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04x15 - Greek Tragedy

Posted: 02/24/09 22:52
by bunniefuu
Melinda: Previously on Ghost Whisperer...


I will always love you Melinda.

Not you.

You have to cross over. I don't want to.

They day of the accident, I saw Jim's ghost step into Sam's body.


You're back!

Do I know you?

I see the same guy that you see. It's not Jim.

I just know what I see when I look in those eyes.

And Jim is in there somewhere.

Wait. You're not gonna tell me that you think I'm your husband reincarnated.

You're the only one who can see me. Please help.

Is something there?

Sorry again for being so distracted.

Where's she always running off to?

Will you tell me what is going on between us?

Look. I know what it's about. What?

That you're not ready to start dating yet, and that it...

♪ I'm not gonna move ♪

[crickets chirping]

[Door slams]

Get up now! Get out of bed! Now, now, now!

Come on, move on! Let's go!

Where are we going? Hey, grab the shoes!

They're gonna need 'em.

Shut up! Let's move! Come on!

Where are you taking us? Just do what he said!

Let's go, let's go, come on!

Move, move, move. Come on.

Go on.

Go on!

Get in there!

Ok, let's go!

Where are we going?

What are you going to do with us?

Shut up! Move it! Ow!

Where are you taking us?

Come on. Keep moving.

[Breathing heavily]

Man: Line 'em up!

Come on, let's go.

[Breathing heavily]

Face me. Stay.

You may leave now, brothers.


Tonight your lives will change forever.

If you waiver or show any sign of weakness, you won't survive.

The bags over your heads make you nameless and faceless in our eyes.

Only those of you who prove your worth will become sisters.

Until then...

You're nothing. Scissors.

Now that we've restored your sight, your mission is to each retrieve one token--

a symbol from the sigma theta chi crest.

The serpent, the golden dagger, the orb, and the raven.

You'll be given separate instructions.

Once you've found your token, you must follow the map's directions to your assigned locations.

Here's a map with directions. Don't lose it.

If you disobey by joining forces or seek to lessen your burden by removing your head covering, you will be eliminated.

We're watching you. These woods have eyes.

And know that if you ever breathe a word of this to anyone, you will forever be banned from the sisterhood.

You have until the sun rises in 4 hours.

If you come upon a noose, know it's the place where others have failed or fallen.

Don't touch it.

Look away and run in the opposite direction.

And pray no one follows.

Not you, Courtney.

Why don't you just drop out now and save us all the time?

Come over here.

Tie your shoes. Gather your wits.

Time is ticking.

What are you waiting for?

Show us you're worthy, or you're out.

Just go, go.

Failure is not tolerated. Get moving, now!

Did you plant the nooses?

They're everywhere.

[Breathing heavily]


Oh, God, where am I?

[Footsteps approaching]

[Animal groans]

Hello? Who's there? Is anybody there?

[Groaning continues]



Ok. I don't need to hear the gory details...

Just yet.

It's good. Ok?

We're having a great time, and we had breakfast together again this morning.

Because last night you...

Were here doing inventory.

With Sam?

No, alone.


You've done inventory the last three times, ok? It was my turn.

Ok. Let's just be clear here.

Sam first. Ghosts second.

And the store...You know, we'll figure that out.

Ok, well, thank you. But I have responsibilities to you and to them.

Ghosts do not take sick days just because I'm dating.

[Bells jingle]


Hey. I thought I'd bring you guys a little jolt.

That's nice of you.

Yeah. That's perfect.

Here's your chai, and, uh, Delia.

I'm gonna go over here.

Hey, look. I've got to go and do a bid for a contractor tonight, but I was just wondering what your afternoon's looking like.

Yeah, I'll cover for ya.

Well that's nice of you.

I know it's totally out of the blue, but I was thinking, you know, you're not really a planning ahead kinda person, right?

I know, I'm sorry.

No, you're busy. I get it.

But, um, I got this invite to this art opening.

And are you into art? Sure.

I think I used to be, too.

I'm on the email list of this artist.

And apparently I even bought something from him.

They say he's the next Rodney sable.

I don't know who that is.

That's really good. Because I don't know either.

I don't know. Some up-and-coming artist, right?

Um, what do you think?

Both: Yes.

I mean, she can cover. I'll cover...

For her. For me.


