeah.

- Okay, okay.

[ sighs ]


- Too close.

- Okay.

- Listen, the Hallkins are my favorite band and my boss Ray's favorite band.

- They're my favorite band, too.

- Come on, Piper.

Please! [ sighs ]

- Hey, guys, look who I found wandering around outside.

- Aw.

- Whose puppy is that? - Can we keep him? - I don't know, Dad, I'm not in charge of the house.

- Right.

I'll ask your mom.

- The tickets? - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dad, Piper won eight tickets to this concert we all really want to go to.

- Ooh, that sounds fun.

- Yeah, so will you please tell her to give us four tickets? - Sure.

Piper-- - No.

- I did my best.

[ thunder ]

- Piper.

- Piper! - Come on, we got to get back to work.

[ thunder ]

- Hey, where's the remote? - I left it on the front porch.

- Oh.

I'll go grab it.

[ music ]

[ beeping ]

- Hey, are Charlotte and Henry back? Did they get the Hallkins tickets from Henry's awful sister? - They're trying to come down now, but this weird storm is causing problems with the tubes.

- Maybe push that button.

- I know which button to push.

[ thunder ]

- Wow.

Man, that was a pretty rough trip down the tubes.

- It all just kind of happened.

- My dad was an irresponsible scientist.

- I wanted an afterschool job.

- And by accident, he made me indestructible.

Ah! - I went into this crazy store and met a pretty interesting guy.

- I'm going to blow your mind.

Now I protect the good citizens of Swellview who call me - And he turned out to be - You know the name.

- Captain Man! - That's right, Henry.

In time, I realized that being a superhero is a lot to handle alone.

- He wanted some help.

- I needed a sidekick.

- I, Henry Hart - Pledge to never ever ever tell anyone - That I'm Captain Man's secret sidekick.

- It is done.

- Now we blow bubbles.

- And fight crime.

- Feels good.

- Call it.

- Up the tube! Oh, my boot.

- Ha! [ thunder ]

- Now, Schwoz.

I want to know why it took you so long to bring Henry and Charlotte down those tubes.

- It's the crazy storm outside.

It's affecting everything-- - No excuses.

- I promise, it wasn't my fault.

- Carelessness with the equipment will not be tolerated.

- Oh, please, tolerate it.


- Okay, what is going on? - I think Ray's mad at Schwoz.

- I know that.

I mean why is this place all different? And them? And our clothes? - Shh.

Just don't say anything until we can get alone and talk.

- No, no, no.

- Give me your nostrilator.

- Can't I just have a warning? - Your nostrilator.

[ groans ]

- No, no.

Aah! - What did you think of that? - Good, good, good one.

[ grunts ]

- Now the tickets.

Did your sister agree to give you four tickets to the Hallkins concert? - Uh No.


She's still refusing to give us any.

- Then I guess we'll have to go with plan B.

[ cackles ]

Hey, everything all right with you two? That was a rough trip down the tubes.

- Uh - No.

We we got a real bad headache.

- Yeah, we need to go upstairs to Junk-N-Stuff - To get some headache medication.

- Ow.

- All right.

- Come on.

[ Schwoz groans ]

- Ray, can you please hand me my glass of water? - Oh, you mean this glass of water? - Yeah.


[ grunts ]

[ groans ]

- Ah! - Oh my God, look! [ hisses ]

[ laughing ]

- Even Junk-N-Stuff is all different.

- Shh.

- I want to know what's going on, and I want to know right-- You just yanked me over the counter.

- Listen, Ray might be watching us on the security cameras, hearing everything we say, so just be cool.

- It's not cool to yank a friend over a counter.

- I'm sorry.

Just act normal.

- All right.

- So, hey, tell me about your brownie recipe.

- My what? - Just make something up.

I'll pretend to write it down.

- Oh, right, my brownie recipe.

So, first, I buy a box of brownie mix.

- Buy box of brownie mix.

Hey, did I spell brownie right? Okay, I think I know why everything is all crazy around here.

- Why? - Well, we're having this really weird storm, right? With lots of lightning and stuff.

- Yeah? - Well, I think the storm created an electrical interference with the tubes and somehow we ended up here, in this opposite universe.