Good. I'll take that as a yes.

But if you need to cancel...

No, I won't.

Um, starts at 2:00.


See you at 2:00.

[Bells jingle, door closes]

[Clears throat]

What? I said "yes."

And what do you say if you see a ghost?

No, thank you.


Ohh, if only it were that easy.

Melinda: Hey, did you sign my copy?

Eli: Hot off the press.

Let me see! Let me see!

You know, you're lucky you rushed over here.

The bookstore sold out already.

All to my mom, but still.

"Intimacy and commitment: Making the bond, breaking the fear.

Eli James, PhD."
This is so cool.

You know that Jim and I were your inspiration.

Yeah, I wrote the entire book based on you two.

No, the three of you. Are we counting Sam?

Which, by the way, since you brought it up--

you may want to read a couple of chapters.

Learn a few things about prioritizing your relationship.

Did Delia call you? Yes.

Did she call it a relationship?

Yes. Which under any other circumstances I would call fast. Not you.

You're slow. Making the poor guy wait.

Oh, no. What?

That poor ghost, and I have a date.

And I promised Delia no ghost stuff.

Ok. Some of us aren't blessed with ghost vision.

Can you make it talk?

That might be a hard. She has a bag over her head.

What else?

Uh...A black slip and sneakers.

Nothing else. Good times.

Look, why don't you go talk to her and see what happens?

Me?! I don't even know where she is. You go!

You looking for someone? You want to tell me what happened?

Ask my sister.

Child, whispering: Can you see us?

So, I'm guessing since she was in front of sigma theta chi, "ask my sister"
meant sorority sister.

Yeah. But what about the bag over her head?

Do you think she was kidnapped, tortured, what?

Probably both. It's called hazing.

Oh, yeah. It is that time of year, isn't it?

Yep. Pledge week.

More aptly titled, lord of the flies season--

when sweet-seeming co-eds like these t*rture, abuse and mold the mind of eager young freshmen.

Wait. You weren't--

in a sorority? No. All right, I was way too shy.

But I thought that colleges banned hazing.

Technically they did.

But my buddy is the faculty Greek advisor.

And he says it still goes on.

Much more on the hush-hush since the trustees are on the lookout for it.

So, you think she was being hazed when she died?

Well, the bag over the head tells me yes.

But if a student recently died or even went missing, everybody would be talking about it.

Unless it was really recent and she just died.

And the house didn't even know about it yet.

Well, the ghost sure seemed pretty sure that the sorority sister knew about it.

And she did keep looking at that one girl.

I could go find that one girl.

See if she's in that sorority.


Nothing. Nothing.

I've just never quite seen you so eager to go follow the lead.

Oh, come on. Don't even go there.

Ok. I'm a faculty member.

Technically. Legally, I can't even think those thoughts.

[As a valley girl]
Half-naked co-eds in jeopardy thoughts?

All right. You know what? Leave me alone.

Fine, I'm gonna go meet up with Sam.

And you're gonna follow the girl...

I'm all over that blonde. Right.

Metaphorically speaking.

Uh-huh. Ok.

Sam: I'm mortified. I used to be into that kinda thing?

Yeah...It was interesting.

Yeah. If by interesting, you mean completely ridiculous, then sure.

Come on. You don't find a lime jell-o tower work of art?

Maybe at a Vegas buffet.

You can't imagine how much I want to kiss you right now.

Do I have to imagine?

No. But you know...

Don't move.

Lately I've been really into moments, you know?

Not letting them go by.

I mean, after losing my whole life.

Is that crazy?

Not at all.

I'm almost done.

Take your time.

♪ when I first saw you ♪
♪ gonna camp in my sleeping bag ♪
♪ and I'm not gonna move ♪

[indistinct chatter]

Hi! Excuse me.

Can I talk to you for a second?

You're Mckenna, right?

You're the president of sigma theta chi, right?

I'm Eli James. I'm a Professor in the psychology department here.

Can I help you?

The thing is, I got a text from one of girls that I treat.

And I think she's pledging your sorority, and may be in trouble.

Was it from Courtney?

I can't say.

Doctor/patient confidentiality.

But what happened with Courtney?

I don't know.

I just got a call from one of the sisters.

Our pledges were out in the woods last night, Courtney hasn't come back.

How long has she been gone?

Everyone spilt up around 2:00 this morning.

She should've been back
5 hours ago.

That's a long time to be out in the cold.

I know, and it dropped below freezing.

We didn't mean for anyone to get hurt.

Don't let me hold you up. We should go find her.


[Police radio chatter]

I'm so sorry, mom.

I should never have let her go out there.

This is all my fault.

I have to go.

Don't worry. Everyone's out there looking for her.

I'll call you as soon as I hear anything.

Hey, em...I'm really sorry.

I don't know what happened.

I gave Courtney her directions, but maybe they didn't make sense.

Emily, I'm Professor James.

I'm a therapist over at Rockland u., if there's anything you need to talk--

thanks. Really, I just need to find my sister.

This is really bad.

We've never had a pledge who did not come back.

Wait. So Emily and the missing girl are actual sisters?

Yeah. Emily's a junior.

Courtney's a freshman.

You have no idea how cruel they are.

Courtney? Is that you?

I want to help. Please. For the sake of your sister.

Let me tell her what happened to you.

She already knows.

Melinda: So, the ghost is Emily's real sister.

And we think that Emily knows she's dead?

Eli: Emily was a wreck. It could have been guilt, but to me she seemed genuinely concerned.

Like she was hoping her sister would be ok.

Yeah. Or hoping that she didn't get caught for whatever they did to her.

I mean, choosing your "sisters"
over your own blood, does anyone really do that?

She may not have a choice.

I mean, sometimes these sororities can be brutal.

They choose sisterhood over all.

You make it sound like it's a cult.


You're away from home for the first time.

They offer you protection, family, comfort.

You have to do these crazy rituals and say these weird oaths to get in.

Call it whatever you want.

Ok. So, if it's a cover-up, then they can close ranks.

And soon.

Which means I should talk to the pledges asap.

So, you're with the psych department.

They sent you to talk to us about last night?

That's perfect. Because we totally need our heads examined.

It was a complete nightmare.

Courtney's missing. Elise took a fall and had to get stitches.

So, what exactly happened?

Look, I know you guys were pledging sigma theta last night.

And I know you took an oath of silence.

Like we'd be protecting them?

We didn't even want to join that crazy place.

Courtney talked us into it.

She can talk anyone into anything.

Even wearing a burlap sack over your head?

Someone narced about that?

Those things were nasty.

It's supposed to symbolize equality within the sisterhood.

With bags on we all look the same.

We're all equally humiliated is what she means.

Wearing black nighties to bed every night.

Keeping tennies by our bed so that we're ready whenever they decide to come for us.

It's all meant to keep you on edge.

So, what happened up in the woods?

Well, we were all given a specific part of the sorority crest to find.

They call it a token.

They said if we didn't find ours there'd be consequences.

We split up to search.

We never saw Courtney after that.

Do you think that's what happened to Courtney?

She suffered the consequences?

Honestly, they never said what our punishment would be.

But those girls are severe.

This is like life and death to them.

If Courtney couldn't find her token, I could see them doing something to hurt her, not on purpose--

but her own sister was up there.

So? She didn't want Courtney to make it anyways.


All I know is that every sorority wanted Courtney.

She was smart, sweet, popular.

Emily was...Not.

She was totally harsh to Courtney last night.

Grabbed her before we left.

We couldn't hear what they were saying, but it looked pretty intense.

First thing I thought when Courtney didn't come back was that Emily had sabotaged her.

Either that or the noose got her.


Come on. Don't tell me you actually bought into that whole story.

What story? It's nothing.

It's just part of their psych out routine.

It's all made up.

But the weirdness between Emily and Courtney...

That was real.



Ahh! Ow! Oof!

Hey. Wow, oh, hey. Let me get that for you.

Thank you. Sorry.

Thanks. Here.

All right.

Oh, it's freezing in here!

Yeah. I know.

The thermostat's been stuck at 58 for 2 days.

Why didn't you tell me?

I don't know. I just--

I felt bad about asking you to do things around here, you know, since we're...

Since...We're dating.

Wow. It's weird to talk about this.

I feel like I'm in high school.

Really? Was high school this awkward?

'Cause I'm glad I don't remember.

Oh, no kidding.




Look. Wait a minute. If we're dating, shouldn't I help you with things like this?

I mean, that's what boyfriends do.