- You think we're in an opposite universe? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

But talk about brownies.

Talk about brownies.

- Right.

So then next, you open the box of brownie mix, and pour it into a bowl.

- Ah, into a bowl.

- What's an opposite universe? - It's like our universe, but different and sort of backwards like, like the good people are bad and everything is kind of the same, but opposite.

- Wait.

If we somehow got transported to this evil, opposite universe - Yeah? - Does that mean that there are evil versions of you and me that got sent to our universe? - Oh my God.

- I order you, let me go! I mean it, traitors! Ray, Schwoz, what's wrong with you two? Get off me.

You traitorous pig! - Aah! - Have you gone insane? - Look, I don't know who you two are, but you're not the real Henry and Charlotte.

- I'll s*ab your face and bite your throat.

- See, that's just a weird thing to say.

- You both stay here locked inside while we figure out how to return you to where you belong.

[ chuckles ]

- Okay, Ray, I'll play your game.

What do you want? Money? Gold? Chicken wings? - Fascinating.

- Ray! What is it that will buy you, huh? Do you want pizza? New pants? I can get that for you.

- All right, activate eliminator.

- Activating eliminator.

- Just play along and act like you fit in here.

We don't want them to think that we're some kind of-- - Hey, hey.

- Target acquired and locked in.

- Target? - Uh Ray? Hey, Ray, that's my little sister.

- Yeah.

Schwoz, set the eliminator to 1.

4k megawatts.

- Aye.

- Wait.


What are you going to do to her? - I'm going to eliminate her so we can take her concert tickets and go see the Hallkins.

- Uh But what if the storm damaged the eliminator's circuits? - Yeah, yeah, what if that? - Okay.

We'll test it on someone else.

- Acquiring new target.

- Piper, look at this filthy beast I found wandering in our yard.

- Look at my dad.

- He looks so evil.

- Target acquired and locked in.

- Set for temporary elimination.

- Wait, wait, hey, before you do anything let's just-- - Activate.

- He just eliminated your dad.

- I know.

- And re-materialize.

- How'd you do that? [ dog whimpers ]

- And now we'll eliminate Henry's little sister permanently.

- Setting for permanent elimination.

- Wait, wait, wait.

- Yeah? - Uh Charlotte has a really good brownie recipe she'd like to share with you.

[ music ]

- Ready to activate.

- All right, boys and girls.

Say a permanent goodbye to Henry's little sister, and a big hello to some concert tickets.

- Three, two, one - Wait! - Wait for what? - Because - I want to press the button.

- Yeah.


- You hurry up, please? I have to go to the bathroom real bad.

- Just hit the button, will you? - Sure.

I just can't decide which finger to use.

I mean, because I could use this finger or this one, maybe even this one.

- And we haven't even talked about thumbs.

- Just push the button, Charlotte.

You're in the seat.

- Don't say urine.

- Hey, hey, hey, what if she has the concert tickets in her pockets? - Yeah.

If we eliminate Piper, we might eliminate her tickets, too.

- I didn't think of that.

- I know.

So, I'll go check her pockets.

- And if Henry finds the tickets - Then we can all go to the Hallkins concert together.

- Pow! - All right, Henry.

You got 30 minutes.

Get those tickets from your sister or else she disappears forever.

Now, I'm going to go get a haircut.

[ thunder ]

[ grunts ]

- Get off me! - Well, if it ain't Henry Hart.

- Look guys, I got to get inside and talk to Piper, so what do you want? - To take you down.

- Why? - So that I can take over your job at Junk-N-Stuff.

- And then Jasper can give us all the free junk we want.

- And free in-store Wi-Fi.

- That's right.

So Henry Hart, spatch you later.

What are you doing? - Switching to Henry's side.

- What? - We're defeated.

- Run away.

- Wait for me! - Did you see that? I switched sides and I helped you.

- Yeah.

Yeah, I saw.

- Yeah, Jasper said he was going to give me free junk.

But I figured you could give me free junk and stuff.

- Oh yeah? Would you like that? - Yes sir.

- Not on my porch.

- Kid Danger.

Oh my goodness, what a wonderful surprise.