Yeah. I guess so.

I mean, if your thermostat's broken, you know.

If your fire needs feeding, and...

I mean, you know, heat related problems...

I'm your man...

You're a little warm.

[Cell phone rings]

That's me. Yeah.

That's me.


I was--I was warm.

Yeah? Right.

You were...

[Telephone rings]



Man: Hi. I don't know if I have the right number, but I'm looking for Sam.

He's not answering his cell. Uh, this is Ed, his supervisor.

Look, I gave out your number as a reference for work.


Look, a Rockland student's gone missing up at red Mountain and it's supposed to drop into the thirties tonight.

So, we're putting together a search party at the firehouse if you can make it.

Wow. That's bad.


To be alone in these woods on a night like this.

Poor thing.

Um, I hate to do this, but I should go.

Right. Right. I'll meet up with you.

And I'll see if can get Delia and Eli to come too.

I can't imagine how long she can last up there.

Not very long, I don't think.

I'll call you.

[Police radio chatter]

[Indistinct chatter]

Hey, Emily. Eli James.

Right. I remember. You helping with the search?

Yeah. I was hoping I could talk to you about something.

Uh, yeah. Sure.

How did you feel about Courtney pledging your sorority?

I was fine with it. Why?

I spoke with a few pledges who said they saw you getting into a fight with her in the woods.

It wasn't a fight.

She's lying!
[All gasp]

What happened with you two?

We just had a disagreement.

How could she do this?

So, you didn't do anything?

Maybe try to get her off track somehow?

My sister is out there, possibly freezing to death, and you're accusing me of trying to sabotage her?!

I'm not saying you meant for things to go this far.

But things may have gotten out of hand.

You're wrong.

I was dirty pledging.


I was trying to help Courtney.

That's why I pulled her aside in the woods.

Not you, Courtney.

Why don't you just drop out now and save us all the time?

Come over here.

Tie your shoes. Gather your wits...

Give me your directions.

No, I need them to find my token.

When's the last time you ate?

I'm fine.

I told you to stash a powerbar in your sneakers.

You need to take care of yourself.

Take my directions.

Their map is no good. You'll be walking around in circles all night.

I don't need any special help. I can do this on my own.

Just take my map.


Courtney has low blood sugar.

It's usually not a big deal except when you're grabbed in the middle of the night and left to wander the woods for six hours without food or water.

Rebecca: It's all her fault. Don't believe her.

Have you told anyone else this?

I told the police everything.

They made me re-draw the map.

But they said she must've wandered off course.

There was no sign of Courtney anywhere.

What if she never comes back, and it's all because of me?

I can't believe that they would leave someone out here alone out here all night.

Yeah. Well. They've been doing secret hazings for years.

But hopefully after all this, not anymore.

Eli: Hey! Wait up!

You know what? Why don't you go ahead, and I'll wait.

Ok. Sure?


So how sad is this?

Everyone's on a rescue mission when we know it's really a recovery.

Yeah. How'd it go with Courtney's sister?

Emily? She's really worried and upset.

She said she tried to help out Courtney by giving her a better map.

Yeah? Then why is Courtney blaming her?

What is that?

Melinda: It's a noose.

It's obvious you don't have what it takes.

All your fellow pledges found all their tokens and returned to their designated spots.

We all know what that means.

No, please. Just give me another chance.

You must answer the following question to be spared.

What's the significance of the stars on the sigma theta chi crest?

I don't--I'm not sure. They never told us.

You were told the answer on your first day as a pledge.

It's time to pay the consequences.


What did they do to you?

I won't let it happen again.
[Indistinct chatter]

So they circle Courtney like a pack of wolves and then what?

Did your vision show you how she died?

No. Just that she was terrified.

Do you think she froze to death?


But you saw their faces? The sorority sisters?

Oh, no. I saw the "sisters."

Not a group I want to be a part of.

More importantly, was Emily?

No, she wasn't there.

You know, what'd the ghost mean when she said that
"she already knows"?

So, what? Emily found out after the fact?

Don't know. But someone from your vision might.

If we can I.D. Them.

All right, meet me at the sorority house. Ok?

Where did I...?

My keys.

Hey. Where you off to?

You left your keys in the door.

Oh, gosh. That's not good.

You on your way out?

Yeah, I told Eli that I'd meet him at the house.

Fire house.

Wait. You're going to volunteer there, too?

Yeah. Yeah. I just thought I'd answer some phones.

Guess you don't have any time for a little raisin bagel.

Toasted. Light cream cheese.

You're really good to me.

I just--I promised that I'd be there, like, now.

That's sort of amazing. I mean, you just spent the entire night in the woods.

And now you're going in for another shift.

Yeah. Well, you know.

Free time. And, uh--
so, I just thought I'd help out some more.

Ok. Well, please take time to eat.

Yeah, I will.


Eli: The girls that you saw tormenting Courtney--

they didn't have any bags over their heads so that means they're current members, not pledges. Here.

Ok. So, Emily's class was 2010.


That's weird.


Well, this is Emily and the girls from her class.

But none of them were in my vision.

So, check the year before and the year after.



Not in either. But look at that.

"We survived Rebecca's noose."

So, that's noose the pledges were talking about.

Yeah. But who's Rebecca?

I don't know. She seems to be all over this book.

Ok, but wait. Look at this.

"Heed the warning of Rebecca's noose.

She preys on pledges to make them pay!"

So, I'm guessing this Rebecca was sort of a legend.

Apparently. And one that's been around a long time.

Here's another one.

"We survived hell week.

Thank God we didn't get
86'd by Rebecca '68!"

'68. Ok. So she was the class of '68 then, right?


Yeah, look.

"In memoriam: Rebecca Kelly."

So, I'm guessing that '68
wasn't the year she graduated.

It was the year she died.

Look, it's her obituary from the paper.

"Rebecca Kelly, a student at Rockland university, "was found dead on Monday of an apparent fall while on a sigma theta chi sorority nature walk."

Nature walk?

I'm guessing that's code for hazing.

So the noose, you think they hung the pledge?

Could've been an accident, or their tormenting drove her to it.

Yeah. But the ghost said that she wouldn't let this happen again.

So, what if what happened...

Wasn't a few nights ago.

What if it was 40 years ago?

I know who you are. Your name is not Courtney.

It's Rebecca Kelly, and you died in 1968.

You've been haunting the girls here ever since.

Please, I want to help you. Just tell me what happened.

It's all because of them.

Did your sorority do this to you?

It wasn't Courtney. Ok. She's just a pledge, she's innocent.

They need to know what goes on.

The horrible things they do to each other.

A girl is missing.

Did you lead her away?

Do you know where she is?

No one can get to her now.

She's finally safe from them.

What do you mean?

She's my sister now.

Delia: Thank you so much.

[Bells jingle]

Ok. Hold on.

"She's my sister now."

Does that mean Courtney's dead?

Maybe. Or maybe the ghost was just hiding her.

It sounded like she wanted to hurt the sorority, not Courtney.

Well, she could get her wish soon.

If Courtney dies pledging, that's pretty much the end of the sorority, right?

Well, maybe that's what she's going for.

Maybe she's sacrificing Courtney to put an end to hazing.

That is some twisted logic.

I got nothin' here.

Grandview's paper article about Rebecca's death just calls it accidental.

Same spin as the university's.

Well, someone from her pledge class has to know what happened to her.

We'll have to get back in that sorority and find that pledge book from '68.


Or we could look at this.

What?! Yeah.

I borrowed it. Thought it might come in handy, especially after we found out that the Rebecca legend wasn't a legend after all.

Nice. A little Winona Ryder action.

Strange. But there's no Rebecca Kelly listed in '68.

Well, maybe that's because she never finished pledging.

Right. 'Cause she died.

Well, one of the other pledges from that year has to know what happened to her.

Let's see who stuck around after graduation. All right.

Carolyn Bouker--Alaska.

Jennifer Myron--nothing.

Lauren Stack--ok.

Here we go. She's in Grandview.


Yeah. I heard about the missing girl.

It's--it's awful.

It really is...

And we know her disappearance had something to do with hazing.

That's why we're reaching out to former sigma theta sisters.

Well, I'm afraid I was never a member.

I pledged as a freshman, but I dropped out.

The whole thing was just horrible.

Apparently it hasn't changed.

So it was the same ritual back then?

The bag over the heads. The search for the tokens.

The freezing woods half-naked. Half the time in the rain.

The night I pledged was the worst night of my life.