- Uh, yeah.

Listen, I heard you won tickets to the Hallkins concert.

Now, give them to me.

- Oh, I'd love to, but I've already invited three friends to the concert, and I'm donating my other four to some poor children.

- Wow.

- What? - You're You're so nice.

- Aw.

You're so nice for saying I'm so nice.

Would you like me to bake you a pie? - Yeah, I would love that actually.

- Captain Man! Oh my goodness, what a wonderful surprise.

- Shut up.

- Sure.

- Hey, I thought you said you're going to get a haircut.

- I was.

Then I realized my hair is already perfect.

Did you get the concert tickets from her? - No, not yet exactly but I'm get-- - Well, little girl.

That makes you a problem.

[ g*n beeps ]

- Well, I understand.

Just do what you got to do.

- No.

[ struggling ]

- Can't we all just have some pie? - You've gone soft, Kid Danger.

I think you need a double dose of vitamin fist.

- Let's use our words.

[ shouts ]

- Hey, little girl, will you help me out here please? - I would, but I'm committed to a life of non-v*olence.

- Ah, geez.

Let me go.

- No.

- Okay, guys, I have to leave now.

- Wait.

Wait, where are you going? - To do some charity work.

- What's going on with you, Kid? You've been acting weird ever since you and Charlotte came down those tubes.

Why? - I I can't tell you.

- You tell me what's going on right now or I will push my fingers right into your face.

- Okay, okay, okay.

I'm not the Henry Hart you know.

- What are you saying? - I'm from an opposite universe.

So is Charlotte.

And we just want to go back to where we belong.

So please stop pushing your fingers into my face.

- Okay.

[ machines beeping ]

- Aah! - Would you like some music? - You know Ray doesn't like you playing that thing in the Man Cave.

- But when the Captain's away, the Schwoz will play.

[ door beeps ]

I wasn't playing music, I swear.

I swear on my mother's boozle.

- I don't care about your music or your mother's boozle.

That is not the Henry we know.

- What? - That Henry and that Charlotte are from an opposite universe.

- Ah, of course.

That's why she looks so weird.

- Uh, have you looked in a mirror? - Okay, come on.

We just want to get back home to our universe.

- And we need to get our Henry and Charlotte back here because these ones are lame.

- Hey, did you figure out what went wrong and why we're here in this universe? - I think so.

See, when we were coming down the tubes in our universe, the other Henry and Charlotte, from this universe, were coming down those tubes.

- Ah, and there was electrical interference from the storm outside.

- Which is still happening.

- Right.

So, if we use the tubes now before the storm is over, that might take us back to our universe.

- The weird looking girl is right.

- Why don't you shave that hair tuft off the top of your head? - Hey, in my universe this tuft is cool.

[ phone chimes ]

- Henry, the storm conditions are changing.

- Then go.

Get on the tube pad now.

- Wait.

If I have two minutes left, I'm going to use that time to make a heartfelt speech.

- Oh God.

- Ah geez.

- Listen, in our universe, Captain Man is a hero who would never hurt anyone unless they deserved it.

- Oh, what about me? - You're a freak in both universes.

- Yes! - You have 55 seconds.

- Ray, your ways of evil are illogical.

You're strong and indestructible.

- And handsome.

- Okay.

Maybe if instead of hurting people, you start being nice to them, I think you'll like being respected and loved more than you like being feared.

- I don't know.

I really like being feared.

For example.

Boo! - Aah! - But maybe you're right, Henry Hart, from another universe.

Maybe, from now on I'll try to be good.

- Ow! You broke my pinky finger.

- Well, I can't start trying to be good all of the sudden.

I mean, baby steps.

- You should try being evil sometimes.

- Arg.

- Because evil is fun.

- Arg! - Plus it's way better than just be-- - Will you get them out of here? - Wait.

No, no, no! - Wait! Before I go - Aah! She chopped off my tuft! [ chuckles ]

- Hey.

Remember, Ray, in every revolution, there's one man with a vision.

- I have no idea what that means.

See ya.

- Ray - Welcome home, kids.

- Aw, put it away.

- Are you serious? Seriously.

- Schwoz.

- Baah.