There was a girl in your group--
Rebecca Kelly.

Was she one of the ones that they were especially hard on?

No. She wasn't a pledge at all.

She was a member. One of the leaders.

Rebecca? Are you sure?

Oh, yeah. I'm quite sure.

She was one of my tormenters.

The meanest one of them all.


Congratulations, pledges.

I see you've successfully retrieved your tokens.

Please remove their hoods.

Your fellow pledge, Lauren, not only failed her mission but failed to learn what each piece of the crest signifies.

Her fate rests in your hands now.

Each of you have the choice to volunteer your tokens to save Lauren from elimination.

If you give up your token, you'll be able to make up for it in the next round.

But if none of you decide to help her, Lauren will pay the price.

I'm sorry, Lauren.

But none of your fellow pledges believe you're worthy.

That means you'll be left here all night to think about what it means to be a sigma theta sister.

You can't leave me here! It's freezing.


If you move outside of this circle before sunrise, you're finished.

Your life on campus as you know it will be over.

We'll make sure of that.

But it's dark. I'll never find my way out of here alone.

That's why you have to stay put.

And don't even try following us.

Remember, we're always watching.

This is insane.

Someone, any one of you. Don't go along with this, please.

Don't leave me here. Please!


Wait! You know this isn't right!

You were here once! Don't you remember how this felt?

I'm begging you, please! Come back!

I stayed there until I couldn't take the cold anymore.

I managed to find my way back.

And never stepped foot in that sorority again.

I'm so sorry.

That must have been awful.

The star markers that you mentioned...

Did they ever use nooses in the rituals?

Not that I remember.

Well, then they must've started using them after Rebecca died.

So maybe the nooses had something to do with how she died.

If they're those using now, it has everything to do with Rebecca's death.

They said she got lost on a nature walk.

But we all heard that they found her hanging off a cliff near the Yarra lookout.

But if she wasn't a pledge, then why did she have a bag over her head?

I doubt she did. Only pledges wear those.

Look, Rebecca was cruel and heartless.

I really thought I was going to die that night.

And believe me, I wasn't the first pledge that she put through that.

I don't think you're the last one, either.


[Twigs snapping]


[Animal groans]

Who's there?

[Indistinct chatter, siren]

I just can't believe the pledge I saw being tortured in my vision was Lauren.

Yeah, well if the potato sack bag head look was to make pledges anonymous, it sure worked.

What I don't get is, if Rebecca's a member, then why was she dressed as a pledge?

Probably another twisted part of the prank.

And the way Lauren talked, miss sigma chai latté? Is out there tormenting Courtney even more.

Yeah, well, maybe in life she was into the sororities, but now it seems like she just wants to shut them down.

And that made sense when we thought she was a victim, but she wasn't.

No, she was the tormenter. Lauren's tormenter.

Hi. Will you sign in?

Thanks. Thank you.

So, what? Then in death she becomes a reformer? So what happened?

I don't know. Maybe that's what the second vision was about.

Maybe the girl I saw in the woods was Lauren.

Maybe that was the last thing Rebecca saw before she died.

Yeah. And maybe whatever she saw stuck with her and changed her mind about everything.

I'll be right back.


Melinda: Rebecca?


I understand what happened that night.

What you did to Lauren.

It was a part of the ritual, wasn't it?

You were just trying to do your part, being a good sigma theta.

Weeding out the weak ones.

Building a stronger sisterhood.

That's what they said when I pledged.

What I told my pledges.

And I believed it.

But something changed your mind.

At first, all I could think was how well it went.

Well, that is why you have to stay put.

There always had to be one pledge who didn't make it in.

But it's dark. I'll never find my way back alone.

A sacrificial lamb to show how serious we were.

So why not Lauren?

She was timid and meek.

She was the easiest to get rid of.

Please stop! Don't leave me here!

You can't leave me out here!

Yeah, but in the vision, she was alone.

Because when I got back to the cabin, I realized that I'd dropped my flashlight.

So I borrowed one of the pledge's lights and went back.

[Distant crying]

I had seen lots of girls cry during the ritual, but this time Lauren got to me.

She was so scared. So desperate.

And we had done that to her.

I had done that to her.

I couldn't think of what to do.

But she was clearly asking for help.

Help that she didn't think she would get from any of us.

Lauren had to have that dagger by sunrise.

And only another pledge could give it to her. So...

I had to hurry or the girls would come looking.

So I took a shortcut.

I knew I wasn't supposed to be there.

It was a slide area.

But I had to find the token and get back to Lauren quickly.

Then I heard the rumbling.

I knew what it meant, but it was too late.





I let her down.

So that's why you're out here?

Trying to make amends for what you did to Lauren?

You don't know what it's like.

They did it to me, too.

My supposed "sisters."

They humiliated and tormented me until they finally broke my spirit.

If it was so awful, then why did you do it to other girls?

Because once I was in, I felt like I was part of something special.

And in my mind, the hazing--

it was one of the things that made it special.

That is how it works. How it keeps working.

And it won't ever stop until something terrible happens.

Like Courtney dying?

Yes. I've tried to stop them.

I've been trying for so long.

But nothing gets through to them.

Courtney's still alive isn't she?

It won't be long now.

You can't let that happen.

Look, what they did to you--
it was...Awful.

But hurting Courtney is not gonna fix any of this.

Yes, it will.

It is the only thing that will.

They can't cover this up.

It's not about them.

It's about a pledge... Just like Lauren, who's young and scared and innocent.

You can save Courtney.

This is your chance to make it right.


Rebecca, show me the way.

Man: Courtney!

[Dogs barking]

[Indistinct chatter]



Wait, I see something!

[Indistinct yelling]

Man: Hey, over here. We found her.

Emily: Is it her?


Courtney! Oh, my God. Thank God, you're alive.

You did it.

You saved her.

Oh, court. We're gonna take care of you.

You're gonna be ok, I promise.

Oh, God.

Help's on the way.

[Indistinct chatter]

Hey, Sam. Hey.

You hear? They found the girl.

Yeah. Yeah, I did hear that. That's great news.

Look, can I ask you a favor?

I want to surprise a friend of mine.

I think she volunteers here.

Her name's Melinda Gordon.

I don't know her.

But I can check the sign in sheet if you want.


Melinda Gordon--Hmm. She wasn't in this morning.

And...She wasn't here last night either.

Well, thanks.

Thanks for checking.

News anchor: Just in, we have cell phone footage of the moment of the rescue.

This was sent to us from one of the volunteers in the first search group to find Courtney Harris.

We can see several volunteers and rescuers looking on as paramedics tend to Courtney.

Courtney was reunited with her older sister Emily, also a student as Rockland university, at the scene of the rescue.

Ok. That should do for now.

I'll be back with a stretcher, ok?

Thank you.

Thank you.

Is it true what Emily just told me?

The legend of Rebecca's real, and she was out there with me?


She led us to you.

I thought I felt something out there.

That was her.

And she's here with us right now.

I should've listened to you and followed your map.

No. It's ok.

I should've known that you'd want to do this on your own.

Everyone in the sorority kept telling me that you didn't want me there.

So, I just started to believe them.

No. It's not that I didn't want you there.

I just didn't think that you needed to join a sorority to make friends.

Why? Because everything comes so easily to me?

Everyone always thinks that--

no. Courtney, I just didn't want you to go through what I had to go through.

You know that I only wanted to join that stupid place to be with you, right?

They have what I was always looking for.

I know.

What? What did she say?

She's happy. Seeing the two of you together.

You're true sisters.

Will you thank her for me?

I never would have been found without her.

You helped her find the light.

I think you're even.

Please tell Lauren that I'm sorry.

And that I tried to make it right.

I will...

We'll tell her everything.


Hey. Hey.

I heard you come in.

You know they found that girl?

Yeah. It's great news.

I mean, I think the whole town is relieved.

Yeah. You're not kidding me.

I was with a bunch of guys. We were about to go back up that hill.

They made the announcement, everybody started cheering.

Yeah. It was amazing.

I mean there were definitely lots of hugs.

Yeah. Yeah.

Where were you?

The--the firehouse.

Oh, right. Yeah, you told me that. I forgot.

Well, since there's happy news...

How about breakfast?

You know, I'm so far behind on the job site because of all this rescue stuff I should just get myself together and get back on that.

Of course, sure.

But thanks.

So I'll see you later then?

Yeah. Of course.

♪ don't work yourself up ♪


[Door closes]

♪ too much, too much love ♪